Get a loan to develop your business from scratch. Loan "Trust" for business development from Sberbank

A successful business is an opportunity to have high incomes, independence and secure a future for yourself and your children. The vastness of our country and the unmet need for modern services and goods make such opportunities real. Today, more and more people are thinking about opening their own business. A successful, original idea implemented on the market allows you to receive a stable and, sometimes, quite high income. But even if you have a promising business idea, creating your own enterprise is not such an easy task. The implementation of any idea should begin with market research and analysis of the necessary resources to implement the project. However, even having calculated a real business project, a novice entrepreneur is most often faced with the problem of lack of finance to launch it. Money is needed to purchase equipment, raw materials, purchase goods for retail trade and, finally, for informational and advertising promotion of a product or service.

If you decide to run a business alone and do not want to turn to existing entrepreneurs, and relatives and colleagues are not able to help you, then the only way out of the situation is to get a loan. However, if you apply for a bank loan without preparation, you will most likely be refused.

How to get a loan to start a small business from scratch?

On television, in the press and simply on street advertisements, you can often see offers of loans for the development of small businesses from scratch. However, in order to obtain such funds, it is necessary to overcome certain bureaucratic procedures. This is especially difficult to do in the absence of collateral instruments and a long credit history. Nevertheless, today obtaining the necessary funds on fairly favorable terms is a very real task.

Many entrepreneurs do not turn to credit institutions for fear of falling into “financial bondage.”

Of course, risk is always present in business, but if you have a real business plan, then a loan from a bank can be a good start. Your status as an entrepreneur does not play a significant role. Loans are issued to individual entrepreneurs, limited liability companies, and joint stock companies. The form of taxation you choose also does not play a significant role. Which bank is best to cooperate with? There is universal advice - try contacting the bank where you have already been served. If you have already taken out small consumer loans and repaid them on time, had deposit accounts or received a salary, then the bank will treat you with great confidence. Before contacting the bank, prepare primary information on your project. Be very careful about the justification for the loan amount itself. Getting several tens of millions of rubles to open a business without collateral or guarantee is an unrealistic task. But a loan to start a business from scratch without collateral in the amount of several hundred thousand or one or two million rubles is quite real. Banks usually issue such loans for a period of three to five years.

Attracting credit funds to start your own business is a common practice. Lack of work does not mean that funding will absolutely be denied. To obtain a loan to start a business, you need to understand the specifics of the procedure and take into account a number of significant points.

Getting a business loan - what is it?

The concept of “business loan” means receiving a sum of money from a bank that can be spent on any commercial purpose:

  • purchase or rental of premises;
  • purchase of products;
  • purchasing goods;
  • formation of a constituent capital fund;
  • purchase and commissioning of machinery and/or equipment, etc.

It is possible to purchase a ready-made business with credit funds - an organization with well-established work, an existing client base and confirmed turnover.

Important! Conducting commercial activities is possible only by persons registered in the form of an organization (LLC, JSC, CJSC and others) or individual entrepreneurs.

Who can get a business loan

Theoretically, there are 2 options:

  • the loan is issued to a legal entity;
  • The borrower is a private client.

In practice, to obtain a loan, a registered small business representative will need to disclose information about his current activities and leave collateral, for example, equipment or other assets. For companies that have not yet started operating, but have only received constituent documents, this type of lending is not available.

Taking out a personal loan to start a business is a more feasible option. But it is important to consider that the approved amount for consumer lending programs in most cases will range from 200 thousand to 1 million rubles. It is necessary to accurately calculate whether this money will be enough to open a business and pay associated costs.

Will an unemployed person be given a loan to start his own business?

If you don’t work, then taking out a loan is problematic, but possible. But to do this, most banks will need to confirm a favorable financial situation - you can provide documents on property or certificates of additional sources of income.

If possible, a loan secured by real estate or a car is available. In this case, the maximum amount will be equal to the value of the pledged property, which provides more financial opportunities for the implementation of the project.

How to answer questions about an employer when applying for a loan

Even if to apply for a loan the bank does not require you to provide certificates from your place of employment and/or a copy of your work record book, you will still need to indicate information about the employer in the application form. Moreover, most financial organizations require that at the time of application the client has worked in his current place for at least 3–6 months.

Non-performing borrowers can get out of the situation in several ways:

  1. Establish a company or register yourself as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, you can indicate your own company as the employer. At the same time, before submitting an application, it is important to clarify whether the selected bank lends to individual entrepreneurs and business owners.
  2. Provide details of a fictitious or previous employer. This option can only be used if the bank does not verify the information provided. If the fraud is discovered, the requested amount will be refused.

If there is no work, but there is a desire to open a business from scratch, then it is worth considering the option of applying for a loan with the registration of a company or individual entrepreneur - in order to conduct business and open a company account, registering yourself as a legal entity will still be necessary. You should resort to the second option only in extreme cases.

Pitfalls of taking out a business loan without a job

When receiving a loan to start a business, you should make a high-quality financial forecast. In the absence of work, it is important to ensure that alternative sources of income and profit from the established business will be sufficient to service the obligations assumed.

If the credit debt is secured by real estate or a car, then in case of late or incomplete payment of accepted obligations, it is possible to sell the collateral in order to repay the overdue debt.

It is imperative to take into account that without proof of employment, the loan rate will be higher than for similar programs issued with a full package of documents.

Which banks are willing to give a loan to an unemployed person to start a business?

An analysis of bank offers showed that not a single credit institution is ready to provide a loan to the unemployed. But a sufficient number of banks offer loans to private borrowers without proof of employment.

Business loan without collateral

Without providing a copy of a work record book or a rental agreement, most banks are not ready to give the borrower an amount. To obtain more funding, you can contact:

  • - it is proposed to issue up to 700 thousand rubles at a rate of 11.9% to 25.5%;
  • - you can borrow up to 1 million rubles at 14.9%–28.9% per annum;
  • - up to 1 million rubles are available at a rate of 18.9% to 22.9% per year;
  • - up to 1 million rubles at a rate of 12.9%, subject to payment of a one-time commission in the amount of 1% to 4.9% of the debt amount.

The interest rate is set for each applicant personally after analyzing the provided data. The bank has the right to request the provision of additional documents, including a copy of the work book or employment contract. If it is not possible to satisfy the application requirement, in most cases the application will be rejected.

Secured business loan

If it is possible to pledge real estate or a car, the loan amount can be increased to 8–10 million rubles.

Without providing documents confirming income, you can get a loan secured by a car in:

  • Loko Bank - you can borrow up to 5 million rubles at a rate of 12.3% per annum to 14.4%, a one-time commission of 1.5% of the loan amount is required;
  • - offered up to 1 million rubles at 19–32% per annum.

If it is possible to confirm income in alternative ways (for example, a certificate from a pension fund or documents confirming receipt of income from renting out an apartment), it is most advantageous to contact:

  • - rate from 11.25% to 21%;
  • Housing Finance Bank - rate from 12.99% with a one-time commission of 4.9%;
  • - rate from 13.5% to 14%;
  • - rate 13.5% per annum.

It is established by law that when lending against collateral, insurance of collateral (real estate or car) is mandatory. The bank may also increase the interest rate if the borrower refuses to obtain personal protection in the event of death or loss of health. On average, 1–3% will be added to the above rates if you do not want to take out a policy of such insurance.

If we talk about individual entrepreneurs, businessmen often take out a regular consumer loan for an individual and use it for business purposes. In this case, the advantages are obvious: you will be able to receive money quickly and without collateral; you will not need to collect an impressive package of documents to the bank and wait for the bank’s specialists to analyze them and then make a decision on issuing a loan.

For newcomers to business who have not worked for even 3 months, this may be the only way to receive money for the development of the company. Banks, unfortunately, refuse to lend to startups. But you shouldn’t count on large sums; by taking out a consumer loan for an individual without collateral, you can get no more than 500-700 thousand rubles.

Loan from a microfinance organization

Surely you have heard about companies that offer loans quickly, “before payday” to individuals. Some of them provide services to small and medium-sized businesses, so you can borrow a small amount and for a short period of time from them.

In addition to private microfinance organizations, there are government ones that provide loans for businesses from the state budget. These are various funds for the support and development of small businesses, small business lending funds, microfinance centers.

You can receive no more than 1 million rubles from a microfinance organization and, as a rule, the loan is issued for a period of no more than a year. The interest rate is different and an individual approach is applied to each. The interest rate of state-owned microfinance organizations is the most attractive: it is significantly lower than that of private ones, but you will have to make more efforts to obtain a loan. Commercial microfinance organizations request a minimum of information, but the overpayment on the loan is significant. The package of documents required to obtain a loan should be clarified with the specific microfinance organization.

Before choosing an organization from which you will take a loan, make sure that it is included in the state register and has the right to carry out microfinance activities.

It is convenient to use the services of microfinance organizations if you urgently need funds for a short period of time and do not have time to wait until the bank approves the loan. But when a business needs a larger amount to implement a project, purchase expensive equipment or its own office, then it should consider lending programs for small and medium-sized businesses from banks.

Loan for business development from a bank

Now almost all large banks offer loans to small and medium-sized businesses on preferential terms. The loan amount can be from several hundred thousand rubles to tens of millions, and the main advantage is a low interest rate from 14 to 27% depending on the bank. But taking out a loan to develop a business is not so easy.

Firstly, large sums are provided only to firms that have worked in the market for at least six months and are dealing with profit. In addition, banks actively study your credit history, so it must be perfect.

Secondly, to obtain a loan for business development, you will definitely need property as collateral or a guarantor, and sometimes banks require that both of these conditions be met simultaneously. Various property can be used as collateral depending on the purpose of the loan: real estate, car, goods, equipment, personal property of the entrepreneur. The guarantors are the business owners, and for individual entrepreneurs the guarantee of a spouse or a third party is required. If your collateral is not enough to secure the loan, then the guarantee fund can also act as a guarantor. More on this a little later.

Third, be prepared to provide the bank with all the necessary documents. The specific list needs to be clarified in each bank, it roughly looks like this:

  • statement;
  • constituent documents;
  • tax return;
  • accounting reports or KUDiR;
  • a clearly developed business plan for the enterprise.

Then you will need to wait some time while the bank analyzes your documents and decides whether to grant a loan. The application review period can take from 3 to 14 days.

Obtaining a loan through guarantee funds

If the bank denies you a loan due to insufficient collateral under the loan agreement, i.e. your property is not enough for collateral, then the guarantee fund can act as a guarantor. Guarantee funds can also be funds for supporting small and medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurship development centers in the regions.

Of course, funds provide guarantees for a fee. On average, the fund's remuneration is up to 2.5% per annum of the guarantee amount. You will have to pay this amount to the fund immediately upon concluding the contract.

To obtain a loan, you can either contact the guarantee fund directly, or get a loan through a bank that cooperates with the fund under a guarantee program. The procedure for reviewing the application and the package of required documents is similar, only the loan agreement will be tripartite: with you, the bank and the guarantee fund.

Credit in the simplified tax system

Finally, let’s look at accounting for borrowed funds in the simplified tax system. Money received under a loan agreement is not subject to the simplified tax system, since it is not recognized as your income (Article 346.15, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, Article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). If you apply the simplified tax system “Income minus expenses”, then you have the right to take into account interest on the loan in expenses (clause 9, clause 1, article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The repayment amounts of the loan itself (the body of the debt) are not taken into account. According to the law, interest can be written off as expenses provided that its amount does not differ by more than 20% from the average level for similar loans. Otherwise, you will be able to write off as expenses only interest calculated at the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, increased by 1.8 times. At the moment, it is 14.85%. Interest is taken into account in the expenses of the simplified tax system on the date of their actual payment.

The issue of starting your own business is often decided by a fairly round sum. Not everyone has savings, but in such cases they go to one place - the bank. Banking institutions can provide a variety of types of loans for companies of any level, including even if there is a desire to open your own.

What are the best deals on the market? What are the requirements of banks for borrowers? How to get a loan to start a business from scratch? First things first.

Not everyone is able to get a loan to start a business from scratch; banks have strict and slightly exaggerated requirements for such clients. Banks do not like to work with individual entrepreneurs (individual entrepreneurs hereinafter) and individual individuals. persons who run their own business.

The explanation for all this is obvious - banking institutions need guarantees that they will be repaid the loan. Not every aspiring entrepreneur can boast of this point, solvency.

An example on the surface, take the same mortgage: the bank will not issue money until it is sure of the borrower’s constant average income for the next few years.

The guarantee of repaying the bank's debt is money, constant income, reliability and profitability. As an additional guarantees can be used for valuable property, however, this is already inherent in all types of loans.

Lately, Russian banks have only been complicating lending conditions, but there is no need to be upset - with the right approach, you can go through technical difficulties and get what you want.

Today we will look at: how to get a loan to start a business from scratch, what are the requirements for the borrower, factors for approving applications and an analysis of popular offers on the market from banks.

How to get a loan to start a business from scratch

It’s worth starting to study offers on the market with the leader, the main bank of the Russian Federation - Sberbank. He serves all clients, be they individual entrepreneurs, private entrepreneurs, LLCs, etc. Before going to the bank, it is important to understand whether you meet the basic criteria for approving a loan.

In order for the bank to approve the loan, it is important to know:

  1. A competent business plan is the key to success. Every businessman must have a project on which he is going to work. This, by the way, does not depend on the size of the business and applies to both small and large businesses. It is important to reflect the company’s development strategy (for example, will it be long-term or short-term development).

Quantitative and qualitative analysis must be carried out with the processing of data on production, employee qualifications, etc. It is necessary to calculate the output products, the ratio to demand, and take into account potential costs and competition.

The business plan must convince investors that they should invest in this idea. The situation is the same with banks.

  1. . If an individual entrepreneur at a bank says that he wants to open his own unique establishment, which the world has never seen before, then with a high probability he will leave with a refusal.

A franchise means a well-promoted brand in a certain business segment. For example, a franchise could be the Coca-Cola chain, McDonald's, etc. Doing business under the franchise of such companies guarantees stable profits and, accordingly, costs a lot of money, counting in the billions.

For a beginning individual entrepreneur, simpler options are suitable and, by the way, it will be very convenient if the franchise company is already a partner of the bank where you need to take out a loan. Sberbank highlights a company like Harat’s; it is one of many that sell franchises at affordable prices.

  1. It is worth considering the possibility of collateral before going to the bank.

Quite often, banks are approached by “naked” individual entrepreneurs who do not have the opportunity to pledge valuable property as proof of their solvency on the loan. Banking institutions are very careful in issuing money to individual entrepreneurs who want to make money by creating their own small business.

An excellent option would be to have your own real estate or any other valuable property, such as a car. If you register the property as collateral for a loan, this will give the bank a guarantee that if you fail, they will be able to get their money back. For those who do not have property, it is necessary to have funds for an initial rather high contribution (from 30%).

If everything is ready, then you can start. Let's take an example of applying for a loan at Sberbank.

We head to Sberbank and do everything gradually:

  1. A form is submitted where all the information is signed with a statement of intention to receive a loan for small development.
  2. You need to select the loan program “Business Start”.
  3. As an individual entrepreneur, you must register with the service.
  4. Collect all documents required by the bank. This is not just an ordinary package of physical documents. persons (military ID for men, certificate 2-NDFL, pension certificate, passport), but also papers related to the business (the business plan itself, franchising (if any), confirmation of the availability of property as collateral, certificate of individual entrepreneur, or another company) .
  5. Complete an application to receive funds.
  6. Give the bank funds that will be used to pay off the down payment. (Or confirm the pledge with expensive property).
  7. Get money and start the process of opening your business.

Requirements for the borrower

Here we will talk about the maximum requirements, compliance with which can increase the chances of receiving a loan by up to 90%.

Sberbank has standard conditions; any other bank will make similar demands:

  • certificate 2-NDFL;
  • accounts in other banks, ownership of securities and shares that can act as collateral;
  • excellent credit history. An extremely important point that banks focus on both when working with individuals and individual entrepreneurs. If there is a current outstanding debt, then this is a big minus, because it burdens the client with additional financial costs;
  • co-borrowers or simply business partners who have already proven to the bank that they can be trusted;
  • the presence of valuable property registered in the name of the client, which is suitable as collateral;
  • reports on monthly payments (rent, loan payments, utilities, etc.);
  • business plan. The main item on this list that is worth doing well. It depends on him whether the bank will issue a loan or not. It should be voluminous and informative.

Speaking personally about the person who goes to apply:

  • age from 27 to 45 years. Not earlier than 27, because there is a possibility that the client may be subject to military conscription, which will prevent him from paying the debt to the bank;
  • no debts on other payments;
  • absence of criminal convictions (especially for serious crimes);
  • a certificate stating that the borrower is not registered in a mental health/drug dispensary.

Factors influencing the bank's decision to issue a loan

In fact, the above quite well reveals the meaning of those moments where it is said what the positive decision of the beneficiary directly depends on. When combining all of the above, three factors emerge: a competent, structured and relevant business plan with profit prospects, the client’s knowledge of a certain level of finance and a suitable franchise.

If the bank evaluates all three factors perfectly, then the client is very close to receiving a loan. It is also important to know that banks carry out planned work under their business lending programs.

The bottom line is that banks analyze the client according to two patterns:

  1. Employees check the client's solvency and risk level, and then make a verdict.
  2. “Scoring” is used, a system that operates automatically according to specified algorithms. The system filters borrowers by risk groups.

Sometimes two methods are used at once.

The following points may affect the issuance of a business loan:

  • Company age. This indicator is considered one of the main criteria for approval of the application. Banks usually do not trust companies that were created less than six months ago, and especially those that were recently organized. But this does not mean that a start-up company will not be able to get a loan. There are banking institutions that will issue a loan, but only at a high interest rate.
  • Tell only the truth. Any information that the client provides to the bank is carefully checked. If employees find false information, this will have an extremely negative impact on the loan decision.
  • Oddly enough, for family people the approval rate is statistically much higher. You need to devote a lot of time to your family and this can distract from business. The logic of banks is probably that a family person has a more developed sense of responsibility;
  • Social media. Recently, there have been noticeable trends in banking institutions checking their clients for social security. networks. Employees determine the level of “seriousness” of a person, analyze how much time he spends on such sites, whether he is looking for ways to get easy money, options to avoid repaying a loan, etc.

Analysis of the conditions of popular banks

Let's start by considering the conditions for a business loan from the most popular bank in the country - Sberbank.

This banking institution can issue a specialized loan for the following purposes:

  • When funds are needed to put them into circulation for the company;
  • If you need finance for the purchase of equipment, transport, etc.;
  • If you need an express loan;
  • Leasing;
  • Business asset and Business investment;
  • And simply for any purpose at the request of the client;

The bank dictates the following conditions for loans for any needs:

  • The loan is issued for a period of 6 months to 4 years;
  • The loan rate will start at 14.50% per annum;
  • The deposit is optional and can be arranged at will;
  • The amount of money issued is from 300,000 rubles. and up to 5,000,000 rub.

At Sberbank, to complete an application, a package of documents with 18 items is required. You can try to fill out a preliminary application using the Sberbank website.

Rosselkhozbank and its loans for small businesses

This banking institution has available loans for both large and small businesses.

Loans for small businesses can be issued for the following purposes:

  • Purchase of equipment;
  • Making investments in certain projects;
  • When purchasing real estate;
  • If you need to put funds into circulation;
  • Any loans issued in other banks can be refinanced in this one;
  • If it is necessary to perform seasonal work.

Conditions for providing loans:

  • Time frame for loans up to 3 years;
  • The amount of funds provided starts from RUB 50,000. and up to 100,000,000 rubles;
  • Loan rates range from 9 to 20%.

It is possible to obtain a grace period (deferment in loan repayment) of up to one year. On the bank’s official website you can make a preliminary calculation and immediately submit an application.

Alfa Bank and its terms and conditions for loans

At this banking institution you can get a business loan for the following purposes:

  • Overdraft;
  • If you need funds to purchase vehicles or equipment;
  • Vehicle repair and production improvement;
  • To refinance a loan from any other bank;
  • For any need.

For any purposes stated by clients, Alfa Bank dictates the following conditions:

  • The loan is issued for a period of 13 months and up to 3 years;
  • Loan amount from RUB 500,000. and up to 6,000,000 rubles;
  • The interest rate will be from 12.5% ​​per annum.

It is possible that the bank will require you to open a current account with Alfa Bank to issue a loan. If the client has a desire, then provision is possible. To receive a loan, you will need to provide 9 items to the department.

VTB 24 – conditions for loans for small businesses

VTB 24 offers a lot of credit lines for small businesses. There are special programs that are suitable for newly opened companies.

Goals can be very different:

  • Replenishment of the company's working capital;
  • Refinancing of loans already taken from other banks;
  • Express loans for any purpose if you urgently need money;

Express loans at VTB 24 are issued on the following conditions:

  • Time frames up to 60 months;
  • Issued from 500,000 rubles. up to RUB 5,000,000;
  • The pledge is solely at the will of the client;
  • Loan rate from 14% to 19%.

The bank also has special programs, for example:

  • “Turnover” – if you need to add money to the company’s turnover;
  • “Overdraft” - so that there are funds in excess of the available amount to ensure stability;
  • “Business prospect” - for the purchase of the required equipment or for the modernization of equipment.

The rate directly depends on whether the company is a client of the bank, as well as what collateral the organization will have for the loan.

If collateral is provided and the company has a good credit and banking history, then the client can expect to receive a minimum loan rate.

How to get money to start a business, watch the following video:

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Creating a business from scratch in Moscow has become an affordable reality, thanks to lucrative offers from financial institutions. The “Creditznatok” service describes the best Moscow microfinance organizations and Russian banks that provide loans to small entrepreneurs. Using their services is a confident start to bringing your business ideas to life.

Most financial companies provide financial support to clients, offering to take out a loan to open a small business on favorable terms. By turning to microfinance organizations for financial assistance, you can be sure that your startup and further development of your own business will have a stable financial basis.

Starting a medium-sized business: what is needed?

Starting your own business depends on the chosen type of individual activity. Creating any startup from scratch requires drawing up a detailed business plan, including calculation of capital investment. You can choose anything as a type of activity: beauty salon services, trading through an online store, passenger and cargo transportation, etc. In any case, it will be difficult to launch a startup without funds. The question is, where can a novice entrepreneur get money to create and implement his project? Our answer is to take a loan through the online service “Creditznatok”.

Advantages of cooperation with microfinance organizations that issue loans for the development of small and medium-sized businesses:

  • minimum package of documents;
  • speed of service;
  • service mobility (online consultations);
  • a wide range of amounts required to develop a business from scratch;
  • the ability to choose the duration of the contract;
  • loyal money back conditions.

How to choose a loan to start your own business?

Conditions for obtaining a loan may vary. They depend on the personal wishes of the beginning private entrepreneur, the calculations of the estimates in the business plan, and the profitability of the business at its initial stage. All financial organizations provide funds for starting a business from scratch only in national currency.

When selecting a financial company, it is important to consider whether the organization you choose has a service for extending the term of the loan agreement for starting your business. An equally important aspect of choosing a suitable company that is ready to “sponsor” your own business is the time it takes to consider the application. The average time for a decision to be made on your request for a loan to start your business is 1-3 business days.

Leading microfinance organizations of the Russian Federation offer loans on loyal terms:

  • amount of the amount that can be received “in hand”: 50 thousand - 24 million rubles;
  • loan repayment terms: 6-120 months;
  • interest rate: 10%-45%;
  • documents required to be presented: constituent, personal.

Do you want to get a loan to create a profitable business? We recommend that you carefully read the detailed descriptions of the companies presented on the page. To start your own business from scratch as early as possible, leave a request on the website right now. A loan for aspiring entrepreneurs issued through our service is a unique way to realize your dream.