Mortgage for military personnel in Sberbank. Military mortgage in Sberbank

A military mortgage is an opportunity for military personnel to purchase an apartment in installments on favorable terms. It can be obtained by those people who, according to the Federal Law “On the Savings and Mortgage System of Housing for Military Personnel,” are entitled to a targeted housing loan. Those who can take advantage of this loan must, first of all, become participants in the savings-mortgage system to purchase finished housing at a reduced interest rate.

This type of lending has a number of advantages compared to many others. The main advantages of buying an apartment with a military mortgage:

  1. Complete absence of any commissions.
  2. There is no need to confirm solvency.
  3. The interest rate is lower than in other mortgage programs.
  4. A wide range of housing options: you can buy an apartment, a room, a town house or a residential building.
  5. There is no requirement for compulsory health and life insurance for the borrower. This can be done as desired.

Under this mortgage, the borrower can receive up to 2.22 million rubles for the purchase of housing. The interest rate will be 10.9%. The borrower’s age at the time of loan approval must be at least 21 years.

Conditions for obtaining a loan

Mortgage loans are issued only in rubles. In this case, the amount received from the bank should not exceed 80% of the total cost of the purchased object. This applies to both the contract price and the one that will be indicated in the expert’s conclusion.

The payment period may vary depending on two factors:

  • Client's choice - you can get a loan for any period not exceeding 20 years. You can independently plan the most favorable amounts for contributions and total interest, which will be paid throughout the term.
  • Compliance with the terms set for the targeted housing loan. In particular, the time for repaying the mortgage cannot be longer than the time allocated for the repayment of this loan.

An important advantage of the loan is that in this case not only confirmation of solvency, but also no property is required. The mortgaged property itself acts as collateral.

The loan does not involve any commissions. Life and health insurance is not required, but mandatory terms of military mortgage includes insurance of the purchased residential premises. The exception is land plots: this rule does not apply to them.

Brief scheme for obtaining a military mortgage

To become a client of Sberbank under the military mortgage program, you must first obtain a certificate confirming your right to a targeted housing loan. After this, you can contact the bank for a loan. Before looking for housing to purchase with a mortgage through Sberbank, you need to make sure that this federal program is suitable for you personally and that you meet the conditions necessary to participate in it.

The further scheme is as follows:

  1. Collection of all necessary documents, a list of which you can find below.
  2. Contact Sberbank.
  3. Receiving a response from the bank.
  4. If the decision is positive, then it is necessary to collect another package of documents, this time for the property that interests the buyer.
  5. Signing documents for obtaining a mortgage loan, as well as for insurance of collateral.
  6. Obtaining home ownership through a bank loan.

To reduce the processing time for a military mortgage, you need to collect in advance the documents needed to submit it. According to data published on the official website of Sberbank, this list includes:

  • Passport of the person applying for the loan.
  • Application form for obtaining a mortgage. This document is filled out strictly according to the sample, and it is most convenient to enter all the data into it in advance. You can download the form on the website.
  • A certificate confirming the right of a serviceman to receive a targeted loan for housing.
  • If you wish, you can also provide documents for the property you plan to purchase. However, this condition is not mandatory, since you can find a purchase option even after the loan is approved - three months are given for this.

The Bank reserves the right to change the requirements for the package of documents on an individual basis if necessary. Therefore, even preliminary preparation for consideration of the application will not guarantee that you will not have to contact the department again on the same issue. But the list above is a list of documents for a military mortgage that will definitely be needed.

An application for a mortgage loan will be considered by the bank within 6 business days from the moment the potential borrower provides a complete package of documents.

Data for filling out a loan application form

To prepare an application form for consideration, first of all you need to download it from the official website and print it out.

  • Full passport details.
  • Data on changes in last name, middle name, first name, if they were ever changed. All this must be confirmed by relevant documents.
  • Address, both registration and residence; if there is also a temporary registration, this must be indicated.
  • Education.
  • Indicate relatives and their contacts. Spouses must be indicated.
  • Information about work and organization.
  • Monthly expenses.
  • Transport and real estate available.
  • Regular expenses.
  • Desired loan amount.

In addition to the questionnaire itself, to purchase an apartment with a military mortgage, you may need documentary evidence of some data. For example, certificates from service (work). All this, if necessary, will be requested by the bank on an individual basis.

Features of obtaining, servicing and repaying a loan

Submitting documents for review is not possible at any bank branch. It is necessary to choose an office either at the location of the property or at the place of registration of the person applying for a loan.

The loan is repaid in the manner established by the bank. In this case, the terms of payment must be observed. Every year, the federal budget law establishes the required savings contribution for military borrowers. The monthly loan payment is 1/12 of this installment. Please note that due to this rule, the amount may change each year, albeit slightly.

There are no restrictions on early repayment. If you want to reduce mortgage term, you can close the loan amount ahead of time without penalties or overpayments. In general, a military mortgage from Sberbank is one of the most convenient options for obtaining housing in installments.

As you know, military personnel in Russia become the category of citizens to whom a mortgage loan is allocated on preferential terms. However, it is not possible to obtain a social mortgage at every bank; only accredited financial institutions have the right to provide such a service to their clients. Sberbank is a financial organization accredited to participate in the Military Mortgage program, acting as a partner of AHML, and the calculator on the website will help you calculate the cost of a loan from this bank. How to use the mortgage program for military personnel at Sberbank?

At the moment, Sberbank, being the largest financial institution in Russia, takes an active part in lending to military personnel, offering the most favorable conditions, and allowing the purchase of real estate on the secondary market, and also does not interfere with the purchase of a house with an adjacent land plot. The main disadvantage of military mortgages from Sberbank is the fact that lending conditions do not allow purchasing housing on the primary market.

Today, a mortgage for military personnel from Sberbank is an excellent way to acquire your own home at a low interest rate. A large number of Russian military personnel have already exercised their right by becoming participants in the Military Mortgage program and have significantly improved their living conditions. Despite some shortcomings, Sberbank still offers NIS participants quite favorable lending conditions that make mortgages more affordable.

Features of a military mortgage at Sberbank

All military personnel with more than 3 years of service in the Russian Armed Forces have a personal savings account, where the state annually transfers special contributions intended for the purchase of housing. It is these savings that serve as a down payment when purchasing real estate with a military mortgage. However, the full amount of savings will become available to the NIS participant only after he reaches 20 years of service.

Moreover, even when applying for a mortgage loan and making a down payment, money is transferred to the serviceman’s account, which is also used to pay off the mortgage debt. A regular calculator will show that in 20 years this account will accumulate an impressive amount. However, according to the terms of Sberbank, a NIS participant can buy an apartment only in those regions where the bank has representative offices.

Every Russian military personnel who is a participant in the Savings-Mortgage System (NIS) has the right to special conditions for obtaining a mortgage loan from Sberbank:

  • Interest rate: 12.5% ​​in rubles
  • Obtaining a loan without proof of solvency
  • Maximum loan amount: up to 2,100,000 rubles
  • The loan amount should not exceed 80% of the value of the loaned object
  • Maximum mortgage term: up to 15 years (must not occur before the borrower turns 45)
  • Minimum loan term: 36 months
  • Opportunity to purchase housing on the secondary market
  • No loan fees
  • Early repayment terms: no restrictions
  • The loan is provided at Sberbank branches at the place of registration of the borrower or at the location of the property.

Of course, restrictions on the maximum term and amount of the loan, as well as the impossibility of purchasing real estate on the primary market and in any region, are serious disadvantages of a military mortgage from Sberbank. In addition, it is impossible to get a loan from this bank to improve your own living conditions, since this financial institution does not provide a secondary lending program.

But under the Military Mortgage program there is a tax deduction, the amount of which is 13% of all interest paid. To receive these deductions, the borrower needs to contact the tax office and provide a bank certificate about the amount of interest paid. The maximum amount for tax deductions is set at 2,000,000 rubles. You don't need a calculator to figure out that you won't be able to get 13% on a military mortgage, since that's practically the entire size of the home loan.
Sberbank and military mortgage: conditions and features of lending

How can a military man get a mortgage from Sberbank?

A military mortgage involves obtaining a certificate of the right to receive a targeted housing loan for military personnel. Next, he must contact the Sberbank branch with a package of the following documents:

  • Borrower's military passport
  • Sberbank application form
  • Certificate of the NIS participant’s right to receive a targeted housing loan

At the discretion of the bank, the list of required documents may be increased. You can use the mortgage calculator, as well as find out the exact list of the required documentation package in advance from a Sberbank credit consultant.

After receiving a positive decision on the loan, the borrower will have 2 months to collect all certificates and documents for housing: an expert assessment of the value of the property, a certificate of state registration of ownership, a purchase and sale agreement, certificates of absence of encumbrances, an extract from the house register, etc. .

If all the documents are in order, then after 5-10 working days, the borrower signs all the papers on the mortgage transaction with the bank, insures the property, receives a targeted housing loan and becomes the full owner of the home. The military mortgage is repaid using NIS funds - the monthly loan payment will be 1/12 of the annual savings contribution transferred to the borrower’s account.
However, before submitting documents to the bank, it is better to find out the approximate cost of a military mortgage at Sberbank using the calculator on the bank’s official website. If you don’t trust the site, you can calculate the loan amount yourself using your own calculator.

As for the requirements for borrowers, there is one main requirement for military personnel: he must be at least 21 years old, and at the time of expiration of the loan agreement he must not be more than 45 years old. In addition, this program also does not require the participation of co-borrowers. And the spouse can act as a formal guarantor, while her solvency is not taken into account by the mortgage calculator.

Today, being a serviceman in the Russian army is not only prestigious, but also profitable!

Military mortgage is one of Sberbank’s loan programs, which is offered to a certain category of the population. As part of the presented program, military families can obtain a mortgage loan to purchase an apartment or house on preferential terms. This type of mortgage lending is government backed. When planning to contact Sberbank to obtain a military mortgage, you can first familiarize yourself with the basic conditions for issuing a loan: maximum amount, repayment terms, etc.

Conditions for providing military mortgages for military personnel under contract in Sberbank in 2019

A serviceman receives the right to complete withdrawal of state contributions only after his total service in the military structure is twenty years.

Despite this, you can use funds from a special current account to pay a down payment after three years of military service. If a serviceman has used all the capital to obtain a mortgage loan, his account will still continue to receive deductions from the state budget, which can be used to repay the loan. The main conditions under which Sberbank clients can take out a military mortgage this year are described below in the article.

  • the annual mortgage loan rate is 9.5%;
  • The largest amount that can be borrowed is 85% of the property price. However, its size should not exceed 2.398 million rubles;
  • to become a participant in this mortgage program, you must pay a mandatory contribution of 15% of the housing price;
  • the longest mortgage repayment period is 20 years (provided that this figure does not exceed the term of the targeted loan);
  • The bank issues a loan in national currency. The purchased property acts as collateral.
It is important to note two important conditions: the minimum age of the borrower is 21 years, plus mandatory participation in the NIS.

Advantages of a military mortgage

Considering that a military mortgage from Sberbank is a program with government support, this type of lending has many advantages over other similar offers.
  1. The interest rate is much lower than other mortgage offers. The exception is the Young Family mortgage.
  2. As part of a military mortgage from Sberbank, you can buy real estate not only in the primary real estate market, but also in the secondary one.
  3. Any type of real estate is available: apartment, cottage, town house.
  4. A military mortgage does not require confirmation of income level or documents on solvency.
  5. There is no fee for processing a loan, as well as mandatory health and life insurance for the borrower.
When planning to take out this mortgage from Sberbank, you won’t have to look for guarantors. The program also provides for the return of the entire amount of tax deductions that are levied on the amount of interest on the loan.

Calculate a military mortgage in Sberbank - calculator, preliminary calculation, online consultation

The official website of Sberbank presents a tool that can be used to calculate interest on military mortgages in 2019.

A more accurate value can be obtained using an online consultation, or received in person at.

To get the most accurate value, you should enter as much personal information as possible:
  • the amount of government contributions from the current account;
  • the estimated value of the property;
  • the amount of the down payment (in percentage and in national currency);
  • transfer of personal finances towards the down payment (if necessary);
  • the loan amount required to purchase a home;
  • loan rate and mortgage program term (in months).
After entering all this data, the system will calculate the main indicators for a military mortgage from Sberbank. Information about the amount of regular payments, as well as the cost of the loan and the amount of overpayment will be indicated here.

The amount for military mortgages in 2019 is the topic of our meeting today. Providing housing for various categories of citizens, in particular military personnel, is one of the priority areas of social policy in Russia. Previously, living space was distributed in order of priority; now an apartment can be obtained under the military mortgage program.

The program has been in operation for more than ten years. In accordance with it, each military man is offered an individual mortgage lending program. When forming it, various benefits are taken into account.

In essence, a military mortgage is the conclusion of a classic mortgage agreement with one of the banks. A special feature is that the initial payment is financed from budget funds. The following payment periods are paid monthly by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Stages of registration:

  1. Submitting a report to participate in the savings system. Information about the applicant is entered into a special register. Officers do not have to file a report. The command creates lists of applicants and creates a personal card for each. The decision to provide housing does not depend on the presence of children in the family or other real estate. The main condition for obtaining it is long-term service.
  2. The lists are submitted to a higher authority, where all information is carefully checked. The lists are then forwarded to the Housing Department.
  3. Each participant receives written notification with an individual registration number within three months. An account is opened in the name of the applicant to which funds are credited.

The government transfers money to the account every year for twenty years. Savings can only be used after three years of continuous participation in the program.

It should be noted that the money accumulated over twenty years does not have to be used to purchase housing; at the end of the specified period, the military man can spend it at his own discretion.

The participant has the right to dispose of funds upon dismissal for health reasons or other reasons.

Who is eligible (conditions and requirements)

To participate in the program, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Long-term service for warrant officers and officers who began service no later than 2005.
  2. The contract period for warrant officers and midshipmen is from three years (primary contract).
  3. Military personnel who graduated from universities and signed a contract in 2005 and later.
  4. Sailors, sergeants, soldiers, petty officers serving under a second contract, starting in 2005.

Contract workers who entered service before 2005 receive an apartment without participating in the savings system, but will no longer be able to submit a report for participation in the future.

Having a family and a certain number of children does not give participants priority in obtaining housing. Registration does not matter either: serving in one region is not an obstacle to obtaining an apartment in another.

Lending terms:

  • loan amount issued under the program up to: 3,000,000 rubles – the amount of a military mortgage in 2019;
  • the amount of savings on a military mortgage in 2019 is 280,009.07 rubles
  • an initial contribution to the bank in the amount of at least 10% of the cost of the purchased housing;
  • military mortgages in 2019 are available to both experienced military personnel and young officers under 25 years of age;
  • the longer the length of service, the more “friendly” the loan terms; a mandatory condition is to repay the mortgage before reaching 45 years of age;
  • the minimum loan term is three years;
  • the purchased apartment can be used for personal residence or rental; sale is permitted only after full repayment of the loan.

Thus, to receive assistance, a contract soldier must serve at least three years and receive a certificate of entry into the military mortgage savings system.

In the event of the death of a military man or missing person, the accrual of money does not stop. The beneficiaries by right of inheritance will be the closest relatives.

Maximum amount and how to calculate

The maximum amount of a military mortgage in 2019 depends on the age of the applicant. Banks take into account the expected volume of government payments, based on which they approve the amount of a military mortgage.

There is also a maximum amount the government will pay a service member per year to pay off a military mortgage. For 2019 this is 280 009,7 rubles or 23,334 per month.

Military mortgage in 2019 amount thousand rubles:

BankAmount thousand rubles
VTB 242435
Bank Zenith2300
Bank Russia2150
Absalut Bank2220

The maximum amount of a military mortgage in 2019 is 3 million rubles - at Zenit Bank and only for the purchase of apartments in the Sampo residential complex in the Moscow region.

One way or another, the military mortgage in 2019 amount , which amounts to up to 3,000,000 rubles, is due to certain categories of military personnel. As of last summer, this amount was only 2,400,000.

Previously, banks took into account the annual indexation rate when calculating, but since it was abolished, lending conditions are expected to tighten in 2019.

The amount of the annual contribution to the savings account is divided by the number of mortgage payments, if the loan has already been issued. For example, the monthly mortgage payment in 2019 was 23,334 rubles (280,009/12).

If we talk about the permissible amount of a mortgage loan, then banks are ready to provide a loan in the amount of 300,000 rubles. up to 3,000,000 rub. for 2019. In general, the maximum loan size is individual and depends on a number of factors:

  • the applicant's solvency;
  • amount of income;
  • the amount of the initial contribution;
  • involvement of co-borrowers in the transaction;
  • financing terms;
  • age, etc.

Over three years of service, a serviceman accumulates an amount that is sufficient to make the initial mortgage payment, so the loan can be issued immediately after the specified period.

When issuing funds, the bank uses information about the accumulated amount and generates forecasts for future periods. This is necessary in order to draw up a repayment schedule and calculate the monthly payment.

How to find out the amount of savings: a personal account is created for each participant in the savings system on the Rosvoenipoteka website. To find out how much money is in your account, you need to make a corresponding request in your personal account. In accordance with the law, the processing time for an application is one month.

Banks and interest

Comparative characteristics of military mortgages of Sberbank and VTB24 and other banks for 2019:

BankBid, %Amount, thousand rublesPV, %Rate on finished housing, %Note
AHML9 2410 20 9
Bank Russia10,4 2270 10 10,4
VTB 249,3 2435 15 10 if leaving NIS rate + 0.3%
Gazprombank9,5 2330 20 9,5
Bank Zenith9,9 2800 20 9,9 It is possible to get a mortgage of up to 5 million under a special Family program. In the sampo complex the rate is 9.5
Bank opening10 2300 20 10
RNKB9,5 2300 10 9,5
RosselkhozBank10,75 2230 10 10,75
Sberbank9,5 2330 15 9,5
Svyaz Bank10,9 2220 20 10,9
Absalut Bank9,5 2900 20 9,5
Bank "Saint-Petersburg10,9 2200 15 10,9
Uralsib10,6 2600 20 10,6

To receive money, a military man needs to contact the bank with a certificate of participation in the program. The applicant is given the right to choose housing: new building, resale, private house, etc.

As a result of the indexation freeze, the list of banks has been significantly reduced, but the largest Russian organizations continue to participate in the program.

List of documents for obtaining a mortgage:

  • application of the applicant;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • marriage certificate (if any);
  • birth certificates of children (if available);
  • documentary evidence of participation in the savings system.

After submitting all the papers, the bank calculates the loan amount based on a number of criteria (experience, income, age, etc.). If the application is approved, you need to start looking for housing. The result of the transaction is the receipt of a package of documents from Rosvoenipoteka, after which government payments are transferred to the bank account.

Be sure to watch this video before applying for a mortgage.

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