"Pension-plus" - deposit in Sberbank. Terms and interest

Despite the relatively recent crisis, an increasing number of citizens are placing funds in special deposits.

Sberbank offers its clients who have reached retirement age a fairly profitable product. It's called "Pension Plus".


Today, a deposit in Sberbank “Pension Plus” allows you to get a fairly good income from both ruble and dollar amounts. At the same time, the main advantage of this contribution is its versatility.

It is suitable for both large and small sums of money. It is possible to manage your deposit online, through a special website, using an Internet account.

The conditions in each case when placing the amount may differ slightly. It all depends on many different nuances. First of all, these include the amount itself, as well as the period of placement of funds.

Basic loan terms:

  • it is allowed to replenish the account or withdraw funds from it without any financial damage to profitability;
  • the deposit term is no more than 3 years;
  • the deposit is replenished - partial withdrawal is allowed;
  • The minimum minimum balance is 1 ruble.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with the latest information regarding the deposit in advance. Since the conditions for placing funds may change constantly.

At the same time, for previously issued products, the conditions for placing funds cannot change. There are many different advantages to this type of deposit. It is best to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance.

Interest rates

The interest rate starts from 3.6% and depends on a large number of different factors.

The main points that most influence the size of this contribution parameter:

  • duration of placement of the amount of money;
  • the amount of funds credited to the account;
  • use of various additional deposit options.

There is also a significant difference in the rate depending on the date of opening of this deposit. For example, products valid at the end of 2013 had higher profitability.

The main reason for this is the stable state of the economy. Subsequently, there was a significant reduction in the rate for this type of deposit.

Before making a specific deposit, you will need to familiarize yourself in advance with all the features of its operation, as well as the current conditions. There are several different ways to design this product.

You will need to familiarize yourself with them in advance. There are many different nuances that are directly related to determining interest.

If for some reason there is no experience in using such products, then the best solution would be to seek preliminary advice from a bank branch employee. This will avoid complications in the future.

How to open a deposit

The process of opening a deposit can be carried out in two different ways:

  • via the Internet, using Sberbank Online;
  • directly at the bank branch.

The second method is the most preferable for ordinary pensioners. The main reason for this is the presence of certain difficulties directly when interacting with a personal computer and the Internet.

That is why the optimal solution would be to contact the bank branch directly with all the documents. It is better to familiarize yourself with the list in advance.

The process of opening a deposit at a Sberbank branch is as follows:

  • All necessary documents are collected in this case;
  • an agreement is drawn up for the placement of funds in the deposit format;
  • the required amount of funds is deposited into the account.

There is also an alternative way to open a deposit - via the Internet. But for this you will need to register in advance with Sberbank Online.

If you already have an account, you will need to follow the following algorithm:

  • go to Sberbank Online;
  • enter the logs and password for the site, as well as the SMS code - which must be sent to your email;
  • select the “deposits and accounts” section;
  • click on “open deposit”;

  • Next, the screen will open a list of deposits that a specific client can use.

Simply select the appropriate option and enter the required amount to top up. In the future, it will be possible to replenish this deposit in a similar way.

You just need to remember your login and password for the site, and also remember that the mobile phone number used to receive SMS must be protected from scammers.

Often it is the carelessness of the user himself that causes data theft and other problems.

What documents are needed

To open a deposit, you only need one document - identification. In this particular case, this means a passport.

An employee of the institution fills out all the required documents specifically when using an individual’s passport.

It often happens that for some reason a bank client cannot independently open a deposit or carry out transactions on it. In this case, there is a simple way out of the situation.

It will only be enough to find a trusted person who will carry out all the necessary actions. But in addition to the passport of the individual himself, the trusted citizen will need some other documents.

The list of these includes the following:

No alternatives are allowed. Also quite often, parents or other persons (adoptive parents, guardians and trustees) want to open a deposit for their child.

In this case, you will also need the client’s passport and the child’s birth certificate.

If there is an opening by the adoptive parent, some other papers may be needed. For example, a court decision or something else. There are some nuances associated with this issue. It is best to deal with all of them in advance.

How to calculate

You can calculate the return on your deposit in different ways. It will be easiest and most accurate to use a standard calculation algorithm. To do this, you must have a computer with Internet access.

The calculation algorithm itself is as follows:

  • go to the calculator of the banking institution itself;
  • Enter all the necessary data in this case:
    • currency of the deposit itself;
    • account opening date;
    • deposit term;
    • amount in rubles;
    • Is capitalization of interest on the deposit carried out;
    • early repayment of the deposit;
    • the amount of the minimum balance;
    • indicates the regularity of replenishment;
    • the regularity of partial withdrawal is indicated;
  • When all the necessary data has already been entered, you need to click on the “calculate” button.

  • further on the screen, on the right side of the page, the result of the calculations will be indicated.

The process of self-calculation, using a conventional calculator, usually gives a fairly large error.

At the same time, calculations through the website are as close as possible directly to reality. Therefore, you should carefully and in advance familiarize yourself with all the nuances.

Memo for pensioners

Pensioners should remember some of the nuances associated with using a deposit of this type.

The main nuances include the following:

  • Interest is accrued once every 3 months;
  • the interest itself is directly added to the deposit amount - which allows you to slightly increase the amount of income;
  • when withdrawing funds before the expiration of the deposit term, interest is accrued in accordance with those previously assigned;
  • if necessary, the deposit is automatically extended;
  • if the deposit agreement is terminated early, interest must be recalculated without taking into account capitalization;
  • the total number of extensions is not limited in any way.

There is an important limitation that applies to those wishing to open a deposit of this type. Only pensioners who receive a pension on a Sberbank card have the right to use the Pension Plus product. No exceptions to this rule are made.

The process of registering a deposit at Sberbank is as simple as possible, but has many different nuances and features. It is best to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance.

Video: What you need to know about bank deposits

Elderly people who want to receive passive income from their pensions carefully study bank deposit programs. After monitoring, many of them choose a time-tested financial institution that has won the boundless trust of millions of Russians. Today, all (without exception) individuals who do not want to keep money in stockings and pillows can open it. They are primarily interested in the question for pensioners, and whether capitalization of interest income is allowed.

Deposit "Pension Plus" from Sberbank of Russia - conditions

Elderly people who plan to apply for a “Pension Plus” deposit from Sberbank should familiarize themselves with the basic conditions of this deposit program:

  1. Russians can open a deposit only in national currency. The minimum amount that can be deposited at interest is one ruble.
  2. The maximum term of the deposit is 3 years.
  3. This program provides automatic renewal. At the same time, the updated agreement will contain the same conditions and interest rates that were in effect at the time of renewal. As for the number of automatic extensions, Sberbank has not introduced any restrictions on this issue.
  4. Depositors have the right to partially withdraw money from the deposit up to the minimum minimum balance (currently the balance is set at 1 ruble).
  5. Clients who have opened a Pension Plus deposit from Sberbank can top it up an unlimited number of times.
  6. Interest income on this type of deposit is accrued once a quarter.
  7. Depositors of this financial institution can use it to monitor their savings.

Advice: The Pension Plus deposit from Sberbank is ideal for those Russians who need to maintain their pension. After making such a deposit, the bank will automatically accept the pension and credit it to the account.

It is worth noting that only those funds that come from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, departments and ministries authorized to provide pensions, and pension funds (non-state) can be credited to the “Pension Plus” deposit from Sberbank.

“Pension Plus” deposit in Sberbank - interest

The “Pension Plus” deposit has a not very high interest rate compared to other programs - 3.50% (per annum). Due to the fact that investors can use the service of capitalization of interest income, the annual rate will increase to 3.67%.

Interest on the Pension Plus deposit from Sberbank is calculated as follows:

  1. Interest income will be transferred to each client of Sberbank of Russia once a quarter.
  2. Interest within the approved annual rate will be accrued on the daily balance (actual) of funds in the deposit account.
  3. If the client wishes, the accrued interest income will be automatically added to the deposit.
  4. If the depositor refuses to capitalize interest, then the funds will be withdrawn to any account opened with Sberbank, for example, to.

Advice: if an individual wants to terminate the “Pension Plus” deposit from Sberbank early, then he should know that the income on the deposit will be recalculated by the bank without taking into account the interest that was previously accrued under the terms of capitalization.

How to apply for a “Pension Plus” deposit from Sberbank of Russia?

To apply for a “Pension Plus” deposit from Sberbank, individuals must personally visit the nearest branch of the financial institution. Investors should have a civil passport, pension certificate and tax identification number with them.

The procedure for opening an account with Sberbank of Russia is quite simple. Pensioners need to act in a certain sequence:

  1. The first thing a future investor needs to do is write an application to the Pension Fund with a request to transfer a pension to an account opened with Sberbank of Russia.
  2. After this, the individual must visit a branch of the financial institution and open a debit account.
  3. The pensioner must take the received details and a copy of the contract to the Pension Fund.
  4. Now the Pension Institution will transfer money monthly to Sberbank, which will automatically credit it to the pensioner’s account.

Advice: to apply for a “Pension Plus” deposit from Sberbank of Russia, an individual needs to come to the office of the financial institution. After presenting personal documents, the pensioner will be given a deposit agreement for signature. You will also have to sign a card with a sample signature. After depositing money into the cash register (at least 1 ruble), the pensioner will be given a copy of the contract and a savings book.

The Pension Plus deposit in Sberbank is a convenient and reliable way to save money for pensioners. The conditions allow you to freely manage your money, receiving a fixed interest on the balance of funds placed on deposit.

Pension Plus deposit in Sberbank: conditions 2019

The main feature of the deposit is that it is intended only for individuals receiving a pension officially from the state. In this case, age and grounds for payment of a pension do not matter.

Advantages of a deposit for pensioners

The main advantages of the Pension Plus deposit, according to the conditions of 2019, include the following:

  • A fixed interest rate, which is not subject to changes in the policy of the central bank - for three years in a row it has remained at the same level and today stands at 3.5%.
  • Capitalization - your income will be slightly higher than the stated values, because accrued interest will be added to the body of the deposit once every three months, increasing its amount on which income will be accrued in the future;
  • Free management of funds - you can withdraw money up to the minimum balance (1 ruble) or replenish your account without restrictions at any time - this will not affect the terms of the agreement on the Pension Plus deposit. This is the main advantage of the deposit over most savings accounts, the balance of which being reset to zero often leads to a loss of interest (see);
  • The extension is not limited - there is no need to visit the branch every time and re-issue the contract. However, the extension of the deposit will be subject to the conditions in force at the time of extension.
  • The maximum amount is not limited. The minimum amount for opening a deposit or additional contribution is 1 ruble.

The deposit allows an individual to formalize a testamentary disposition (that is, you can leave it as an inheritance to a specific person) or a power of attorney (so that a relative or third party can carry out transactions).

The deposit is opened for a period of three years.

Interest rate for today

For the Pension Plus deposit, as mentioned above, in 2019 there is a fixed value that does not depend on the amount or term - 3.5%. Taking into account capitalization, this value is slightly higher - 3.55%.

An example of calculation on a calculator for Sberbank deposits:

Interest is calculated every three months and is added to the deposit amount, increasing it.

One of the disadvantages of the Pension Plus deposit is the condition for receiving interest - they are issued along with the body of the deposit (all your deposited amounts) only at the end of the term - i.e. on the date of extension or termination of the contract. There are no quarterly payments to a separate account.

Another advantage of the deposit is that in 2019, early termination does not lead to loss of interest. Those. you can withdraw the entire amount, up to 1 ruble, and then terminate the contract - all accumulated income will remain.

How can a pensioner open a deposit in Sberbank?

The Pension Plus deposit is opened only at a branch of Sberbank of Russia upon presentation of an identity card and documents confirming the right to receive a pension.

At the same time, it is not necessary for your pension to go through Sberbank.

The procedure for making a deposit today is as follows:

  1. Contact the operator at the branch;
  2. Fill out the agreement provided by the bank employee;
  3. Deposit any amount over the ruble into the deposit account through the cash register.

The contract is issued on site, at the branch, but you can first familiarize yourself with its standard example.

Extension and early termination of the contract

As stated, the contract is renewed automatically. If you wish to conclude a contract for only three years, ask the office to draw up an additional agreement to cancel the extension.

In 2019, early termination of the Pension Plus deposit, as indicated, does not lead to zero interest - they will be calculated at a rate of 3.5% based on the actual period of storage of money in the account.

If you have a small amount invested and urgently need funds, it is not always wise to terminate the contract. Just withdraw the required amount, the terms of the deposit allow this. Thus, you will be able to use the deposit in the future by replenishing it from your next pension or from another source of income.


The Pension Plus deposit in Sberbank today is an opportunity for pensioners to freely manage their finances, investing and withdrawing any amounts at a convenient time and receiving a constant percentage. Under the terms of 2019, the interest rate is fixed, as is the term - the contract is concluded for 3 years at 3.5%.

Pensioners are the most disciplined depositors, who monthly replenish the deposits they have opened, rarely allowing early closure of the deposit. For this reason, banks take a special interest in this social category, creating special deposit programs for them. An example is the Sberbank pension deposit.

The proposed Pension Plus deposit, by its very name, makes it clear for which category of citizens it is available. It is noteworthy that the category of pensioners today has expanded significantly. We are talking not only about old-age pensioners, but also military pensioners, pensioners who held civil service positions. Many of them are still quite young, and when receiving a pension, they continue to work actively, which gives them the opportunity to accumulate pension payments. It is for this reason that I drew attention to this category of citizens as having the most stable financial income.

Currently, a pension deposit in Sberbank in 2019 can be called the most convenient.

  • Thus, with a deposit term of 3 years, the interest rate is only 3.5%, and interest capitalization is also provided. In this case, the deposit works as a standard universal account.
  • The minimum balance is only 1 ruble. In other words, funds can be withdrawn from the account at any time without having to close it. Essentially, this is a revolving deposit, since after 3 years, the deposit is automatically extended or extended for another three years with the same interest rate. Interest on the deposit is calculated quarterly.
  • A pension deposit in Sberbank for pensioners is convenient for transferring pension payments.

As an alternative to a pension deposit, a pension card is also offered - maestro-social. It also accrues 3.5% per annum and provides for the possibility of capitalization. But many pensioners refuse to use the card, preferring the usual savings books. But young pensioners, on the contrary, prefer to get a card so as not to apply to a bank office to withdraw funds when necessary.

There is an option to open both a card and a pension deposit. They can be linked together in such a way that interest from the deposit is transferred to the card quarterly.

In addition, for measured use of funds from a pension deposit, if the pension payment is significant enough, you can configure software products in such a way that a fixed amount is transferred from the pension deposit to the card every month on a specific date. Sberbank did not significantly change pension deposits with interest in 2019, maintaining the same conditions.

Products for pensioners from the main line of deposits

Sberbank offers a pension deposit, the interest on which is not so significant, due to its convenience. If we are talking about accumulating or preserving funds, then in the main line of deposits for pensioners, changes have been made to the conditions of deposit programs. Thus, the emphasis on pensioners is made in the terms of the “Replenish” deposit. The purpose of such a deposit is to accumulate funds over a certain period of time. The maximum rate is 7.05%. The minimum amount to open an account is 1 thousand rubles, and you can open such a deposit from 6 months to 1 year. it is also automatically renewed. The deposit includes the possibility of replenishment. Thus, thanks to such a deposit program, you can accumulate funds for a specific event or a specific date. It is noteworthy that all Sberbank deposit programs are duplicated and are available for opening accounts online in the client’s personal account. It is noteworthy that when opening a deposit online, the interest rate is slightly higher.

You can open a “Replenish” deposit from any Sberbank debit card in bank terminals and self-service devices. The opening amount is also 1000 rubles, the percentage also remains unchanged. You can also close your account at any convenient time through terminals. The disadvantage of the deposit is the impossibility of partial withdrawal.

To save money, a deposit product “Save” is provided. It does not allow savings, since it is partially impossible to replenish the deposit and also withdraw funds without closing the account. For pensioners, the interest rate is 7.76%. there is capitalization of interest. And the deposit itself can be opened for a period of up to 3 years. In essence, the deposit allows you to save large sums of money while receiving the maximum possible profit in the form of interest on the deposit. When opening the same deposit online, the interest rate will increase to 8.26%. At the same time, you can also close your account through the terminal or personal account.