Septic tanks installation norms for apartment buildings. Norms for the installation of septic tanks and permits

Case No. 2-473/2014


Name Russian Federation

Menzelinsky district court Republic of Tatarstan as part of the presiding judge Anikina V.M. under the secretary Sharafutdinova O.V., having considered in open court a civil case on the statement of claim of Antipov Valery Borisovich, Antipova Rashida Musabaevna, Akhmetdinova Oksana Valerievna against Menzelinsky Management Company LLC on the obligation to perform work: on the removal (export) of sewer liquid household waste from a sewer well, maintenance and repair of a sewer well,


Antipov V.B., Antipova R.M., Akhmetdinova O.V. filed a lawsuit with the above-mentioned claim against Menzelinsky Management Company LLC, indicating that they own a residential building in an apartment building located at: RT, on the basis of an agreement on the transfer of residential premises to the ownership of citizens from DD.MM.YYYY 1/3 share in the right each and certificates of state registration, issued by DD.MM.YYYY Office of the Federal Registration Service at.

The owners of residential premises (apartments) live in.

The removal of sewer liquid household waste in the house is carried out in an autonomous sewer well (hereinafter referred to as the septic tank), through a sewer pipe laid from the house to the septic tank, which are located in the local area.

A septic tank, a sewer pipe from the house to the septic tank are part of the common property of the owners of the premises in an apartment building.

However, despite the management of the house on a contractual basis, the need for proper maintenance of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building - Menzelinskaya Management Company LLC is not engaged in the removal of sewage from the septic tank, repair, maintenance of the septic tank itself, referring to the fact that this object does not apply to the common property of the owners of the premises, and these issues are within the competence of OJSC “Communal Networks of the Menzelinsky District”.

OAO "Communal Networks Menzelinsky District" deny their belonging to the maintenance of this facility, indicating that, in accordance with their Charter and the legislation governing their activities, they are engaged in wastewater disposal from the population (collection, purification) only for centralized public sewer networks.

Thus, no one deals with the maintenance, repair of the septic tank.

The septic tank, the sewer pipe from the house to the septic tank, located on the adjacent territory, are the property of the residents of the house and are part of the common property of the owners of the premises in the apartment building and must be serviced by the organization - Menzelinsky Management Company LLC.

Thus, they believe that the removal (removal) of sewage waste from the septic tank, the maintenance and repair of the septic tank, the sewer pipe from the house to the septic tank should be carried out by Menzelinsky Management Company LLC, with which the owners of residential premises apartment building, located at the address: , an agreement was concluded for the management of an apartment building, providing for the maintenance, repair of the common property of the owners of the premises of an apartment building.

In the bill-receipts presented to them, Menzelinsky Management Company LLC indicates the amount to be paid for a position not provided for by law - “current repairs of a residential building”. It is believed that this amount also applies to the maintenance and repair of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, including a fee for the removal of sewer waste from a septic tank, maintenance and repair of a sewer pipe from the house to the septic tank. However, this service of Menzelinskoy LLC management company» it does not turn out to be, therefore, they ask to oblige LLC Menzelinsky Management Company to carry out the following works: to remove (remove) sewer liquid household waste from a sewer well (septic tank); for the maintenance and repair of a sewer well (septic tank) located at the address: to recover from Menzelinsky Management Company LLC in their favor a refund of the state duty.

Plaintiffs Antipova R.M., Akhmetdinova O.The. did not appear at the hearing, they have a statement about the consideration of the case in their absence, the claims are supported.

At the hearing the plaintiff Antipov The.B. He upheld the stated claims in full, in support he entrusted his representative to speak.

The representative of the plaintiff on warrant lawyer Timerbulatov F.F. supported the claims in court in full, substantiating the arguments set forth in statement of claim, pointing out that since the owners in the Republic of Tajikistan have chosen the method of managing an apartment building, the managing organization is Menzelinsky Management Company LLC, which, on the basis of an apartment building management agreement, maintains the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, including maintenance, repairs, however, does not removal of sewer water from the septic tank, repair, maintenance of the septic tank itself, although it must do this, since this septic tank is common property.

The representative of the defendant - Ltd. «Menzelinsky management company» by proxy Nigmatyanov A.R. The claims of V. B. Antipov, R. M. Antipova, and O. V. Akhmetdinova did not recognize the claims in court, indicating that they serve them, but they do not consider the septic tank to be common property. DD.MM.YYYY they signed an agreement with OJSC "Communal Networks", while the boundaries were determined on the outside of the house. At the beginning of 2014, the validity of this agreement was not extended, since OJSC "Communal Networks" did not agree. There is no dividing balance today. JSC "Communal Networks" independently concludes contracts with citizens for water supply and sanitation and collects money for it. He believes that their duties do not include the removal of liquid household waste, since the septic tank is not common property, they do not take money for water disposal, there is no septic tank on their balance sheet, therefore this service is not provided.

The representative of a third party - OJSC "Communal Networks" by proxy Shaysuvarov R.M. with the stated requirements of Antipov V. B., Antipova R. M., Akhmetdinova O. V. agreed in court, indicating that it was Menzelinsky Management Company LLC that was the executor utilities for water supply and sanitation, buys their resources - cold water and domestic waste discharged through centralized sanitation systems and provides apartment owners - consumers with utility services for water supply and sanitation. The supply of a communal resource - cold water from centralized water supply systems and the disposal of domestic waste water to centralized sewerage systems is carried out using intra-house water supply and sanitation systems located inside the house and in the adjacent territory. For the maintenance and repair of these systems managing organization receives payment from the residents of the house, which is included in the payment for the housing service for the current repair and maintenance of a residential building, residential premises, common house property, while the legislator included cesspools, septic tanks intended for servicing a particular house, and the removal of liquid household waste is legally included in the list of works on the maintenance and repair of the common property of an apartment building and is paid by the residents of the house as part of the payment for the repair and maintenance of common property, houses, residential premises. From DD.MM.YYYY, there is an agreement between JSC Utility Networks of the Menzelinsky District and LLC Menzelinskaya Management Company, according to which there is an agreement to pay for utility services for water supply and sanitation directly to the resource supplying organization.

Third party - Frolov V.N. with the claims of Antipov V. B., Antipova R. M., Akhmetdinova O. V. agreed in court, asked to satisfy them.

Third parties - Masnabiev S.M., Nabiullina R.A., Pereshitov V.Yu., Tarnovskaya N.P., Ibragimova Z.M., Safina V.M., Fedotov G.A., Mukhutdinova B.M. , Garipova Kh.M., Kolesova I.V., Khanov R.I., Dronova N.S., Sharipova G.Sh., Musin Kh.M., Kupchakova G.F. at the hearing did not come, duly notified of the time and place of the trial.

The court, taking into account the opinion of the participants in the process, considers it possible to consider the case in the absence of the plaintiffs and third parties who did not appear.

Having heard at the hearing the plaintiff Antipov V.B., his representative lawyer Timerbulatov F.F., the defendant’s representative - Menzelinsky Management Company LLC by proxy Nigmatyanov A.R., the representative of a third party - Communal Networks Menzelinsky District OJSC by proxy Shaysuvarova R.M., third person - Frolova V.N., having examined the case materials, the court comes to the following.

claim Antipov FULL NAME30, Antipova FULL NAME31, Akhmetdinova FULL NAME32 satisfy.

To oblige Menzelinsky Management Company LLC to perform the following works: - for the removal (removal) of sewer liquid household waste from the sewer well, - for the maintenance and repair of the sewer well located at the address: RT,.

The decision can be appealed on appeal to Supreme Court Republic of Tatarstan within a month from the date of its proclamation.

Referee: /V.M.Anikina/

The decision entered into force on _____________________2014.

Referee: /V.M.Anikina/


Menzelinsky District Court (Republic of Tatarstan)


Antipov V.B.
Antipova R.M.
Akhmetdinova O.V.


LLC "Menzelinsky Management Company", Garipova Kh. M., Dronova N. S., Ibragimova Z. M., Kolesova I. V., Kupchakova G. F., Masnabiev S. M., Musin Kh. M., Mukhutdinova B. M., Nabiullina R. A., JSC "Communal networks of the Menzelinsky district", Pereshitov V. Yu., Safina V. M., Tarnovskaya N. P., Fedotov G. A., Frolov V. N., Khanov R. I., Sharipova G. Sh.

In small residential areas of large cities, functions such as collection, cleaning and diversion Wastewater carried out by centralized sewer systems. In microdistricts of small settlements their construction is often not profitable either from a technical or economic point of view, and they use local sewerage and treatment facilities. Their design, production of main components, installation, commissioning and commissioning have been successfully carried out by the well-known Russian company Flotenk for many years.

To order and calculate treatment facilities, send a request to E-mail: or call free phone 8 800 700-48-87. Or fill out the questionnaire:

Development and arrangement of local treatment facilities by Flotenk

Flotenk has already implemented a number of projects for autonomous sewers and local treatment systems for microdistricts in various regions of our country. Almost all of them are developed and equipped on a turnkey basis, and their main components are produced on our own. production facilities firms. It should be noted that these complexes cost quite acceptable amounts to customers, and they are very inexpensive to operate.

When does it make sense to design and build local treatment facilities and autonomous sewerage for a microdistrict?

The practice of its activities shows that there are quite a lot of such cases when it is required to develop and build autonomous and local treatment facilities for microdistricts, and in connection with the development housing construction in small towns and even villages every year becomes more and more. Most often, it makes sense to equip such systems when it is not possible to connect several objects located next to each other to a centralized sewer system, or this is fraught with unreasonably high material costs.

The collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater from areas using local facilities is also preferable when new residential areas are located near nature protection areas. Such systems, designed and put into practice by Flotenk, allow not only to guarantee full compliance of the degree of wastewater treatment with the most stringent requirements, but also to constantly monitor their current state. They make it possible to immediately make the necessary adjustments to the functioning of the complexes, if any indicators of wastewater go beyond the norm.

Local sewerage and wastewater treatment of the microdistrict: the main components of the systems

The collection and treatment of wastewater from the microdistrict, as well as the disposal of wastewater to the places of their discharge by local sewer systems, is carried out according to a scheme built on almost the same principles on which the functioning of centralized systems is based. From buildings, sewage flows by gravity or forcibly, with the help of sewer pumping stations, to a complex of treatment facilities. It consists of sand traps designed to clean wastewater from mechanical impurities; grease traps separating fats and oils of vegetable and animal origin contained in wastewater; post-treatment and disinfection systems (it is produced by ultraviolet radiation). As a result of passing through the treatment plant, wastewater in its composition becomes suitable for discharge into the environment (ravines, reservoirs, etc.)

Thus, it can be stated that, structurally and according to the principle of operation, sewerage and treatment facilities for districts and small residential areas are very similar to local structures of individual buildings. In fact, the only difference is that wastewater from several buildings and from storm sewers flows to treatment facilities that have the appropriate capacity and throughput. When designing and building such systems, Flotenk specialists take into account many different factors (the volume of wastewater, their nature, landscape features, remoteness of wastewater generation sites from their discharge sites, etc.).

apartment buildings with drainage and sewerage into a special pit-septic tank. Who maintains the system (water disposal, sewerage, pit - septic tank)? Whose property and who bears the costs - the management company or the water utility?

Dispute between the management company and the enterprise
"Vodokanal" on the issue of removal of liquid household waste,
export standards and determining responsibility for the consequences,
attributing the structure (septic tank) to the collective property of the MKD.


Residential buildings are technologically equipped with a drainage and sewerage system in a special pit-septic tank. The specified system has no common connection points with the central, city water disposal and sewerage system and cannot be considered as the area of ​​operational responsibility of the Vodokanal enterprise. This system is a structure that provides technological functions residential buildings(water disposal and sewerage) and cannot be considered as a separate engineering structure without direct relationship with the specified objects and is a local engineering structure.

In this case, references to the definition of the area of ​​operational responsibility, defined in paragraph 8 of part 1 of the "Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building", approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federationdated August 13, 2006 No. 491(hereinafter Decree No. 491) - along the outer border of the wall of an apartment building, it is not lawful in relation to this situation. Here we consider the situation of classifying the specified property as collective property. So, according to clause 2, part 1 of Decree No. 491, common property includes:

a) premises in an apartment building that are not part of apartments and are intended to serve more than one residential and (or) non-residential premises in this apartment building, including inter-apartment landings, stairs, elevators, elevator and other shafts, corridors, wheelchairs, attics, technical floors (including built-in garages and platforms for motor vehicles built at the expense of the owners of the premises, workshops, technical attics) and technical basements in which there are utilities, other equipment serving more than one residential and (or) non-residential premises in an apartment building (including boiler rooms, boiler rooms, elevator units and other engineering equipment);

g) other facilities intended for the maintenance, operation and improvement of an apartment building, including transformer substations, heating points intended for servicing one apartment building, collective parking lots, garages, children's and sports grounds located within the boundaries land plot where the apartment building is located.

Considering the foregoing, we recommend that you renew the contractual relationship with the Vodokanal enterprise for the removal of waste from the septic tank or renew the contract with another specialized organization that has permits for such activities, since in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, liability for the consequences that may occur due to untimely removal of waste, lies entirely with your organization, whose responsibilities include the implementation of timely technical measures for the operation of these residential buildings. I propose to take immediate measures to normalize this situation.

How is a septic tank different from a cesspool? What benefits does it provide? What is the best septic tank for a home in terms of minimizing costs? Let's figure it out.

What it is

It is not difficult to imagine how a cesspool is arranged. It is a sealed concreted or otherwise isolated from the ground container that needs to be pumped out periodically.

To dispose of the entire volume of domestic wastewater, it is necessary to call a sewage truck every time. The cost of pumping out 4 cubic meters of wastewater is from 800 to 1200 rubles, which, in terms of monthly volumes, gives a very noticeable item of expenditure for the family budget.

Let's be realistic: Cesspools are often deliberately made leaky.
This is a gross violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements; nevertheless, filtering wastewater through the ground floor can significantly reduce sewage costs.

However, even the apparently illegal scheme for the disposal of liquid effluents has a clear drawback. The soil bottom inevitably silts over time with a drop in the absorbency of the surface.

The fact is that wastewater, despite its name, also contains solid fractions - feces, food waste, sand, detergents (they contain a large percentage of fats and turn into a viscous and fairly dense mass on the walls of the sewer and the bottom of the cesspool) and etc.

Septic tanks for the home allow you to divide the process of waste disposal into two sequential processes:

  1. First, wastewater gets rid of most of the solid fractions.. Organics and inorganic compounds accumulate in the septic tank in the form of sludge and are periodically (about once a year, or even less often) removed by sewers.
  2. The remaining relatively clean water is safely absorbed into the soil., creating a minimum of problems with siltation.

How it works

Let's understand the general principles of wastewater treatment in a septic tank.

What happens to stocks?

  • From the house, they fall by gravity into the primary sump - a chamber where, under the influence of a difference in density, mechanical separation is carried out. Heavy fractions settle to the bottom, light fractions float and form a crust on the surface. The vital activity of anaerobic bacteria contributes to the processing of organic compounds into volatile hydrocarbons (primarily methane) and water.
  • A special shape of the overflow takes the settled water just below the surface level. Neither the heavy fractions nor the crust fall outside the first chamber.
  • The effluents that have passed through the overflow enter the soil filtration.
    How can it be carried out?
    • The most compact solution is a filter well. In essence, it's just a pit with perforated walls and a dirt bottom. A layer of drainage on the bottom and outside the walls allows you to increase the area of ​​​​the absorbent surface to the maximum; in addition, it significantly slows down siltation (yes, yes, it is still possible, albeit for a much longer period).

The space outside the walls of the well is filled with drainage - a brick battle.

    • Where soils have a low absorbing capacity, a filtration field is used. On a site free from buildings, several ditches or a pit of small depth, but a large area, are dug.
      Drainage (perforated) pipes or infiltrators are laid on top of crushed stone with a thickness of 10 centimeters or more - special simple devices for compensating volley discharges, outwardly resembling inverted troughs. From above, they are covered with gravel and covered with soil.
    • Finally, in the case when the soil practically does not absorb water, a slightly modified version of the filtration field is constructed. Drainage pipes are laid at two levels with a difference in height of 30-70 centimeters. They are backfilled with sand.
      Effluent flows through the upper level pipes; through the lower drainage pipe system, the filtered water is discharged into a ditch or a nearby body of water.

Additions and improvements

One of the main problems of the described septic tank operation scheme is the relatively low degree of wastewater treatment.

Are there ways to improve it?

  1. There can be several sump chambers. In fact, the more of them, the purer the water at the outlet.

However: the price of better cleaning is the need to remove silt from the corresponding number of chambers.

  1. Aeration of one or more chambers is a method of increasing the degree of purification used in factory-produced deep biological treatment plants. This is how a typical septic tank for an apartment building works: it is problematic, to put it mildly, to dispose of partially treated wastewater with a daily volume of several tens of cubic meters without harming the environment.
    How does aeration improve cleaning?
    • When wastewater is saturated with oxygen, aerobic bacteria are sharply activated. They are much more voracious compared to anaerobic ones and are able to absorb more organic matter in the same time. In order to provide them with maximum contact with pollution and air, filling with a developed surface is usually used in the aeration chamber - brushes, complex-shaped plastic floats, etc.
    • Oxygen at the same time sharply accelerates the processes of oxidation of surfactants that are part of detergents, and products of partial processing of organic compounds by bacteria.
  2. The sumps of non-volatile (non-forced aeration) septic tanks are often forcibly seeded with bacterial cultures that are more aggressive than those that occur naturally. As a rule, after a single shock dose of a bacterial preparation, maintenance portions are introduced at intervals of 1 to 3 months.

Thanks to all the measures described, not only a higher (up to 98 percent) degree of wastewater treatment is achieved, but also a significant reduction in the amount of sludge.

Now that the general principles of septic tank design are clear, it will be easy for the reader to adapt the available materials and build a home-made structure at minimal cost.

However, before giving more specific advice, here are a few more general recommendations.

  • The volume of the septic tank must contain at least a three-day amount of drains. Otherwise, continuous mixing by the incoming stream will interfere with the separation.
  • On a horizontal section, the minimum distance from the filtration well or filtration field to the house is 5 meters. What is the instructions for? With the fact that at a closer location, the water filtering through the soil will wash away the foundation.
  • If your site is located on a slope, the septic tank and filter well line up down the slope from the house. The reason is the same: otherwise, runoff from aquifers can get to the foundation.
  • The minimum distance from the water intake from the upper aquifer to the filter well or filter field is 50 meters.

  • All pipes are laid with a constant slope along the water flow. For a pipe with a diameter of 110 millimeters, it is equal to 2 cm per linear meter.
  • The simplest way to build an overflow that draws water below the level of the crust floating on the surface is to put a sewer tee on the pipe between the septic tank chambers. It is oriented vertically, with an average outlet for the water current. The lower outlet prevents the crust from getting into the overflow, the upper one serves for cleaning.
  • Ventilation is necessary for all chambers - simply because fermentation will go through the entire available volume of effluents. it is better to bring to the level of 1.5 - 2 meters from the ground surface.

Materials and schemes

From what and how exactly can a septic tank be built with your own hands for the house?

The cheapest scheme in terms of implementation is a monolithic reinforced concrete tank. It is poured directly into the pit; the walls of the pit, covered with waterproofing, serve as part of the formwork. The container is divided by internal partitions into an arbitrary number of chambers.

If not only costs are critical, but also time, the septic tank chambers can be built from reinforced concrete rings. A ring with a bottom is laid down; the seams between adjacent rings are carefully waterproofed. The filter well can be made of factory perforated rings.

An alternative to concrete is brick or ceramic blocks. In this case, you will be relieved of the need to build formwork. The septic tank chambers are laid solid; gaps are left in the filter well in the masonry.

In the photo - a filtering well made of bricks in the process of construction.

Do you want to install a septic tank in your home? More precisely, in the underground? When using a large volume polyethylene container, this is also possible. Already settled water is discharged outside the foundation, which can be used for irrigation or sent to the filtration field under the beds.

Nuance: you still have to, so the container should be placed as close as possible to the door or hatch in the underground.


As you can see, a wide variety of materials and solutions can be used to build a home septic tank. Perhaps the video in this article will give you a couple of unusual ideas. Good luck!

The construction of a sewer system in any suburban area is a complex of complex works, which involves not only laying pipes, but also installing a cesspool or a ready-made septic tank. It requires permission from the SES. You can't do without collecting a package of documents. Why is this required? The problem is that groundwater and the soil itself can be contaminated with runoff and chemical waste. Improper cleaning of the septic tank with chemicals can lead to various diseases, infection of the residential area of ​​​​the entire site. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to design a sewerage system, collect a package of documents and submit an application to the SES.

Before the construction of the sewer system, you need to make a project, then assemble required documents and submit an application to the SES.

Documentation package

A septic tank is an installation for the accumulation and treatment of domestic waste. Not only liquid, but also solid waste, harmful gases, and microorganisms accumulate in sewer tanks. Such installations require constant monitoring by sanitary and epidemiological supervision. This makes it possible to protect ground water from infection, prevent the spread of various diseases, the ingress of sewage into the residential area. For the safety of both yourself and those around you, you must obtain the appropriate permission to use the septic tank.

How to get permission from the SES and where, what package of documentation will you need to collect? Among the main documents that will be required in the SES, it is worth noting:

  • availability of a technical passport;
  • a detailed diagram of the device of the septic tank, which will help to draw up in the design organization;
  • project for a residential building;
  • a package of documentation on the ownership of the site and building;
  • detailed topological survey of the entire site (obtained by the relevant organization);
  • agreement with various organizations on the removal of all liquid household waste.

After the documentation package has been assembled, you can apply to the SES for. This is done either in the organs of the sanitary epidemiological station of the region or in the organization for the protection of the environment. It must be remembered that the application is submitted only together with the documentation package. Permission SES will have to wait about a month. There is one more point in for suburban areas. SES after installing the storage tank for wastewater has the right to conduct scheduled and unscheduled inspections. Employees have the right to check the quality of wastewater treatment and the content of the septic tank.

Location conditions

You can’t just put a septic tank or a cesspool on the site, since any sewer system is a certain danger. If permission from the SES for installation has been received, you can proceed to the external sewerage system. There are certain rules that regulate the distance from various objects, the depth of the pits and other conditions.

To obtain permission from epidemiological stations to place a septic tank, you will have to choose the right place for the tank.

Today, SNiP 30-02-97 and SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 have a whole list of requirements for the location of cesspools on the territory of a personal plot:

  • storage pits must be located on the territory adjacent to a private house, it is not allowed to drain drains beyond the boundaries of the site without an appropriate connection and permission;
  • a cesspool for drains should be located at a distance of 10 m from the water conduit and 20 m from the drinking well so that clean drinking water is not contaminated with household waste, chemicals and sewage;
  • the distance from the septic tank to a residential building and other structures should be approximately 10-12 m. A closer location can lead to flooding of the foundation in the spring, destruction of building structures;
  • there should be a distance of 1 m from the septic tank to the fence;
  • the depth of the cesspool should not be more than 3 m, otherwise its maintenance will be difficult. A thick layer of silt and solid sediments will constantly accumulate at the bottom.

Device options

Today it is possible to install various designs of cesspools for the storage and partial processing of wastewater. It can be:

  • ordinary cesspools;
  • engineering systems for the accumulation and partial processing and separation of wastewater mass.

The simplest option, which is provided by the relevant licensing services, is cesspools that do not have an equipped bottom. They are constructed if the daily volume of wastewater that is discharged from a residential building is not more than 1 m³. Sewage pits are arranged below the level of drinking water so that the water in the well is not contaminated with sewage.

When it is necessary to take into account various parameters:

  • requirements for the location of the pit;
  • taking into account the type and properties of the soil at the installation site.

Norms and wells in one area:

  • if the site has clay soil, it should be equal to 20 m;
  • for loam - from 30 m;
  • for sandy and sandy soil - from 50 m.

If the planned volume of drains per day is more than 1 m³, you will have to abandon the construction without a bottom in favor of a concrete or brick pit, a PVC or metal septic tank.

For the external sewer system of a private house, sealed septic tanks are recommended, which are not only more convenient to use, but also highly reliable. Usually they are mounted by specialized stations. SanPiNs for them are as follows:

  • the bottom of the pit during installation should be tilted towards the technological hatch, which is necessary for subsequent maintenance;
  • the place for installation is chosen in such a way that the septic tank is about 10 m from the residential building, and 1 m from the fence of the site;
  • the cesspool hermetic pit requires periodic cleaning with a special sewage machine.

It is worth paying attention to a number of tips given by experts:

  • for the entrance of special equipment, it is necessary to provide a spacious and comfortable place, so there is no need to hide the septic tank in the far corner of the site;
  • during the operation of the tank, methane formation is possible, therefore it is recommended to equip the tank with a special ventilation system. According to the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station, it will be necessary to provide for a ventilation pipe with a diameter of 10 cm. The height of the pipe above ground level should be 60 cm.

Supply of communications

Sanitary permission will have to be obtained not only for, but also for all engineering communications that are nearby. There are certain standards for placement on the pipe section:

  • reinforced concrete and asbestos-cement pipes should be at a distance of 5 m or more to the septic tank;
  • cast-iron pipelines with a diameter of up to 200 mm should be located at a distance of 1.5 m from the sewage sump;
  • cast-iron pipelines with a diameter of 200 mm or more can be located at a distance of at least 3 m from the septic tank;
  • gas pipes can be located at a distance of 5 m from the location of the septic tanks.

When installing a septic tank personal plot you must remember to comply with all sanitary standards and obtain the appropriate permit. Sanitary standards regulate the location of the septic tank, establish minimum distances for laying other communications on the site. Taking into account SES and installation of a septic tank in relation to the location of a residential building and other buildings. It is worth being prepared for periodic checks of the employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station. But do not take this categorically, as all this is done for the safety of you and others.