Where to invest 30,000 rubles to earn money. Where can you invest a small amount of money? Where not to invest money so as not to go broke - the main mistakes of investing

Investing is an effective way to manage available funds. There are many ways to make profitable investments, and a suitable option can be selected for each category of the population.

Education and art, currency and precious metals, virtual real estate and financial markets - each type has its own advantages and weaknesses. To all this is added, which sometimes require small investments.

Investing in bank deposits

Banks are the most reliable and popular way to invest funds, but they are far from the most profitable. Moreover, taking into account inflation, we can rather talk about storage than about increase. Among the obvious advantages:

  • predictability,
  • stability,
  • refund of amounts in full in case of bank problems (if the amount does not exceed 600 thousand rubles),
  • minimal risks,
  • bonus programs and promotions.

When deciding where to invest 30 thousand rubles, it is better to use the rating of the top 10 banks in the country. In this case, the guarantee of the reliability of the institution, and therefore the safety of money, is much higher.

Even 15-17% per annum for experienced and professional investors seems like nothing, barely covering the annual depreciation. Therefore, this method is already considered conservative.

Investing in websites

Buying websites can be a very good investment. 30,000 rubles is enough to select a good option.

Profitability depends on competent monetization and resource management. The more expensive the site, the higher the likelihood of a successful investment.

Selection criteria:

  • site age,
  • subject,
  • traffic,
  • income levels,
  • source of income.

The risks and stability of a good online website are comparable to investing in real estate or offline businesses. An obvious plus is that large sums are not required to start a business.

Investing in currency

Investing in currencies is based on the principle - buy low, sell high.

There is access to hundreds of currencies from different countries, but it really makes sense to choose from a narrow range of base currencies that have positive growth trends over the long term.

Countries with ever-increasing debt and low GDP cannot be called attractive from the point of view of purchasing their currency.
The top rating is:

  • U.S,
  • Japanese yen,
  • Euro,
  • CNY,
  • british pound,
  • Swiss frank.

Important features of investing in currency:

  • Mastering the forecasting method using analysis.
  • The dependence of currencies among themselves, which determines relativity. For example, even if the trend of the euro is declining, the ruble will still be profitable to convert this currency as long as domestic indicators are lower.
  • The tendency of exchange rates to follow long-term trends, which means that it is possible to start investing with the establishment of a new price trend.
  • Unlike speculation, investing in currency is long-term in nature and does not involve reacting to short-term exchange rate fluctuations.

Investing in shares

The possibility of making a good profit is the main argument in favor of investing in stocks. There are three types of earnings in this area:

  • Receiving dividends.
  • Lowering the exchange rate and making money on this based on the principle of buying cheap and selling dear.
  • Depreciation: shares are borrowed from a broker and sold at a high price, and after the price depreciates, they are bought back and returned. The difference between the cost is the profit.

Reasons for choosing this type of investment:

  • the possibility of making a profit on average up to 60%,
  • the actual impossibility of complete ruin,
  • small amounts at the start are enough,
  • success is determined by the ability to competently forecast and manage funds.

Investing in Forex

Any more or less thinking person who has the desire to work and access to the Internet can profitably invest the available 30 thousand rubles on Forex.

The international and largest foreign exchange market allows you to implement all the rules of an investor: investing, saving, increasing and control.
The main aspects of investing in Forex:

  • availability of a wide selection of financial instruments,
  • access to all major exchanges in the world,
  • availability of a large amount of educational and news information,
  • the presence of risk, which is caused by external and subjective reasons,
  • the possibility of making a profit that is not comparable with the size of bank deposits.

Investing in PAMM accounts

The trust management system is an effective high-risk passive financial instrument for generating income. The main feature is the possibility of earning money “with someone else’s hands” without having certain knowledge, experience and in conditions of time shortage.

Such an innovative source allows you to make good money even with minimal investment. The manager carries out trading for a certain percentage of the transaction. The main criterion for selecting an entity or company is official activity and reputation.

PAMM accounts can bring profits that are tens of times greater than investments. It is not necessary to open a new account. You can use ready-made PAMM portfolios that have proven their effectiveness over time.

Investing in binary options

Binary options allow you to earn up to 70% profit in 15-20 minutes. This is a risky investment, but the risk is worth the opportunity.

A key factor influencing success is the accuracy of forecasts for asset movements over a certain period of time. Thus, the result depends on the investor himself.

You will learn where you can profitably invest 300,000-400,000 rubles, what business ideas will bring a guaranteed return on investment, how to invest so that the money does not disappear

Greetings to the readers of our business magazine! The founder of the online magazine “HeatherBober” Alexander Berezhnov is with you again.

The topic of the next publication is financial investments. This article will be interesting and useful to everyone who has a certain amount of money and wants to invest their money in a profitable business.

So, let's go!

If you are not satisfied with a fixed salary, working as a hired force and your current standard of living, it’s time for you to change your relationship with finance in the most dramatic way. Money can be made to make money: moreover, there is every chance of turning this process into a source of constant passive income.

You can increase your level of well-being through smart investing. There are a large number of effective financial instruments that will help you spin your money and get a solid profit.

An amount of 300-400 thousand rubles is ideal for launching a successful investment project. In this article we will tell you where to invest money to make money, but first we’ll talk about the principles of smart investing.

Investor's golden rules

The larger the amount, the more opportunities the investor has, but at the same time, the danger of losing money as a result of ill-considered monetary transactions increases. To prevent this from happening, experts in the field of profitable investments have developed rules for safe investments.

These rules will help you not to lose money during financial transactions and minimize risks.

Rule 1. Diversify your investments.

Such a complex word means a simple truth - never invest all your money (especially if the amount is impressive) in one company (PAMM account, project). Divide your investment portfolio into several parts - preferably equal ones - and distribute them in different directions.

Why is splitting contributions so important? The reason is simple - not all investment niches are 100% reliable. Some companies you invest in may go bankrupt.

If you put money into one account, your capital after the bankruptcy of your partner will be zero. If there were several accounts, the loss of one of them will not be a disaster for the total amount of deposits.

Rule 2. Invest only free money.

What does it mean? This means that you can only put into circulation those assets that do not affect your family’s standard of living.

Sometimes money is not physically available until a certain period has expired. In some financial transactions, according to the terms of the transaction, you cannot even receive the body of the deposit until the funds “turn around”. For this reason, in addition to investment money, you must have safety nets.

Rule 3. Control risks.

It would seem that the rule is obvious and does not need detailed elaboration, but according to statistics, novice investors ignore this principle most often.

Beginners often make decisions based on emotions and incorrect conclusions. They see only the final figures of possible profits and completely forget about existing risks. Repeated miscalculation, checking partners, caution and lack of haste in financial matters - these are the factors that will help you save and increase money.

We advise inexperienced investors to start with conservative investments made in accordance with all the rules of competent handling of finances. Remember that even talented businessmen often lose their investments, let alone neophytes in the world of investment.

Rule 4. Withdraw the deposit body as soon as possible.

Would you like to profitably invest 30,000 rubles, but don’t know where and how best to do it? In this article we will offer you several investment options, among which you can choose the best offer for yourself.

Bank deposit

When discussing the topic of where it is best to invest a small amount, many people are inclined to open a bank deposit. This investment option is called passive income, because... it does not require any action from the investor; all operations to increase money are performed by the bank.

Today, in almost every city in our country there are more than a dozen banking organizations that are ready to offer favorable conditions for depositors. This option is convenient not only because the investor practically does not need any special knowledge in the field of investing, but it is also attractive because of its reliability.

The fact is that today almost every banking organization is part of a deposit insurance system for an amount of up to 1.4 million rubles. This means that your investments will be reliably protected by the state.

An additional advantage is that you will always clearly know when, how much and within what time frame you can receive your profit, while the money initially deposited into the account can always be returned unchanged. No other type of investment has such parameters; there are risks everywhere.

  1. — here there is a deposit “Double income (ILI agreement for five years)” with a minimum investment of 30,000 rubles for 3 months. A maximum percentage of up to 8.8% is offered with the condition of opening an investment account;
  2. Expert Bank - in one of its offices, existing clients can apply for the “For Our Own+” product at an interest rate of up to 8.5% per annum. The offer is valid for one and a half years, accepted from 1000 rubles;
  3. They will make you an offer for a seasonal deposit “New Year's maximum”. They accept amounts from 10,000 rubles. for 1 year with a yield of up to 8.25% per annum;
  4. Moscow Industrial Bank - there is a “Classic” deposit, for which the maximum rate will be 8.25% per year. It is necessary to deposit at least 30 thousand for 1.5 years, payments at the end of the term;
  5. offers to open a “Renaissance Profitable” deposit and receive up to 8.25% annual income. You need to deposit from 30,000 rubles. for 1.5 years with the possibility of early preferential termination of the contract;
  6. Also interesting is the one that accepts an amount from 3 thousand for a period of 3 years under the “Urgent” program, while offering a rate of up to 8%;
  7. — here you can make a “Profitable” deposit with a deposit of 3000 for 4 years, the interest is promised up to 8%, payment occurs at the end of the contract.

Where else can you invest a small amount?

If passive income is not an option for you, then you can consider riskier investment options.

  • For example, short-term loans. Today, many people have a need to receive small amounts of money, but there is no opportunity to go to the bank (bad CI, unofficial work, etc.). This is where loans from a private individual at interest can come to the rescue, i.e. from you. The most important thing is to draw up a receipt correctly; details are in this article.
  • If you are willing to take risks for a good profit, then consider options for making money on the stock exchange using a Forex deposit or trust management. For beginners, we recommend the second option, because... it allows you to earn income even without sufficient knowledge.
  • Do you have friends who also have small amounts of money and want to earn money? Team up to create a small business reselling goods or providing seasonal services. How you can make money in trading is described.
  • Invest in yourself, your knowledge and skills. Nowadays it is education that allows people to find themselves and their place in this life, to obtain the necessary information to create their own business. Books, trainings, online courses, advanced training, all this will benefit you and help you in the future;
  • Purchasing securities from private companies, or. The second option is more popular, since federal loan bonds are highly reliable. They are issued by the Ministry of Finance, i.e. in essence, you transfer your money to the state for a short period of time, and at the same time receive a good profit, comparable to or even slightly higher than what banks offer.

Thus, even if you have an amount of 30 thousand rubles, you can easily find ideas where to invest. We also recommend reading investor advice on investing 15,000 rubles and 50,000 rubles. You can learn about other options for making a profit from reader reviews

You don't have to be worth millions to become an investor. You can start working with your money small. But what to do if you said to yourself “I want to invest money,” but you don’t know how and how much you can get from an investment of 5,000 to 100,000 rubles? Let's look at the main ways to turn a small amount into a profitable investment.

What does "invest" mean?

When they say “invest”, this means not just spending money on a profitable purchase, but investing money in order to increase your capital - they bring more money to the investor. Capital gains occur due to the “work” of finances that do not just lie under the mattress. However, investing by its very nature involves risk. You need to take this into account when choosing a way to invest your savings.

Where to invest 5000 rubles?

Even such a tiny amount can be invested to benefit your own budget. But the list of areas where investors can invest small amounts of money is limited. Only one proposal to increase capital of this size can be considered successful - lending money at interest.

Today there are various methods to become a private lender:

This method of investing money is easily scalable - you can always increase the amount of investment by issuing more and more loans. Many services have the ability to insure risks.

  • Minuses– high risk of non-return, need to track transactions.
  • pros– enormous profitability and high diversification of risks.

An investment of 5,000 rubles in a year can turn into 6,000 – 18,000 rubles.

Where to invest 10,000 rubles?

Benefits cannot always be measured in money. You can also invest in intangible assets, which will subsequently generate income. Thus, we can talk about profitable investments when it comes to spending on education and improving the professional skills of the investor himself.

So, where to invest 10 thousand rubles if we are talking about self-education? This capital can be spent on your own education: take foreign language courses, attend lectures by specialized experts, attend a number of seminars on relevant topics, or simply buy books and use them in your work or investment activities.

Such expenses will pay off by increasing your demand as a specialist in the labor market, which means an increase in wages, and a novice investor can use the acquired skills to wisely allocate funds in the future.

Where to invest 30 thousand rubles?

It is profitable to invest such a relatively small amount with a long-term perspective, so as not to withdraw large sums from your own budget for a long period. The following investments can become such long-term income-generating projects.

1. Anonymized metal account.

The investor gets the opportunity to convert money into gold (silver, platinum, palladium and others) without extra effort. By placing his funds in such an account, the client owns the equivalent of the amount in these at the current rate. The price of gold or other metal rises, which means that the amount of capital also grows. But the risk of a fall in the price of the asset still exists, and the difference between the purchase price and the sale price often “eats up” the entire income. This option is only suitable for investments for the long term - the trend of rising prices for real precious metals is still in effect (sometimes reaching 20% ​​per year), but recessions can last for several months, so it is better not to plan a quick withdrawal of funds from compulsory medical insurance, but to wait for the rate to rise.

  • Minuses– dependence on the price of assets in the precious metals market, which is known for its volatility in the economic situation, as well as the lack of passive income – benefits can only be obtained after the closure of compulsory medical insurance and recalculation of the value of existing assets at the current rate.
  • pros– opportunity to earn a high income.

In total, for a year of placing funds on compulsory medical insurance, you can get back not 30,000, but 36,000 rubles.

2. Investment insurance.

Not so common offers for endowment life insurance with payment in 5-10 years or more. During this period, it is necessary to regularly make contributions in the amount of 30,000 rubles per year or more, in order to then receive the entire amount of these funds with accrued interest. The growth is achieved through capital management (10% per annum and above), the minimum payment limit is guaranteed, and the loss limit is fixed by contract.

  • Minuses– minimum supply on the market, significant risks and reduced profitability, as well as the need to make regular payments under the fear of losing past investments.
  • pros– additional payments in case of accidents and disability, the possibility of returning contributions to heirs.

In total, you can count on the fact that for each year the insurance company will increase 30,000 rubles to 33,000 rubles.

3. Mutual funds.

Investments in mutual funds are possible even with such a small amount. The management company will diversify the fund's capital and distribute risks in order to minimize them. The function of replenishing your account is available. Instead of spending time on stock analytics and Forex trading on their own, the investor delegates this to professionals. Profitability or losses depend both on the qualifications of the management company and on the market situation and can vary from a loss of 1-5% per annum to an increase of 1-15% per annum or more.

  • Minuses– high risks of losing funds in the short term.
  • pros- Opportunity to earn a high income.

In a year you can turn your initial investment into 34,500 rubles.

Where to invest 50 thousand rubles?

Having an amount of 50,000 rubles can allow you to be a conservative investor, because... It’s a shame to lose that kind of money, so the risks should be minimal. The following solutions can be considered as ideal examples of such investments.

1. Bank deposit.

Deposits today are protected by a state guarantee up to 1.4 million rubles, so there is no need to worry about losing funds in the bank; on average, the yield on these products reaches 10-15% per annum, which, in terms of the available amount of investment, will be an increase of 5-7 .5 thousand rubles. The income is truly passive and after choosing a deposit you do not need to make additional efforts to receive the promised income regularly without extra costs.

  • Minuses– relatively low profitability.
  • pros– profitability is still guaranteed, even in conditions of economic instability.

In total, over the course of a year, the initial investment will turn into 55,000 - 57,500 rubles.

2. Savings certificate.

A security that, like a bank deposit, allows you to generate guaranteed income. The rate of this deposit product is approximately 10% per annum when placing 50 thousand rubles for a year.

  • Minuses– low profitability, lack of insurance and passive income.
  • pros– you can easily give and change the owner, but, for example, he is not involved in the division of property during a divorce.

Total after a year: 55,000 rubles.

3. Foreign currency.

You can simply exchange “wooden” ones for foreign currency, and then put it in a bank deposit. Apart from the fever of the dollar and euro at the end of 2014, the stable increase in the exchange rate of these currencies is 3% per annum, and now reaches 5-10% per annum. Additionally, you need to take into account the return on foreign currency deposits - 5-6% per annum.

  • Minuses– currency risks, low income.
  • pros– availability of insurance, the possibility of receiving passive income.

In just a year, 50 thousand rubles can first turn into dollars, euros or other currencies, and then again can be exchanged for an amount of 54,000 to 58,000 rubles or more.

Where to invest 100,000 rubles?

One hundred thousand rubles can be invested in creating your own business, supporting, purchasing a share in someone else’s business, purchasing an asset for rent, purchasing and promoting web resources with their subsequent sale. You can use this amount for any investment method described above.

The most profitable and risky option for small investments is issuing loans through intermediaries or personally; it can bring returns of up to 20-360% per annum. The risks are especially high in the mutual fund segment - you can make a loss, and income from investments in foreign currency and the equivalent of precious metals is also unstable.

Bank deposits are still the calmest and most reliable, and they are also insured by the state - now they have quite acceptable rates.

In addition, there is an opportunity to earn decent money with small investments, without risk and in a short period of time. Thus, it makes it possible for only 59 thousand rubles to start selling original dolls made from environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic and safe materials for children’s health.

Handmade work and the original design of the dolls distinguish them favorably from Chinese products and ensure constant demand. Having bought one doll, parents will definitely want to please their child again and again. High margins of up to 90% ensure high profitability of sales. You can sell such toys via the Internet to any region of the Russian Federation.

If you have already decided what to invest some money in, then feel free to do it. The main thing is a reasonable approach. Whatever investment option you choose, you need to carefully consider all the parameters of such offers and evaluate not only the promised profitability, but also the level of risks, as well as the ease of use of this method for you.