In which bank to open a current account. Opening bank accounts abroad Where can I open an account?

An enterprise, if it operates and pays taxes, cannot fulfill its duties as a taxpayer without a current account. The reason is the requirement of Article 45(3) of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. According to this norm, the obligation to pay tax is considered fulfilled from the moment the order for transfer to the budget is presented. If the company has not yet started real activities after registration, and there is no taxable property on its balance sheet, then for some time you can do without a visit to the bank. But sooner or later, the head of the company will be faced with the question - in which bank to open a current account for the LLC?

We list the criteria that potential clients consider important when opening a current account:

  • reputation of the credit institution in the financial market;
  • a wide network of branches and offices;
  • speed of execution of the contract and other documents (ideally in 1 day or visit);
  • favorable service rates;
  • convenient and intuitive online banking interface;
  • transaction speed;
  • customer focus.

Undoubtedly, all this is important for the convenience of non-cash payments. But when deciding which bank is better to open an account for an organization, you need to pay attention first of all to its reliability and stable financial position.

If the bank in which the LLC accounts are opened, the legal entity will find itself in a more difficult position than an individual entrepreneur. Since 2014, individual entrepreneurs, like bank clients, have been treated as ordinary individuals. This means that they are subject to a guarantee of return of funds in the current account in the amount of no more than 1.4 million rubles. LLCs are classified as third-priority creditors, so the money will be returned only after the claims of the first and second-priority creditors are satisfied. Of course, there is a high risk that payments will never reach legal entities.

Will you be concerned about the speed of opening an account or the courtesy of bank staff if the bank’s credit rating is critically low and the risk of license revocation is high?

How to assess the financial condition of a bank

All credit institutions are required to openly publish information about their activities. Bank reports are freely available on the Central Bank website: on financial and tax results, the amount of capital, and compliance with mandatory standards.

But although the information is open, it is quite difficult to understand it without special education. When choosing where to open a current account for a company, you can refer to the ratings compiled by independent professional agencies:

  • international (S&P Global Ratings, Moody's, Fitch Ratings);
  • Russian (Rus-Rating, Expert RA, NRA, AK&M).

When choosing organizations to open an LLC current account, we were guided by three important criteria:

  1. Net asset size (in rubles). This is the sum of the bank's equity capital and liabilities (money from clients - individuals and legal entities, interbank loans and other funds raised).
  2. Creditworthiness. This is the bank’s ability to issue loans for short and long terms, taking into account the interest rate, target direction and conditions for issuing loans. Different rating agencies evaluate the creditworthiness indicator according to their own scale. Most often, the rating is indicated by the Latin letters A, B, C, D with the addition of the signs “+” and “-” and the forecast (negative or stable).
  3. Enterprise funds (in rubles). The higher the degree of trust on the part of a business in a particular banking institution, the more of its own money the legal entity and individual entrepreneur place in it. This is a kind of voting with rubles on the question of where to open a bank account.

The best Russian banks

From the top 30 Russian banks according to the portal, we selected 5 credit institutions that, in our opinion, are best suited for opening an LLC account.

Alfa Bank. It provides a full range of banking services for all categories of clients, but is especially loyal to small businesses just starting their business. A special “StartUp” tariff plan has even been developed for them, with free registration of an LLC account and cards with sample signatures. When paying for banking services in advance, you can save from 17% to 25% of the cost of tariffs.

Opening. According to, it was recognized as “Bank of the Year 2015”. As part of the loyalty program for users, 1C-Start offers to open a bank account for LLC for free. The first three months of service and use of online banking will also be free. If we also add bonuses from partners, then this financial corporation can be called number one in the category “Where is it more profitable to open a bank account.”

Sberbank of Russia.If in the question of which bank to choose for your enterprise, you are guided primarily by the size of assets, then the leader, of course, will be Sberbank. This is the largest credit institution in Russia and the CIS, with the most extensive network of branches and divisions. 50% of the authorized capital of Sberbank plus one voting share belongs to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In recent years, the management of the joint-stock company has been actively working to improve service. Positive customer reviews allowed Sberbank to receive the title of the institution with the best customer support in 2015 according to

VTB. Another bank with state participation. Consistently ranked among the TOP 5 banks in Russia according to all significant criteria. For business representatives participating in government procurement, it provides guarantees to ensure obligations under contracts.

Tinkoff Bank. It takes first place in the Business Banking Fees Rank 2017 in terms of the cost of servicing small businesses and first place in terms of the cost of servicing B2B services. Second place in the independent national rating of banks on for quality of services. Ideal for start-up organizations and for all those who are not ready to spend heavily on banking services. The cost of tariff plans includes not only maintaining a current account, but online accounting.

Still wondering where is the best place to open an account for your company? Check out the offers of our partners Alfa-Bank and Otkritie and find out what additional bonuses you will receive from 1C-Start.

In which bank to open a current account: why open current accounts + important criteria for selecting banks + TOP 5 banks for opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs + 5 best banks for LLCs.

Cashless payments are increasingly taking root in everyday business activities. Almost any organization will give preference to transferring money to an account rather than fiddling with cash.

The question of whether will arise on its own as soon as you want to start a business.

Today we will analyze the financial market and help you make the right choice.

Reasons to open a current account

A current account is an account with the ability to record all financial transactions carried out by an individual or legal entity.

Today, banking systems allow you to open up to 10 records for 1 representative, depending on his field of activity and currency.

3 good reasons to open a current account:

  1. For timely payment of taxes to the state treasury.

    If an individual entrepreneur can make do with a printed equivalent, then an LLC must carry out transactions through a cashless system.

  2. Regardless of the type of business, payment for goods or services worth more than 100,000 rubles must be made by bank transfer.
  3. Points of sale always send the remaining funds to a bank account. This speeds up the work process and cash flow of the organization.

The standard opening procedure may take 1-2 days. Document processing is carried out on site, and any issues that arise are resolved with a personal consultant.

Filling out the form takes no more than 30 minutes. You must attach scanned copies of documents. Printed copies of papers are sent after opening a current account.

Which bank is better to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur?

Small and medium-sized businesses work very hard with petty cash. And although a limit of ₽100,000 seems quite normal, without a current account you automatically impose restrictions on some large clients and suppliers.

The abundant number of banks prompted us to figure out which of them have the most favorable conditions for providing services of this kind.

1) Criteria for selecting a current account for individual entrepreneurs.

Before choosing which bank to open an account in, we must decide on the most optimal requirements for our activities.

Private entrepreneurship involves a large number of small transactions to pay for goods.

You have to pay for supplies of raw materials and services through bank transfer.

The basis will be to search for a bank that offers the most favorable conditions for crediting funds to a current account.

The most important conditions for selecting a bank for individual entrepreneurs:

    The bank is a member of the investment insurance system.

    In 2014, a bill was passed that specified the comparison of individuals with individual entrepreneurs.

    If the bank loses its license, it will be obliged to pay the entrepreneur 1,300,000 rubles.

    Abundance of tariff plans.

    The phone application is available for IOS and Android users. The time for making payments is no later than 21:00 Moscow time.

    2. UBRD.

    On the market for more than 10 years.

    To open an account, you will need to visit the bank with documents, the list of which should be obtained in advance from a representative.

    One of the largest and financially stable banks in the Russian Federation. In 2016, it took 1st place in terms of money turnover in the west of the country.

    The online support system for individual entrepreneurs, as well as small and medium-sized businesses, is constantly in the top three.

    Service packages include a large number of free add-ons: business insurance, property insurance, protection against work-related injuries, and more.

    Quarterly promotions for servicing a current account and reducing commissions for depositing/withdrawing funds.

    The advantages of the Economy tariff for individual entrepreneurs include the free function of connecting and servicing Internet banking, as well as alerts by phone and email.

    An individual can order a free business card and conduct transactions within the banking system without commission.

    If your company sells at small points of sale, it is also possible to open terminals for free for non-cash payments for goods.

    3. Alfa-Bank.

    More than 25 years in the banking business and the presence of 14,000,000 clients speak a lot about the quality of Alfa-Bank’s services.

    The bonus system allows you to open an individual entrepreneur account on favorable terms within 20 minutes.

    If business partners have accounts in the same bank, you will have the opportunity to transfer payments up to 23:30 Moscow time.

    The annual fee for the selected tariff is advantageous - there is a 25% discount on it.

    Support for popular cloud services will allow you to store statements and reports on the financial transactions of your account with constant access from anywhere in the world.

    Free SMS alert system to your phone and mailbox.

    The StartUp tariff provides a full package of services with a cash withdrawal commission of 2.2%.

    The first 30,000 ₽ can be deposited into the account without commission, then 0.23% will be charged. Similar prices for depositing funds and foreign currency accounts.

    4. Tinkoff.

    High-speed bank for individual entrepreneurs. Instant transfer of funds and access to transfers between accounts until 21:00 Moscow time.

    You can open an account online within 30 minutes. To receive your details in person, you will need proof of identity.

    A special feature is the built-in accounting system. Automatic payment transactions at the time you specify and with the required frequency.

    Ideal for paying taxes.

    1. Criteria for selecting a current account for an LLC.

    For a limited liability company, there is one important point: if individual entrepreneurs can hope for compensation in the event of the bank losing their license, then LLCs are in 3rd place in the queue for payments.

    It is logical to assume that, most likely, your organization will not receive any compensation at all.

    Consequently, the main indicator is the stability of the bank in financial terms.

    The most important bank conditions for an LLC:

    1. System assets.

      The total amount of funds of the institution itself and its loan obligations.

      The higher the indicator, the more stable the bank feels in the market.

      Criterion for the creditworthiness of the banking system.

      It consists of a set of opportunities for issuing loans under various conditions and interest rates.

      A positive or negative forecast is shown by a sign in front of the letter: A+, B- and so on.

      Availability of a wide customer base.

      The more large organizations invest in a bank, the higher its stability and solvency.

    You can assess the financial condition of the bank yourself. Financial institutions are required to post quarterly reports on their activities and cash flow on the Central Bank website.

    It is difficult for a beginner to understand this, so if possible, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

    2. TOP 5 banks where it is profitable to open an LLC current account.

    Based on the criteria described above, we have selected the best 5 banks in the country where your investments will feel safe.

    Financial indicators change quickly, so detailed information should be periodically monitored on the page of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

    1. Promsvyazbank.

    It has been on the market for more than 20 years and is in the TOP-3 among private banks in Russia.

    Assets amount to more than 1.2 trillion rubles. A systemically important institution in the Russian Federation, which has secured the support of the Central Bank, which makes it a very stable resource for storing funds.

    Among the bank's services are work in the financial market and insurance of production risks on favorable terms specifically for LLCs.

    There are 2 types of tariffs: for medium and large businesses.

    Promotions are held monthly to open accounts at minimal rates or with zero user fees for 6 to 12 months.

    Deposits of 4 types will help you store and grow capital on the most favorable terms for you.

    Business development and support funds are always ready to help in difficult times and restore LLC activities with minimal losses.

    The Business Start tariff will allow you to simultaneously open a free account in foreign currency.

    Internet banking service is paid, but the tariffs are the lowest among analogues in the country. Banking day until 20:00.

    It is possible to deposit up to 300,000 ₽ per month into your account without interest.

    2. Raiffeisen BANK.

    Since 1996, the bank has been operating in the Russian market and has established itself as one of the most stable.

    The capital is stored in valuable shares and amounts to 37 billion rubles.

    A special feature of the bank is daily analytical reports on the financial state of the country's market, which will help you stay in the right direction, and in some situations even adjust your business plan.

    The team of analysts pays special attention to macroeconomic factors, which is very important for the activities of any LLC.

    The bank will help you open one of 5 current accounts with additional services to choose from.

    Maintenance ranges from 1,200 to 5,000 per month. SMS notifications and issuance of payment certificates are made on a paid basis.

    The “Start” tariff package provides for a free daily analytical newsletter from the bank’s financial department for LLCs.

    Withdrawal of funds will be accompanied by a commission of 2 - 5%. Issuance of payment certificates – 50 rubles.

    There are applications on IOS and Android.

    3. Trust.

    One of the largest banks in the Russian Federation.

    The average annual income is 4.6 billion rubles, and working capital is at the level of 260 billion.

    In 2015, the Trust joined the financial group of private individuals in the country, which helped to gain an even better foothold in the market for providing financial services, including for LLCs.

    The bank is famous for its high-quality service in the field of settlement and cash services. Free setup and minimal fees will help your LLC increase customer traffic and streamline your accounting practices.

    The currency conversion rate is 2 - 3%. The influence of external factors affects fluctuations on a daily basis, so you should check the prices on the official page of the bank.

    Transfers are available 24 hours a day among system clients and until 21:30 to current accounts of other banks.

    The “Starter” tariff is ideal if you do not conduct many transactions.

    Cash withdrawals are charged 1.8% of the amount. It is possible to issue a card to an individual – a representative of an LLC.

    SMS notifications and accounting reporting will not require additional expenses on your part.

    The bank has been in the financial services market for more than 22 years. Throughout its existence, the institution has constantly exceeded the liquidity standards of the Central Bank.

    In 2016, according to the results of the influential credit rating agency Expert RA, it took 1st place among banks for LLCs.

    Favorable conditions and constant support 24/7 are ideal for business projects in heavy industry and agriculture.

    You can register an account either online or by visiting the bank in person, which has a large number of outlets in major cities of Russia. The main office is located in Moscow.

    The bank offers to open a current account, which includes a wide package of additional services.

    The currency conversion rate is very low - 0.2% - 0.6%. You can only find such indicators on the stock exchange.

    The “Startup” tariff is designed to save money when withdrawing/crediting money to a current account. The interest rate is only 1.2%.

    As a gift, you can issue a card to an individual - a representative of your LLC - to withdraw up to RUB 300,000 per month with zero commission.

    5. Period.

    The bank has been on the market for more than 8 years. Has the best online customer service system.

    The service allows you to conduct analytical sections at any time and provides detailed statistics on the client base. It is possible to make inquiries about counterparties through the banking system, which is convenient for enterprises of various forms of ownership, including LLCs.

    Payments to a current account within the banking network are available 24 hours a day, and to the accounts of other clients - until 20:50 Moscow time.

    Instant transfers and balance updates. After sending the funds, the system automatically notifies the recipient about the transfer via SMS and email.

    Online banking is integrated into most accounting programs, which is a big plus for financial settlements.

    Supports the latest browser and mobile platforms.

    The Lowcost tariff is one of the best on the market for LLCs.

    Budget payments are made without interest, and in cash you can withdraw up to RUB 100,000 per month without commission.

    The “Annual reporting” service is paid – 3,500 rubles. in a year.

    All represented banks offer financial transactions on favorable terms all year round.

    High financial stability and reserves of funds allow one to hope for compensation from the banking system even in the event of critical situations.

    How to choose a bank to open a current account?

    We hope it will be easier to make a decision now, Which bank to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the most favorable conditions just for you.

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Beginning entrepreneurs and companies are often faced with the problem of choosing a reliable bank where they can open a current account without fear.

Today, young businessmen have plenty to choose from, since the service necessary for any serious enterprise is offered by a large number of financial organizations, each of which puts forward certain conditions. Where is it more profitable? It's time to figure this out.

Perhaps one of the most popular financial players in Russia, which offers excellent service and favorable conditions for legal entities. There are two tariffs available that are well suited for both LLCs and individual entrepreneurs. Clients who contact Sberbank can receive the necessary advice at any of the offices located in Russia. You can submit an application to open a bank account on the organization’s official website.


This organization has two positive aspects at once that relate to the issue under consideration: accounts are opened in the shortest possible time, which is about 3-5 days, and at the same time legal entities (and individuals who are engaged in private business) have the opportunity to open it in clearing currency. The bank also provides a package of services that will help manage funds (for example, the widely used Client-Bank system).

Alfa Bank

Deservedly ranked among the top three (according to independent financial research) among organizations providing settlement and cash services. An account is opened on average in three days; to do this, you need to visit the branch only once, having previously ordered the service on the website. Clients have access to the ability to track their balance status and movement of funds using SMS notifications, the ability to integrate with online accounting, as well as convenient work with their account via Internet banking.

You can open a current account with this organization for 1,500 rubles; for servicing when using it, you need to pay 500 rubles per month; without using the service, the service is provided free of charge. Convenient management of financial transactions is possible using the Client-Bank system. The commission for depositing/recalculating funds is about 0.2% of the total amount. Internal transfers are carried out free of charge.

For a legal entity that needs to open an account as quickly as possible, this is one of the best options. In this organization, this operation is carried out on average in one day, while the connection to Internet Banking is carried out within just one hour. The cost of the service is 490 rubles, the office must be visited three times. It is possible to inform clients using SMS notifications. MacOS support is provided.


Opening a current account in this bank is completely free (a fee is charged only for maintaining it - 880 rubles per month), and the procedure itself takes from one to three days. It will be necessary to visit one of the organization’s offices three times. A free mobile banking connection is available, with which you can track the movement of funds. It is also possible to monitor transactions via email and SMS.


One of the main advantages of this financial company is that a current account along with an online bank can be connected in just one day, which will undoubtedly satisfy rushed customers. You only need to visit the office once when filling out a special application. The bank offers favorable tariffs that will satisfy the requirements of LLCs and are well suited for individual entrepreneurs (you can view them on the official website of the organization). The cost of the operation for private entrepreneurs will be 1,000 rubles, while for an LLC it is 3,000 rubles. There is support for all operating systems, including MacOS.

Allows its clients not only to open a current account using one of two available tariff plans, but also provides the opportunity to issue a corporate card. It makes it more profitable and easier to cooperate with the bank, as well as make financial transactions at any time of the day. Remote management of funds can be carried out using the Bank-Client system. You only need to visit the office once, providing the necessary documentation and concluding an agreement.

You can quickly open a current account at the financial institution UBRD - here this operation is carried out in a matter of hours (from one to three to four). The office should be visited once if you apply for connection through the official website. How much does it cost to open an account and connect to a mobile bank? These services are absolutely free! At any time, you can track the movement of funds using email, SMS notification or online banking.

Opening a current account costs 2,500 rubles. Clients can choose one of the available tariffs, as well as connect to the Bank-Client system, through which they can more easily carry out financial transactions and monitor their balance. There are many additional options available to make working with the tools easier. These include currency control, conversion operations, and cash services.

Which bank should you prefer?

Above are only ten organizations where you can open a current account for a legal entity or individual with a private business. A natural question arises: where is better? The final decision depends on several factors.

What should an LLC pay attention to?

For an LLC, it is recommended to work with a large organization whose activities are transparent and fully comply with the law (you can verify its integrity by requesting a license to provide services). You should be suspicious of banks that often carry out suspicious cash transactions and also have problems with the tax service. Only after checking these points can you proceed to choosing the most advantageous tariff for your specific situation.

What is important for an individual entrepreneur?

It is much easier for private entrepreneurs to make a choice than for large and wealthy companies. It is recommended to independently select a list of organizations (or use the one provided above, since all of the banks listed are trusted and have a good reputation), request information about tariffs, compare data and choose the most profitable tariff plan.

Many individual entrepreneurs want the service to cost them less, but this does not always lead to a positive result. Before making a final decision, you should study user reviews about the work of banks, which will help you find out their advantages and disadvantages.

The reasons why the Federal Tax Service can block a bank account, and what to do in this case, read the article Why the Tax Service can block an account
TOP 5 banks
To open a current account
Alfa Bank

Where and in which bank is it better to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur/LLC? There is no quick answer to this question. It all depends on the turnover of the individual entrepreneur/LLC, location and goals. If you are a small individual entrepreneur, then, of course, it is better for you to choose a cheap small bank with a small service fee. If you need reliability and accessibility, then you should open in a large bank, but the commissions are higher there.

Checking account Individual Entrepreneur/LLC is a special account for doing business, controlled (with the possibility of blocking) by the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund (all data is transferred to these authorities by the bank, including movements). Starts with 40702 for commercial organizations or 40802 for individual entrepreneurs.

All cash payments, transfers, taxes and insurance fees are made using payment orders. .

An undoubted advantage of making payments through a bank account is that there is no need to buy a cash register/online cash register.

Current accounts of individual entrepreneurs (not organizations) can also be insured by a deposit insurance agency, like any individual accounts (see if the bank is a member of the deposit insurance agency).

Bank Agroros (Saratov)for free450rubfrom 0.7% cash withdrawal (but not less than 300 rubles). 25 rubles transfer to another bankInternet Client-bank for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs: connection from 1000 rubles, maintenance from 200 rubles/month.

As you can see, individual entrepreneurs and small LLCs can save a lot on commissions and services in small banks. There is no point in providing a large list of such banks. There are many of them and you need to look for which one is closer and more convenient.

Withdrawing money

In these small banks there is no(!) commission for transferring money, but in large banks it is less than for issuing cash. Therefore, in order to withdraw, you can open a regular free card for an individual in Sberbank or Kukuruza from Euroset (you can have two or three cards at once) and transfer there from your current account. Shooting from there is free and it’s even more convenient.

Many banks also offer to open a card for a current account. This can be convenient, especially for an individual entrepreneur who does not have cash discipline and can withdraw all the money at his own discretion. However, usually the method outlined above is more profitable.


You can open two, three or more foreign currency and ruble accounts for one organization or one individual entrepreneur.


You can open a current account in any city, as well as enter into contracts and transfer money throughout Russia. However, some clients (partners) look at out-of-town accounts with suspicion.

With help, you can keep tax records on the simplified tax system and UTII, generate payment slips, 4-FSS, Unified Settlement, submit any reports via the Internet, etc. (from 325 rubles/month). 30 days free. For newly created individual entrepreneurs now (free).