Loan to start a business from scratch. How to get a loan to start a business from a bank? Targeted loan for starting a business

Many aspiring individual entrepreneurs do not have their own funds to start their own business. Premises, equipment, employees, communications, transport - you have to pay for all this. Therefore, they turn to banks for loans to open a small business. This article will increase your chances of getting it.

How to get a loan to start a business from a bank

Banks need a guarantee of return of issued funds. Therefore, you need confidence that the business will work. You should not hope for a quick loan processing, especially in large amounts and for a large project.

Conditions under which banks are favorable to business lending:

  • thoughtful;
  • income certificate (2-NDFL), if you are working;
  • lack of open loans.
  • a guarantor with a good credit history and no open loans;
  • collateral commensurate with the loan amount (preferably real estate);

The bank also takes into account marital status, availability of landline phones, permanent registration (preferably in the same region where you take out the loan), monthly expenses, and so on. In general, the bank will collect as much information as possible about you in order to know its potential borrower well.

As for the guarantor, he must clearly understand that if the borrower fails to comply with loan obligations, he will repay the loan for him.

Bank analysis of your business plan

Be prepared that the bank will consider your business plan unprofitable or unpromising and, as a result, will refuse financing. It’s too early to get upset: perhaps the bank employee was unable to correctly understand the business scheme. Therefore, stock up on illustrations and simple explanations of the stages of project development. If you have rechecked the strategy for establishing and developing your business many times, which requires a lot of money, get a meeting with the bank’s management. But you should prepare for such a conversation.

Before you go to the bank for the first time, find out what questions they will ask so you can be prepared. But you also need to clearly imagine your business in action and foresee the consequences.

You don’t have to tell the bank about the purpose of obtaining a loan (if you don’t want additional checks of the business plan or any other clarifications). But in this case, you won’t get a lot of money: a maximum of several hundred thousand rubles. In any case, it is better to be honest with the bank and create a legal, thriving business.

Hollywood films often show us unemployed people who come to the bank with a business plan and apply for a loan to start a business. In Russia, it must be admitted, this system is practically undeveloped, however, in our country, if you wish, you can get borrowed funds and start your own business.
In today's article we will talk about how and where you can get a loan to start a business. We will also discuss what is needed for this and what are the alternatives to bank lending.

The desire to start your own business is often frustrated by the need to have start-up funds. And if in some types of activities, then many popular and sought-after sectors of small business require significant investments.

Example. To open a mini-bakery, you will need funds to rent premises, purchase ovens, tables, and provide the necessary communications. The total investment amount at the initial stage can range from 200-300 thousand to a million rubles.

Unlike very common investment loans, getting a business loan from scratch is quite difficult and time-consuming. This is associated with great risks for the bank - not every credit institution will decide to sponsor a “pig in a poke”.
In fact, today loans for small businesses are actively issued from scratch only Sberbank. At the same time, it also imposes a lot of requirements and restrictions.
If you are interested in how to get a loan to start a business, we suggest you consider the usual conditions for such loans:

  • Low interest rate is the main advantage.
  • The amount does not exceed 1 million rubles.
  • Share of own funds – at least 20%(i.e. a loan to start a small business covers a maximum of 80% of the required amount).
  • Loan collateral is a guarantee from third parties and pledge of property. For small loans banks may limit themselves to guarantee.
  • The loan is issued based on the study of the business plan. At the same time, banks most often limit the areas of activity they can lend and offer their own standard schemes.

Sberbank issues loans for starting a business and purchasing franchises. In the first case, the client is offered a choice from a dozen areas of activity, for each of which a standard business plan has already been developed.

  • The client is required to register as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, undergo training at the bank and work through accounts opened with the lender.
  • If necessary (for example, when the client does not have a regular income at the time of receiving the loan) the bank may offer a deferment for payment for up to six months.

How to successfully get a loan to start a small business from scratch

Without the necessary amount and the ability to save it, many people give up the dream of owning their own business. However, there is an excellent opportunity to become an entrepreneur without the necessary initial capital - get a loan to open a small business from scratch.

So, how can you launch your business with only an idea? We offer a short guide on how to get a business loan from scratch.

  • Determine which banks and financial groups in your area provide startup lending. Usually this list limited to just a few titles.
  • Carefully study the requirements for borrowers and the project posted on banking portals. Determine how well you fit into these restrictions and whether your business meets them.
  • If all the conditions suit you, it’s time to get started. One idea is not enough– the bank needs to find out how much you plan to spend, on what, in what time frame, and also when the project will start to pay off.
  • Make sure you have enough savings to cover at least 20% of the project costs.
  • Preferably make preliminary agreements in advance on rent, purchase of goods, raw materials, negotiate with the seller of transport and equipment.
  • Gather all documents needed to apply in advance.
  • Decide on the collateral and guarantee that you can provide to the bank. in this case, they are not issued - the bank needs significant guarantees of the return of funds.
  • Submit an application to the bank, attaching a business plan and a package of documents.
  • Review of your application may take from 3-4 days to 2 weeks depending on the complexity of the project and the volume of documents.
  • If the decision is positive, you sign the loan and collateral documentation and open a bank account.
  • Credit is usually provided in the form of non-renewable line.
  • It should be remembered that a loan for starting a business is targeted, and its use must strictly correspond to the business plan. For each transaction, you provide the bank with supporting documents (receipts, checks, sales contracts).

Are there any decent alternatives to a bank loan?

If you have studied the material on how to get a loan to open a small business, and have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to obtain such a loan, there is a way out. Note that many novice entrepreneurs face a number of problems:

  • The bank does not lend to the chosen activity scheme, since it does not have the opportunity to assess its profitability.

As a rule, such loans are issued only for very popular types of businesses - hairdressing services, bakeries, beauty salons, etc.

  • The entrepreneur does not have the opportunity to secure the loan with collateral and guarantee.
  • The loan amount is insufficient to cover the necessary expenses (for example, you need to purchase an expensive production line, raw materials, materials).
  • The client has a negative credit history.

However, in these cases, you can get funds and open the business of your dreams. Let's list them:

  • Many novice entrepreneurs pass by, and in vain. By using gratuitous financial assistance will help you cover a significant portion of the costs of starting a business.
  • Entrepreneurs who are confident in the profitability of their future business can look for a suitable investment company. This will require a detailed business plan, luck and good persuasion.
  • Small businesses are willing to finance business angels. These are private individuals who not only invest money, but also provide assistance and share their experience with the budding entrepreneur.
  • If you need a small amount and you receive a stable income, you can easily get a regular consumer loan and use the funds to start a business. The main advantage of this method is that such loans do not require collateral.


So, you can get a loan to start a business in Russia, but this procedure has a lot of restrictions and obstacles. The few banks that issue such loans place quite serious demands on borrowers and issue funds only against collateral and guarantees. In addition, there are restrictions on the scope of activity of the future enterprise.

At the same time, there are alternatives. A loan to start a small business can be replaced by investments, a consumer loan, government subsidies, or personal or family savings. The final choice remains with the future entrepreneur.
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Many beginning businessmen do not have their own funds to organize their business. , premises, employees, communications, transport - all this is not available for free. In this regard, taking out a loan to start a business from scratch is a common service for individual entrepreneurs. In this article we will look at how to increase your chances of receiving money.

A loan for opening an individual entrepreneur can be obtained in several ways. For example, at a business development center, at a private investor, at a credit cooperative. But the most common way is to contact the bank. Many banks provide services for issuing loans to private entrepreneurs. Some even have special programs for aspiring businessmen.

How to get a loan to start a business from a bank?

A private entrepreneur can apply for a loan from any bank. Although this does not mean that each of the banks is ready to provide you with their funds. In addition to fulfilling their loan plans, money-back guarantee is very important for bankers. In order to verify the reality of the business, bank employees often ask you to bring a business plan and other documents that can confirm that your business will work and generate income.

Typically, quick turnaround is not common, especially for large requests and large-scale projects. Although today banks strive to minimize the time spent on approving an application and issuing money. There are even projects such as “trust” loans. Such an interest-bearing loan is issued with virtually no documents (no guarantors, no collateral).

In any case, it is better to prepare thoroughly for negotiations. To do this, we advise you to do the following:

  • in detail;
  • prepare a certificate of income;
  • negotiate with a person willing to act as a guarantor. It is desirable that the future guarantor has a stable and high income and can confirm it;
  • consider the possibility of transferring your property as collateral. The best option here, of course, is non-residential real estate. Usually, if there is this type of security, banks do not refuse to issue money.

In addition, your marital status, monthly expenses, etc. will be taken into account. Simply put, the better you present yourself, the better your chances of getting money.

Please note that any information you provide will be checked by the security service, and the submitted documents will be analyzed by the legal service. You are unlikely to be able to deceive the bank.

Other ways to get a loan for individual entrepreneurs

It happens that the bank refuses to issue money or to consider the application. There are cases of refusal due to “bad” credit history or for other reasons. What to do then? You can, of course, try going from bank to bank, hoping to get a loan, or you can get a loan to open a business from scratch for an individual entrepreneur at the Entrepreneurship Development Center. This kind of organization operates on the principle of “re-loaning”: first they take out a loan themselves, and then lend it to others. Naturally, the percentage here will differ significantly.

Another option to get money is to borrow at interest from a private individual or from a credit cooperative. Such people still need to be found, and usually you can’t get money this way for a long time.

Video: How to get a loan to open an individual entrepreneur?

A successful business is an opportunity to have high incomes, independence and secure a future for yourself and your children. The vastness of our country and the unmet need for modern services and goods make such opportunities real. Today, more and more people are thinking about opening their own business. A successful, original idea implemented on the market allows you to receive a stable and, sometimes, quite high income. But even if you have a promising business idea, creating your own enterprise is not such an easy task. The implementation of any idea should begin with market research and analysis of the necessary resources to implement the project. However, even having calculated a real business project, a novice entrepreneur is most often faced with the problem of lack of finance to launch it. Money is needed to purchase equipment, raw materials, purchase goods for retail trade and, finally, for informational and advertising promotion of a product or service.

If you decide to run a business alone and do not want to turn to existing entrepreneurs, and relatives and colleagues are not able to help you, then the only way out of the situation is to get a loan. However, if you apply for a bank loan without preparation, you will most likely be refused.

How to get a loan to start a small business from scratch?

On television, in the press and simply on street advertisements, you can often see offers of loans for the development of small businesses from scratch. However, in order to obtain such funds, it is necessary to overcome certain bureaucratic procedures. This is especially difficult to do in the absence of collateral instruments and a long credit history. Nevertheless, today obtaining the necessary funds on fairly favorable terms is a very real task.

Many entrepreneurs do not turn to credit institutions for fear of falling into “financial bondage.”

Of course, risk is always present in business, but if you have a real business plan, then a loan from a bank can be a good start. Your status as an entrepreneur does not play a significant role. Loans are issued to individual entrepreneurs, limited liability companies, and joint stock companies. The form of taxation you choose also does not play a significant role. Which bank is best to cooperate with? There is universal advice - try contacting the bank where you have already been served. If you have already taken out small consumer loans and repaid them on time, had deposit accounts or received a salary, then the bank will treat you with great confidence. Before contacting the bank, prepare primary information on your project. Be very careful about the justification for the loan amount itself. Getting several tens of millions of rubles to open a business without collateral or guarantee is an unrealistic task. But a loan to start a business from scratch without collateral in the amount of several hundred thousand or one or two million rubles is quite real. Banks usually issue such loans for a period of three to five years.

Attracting credit funds to start your own business is a common practice. Lack of work does not mean that funding will absolutely be denied. To obtain a loan to start a business, you need to understand the specifics of the procedure and take into account a number of significant points.

Getting a business loan - what is it?

The concept of “business loan” means receiving a sum of money from a bank that can be spent on any commercial purpose:

  • purchase or rental of premises;
  • purchase of products;
  • purchasing goods;
  • formation of a constituent capital fund;
  • purchase and commissioning of machinery and/or equipment, etc.

It is possible to purchase a ready-made business with credit funds - an organization with well-established work, an existing client base and confirmed turnover.

Important! Conducting commercial activities is possible only by persons registered in the form of an organization (LLC, JSC, CJSC and others) or individual entrepreneurs.

Who can get a business loan

Theoretically, there are 2 options:

  • the loan is issued to a legal entity;
  • The borrower is a private client.

In practice, to obtain a loan, a registered small business representative will need to disclose information about his current activities and leave collateral, for example, equipment or other assets. For companies that have not yet started operating, but have only received constituent documents, this type of lending is not available.

Taking out a personal loan to start a business is a more feasible option. But it is important to consider that the approved amount for consumer lending programs in most cases will range from 200 thousand to 1 million rubles. It is necessary to accurately calculate whether this money will be enough to open a business and pay associated costs.

Will an unemployed person be given a loan to start his own business?

If you don’t work, then taking out a loan is problematic, but possible. But to do this, most banks will need to confirm a favorable financial situation - you can provide documents on property or certificates of additional sources of income.

If possible, a loan secured by real estate or a car is available. In this case, the maximum amount will be equal to the value of the pledged property, which provides more financial opportunities for the implementation of the project.

How to answer questions about an employer when applying for a loan

Even if to apply for a loan the bank does not require you to provide certificates from your place of employment and/or a copy of your work record book, you will still need to indicate information about the employer in the application form. Moreover, most financial organizations require that at the time of application the client has worked in his current place for at least 3–6 months.

Non-performing borrowers can get out of the situation in several ways:

  1. Establish a company or register yourself as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, you can indicate your own company as the employer. At the same time, before submitting an application, it is important to clarify whether the selected bank lends to individual entrepreneurs and business owners.
  2. Provide details of a fictitious or previous employer. This option can only be used if the bank does not verify the information provided. If the fraud is discovered, the requested amount will be refused.

If there is no work, but there is a desire to open a business from scratch, then it is worth considering the option of applying for a loan with the registration of a company or individual entrepreneur - in order to conduct business and open a company account, registering yourself as a legal entity will still be necessary. You should resort to the second option only in extreme cases.

Pitfalls of taking out a business loan without a job

When receiving a loan to start a business, you should make a high-quality financial forecast. In the absence of work, it is important to ensure that alternative sources of income and profit from the established business will be sufficient to service the obligations assumed.

If the credit debt is secured by real estate or a car, then in case of late or incomplete payment of accepted obligations, it is possible to sell the collateral in order to repay the overdue debt.

It is imperative to take into account that without proof of employment, the loan rate will be higher than for similar programs issued with a full package of documents.

Which banks are willing to give a loan to an unemployed person to start a business?

An analysis of bank offers showed that not a single credit institution is ready to provide a loan to the unemployed. But a sufficient number of banks offer loans to private borrowers without proof of employment.

Business loan without collateral

Without providing a copy of a work record book or a rental agreement, most banks are not ready to give the borrower an amount. To obtain more funding, you can contact:

  • - it is proposed to issue up to 700 thousand rubles at a rate of 11.9% to 25.5%;
  • - you can borrow up to 1 million rubles at 14.9%–28.9% per annum;
  • - up to 1 million rubles are available at a rate of 18.9% to 22.9% per year;
  • - up to 1 million rubles at a rate of 12.9%, subject to payment of a one-time commission in the amount of 1% to 4.9% of the debt amount.

The interest rate is set for each applicant personally after analyzing the provided data. The bank has the right to request the provision of additional documents, including a copy of the work book or employment contract. If it is not possible to satisfy the application requirement, in most cases the application will be rejected.

Secured business loan

If it is possible to pledge real estate or a car, the loan amount can be increased to 8–10 million rubles.

Without providing documents confirming income, you can get a loan secured by a car in:

  • Loko Bank - you can borrow up to 5 million rubles at a rate of 12.3% per annum to 14.4%, a one-time commission of 1.5% of the loan amount is required;
  • - offered up to 1 million rubles at 19–32% per annum.

If it is possible to confirm income in alternative ways (for example, a certificate from a pension fund or documents confirming receipt of income from renting out an apartment), it is most advantageous to contact:

  • - rate from 11.25% to 21%;
  • Housing Finance Bank - rate from 12.99% with a one-time commission of 4.9%;
  • - rate from 13.5% to 14%;
  • - rate 13.5% per annum.

It is established by law that when lending against collateral, insurance of collateral (real estate or car) is mandatory. The bank may also increase the interest rate if the borrower refuses to obtain personal protection in the event of death or loss of health. On average, 1–3% will be added to the above rates if you do not want to take out a policy of such insurance.