What is a reference in a bank statement? How to ask a banker for a banking recommendation without being rejected? Reference from the Internet and WhatsApp chats

REFERENCE (lat. referre - report) - recommendation, certification of the solvency of the enterprise.

The principal, if his choice is determined by the parties to the foreign trade contract, determines the collecting bank, its name and location. But such a bank must be a correspondent bank of the authorized bank. Otherwise authorized bank sends the collected documents to the collecting bank through any other foreign collecting bank that is a correspondent of the authorized bank. If the principal does not name the collecting bank in the collection order, then such bank is indicated at the choice of the remitting bank.

The collection order must also contain the following information:

Name of payment currency and amount to be collected. If documents accepted for collection are expressed in any currency other than the currency of payment, then the principal must indicate the currency conversion rate or the method for determining it;

Account number of the transfer recipient in an authorized bank;

List of documents attached to the collection order to be issued to the payer against payment and/or acceptance. As a rule, these include commercial and financial documents: commercial documents are invoices, transport documents and insurance documents, documents of ownership and any others that are not financial; financial documents are promissory notes, bills of exchange (drafts), checks and other similar documents used as a means of circulation and payment.

The list of documents attached to the order separately indicates the number of original bills of lading and the number of their copies. It is recommended that the BILL OF LADING (a document containing the terms of the maritime transportation contract) be issued in the name of the principal (exporter) and issued with an ENDORSEMENT (endorsement) on the reverse side of the document in favor of an authorized bank or its institution.

In the collection order, the principal must also give the remitting bank clear instructions regarding:

Terms of payment for collected documents. They are presented to the payer by the collecting (presenting) bank against payment and/or acceptance or on other conditions depending on the specific case. In this case, the order must clearly indicate the possibility or prohibition of the collecting bank accepting partial payments for collection and transferring collected documents to the payer against partial payments. As a rule, for Russian exports, the principal provides for the transfer of documents to the payer only against full payment;

Deadline for payment of collected documents. If the payment period is not specified, they are paid by the payer upon presentation, i.e. within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt by the authorized bank of the collection order and the documents attached to it;

The procedure and conditions for payment of commissions and expenses of banks associated with the collection operation. This procedure and terms of payment must strictly comply with the terms of the foreign trade contract. The principal is also obliged to reimburse the banks for their expenses for all obligations imposed on them by foreign laws and customs;

Actions of the collecting bank in case of refusal of the payer to pay commissions and/or expenses associated with collection of documents. However, if the collection order specifically prohibits the waiver of the right to commissions and/or collection costs, then the banks participating in this transaction are not responsible for any costs or delays caused by such prohibition. In case of waiver of the right to a commission, collection costs are borne by banks at the expense of the principal (exporter) and can be withheld from his export proceeds.

To avoid the payer’s refusal to pay collection documents, especially in situations where his solvency is in doubt, it is advisable to insist on providing them with a bank guarantee.

The technology for collecting documents for imported goods and services is approximately the same as for exporting. The authorized bank acts as a collecting (presenting) bank. When executing collection orders from foreign banks, he is guided by the instructions contained in the order, as well as the Uniform Collection Rules and Instructions.

Banks involved in collection settlements act as intermediaries and do not bear any responsibility for non-payment or non-acceptance of documents.

The collection form of payment is beneficial to the importer in that banks protect his rights to the goods until the documents are paid for or accepted. Documents received by the importer for verification remain at the bank’s disposal until the moment of payment (acceptance) and are returned in case of non-payment to a foreign bank indicating the reasons for non-payment (non-acceptance).

The disadvantages of the collection form of payment are the long time it takes for documents to pass through banks (up to one month), and the possibility of the importer refusing to pay for the submitted documents.

See also:

BANK REFERENCE Information (mentions) about the bank in which the company has an account, transferred to another company as information for researching its creditworthiness. Before opening accounts, banks usually investigate the nature of the business, capabilities and finances. responsibility of their clients, and by maintaining constant contacts, they can express their opinions to others regarding the state of affairs of their clients. Such mutual exchange of information on a loan between banks is not a function that can be taken lightly, since it is not only about providing meaningful information on the loan, but also in liability for possible erroneous information. Each analyst bank loan Must be familiar with the Robert Morris Associates Code of Ethics for loan applications, which was first adopted in 1916 and has been revised several times since then.

View value Reference Banking in other dictionaries

Reference- references, w. (French rеfеrence). Recommendation, review of someone or something. (official, special). I am attaching references to my application. Provide references from previous places of work. || Reference........
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Reference- -And; and. [lat. referre - report]
1. Characteristics, feedback about the business qualities and financial capabilities of a person or enterprise, given by another person or enterprise.
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Bank guarantee— - see Bank guarantee.
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Instructions for generating and sending salary slips via

on-line service PRIVAT 24 (Internet Client-Bank)

On-line service allows you to:

1. Enter the statement manually -for this you need to know your personnel number

employee and the amount that he needs to credit to the card

2. Import the statement file in *xls or *dbf format.

A mandatory requirement is that the files must comply with a certain structure.

3. Monitor the stages of statement processing in the Bank.

4. Print the statement with a note from the Bank about its processing.

Preparing statements manually

(mainly used for preparing small statements)

Step 1: Select salary project

You need to go to the Privat24 menu " Cards – Salary - Create a statement»

and select an available salary project:

Step 2. Add the payment reference to the statement

Payment reference is the payment number to the bank's transit account (2924*05*******), which is used for subsequent crediting of funds to cards. The account number must be indicated in the contract.

To add a payment to the statement you must:

Check the box " Add»

Click the “Search” button.

From the displayed list of payments you need to select the required amount and press the button

« Create».

Attention!!!Payments are searched for a periodLast 3 calendar days . If the payment was made earlier, you need to contact the department servicing the salary project with a request to update the payment reference.

In cases where at the time of generating the statement, the payment has not yet been made (has not been updated), it can be added to the statement later:

At the stage of adding employees to the list

At any convenient time, through the menu " Statement journal»

To create a statement without a payment reference – uncheck the box « Add" and press " Create»:

If the payment reference is known, indicate it in the field " Payment reference», check the box « Add" and click the " Create»

Step 3. Filling out the form NEW

After pressing the button Create» an empty statement is generated, which is assigned a unique identification number (to view all created statements, go to the “Statement Log” menu).

Adding employees to the payroll is carried out through:

Search by personnel number / card number

Using the button " A list of employees» NEW

First way.

Adding employees by personnel number / card number

Fill in the employee's personnel number or card number and click " Search».

Fill in the field "Sum" card replenishment, edit the field " if necessaryPurpose of payment " and press " Add»:

As a result, the card will be added and saved in the statement:

To add the next employee to the list, repeat the search and addition procedure. If you add an employee by mistake, you can remove him by clicking on the " Delete»

Second way.

Adding employees via the “List of Employees” button

When you click it, a list of all employees of the salary project who have open salary cards in this project.

We select employees. Fill in the field "Sum" replenish the card, if necessary, edit the field "Purpose of payment »

If everything is specified correctly, the card will automatically be added and saved to the payroll.

If the field is filled in incorrectly " Sum» the program will warn you with a sign

Step 4. Checking the statement for errors

After adding all the necessary employees to the list, we send the list for verification.

Based on the results of the check, two situations are possible:

The statement has been verified and is awaiting approval.

The statement has been checked with errors and is awaiting correction.

There are two types of errors:

The amount on the statement is greater than the payment amount

The statement contains cards for which enrollment is not possible

To eliminate these errors, you need to edit the statement:

Delete entries with erroneous amounts and/or time sheets;

Add entries with correct amounts and/or time sheets

After correcting errors, the statement must be sent for verification again.

Step 5. Statement approval

After the statement is checked without errors, the “check” button changes to “approve”:

Important!After approval, the statement is not available for editing; it can either be sent to

bank or delete.

After successful approval, the following message is displayed:

and the menu for signing statements opens. From the list of unsigned statements, select

the one you need and put an electronic digital signature(EDS):

After applying an electronic digital signature to the statement:

it becomes available for sending to the bank for crediting:

Important! All approved/signed statements are stored in the statement log. Search

carried out using the “Status - approved” filter.

Generating a statement using the file import function

Step 1. Preparing the statement file

The service allows you to import statement files in *xls or *dbf format, which correspond

following structure:

* Requirements for the structure of files in *dbf format

A statement file template (in *xls or *dbf format) can be obtained from the bank branch servicing the salary project - contact the manager.

Step 2. Load the list file import menu

Importing the statement is available both in the main menu:

and in the list creation menu:

When you call the import menu, the JAVA application is activated:

Step 3. Select the list file to import

In the “File” menu, select the file format to import, and also indicate the location of the file:

After selecting the file, you will be asked to enter the Privat24 username and password, you need

enter this data and click the button " OK»:

For users who are additionally verified by one-time password, will follow

request to select a number mobile phone and enter the received password.

If the entered login and password are correct and the file does not contain errors, the import process will begin

entries from the file to the statement:

After complete downloading of information from the file, a message about the quantity will be displayed

imported records and total statement amount:

Step 4. Preparing the statement for sending for enrollment

To send the imported statement to the bank for crediting, you need to go to the statement journal:

display created statements:

and select the last one created from the list (click on the statement ID):

Further operations with the statement are the same as withmanually creating a statement :

Add a payment reference to the statement and check (Step – 4)

Approve, sign and send the statement to the bank for crediting to the cards (Step – 5)

Tracking the stages of statement processing in the Bank

To check the status of the statement sent for enrollment, go to the journal

and download the sent statements for the required period:

The current status of the statement will be reflected:

Sent statements can acquire the following statuses:

Processed – funds sent to cards

On enrollment (processing) - the statement is awaiting distribution to cards in accordance with the regulations:

Printing a statement with a note from the Bank about its processing.

To print the processed statement, click onStatement ID:

In the statement that opens, select " Seal»:

|| Certificate of creditworthiness of someone. person, issued by a trading company, institution (trading obsolete). Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, ed. D. N. Ushakova

  1. Syntactic factor. Depending on the syntactic function, the referential and non-referential use of names/noun phrases differs. In the position of actants (subject and objects), names are used referentially and implement various types of reference; in the predicate position, names are used non-referentially and do not indicate the object of reality itself, but only the properties of objects. For example, in the phrase “Peter is a writer,” the word “Peter” indicates a specific object of reality and, thus, has a referent; the word “writer” refers to the properties of this object and, thus, has no referent.
  1. Logical-semantic factor.

Bank accounts in Mauritius

The development of the banking sector in Mauritius allows you to open accounts in local or offshore banks. You can choose from over 20 institutions, including foreign branches Barclays, HBC.

Clients have access to trade financing, transactions with debit cards, deposits.

To open an account, you do not need to be physically present in the country - just contact the services of Prifinance employees. We provide full support to customers: from consultations when choosing a bank and deposit currency (it can be almost any) to receiving codes.

In order for a corporate account to start working, it is necessary to submit documents translated into English or French (or compiled in them) to the bank.

  • copies of the registration certificate, charter/agreement, power of attorney for the appointment of the directorate, Certificate of Good Standing - apostilled;
  • register of management/shareholders;
  • share certificates, trust declarations;
  • copies of identification papers, confirmation of addresses and bank references for all directors/shareholders/managers;
  • business plan and description of the corporate structure of the company.
  • Opening a bank account is a serious step towards establishing your business.

    Naturally, the decision to open a current account must be economically and legally justified.

    If there is a need to open an account, then this must be done, and if there is no such need, then you should work without a current account, but at the same time complying with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. So, by registering as an individual entrepreneur or opening entity, each manager or individual entrepreneur, as we have already found out, is faced with the issue of opening a current account.

    At first glance, this is a simple formality: you come to the bank, fill out a certain package of documents, provide yours, sign and that’s it - the account is open, use it.

    Bank reference

    The seller refers to the supposedly existing world practice.

    Article: Trade finance: products and conceptual apparatus (Bronnikova E.A.) (“Factoring and trade finance”, 2008, No. 4) Direct guarantee from Russian bank is the simplest and most affordable product for a Russian importer/exporter in terms of cost of service.

    As a rule, the risk acceptability of a Russian bank by one or another supplier/exporter or counterparty Russian client under a foreign trade contract, and in banking terms - by the beneficiary, is achieved through tripartite negotiations between all parties to the transaction.

    What are banking references?

    The plant supplies its products to the foreign market in more than 60 countries.

    Alchevsk plates and cast iron are in particular demand on the foreign market.

    Alchevsk steel is widely used in shipbuilding, nuclear and chemical engineering, for the production of gas pipelines, locomotives, tractors, mining supports, etc. The state-owned enterprise association “Artemsol”, equipped with modern equipment and using advanced salt production technologies, is the largest among its kind not only in Ukraine, but also in Europe. The history of its origin and development goes back centuries.

    A letter of recommendation is an old tool for new business.

    In this case, the referent may be audit, legal, Insurance Company, notary, appraiser, lawyer - all those who are “admitted” to information that usually constitutes a trade secret. Bank Reference (as a special case Service Reference) – a letter from the servicing bank.

    The meaning of each of the above letters is to confirm the following legal facts in relation to the recommended: We, ХХХХХ, are happy to confirm that we maintain long-term and fruitful business relations with .During the time of our business Mr. showed itself to good advantage.

    Not only liquid products are frozen, but also money. Yes, yes, it is this word that most clearly characterizes the state in which your hard-earned money is when, instead of the payment reference in the statement in Alfa-Click, you see the mysterious word HOLD.

    Hold (HOLD)– this is a temporary reservation of the amount of a card transaction until the transaction is confirmed or there is no confirmation in set by the bank term.

    In other words, at the time of payment for the purchase, money is not debited from the card account, but is held—temporarily “frozen.” The actual write-off occurs later - after processing special clearing files.

    Let's look at an example. The client pays in the store with an Alfa-Bank card with a balance of 5,000 rubles for the amount of 1,000 rubles. When the card interacts with the store terminal, authorization occurs: through payment system A request is sent to Alfa-Bank: 1) does a card with such details exist and is it active? 2) do you have the required 1000 rubles on your card account? After receiving a positive answer to these questions (approval) from the bank, the operation is carried out.

    At this moment, 1000 rubles are reserved in the client’s account for subsequent debiting. If there is an Alfa-Check, the client is sent an SMS message about the debiting of this amount from the account, the available balance on the account in the balance sheet and in the Internet bank is displayed minus it, that is, 4,000 rubles.

    However, in reality, only half the work is done. Now the bank servicing the terminal must send so-called clearing files to Alfa-Bank (again through the payment system), on the basis of which the actual write-off will occur. After receiving and processing the data, the data is uploaded to the bank’s system, 1000 rubles are actually debited from the account, and the operation is marked as completed. The Hold ceases to exist.

    Of course, the whole process is more complicated and full of “if this, then like this” options, but for a general understanding all the details are not needed.

    "Lifespan" of the hold at Alfa-Bank it is set on the basis of statistical data - based on the time during which the vast majority of transactions are actually written off.

    For a long time it was 14 days, but in 2012 the period was reduced to 9 days. The reason for this was the requests of clients who found themselves in a position where it is already known for sure that the operation will not be carried out (when returning or canceling a purchase, for example), but it is also impossible to use the money, since it is frozen.

    In most cases, operations are successful within the general time frame, so after the purchase the client lives quietly, unaware of all this “movement” between terminals, payment systems, banks and parts of their internal systems.

    But sometimes they happen...

    Nuance No. 1: When files are received for debiting, according to the rules of payment systems, the bank is obliged to debit using the details specified in these files.

    Accordingly, if the file arrives after the hold is removed, the amount will be debited. This is fraught with " technical overdraft"(simply - a negative balance), but, fortunately, this happens very rarely. Unfortunately, the timing of appropriate actions on the part of third party bank we can not.

    The other side of the situation is when the authorization details and the received confirmation do not match. Sometimes banks “sin” with a unique approach to the formation of files, and therefore the Alfa-Bank system cannot link them with the required holding. As a result, the client’s account is debited, and the hold remains hanging. The problem is rare, but it can be treated the same way - only with time.

    In combination with Nuance No. 1, a situation may occur when the write-off occurred on the “new” account, and the hold remained hanging on the “old” account.

    Nuance No. 3: If the transaction currency is different from the account currency, then it is not uncommon for one amount to be held while another is actually written off.

    It’s simple: at the time of authorization, one conversion rate is in effect, and a few days later (at the time the transaction is processed) – another one. The conversion is applied at the rate on the day of write-off, and since the timing of this process is beyond our control, we cannot predict the rate at which the write-off will occur. As they say, production costs.

    Nuance No. 4: We cannot speed up the defrosting process.

    The concept of “bank reference” (identical to it “ banking reference") today is not regulated by law, therefore it is not contained in any regulatory legal act of the Russian Federation. If you are looking for an answer to this question, most likely you have encountered one of the document fraud schemes. Most often, this concept is used in the context of dubious business proposals that contain promises from intermediary organizations to organize cooperation with a well-known company on an advance payment, guaranteeing bright prospects for business development.

    Fraudsters offer to establish contractual relations in a short time and with minimal investment, and, most importantly, in absentia, that is, without the actual presence of representatives of partner companies, through electronic correspondence.

    At the same time, they operate with names and contact information well-known enterprises (for example, PJSC NK Rosneft or its subsidiaries) down to the personal data of managers and, to create the illusion of their affiliation with them, provide links to the official resources of these organizations. The letter is usually accompanied by a draft contract (a sample application for the purchase of goods, ICPO) along with a sample “bank reference”.

    What kind of document do scammers have in mind, and how to distinguish a real offer of cooperation from a fake one, you will learn from this article.

    “Banking reference”: revealing the concept

    Based on the fact that the word “reference” itself, in accordance with the modern economic dictionary, means “the provision of a recommendation or characteristic by one person (organization) to another person (organization) in order to confirm that he (she) enjoys trust in business circles” , in correlation with the adjective “banking”, this concept can mean “certification of the creditworthiness and solvency” of the client. In other words, this is a regular letter of recommendation and review.

    In reality, such a concept and, in particular, a document does not exist. In accordance with Article 26 Federal Law“On banks and banking activities” under number 395-1, credit organizations and their employees are obliged to keep secrets related to the accounts, deposits and transactions of their clients (correspondents) and can provide it exclusively to themselves or to a very limited circle of organizations ( tax authorities, PFR and FSS of the Russian Federation, courts, etc.).

    Therefore, if a “bank reference” is found in nature, certified by the signature of a bank employee and the seal credit organization, then this is either a simple “fiction” or a violation of the bank employee’s duties, which inevitably entails the latter’s dismissal.

    What other imaginary documents and concepts can scammers use?

    Other phrases most often used by scammers in their “business” letters can also lead to complete confusion.


    • “irrevocable confirmed order or application, abbr. BPZ” – not a single serious supplier (processor) has this form of document. Moreover, no one can deprive you of the right to refuse an order even before the counterparties actually sign an additional agreement to the supply agreement and require the approval of the supply application by a credit institution;
    • “bank officer” - most likely, the expression is borrowed from the English language (“bank officer”) and literally means “bank official”;
    • “non-disclosure agreement, abbr. NCNDA” is another “tracing copy” from English, which is presumably taken from a translation of a contract on a similar topic.

    In addition, there may be such cumbersome, awkward phrases as “direct debit of funds”, “full corporate guarantee of payment”, “SWIFT and CUSIP numbers”, etc., the meaning of which is difficult to establish, even when compared with the full text of the letter .

    Remember: no organization will establish contractual relations in absentia, conduct correspondence via the Internet or provide any guarantees to counterparties based on documents sent by email.

    The transaction parameters offered by scammers differ significantly from the market ones and indicate an unreasonably large profit.

    First of all, you should be wary of the requirement to transfer a certain amount allegedly in payment for certain services, for example, for the preparation of documents, including permits, invitations, visas, etc., or the activation (legalization) of an agreement in Russian ministries or government departments (such a procedure cannot, in principle, be provided for by law).

    You may also be asked to pay for transportation, services related to organizing a trip to the Moscow office of a company with which they are in imaginary cooperation, to sign a contract, etc. All this is nothing more than a fiction that scammers resort to to make money .

    If you receive such commercial offers from false intermediary companies and you have any doubts about the validity of the promised transactions, we recommend contacting law enforcement agencies.

    What is reference number?

    What is a Reference in working with bank accounts? and got the best answer

    Answer from Alexander[guru]A bank reference is a letter from a bank containing information about a person as a client of this bank who has no violations of banking discipline. And when working with bank accounts, I think this is an extract from bank account if there is one about his condition, amount, etc. Where did you find such a concept? Is it by chance not on the list of documents for obtaining a visa?