Industry: what is it, objects, products, importance in the economy. Design of industrial facilities The concept and composition of industrial facilities

Production facilities represent an extensive group of enterprises that are united by the function of manufacturing products or providing services. Usually, such objects include factories and plants that produce material values ​​- items, things, raw materials, etc. But trade enterprises can also be included in this category. At the same time, production facilities can have many differences that relate to the management system, technological organization activity, form economic security etc.

The concept of a production facility

The objects of production activity can be considered from different points of view - from economic, from functional, from administrative and technological. Therefore, it is customary to define them as a complex system, which is a complex of structures for various purposes. The primary purpose is to manufacture products at the facilities formed by the technical base. These are working areas in which equipment, conveyor lines and auxiliary equipment are provided. It is also common to define industrial facilities as infrastructure complexes, including their own systems of energy, hydro, gas supply, etc. The specific content of engineering and transport communications at production enterprises depends on the nature of their activities and requirements for ensuring work operations. That is, the functional content of the object in this case fades into the background, and the definition affects the nuances of technological equipment.

On-site production system

If we consider the concept production facility from an administrative and economic point of view, the organizational system of the enterprise will be the main element of the definition. In accordance with the production and organizational system, functional, logistical and economic models activities. Based on the prepared models, schemes for the supply of raw materials, product control at the outlet, a work shift plan, a maintenance schedule, etc. are organized. In a broader sense, production facilities from the point of view of the organizational system can be presented as means of creating products with certain parameters - according to qualitative, functional criteria. The production system itself is characterized by such properties as flexibility, redundancy and sufficiency, structural integrity, etc.

Characteristics of the production facility

Production facilities can be characterized by power indicators, functionality, output volumes, etc. As for power, it is determined by the level and quality technical support. In particular, one of the criteria may be the power potential of the equipment. In the field of mechanical engineering, industrial facilities, for example, are provided with machine tools for the manufacture of metal parts - the speed of production, accuracy and complexity of processing will depend on the capacity of this equipment.

Functionality can characterize objects in terms of their ability to work with different operations. Here we can mention full and partial cycle enterprises. In the first case, the production process can provide, for example, the manufacture of parts from the stage primary processing raw materials to the release of a ready-to-use product. The characteristics of industrial and social facilities may differ in terms of approach to assessing functionality. Service-oriented social welfare depends to a large extent on the level of infrastructure. If directly the production of products is characterized by the same volume of output, then, for example, in the sphere medical care properties such as the number of beds, the number of doctors of different specializations, the range of diagnostic operations and procedures provided will play a role.

Difference between production and non-production facilities

It is possible to draw boundaries between industrial and non-industrial objects according to several parameters. For example, directly production assets are based on technical means, thanks to which the conditions for the manufacture of certain products are created. Moreover, production facilities in most cases are focused on making a profit.

As for non-production assets, they are intended for servicing. These can be services provided in the same area of ​​health care, utilities, education and culture. And unlike firms that manufacture material products, they most often do not make a profit or operate at a zero-loss level. But there are also aspects of activity that unite civil and industrial facilities in different areas. Similar features include the use of equipment, technical tools and equipment. For example, employees of organizations that are engaged in the maintenance of tasks and structures can use the same inventory as workers in manufacturing enterprises.

Design of production facilities

The development of a design solution is carried out on the basis of the initial data. These data are obtained as a result of the analysis of economic and technical and structural models of the functioning of the enterprise. At the first stage, a list is compiled indicating the technological processes that, in principle, the facility will have to perform. These can be processing operations (mechanical, thermal, laser), compression, deformation, assembly, and others. Next, the requirements for the equipment that will implement these operations are drawn up, after which a map of their location is formed. At the same stage, documents with technical parameters and layout of buildings and structures should be prepared. In accordance with the regulations, the object capital construction for industrial purposes must meet not only the requirements for the placement of equipment, but also meet the optimal working conditions. The engineering support of the facility is of considerable importance in this regard. The project describes the requirements and recommendations for the characteristics of ventilation systems, lighting, sewerage, dust extraction and other devices that will create conditions for efficient, comfortable and safe work activities.

Construction of production facilities

Construction activities are carried out in several stages. Work begins with the construction of the foundation. Again, the production complex may include several buildings and structures, for each of which a different type of foundation "cushion" is chosen - columnar, tape or monolithic. Then the insulation works are carried out. Already at this stage, the specifics of technological operations should be taken into account. If industrial buildings will be used for thermal treatment operations, work with harsh chemicals, or experience increased physical stress, then special requirements may apply to insulation. At a minimum, it should protect the structure from moisture and cold.

The next step is to build the frame. It can be formed by conventional flooring and masonry formation. Modern possibilities for the construction of industrial facilities make it possible to build modular prefabricated structures in the shortest possible time. But they are more often used for supporting processes and operations - for example, for storing and preparing materials for use on a conveyor. After the construction of the main structure, work is carried out on the installation of the facade and roof structure. At the final stage, the planning of the internal premises and the installation of equipment with engineering systems are carried out.

Classification by service life

There are temporary and permanent production facilities. As for temporary facilities, they include seasonal or mobile complexes that operate at certain intervals. Such structures are characterized by mobility, functionality and low power potential. Temporary facilities also include stationary capital buildings in which the production model is changing. That is, a new nomenclature is established at the capacities of the same enterprise in different periods. Sometimes, to change the production system, the technical equipment is completely updated. Permanent production facilities, the classification of which implies the allocation of enterprises of a full and incomplete cycle, are characterized by the presence of a capital construction base. These are reliable structures focused on a long service life with a certain range. And while temporary facilities tend to be part-cycle, permanent buildings can also be full-cycle thanks to their higher capacity potential.

Classification by field of activity

In each branch of human economic activity, certain industries are represented. The main list of production facilities in accordance with this classification can be represented as follows:

  • Metallurgical enterprises.
  • Woodworking and furniture factories.
  • Pulp and paper production.
  • Glass and porcelain factories.
  • Objects of textile production.
  • Machine and machine tool factories.
  • Production of building materials.

Agricultural areas of production can be considered separately. In this area, livestock breeding, crop farming, beekeeping, mushroom growing, etc. are distinguished. In each area, special production facilities are used, the classification of which will involve division according to technical and structural solutions and the nature of operation. Farms, storage facilities, silos, greenhouses, reservoirs, pastures, forests, etc. can be used as elements of the infrastructure for agricultural production.

Hazardous production facilities

These facilities include enterprises whose work provides for high risks of accidents. This group also includes industries whose activities are related to the processing of chemically hazardous substances, oxidizing solutions and mixtures, explosive and flammable materials. That is, these are objects, the consequences of accidents at which can cause great harm to material property and human health. In extreme cases, we can talk about the risks of an ecological catastrophe. Minimizing such threats allows the systemic appointment of those responsible for a hazardous production facility and certain areas of its operation. Usually, the main responsibility lies with the chief engineer, who, in particular, is responsible for the safety of the operation of the enterprise, the management of communications, the maintenance of raw materials, etc. An electrician is responsible for electrical support, including fire alarms, and the technical condition of the equipment is checked by the chief mechanic. In combination, such coverage of various components of the infrastructure support of the enterprise allows minimizing the risks of serious accidents, as well as increasing the main production indicators.


The manufacturing sector is quite extensive and varied. A huge range of products presented on the market in different segments, in a large proportion, is produced by enterprises with an individual scheme for organizing activities. Of course, there are also typical approaches to the development of projects, although in each case there will be specific factors that correct the technical solution. In part, in this regard, one can note the similarity of industrial and non-industrial facilities, the device and operation of which can be influenced by the same external and internal factors. Among them, there may be climatic conditions, the quality of the technical content of the equipment and apparatus used, sanitary and hygienic factors, etc. But, again, the final product in production differs from the services provided by non-production organizations - it also largely determines the differences in technical and operational aspects of the activities of enterprises of two types.

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Subject: Types of industrial facilities and principles of their placement in the city

  • Introduction
  • 1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of industrial facilities
    • 1.1 The concept and composition of industrial facilities
    • 1.2 Regulatory regulation of construction and placement of industrial facilities
    • 1.3 Foreign approach to the design of construction and placement of industrial facilities
  • 2. Principles of location of industrial facilities in the city
    • 2.1 Urban planning of industrial zones
    • 2.2 Designing zones of industrial facilities in the city
    • 2.3 Landscaping industrial facilities
  • 3. Types of industrial facilities, taking into account the regional aspect
    • 3.1 Problems of location of industrial facilities and ways to solve them
    • 3.2 Prospects and main directions for solving the problems of zones of industrial facilities in cities
    • 3.3 Approach to the location and development of industrial facilities in the Belgorod region
  • Conclusion
  • List of used literature


The formation and development of industrial facilities in the structure of the city is caused by the needs of society and depends on the territorial availability of raw materials and initial products of production. World experience contains many points of view on the problem of determining the structures of cities. By their diversity, they testify to a significant accumulation of information.

At the same time, this fact indicates that the concept of structure in terms of the implementation of various functions by certain areas of the city is multifaceted, often requiring special indications of the specificity of the methods of interrelationships of structural and functional elements considered in each case. This feature acts as one of the laws of the process of formation of production facilities in the architectural and planning structures of cities.

With the improvement of society, there is a constant increase in the volume of production, the emergence of their new types, the introduction of new, more advanced technologies. The search for new, ways of forming industries associated with development fundamental sciences, is ongoing.

Under the conditions of planning or reconstruction of existing industries, changes in the overall picture of the ratio of urban areas with different functionality occur relatively slowly.

The realities of urban planning innovations often lag behind the progress of technical thought associated with the development of industrial facilities and, not yet being fully implemented in practice, some of them become obsolete and become a brake on the way of others that are newly emerging; this leads to the fact that they, as if overtaking each other, are superimposed in incomplete layers.

During the course of the study within term paper we used the works of Russian scientists devoted to the problems of urban planning, planning, design of industrial facilities, such as: G.A. Maloyan, R.M. Lotareva, Yu.P. Bocharov, E.K. Trutnev, I.M. Smolyar, A.V. Novikov, V.A. Kolyasnikov.

Often the introduction of technical innovations for industrial facility is limited to the setting of momentary tasks for urban planning, which does not allow for a deep, comprehensive study of the prospects for the development of the urban area and leads to the adoption of emergency design decisions.

The object of study in the course work is the processes of urban regulation of the development of urban areas, taking into account its different functional content.

The subject of research in this course work is the formation, planning, design of industrial facilities within the framework of a single concept of urban planning, aimed at solving urgent problems of the development of industrial facilities, zones, taking into account the experience of successful domestic and foreign projects, similar topics.

The purpose of the course work is to solve a set of theoretical problems related to theoretical foundations formation of industrial facilities, their regulatory legal regulation, planning and design, as well as overcoming urgent problems of reconstruction and development of industrial zones in cities.

The objectives of the course work, due to the formulation and formulation of the purpose of the work:

reveal the concept, essence, composition of an industrial facility from the point of view of urban planning, characterize the main regulatory documents governing the creation and operation of industrial facilities;

consider the main content of the stages of planning, design and improvement of industrial facilities, as one of the specific functional areas of the city;

analyze current tasks and difficulties in the field of reconstruction and development of industrial facilities, describe the main directions and prospects for solving the identified problems, illustrating the selected areas on the example of regional experience in the successful implementation of similar projects.

Theoretical and methodological base. In the course of writing a term paper, we used such research methods as: a historical and systematic approach, comparative analysis, methods of expert assessments.

The research methods used in the research process were as follows: analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, modeling, logical method and others.

The course work consists of an introduction, three sections, a conclusion, a list of references.

1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of industrial facilities

1.1 The concept and composition of industrial facilities

In order to characterize the concept of an industrial facility, we first need to consider the concept of industrial activity as an environment and form of existence of industrial facilities.

Industrial activity is a type of entrepreneurial activity aimed at developing and manufacturing wealth in terms of the production of tools and objects of labor, including the extraction and processing of minerals and natural resources, production of building parts and materials, processing of agricultural products, production of energy and energy carriers, repair and restoration work, as well as activities for the processing (utilization) or destruction of solid, liquid and gaseous wastes arising during production processes.

Therefore, being elements of industrial activity, an industrial facility is a property complex used by a subject of industrial activity to carry out industrial activity.

Another version of the definition of an industrial object has next view. Industrial facility - an enterprise, workshop, site, unit and other production units used to carry out industrial activities.

A set of industrial facilities combined according to certain characteristics can form new types of industrial facilities:

1. Industrial site.

2. Industrial park.

Industrial hub - a group of enterprises located on the same territory, with common communications, engineering structures, auxiliary industries and farms, and, under appropriate conditions, with cooperation of the main industries.

Industrial parks - a complex of real estate objects (administrative, industrial, warehouse and other premises that ensure the operation of an industrial park) managed by a single park operator with an area of ​​at least 100,000 sq. m and infrastructure that allow compact placement and provide conditions for the efficient operation of small and medium-sized industries.

Since the purpose of our course work is to solve a set of theoretical problems related to the theoretical foundations of the formation of industrial facilities, their legal regulation, planning and design, as well as overcoming the urgent problems of reconstruction and development of industrial zones in cities, we will consider the concept of an industrial facility from the point of view view of architecture and urban planning.

According to clause 1.7. SNiP 2.07.01-89*. “Construction norms and rules of urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements, taking into account the functional use, the territory of the city is divided into:

1. Residential;

2. Production

3. Landscape and recreational.

Within these territories, zones of various functional purposes are distinguished:

1. Residential development.

2. Community centers.

3. Industrial zones.

4. Scientific and research and production zones

5. Communal storage areas.

6. Zones. External transport

7. Public recreation areas.

8. Resort areas (in cities and towns with medical resources), protected landscapes.

The production area is intended to accommodate industrial enterprises and related facilities, complexes of scientific institutions with their pilot production facilities, utility and storage facilities, external transport facilities, extra-urban and suburban communication routes.

Since the production area is a set of production facilities, according to SNiP 2.07.01-89*. “Construction norms and rules of urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements "industrial facilities can include:

1. Directly industrial facilities.

2. Complexes of scientific institutions connected by industrial facilities with their pilot productions.

Also, depending on the type of activity, utility and storage facilities and external transport facilities can be included in the composition of industrial facilities.

Industrial facilities in the course of planning procedures in urban planning are planned, designed and located in the industrial zones of the city. Thus, the industrial zone of the city may consist of industrial enterprises and industrial hubs.

According to the requirements of urban planning normative documents, industrial facilities from among industrial enterprises and units that make up the industrial zone of the city should be located on the territory provided for by the scheme or project of the district planning, the general plan of the city or other settlement, the planning project of the industrial area, which is regulated by the provisions of SNiP II-89-80 - Construction norms and rules master plans for industrial enterprises. Industrial enterprises, as a rule, should be located on the territory of industrial zones (districts) as part of groups of enterprises (industrial hubs) with common auxiliary industries or infrastructure facilities, and in rural settlements as part of industrial zones.

At the same time, when planning the location of industrial zones, it is necessary to ensure their rational transport interconnection with residential areas with minimal time spent on labor movement. On the other hand, the territories of industrial hubs should not, as a rule, be divided into separate sections by railways or roads of a common network.

The size and degree of intensity of use of the territory of industrial zones should be taken depending on the conditions for their placement in the structure of the city and the urban development value of various sections of its territory, providing for multi-storey construction and the use of underground space.

The functional and planning organization of industrial zones should, as a rule, be provided in the form of panels and blocks of the main and auxiliary industries taking into account the industry characteristics of enterprises, sanitary-hygienic and fire-prevention requirements for their placement, cargo turnover and modes of transport, as well as the sequence of construction. In the course of design work on the industrial zone, it is necessary to form an interconnected system of servicing employees at enterprises and the population of residential areas adjacent to the industrial zone.

1.2 Regulatory regulation of construction and placement of industrial facilities

An analysis of the legal acts regulating urban planning activities in terms of industrial facilities showed that the general regulation of urban planning activities in terms of the location and construction of industrial facilities is carried out by Urban Planning Codes or Urban Planning Charters or specialized regulatory legal acts, SNiPs.

The main legislative act in the field of placement and construction of industrial facilities in cities is the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 1998. It defines the main areas of urban planning activities, among which priority is given to environmental indicators - environmentally friendly urban development, rational land use and nature protection, development resort, sanatorium and recreational areas.

The provisions of this code are developed and concretized in other legislative acts. For example, the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of the Environment" puts forward environmental requirements in three areas of urban development, including industrial facilities: planning, planning and urban development; sanitary protection of cities; protection of protective greenery and green areas. The Land Code of the RSFSR contains a regulatory characteristic certain categories urban lands. The Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” dated March 30, 1999 contains in a fairly detailed form the relevant requirements in the field of urban planning. They touch upon the issues of planning and development of cities, functional zones of cities, sanitary protection of the environment, placement of industrial and domestic waste, organization of sanitary protection zones. Legislative and by-laws serve as the basis for the development of urban planning norms and rules, urban planning documentation.

Urban planning standards are a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators that regulate the development and implementation of urban planning documentation, taking into account economic, demographic, natural-climatic, sanitary-hygienic, fire-prevention, environmental requirements and urban development conditions. These standards are developed by Gosstroy in cooperation with the bodies of sanitary and epidemiological supervision, environmental control, and the city administration. Such acts are the Rules for Establishing Permissible Emissions of Harmful Substances by Industrial Enterprises, the Rules for Air Control settlements and etc.

The primary element of town-planning regulation is town-planning documentation. According to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, urban planning documentation for the territories of urban settlements includes urban planning documentation on urban planning for the development of territories of urban settlements and urban planning documentation on the development of territories of urban settlements. Documentation on urban planning includes territorial integrated schemes of urban planning for the development of district territories; master plans for urban settlements; projects features of urban settlements, features of other municipalities. Development documentation contains planning projects for parts of the functional areas of urban settlements; land surveying projects; projects for the development of industrial zones, quarters, microdistricts and other elements of the planning structure of urban settlements. Each city or urban-type settlement must have three types of planning documentation: a master plan for development (reconstruction), planning and development projects for the city, its individual parts, quarters; plan of the land-economic structure of cities. Master plans for the development (reconstruction) of cities have a direct impact on the state of the environment. They are developed for 25 - 30 years, indicating the relevant periods. These plans are subject to approval by higher organizations.

There are three principles that are of fundamental importance in the development of master plans for cities and other documents: the principle of zoning, the principle of environmental safety, the principle of rational organization of the territory. The principle of zoning implies the division of the entire territory of the city, included in the planned space, into four blocks - industrial, residential, cultural and recreational. Environmental safety requirements require taking into account urban planning standards for the placement of roads, residential and administrative buildings, recreation areas, sanitary standards for maximum permissible concentrations and emissions, discharges of harmful substances, for the placement of sanitary protection zones, waste storage, etc.

General plans of the city serve as the basis for the development of projects for the planning and development of the city and its individual parts. In accordance with the legislation, the planning and development of cities and all other settlements must necessarily provide for the creation of the most favorable conditions for the life, recreation and health of the population. The main task that determines the procedure for the integrated improvement of cities is to prevent and eliminate the harmful and dangerous influence of environmental factors on the conditions of human life.

Basic principle regulation environmental protection in the placement or construction of industrial facilities is the presumption of potential environmental hazard of the planned activity, art. 3 of the Federal Law "On the protection of the environment, art. 3 of the Federal Law "On Ecological Expertise". The presence of a positive conclusion of the bodies of environmental and sanitary-epidemiological control and supervision is a necessary condition for the provision land plots for the construction of an industrial facility, approval of design and estimate documentation, construction and commissioning, regardless of ownership and subordination. This rule is a guarantee of observance of human environmental safety. If this rule is not observed, then enterprises, organizations or citizens are obliged to suspend work on the design and construction of facilities, and if it is impossible to comply with sanitary and environmental requirements, they must be completely stopped. It is important to note that simultaneously with the suspension, termination of work, the law requires the termination of their financing by bank institutions. Plans for the land and economic organization of cities provide for the placement of communication links that provide the supply of electricity, water, heat to the population and the discharge of rainwater and waste. They are developed and implemented in accordance with sanitary norms and rules under the control of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the city. All urban planning documentation is subject to mandatory state expertise in the Main Directorate of State Non-Departmental Expertise under the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation (Glavgosexpertiza of Russia). The Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Labor of Russia are involved in such examinations.

1.3 Foreign approach to the design of construction and placement of industrial facilities

In the history of Russia, periods of active involvement of foreign specialists in various fields, including art, painting, architecture, and industrial construction, very often came. One can name many names of great and recognized talents who created our own history in our country. For many of them, Russia has become a second home.

Today, there is an active involvement of foreign specialists to develop projects for various industrial facilities. According to modern domestic specialists from the field of urban planning and design of industrial facilities, in the development of design solutions for the development of territories for various uses, the experience of foreign specialists is often insufficient for the implementation of modern industrial projects. The question here is in the different approaches of our and foreign specialists to this process, and in the specifics of the presentation of the results of the work, and in the degree of detail of the study, etc.

One of the most common arguments in favor of attracting foreign architects is a new experience for our country in this kind of issues, the ability to develop a project for an industrial facility, divorced from often outdated domestic stereotypes.

However, the specialists of CJSC "Central Institute of Standard Design and Urban Planning named after Ya. V. Kositsky", having significant experience in working with foreign design organizations and individual large foreign architects, formulated a number of basic nuances and identified areas of potential risk in the projects of industrial facilities prepared by foreign experts . Let's consider them further in detail.

From a technological point of view, in the European and American system for the preparation of design documentation for industrial facilities, design has, in comparison with Russian system significantly more work steps. So in Russia, design, as a rule, is 2 or 3 stages: a preliminary design sketch, a project and working documentation, or a working draft in total. In world practice, in the amount of adequate pre-project study, they distinguish: idea, concept, fore-sketch, sketch, master plan, etc.

In the global context, each individual site of a planned and designed industrial facility is most often already provided with engineering networks, connection points along the site boundary, and transport infrastructure, and an entrance has been allocated to the site. These conditions are mandatory for the site to be put up for tender and purchased by the developer.

In Russian practice, the investor himself receives the technical conditions for connecting to networks that can be significantly removed from the site, while in some cases there is no technical and legal possibility to connect to the backbone networks, and therefore, the investor is forced to give part land plot, originally planned entirely for a new industrial facility, for the placement of the necessary engineering structures(VZU, treatment facilities, etc.), and this situation is incomprehensible to a foreign designer, which leads to significant mismatches in the project. It is for this reason that in the vast majority of foreign concepts this issue has not been resolved at all.

In international practice, everything is determined only by the terms of reference and regulations for the use of the site. However, in Russia there are widely developed design standards that differ from international regulations.

The task of any architect is, first of all, to create an image, originality and exclusivity of the project, while from the position of the architect, the question of the justification of significant costs is not fully taken into account, because priority is given to the harmony of the design solution. Currently, many investors of industrial facilities in Russia, in addition to performing purely technical functions, are tuned in to the aesthetic principle of elegant simplicity in the design of industrial facilities.

However, in this case, relief features, hydrological and geological characteristics of the site, and the like can be of great importance. As a result, with a purely Western approach to the design of industrial facilities, with a high weight of the aesthetic component, they entail a rather high level of costs in Russian conditions, primarily related to the improvement of the territory of an industrial facility, the movement of soil, the construction of artificial reservoirs, retaining walls, pressure networks and the need to downgrade high level ground water.

Often, the only way out of such a situation is either a clear realization that, having paid foreign specialists, the investor receives the name of a foreign architect and an “idea”, which subsequently requires a full-fledged, lengthy and expensive revision, taking into account the specifics Russian legislation and regulatory and reference materials used in the planning and design of industrial facilities.

Therefore, based on this, it is necessary to calculate the additional costs of resources for the project - financial, time, human. Or still require the foreign specialist to fulfill their obligations under the contract in full. But as the practice of Russian specialists-designers of industrial facilities shows, it is possible to wait for full and adequate such documentation from foreign specialists for a long time and sometimes to no avail, and in the end, most likely, it will be necessary to involve Russian specialists for revision and correction.

In addition, during the implementation of the project for the construction of an industrial facility, a unique foreign idea, being put on the domestic soil of norms and requirements for the project, can change to a large extent, which in turn already depends on the level of competence of the domestic designer, his ability to offer the most rational methods solutions to certain problems.

Foreigners in our country are mostly designers, conceptualists. It is impossible to demand from Western architects to work exclusively within the framework of domestic specifics, when such an approach is extremely common among Russian designers.

In some cases, the question is the level of competence of the customers themselves. When the staff in a development organization is not so qualified that they cannot formulate the task that is set for any designer (both foreign and domestic), cannot technical task for the development of project documentation, it is not correct to blame the designer in this case. Returning to the essence of the issue, I will say that such problems associated with the concept developed by foreign architects quite often confront Customers. Our institute successfully helps to solve them.

However, the presence of such a concept (or even a whole booklet of a colorful presentation) does not relieve the Customer from the costs of developing the "Pre-project study". Much depends on the quality of materials received from foreign designers and the professionalism of their developer.

Sometimes a new idea, a fresh approach, a big name is needed, and a number of investors, like many generations of our compatriots, turn to foreigners, but this does not always bring the desired result.

Thus, we can conclude that it is far from always, and the involvement of foreign specialists in the tasks of designing industrial facilities is the only and correct way out in solving various problems that arise in projects of this scale.

Therefore, the most effective is a full-fledged project approach to the implementation of the tasks of planning and designing industrial facilities, which allows combining the competencies, skills and work of foreign and domestic designers.

2. Principles of location of industrial facilities in the city

2.1 Urban planning of industrial zones

The industrial zone of the city consists of industrial enterprises and industrial hubs. Industrial facilities from among industrial enterprises and units that make up the industrial zone of the city should be located on the territory provided for by the scheme or project of the district planning, the general plan of the city or other settlement, the planning project of the industrial area, which is regulated by the provisions of SNiP II-89-80 - Construction norms and rules general plans of industrial enterprises.

Enterprises, industrial units and associated dumps, waste, treatment facilities should be located on non-agricultural lands or unsuitable for agriculture. The territories of industrial hubs should not, as a rule, be divided into separate sections by railways or roads of a common network. At the same time, the placement of enterprises and industrial units is not allowed:

a) in the first belt of the zone of sanitary protection of water supply sources;

b) in the first zone of the district of sanitary protection of resorts, if the objects being designed are not directly related to the operation of the resort's natural medicinal products;

c) in green areas of cities;

d) on the lands of nature reserves and their protected zones;

e) in the zones of protection of historical and cultural monuments without the permission of the relevant authorities for the protection of monuments;

f) in hazardous areas of rock dumps of coal and shale mines or processing plants;

g) in areas of active karst, landslides, subsidence or collapse of the surface under the influence of mining, mudflows and snow avalanches, which may threaten the development and operation of enterprises;

h) in areas contaminated with organic and radioactive waste, before the expiration date. established by the bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service;

i) in areas of possible catastrophic flooding as a result of the destruction of dams or dams.

Enterprises and industrial units with sources of atmospheric air pollution with harmful substances of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes should not be located in areas with prevailing winds at a speed of up to 1 m/s, with prolonged or frequently recurring calms, inversions, fogs (for a year more than 30-40%, during winter 50-60% days). Enterprises and industrial units with sources of atmospheric air pollution should be located in relation to residential buildings, taking into account the prevailing winds.

Enterprises that require special purity of atmospheric air should not be located on the leeward side of the winds of the prevailing direction in relation to neighboring enterprises with sources of atmospheric air pollution.

An important condition is that between the industrial and residential areas it is necessary to provide a sanitary protection zone. Industrial hubs, which include enterprises that require, according to the calculation, the organization of a sanitary protection zone with a width of 500 m or more, should not include enterprises that, in accordance with the chapter of the SNiP on the planning and development of cities, towns and rural settlements, can be located near borders or within a residential area.

The layout of the sites of enterprises and territories of industrial sites should provide the most favorable conditions for production process and labor at enterprises, rational and economical use of land and the greatest efficiency of capital investments.

The master plans of reconstructed industrial enterprises and the master plans of existing industrial areas should provide for the streamlining of functional zoning and the placement of engineering networks. The master plans for industrial facilities should provide for:

a) functional zoning of the territory, taking into account technological connections, sanitary and hygienic and fire safety requirements, cargo turnover and modes of transport;

b) rational production, transport and engineering communications at enterprises, between them and the residential area;

c) cooperation of main and auxiliary industries and farms, including similar industries and farms serving the residential part of the city or settlement;

d) intensive use of the territory, including ground and underground spaces with the necessary and reasonable reserves for the expansion of enterprises:

e) organization of a unified network for servicing workers;

f) the possibility of construction and commissioning of start-up complexes or phases:

g) improvement of the territory (site);

h) creation of a single architectural ensemble in conjunction with the architecture of adjacent enterprises and residential development;

i) protection of adjacent territories from erosion, swamping, salinization and pollution of groundwater and open water bodies by sewage, waste and waste from enterprises;

j) restoration (reclamation) of land allotted for temporary use, disturbed during construction.

The master plan of an industrial facility should take into account the natural features of the construction area:

a) air temperature, as well as the prevailing wind direction;

b) possible changes in the existing regime of permafrost soils in the process of construction and operation of buildings and structures;

c) the possibility of large snow deposits due to the presence of hills or elevations of relief on the leeward side of the plots of the planned development;

d) changes in the supra-permafrost water regime as a result of site development and the impact of these changes on the thermal regime of permafrost soils.

On the sites of enterprises and on the territory of industrial centers of production should be placed taking into account the exclusion of harmful effects on workers, technological processes, raw materials, equipment and products of other enterprises, as well as on the health and sanitary and living conditions of the population.

Auxiliary buildings should be located outside the circulation zone (aerodynamic shadow) formed by buildings and structures, if there are sources of atmospheric air pollution with harmful substances of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes on the site. According to the functional use, the site of the enterprise should be divided into zones:

a) pre-factory (outside the fence or the conditional border of the enterprise);

b) production;

c) auxiliary;

d) warehouse;

The territory of the industrial hub should be divided into zones:

e) public center;

c) sites of enterprises;

g) common facilities of auxiliary industries and farms.

The composition of the public center of an industrial facility should be determined in each specific case based on the town-planning situation, the availability of enterprises servicing the production, technological and sanitary and hygienic features of individual enterprises, the architectural and planning solution of the industrial unit.

As a rule, the composition of the public center should include production management institutions, enterprises Catering, vocational and secondary specialized educational establishments, specialized healthcare institutions, consumer services enterprises.

In the zone of common facilities of auxiliary industries and farms, as a rule, objects of energy supply, water supply and sewerage, transport, repair facilities, fire stations, dump facilities of the industrial unit should be located. The scheme of transport of an industrial unit should provide for:

a) combination of transport facilities and devices for different modes of transport;

b) the use of structures and devices designed for other purposes under the subgrade and artificial structures of railways and highways;

c) the possibility of further development of the scheme of external transport.

At the sites of industrial enterprises, the minimum required number of buildings should be provided.

Production ancillary and storage facilities should be combined into one or more large buildings. The placement of detached buildings is allowed only with a feasibility study or technological necessity

2.2 Designing zones of industrial facilities in the city

First, let's consider the design of zones of industrial enterprises as part of industrial facilities. Industrial enterprises, as a rule, should be located on the territory of industrial zones, districts, as part of groups of enterprises or industrial centers with common auxiliary production or infrastructure facilities, and in rural settlements as part of industrial zones.

When placing industrial zones, it is necessary to ensure their rational relationship with residential areas with minimal time spent on labor movements. The size and degree of intensity of use of the territory of industrial zones should be taken depending on the conditions for their placement in the structure of the city and the urban development value of various sections of its territory, providing for multi-storey construction and the use of underground space.

The functional and planning organization of industrial zones should, as a rule, be provided in the form of panels and blocks of main and auxiliary industries, taking into account the industry characteristics of enterprises, sanitary and hygienic and fire safety requirements for their location, freight turnover and modes of transport, as well as the sequence of construction. At the same time, it is necessary to form an interconnected system of servicing employees at enterprises and the population of residential areas adjacent to the industrial zone.

The territory occupied by the sites of industrial enterprises and other production facilities, institutions and service enterprises should, as a rule, be at least 60% of the entire territory of the industrial zone. The occupancy of the territory of the industrial zone is defined as a percentage as the ratio of the sum of the sites of industrial enterprises and related facilities within the fence (or, in the absence of a fence, within the conditional boundaries corresponding to it), as well as service establishments, including the area occupied by railway stations, to the total territory of the industrial zone defined by the general plan of the city. The occupied territories should include reserve sites on the site of the enterprise, planned in accordance with the design assignment for the placement of buildings and structures on them. The normative size of the site of an industrial enterprise is assumed to be equal to the ratio of its built-up area to the indicator of the normative density of building sites of industrial enterprises in accordance with SNiP II-89-80.

If it is impossible to eliminate the harmful impact of an enterprise located within a residential area on the environment, it should be provided for a reduction in capacity, a re-profiling of an enterprise or a separate production facility, or its relocation outside the residential area. Sanitary protection zones should be provided if, after carrying out all technical and technological measures for the purification and neutralization of harmful emissions, noise reduction, the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the residential area and the maximum permissible noise levels are not provided.

The dimensions of such zones should be established in accordance with the current sanitary standards for the location of industrial enterprises and the Methodology for calculating the concentration in the atmospheric air of harmful substances contained in the emissions of enterprises, approved by the USSR State Hydrometeorological Committee, as well as taking into account the requirements for noise protection and other requirements given in Sec. 9 of these rules.

Industrial areas separated from residential areas by a sanitary protection zone more than 1000 m wide should not include enterprises with a sanitary protection zone up to 100 m, especially food and light industry enterprises. In the sanitary protection zone, it is not allowed to place residential buildings, preschool institutions, general education schools, healthcare and recreation institutions, sports facilities, gardens, parks, horticultural associations and vegetable gardens. The minimum area of ​​landscaping of sanitary protection zones should be taken depending on the width of the zone,%: up to 300 m - 60, sv. 300 to 1000 m 50, St. 1000 to 3000 m.- 40%. From the side of the residential area, it is necessary to provide a strip of tree and shrub plantations with a width of at least 50 m, and with a zone width of up to 100 m - at least 20 m.

The construction of dumps, sludge reservoirs, tailings, waste and refuse from enterprises is allowed only if it is justified that their disposal is impossible; at the same time, for industrial areas and units, as a rule, centralized (group) dumps should be provided. Sites for them should be located outside the enterprises and the II zone of the zone of sanitary protection of underground water sources in compliance with sanitary standards, as well as safety standards or rules approved or agreed with the Gosstroy of Russia.

The next group of sub-objects possible as part of an industrial facility are scientific and research-and-production facilities that form a zone. The composition of the scientific and scientific-industrial zone and the conditions for the location of individual research institutes and pilot plants should be determined taking into account environmental impact factors.

On the territory of the scientific and scientific-industrial zone, institutions of science and scientific service, pilot production and related higher and secondary educational institutions, institutions and service enterprises, as well as engineering and transport communications and facilities should be located. The number of workers in the research and production zone located within the residential area should not exceed 15 thousand people. The size of land plots of scientific institutions should be taken (per 1000 m2 of total area), ha, not more than: natural and technical sciences 0.14 - 0.2, social sciences - 0.1 - 0.12. At the same time, the given norm does not include experimental fields, polygons, reserve territories, sanitary protection zones.

Another possible element in the structure of industrial facilities is utility and storage enterprises and buildings that form. utility storage area. On the territories of communal storage zones, enterprises of the food (food flavor, meat and dairy) industry, general goods (food and non-food), specialized warehouses (refrigerators, potato, vegetable, fruit storage), enterprises of public utilities, transport and consumer services to the population of the city should be located.

A system of warehouse complexes that are not directly related to the daily services of the population should be formed outside the large and largest cities, bringing them closer to the nodes of external, mainly railway transport.

Outside the territory of cities and their green zones, in separate storage areas of the suburban zone, in compliance with sanitary, fire and special standards, dispersed placement of warehouses of state reserves, warehouses of oil and oil products of the first group, oil and oil products transshipment bases, warehouses of liquefied gases, warehouses of explosives should be provided. materials and basic warehouses for highly toxic substances, basic warehouses for food, fodder and industrial raw materials, timber transshipment bases, basic warehouses for timber and building materials.

The size of land plots of warehouses intended to serve settlements is allowed to be taken at the rate of 2 m2 per person in the largest and largest cities, taking into account the construction of multi-storey warehouses, and 2.5 m2 - in other settlements.

In resort cities, the size of communal storage areas for serving patients and vacationers should be taken at the rate of 6 m2 per one patient or vacationer, and if greenhouse and greenhouse facilities are located in these areas, 8 m2. In cities, the total area of ​​collective storage facilities for agricultural products is determined at the rate of 4-5 m2 per family. The number of families using storage facilities is set by the design brief.

Service establishments in industrial areas are divided into those located at enterprises (service radius 0.3-0.5 km) and cultural, educational, scientific, located, as a rule, in pre-factory areas. When designing, they strive to cooperate with institutions in groups of enterprises, as well as with service institutions in adjacent residential areas.

The design of service facilities in recreation areas is carried out taking into account: the maximum one-time capacity of the zone (the number of vacationers at the same time on a summer non-working day); seasonal fluctuations in the number and composition of vacationers (age, professional, etc.); location of the zone (in the city, in relation to the city) and its transport links. The organization of service and the composition of service institutions are differentiated by types of recreation: specialized recreation areas (children's, one-day, tourism) and mixed (several different types of recreation).

2.3 Landscaping industrial facilities

From the point of view of improvement, the main provisions for the improvement of industrial facilities are reflected in SNiP II (Building norms and rules, master plans for industrial enterprises SNiP II-89-80_.

Enterprises and industrial sites located in areas exposed to winds with an average speed of more than 10 m/s during the three coldest months should be protected by tree plantation strips from the prevailing wind direction. The width of the lanes must be at least 40 m.

For landscaping the sites of enterprises and the territory of industrial sites, local species of woody and shrubby plants should be used, taking into account their sanitary-protective and decorative properties and resistance to harmful substances emitted by enterprises.

Existing tree plantations should be preserved wherever possible. On the sites of enterprises that emit harmful substances into the atmosphere, it is not allowed to place tree and shrub plantations in the form of dense groups and strips that cause accumulation of harmful substances.

The area of ​​plots intended for landscaping within the fence of the enterprise should be determined at the rate of at least 3 m2 per one worker in the most numerous shift.

For enterprises with 300 employees. and more per 1 hectare of the site of the enterprise, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bplots intended for landscaping may be reduced based on the provision established indicator building density. size limit plots intended for landscaping should not exceed 15% of the site of the enterprise,

Landscaping is allowed to be placed on the coverings of buildings. As landscaping, it is allowed to use "mobile gardens", placing trees and shrubs in containers. The distance from buildings and structures to trees and shrubs should be taken not less than those indicated in Table. 1.

The distances between the border of tree plantations and cooling ponds and spray pools, counting from the coastal edge, should be at least 40 m. The main element of landscape gardening for industrial sites should be a lawn.

On the territory of the enterprise, well-maintained areas for recreation and gymnastic exercises for employees should be provided. Sites should be located on the windward side in relation to buildings with industries that emit harmful emissions into the atmosphere. The dimensions of the sites should be taken at the rate of not more than 1 m2 per worker in the most numerous shift.

Table 1.

Distances from buildings and structures to trees during landscaping of industrial facilities

Elements of buildings and structures

Distance, m, to the axis

tree trunk


Outer edges of the bottom of the retaining walls

Edge of sidewalks and garden paths

Side stone or edge of a reinforced road shoulder

Underground networks:

gas pipelines, sewers

heating networks (from the channel walls)

pipelines of heating networks for channelless laying of water pipelines, drainage

power cables and communication cables

External faces of building walls

Axes of railway tracks

Masts and supports of the lighting network, trams, columns, galleries and flyovers

Slope soles, etc.

Notes : 1. The given norms refer to trees with a crown diameter of not more than 5 m and should be increased accordingly for trees with a crown of a larger diameter.

2. Distances from overhead electrical networks to trees should be taken in accordance with the "Electrical Installation Rules".

For enterprises with industries that emit aerosols, decorative ponds, fountains, rain installations, which increase the concentration of harmful substances at the sites of enterprises, should not be provided.

Along main and industrial roads, sidewalks should be provided in all cases, regardless of the intensity of pedestrian traffic, and along driveways and entrances - with a traffic intensity of at least 100 people per shift. Sidewalks on the site of the enterprise or the territory of the industrial hub should be located no closer than 3.75 m from the nearest normal gauge railway track. Reduction of this distance (but not less than the dimensions of the approach of buildings) is allowed when installing railings enclosing the sidewalk. The distance from the axis of the railway track, along which hot goods are transported, to the sidewalks must be at least 5 m. Sidewalks along the buildings should be placed:

a) in case of organized drainage of water from the roofs of buildings - close to the building line with an increase in the width of the sidewalk by 0.5 m in this case (against that provided for by the norms of clause 3.82);

b) in case of unorganized drainage of water from roofs - at least 1.5 m from the building line.

The width of the sidewalk should be taken as a multiple of the traffic lane with a width of 0.75 m. one lane change. The minimum width of the sidewalk should be at least 1.5 m. With a pedestrian traffic intensity of less than 100 people per hour in both directions, sidewalks with a width of 1 m are allowed, and when moving along them for disabled people using wheelchairs - a width of 1.2 m.

Sidewalk slopes intended for the possible passage of disabled people using wheelchairs should not exceed longitudinal - 5%, transverse -1%. At the intersection of such sidewalks with the carriageway of the enterprise's roads, the height of the side stone should not exceed 4 cm. to the carriageway of the highway is allowed only in the conditions of reconstruction of the enterprise. When the sidewalk adjoins the roadway, the sidewalk must be at the level of the top of the side stone, but not less than 15 cm above the roadway.

When reconstructing enterprises located in crowded areas, it is allowed, with appropriate justification, to increase the width of highways due to landscaping strips separating them from sidewalks, and in their absence, at the expense of sidewalks with the transfer of the latter.

On the sites of enterprises and territories of industrial hubs, the intersection of pedestrian traffic with railway tracks in places of mass passage of workers, as a rule, is not allowed. Crossings at different levels (mainly in tunnels) should be provided in cases of crossing station tracks, including exhaust ones; transportation of liquid metals and slag along the routes; the production of shunting work on crossed paths and the impossibility of stopping it for the duration of the mass passage of people; sludge on the tracks of wagons, heavy traffic (more than 50 deliveries per day in both directions). When moving around the territory of the enterprise, disabled people using wheelchairs, pedestrian tunnels must be equipped with ramps.

Crossings of motor roads with pedestrian paths should be designed in accordance with the chapter of SNiP on the planning and development of cities, towns and rural settlements.

3. Types of industrial facilities, taking into account the regional aspect

3.1 Problems of location of industrial facilities and ways to solve them

The problem of the moral instability of industrial development refers, first of all, to large and multi-object industrial enterprises, where the development phases of building development of different socio-economic eras leave a significant legacy.

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An industrial facility is an enterprise, site, workshop, unit and other production units that are used to carry out industrial activities. An industrial facility is the basis of any industrial infrastructure, therefore, when designing it, it is necessary to take into account all technological features. At all stages of design, attention must be paid to all the elements required to ensure optimal conditions for future technological processes. Developed project documentation must strictly correspond to the purpose of production.

Features of industrial design

Design of industrial facilities may be carried out in one or two stages. One-stage design is carried out for technically simple objects, the construction of which is planned to be carried out according to standard or reusable economical projects. Design in two stages involves the development of a technical project with a consolidated estimate and financial calculation, after its approval, working drawings are developed.

Industrial design is carried out by a team of different specialists. When designing industrial buildings and structures, existing norms and standards are used:

  • SNiP (building norms and rules);
  • TP (technical rules);
  • CH (sanitary standards);
  • GOSTs.

An integral part of the design of industrial facilities is a thorough analysis of the future impact of an industrial facility on the environment.

Design stages

The main stages in the design of industrial buildings are:

  1. Goal Planning. At this stage, a feasibility study or feasibility studies are developed, which should establish the economic and technical feasibility and economic necessity of building or reconstructing an enterprise. At this stage, the following is also carried out: the selection of a construction site, the allocation of a land plot, the preparation and approval of a design assignment.
  2. Design and survey works s. This is the stage of development of design estimates based on the decisions made in the design assignment.
  3. Sketch design. At this stage, the ideal design is carried out, then the real solution is configured by bringing the ideal sketch to the real environmental conditions based on the logistics, etc.
  4. Detailed design involves the addition and detailing of preliminary sketches to be implemented and the preparation of the project for implementation.
  5. Executive project development- this is a design taking into account all the necessary measures for the successful implementation of the project.
  6. The implementation of the project includes architectural supervision and control over the course of the project and the commissioning of the facility.

"Project Group YUG" - architectural design of industrial facilities

Industrial design is a very time-consuming and responsible process, the successful completion of which depends on the professionalism of the specialists working on the project and perfect coordination with the customer. An unprofessional design of an industrial facility cannot ensure the safe and reliable operation of future production. Our specialists have extensive experience in industrial design, so we can carry out a full range of design work at a high professional level, taking into account all technical standards, the intended purpose of the facility and the wishes of the customer.