Which bank terminal is more profitable to install? Which acquiring bank is better to choose and how to do it correctly? Types of POS terminals for acquiring

A trading terminal is a tool with which a brokerage company provides a trader with access to the exchange. In addition to direct access to the market, the trading terminal has many other functionalities: it allows you to see the information you are interested in on securities in real time, conduct a qualitative analysis of the value of a security at the current time and in the past, makes it possible to buy/sell a security for a few seconds without leaving home, and, of course, provides complete information on the brokerage account.

There are many terminals for trading on the stock exchange of varying degrees of professionalism. Each brokerage company prefers to work with a specific software package (or several). The most universal of the existing ones are the QUIK and MetaTrader 5 terminals, which are suitable for both beginners and experienced traders. Surely many of you are wondering: which one to choose for work? This article will help you decide.

QUIK: features and benefits

The QUIK trading system is a powerful and multifunctional tool that is used by both private traders and professional participants in exchange trading. Using the QUIK terminal, a trader can:

  • make transactions on the stock, foreign exchange and derivatives markets;
  • use leverage;
  • upload data both to Excel and specialized programs for deeper analysis;
  • monitor the dynamics of changes in asset prices using convenient charts;
  • plot various indicators on the chart;
  • create limit, market and stop orders;
  • simultaneously work with several trading accounts;
  • create trading robots in your own programming language.
  • The QUIK platform can be installed on a regular home computer. The software is compatible with the most popular Windows operating system. To figure out which is better - QUIK or MetaTrader 5 - you first need to compare the advantages of both terminals.

Advantages of the QUIK platform

  • an optimized data transfer protocol allows you to quickly execute orders using a minimum of traffic;
  • the mechanism for creating and processing applications is simple and intuitive even for a beginner;
  • There are several levels of trading account protection;
  • the presence of the “Options Board” allows you to receive complete trading information on futures contracts without leaving the program;
  • when working with the terminal, you can use “hot keys”, which significantly speeds up the process;
  • all transactions occurring in the program are certified with a digital signature.

The main advantage is that the program has an extensive set of settings, thanks to which you can adjust the program exactly to your needs. At the same time, extensive settings are also a disadvantage of the program, which will take time to learn.

Features and advantages of the MetaTrader 5 terminal

MetaTrader 5 is a simple and intuitive multifunctional trading platform. The main functions include working with trade orders, conducting technical analysis of quotes, creating and configuring trading robots. The program is widespread among traders and is used in almost every brokerage company.

Now about the advantages of MetaTrader 5 over QUIK and other terminals:

  • the platform has a very simple and intuitive interface, which even a beginner can easily understand;
  • the proprietary programming language MQL5 allows you to create robotic assistants right inside the terminal;
  • you can use charts in twenty-one periods - no other terminal provides such capabilities;
  • there is a very convenient glass for quick trading;
  • MetaTrader 5 allows you to generate a detailed report on transactions for the trading period.

As you can see, each platform has its own unique features. It is believed that MetaTrader 5 is better for a beginner than QUIK - it is more intuitive and easier to learn. Although many traders who use QUIK are ready to argue with this. Therefore, the final choice is up to the trader.

Nowadays, it’s unlikely that anyone will call this business part of the innovations that are constantly being told to beginning ambitious businessmen, and to those who still see themselves in this light in the future. Even outside of large cities, they have become a common occurrence for quite some time. Nevertheless, it is interesting to read the reviews online that the owners of payment terminals are now writing about this business. You can find them on forums dedicated to various types of business, in communities on VK.

Reviews from terminal owners

The review is written by a resident of the city of Novosibirsk.

A native of Yekaterinburg writes a review of important points

It is of great importance which payment system you cooperate with, because the list of service providers will depend on this. large systems that have been operating for a long time, they have the largest set, and the speed of payment processing is high. There is telephone support, which is indicated on the receipt. In case of delays or any other problems, a person can call and resolve issues. It often happens that the tape runs out and the check simply does not come out. After this ending to the problem, you can be sure that a person will never put money into such a machine again.

A resident of the Moscow region talks about the costs and income of a payment terminal

It should be noted that there is little optimism in the reviews. We continue with the opinion of a resident of the city of Rostov-on-Don, a user from a group on the social network VKontakte.

You need to understand that this business can theoretically pay for itself in six months, if you have access to a terminal site with sufficient traffic. Here it will be important not only the quantity, but also what kind of contingent it is. Who has such a place? So, you can be sure that you won’t get it for enough money to pay for the terminal in at least a year. This means that either the budget initially needs to be revised along with the profitability plan, or there is some kind of administrative resource.

Having read most of the reviews from terminal owners, we can conclude that the business is still relevant, but has no longer such an attractive time frame in terms of its payback.

Write your reviews.

Other people's opinions

It is difficult to run such a business alone. In order to have good turnover and profit, you need to install not just one such terminal, but many at once. Moreover, we must take into account that they are sometimes subject to repair. which means you need to hire repairmen. All the nuances that are described in this topic suggest that this business would be better managed by a company that would work as a legal organization, and not as a private entrepreneur, and would have enough funds to start work to make all the necessary investments.

In any case, most of my friends increasingly prefer to use payment terminals rather than stand in long lines to pay for a loan or utility bills. It's convenient and fast. Now almost every store has one. The only thing is that pensioners will not be able to become regular customers due to their age.

Ekaterina V

Ekaterina V, But there is no problem in this. They are simply afraid of them, like all people are afraid of what they do not understand. You just need to show how it works one or several times and they all understand perfectly well. My grandfather at 80 sat down to master the computer and he succeeded.

Quite a solid business idea, but there is still a lot of competition. Accordingly, there is a very high demand. I think it’s quite possible to find places where there are no these terminals to install your own and make good money from them.

To install such a terminal, you need to have very good friends or invest a lot of money. I was thinking about such a business. But I still couldn’t find a place to put it. And it is best to install such terminals at airports, train stations, shopping centers, and markets. It is also possible to accommodate in residential areas, but there will not be much income.

  1. Practice shows that the optimal number of payment terminals that will bring the greatest benefit is 4-5. This is due to the fact that such a number of machines can be serviced by one technician so that there is no downtime for several machines at once in the event of a malfunction of one.
  2. The machines should be placed as closely as possible in relation to each other, but at the same time you should not sacrifice “walkable space” if it is possible to place a machine there, but it will be somewhat distant from the rest.
  3. The costs of purchasing and installation if there are 4-5 machines are recovered within the first six months. It is impossible to predict the net profit, and very often it simply depends on the city where the machine is installed. For example, in Klin it is 50-60 thousand per month, in Mytishchi - up to 80 thousand, and in Zaraysk - 35-40 thousand per month.

Currently, this business is no longer so relevant. Firstly, there is too much competition; now even in small cities there are such terminals on every corner. Secondly, online banks are gaining great popularity, in which all the functionality of the terminal is present, and everything is done without leaving home. Therefore, I would not recommend doing it.

Dimcha.k, nothing like that, if a fairly large group of middle-aged and older people have barely mastered the use of terminals, then one cannot expect the same successes in Internet banking! He is unfamiliar to the vast majority of those “who are for...”. This idea was confirmed by a friend who owns three payment terminals: according to him, the number of transactions performed remained approximately the same as 2-3 years ago, only the average payment amounts decreased slightly, by about 10-20 rubles.

There was already a similar topic here somewhere, and there I wrote that this business would no longer be profitable. There are several reasons. The first is that in every city there are a bunch of such terminals installed on every corner, therefore the competition is quite high. The second reason is that now you can pay for any service at home via the Internet (via an Internet bank or payment system), and this is much more convenient and faster than through a terminal.

It is a very expensive business, and it seems to me that it is now difficult to fit in so as to quickly recoup it.

Without a doubt, the most popular trading terminal today is Meta Trader 4 (MT 4), the vast majority of brokerage companies provide the opportunity to work with it. Not long ago, the manufacturing company released its new version, Meta Trader 5, which has not yet become widely used - according to statistics, this terminal is used by only a few percent of traders.

Some brokerage companies offer clients other trading terminals. For example, StartFX, Rumus 2, NinjaTrader, ZuluTrade and some others.

It is very important to find “your” terminal – one that will be truly comfortable for you to work with. A correctly selected and well-configured terminal increases the chances of stable profitable trading.

Selecting a trading terminal

Which terminal to choose for Forex trading? Despite the variety of offers, the most correct choice can be considered the reliable, time-tested Meta Trader 4. This is a truly good, convenient, functional terminal; the vast majority of brokerage companies offer trading using it. If you choose a little-used trading terminal, you will be forced to relearn when moving to another broker. MT 4 is used very widely, so you definitely will not encounter such a problem.

Another important advantage of MT 4 is the presence of a huge number of indicators and scripts written for it. In this regard, the functionality of other platforms is poorer.

Particular attention should be paid to MT 5. This is an updated version of Meta Trader 4, but it has more disadvantages than advantages - which is why it is so little used. The main disadvantages of MT 5 are the lack of the ability to lock positions and the combination of unidirectional transactions.

Let us explain these points in more detail. Locking is the opening of an opposite transaction in the same volume for the same instrument. For example, you opened a deal with a volume of 0.1 lots to buy, and the rate went down. To protect your position and wait out a pullback, you open a sell order with the same volume. The loss on one order is offset by the profit on the second. When the market reverses, the lock order is closed. Many traders use a lock as an alternative to a stop order (Stop loss).

MT 5 does not allow locking. In addition, you cannot open several unidirectional positions - for example, 5 orders of 0.1 lot - they will be automatically combined into one order of 0.5 lot. This is also very inconvenient, as it narrows the trader’s options.

If your trading strategy does not include the use of locking orders and you do not use several unidirectional orders for one instrument, you may well choose MT 5 to work with.

Each of the remaining terminals also has its own pros and cons. To make a choice, study their descriptions well and test demo versions of these terminals. And only after that make the final choice.

Today, the electronic services market is developing at a tremendous pace. We no longer stand in long lines to pay utility bills or top up our mobile phone balance.

All this can be done easily and simply using payment terminals. Thanks to them, we stopped asking many questions, the solution of which required us to waste time. In this material we will tell you in detail about the history of the appearance of these wonderful devices, how big money is made from them and, finally, how to start a terminal business yourself. So, first things first.

Payment terminal as a business

At the dawn of the emergence of payment machines in Russia in 2006, the profit from them averaged 300 billion rubles, but after another 3 years these figures exceeded 700 billion. In neighboring Kazakhstan, terminals for accepting payments began their development around the same time.

In 2008, about 13,000 payment acceptance points were actively operating there. By the way, today their number has exceeded 30,000. And now the most important thing.

According to experts, this type of payment has enormous potential. There is an opinion that the market is saturated to only 50% of its real potential. This opens up great opportunities for organizing your own business in this area.

However, there are many skeptics who claim the opposite. According to them, certain parts of the market are already oversaturated with such machines. In addition, there is the concept of the population “getting used to” various innovations. And if a few years ago consumers shied away from strange cars, today everything is exactly the opposite. They have become very popular and, most importantly, are in great demand, which again confirms the relevance of organizing your own network of such machines.

What do you need to start a business?

What do you need to install a payment terminal? Businessmen and entrepreneurs can organize their own company in the instant payments market. To do this, you need to purchase all the necessary equipment, connect to payment systems and choose a suitable place to rent. You will have your percentage of each transaction performed by your clients.

Commissions pay for rent and equipment costs and bring tangible income to the owners. Of course, you are already puzzled by the question of how much profit one payment terminal brings. And you probably already thought that this was a penny. In fact, substantial commissions were passed through the terminals before a serious conflict occurred between the owners of the terminals and the well-known company Kcell. The essence of the showdown concerned the restrictions on the commission that was charged when making payments.

According to the position of terminal operators, after this restriction was introduced, their income fell by a third. And this, by the way, is natural, since the company’s turnover, which brought such confusion to the market, is estimated at 30 to 50% of the total number of all electronic payments made. According to the well-known QIWI service, cellular operators make good money in this business, their share in the total turnover sometimes reaches 75%. And yet, with the right and rational approach, this type of business can turn out to be very, very profitable.

Experts in this area note that in the next 5 years such payments will become the most popular, both in Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as in a number of other CIS countries. Why? It's simple.

Such a business is beneficial to absolutely everyone. Just think: the payer gets the opportunity to instantly make a payment (and without interrupting his own affairs, somewhere in a supermarket), the provider “makes money” on the connection, and the owner of the terminal withdraws his interest.

Everyone is happy and comfortable. Therefore, the number of instant payment points is expected to increase in the near future. Installing payment terminals is truly a comprehensively profitable and promising business! He has a great future.

How to install your terminal?

So, we have already decided that this business has all the prerequisites for development, that the niche has not yet been filled, that it is still possible to enter the market and start your own business.
Now let's look at how to install your own payment terminal. In order to start accepting instant payments, you need to:

1. Register as a legal entity.

2. Select the location where the payment terminal will be installed. It is very important. It is imperative that the area be crowded. One of the best places is the entrance to the hypermarket.

Don't forget the main thing - the more people pass by, the more money you can collect. However, the amount of rent will also not be small.

3. Invest in terminals.

4. Choose the right payment systems for the payment terminals with which you will work, sign the appropriate agreement and open a specific account. They act as an intermediary between the owner of the payment terminal and organizations. The more partners payment systems can service, the correspondingly greater range of varied payments you will be able to provide to clients.

Now let's look at the names of payment acceptance points.

Self-service terminal. As the name suggests, it is designed to allow customers to make all necessary payments themselves. The information provided on the monitor is structured. Also, for the convenience of users, all types of payments are divided into thematic groups. All this allows the client to quickly and without any “problems” carry out all operations.

POS terminal. The name can be literally translated as “point of sale.” It is a compact, autonomous type terminal, the design of which allows it to successfully operate both from the network and from the built-in battery. This type of equipment is usually installed at checkout counters in various stores. A POS terminal is an excellent additional income for owners of retail outlets.

Payment point. This system is convenient for those who do not want to invest a lot of money in the business. It is compact and its equipment is inexpensive. The point can be organized only with the help of a laptop and, of course, software. As we have already noted, such a solution will cost the owner much less than all of the above. In this case, the payment point can be expanded (or, if necessary, collapsed) in the shortest possible time.

And now a few words about investments

The main advantage of the business discussed in our material is, of course, the insignificant labor costs required for its organization and subsequent work.

The cost depends both on the device model and on the availability of various additional capabilities of this type of equipment. This, in fact, is where the main investments are limited. If you don’t even have these financial resources, you may not buy the equipment, but rent a payment terminal. In this case, you will need to enter into an appropriate agreement with its owner. This practice, like any other, has its pros and cons.

In general, the payback of this type of business is such that it is better and more correct to purchase good equipment once and after 5-6 months begin to calculate the net profit, than to rent a payment terminal and additionally throw away money on its repair (which is possible) and on paying commissions to its owner.

More is better

In order to start earning really big money, you need to organize not just two or three terminals, but develop a whole network of instant payment systems. Only in this case will the payment terminal as a business begin to bring in good money.

And if things don’t work out in one place, then profits from other places can cover costs and expenses and quickly recoup your investment. Experts in this business say that for a successful start you need to have at least three terminals (however, their opponents often mention the number 10). For Russia, we have no information about the exact amount of finance to fully start a business.

Let's take an average amount as an example: for these purposes, approximately 200,000 rubles are needed. This amount includes the cost of equipment and the initial financial resources necessary for turnover. With such investments, there is a high probability that the payment terminal as a business will become very, very successful for you, regardless of whether you start it in Moscow or, for example, in Almaty. Have a good start!


How does the payment terminal work? Who serves it? In order to maintain the equipment in working order and ensure its normal operation, a small staff is required. So, for example, a company with 8 terminals can be managed by only 1 person, but if you have 5 or more employees, then you will be able to successfully manage a company servicing several dozen instant payment points.

The advantages of such a business are that in order to engage in it, you do not need to have huge warehouse premises, rack your brains over logistics, or deal with various paperwork with clients (for which you need to maintain a staff of lawyers).

The good thing about a payment terminal as a business is that your task here is only
in order to correctly place your equipment (here it is important to maintain a balance between the “crowding” of the place and a more or less acceptable rent) and monitor the collection process and the proper operation of the terminals.

By the way, before starting this interesting and very profitable business, it is worth considering one point in detail. To successfully start any business, you simply need to have a business plan; a payment terminal is no exception. What does it mean?

You need to think through an approximate plan for the operation of each of your points. You must understand that if one of them is not able to raise the funds necessary for the payback of the entire enterprise at first, the others will be able to do this.

It is also important to have a well-thought-out strategy for developing your business overall. For example, this month you start working with three points. After two months, you connect three more devices to your network. By the end of the year, you should have a network with more than a dozen terminals in operation.

How much should you invest right away?

You will immediately need to spend a decent amount on purchasing equipment. We have already told you about its cost earlier. It is worth adding to the above that the most expensive devices may be those intended for installation on the streets. This is not at all surprising. As you understand, they must withstand constant exposure to various precipitation and atmospheric conditions.

Therefore, the equipment is manufactured with an increased level of strength. Such devices, unlike “greenhouse” devices designed for indoor use, can cost up to $9,000. Therefore, weigh everything several times before deciding to purchase. It may be beneficial for you to negotiate with the store administration about the location of your point, rather than installing it, albeit for a lower rent, on the street (but investing money in more expensive devices).

Let us remind you that there are also free solutions. These include software for servicing cash registers. In this scenario for building a business, you simply won’t need to buy terminals.

Monthly expenses

First of all, this is the rent. Its cost depends on many factors: the city, the size of the store and its traffic, your individual approach and ability to negotiate. You can install a payment terminal at a price that is favorable to you if you describe in vivid colors all the advantages of this point directly for the customers of this store. The management of any shopping pavilion or hypermarket will be interested in providing its customers with maximum service.

Systematic replenishment of a specific account - its size depends on the number of your instant payment points at a specific dealer. At the same time, as soon as you have made the necessary payment for the service, it is immediately debited from a special account of the owner of the payment acceptance point and sent to the wallet of the provider of this service. By the way, only thanks to this is “immediate” payment ensured.

Payment for Internet traffic (GPRS). It varies depending on the city and country where you are going to set up your business. However, even at maximum load it does not go beyond $30-50.

It is also necessary to highlight various deductions in a separate article. These include taxes, collection services, the work of technical personnel and the labor of hired employees.

How much profit does one payment terminal bring?

So, gradually, we got closer to the answer to one of the most interesting questions. Depending on your service provider (provider, telecom operator), commissions can range from 0.2% to 7% of the payment amount. Not bad, right? There is also a special additional commission. As a rule, it can be collected by the terminal owner from his clients. The amount is not fixed. It may be charged as a percentage of the payment made.


Now let's talk about when you can achieve net profit. Knowing how much the equipment costs, what the rent for its location is, as well as other costs, you can roughly calculate when payment machines will start working in profit. For example, 3 terminals can pay for themselves in 4 months of operation. But this is provided that there is sufficient crowding and traffic flow of the place. If this is not the case, then the payment terminal as a business will be less successful.

You can justify your investment in 8 months. But again, it all depends on what point it is. If we talk about the specific profit from it, then according to information from Kazakh businessmen, it is approximately 35 thousand tenge. OSMP gives approximately the same figure. In their opinion, the instant payment market is currently experiencing rapid growth. This is why terminals for accepting payments pay for themselves on average within a year.

A spoon of tar

However, despite the popularity of this service among the population, business payment terminals have recently reduced their turnover somewhat. Experts say that just a couple of years ago, profits were significantly higher than they are today. Today, the owners of instant payment points are content with the profit that would not have satisfied them at the dawn of this field of activity.

This business (payment terminals), due to the emergence of fierce competition and the not entirely adequate policies of mobile operators, lost almost 50% of its profits. However, this does not mean that you should not invest in such a business. Of course, now is not the “dawn” of terminals, and you will no longer be the first, but you can still conquer a certain niche. The most important thing is not to sit idly by, but to constantly act and find unexpected moves. In this case, such a business (payment terminals) will work for you!

As in any business, in order to compete and at the same time constantly expand your network, it is important to work all the time. But what exactly needs to be done to ensure that your network of terminals brings you profit? And the payment terminal as a business was constantly growing? Pay special attention to several main points:

Increasing the number of your points and installing payment terminals should occur constantly if the necessary funds are available.

You should constantly increase the number of your partners for whose benefit you will accept payments. This is the point that may depend not only on you, but also on the payment system you choose. Here it would be more correct to monitor the activity of this system and, if it does not expand the number of its partners for a long time, simply change it to a more successful one.

Constantly monitoring how passable the points are. One of the common failures in this market is precisely due to the fact that the entrepreneur chooses the wrong place to place the equipment. If profits have dropped sharply for a long period of time, then it is better to close the point or move it to a more profitable location. Installing payment terminals in a public place will ensure the success of the entire business.

Work on the quality of the service provided. It is quite possible that this point cannot be attributed directly to expanding your network, but in reality it can have a very serious impact.


Let's summarize. Before starting a business in the field of instant payment, realistically assess your financial capabilities. Then write a business plan. Keep in mind that force majeure is possible, so set aside some amount for unforeseen events. Next, purchase equipment.

If your budget is small, then abandon street terminals in favor of those that are located only indoors. Now recruit staff and determine the most crowded, but at the same time not very expensive places to locate your points. You already know how to install a payment terminal in a store. It is necessary to negotiate with the management of the supermarket and agree on the cost. When all the contracts are signed and your “network” is in place, start tracking your profitability and making your profit!

Despite the fact that this niche cannot be called new, there are still loopholes for successfully entering the instant payment market, which means you can earn your million in this simple and interesting business! The most important thing is not to lose heart or give up under any circumstances. Even if your business does not immediately produce the desired result, do not despair and try to find new points for your equipment.

It is possible that new stores will allow you to earn good money. Also constantly expand your business contacts. Perhaps one of the new partners will be able to give you a valuable idea that you can implement, or will recommend good quality terminals at affordable prices.

Hello! Today we’ll talk about merchant acquiring and bank tariffs. We will also tell you what it is, how it works, how to connect, etc. To do this, we contacted bank specialists and prepared banking offers for you with the most favorable conditions today. In addition, you will learn about the pros and cons of this service for your business.

What is merchant acquiring

The most convenient form of payment today is a bank card. Increasingly, in hotels, shops, restaurants and other companies, instead of the usual banknotes, people hand over a plastic card to pay for services. In this regard, the number of companies that introduce trade acquiring is increasing every day. Not only major players in the market, but even private entrepreneurs understand that we are talking about the fight for customers!

There are 3 types of acquiring:

  • merchant acquiring

The latter will be discussed in today’s article.

Trade acquiring This is a banking service that allows all sales representatives to accept bank cards instead of cash when paying for goods and services using a special terminal. You will learn in detail how to obtain this service in this article.

In addition to the general definition of non-cash payment, merchant acquiring has another side. In fact, this type of service implies the provision by a banking organization of special equipment, as well as settlement, technological and information services. Any company that accepts bank card payments from any of the well-known payment systems can use the service.

The subjects of this process are:

  • buyer;
  • salesman;
  • acquiring bank;
  • payment systems.

Sometimes, between the store (seller of goods/services) and the bank there is added processing company. Large banks, as a rule, have their own processing center.

In general, the task of a processing company is to install and register acquiring equipment, as well as process and store information on all operations passing through the terminal.

The presented service is due to a huge number of advantages that are relevant both for large trading companies and for private entrepreneurs. Thanks to this, acquiring is now only gaining momentum.

By connecting to merchant acquiring, you receive:

  • Increasing your organization's competitiveness.
  • Increasing cash flow by attracting bank card holders.
  • Consumers will be able to spend large amounts of money because they are not limited by cash.
  • The risk of receiving counterfeit banknotes is reduced.
  • The speed of trade and settlement operations increases.
  • Bank card holders are more likely to make large and unplanned purchases.
  • Reducing costs for ensuring the safety of funds (collection).
  • The level of optimization of the entire customer service process is increasing.
  • Payment security guaranteed! Loss, theft, fires, and even a cashier's error - all this fades into the background.

Tariffs and conditions of banks for trade acquiring

Consider the most favorable terms of trade acquiring and compare the tariffs of leading banks.

Important! To work with merchant acquiring, you first need (this article shows the best conditions of banks for opening a current account, and we will now look at some banks for merchant acquiring).

Russian Standard Bank

Transaction fee is 2.5%.

The cost of connection, including equipment (terminal) - from 12,000 rubles.

It is possible to work with a current account of another bank.


Trading terminal - provided as a property! It is possible to purchase it on credit at a rate of 16% of the cost of the terminal. Delivery within 5-7 working days after payment. All equipment settings for your business are made by bank representatives. All you have to do is turn on the terminal and start accepting payments.

  • The transaction fee is fixed - 1.9%.
  • The cost of the equipment is 24,500 rubles. (ICT 250 CTLS/ GPRS wired), RUB 30,000. (IWL 250 GPRS wireless), RUB 33,000. (IWL 250 Wi-Fi portable). Equipment from Ingenico.

More detailed information about trade acquiring in Modulbank can be found at bank website.

Bank Point

An excellent bank for entrepreneurs and ONLY for entrepreneurs!

To sign up for the service, the client does not need to go anywhere, just log into the Internet bank and sign a pre-prepared agreement there. There is no need to pay any additional payments or security deposit. You can receive money into your account the very next business day. There is no need to buy a terminal: it can be rented for a year, and then it will remain the client’s property.

  • Transaction fee - 1.6 - 2.3%
  • The cost of connecting the terminal is free.
  • Equipment cost - From 23,000 rubles to 31,000 rubles. There is an installment plan for 12 months. Verifone terminals models 520 (portable and stationary) and 675.

More detailed information about merchant acquiring in Tochka can be found at bank website.


Transaction fee - from 1.9 – 2.2%

Monthly fee for using electronic terminals: from 190 to 990 rubles. for 1 terminal.

The cost of connecting and registering the terminal is from 490 rubles. up to 29,990 rub. per terminal.

All numbers depend on your turnover. The higher the turnover, the more profitable your tariff.

Here are more details about tariffs for trade acquiring from Raiffeisenbank:


Transaction fee:

— turnover up to 100,000 rub. per month for 1 terminal 2.7%;

— turnover from 100,001 to 150,000 rubles. per month per 1 terminal 2.2%

— turnover from 150,001 rub. per month per 1 terminal 1.6%

Terminal Maintenance- from 0 to 1000 rub. per month. (depending on the tariff)

Details at VTB official website.

Terminal price:

  • Stationary POS terminal from 10,000 rub. for 1 piece
  • Portable POS terminal from 16,000 rub. for 1 piece
  • In the “Small Business” tariff, a POS terminal starts from 2,600 rubles. for 1 piece

Here are more details about the tariffs for VTB 24 merchant acquiring:

Trade acquiring in Sberbank

This is the most mysterious bank of all existing ones. We called, wrote, asked and received no answers. The employees’ answer is always the same: “Come to a bank branch and an employee will calculate the conditions for you individually.” They don’t even say the commission percentage from start to finish.

But we spent a long time digging on the Internet and from other sources we managed to find out the approximate tariffs for Sberbank merchant acquiring.

Details at official website of Sberbank.


  • Availability of a current account in Sberbank.
  • Installation of a remote customer service terminal.

Transaction fee- depends on turnover.

  • If over 1,000,000 rubles, then 1.8%;
  • up to 1,000,000 rub. up to 2.4%.

But reviews on the Internet about Sberbank’s merchant acquiring indicate that this is not the limit of the commission. At low speeds there were cases where the percentage increased to 3.4% and even 4%. Moreover. If you do not agree with the increase in interest, then they will quickly come to you and take away the terminal.

If everything is stable with your turnover, then as a rule the interest rate, as indicated, is 1.8 - 2.4%.

With all this, Sberbank is a leader in trade acquiring.

Alfa Bank

We contacted Alfa Bank employees and received an answer that they are no longer engaged in “Terrestrial” acquiring. Clients are offered a UCS partner. At the moment, Alfa Bank provides only Internet acquiring.

How does payment work in merchant acquiring?

In general, the entire procedure takes no more than 60 seconds. The process of paying for goods or services and transferring funds to the entrepreneur’s bank account occurs in several stages.

Details at Alfa-Bank official website.

  1. Presenting a card to the seller to pay for goods or services;
  2. The seller sends a request and receives permission to perform a transaction from the processing center (or the bank’s processing center);
  3. The processing center contacts the bank that issued the card;
  4. The cardholder (buyer) is authorized by entering a PIN code;
  5. The amount of money is debited from the cardholder's account;
  6. The card owner (buyer) receives a receipt (slip) about the transaction.

To carry out this entire operation, special equipment is required. imprinter, or POS terminal, in some cases both. There is only one significant difference between these two types of equipment:

  • funds are credited to the account of the seller who used the imprinter on the third day after the transaction. And for those who use a POS terminal, to the next one.

Example: A customer came to your store and decided to pay for purchases with a card, you inserted his card into the terminal, he entered a PIN code, you gave him a receipt.

Rights and obligations of the parties

When installing equipment at retail outlets, the banking organization is obliged to provide qualified technical assistance, as well as provide advice on any issue.

It is also worth noting other responsibilities of banking organizations:

  • The POS terminal is installed, and initial testing of the equipment is also carried out.
  • Information support and assistance in employee training, customer service and equipment operation.
  • Transfer of funds to the client’s account within the established time limits specified in the contract.
  • Checking the solvency of bank cards.
  • Providing technical support 24 hours a day.
  • Provision of consumables (slips, checks, etc.)

As for trade organizations, they have the right to demand high-quality performance of services, as well as duties. At the same time, trading companies must fulfill a number of conditions.

  • Prepare a place for installing specialized terminals.
  • Pay the established commission.
  • Accept bank cards for payment.

There is one more feature: acquiring banks reserve the right to charge a commission based on the cost of the product or service not from the consumer, but from the seller . Other features of the provision of services and responsibilities are specified in the contract.

How to activate the trade acquiring service for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

You already understand the entire mechanism of action of the presented service. Now you need to determine the sequence of actions when connecting acquiring. There are only 6 stages from the application to the final result, which we will consider further.

  1. Choosing a bank

Many processing companies offer to work with them directly. When comparing tariffs and conditions, you should make a choice in favor of the bank as a service provider. Processing companies are only intermediaries who are paid a commission, so you should not overpay in vain. In addition, as mentioned above, many leading banks have their own processing centers.

  1. Service request

Once you have decided on a banking organization, you need to contact it and inform it of your desire to use the trade acquiring service. This can be done either through online operators, using the hotline, or by contacting the office.

  1. Documentation

Has your candidacy been approved? Then you will need to prepare a certain package of documents. To find out the exact list, contact your bank. In some banks (for example, Tochka), you can register for equipment without leaving your home, through your personal account. Some banks (Sberbank), in order to receive terminals for use, require a current account with their bank.

In general, you will need to enter into 2 agreements:

  • contract for the acquiring itself— for service at the processing center and conditions;
  • equipment rental agreement(if the equipment is provided for rent and not for permanent use).

In addition, you will need to prepare the following package of documents:

  • *Charter (legal entity);
  • Passport of the head of the enterprise;
  • Certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal organization;
  • Certificate from the tax authorities confirming the absence of debt;
  • Certificate of opening a current account;
  • *Certificate of tax registration (at the request of the bank);
  • Other documents (at the Bank's request).
  1. Signing the contract

The next step is drawing up and concluding an agreement with the service provider. This document is intended to regulate various controversial issues that may arise between the parties during cooperation. The contract specifies all the rights and obligations of the parties.

  1. Equipment

You will be offered to rent equipment that will allow you to conduct cashless transactions. In this case, it can be a stationary or portable POS terminal. The latter option is suitable for restaurants, cafes or courier deliveries, since the portable POS terminal is mobile. As for stationary devices, they are perfect for a store, beauty salon and other organizations where customers themselves approach the payment point.

  1. Installing and starting the system

You will be required to discuss in advance the time at which the equipment will be installed. A specialist will come to your site and perform the installation. Afterwards, a test run of the system will be carried out before the start of maintenance. You also need to request training for your employees.

The occurrence of difficulties cannot be excluded, but despite this, merchant acquiring can be an excellent tool for increasing profits! Connecting the service helps strengthen the company’s position in the trade and services market. In addition, this is a high indicator of reliability, since the company works closely with one of the banking organizations.

  1. Requirements for the terminal installation site

In general, the requirements for the installation location of the terminal will be approximately the same.

  • Space for installing equipment on a horizontal surface, approximately 30 x 40 cm.
  • Availability of socket.
  • Availability of Wi-Fi, dedicated telephone line or patch court (cable).
  • Availability of SIM card and cell phone.