Sample terms of reference for the design of a building. Design assignment and main input data for design

The importance of the correct execution (drawing up) of the design assignment (RF) is beyond doubt, since the better the RFP is drawn up, the less problems all parties of the process have. In this case, the more detailed and transparent the RFP, the more precise the wording, the more correct the technical solutions and cost will be. project documentation(PD) and SMR. The design process, like any process, can be described something like this:

What does the customer want

The customer wants everything that is possible to be written in the RFP, while the cunning customer writes ambiguous wordings like:

  • Do everything necessary (develop documentation) to obtain a positive State Expertise (SE).

You understand that experts are different and requirements can go very far beyond the scope of project documentation. And also, if the Customer prescribes in the RFP the collection of all the necessary initial data, including specifications, TT, then even if the Customer is to blame for their non-receipt or non-compliance, then the non-receipt of a positive conclusion by the GE for this reason can be imputed to the Contractor (such as not “provided , didn’t collect enough, or didn’t collect something” with which you can “pass the GE”).

  • Issue project documentation in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87.

Also an interesting question. Let's say the stage overhaul". Is it necessary to develop PD for all objects in full (by sections) in accordance with Decree 87? There are well-founded doubts and it is better that this be spelled out in the RFP. And if the stage is “reconstruction”, and you, for example, change some electric drive on a valve, then why develop all sections?

I had such a precedent. We are changing the valve, PIRs (design and survey work) are practically a penny, but the RFP says to do it according to Decree 87, although the operator (builder) does not need it at all (no one needs it), but the general designer (large design organization; departmental institute of a large Company; inadequate department of expertise, in the worst form, stamping the army traditions of the Company itself) clung to it, and you can’t get rid of it. What, are we going to sue a large Fuel and Energy Company? So-so is more expensive, you will lose the market and your reputation at the same time, although you can be right 100 times ... These are the nuances ...

  • Execute project documentation in accordance with the current regulatory documents of the Russian Federation.

We all know that there are recommended ones, there is a list of obligatory documents of the Russian Federation, on which, again, the state expertise has its own “special” opinion. Sometimes an expert can generally interpret the RD in such an exotic way that you simply wonder, or demand that it is not spelled out in any RD of the Russian Federation. Well, this is a separate song - about Expertise, which requires a separate discussion.

In addition, already in the RFP (if this is not in the contract), the Customer can prescribe a system for monitoring the development of PD on his part (such as a schedule with labor costs and people, a weekly report in the approved form, conference calls, etc.).

What does the Contractor want?

The Contractor wants everything in the RFP to be as specific as possible (especially regarding the completeness of the initial data and the scope of design work, technical requirements) in order to minimize the number of “Wishlists” of the Customer that arise at almost any stage of design. Therefore, if the Contractor himself writes the RFP, then he writes down absolutely everything that he knows about the facility, and also what to design at this facility, indicating specific parameters and requirements.

How do RFPs appear?

It depends on the customer. Usually, major customers have their own developed RFP form and the Contractor cannot do anything with this, since this TOR is played in the tender and is not subject to change. Even if there are errors, inaccuracies or contradictions in the RFP, it is extremely difficult to correct the RFP for a large Customer (bureaucracy-sss). There are signatures of high bosses (a common mistake of the Customer, the RFP should not contain the signatures of high bosses, there should still be a separation of levels of responsibility), who need to somehow explain why the RFP itself has changed, which d made a mistake, submit it here , let's punish him ... well, who will go to such a boss to explain this? Problematic, isn't it? We have experience, for the second year we are coordinating a change in the RFP (the ravine has grown, a natural disaster), but "the cart is still there." They even flew by helicopter, though with “middle bosses”, but who will go to the “high” ones? Bummer-s…

Medium Customers may act differently. The most adequate allow you to reasonably adjust your RFP.

Small Customers either draw up the RFP themselves, or entrust it to the Contractor. As a rule, it is more comfortable to work with medium and small customers. Large Customers also have their advantages, for example, more numerous and well-paid highly qualified personnel and well-established “work organization traditions” that can help the process in some way (for example, timely responses to Contractor’s inquiries-letters).

Composition of the RFP

The composition of the RFP, as a rule, is taken by a large Customer (Gazprom, Rosneft, etc.) from its regulatory document or, if there is no such document, it forms it according to accepted traditions, taking the existing RFP as an analogue.

We present to you for understanding the structure of the RFP of some large Companies the RFP forms and.

In principle, quite decent RFPs, there are, of course, unnecessary paragraphs (they still understand that there are many departments in large Companies and everyone wants to put their own paragraph into the document), but the form can be used as an analogue, although in the second part of the article I will include a link in the text for a more adequate RFP project.

The main sections of the RFP are the following:

  • Basis for the development of project documentation
  • Customer and contractor, address of the design object, design stage and stages
  • Location of the design object
  • Type of documentation (or design stage)

On the above points, of course, a clear understanding is needed in the RFP: who is the customer, who is the contractor, where the design object is located and what is the design stage (new construction, reconstruction, overhaul).

  • Initial data

In the initial data provided by the Customer, it is desirable to prescribe everything that the Customer has, including survey materials, engineering surveys. Of course, the Contractor requests a lot of information from the Customer during the design process for the development of individual sections of the PD, especially such as "Fire safety measures", "Environmental protection measures", etc.

In accordance with Decree No. 87 of the Government of the Russian Federation, there are only two design stages in the Russian Federation: design and working documentation. The Detailed Design (DS) stage, a formerly ubiquitous term, has largely disappeared, although it does appear in some minor design-related documents.

At the same time, the term RP had a completely normal logical explanation - this is design and working documentation in one bottle (it is being developed simultaneously). For example, for a major overhaul, there is no need to divide the design into stages, but immediately develop everything that is required, especially since the PD for a major overhaul is not subject to the State Expertise. And here some Customers go to the trick. For example, OAO Gazprom has developed an internal document “Linear part of main gas pipelines. Are common technical requirements to design documentation for overhaul”, in which he introduced a new term for project documentation - “PD KR” (project documentation for overhaul), which is being developed in one stage (Transenergostroy LLC participated in the development of this document).

Often the customer incorrectly determines the design stage, sometimes unconsciously, sometimes quite consciously, trying to raise the financing of the object to the cost item he has. Due to this “misunderstanding”, problems may then arise during the passage of the State Expertise (which will force the RFP to be redone) or, for example, with Rostekhnadzor.

  • Procedure for developing documentation

The paragraph prescribes the stages of development of PD (sequence of development), for example:

  1. Collection of initial data;
  2. Engineering survey;
  3. Basic technical solutions (as part of the PD);
  4. Expertise of the Customer;
  5. External expertise.
  • Main characteristics of the object

Technical characteristics of the object before and after construction (reconstruction, overhaul, new construction).

  • Requirements for the identification of a building or structure

These requirements are spelled out in Article 4 of the 384-FZ “Technical Regulations for the Safety of Buildings and Structures”, which explicitly states the need to indicate these features of developers in the design assignment and the engineering survey assignment:

  1. Appointment;
  2. Belonging to transport infrastructure facilities and other facilities, the functional and technological features of which affect their safety;
  3. The possibility of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts on the territory where the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out;
  4. Belonging to dangerous production facilities;
  5. Fire and explosion hazard;
  6. Availability of premises with permanent residence of people;
  7. Responsibility level.
  • Requirements for the design organization

It is clear that the Contractor must have the appropriate permits and a certificate from the SRO, which indicates that he can design.

  • Normative documents for design

(You can attach the list to the task separately).

Features of technical regulation in the field of ensuring the safety of buildings and structures and related processes of design (including surveys), construction, operation and disposal (demolition) are established by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures (Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384 -FZ), adopted in accordance with the technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures by national standards (GOSTs) and codes of practice (SP), as well as other regulatory documents.

The procedure for the development, adoption, application and implementation of mandatory requirements for buildings and structures during their design and construction is determined by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation" (hereinafter - Law No. 184-FZ).

In accordance with Law No. 184-FZ, in order to establish mandatory requirements for the safety of buildings and related processes of design (including surveys), construction, operation, and disposal (demolition), the Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures (Federal Law of 30.12. 2009 No. 384-FZ) (hereinafter referred to as the Technical Regulations).

The objects of regulation by technical regulations are:

  1. Buildings and structures for any purpose (including their constituent networks and systems of engineering and technical support),
  2. As well as the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) related to buildings and structures.

Compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation is ensured by national standards and codes of practice adopted in accordance with this technical regulation.

  • Special conditions and design requirements

For example, construction without stopping the enterprise, it is possible to require the development of STU (if the existing norms of the Russian Federation are violated or the insufficiency of such norms is obvious). There may be special requirements for the use of equipment and materials, the stages of design or pre-project work.

  • Requirements for engineering surveys

If engineering surveys are required, then a separate assignment for engineering surveys (IS) is usually drawn up, which is separately agreed upon by the Customer. It is possible to register this requirement for drawing up a RFP for AI in the general TOR (together with the requirement for the development and approval of the Survey Program). You can specify the boundaries of the survey, area, scale, types of surveys, as well as features of certain types of surveys.

  • Variant development requirements

The variability can be according to technical, organizational, other solutions described in the project documentation.

  • Requirements for constructive and engineering solutions

Each section or subsection (including engineering systems) must have its own requirements.

  • Requirements for the development of environmental measures

It is possible to prescribe “in accordance with the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation”, or it can be expanded, do not forget about public hearings (if necessary), about EIA (environmental impact assessment), various monitoring. It is possible to include the development and approval of the SPZ (sanitary protection zone), without which it can be problematic to obtain a positive conclusion from the State Expertise. It is possible to indicate about the reclamation project and its approval by local authorities (there was such a remark from the GE). In general, your "ecological" fantasy can be indecently large.

  • fire safety requirements

Well, it is clear that the documentation must be developed in accordance with the norms of the Russian Federation. Additionally (if it is a site object), you can add a requirement for fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems, indicate what and how we extinguish, requirements for automatic fire extinguishing, the requirement for risk assessment. You can also add a fire extinguishing plan (although this does not apply to PD).

  • Requirements for the organization and working conditions of employees

This requirement is separately, as a rule, prescribed for a new object, for which it is necessary to determine the personnel serving the object. Additionally, this requirement can be specified in the technological part of the project.

  • System requirements information security(IB) and engineering and technical means of protection (ITSO complex) of objects

Such requirements are specific and for each Customer their own. Some Customers provide separate technical requirements after the contractor agrees on the composition of the staff and the layout of the premises where the staff works and rests.

  • Industrial safety requirements (IB)

This requirement is rarely prescribed as a separate paragraph in the RFP, since these requirements should be taken into account in most sections of the project, but it is possible to prescribe the RF ND on this topic, specialized federal laws and industrial safety standards.

  • The requirement for the preparation of estimate documentation (SD)

Estimated documentation also has its own specifics for each Customer (at what prices to calculate; in what program, at what prices; what to take into account, what not; the requirement to provide price lists for equipment (for example, in 2-3 copies)).

  • Composition of demo materials to be transferred

It is possible to prescribe a requirement to provide presentation materials (for example, basic technical solutions for the Customer, presentations for public hearings, etc.), properly designed. Buildings may be required to provide 3D images, models, etc.

  • Requirement for external reviews
  1. Internal expertise of the customer (which structures are involved and which sections are checked);
  2. External expertise (to which organizations and what documentation to submit for expertise):

State expertise.

Non-state expertise.

  • Requirements for registration and transfer of materials to the Customer:
  1. The number of transferred documentation (on paper and electronic media);
  2. How to make documentation in paper;
  3. Format of registration on electronic media.

As we all have already understood, the topic of the correct design of the RFP from the point of view of the Customer and the Contractor occupies an important place in the design process and is especially important for the development of a high-quality project and the elimination of possible misunderstandings between the Customer and the Contractor.

In general, until we meet again, do it well and sleep well :-))))!



In accordance with paragraph five of clause 3 of the Government Decree Russian Federation dated May 12, 2017 N 563 "On the procedure and grounds for concluding contracts, the subject of which is the simultaneous execution of work on the design, construction and commissioning of facilities capital construction, and on amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2017, N 21, Art. 3015)

I order:

1. Approve:

a) a standard form of assignment for the design of a capital construction object in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this order;

b) requirements for the preparation of a task for the design of a capital construction object in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this order.

2. To impose control over the execution of this order on the Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Kh.D. Mavliyarova.

M.A. Men

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
May 3, 2018,
registration N 50960

Appendix N 1. Typical form of assignment for the design of a capital construction object

Appendix No. 1


and housing and communal services
Russian Federation
dated March 1, 2018 N 125/pr

type form

Assignment for the design of a capital construction object

I. General data

1. The basis for the design of the object:

(the name and item of the state, municipal program, the decision of the owner are indicated)

2. Developer (technical customer):

3. Investor (if any):

(the name, postal address, main state registration number and an identification number taxpayer)

4. Design organization:

(the name, postal address, main state registration number and taxpayer identification number are indicated)

5. Type of work:

(construction, reconstruction, overhaul (hereinafter referred to as construction)

6. Source of financing for the construction of the facility:

(the name of the sources of funding is indicated, including the federal budget, regional budget, local budget, extra-budgetary funds)

7. Specifications for connection (connection) of the object to the networks of engineering and technical support (if any):

8. Requirements for the allocation of stages of construction of the facility:

(information is indicated on the need to allocate construction stages)

9. Term of construction of the facility:

10. Requirements for the main technical and economic indicators of the object (area, volume, length, number of floors, productive capacity, capacity, freight turnover, traffic intensity and other indicators):

11. The identification features of the object are established in accordance with Article 4 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 1, Article 5; 2013, N 27, art. 3477) and include:

11.1. Purpose:

11.2. Belonging to transport infrastructure facilities and other facilities, the functional and technological features of which affect their safety:

11.3. The possibility of occurrence of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts in the territory where the construction of the facility will be carried out:

11.4. Belonging to hazardous production facilities:

(if the facility belongs to hazardous production facilities, the category and hazard class of the facility are also indicated)

11.5. Fire and explosion hazard:

11.6. Availability of premises with permanent residence of people:

11.7. Level of responsibility (established in accordance with clause 7 of part 1 and part 7 of article 4 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures"):

(high, normal, low)

12. Requirements on the need for compliance of design documentation with the justification for the safety of a hazardous production facility:

(indicated in case of preparation of project documentation for a hazardous production facility)

13. Requirements for quality, competitiveness, environmental friendliness and energy efficiency of design solutions:

(requirements are indicated that the project documentation and the decisions made in it must comply with the established requirements (it is necessary to indicate the list of details of regulatory legal acts, technical regulations, normative documents), as well as comply with the established energy efficiency class (not lower than class "C")

14. The need to perform engineering surveys for the preparation of project documentation:

(indicate the need to perform engineering surveys in the amount necessary and sufficient for the preparation of project documentation, or specify the details (attached) of engineering survey materials necessary and sufficient for the preparation of project documentation)

15. Estimated (marginal) cost of building an object:

(indicate the cost of construction of the facility, determined using aggregated construction price standards, and in their absence - taking into account documented information on the estimated cost of facilities similar in purpose, design capacity, natural and other conditions of the territory where construction is planned)

16. Information about the sources of financing for the construction of the facility:

II. Requirements for design solutions

17. Requirements for the scheme of planning organization land plot:

18. Requirements for the design of the right of way:

19. Requirements for architectural and artistic solutions, including requirements for graphic materials:

(indicated for industrial and non-industrial facilities)

20. Requirements for technological solutions:

21. Requirements for constructive and space-planning solutions (indicated for industrial and non-industrial facilities):

21.1. The procedure for the selection and use of materials, products, structures, equipment and their approval by the developer (technical customer):

(indicate the procedure for the design organization to send options for the materials, products, structures, equipment and their consideration and approval by the developer (technical customer)

21.2. Requirements for building structures:

(including requirements for the use of high-quality wear-resistant, environmentally friendly materials in construction and decoration)

21.3. Foundation requirements:

(the need to develop foundation solutions is indicated, taking into account the results of engineering surveys, as well as a technical and economic comparison of options)

21.4. Requirements for walls, basements and basement:

21.5. External wall requirements:

(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)

21.6. Requirements for internal walls and partitions:

(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)

21.7. Cover requirements:

(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)

21.8. Requirements for columns, crossbars:

(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)

21.9. Stair requirements:

(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)

21.10. Floor requirements:

(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)

21.11. Roof requirements:

(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)

21.12. Requirements for stained glass windows:

(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)

21.13. Door requirements:

(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)

21.14. Requirements for interior decoration:

(the aesthetic and operational characteristics of finishing materials are indicated, including surface texture, colors and shades, the need to use materials for interior decoration object based on the options for color schemes of the premises of the object)

21.15. Requirements for outdoor decoration:

(the aesthetic and operational characteristics of finishing materials are indicated, including surface texture, colors and shades, the need to use materials for the exterior decoration of the object based on the color options for the facades of the object)

21.16. Requirements for ensuring the safety of an object during hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts:

21.17. Requirements for engineering protection of the territory of the facility:

(indicated if the construction and operation of the facility is planned in difficult natural conditions)

22. Requirements for technological and design solutions of a linear facility:

(indicated for linear objects)

23. Requirements for buildings, structures and structures included in the infrastructure of a linear facility:

(indicated for linear objects)

24. Requirements for engineering solutions:

24.1. Requirements for the main technological equipment (the type and main characteristics are indicated according to the enlarged nomenclature; for non-industrial facilities, a requirement should be established for the selection of equipment based on feasibility calculations, feasibility comparison of options):

24.1.1. Heating:

24.1.2. Ventilation:

24.1.3. Water pipes:

24.1.4. Sewerage:

24.1.5. Power supply:

24.1.6. Telephone installation:

24.1.7. Radio coverage:

24.1.8. Information and telecommunications network "Internet":

24.1.9. A television:

24.1.10. Gasification:

24.1.11. Automation and dispatching:

24.2. Requirements for external networks of engineering and technical support, points of connection (requirements for the volume of design of external networks and details of the obtained technical specifications, which are attached to the design assignment):

24.2.1. Water supply:

24.2.2. Water disposal:

24.2.3. Heat supply:

24.2.4. Power supply:

24.2.5. Telephone installation:

24.2.6. Radio coverage:

24.2.7. Information and telecommunications network "Internet":

24.2.8. A television:

23.2.9. Gas supply:

24.2.10. Other networks of engineering and technical support:

25. Requirements for environmental protection measures:

26. Requirements for measures to ensure fire safety:

27. Requirements for measures to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements and for equipping the facility with metering devices used energy resources:

(not indicated in relation to facilities to which energy efficiency requirements and requirements for equipping them with metering devices for used energy resources do not apply)

28. Requirements for measures to ensure access for persons with disabilities to the facility:

(indicated for healthcare facilities, education, culture, recreation, sports and other social, cultural and domestic facilities, transport, trade, Catering, objects of business, administrative, financial, religious purposes, housing facilities)

29. Requirements for the engineering and technical strengthening of the facility in order to ensure its anti-terrorist protection:

(indicates the need to implement measures and (or) the relevant sections of the project documentation in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations, taking into account the functional purpose and parameters of the facility, as well as the requirements of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2013 N 1244 "On anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories)" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2013, No. 52, Art. 7220, 2016, No. 50, Art. 7108; 2017, No. 31, Art. 4929, No. 33, Art. 5192)

30. Requirements for compliance with safe for human health conditions of residence and stay in the facility and requirements for compliance with the safe level of impact of the facility on the environment:

(indicates the need to carry out activities and (or) prepare the relevant sections of project documentation in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations, taking into account the functional purpose, as well as the environmental and sanitary and hygienic hazard of the enterprise (facility)

31. Requirements for the technical operation and maintenance of the facility:

32. Requirements for the project organization of the construction of the facility:

33. Justification of the need to demolish or preserve buildings, structures, green spaces, as well as the transfer of engineering networks and communications located on the land plot on which the facility is planned to be located:

34. Requirements for decisions on the improvement of the adjacent territory, for small architectural forms and for the planning organization of the land plot on which the facility is planned to be located:

(decisions are indicated on the improvement, planting of the territory of the object, the arrangement of sites and small architectural forms in accordance with the approved documentation for the planning of the territory, agreed sketches for the organization of the land plot of the object and its improvement and landscaping)

35. Requirements for the development of a project for the restoration (reclamation) of disturbed lands or a fertile layer:

(specified if necessary)

36. Requirements for storage sites for excess soil and (or) debris during construction and the length of their delivery route:

(specified, if necessary, taking into account the requirements of legal acts of local governments)

37. Requirements for the implementation of research and development work in the process of designing and building an object:

(indicated if it is necessary to perform research and development work in the design and construction of the facility)

III. Other design requirements

38. Requirements for the composition of project documentation, including requirements for the development of sections of project documentation, the presence of which is not mandatory:

(indicated in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2008, N 8, art. 744; 2010, N 16, art. 1920; N 51, item 6937; 2013, N 17, item 2174; 2014, N 14, item 1627; N 50, item 7125; 2015, N 45, item 6245; 2017, N 29, item 4368) taking into account the functional purpose of the object)

39. Requirements for the preparation of estimate documentation:

(requirements for the preparation of estimate documentation are indicated, including the method for determining the estimated cost of construction)

40. Requirements for the development of special technical conditions:

(indicated in cases where the development and application of special technical specifications is allowed by the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 "On the composition sections of project documentation and requirements for their content")

41. Requirements for the use in the development of project documentation of documents in the field of standardization that are not included in the list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings" is ensured and structures" , approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 N 1521 "On approval of the list of national standards and codes of practice (parts of such standards and codes of rules), as a result of the application of which on mandatory basis compliance is ensured federal law"Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, N 2, Art. 465; N 40, Art. 5568; 2016 N 50, Art. 7122):

42. Requirements for the implementation of demonstration materials, layouts:

(indicated if the developer (technical customer) makes a decision on the implementation of demonstration materials, layouts)

43. Requirements for the use of information modeling technologies:

(indicated if the developer (technical customer) decides to use information modeling technologies)

44. Requirement for the use of cost-effective design documentation for reuse:

(the requirement is indicated for the preparation of project documentation using cost-effective project documentation for the reuse of a capital construction object similar in purpose, design capacity, natural and other conditions of the territory where construction is planned, and in the absence of such project documentation - taking into account the criteria economic efficiency project documentation)

45. Other additional requirements and instructions specifying the scope of design work:

46. ​​The following are attached to the design assignment:

46.1. Town-planning plan of the land plot on which the object is planned to be located and (or) the territory planning project and the territory surveying project.

46.2. Results of engineering surveys (in their absence, the design task provides for the need to perform engineering surveys in the amount necessary and sufficient for the preparation of project documentation).
In accordance with Part 5 of Article 47 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, No. 1, Art. 16; No. 30, Art. 3128; 2006, No. 1, Art. 10, 21; No. 23, Art. 2380 ; N 31, item 3442; N 50, item 5279; N 52, item 5498; 2007, N 1, item 21; N 21, item 2455; N 31, item 4012; N 45, item 5417; N 46, art. 5553; N 50, art. 6237; 2008, N 20, art. 2251, 2260; N 29, art. 3418; N 30, art. 2009, N 1, item 17; N 29, item 3601; N 48, item 5711; N 52, item 6419; 2010, N 31, item 4195, 4209; N 48, item 6246; N 49 , st.6410; 2011, N 13, st.1688; N 17, st.2310; N 27, st.3880; N 29, st.4281, 4291; N 30, st.4563, 4572, 4590, 4591, 4594, 4605; N 49, article 7015, 7042; N 50, article 7343; 2012, N 26, article 3446; N 30, article 4171; N 31, article 4322; N 47, article 6390; No. 53, art. 7614, 7619, 7643; 2013, No. 9, art. 873, 874; No. 14, art. 1651; No. 23, art. 2871; No. 27, art. 4040, 4080; N 43, art. 5452; N 52, art. 6961, 6983; 2014, N 14, art. 1557; N 16, art. 1837; N 19, art. 3386, 3387; No. 30, art. 4218, 4220, 4225; N 42, art. 5615; N 43, art. 5799, 5804; N 48, art. 6640; 2015, N 1, art. 9, 11, 38, 52, 72, 86; N 17, art. 2477; N 27, art. 3967; N 29, art. 4339, 4342, 4350, 4378, 4389; N 48, art. 6705; 2016, N 1, art.22, 79; N 26, art. 3867; N 27, art. 4301, 4302, 4303, 4305, 4306; 2017, N 11, art. 1540, N 25, art. 3595, N 27, art. 3932, N 31, art. 4740, art. 4767, art. 4771, art. 4829; 2018, N 1, art.39, art.47, art.90, art.91).

46.3. Specifications for connecting an object to engineering networks (if they are not available and if they are necessary, the design assignment provides for a task for obtaining them).

46.4. Available materials of the approved project for the layout of the construction site. Information about aboveground and underground engineering structures and communications.

46.5. Decision on preliminary approval of the location of the object (if any).

46.6. A document confirming the authority of the person approving the design task.

46.7. Other documents and materials that must be taken into account as initial data for design (at the discretion of the developer (technical customer).

(position of an authorized person of the developer (technical customer) who prepares the design task)


(full name)

"__" ___________ 20__

Appendix N 2. Requirements for the preparation of a task for the design of a capital construction object

Appendix No. 2

by order of the Ministry of Construction
and housing and communal services
Russian Federation
dated March 1, 2018 N 125/pr

1. The preparation of a task for the design of a capital construction object (hereinafter referred to as the design task) is carried out by the developer (technical customer) in accordance with the standard form of the task for the design of a capital construction object (Appendix N 1 to this order).

2. The draft assignment for the design is subject to agreement with the head of the main manager of funds federal budget in relation to an object of federal property, the main manager of the budget funds of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in relation to an object state property subject of the Russian Federation or the main manager of funds local budget in relation to the object of municipal property.
In accordance with paragraph 21 of the Requirements for the composition and content of the rationale for investments made in investment project on the creation of a capital construction facility, in respect of which it is planned to conclude a contract, the subject of which is the simultaneous execution of work on the design, construction and commissioning of a capital construction facility, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2017 N 563 "On the procedure and on the grounds conclusion of contracts, the subject of which is the simultaneous execution of work on the design, construction and commissioning of capital construction facilities, and on the introduction of amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation "(Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2017, N 21, art. 3015).

3. The design task is approved by the developer (technical customer) after the technological and price audit of the investment justification.

4. The design assignment must contain initial data sufficient for the development of design documentation for a capital construction facility in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 2008, No. 8, Article 744; 2009, No. 21, Article 2576, No. 52, Article 6574; 2010, No. 16, Article 1920, No. 51, Article 6937; 2011, No. 8, Article .1118; 2012, N 27, art.3738, N 32, art.4571; 2013, N 17, art.2174, N 20, art.2478, N 32, art.4328; 2014, N 14, art.1627 , N 50, item 7125; 2015, N 31, item 4700, N 45, item 6245; 2016, N 5, Item 698, N 48, item 6764; 2017, N 6, item 942, N 19, art. 2843 N 21, art. 3015, N 29, art. 4368, N 38, art. 5619, N 51, art. 7839).

5. The design task is prepared in electronic form, except for the case specified in clause 9 of these Requirements, and is approved by signing by the developer (technical customer) using an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

6. The design assignment in the form of an electronic document is prepared in the following formats:

a) doc, docx, odt - for documents with text content that does not include formulas;

b) pdf - for documents with text content, including those including formulas and (or) graphic images, as well as documents with graphic content.

7. An electronic document issued by a public authority, local government, organization, individual in accordance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities, is attached to the design assignment in the original format.

8. In the event that the original document attached to the design assignment is issued and signed by the authorized state authority, local government or organization for hard copy, it is allowed to form an electronic document by scanning directly from the original document (using copies is not allowed), which is carried out while maintaining the orientation of the original document at a resolution of 300 dpi (scale 1:1) using the following modes:

a) "black and white" (in the absence of graphic images and (or) color text in the document);

b) "shades of gray" (if the document contains graphic images other than a color graphic image);

c) "color" or "full color mode" (if the document contains color graphics or color text).

If a paper document consists of two or more sheets, the electronic image of such a paper document is formed as a single file.

Formed electronic document is signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the person who prepares the design task.

9. The design task containing information constituting a state secret is prepared on paper.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
Official Internet portal
legal information, 05/03/2018,
N 0001201805030060

Perform in accordance with the technical conditions, the requirements of the current regulatory documents. Provide for the project:

1.Power supply

The project provides for the required number of distribution (main) electrical panels that are power supply centers for large tenants (grocery hypermarket, electronics supermarket, etc.)

2. Main switchboard (MSB)

Provide for the installation of the required number of main switchboards. Each main switchboard must have two main busbar sections with circuit breakers. Provide a sectional switch between sections.

The technical characteristics of the main switchboard are to be determined by the project, to use the IEK equipment or other certified equipment.

MSB-0.4 kV cabinets must be one- or two-sided maintenance (specify in the project). In each MSB (ASU) it is necessary to provide a reserve of 15% of automatic switches for outgoing lines and a reserve of 15% of free space for the possible installation of additional equipment (circuit breakers, etc.).

3. Accounting for electricity

Commercial electricity metering should be provided on the introductory panels of the main switchboard with calculated three-phase meters.

4.Electric panel boards

Panel boards should be mounted and floor-mounted in housings with a protection class of at least IP20. In technical and wet rooms, provide for the installation of shields with a protection class of at least IP44. Use circuit breakers as protection devices for group cables extending from shields. As introductory switching devices in the boards, take - knife switches. Use thermal relays as motor overload protection devices.

Develop emergency lighting boards (ESA). Boards must be equipped with contactors, lighting control using buttons and switches. Develop power supply panels for power outlets and working lighting (SchRO).

Develop power supply panels for rental areas (SCHRA).

To develop power supply panels for computer sockets (SC) for office premises.

Develop power supply panels for technological equipment (SC).

Shields (shells) should be manufactured by Schneider Electric and IEK.

Switching and protective equipment should be provided by Schneider Electric and IEC.

5. Main cable routes

The main cable routes should be made with steel hot-dip galvanized ladder-type cable shelves and sheet cable trays or wire trays.

Lay electrical and low-current cables through different cable shelves or one by one through a metal partition.

The supply main lines should be made with a PVC-insulated cable. Lay the cables openly in the cable trays. Supply cables (up to switchboards) should have a bandwidth margin of 10-15%. All metal cable structures are grounded

6. Wiring

For electrical wiring, use PVC-insulated cables with copper conductors. Lay cables:

Hidden in PVC pipes behind suspended ceilings;

Hidden in PVC pipes in grooves with subsequent sealing;

Open on cable shelves;

Open in decorative cable ducts and skirting boards (office premises).

The type of cable laying in the room is determined in accordance with the draft design. Make the wiring replaceable.

7. Wiring and wiring products

Develop a power network of household sockets. Distribute sockets throughout the premises based on the location of technological equipment and household needs. All electrical installation products must be of the appropriate protection category, depending on the category of the room.

To connect personal computers, provide for the installation of four power outlets at workplaces, two of which must be powered from the power distribution network of computers from the corresponding switchboards.

8. Electric lighting

Provide for the project the following types lighting of the premises of the building: working, emergency.

The voltage of the general lighting network is 380/220 V, the voltage on the lamps is 220 V, the maintenance lighting voltage is -36 V.

To illuminate the premises, use luminaires with fluorescent lamps, halogen lamps and incandescent lamps in accordance with the purpose of the premises, architectural and technical requirements.

Along the evacuation routes, provide for the installation of light indicators with a stencil on the front side indicating the direction of the exit. Connect light indicators to the emergency lighting network.

Provide for a power reserve for the installation of advertising design of facades, displays, shop windows according to the data provided by the Customer.

Provide lighting for corridors, passages, rooms general purpose. Lighting for tenants is not provided.

Use lamps manufactured by Lighting Technologies.

Wiring accessories - produced by Schneider Electric and DKS.

Cable support systems - DCS.

9.Power supply of fire fighting systems

Provide power supply for fire alarm systems, smoke exhaust systems and air overpressure from the ATS section of the main switchboard, or from two or two inputs (provide for the installation of an ATS device locally).

Lay mutually redundant cables of fire protection systems along different routes.

10. Grounding

Apply earthing system type TN-C-S. As a grounding device, use the reinforced concrete base of the building (if necessary, make an external lightning protection circuit from a 5x40 strip). The project provides for a potential equalization system.

11.Lightning protection

Lightning protection of the building shall be performed in accordance with RD 34.21.122-87.

12. Transformer substation and main switchboard

Provide a built-in transformer substation.

Accept the following equipment:

high voltage switchgear - brand RM-6 manufactured by Schneider Electric;

low voltage switchgear - based on components (switching devices, switchboards, etc.) manufactured by Schneider Electric;

transformers are dry-type Trihal brands manufactured by Schneider Electric.

Terms of reference - the original documentation, which is compiled in pursuance of the contractual obligations of certain parties.

In this document, the customer describes in detail what the contractor must do. Indicates the technical characteristics of the object being created, sets out other requirements.

Why is such a document needed?

In accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, it is possible to draw up and hand over such an assignment to the performer.

In particular, this is provided for in Article 774 Civil Code Russian Federation, on the basis of which, when performing scientific and technical work, the contract may provide for the obligation of the customer to prepare the above document, as well as agree on the program, work topics with the contractor.

The terms of reference, as a rule, are always provided for by the terms of state contracts for the manufacture of products, performance of work, and provision of services. The parameters of the terms of reference are first indicated in the tender documentation. The person who won the competition must strictly comply with all technical parameters.

If necessary, during the performance of work, the provision of services, by agreement of the parties, additional technical specifications may be drawn up. This is formalized in the form of additional agreements to the contract, which come into force only after approval by all parties to the contract.

Features of compiling a task

In this case, the following parameters are specified

    Name and quantity of goods supplied.

    Delivery address.

    Delivery time.

    Types of goods supplied, their completeness.

    Requirements for the quality of goods.

    Other required specifications.

In any case, the terms of reference drawn up and prepared within the framework of any contract is its integral part. This document is signed by all parties to the transaction and certified by seals of organizations. The task may also have attachments in the form of drawings, drawings, other documentation or samples of the products supplied.

If deliveries of products are carried out repeatedly, then both a single document (task) and documents for each specific delivery can be drawn up. The terms of reference can be signed by both the sole executive bodies of organizations ( CEOs directors) and their representatives. The powers of representatives are issued in the form of powers of attorney.

Our website contains various types of technical assignments. You can download them absolutely free. If necessary, we can provide a preparation service required document by personal order. Contact us and we will definitely help you.

Terms of reference for design

1. The basis for the work: Agreement No. _________ dated __.__.201_g. With "_______________________________________".

2. Contractor: OJSC "___________________"

3. The purpose of the work: To develop technical requirements for the sound amplification and sound reproduction (electroacoustics) system of the object: _________________________________.

The design task is an integral part of the contract for the performance of design work.

The legal basis for the preparation of a design assignment is the provision of Article 759 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes:

  1. Under a contract for the performance of design and survey work, the customer is obliged to transfer to the contractor a design assignment, as well as other initial data necessary for the preparation of technical documentation. The assignment for the execution of design work can be prepared by the contractor on behalf of the customer. In this case, the task becomes binding on the parties from the moment it is approved by the customer.
  2. The contractor is obliged to comply with the requirements contained in the task and other initial data for the performance of design and survey work, and has the right to deviate from them only with the consent of the customer».

As a rule, the Customer initially issues the Terms of Reference for the design, which describes the requirements for the future structure, but in order to upload it for examination, it is necessary to write the Design Task in accordance with the requirements for its design and content. Those. usually in the Terms of Reference the Customer prescribes General requirements before the conclusion of the contract and is written in a freer form, and the Design Assignment is written after the conclusion of the contract and describes the design object in more detail and is filled in according to the filling requirements.

The requirements for filling out the Design Assignments have changed and supplemented several times, but since March 2018, the standard form approved by Order No. 125 / pr dated March 1, 2018 has been in force.

Typical form of design assignment:

Assignment for the design of a capital construction object

I. General data

1. The basis for the design of the object:
(the name and item of the state, municipal program, the decision of the owner are indicated)
2. Developer (technical customer):
3. Investor (if any):
(the name, postal address, main state registration number and taxpayer identification number are indicated)
4. Design organization:
(the name, postal address, main state registration number and taxpayer identification number are indicated)
5. Type of work:
(construction, reconstruction, overhaul (hereinafter referred to as construction)
6. Source of financing for the construction of the facility:
(the name of the sources of funding is indicated, including the federal budget, regional budget, local budget, extra-budgetary funds)
7. Specifications for connection (connection) of the object to the networks of engineering and technical support (if any):
8. Requirements for the allocation of stages of construction of the facility:
(information is indicated on the need to allocate construction stages)
9. Term of construction of the facility:
10. Requirements for the main technical and economic indicators of the facility (area, volume, length, number of floors, production capacity, throughput, freight turnover, traffic intensity and other indicators):
11. The identification features of the object are established in accordance with Article 4 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 1, Article 5; 2013, N 27, art. 3477) and include:
11.1. Purpose:
11.2. Belonging to transport infrastructure facilities and other facilities, the functional and technological features of which affect their safety:
11.3. The possibility of occurrence of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts in the territory where the construction of the facility will be carried out:
11.4. Belonging to hazardous production facilities:
(if the facility belongs to hazardous production facilities, the category and hazard class of the facility are also indicated)
11.5. Fire and explosion hazard:
(the category of fire (explosion) hazard of the object is indicated)
11.6. Availability of premises with permanent residence of people:
11.7. Level of responsibility (established in accordance with paragraph 7 of part 1 and part 7 of article 4 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures":
(high, normal, low)
12. Requirements on the need for compliance of design documentation with the justification for the safety of a hazardous production facility:
(indicated in case of preparation of project documentation for a hazardous production facility)
13. Requirements for quality, competitiveness, environmental friendliness and energy efficiency of design solutions:
(requirements are indicated that the project documentation and the decisions made in it must comply with the established requirements (it is necessary to indicate the list of details of regulatory legal acts, technical regulations, regulatory documents), and also comply with the established energy efficiency class (not lower than class "C")
14. The need to perform engineering surveys for the preparation of project documentation:
(indicate the need to perform engineering surveys in the amount necessary and sufficient for the preparation of project documentation, or specify the details (attached) of engineering survey materials necessary and sufficient for the preparation of project documentation)
15. Estimated (marginal) cost of building an object:
(indicate the cost of construction of the facility, determined using the aggregated standards for the price of construction, and in their absence, taking into account documented information on the estimated cost of facilities similar in purpose, design capacity, natural and other conditions of the territory where construction is planned)
16. Information about the sources of financing for the construction of the facility:

II. Requirements for design solutions

17. Requirements for the scheme of planning organization of the land plot:
18. Requirements for the design of the right of way:
19. Requirements for architectural and artistic solutions, including requirements for graphic materials:
(indicated for industrial and non-industrial facilities)
20. Requirements for technological solutions:
21. Requirements for constructive and space-planning solutions (indicated for industrial and non-industrial facilities):
21.1. The procedure for the selection and use of materials, products, structures, equipment and their approval by the developer (technical customer):
(indicate the procedure for the design organization to send options for the materials, products, structures, equipment and their consideration and approval by the developer (technical customer)
21.2. Requirements for building structures:
(including requirements for the use of high-quality wear-resistant, environmentally friendly materials in construction and decoration)
21.3. Foundation requirements:
(the need to develop foundation solutions is indicated, taking into account the results of engineering surveys, as well as a technical and economic comparison of options)
21.4. Requirements for walls, basements and basement:
21.5. External wall requirements:
(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)
21.6. Requirements for internal walls and partitions:
(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)
21.7. Cover requirements:
(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)
21.8. Requirements for columns, crossbars:
(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)
21.9. Stair requirements:
(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)
21.10. Floor requirements:
(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)
21.11. Roof requirements:
(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)
21.12. Requirements for stained glass windows:
(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)
21.13. Door requirements:
(the need to use materials, products, structures is indicated, or specific requirements for materials, products, structures are determined)
21.14. Requirements for interior decoration:
(the aesthetic and operational characteristics of finishing materials are indicated, including surface texture, colors and shades, the need to use materials for the interior decoration of the object based on the color options for the premises of the object)
21.15. Requirements for outdoor decoration:
(the aesthetic and operational characteristics of finishing materials are indicated, including surface texture, colors and shades, the need to use materials for the exterior decoration of the object based on the color options for the facades of the object)
21.16. Requirements for ensuring the safety of an object during hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts:
21.17. Requirements for engineering protection of the territory of the facility:
(indicated if the construction and operation of the facility is planned in difficult natural conditions)
22. Requirements for technological and design solutions of a linear facility:
(indicated for linear objects)
23. Requirements for buildings, structures and structures included in the infrastructure of a linear facility:
(indicated for linear objects)
24. Requirements for engineering solutions:
24.1. Requirements for the main technological equipment (the type and main characteristics are indicated according to the enlarged nomenclature; for non-industrial facilities, a requirement should be established for the selection of equipment based on feasibility calculations, feasibility comparison of options):
24.1.1. Heating:
24.1.2. Ventilation:
24.1.3. Water pipes:
24.1.4. Sewerage:
24.1.5. Power supply:
24.1.6. Telephone installation:
24.1.7. Radio coverage:
24.1.8. Information and telecommunications network "Internet":
24.1.9. A television:
24.1.10. Gasification:
24.1.11. Automation and dispatching:
24.2. Requirements for external networks of engineering and technical support, points of connection (requirements for the volume of design of external networks and details of the obtained technical specifications, which are attached to the design assignment):
24.2.1. Water supply:
24.2.2. Water disposal:
24.2.3. Heat supply:
24.2.4. Power supply:
24.2.5. Telephone installation:
24.2.6. Radio coverage:
24.2.7. Information and telecommunications network "Internet":
24.2.8. A television:
23.2.9. Gas supply:
24.2.10. Other networks of engineering and technical support:
25. Requirements for environmental protection measures:
26. Requirements for measures to ensure fire safety:
27. Requirements for measures to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements and for equipping the facility with metering devices for the energy resources used:
(not indicated in relation to facilities to which energy efficiency requirements and requirements for equipping them with metering devices for used energy resources do not apply)
28. Requirements for measures to ensure access for persons with disabilities to the facility:
(indicated for healthcare facilities, education, culture, recreation, sports and other social, cultural and household facilities, transport, trade, public catering facilities, business, administrative, financial, religious facilities, housing facilities)
29. Requirements for the engineering and technical strengthening of the facility in order to ensure its anti-terrorist protection:
(indicates the need to implement measures and (or) the relevant sections of the project documentation in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations, taking into account the functional purpose and parameters of the facility, as well as the requirements of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2013 N 1244 "On anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories)" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2013, No. 52, Art. 7220, 2016, No. 50, Art. 7108; 2017, No. 31, Art. 4929, No. 33, Art. 5192)
30. Requirements for compliance with safe for human health conditions of residence and stay in the facility and requirements for compliance with the safe level of impact of the facility on the environment:
(indicates the need to carry out activities and (or) prepare the relevant sections of project documentation in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations, taking into account the functional purpose, as well as the environmental and sanitary and hygienic hazard of the enterprise (facility)
31. Requirements for the technical operation and maintenance of the facility:
32. Requirements for the project organization of the construction of the facility:
33. Justification of the need to demolish or preserve buildings, structures, green spaces, as well as the transfer of engineering networks and communications located on the land plot on which the facility is planned to be located:
34. Requirements for decisions on the improvement of the adjacent territory, for small architectural forms and for the planning organization of the land plot on which the facility is planned to be located:
(decisions are indicated on the improvement, planting of the territory of the object, the arrangement of sites and small architectural forms in accordance with the approved documentation for the planning of the territory, agreed sketches for the organization of the land plot of the object and its improvement and landscaping)
35. Requirements for the development of a project for the restoration (reclamation) of disturbed lands or a fertile layer:
(specified if necessary)
36. Requirements for storage sites for excess soil and (or) debris during construction and the length of their delivery route:
(specified, if necessary, taking into account the requirements of legal acts of local governments)
37. Requirements for the implementation of research and development work in the process of designing and building an object:
(indicated if it is necessary to perform research and development work in the design and construction of the facility)

III. Other design requirements

38. Requirements for the composition of project documentation, including requirements for the development of sections of project documentation, the presence of which is not mandatory:
(indicated in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 8, art. 744; 2010, N 16, art. 1920; N 51, item 6937; 2013, N 17, item 2174; 2014, N 14, item 1627; N 50, item 7125; 2015, N 45, item 6245; 2017, N 29, item 4368) taking into account the functional purpose of the object)
39. Requirements for the preparation of estimate documentation:
(requirements for the preparation of estimate documentation are indicated, including the method for determining the estimated cost of construction)
40. Requirements for the development of special technical conditions:
(indicated in cases where the development and application of special technical conditions is allowed by the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 "On the composition sections of project documentation and requirements for their content”)
41. Requirements for the use in the development of project documentation of documents in the field of standardization that are not included in the list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings" is ensured and structures", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 N 1521 "On approval of the list of national standards and codes of practice (parts of such standards and codes of rules), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on safety of buildings and structures” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2015, N 2, Art. 465; N 40, Art. 5568; 2016 N 50, Art. 7122):
42. Requirements for the implementation of demonstration materials, layouts:
(indicated if the developer (technical customer) makes a decision on the implementation of demonstration materials, layouts)
43. Requirements for the use of information modeling technologies:
(indicated if the developer (technical customer) decides to use information modeling technologies)
44. Requirement for the use of cost-effective design documentation for reuse:
(the requirement is indicated for the preparation of project documentation using cost-effective project documentation for the reuse of a capital construction object similar in purpose, design capacity, natural and other conditions of the territory where construction is planned, and in the absence of such project documentation - taking into account the criteria of economic efficiency project documentation)
45. Other additional requirements and instructions specifying the scope of design work:
  1. Attached to the design assignment:

46.1. Town-planning plan of the land plot on which the object is planned to be located and (or) the territory planning project and the territory surveying project.

46.2. Results of engineering surveys (in their absence, the design task provides for the need to perform engineering surveys in the amount necessary and sufficient for the preparation of project documentation).
In accordance with Part 5 of Article 47 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 1, Art. 16; N 30, Art. 3128; 2006, N 1, Art. 10, 21; N 23, Art. 2380 ; N 31, item 3442; N 50, item 5279; N 52, item 5498; 2007, N 1, item 21; N 21, item 2455; N 31, item 4012; N 45, item 5417; N 46, art. 5553; N 50, art. 6237; 2008, N 20, art. 2251, 2260; N 29, art. 3418; N 30, art. 2009, N 1, item 17; N 29, item 3601; N 48, item 5711; N 52, item 6419; 2010, N 31, item 4195, 4209; N 48, item 6246; N 49 , st.6410; 2011, N 13, st.1688; N 17, st.2310; N 27, st.3880; N 29, st.4281, 4291; N 30, st.4563, 4572, 4590, 4591, 4594, 4605; N 49, article 7015, 7042; N 50, article 7343; 2012, N 26, article 3446; N 30, article 4171; N 31, article 4322; N 47, article 6390; No. 53, art. 7614, 7619, 7643; 2013, No. 9, art. 873, 874; No. 14, art. 1651; No. 23, art. 2871; No. 27, art. 4040, 4080; No. 43, art. 5452; No. 52, art. 6961, 6983; 2014, No. 14, art. 1557; No. 16, art. 1837; No. 19, art. 3386, 3387; No. 30, art. 4218, 4220, 4225; N 42, art. 5615; N 43, art. 5799, 5804; N 48, art. 6640; 2015, N 1, art. 9, 11, 38, 52, 72, 86; N 17, art. 2477; N 27, art. 3967; N 29, art. 4339, 4342, 4350, 4378, 4389; N 48, art. 6705; 2016, N 1, art.22, 79; N 26, art. 3867; N 27, art. 4301, 4302, 4303, 4305, 4306; 2017, N 11, art. 1540, N 25, art. 3595, N 27, art. 3932, N 31, art. 4740, art. 4767, art. 4771, art. 4829; 2018, N 1, art.39, art.47, art.90, art.91).

46.3. Specifications for connecting an object to engineering networks (if they are not available and if they are necessary, the design assignment provides for a task for obtaining them).

46.4. Available materials of the approved project for the layout of the construction site. Information about above-ground and underground engineering constructions and communications.

46.5. Decision on preliminary approval of the location of the object (if any).

46.6. A document confirming the authority of the person approving the design task.

46.7. Other documents and materials that must be taken into account as initial data for design (at the discretion of the developer (technical customer).

The standard form of the Design Assignment in Word format can be downloaded from the link:

Requirements for the preparation of a task for the design of a capital construction object:

  1. The preparation of a task for the design of a capital construction object (hereinafter referred to as the design task) is carried out by the developer (technical customer) in accordance with the standard form of the task for the design of a capital construction object (Appendix N 1 to this order).
  2. The draft design assignment is subject to agreement with the head of the chief administrator of federal budget funds in relation to an object of federal property, the chief administrator of budget funds of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in relation to an object of state property of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or the chief administrator of local budget funds in relation to an object of municipal property.
    In accordance with clause 21 of the Requirements for the composition and content of the justification of investments made in an investment project for the creation of a capital construction facility, in respect of which it is planned to conclude a contract, the subject of which is the simultaneous execution of work on the design, construction and commissioning of a capital construction facility, approved by the resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2017 N 563 "On the procedure and grounds for concluding contracts, the subject of which is the simultaneous execution of work on the design, construction and commissioning of capital construction facilities, and on amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" ( Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2017, N 21, article 3015).
  3. The design task is approved by the developer (technical customer) after a technological and price audit of the investment justification.
  4. The design assignment must contain initial data sufficient for the development of project documentation for a capital construction facility in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation , 2008, N 8, item 744; 2009, N 21, item 2576, N 52, item 6574; 2010, N 16, item 1920, N 51, item 6937; 2011, N 8, item 1118 ; 2012, N 27, art. 3738, N 32, art. 4571; 2013, N 17, art. 2174, N 20, art. 2478, N 32, art. 50, Article 7125; 2015, No. 31, Article 4700, No. 45, Article 6245; 2016, No. 5, Article 698, No. 48, Article 6764; 2017, No. 6, Article 942, No. 19, art. 2843 N 21, art. 3015, N 29, art. 4368, N 38, art. 5619, N 51, art. 7839).
  5. The design task is prepared in electronic form, except for the case specified in clause 9 of these Requirements, and is approved by signing by the developer (technical customer) using an enhanced qualified electronic signature.
  6. The design task in the form of an electronic document is prepared in the following formats:

a) doc, docx, odt - for documents with text content that does not include formulas;

b) pdf - for documents with text content, including those including formulas and (or) graphic images, as well as documents with graphic content.

  1. An electronic document issued by a state authority, a local government body, an organization, an individual in accordance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning, is attached to the design assignment in its original format.
  2. In the event that the original document attached to the design assignment is issued and signed by the authorized state authority, local government body or organization on paper, it is allowed to generate an electronic document by scanning directly from the original document (copies are not allowed), which is carried out with preserving the orientation of the original document at 300 dpi (scale 1:1) using the following modes:

a) "black and white" (in the absence of graphic images and (or) color text in the document);

b) “shades of gray” (if the document contains graphic images other than a color graphic image);

c) “color” or “full color mode” (if the document contains color graphics or color text).

If a paper document consists of two or more sheets, the electronic image of such a paper document is formed as a single file.

The generated electronic document is signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the person preparing the design task.

  1. The design task containing information constituting a state secret is prepared on paper.
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