Power of attorney to a bank from a legal entity: how to write correctly. Practical recommendations on how to draw up a power of attorney to receive documents or money from a bank

In order to send a representative to the banking structure, the bank client must take care in advance to draw up a special power of attorney. About how to properly arrange it for physical and legal entity we will tell you in our article.

A banking power of attorney is a necessary element in the relationship between a client and a financial institution, which gives the authority to the authorized person to carry out actions regarding banking transactions. It is important not only to draw up the document correctly, but also to take into account security issues so that the authorized person cannot exceed the powers assigned to him by the power of attorney.

A power of attorney for a bank is drawn up for both individuals and organizations; by its actions, the document provides the right to:

  • manage funds in bank client accounts, including replenishing accounts, transferring and receiving cash, and other;
  • open and close deposits;
  • issue bank cards;
  • receive an account statement;
  • have access to safe deposit boxes;
  • carry out other actions recorded in the power of attorney.

As a rule, the need for a bank power of attorney for individuals arises when they need to provide access to their own funds to third parties in case of their absence at the time of account transactions. So, for example, a bank client is running out of time on a deposit that he would like to close or re-register, but due to his busy schedule, he cannot carry out this operation within the specified period. The solution in this situation would be to prepare a power of attorney in advance, under which a trusted person can receive funds from the bank.

The most convenient option for an individual is to issue a power of attorney directly at the bank, for example, when opening an account. As a rule, these are one-time powers of attorney or documents designed for specific types of operations, which are drawn up directly from a specialist financial organization. Each bank has its own form for such a power of attorney, but you can download an approximate example on our website.

The term of a power of attorney for a bank is not limited by law (Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), it is determined by the organization independently, but the standard period is 1 year.

In addition to the bank power of attorney, individual can issue a power of attorney to conduct banking operations with third parties from a notary. In this case, when carrying out actions by an authorized person, the bank has the right to request a photocopy of the passport and the original power of attorney to verify its authenticity, which can take up to several days and thereby affect the efficiency of the implementation of powers.

Banking power of attorney for legal entities

For organizations and individual entrepreneurs obtaining a bank power of attorney is the most current moment in the area of ​​their activities. The thing is that legal entities maintain extensive accounting, which implies much closer contact with bank employees. Since information about the status of accounts is a banking secret, any employee of the organization can receive bank statements or cash if they have the appropriate power of attorney from the manager.

Important! Corrections, erasures and erasures are not allowed in the banking power of attorney.

The procedure for drawing up a power of attorney in a bank:

  1. An individual entrepreneur or the head of an organization, when concluding an agreement with a financial structure, fills out bank card with samples of his own signature, after receiving which at the bank he has the right to sign any papers, including a bank power of attorney in favor of a third party.
  2. The head of an organization or individual entrepreneur draws up a power of attorney in the form of a bank, where he indicates the types of operations available to the authorized person, who, in turn, also fills out a card with samples of his signature. The power of attorney must be affixed with the seal of the organization or individual entrepreneur, if the latter does not work without a seal.
  3. From the moment of receiving the power of attorney and the card with sample signatures, the authorized representative can carry out any Bank operations, approved by the principal without his presence.

Important! Both the head of the organization and the authorized person must sign the signature on the bank card very carefully, so that in the future they can easily reproduce it, since it is necessarily compared by bank employees when carrying out transactions.

Sample power of attorney to bank

The sample power of attorney for a bank, which we provide in this article, is an example of a document that allows you to entrust transactions on bank accounts to third parties. In addition to the sample power of attorney for the bank, we will also bring to your attention the rules for drawing it up and tell you about the basic requirements for this document.

From a legal entity
To open an account
To deposit
To receive documents

From a legal entity

The usual procedure for issuing a power of attorney to a bank for legal entities looks like this:

1.​ The head of the company or individual entrepreneur signs an account maintenance agreement with the bank and fills out bank card, where a sample of his signature is entered.

When the bank accepts the signature of the manager, he receives the right to sign documents, including a power of attorney. Managers must remember that the signature on the bank card will be compared with the signature on the documents for each banking transaction, so efforts should be made to make it easily reproducible.

2.​ The manager fills out a power of attorney according to banking form, indicating which operations will be trusted. The authorized representative fills out a card with a sample signature. The power of attorney is sealed with the company's seal. Entrepreneurs operating without a seal are exempt from this obligation.

3.​ When the bank accepts the card with sample signatures, the person in whose name the power of attorney is drawn up receives the right to carry out the specified operations on behalf of the organization.

To open an account

A power of attorney to open a bank account can be issued directly at the bank. To do this, the principal and attorney need to personally visit the branch, taking their passports with them. Usually the client is asked to fill out the existing form with his own hand. The power of attorney is certified by the head of the branch.

This option has significant advantages: low cost: such registration is usually done free of charge; the power of attorney is not subject to special verification: upon presentation, employees only establish the fact that the principal has not contacted the department regarding its revocation; the wording of the power of attorney, the list and content of the specified powers cannot be questioned by bank employees.

The problem is that credit organizations are not always interested in issuing a power of attorney for an ordinary client, especially when it comes to opening an account by a person with whom they have not previously collaborated. Some institutions do not practice providing such services in principle.

To deposit

POWER OF ATTORNEY to dispose of the deposit

city ​​__________________ ______________ (date in words)

I, _______________________full name________________________________________,

residing at:_______________________________________________,

I trust gr.___________________________________________________________,

residing at:________________________________________________,

manage my deposit,

located in the branch _________________________

BANK branch N____________, _____________

on account N__________________, sign for me and do everything
actions related to this order.

Certification inscription of the state notary office

To receive documents

The document does not have a specific, legally established form. But each bank branch has its own template, which is provided to the client when drawing up permitting papers.

— Date and place of compilation.

— Passport details of the principal and the trustee. If the first is a legal enterprise, its details and director’s details.

— List of powers.

- Validity. If permission is transferred for a one-time operation, it can be from a week to a month. In other situations - from several months to 3 years. If the period is not specified, the trust document is considered valid for one year from the date of issue.

- Signatures of the parties.

Important! When an enterprise issues permits, it must be signed by a responsible employee, a sample signature of which is available at the bank.

The form does not need to be certified by a notary. When transferring permits from an individual, it is enough to sign them in the presence of the employee banking organization. The company only requires the signature of the boss and a seal.

Drawing up a power of attorney to represent interests in a bank - sample for downloading

A power of attorney is a document enabling the person to be trusted to exercise any powers provided for in this document.

If it is necessary to transfer the right to represent interests in the bank, then the trust form can be drawn up according to the sample presented below.

An individual or legal entity has the right to draw up this document, in free form on a simple form.

What can a citizen do in a bank with a power of attorney?

Thanks to this document, the principal can perform prescribed operations in a banking institution; such paper is drawn up in favor of a private person or a certain institution.

Important: the paper must be drawn up correctly in order to best protect the rights of the principal.

The main task when drawing up a power of attorney for a bank is to indicate the correct list of powers:

  • Disposal of funds from a personal account;
  • Topping up a bank account;
  • Financial transfer;
  • Receiving a transfer;
  • Opening/closing bank deposit– this is especially true for funds in foreign currency, you must have an identity card and notarization on the trust sheet;
  • Registration of the personal account itself is available only to the owner, with the exception of credit cards, but the owner bears full responsibility for the outcome;
  • Obtaining an account statement - due to technological development, at the moment the entire procedure can be completed without a power of attorney via email;
  • Access to a safe deposit box - available to a person who has the tenant's key, a bank copy and a power of attorney;
  • Other operations - this includes blocking and unblocking a card or account; for this operation you also need a power of attorney to represent interests in the bank and an identity card.

Important: in order for an authorized citizen to have the right to carry out banking transactions, it is necessary to fix this possibility under a separate clause in the agreement itself.

Other examples of power of attorney:

How to write correctly for a banking institution?

Drafting nuances:

  • Individuals issue a power of attorney if they are unable to independently use the bank’s services,
  • Such a form is drawn up in most cases in a one-time form at a banking institution;
  • It is drawn up by a legal entity if it is necessary to access the company’s accounts, information about which is considered a banking secret.

When compiling, you must provide the following details:

  • Name of the organization or full name of the principal;
  • If this is an enterprise, then the details and initials of the general director;
  • Bank details;
  • Information about the notary office certifying the document can also be prepared directly at the bank, then its details are indicated, this includes - address, name, taxpayer INN;
  • Information about the authorized person – full name, tax identification number, passport details;
  • The purpose of the document is a list of powers transferred to this person, to represent interests in the bank;
  • Signature, seal, if a legal entity;
  • Dating is a mandatory document without it.

The form must be signed by both parties - the trustee and the principal.

Sample design

Sample power of attorney to a bank for representation of interests - download.

Power of attorney to the bank. Sample

Power of attorney to the bank- a document granting the right to an authorized person to perform actions on behalf of the principal. There are situations when it is necessary to perform certain actions at the bank, but there is no opportunity to be present in person. In this case, a power of attorney will help, with the help of which the transfer of the right to represent the interests of the principal to the authorized person is formalized. You can download the power of attorney form for the bank using the link below. This sample is available for download for free in word format.

A power of attorney can be drawn up on behalf of an individual or legal entity. In the first case, an individual who does not have the opportunity to be personally present at the bank to perform any action (open a bank card, make a deposit, etc.), transfers the right to represent his interests to another individual, who will be a trustee.

In the second case, the head of the organization delegates the authority to carry out instructions at the bank where the organization is serviced (open and close accounts, submit documents, create deposits, letters of credit, receive a bank statement, etc.) to an employee of this organization, for example, the chief accountant.

In general, the execution of a power of attorney to a bank is in many ways similar to the execution of a similar document for the representation of interests in Pension Fund(PFR) - download the sample, Social Insurance Fund (FSS) - download, tax (IFTS) - download, in judicial institutions - download the sample.

How to draw up a power of attorney for a bank correctly?

There is no universal standard form of a power of attorney; the principal draws it up independently in writing in free form. However, there are required details, without which the power of attorney will not be valid:

  • Date and place of registration;
  • Details of the parties;
  • List of powers;
  • Signatures, seal of the organization.

These details must be included in the power of attorney form.

Power of attorney for bank sample form

The date allows you to count the validity period of the document. It is not necessary to specify the period itself; if it is not in the power of attorney, then it is automatically assumed to be equal to one year. Details of the parties include full names of individuals, passport details. The name of the organization and full name of the head are indicated. The powers depend on what actions the trustee needs to perform in the bank.

Certification of power of attorney

The signature of the authorized person can be certified by the signature of the head of the organization and the seal if the form is issued on behalf of a legal entity.

If the document is issued by an individual, then it is necessary to sign in the presence of a bank employee, in this case the power of attorney will be valid.

Additionally, there is no need to have the completed form certified by a notary. Also, a power of attorney from an individual can be certified at work by an accountant.

Power of attorney to the bank from an individual. Sample

The figure below shows a sample power of attorney to a bank from an individual to another individual, certified at the place of work. A certified power of attorney must have the seal and signature of the witness.

Power of attorney to the bank from a legal entity. Sample

The figure below shows a sample power of attorney to the bank from the company Alfa LLC. In this document it is necessary to indicate the name of the bank, as well as certified with the signature of the head and the seal of the organization.

The simultaneous solution of several issues in everyday life for a person and legal entities can be resolved with the help of the services of another person authorized by a power of attorney. On behalf of a legal entity, an authorizing document is issued to a specialist to carry out a set of company actions related to operations in a bank and various government agencies. When drawing up the document in question, it is important to remember the exceptional literacy of its preparation. The slightest mistake can lead to a denial of customer service.

Mandatory powers of attorney to the bank from a legal entity

  • Corporate logo and detailed information of the organization at the top of the page;
  • Below is an indication of the date and place of issue of the authorizing paper;
  • Full details of the authorized person (full name, registration address, passport details)
  • In the middle of the page is the name of the paper itself;
  • The content includes a list of actions that the trustee is allowed to perform on behalf of the company;
  • The validity period of the power of attorney may not be specified, but its presence will be a plus;
  • In the last paragraphs, it is important to issue a visa to the head of a legal entity with a seal, the chief accountant, or a trusted person.

A bank order sheet allows employees of a legal entity to carry out transactions with money in current accounts on its behalf, open and close deposits, issue bank cards, receive statements, and perform actions with cells.

In their own archives and databases, it is useful for enterprises to have a set of forms, templates and examples of office work.

Power of attorney to receive documents from the bank

A free resource of forms and samples of various types is designed to help simplify the paperwork of the office management and legal departments as much as possible. Regular and close work with the bank forces account holders to be legally savvy in document management. Entrepreneurial activity involves making a profit, which is carried out exclusively through licensed and special institutions called banks. The bank’s obligation to keep secret all transactions with clients’ money implies strict counter-documentary regulation and the requirement of documents confirming its authority.

Power of attorney for disposal bank account issued to a representative or person responsible for disposing of the owner’s funds.

The attorney has the right to manage and carry out monetary transactions at the direction of the principal. This type of power of attorney can be issued by any citizen Russian Federation, subject to the age of majority, legal capacity and availability of a deposit in the bank.

From the owner bank deposit there may be several attorneys. The client has the right, if there are several deposits, to issue all permits for one person (this is often practiced when registering in matters of cargo transportation, or for an individual).

What actions can you take if you have a power of attorney for a bank account?

  • Obtaining account statements or other documentation about the status or transactions with the owner’s bank deposit;
  • Transfer of funds from the principal's account to any other bank account;
  • Depositing or withdrawing funds from the owner's bank deposit;
  • The attorney has the right to enter into any agreements with bank deposits or accounts of the owner;
  • Receipt and withdrawal from the account of interest, compensation, donated funds, funds received during promotions, etc.;
  • Closing the deposit and terminating the agreement with the bank;

The most important thing that the owner should know is that the attorney has the right to fully manage the principal’s deposit in the bank. That is why the owner must discuss possible transactions with the attorney and accurately and in detail describe in the document the capabilities of the person in charge. In the absence of a list of powers, the bank provides all possibilities to the attorney.

When does the document expire?

Article 186 Civil Code The Russian Federation indicates that the validity period of a power of attorney for the disposal of a bank deposit cannot exceed three years. The validity period begins from the date of issue. The date must be indicated in words on the document, otherwise it will be considered invalid.

If the owner of a bank deposit does not indicate a specific period of validity in the power of attorney, then its duration is one year. The notary orally informs the parties about this.

According to Article 857 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, banks guarantee the confidentiality of depositors' data, therefore, according to Article 847 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the depositor is obliged to personally bring documents to obtain a power of attorney to manage a bank account to the bank.

Types and methods of registering a power of attorney in a bank

For many bank clients Often there is a need to carry out any transactions not personally, but through a proxy. Moreover, it does not matter whether the client is an individual, an organization or an individual entrepreneur - this situation can become relevant for any category of clients at any time.

To send your representative to the bank, you must issue a banking power of attorney from a notary or directly from the bank manager. It is important to do this correctly so that this document does not raise questions and the entrusted operation is carried out by your representative without your personal presence. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account security issues and not allow your authorized representative to exceed the powers assigned to him.

Banking power of attorney for individuals

For private individuals, the need to transfer powers most often arises to ensure third parties’ access to their own financial resources. For example, your deposit is about to expire and you would like to close deposit agreement or re-register it, but you cannot contact the bank in person. In such a situation, you can go to the bank office where the deposit is opened in advance and issue a bank power of attorney to receive funds from the deposit account.

In addition to a bank power of attorney, to transfer the right to carry out certain transactions, you can draw up a notarized power of attorney at any notary office. Some banks accept such a power of attorney even more readily than an intra-bank power of attorney. But you will definitely have to provide a photocopy of the proxy’s passport and wait for the authenticity of such a power of attorney to be verified, which can take up to several days, and thus affect the speed of transfer of powers.

The most convenient option is to take care of this possibility in advance and issue a banking power of attorney immediately upon opening an account. Each bank has its own standard of intra-bank power of attorney, which is used in all situations requiring the transfer of authority. As a rule, these are either one-time powers of attorney, or powers of attorney only for a specific type of operation - closing an account, accessing a safe deposit box, withdrawing funds, processing plastic card and so on. In this way, you maintain the safety of your own finances. An example of a bank power of attorney is located at the end of this article.

The terms of the bank power of attorney are determined by the bank independently. The standard period is 1 year, rarely more.

Banking power of attorney for legal entities

It is much more relevant than for individuals to draw up and receive a banking power of attorney for organizations and individual entrepreneurs. Legal entities that have large turnover and maintain extensive accounting are forced to quite often receive account statements from the bank (a power of attorney to receive bank statements is issued), and those who work with cash are forced to hand over cash to the cash desk (power of attorney to replenish accounts).

Of course, it would be strange if the director of a large corporation personally came to the bank to deposit cash or receive a statement. But since this information is a banking secret, the bank cannot entrust its contents to outsiders. In this regard, the execution of a bank power of attorney is a mandatory procedure in such cases.

Most often, the procedure for drawing up a bank power of attorney for organizations is as follows:

  1. The head of the organization (or individual entrepreneur personally) signs an agreement to maintain a bank account and fills out a bank card with a sample of his own signature. Once the manager’s signature is accepted by the bank, he can sign any type of document, including a power of attorney to receive statements from the bank or any other type of intra-bank power of attorney.

    Attention! It is important to provide a signature that you can then reproduce, since any signatures you provide will be compared to the signature on the card.

  2. The head of the organization fills out a power of attorney in the form of the bank, in which he indicates the types of operations available under the power of attorney, and the authorized person also fills out a card with a sample of his signature. The seal of the enterprise or organization is affixed if the power of attorney is not drawn up for an entrepreneur working without a seal.
  3. From the moment the card with signature samples is accepted, the authorized representative can carry out approved transactions on the organization’s account without the presence of its immediate manager.

5/5 (2)

Samples of powers of attorney for representation of interests in a bank

You can DOWNLOAD samples of powers of attorney to represent interests in a bank using the links below:

How to draw up a power of attorney correctly

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes general rules for the execution of a power of attorney in Article 185. A mandatory requirement is compliance with the written form of the document. In cases of representation of interests before the bank, in certain cases, notarization of the power of attorney may be required.

The person transferring authority must personally appear at the bank or to a notary to confirm his will.

Rules for drawing up a power of attorney:

  • the introductory part contains information about the calendar date and place of drawing up the document. The number is written in words;
  • the details of the principal are indicated. For citizens - full name and exact information about the passport. For organizations - full name and information on registration and tax accounting, indicating numbers. Also, in relation to legal entities, the requirement to clarify the manager is mandatory. His position and basis of activity should be entered;
  • a record is made about the representative (trusted person): his full name, place of registration and passport details, including information on issue;
  • All delegated powers are listed. The compilation of their list should be approached as responsibly as possible;
  • Perhaps, in order not to make a mistake, a preliminary consultation with a bank employee will be required. Powers may include the ability to open and close an account, deposit funds, transfer them, open a letter of credit, withdraw cash and other rights related to the management of finances. The list should not include unnecessary powers;
  • The validity period of the power of attorney is specified. The day, month and year are indicated in words;
  • if there is a possibility of transferring powers to another person, this right of the attorney is necessarily recorded in the text;
  • the final part of the document is the signature of the principal with a transcript.

Important! Each credit institution has its own operating characteristics. It is advisable to inquire in advance whether the bank has its own approved form of power of attorney. If so, then you need to use it.

What rights does it give

Depending on the conditions specified in the document, the authority may provide for a one-time, one-time representation of interests or last for a long time, implying permanent work.

Speaking on behalf of another entity may include the following actions:

  • submission of documents related to making payments (for example, payment orders);
  • deposit of funds;
  • receiving cash withdrawn from the account;
  • obtaining statements, certificates and other documentation of this kind;
  • obtaining other documents related to banking services.

All rights specified in the power of attorney are fully exercised by the representative. They can be transferred by both a citizen and a legal entity.

Subassignment means the possibility of transferring the rights of an attorney to another entity. Making a transfer of trust for an organization is somewhat difficult. If powers under a power of attorney need to be transferred to another person, a additional document listing the same possibilities.

Drawing up a power of attorney always poses some risk to the principal. To reduce it to a minimum, without allowing abuse of rights, you should compile a list of transferred rights as accurately as possible. If necessary, you can insert restrictions into the text in the form of limits on the amount of funds withdrawn and the number of payments made using the account.

Transferred powers are divided into two groups: general and special.

Depending on the list of specified rights, powers of attorney have certain features.

In particular, a document drawn up for submitting payment orders to a bank usually includes:

  • name of the institution where payments are expected to be made;
  • a clear and detailed list of actions of the representative;
  • transfer of accounts indicating the details to which the activities of the attorney in transferring funds will be related.

Please note! Such requirements are not established by law, but are usually practiced by banks. This procedure helps to avoid exceeding the powers of the representative when working with someone else’s property.

The main requirements for the personality of a trusted person are his honesty and responsibility. They acquire particular importance when it comes to a power of attorney to manage a bank account.

Such a power of attorney gives the representative a wide range of powers:

  • open a bank account on behalf of a legal entity;
  • deposit cash into and withdraw cash from the account;
  • make transfers to third party accounts;
  • request from the bank information about working with the account in the form of statements or other form;
  • close the current account.

It is allowed to include in the list of powers both one specific right, for example, withdrawal of cash, and complete disposal of the principal’s funds.

Watch the video. Nuances and advice from a notary on drawing up a notarized power of attorney:

Who can be a confidant

A citizen of at least 18 years of age and with full legal capacity can represent the interests of another person in the bank. Legal entities usually choose their own employees working in the financial field as trustees. As a rule, these are employees of the accounting department or another department whose work is related to the organization’s funds.

Do I need to certify?

In order to freely use a power of attorney in relations with the bank, it must be properly executed. If powers are transferred by an organization to an individual, it is enough to affix the signature of the manager and the seal of the company on the form. This design gives the document legal force.

When powers are transferred by one individual to another, the following persons can certify the will of the principal:

In this case, notarization is not necessary.

Cost of certification

The service of certifying a power of attorney by a bank employee is free, so it is quite in demand. A power of attorney can only be certified by a notary by paying for this service in accordance with the tariff.

The state duty is 200-500 rubles. depending on the type of document (Article 333.24 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Additional notary services (consultation, printing and copying of documents) require separate payment.


The power of attorney specifies its validity period. If the text does not indicate this, the validity period is considered to be one year. The issued power of attorney will be valid until it is revoked by the principal himself.

Features of the document

The text of the power of attorney does not depend on who delegates the powers - a citizen or a legal entity. It is important to understand the differences in essence. The citizen-trustor acts on his own behalf. The head of the company, by signing the document, acts on behalf of the organization.

For a power of attorney to be considered valid, an individual (representative and attorney) must have legal capacity, and a company must have legal capacity.

Drawing up a document on behalf of a legal entity requires specifying all details on the form.

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Cancellation of power of attorney

A power of attorney can be revoked by the person who issued it before its expiration. The form of such a revocation will directly depend on the method of formalizing the transfer of rights itself. If the document was drawn up in simple written form, it will be canceled in the same way. To do this, you must notify the attorney in writing about the revocation of the power of attorney.

When sending a notice in person, the addressee signs for receipt. This method is not very convenient; difficulties often arise with delivery, so sending the message by mail is often used.

A registered letter with postal notification guarantees that the item will be delivered to the address.

Having received notice of the cancellation of the power of attorney, the citizen is obliged to return it to the issuing person. The power of attorney is returned immediately upon receipt of the letter. It is important to comply with one more requirement - to notify all persons who are somehow related to this about the revocation of the document.

The revoking person reports this information to the organization to which the power of attorney was submitted. Such an organization is, for example, a bank or other institution. Powers of attorney are often issued for submission to postal institutions.

A legal entity, in the course of its activities, constantly encounters banks - opening and closing accounts, processing loans and borrowings, receiving account statements, and other transactions. Can act in the bank on behalf of the organization CEO or another person authorized by him. By proxy, a company employee can receive an account statement or conduct payment transaction. A power of attorney can be issued to any employee.

How to draw up a power of attorney for a bank correctly

A power of attorney is a document that authorizes the person specified in it to perform actions on behalf of the principal. When there is an urgent need to take some action, and the director is either not there or has no time, it is easier to entrust one of the employees to do it. A power of attorney can be drawn up from both a legal entity and an individual.

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For example, a chief accountant or manager may be instructed to open or close a bank account, pay a supplier, create a deposit, or open a loan.

A power of attorney to a bank is very similar in appearance to powers of attorney to the Pension Fund, Federal Tax Service or Social Insurance Fund.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not specify a sample power of attorney for a bank. Therefore, you can compose it yourself in writing, download a sample from the Internet, or request a template from the bank.

Power of attorney details:

  1. Date and place of compilation. It is not necessary to specify a deadline. If the contract does not indicate the validity period of the power of attorney, then 1 year should be added from the date of preparation.
  2. Details of the principal and the trustee. Full name of the organization, INN, KPP, OGRN, charter number, full name of the head of the enterprise. Next, his passport details and the full name of the person who is entrusted with the performance of duties according to the document are indicated. Passport data, TIN and other information.
  3. Empowerment. Determined for each situation individually. Full name of the bank where certain procedures must be performed.
  4. Signatures of the parties and seal of the organization. After drawing up a power of attorney, it can be transferred to the bank by the head of the organization or provided by the person indicated in it when applying.

Certification of power of attorney

When a power of attorney is issued on behalf of an organization, that is, a legal entity, it requires several methods of certification. Firstly, this is the signature of the head of the organization. Secondly, printing.

This power of attorney does not require notarization.

Power of attorney to the bank from a legal entity: sample

As mentioned above, the law does not specify a standard form of power of attorney from a legal entity. You can compose it in free form or download it from the Internet. Most businesses issue the document on their letterhead. This paper in the “header” contains basic details, contact information and logo.

The place of compilation and date are indicated in the upper left corner. For example, Moscow, April 6, 2016.

Further, the document states that the organization, represented by the head of the company “last name, first name, patronymic in the genitive case,” acting on the basis of the “Charter or other document” dated “date of the charter,” instructs an employee to represent his interests of the organization in a “bank or other place.”

Usually, when filling out a power of attorney template from a bank, after entering the details of the principal's party, several numbers are given to enter the data of the persons who are trusted to represent the interests.

The standard list of data includes: last name, first name, patronymic, passport details, place of registration, TIN.

The next menu item after identifying the parties is a list of powers.

They include:

  • opening and closing current accounts;
  • Bank statements by current account;
  • receive information on existing accounts;
  • replenish current accounts with cash through the cash register;
  • register deposits in the name of the organization;
  • apply for a loan or overdraft;
  • make payments to suppliers through payment orders;
  • other actions that do not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Even one bank has several branches within one city. You must indicate the full name of the bank in which the enterprise is serviced, its address and, necessarily, the number of an account or several in one bank.

The expiration date is not required. It is usually considered that this power of attorney is issued for a year. If the operation is carried out several times, you can issue a power of attorney for 10 days, a month, six months, etc.

After complete completion and careful double-checking, the director’s signature and the organization’s seal are placed below. The person who is trusted to perform transactions also signs.

Powers of a representative of a legal entity in a bank

A power of attorney can be issued for a one-time action (for example, a one-time deposit of cash, etc.) or for the representative to periodically exercise his powers.

Typically, a power of attorney to represent the interests of a legal entity in a bank is issued without the possibility of transferring powers by the representative to another person by way of delegation. If necessary, an organization can issue a power of attorney with the same list of powers for several persons at the same time.

Power of attorney

to represent the interests of a legal entity

(place of execution of the power of attorney)


(date of execution of the power of attorney)


(full name of the legal entity)

(Further " Society"), registered "_____"_______________ _____g. at the location of ________________________________________________________________________, OGRN____________________, INN___________________________, represented by_________________

Acting on the basis _______________

(name of manager's position, full name)

This power of attorney authorizes______________________

(Charter, Regulations)

Passport series _________No._________________

(last name, first name, patronymic of the representative)

issued by "___"___________ ________. ___________________________________________________,

(issued by)

registered at the place of residence at the address: ________________________________


represent the interests of the Company in __________________ on all issues related to the implementation of transactions on the current account(s):



To perform representative functions, the authorized person is granted the following powers:

  • present payment orders and other payment documents for payment;
  • receive statements from your account(s);
  • hand over cash to the Bank;
  • receive cash from the account;
  • receive statements of the account(s), certificates of the status of the account(s) and other documents related to account servicing;
  • perform other legal actions related to the implementation of this instruction.

The power of attorney was issued without the right of substitution.

The validity period of the power of attorney is up to “___”______________ ________year.

The validity period of the power of attorney must be no more than 3 years

I certify the signature of the authorized representative (representative)___________________.

(signature example)

___________________ ___________________/________________________________________/

(position of manager) (signature) (full name of the head of the Company)

Power of attorney to the bank from an individual: sample

A power of attorney to a bank from an individual is similar in purpose to a power of attorney from a legal entity. In this case, according to the power of attorney, one individual trusts to perform any actions with his bank account to another individual.

Most people believe that such a power of attorney should be issued by a notary. It is worth dispelling this myth. The legislation says nothing about this. A written power of attorney is sufficient. The document must clearly state the powers that the principal grants to the second person.

Correct execution of a power of attorney for an individual:

  • Date and place of drawing up the power of attorney.
  • Duration of the power of attorney. If it is not specified, then the power of attorney is considered to be issued for 12 months. The term of the power of attorney is unlimited by law.
  • Possible re-delegation of assigned powers.
  • Clauses that contradict the law cannot have legal force.

Power of attorney

I, gr. Ivanov Maxim Yurievich, born November 25, 1978, place of birth: Moscow, citizenship: Russian Federation. Gender: male. Passport:..., registered in Moscow, st. I authorize Stroiteley, 35, apt. 169 with this power of attorney

to be a representative in the bank of PJSC "CENTER-karta", located at Moscow, Mayakovskogo St., 18, on the current account 43869875393253 and to authorize:

  • receive bank account statements;
  • open and close accounts;
  • deposit funds.

Ivanov M.Yu. __________

Kryukova A. S. __________

To summarize, it is worth noting that issuing a power of attorney greatly simplifies the work of a manager. This allows you to shift part of your authority to another employee and free up time for other more important matters.