Is it possible to withdraw money from the card? Withdrawing money from a Sberbank card: overview of methods

Technological progress has led to the widespread use of non-cash funds. Almost every person has a bank card, thanks to which they can easily withdraw cash from an ATM, make payments, transfer money to other accounts, and pay accounts payable.

With a bank card, a Sberbank client has the opportunity to receive funds in a short time.

PJSC Sberbank of Russia is the main bank of our country. The ATM network is developing every year, and the number of customers is constantly growing. Sberbank's clients include government employees, office workers, students, and retired people. Everyone will benefit from information on how to properly use the Sberbank of Russia ATM. This is especially true for the issue of withdrawing funds from a plastic card. Of course, it’s convenient to make payments with a plastic card, but there are times when you can’t live without cash.

In order to avoid making mistakes when withdrawing funds from a Sberbank card, you need to have information on how to properly use the terminals of this bank. The instructions are located on the front side of the terminal. After a couple of manipulations, the ATM will dispense funds.

The algorithm for withdrawing funds from a Sberbank of Russia card is as follows:

  1. Have a plastic card in your hands, which is serviced by a bank with a green logo. You should remember the PIN code of your plastic card, and, of course, you will need a Sberbank ATM. Cards have two levels of protection: built-in chip and magnetic tape. Two types of card protection allow you to be highly protected from fraud.
  2. At this point, head to the nearest ATM. The terminals of this financial institution are distinguished by their green color, which is the signature color of the country’s main bank. You will also find the Sberbank logo on the ATM. If the terminal screen shows the welcome information, it is in working order. If the information is missing, the ATM is broken and cannot be used.
  3. Find the special slot on the front side of the terminal. This is a slot for inserting a plastic card. As a rule, it is highlighted. When entering a card, remember that the working side is the front. If you make a mistake and enter the card with the wrong side, the terminal will recognize the error and return it to you. In this case, the operation will be accompanied by a special sound signal. A corresponding message will also appear on the screen.
  4. If you enter the plastic card correctly, a request will appear on the terminal monitor indicating your PIN code. You receive a PIN code with your plastic card at the bank. The code consists of 4 digits. Once you have entered your PIN, confirm it and press the key indicating “Continue”. In the future, strictly follow the requests that appear on the ATM monitor. First, the monitor will ask you to select a language. On the screen you will find a list of available languages. Make your choice by pressing the keys that are located to the left and right of the desired item. If the screen is a touch screen, click on the corresponding field of the monitor.
  5. After selecting the language, the main menu will appear. Here are all possible operations that are performed using a Sberbank card. For example, they check the balance, withdraw funds from the card at an ATM of Sberbank of Russia. They also put money on a plastic card, pay for goods and services, and transfer money to a deposit.
  6. To receive cash, select “Get cash” and click the appropriate button.
  7. The system will then make a request about how much money will need to be withdrawn in the future. You will be offered several options, including “other amount”. Having selected the amount that is required, click the “Issue” button.
  8. If you need to cancel the operation, click on “Reset” and the terminal will return your plastic card back.
  9. Before the operation, the terminal will offer a choice of 2 items. One will allow you to print a check, the second will allow you to continue the operation without receiving a check. It all depends on the wishes of the owner of the plastic card.

Important. The ATM only dispenses cash in multiples of 50. It is also not possible to dispense money in metal form. But at the same time, it is possible to receive funds in exchange.

Withdrawing cash from a Sberbank card is not difficult. Follow the instructions presented above. If you have difficulties withdrawing funds from a Sberbank of Russia card, and you are in a branch of this financial institution, contact the bank employees. The consultants located in the hall of the Sberbank of Russia branch will help you with this task.

Nuances of cash withdrawal

Three incorrect attempts to enter the PIN code lead to the card being blocked. The ATM may not return it to you.

Important. In addition, the terminal will block the plastic card if no one has taken it out of the slot within half a minute.

Sberbank of Russia has a limit on the maximum amount of cash withdrawals per day. If you need to withdraw a large sum of money from your account one-time, contact your bank branch in advance. They will reserve the amount of money you need to receive.

Also, funds are withdrawn from the Sberbank of Russia card at the terminals of other financial institutions. But these operations are performed on a paid basis, and you will be charged a certain commission. The size of the commission depends on the tariff schedule that is available at the bank whose services you are using.

Previously, you had to deal only with cash, but not so long ago, thanks to technological progress, money appeared in non-cash form, bank cards, and with them special devices - ATMs, with which you can not only quickly withdraw money from a Sberbank card, but also make payment, transfer money to another account and pay the loan.

The main bank of the country, Sberbank, has a developed network of ATMs and a huge number of clients. These include working people, students, and retirees. And they all need to know how to use a Sberbank ATM and especially how to withdraw money from the card. Of course, you can pay for goods and services with a card, but cash is also often necessary.

In order not to make a mistake when carrying out the operation of withdrawing money from a Sberbank card, you need to read the instructions for using the Sberbank ATM, which, as a rule, is located on the front side of the ATM. Just three or four steps and the ATM will dispense the required amount of cash from the card into a special slot.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. First you need to decide on the necessary things in order to use a Sberbank ATM. This is a bank card, a card PIN code and, in fact, an ATM. Bank cards can be chipped or simply with a magnetic stripe. If both are present, then this is a higher degree of protection against fraud.
  2. You need to go to the ATM itself (Sberbank has them in their signature green color) and look at the screen. As a rule, welcome information is displayed on the screen of a Sberbank ATM indicating that the ATM is ready for operation. If there is no such information, then the ATM is faulty, but this does not happen very often.
  3. Find the card insertion slot on the front of the ATM. It is usually illuminated by a light indicator. The card must be entered face up. You can make a mistake in a hurry and enter the card with the wrong side. But the ATM quickly recognizes the error and returns the card back, accompanied by a sound signal and a corresponding inscription on the screen.
  4. If the card is entered correctly, a request to enter a PIN code will appear on the screen. It is issued by the bank upon receipt of the card and contains four digits. After typing the PIN code (when typing it will not be visible on the screen, it will be displayed as four crosses), you need to confirm it and press the “ Continue" Then follow the prompts on the ATM screen. The first request is about choosing a language. A list of available languages ​​will be displayed on the screen; you need to select the appropriate one and press the key on the left or right in accordance with the selected item.
  5. Next, the main menu will appear on the screen, where different options for card operations are offered. This way you can view your balance, withdraw money from your card at an ATM, put money on your card, pay for services and much more. You need to select the withdrawal option, it looks like “ Get cash» and click the button next to this option.
  6. Next, the system will ask how much you need to withdraw. You can type it yourself or choose from those offered: usually it is five hundred rubles, one thousand, two thousand, three or more thousand rubles and the button “ Other amount" After selecting the required amount or typing it on the keyboard, you need to press the “ Issue" You can also adjust the amount using the keys on the ATM keypad. You can click " Cancel" or " Back” and the ATM will erase the last values ​​entered. If you click " Reset- the ATM will cancel the operation altogether and return the card back.
  7. First, the system will ask whether to print a receipt and will provide two buttons to choose from “ Continue with receipt printing», « Continue without printing a receipt" This is at the request of the card owner. There are a couple of other features of withdrawing money: the amount must be a multiple of fifty and the ATM does not issue metal money. But he can give out money in exchange.

Here is a simple sequence of steps to withdraw money from a Sberbank card at an ATM. Of course, there is always the opportunity to invite a special assistant, a bank employee, to help withdraw money from the card at an ATM.

And yet, there is no need to rush when typing the PIN code, since the ATM will simply not return the card back, but will block it. The ATM can also block the card if no one has taken it out of the slot for more than 20-30 seconds.

Sberbank sets limits on the maximum possible amount for a one-time withdrawal, but they are quite large, and only those who need large amounts should worry about this.

But there this operation will be paid, that is, a commission will be charged for withdrawing cash. And the size of the commission payment will depend on the conditions of the bank from which the cash is withdrawn.

Many people are interested in how to withdraw money from a Sberbank card without commission and what is required for this. The scheme for withdrawing money from a credit or debit bank card is the same and simple in any of the options.

Where can I withdraw money from a Sberbank card?

You can get cash from any Sberbank plastic card in two common and convenient ways:

  • Through an ATM of Sberbank or another third-party bank. A Sberbank ATM will issue money without commission (if it is a debit card), but at an ATM of another bank you may need to pay a certain percentage for withdrawing money.
  • In Sberbank itself - any convenient branch through the cash desk.

Is it possible to withdraw money from the cash desks of other banks? Theoretically, withdrawing funds in this way is possible, but it will not be possible to withdraw cash without overpaying interest for using the service.

The best credit cards of 2019

Issue: free.
Credit limit: up to 300,000
Rate: from 15% per annum.
Maintenance: 590 rub./year.
Installment: 0% for 12 months.
Grace period: up to 55 days.

Card name:
Tinkoff Platinum

Issue: free.
Credit limit: up to 500,000
Rate: from 14.9% per annum.
Maintenance: from 1190 rub./year.
Grace period: up to 100 days.

Card name:
100 days without interest

Credit limit: up to 300,000
Rate: from 0% per annum.
Service: from 30 rub./day.
Cash Back: up to 5%
Grace period: up to 1850 days.

Issue: free.
Credit limit: up to 300,000
Rate: from 0%
Service: 0 rub.
Grace period: up to 365 days.

Card name:
Conscience from Qiwi Bank

Receiving money at the Sberbank cash desk

Money is most often withdrawn from the bank's cash desk by people who do not know how to use ATMs (pensioners), or if they do not have a card in their hands for some reason. To receive cash, you must have your passport or card or its details with you. You can only withdraw money from the cardholder; his relative or friend will not be given money at the bank's cash desk unless there is a corresponding written application.

If you have the necessary documents on hand, you need to come to a Sberbank branch during business hours and stand in line at the cash desk. Next, your passport and card details should be given to the cashier, he will check the data and may ask you to give the code word or enter the PIN code for the card. After this, the money in the required amount and without commission will be issued to the bank client.

If a person does not know where the nearest branch is located (when he is on a business trip in another city or in remote unknown areas of his city), then you can view information about the location and operating hours of all Sberbank branches on its official website - http://www.sberbank .ru/ .

Information is available online and you can find a branch at any time, regardless of where a person is, because there are a lot of Sberbank branches across Russia and they are located in all major cities of the country.

Withdrawal through a Sberbank ATM

It is better to withdraw money from a Sberbank debit card at your own ATM so as not to pay commissions to third-party banks. If this card is a credit card, then 3% is charged regardless of the type of funds - personal or borrowed.

Anyone can withdraw money from a plastic card through an ATM if they know the PIN code for the card. To avoid problems arising due to unauthorized people withdrawing funds from the card, you must not disclose these four digits to anyone.

To withdraw money from an ATM, you will need the card itself and its PIN code. To receive money through an ATM, you need to follow a simple procedure:

  1. Find an ATM, not a terminal, since you won’t be able to withdraw money from your card there.

  2. Insert the card with the pattern up and the black stripe at the bottom to the left (there is usually a pattern near the card receiver).

  3. Enter a four-digit PIN code.

  4. In the main menu, if you don’t know the balance, you can view it by clicking on the “View balance” button. The system will offer to display the amount on the screen or print it as a check; you must select a convenient option.

  5. If the amount is known in advance, or viewed using the method described above, you can proceed with withdrawal. You must click on the “Cash Withdrawal” button.
  6. The screen will display a field for entering the amount, as well as the denominations of banknotes that the ATM can offer. If the amount to withdraw is less than the bills available, you will have to find another place to withdraw money.

  7. If the banknotes suit the person, you must enter the required amount and click “Next”.
  8. The system will offer to print a receipt for the transaction performed. Depending on the desire, the person must click “Yes” or “No”.

  9. You must pick up the card within 45 seconds after it comes out (otherwise the ATM will not issue the money, but the card will be blocked, and it will not be possible to return it without the help of bank employees).
  10. Pick up the card, take money and a check, if the client wishes to print it.

If for a certain reason it is impossible to withdraw money from a particular ATM (not enough bills, the denomination is not suitable - a person asks for 300 rubles, but there are only five hundred rubles, not enough funds, etc.), the ATM will issue a warning and return the plastic to the user. If this happens, then there is no need to worry, you need to try to repeat the operation of withdrawing funds from the card, only now check your account and available bills more carefully.


Most people use Sberbank ATMs to withdraw money from their cards. This saves time - there are many ATMs, and therefore there are few queues, and the money itself - no commission is charged for withdrawing funds from a debit card. There are a lot of ATMs and Sberbank branches across Russia, and therefore you can always withdraw cash. If difficulties arise, the call center employees will always help the person sort out the problem and withdraw funds from the card.

Sberbank is considered a major institution in the country. Its ATMs are located everywhere. There are also partner banks of Sberbank. You can withdraw funds from them without commission. You just need to know who is one of them.

About affiliate programs

The Russian market includes a large number of financial structures. Each has its own tariffs for the services provided. When choosing a bank, you need to rely on 2 factors. The stability and reliability of the organization are considered important. Then the quality and price of services. It is these characteristics that people pay attention to when choosing a bank.

When considering the structure of Sberbank, you can see a developed network of partner banks. These are the organizations that provide services on favorable terms. If the company does not have a partnership agreement, the cost will be higher. Therefore, such cooperation will be unprofitable for clients.

Now there are various partner banks of Sberbank. You can withdraw funds without commission using them. Thanks to cooperation, the institution has more different financial products, which allows it to attract clients. And people perform transactions without commissions or for a very small fee.

Cooperation is beneficial for both parties. The bank gains many clients, and consumers can use services on favorable terms. For example, a loan was issued to an organization that is considered a partner of Sberbank. In this case, you can repay the payment through its terminal. Moreover, the commission will be minimal. There may be no additional costs. If you pay a debt at an institution that is not a partner, you will have to pay a high commission.

Types of partner banks

Now there are various partner banks of Sberbank. Without commission, you can withdraw from the card exactly in them. The institution cooperates not only with leading organizations, but also with those that are just developing. The list of partners includes:

  • "Rosselkhozbank";
  • "VTB 24";
  • "MTS Bank";
  • "Investbank";
  • "Promsvyazbank"

But not all Sberbank partner banks allow commission-free withdrawals. Some have fees, but they are small. In addition to withdrawing cash, it will be possible to pay for services without incurring large commissions that occur in other organizations.

"VTB 24"

Today, this institution is considered the main partner of Sberbank. Individuals and legal entities apply to it. Large companies work with him. For clients "VTB 24" offers:

  • loans;
  • card issue;
  • cash transactions;
  • decor

The bank has a developed branch system. More than 1000 branches are located in large settlements throughout the country. Customers are provided with excellent service and profitable programs.

Since it is part of a group called “Sberbank Partner Banks,” cash withdrawals are made without commission. For transfers between cards, only 1.5% is charged. The commission amount may vary in each region. Also, the amounts may vary depending on the cash register and the type of card.


Partner banks of Sberbank of Russia allow you to withdraw funds from all ATMs without commission. The second place in terms of the number of branches is occupied by Rosselkhozbank. There are now more than 1,800 offices. The organization previously worked only with representatives of the agricultural sector and issued loans to them. Thanks to funding, this area managed to survive difficult times, as well as overcome the financial crisis.

Now Rosselkhozbank provides services to large representatives of the agricultural sector. The institution is expanding the list of services, so now individuals can also work with it. We offer profitable programs for our clients - loans and mortgages.

"Uniastrum Bank"

Sberbank also cooperates with this institution. Partner banks have commission-free ATMs almost everywhere. Uniastrum Bank is among the TOP 30 largest institutions in the country. He was repeatedly awarded excellent marks.

The organization is universal, as it works with individuals and legal entities. But the priority is small and medium-sized businesses. The organization has the opportunity to issue a credit or debit card, as well as a deposit on attractive terms.

Admiralty Bank

It is one of Sberbank's partner banks. Cash withdrawals are available to card users without commission. The organization works more with commercial clients. But loans are also provided to individuals, and deposits are also made for them.

Using an ATM

There are Sberbank partner banks in Crimea. You can withdraw funds from VTB 24 without commission. The most convenient way is to use ATMs. You just need to remember the PIN code that is provided by the bank after opening an account. This procedure is not difficult to perform. You need to select the “Cash Withdrawal” section, enter the data, check it, and then confirm the operation.

Nowadays, both push-button and touch-screen ATMs operate across Russia. But in any case, you can withdraw funds from them. The devices are located not only in banks, but also in shopping and entertainment centers and stores. Partner banks do not charge commission or charge a small amount.

Bank cash desk

If for some reason you cannot withdraw funds from an ATM, you can contact the institution’s cash desk. Only in this case, in addition to the card, you must provide a passport. Then you need to enter the code. Sometimes you need to name the code word specified in the agreement when opening an account. If this information is not known, the payment of funds will be denied. The procedure is completed very quickly.

There are restrictions on cash withdrawals. The limit is determined for a day, a month. It all depends on the type of card, so the performance may vary.

What cards are supported?

There are different types of payment cards accepted by partner banks. They are:

  • debit - payments are made only using personal funds;
  • credit - the client uses money borrowed from the bank, a limit is set on it.

These types of cards are accepted at partner banks. You can withdraw funds from them without any problems. In this case, you can contact both branches of financial organizations and use ATMs. Payment cards are also divided by status:

  • Gold;
  • Platinum;
  • World Black edition.

Each card has its own capabilities. Many of them offer bonuses. The most popular payment systems are Each of them is accepted not only by Sberbank, but also by partners. This will allow you to save your own money without overpaying for commissions.

A typical situation is when you don’t have a Sberbank card on hand, but you need to withdraw money from it, having only a passport in hand. Is it possible to do this? It is possible, but not always! It would seem that the card account is an ordinary bank account (the card is linked to it), and the money on it is yours, unless, of course, you have a credit card. If you come to the bank with a card, you can easily withdraw cash from an ATM or at the cash desk (if the ATM is not working) - just show your passport and enter the PIN code into the POS terminal that the cashier will offer you. Read below about the possibility of doing this without a passport.

When will cash be issued using a passport without a card?

So, if you don’t have a card in your hands, then you can withdraw money from Sberbank only in one case - if it is physically impossible to use it! Let's turn to the primary source - the tariffs for issuing and servicing debit cards.

In the note to the tariff item for each card: “Daily limit on withdrawal of funds without using a card through the cash desks of territorial banks not at the place where the account is maintained,” you can read the following almost verbatim.

The operation is performed only if it is not possible to carry out an operation using the card due to its loss/theft (by a self-service device), its technical malfunction or expiration.

Even if you contact the branch where you opened your card, you will not be allowed to withdraw money from your card account (including by its number) if you say that you forgot the card at home - this was personally verified by the author of the article at the nearest Sberbank.

This can only be done when you write a written application to block the card (for example, due to its loss or other reasons described above) and in addition fill out an application for its reissue. An application for this can be written in any office, even in a branch of another regional bank (also tested when it was necessary to block and reissue a salary card issued in another region).

And only after these applications have been accepted and processed and your card has been blocked by a Sberbank employee, you will be able to receive cash using your passport from your card account.

The employee will give you a ready-made application with the amount already entered for your signature and will give the money right there (if the amount is small) or send you to the cashier to get it.

Let’s summarize and briefly answer the question: “ Is it possible to withdraw money using a passport without a card?». It is possible if you block it and contact any bank branch to have it reissued.- only in this case you will be given money if you have a passport. In this case, knowing the card number and its account (in general, its details) will not help - this is the bank’s policy.

Is it possible to withdraw money without a card abroad?

In some cases, you can use the service of emergency cash withdrawal by the payment system (and not the bank itself!!!), which is provided abroad to holders of basic and additional debit or credit cards, starting with the classic level (classic, gold, platinum). For example, if it is impossible to carry out transactions with a card (loss of the card or its malfunction), the client contacts the bank (by call or fax), after which he is given a certain amount at his location. The maximum amount is limited by the amount of available funds on the card and cannot exceed $5,000. For classic cards, the commission for this operation is 6,000 rubles, and for gold and platinum cards the service is provided free of charge.