Depository agreement. Deposit agreement between the bank and the depositor

Depository agreement N _____

city ​​_______________ "__"___________ ____ city ____________________________________, acting__ on the basis of a license (name of the depository) professional participant market valuable papers for the implementation of depository activities N _____, issued by _________________________________ "___"____________ _____, hereinafter referred to as the "Depositary", represented by _________________________________________________, acting on the basis of (position, full name) ________________________, on the one hand, and _____________________________, (name or full name) hereinafter referred to as the "Depositor", represented by _______________________________, (position, full name) acting___ on the basis of ______________________________, on the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this Depository Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) about the following: 1. SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT 1.1. In accordance with this Agreement, the Depository assumes obligations to provide the Depositor with services for storing a registered security in the form of a Mortgage ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (full name of the pledgor and information about the identification document, or its name and location, if the pledgor - legal entity) __________________________________________________________________________, (details of the mortgage agreement, loan agreement or other monetary obligation, the fulfillment of which is secured by a mortgage, indicating the date and place of conclusion of such an agreement or the basis for the occurrence of the obligation secured by the mortgage) owned by the Depositor, by opening and maintaining by the Depository the Depositor’s securities account (hereinafter referred to as the “depo account”), as well as carrying out transactions on deposit account, and the Depositor pays for the services of the Depository in accordance with Section 6 of this Agreement.

1.2. In relation to the Mortgage Deposit owned by the Depositor, the Depository acts as a nominee holder registered in the register of securities owners.

1.3. The Mortgage Deposit owned by the Depositor cannot be foreclosed upon for the obligations of the Depository. The conclusion of this Agreement does not entail the transfer to the Depository of the ownership of the Mortgage Deposit owned by the Depositor.

1.4. The operating procedure of the Depository when providing services to the Depositor in accordance with this Agreement is determined by the Conditions for the implementation of depository activities of the Depository, which are an integral part of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Conditions”). For the purposes of this Agreement, the services listed in clauses 1.1 and 1.2 of this Agreement are hereinafter referred to as “services”.


2.1. The Depositor has the right to transfer the authority to dispose of the Mortgage and exercise the rights certified by the Mortgage to the Account Trustee. Only an organization that has a valid license as a professional participant in the securities market can be appointed as the trustee of the Depositor's securities account. The Trustee of the securities account acts on the basis of the Agreement of the Trustee of the Securities Account concluded with the Depository, the power of attorney issued by the Depositor to the Trustee of the Securities Account in the manner established by the current legislation, and other documents determined by the Terms and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. A securities account cannot have more than one Trustee of the securities account.

2.2. The trustee of the securities account, appointed by the Depositor in accordance with clause 2.1 of this Agreement, independently monitors compliance with the rights of the Depositor as the owner of the Mortgage. If there is a Trustee of the securities account, the Depositor does not have the right to independently transfer instructions to the Depository in relation to the Mortgage and transfers instructions to the Trustee of the securities account.

2.3. In the event of suspension/cancellation of the license of a professional participant in the securities market of the Securities Account Trustee, the Depository shall notify the Depositor in writing and suspend operations on the securities account until a new Securities Account Trustee is appointed and/or until the relevant instructions are received from the Depositor in relation to the Mortgage.

2.4. If a decision is made to terminate the powers of the Trustee of the securities account, the Depositor undertakes:

2.4.1. In accordance with the procedure established by current legislation, revoke the power of attorney issued by the Depositor to the Trustee of the securities account.

2.4.2. Notify the Depository in writing of the termination of the powers of the Trustee of the securities account, indicating the date of termination of such powers.

2.4.3. Issue a power of attorney to the newly appointed Trustee of the securities account or manage the securities account independently. The newly appointed Account Trustee concludes an Account Trustee Agreement with the Depository in the manner prescribed in this article.

2.5. The Depositor also has the right to appoint other authorized persons for his securities account (section of the securities account) in the Depository: an operator and/or manager of the securities account - in accordance with the Terms. The Depositor is obliged to notify the Depository of the termination of the powers of the operator and/or manager of the securities account in the manner prescribed by clause 2.4 of this Agreement. For the purposes of this Agreement, hereinafter the “person authorized by the Depositor” will be understood as the Trustee of the securities account or the operator of the securities account and/or the manager of the securities account.


3.1. When providing services to the Depositor, the Depository acts in strict accordance with the approved Conditions for the implementation of depository activities, this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. For the purpose of storing the Mortgage and/or accounting for rights to the Mortgage, accounting for the transfer of rights to the Mortgage, as well as registering encumbrances of the Mortgage with obligations, the Depository organizes the maintenance of securities accounts that ensure the unity and completeness of all depository records. The Depository opens and maintains an individual securities account of the Depositor, different from the securities accounts of other depositors of the Depository, to record the rights to the Depositor's Mortgage. Securities accounts used by the Depository to record quantities.

3.3. When providing services under this Agreement, the Depository performs operations on the securities account only on the basis of instructions to execute operations on the securities account signed by the Depositor or his authorized person appointed in accordance with Article 2 of this Agreement.

3.4. The procedure for transmission by the Depositor or the Depositor's authorized person to the Depository of instructions to carry out operations on the securities account and the timing of their execution by the Depository are determined by the Terms.

3.5. Transaction reports and statements on the Depositor's securities account are presented to the Depositor or his authorized person within the time limits and in the manner prescribed by the Terms.


4.1. The Depository assumes the following obligations:

4.1.1. After submitting the documents required in accordance with the Conditions and within the time limits established by the Conditions, open for the Depositor and then maintain a securities account to record transactions with the Mortgage, indicating the date and basis of each transaction on this account.

4.1.2. Do not carry out transactions with the Mortgage Deed without instructions from the Depositor or a person authorized by him, except in cases provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation.

4.1.3. All depository operations with the Mortgage Deposit shall be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions of the Depositor or his authorized person.

4.1.4. Do not use information about the Depositor, the person authorized by him, or about the securities account to perform actions that harm or may harm the rights and legally protected interests of the Depositor. Do not provide information about the Depositor, the person authorized by him, about the securities account to third parties, except in cases and to the extent established by this Agreement, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Conditions or agreements signed by the Depositor and the Depository.

4.1.5. Notify the Depositor or a person authorized by him about changes in the Terms and the Price List of Depository services at least _______ days before they come into force.

4.1.6. Provide the Depositor or his authorized person with reporting documents on depository operations carried out by the Depository on the securities account in the manner and within the time limits established by the Terms.

4.1.7. Ensure, on behalf of the Depositor or his authorized person, the removal of the Mortgage Deposit from storage and accounting by issuing a certificate of a certified security and/or re-registration of this security in the register of securities owners/in another depository from the Depository’s account as a nominal holder to the Depositor’s personal account/custody account or third parties specified by the Depositor.

4.1.8. Take organizational, fire and security measures to ensure the safety of the Mortgage Deposit transferred for storage. Ensure the safety of information contained in the depository accounting system by duplicating it and securely storing data.

4.1.9. If there is a change in the storage conditions of the Mortgage, increasing the risk of loss, shortage or damage to the Mortgage, immediately notify the Depositor or his authorized person.

4.1.10. In the event of seizure of the Mortgage by the competent authorities, immediately notify the Depositor or his authorized person.

4.1.11. The terms of this Agreement remain in force and the Depository is responsible for the actions of the third party to whom it transferred the Mortgage as if it were its own, except in cases where such actions are performed on the basis of the direct written instructions of the Depositor or a person authorized by him.

4.1.12. Comply with the rules for carrying out depository activities established federal laws, other legal and regulations and Terms.

4.2. The Depositor assumes the following obligations:

4.2.1. Comply with the provisions of this Agreement and the Terms.

4.2.2. When transferring the Mortgage to the nominal holding of the Depository, take all actions necessary to ensure the re-registration of the Mortgage in the name of the Depository as a nominal holder in the register of securities owners/other depository.

4.2.3. Pay for the Depository's services in accordance with the Depository's Price List and compensate the Depository's expenses in the cases specified in this Agreement and the Terms.

4.2.4. Provide the Depository with information about changes in the details of the Depositor’s questionnaire provided for in the Terms (including changes in its location/residence), as well as other information that is essential for the normal performance by the Depository of its obligations to the Depositor under this Agreement.

4.2.5. Provide the Depository with the information and information specified in this Agreement and the Terms, and comply with the deadlines and procedure for their provision.

4.2.6. Submit instructions to the Depository to execute operations with the Mortgage Deposit in the manner prescribed by this Agreement and the Terms.

4.2.7. Immediately notify the Depository of the revocation of powers of attorney issued by the Depositor to persons authorized in accordance with Art. 2 of this Agreement to manage the securities account.

4.2.8. If a Trustee of a securities account is appointed, do not submit instructions to the Depository to carry out operations on the securities account independently.


5.1. The depositary has the right:

5.1.1. The following rights include:

— refuse to accept and execute an order in the case when all the instructions were not submitted along with the order Required documents provided for by the Terms;

— refuse to accept and execute an order if the Depository has doubts about the authenticity of the signature on the order or the submitted documents;

— refuse to accept and execute an order if this entails a violation of the law, regulations or the rules and procedure established by the issuer for the initial placement and subsequent circulation of securities;

— refuse to accept and execute orders in other cases established by the Terms and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.1.2. Without the prior consent of the Depositor or a person authorized by him, become a depositor of another depository in relation to securities by opening an interdepository securities account in this other depository.

5.1.3. Only on behalf of the Depositor or a person authorized by him to represent him on all issues related to the exercise of rights certified by securities.

5.1.4. Carry out on your own behalf all operations related to the implementation of this Agreement.

5.1.5. Refuse the Depositor or his authorized person to accept the Mortgage Deposit for storage if it does not comply with the requirements set forth in the Conditions.

5.2. The depositor has the right:

5.2.1. Use all services of the Depository in accordance with this Agreement.

5.2.2. Receive the reporting of the Depository provided for by the Terms, as well as information received by the Depository from the issuer or holder of the securities register/other depository in the process of executing this Agreement.

5.2.3. Carry out depository operations provided for by the Conditions in the manner established by this Agreement, the Conditions and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. The amount of payment for the Depository's services is determined in accordance with the tariffs provided for in the Price List of the Depository's services. Payment for the Depository's services is made by the Depositor or his authorized person within the time limits established by this Agreement, and includes payment for services provided to the Depositor in accordance with this Agreement and reimbursement of the Depository's costs associated with the execution of the Depositor's instructions.

6.2. After termination of this Agreement, the Depositor is not relieved of the obligation to pay for the services of the Depository for transactions performed before the termination of the Agreement, as well as for transactions, the obligation to perform which remains with the Depository after termination of this Agreement.

6.3. Payment for the Depository's services and reimbursement of expenses incurred by it in connection with the execution of this Agreement is made by the Depositor by transferring funds in the appropriate amount to the Depository's current account within _____ (__________) business days from the date the Depository issues the invoice. The invoice is issued by the Depository no later than the _____ day of the month following the reporting month. At the discretion of the Depository, the Depository has the right to issue an invoice for reimbursement of costs associated with the execution of the Depositor’s instructions, upon the occurrence of such costs by the Depository.

6.4. In case of delay in fulfilling the Depositor's obligation to pay for the Depository's services under this Agreement, the Depositor is obliged to pay to the Depository a penalty in the amount of _____ (__________) percent of the payment amount for each day of late payment, but not more than _____ (__________) percent. Payment of penalties does not relieve the Depositor from fulfilling obligations to pay for the Depository’s services.

6.5. If an Account Trustee is appointed, all payments under this Agreement are made by the Parties through the Account Trustee.


7.1. The Depository guarantees complete confidentiality of information about transactions and the status of the securities account, including information about transactions performed on accounts and other information about the Depositor that has become known to the Depository in connection with the implementation of depository activities.

7.2. The Depository undertakes, without the consent of the Depositor, not to provide anyone, except in cases and to the extent specified by federal laws and regulations, with any information about the securities account and about transactions on this account. This clause does not apply to cases of submission of reports to the Depositor himself or his authorized person, as well as to other persons in cases provided for by this Agreement, the Terms and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


8.1. The parties are liable for failure to perform or improper execution obligations under this Agreement, committed through their fault.

8.2. The Depository is liable to the Depositor for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, including:

8.2.1. Failure to fulfill or improper execution of instructions of the Depositor or a person authorized by him.

8.2.2. For the safety, completeness and correctness of records on the securities account, the safety of the Mortgage accepted for storage, including those transferred for storage to other persons.

8.3. The Depositor is responsible:

8.3.1. For the accuracy and timeliness of information provided to the Depository.

8.3.2. For the accuracy and timeliness of payment for the Depository’s services.

8.3.3. For the safety of copies of instructions, statements from securities accounts and other documents certified by the Depository that serve as grounds for filing claims for improper fulfillment by the Depository of its obligations.

8.3.4. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations established by this Agreement. If, as a result of such non-performance or improper performance, the Depository incurs losses, the Depositor undertakes to compensate for the losses caused in full.

8.3.5. For the timely transmission of information, orders and instructions to the Depository.


9.1. Each of the Parties is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement if the reason for this was extraordinary and unpreventable circumstances under the given conditions, including natural disasters, fires, accidents, acts of terror, sabotage and sabotage, strikes, change of political regime and others political upheavals, changes in legislation and other regulatory legal acts, the entry into force of laws and regulations, decrees and orders, orders or any other actions of government authorities that significantly affect the subject of this Agreement, military actions, riots, as well as other circumstances force majeure(Force Majeure). The circumstances listed in this article exclude the liability of the Parties, unless the cause of their occurrence was the actions of the guilty Party, both intentional and unintentional.

9.2. The deadline for fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement by the Party citing force majeure circumstances is postponed for the duration of these circumstances and their consequences.

9.3. A Party for which it has become impossible to fulfill its obligations due to force majeure circumstances is obliged to immediately notify the other Party of the beginning, change in scale, nature and termination of the circumstances that prevented the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement. The obligation to prove the existence of force majeure circumstances lies with the Party that refers to their effect.

9.4. If force majeure circumstances continue to apply for more than two months, either Party has the right to declare termination of this Agreement.


10.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the Parties and is valid until “__”___________ ____. The Agreement is considered extended for each subsequent calendar year if none of the Parties, one month before the expiration of the specified period, has submitted to the other Party a written statement of intent to terminate genuine contract.


11.1. All annexes, as well as amendments and additions to this Agreement are an integral part of it. The conditions for carrying out depository activities of the Depository are an integral part of this Agreement.

11.2. This Agreement is drawn up in 2 copies in Russian, having equal legal force: one copy is kept by the Depositor, the other by the Depository.


DEPOSITARY: DEPOSITANT: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ (location) (location/residence) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ (mailing address) (postal address) Bank details: Bank details: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ________________/_________________/ ________________/_________________/ M.P . M.P.

According to the provisions of Federal Law No. 395-1, in force since 1990, banks have the right to attract funds from individuals and legal entities for placement on deposits. A deposit agreement is concluded between the parties to the transaction - a document that sets out significant details of their relationship: the invested amount, its storage period, profitability (annual interest rate), additional services provided by a credit institution (capitalization, automatic prolongation, etc.).

What is a deposit agreement?

The main document concluded between the bank and the depositor at the time of placement of funds is the deposit agreement. It should follow from its provisions that the money was accepted for temporary storage at a set percentage. According to the provisions of Federal Law No. 395-1, the amount must be returned to the client upon his first request in the manner established by the current legal regulations.

The contract stipulates the following points:

  • amount posted;
  • the currency in which it is denominated (rubles, dollars, pounds sterling, etc.);
  • storage period (if the deposit is of a fixed-term nature);
  • bid;
  • frequency of interest calculation;
  • capitalization condition;
  • possibility of auto-renewal.

A citizen has the right to open a deposit in his own name or place funds in favor of a child. Such cash deposits formally belong to the child owners and are issued to them upon reaching a specified age, for example, adulthood.

If a deposit agreement is signed with an individual, a separate clause includes a provision for insurance protection. If the license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is revoked from a credit institution, the citizen is returned the deposited amount and accrued interest up to 1.4 million rubles. This condition is not provided for company deposits: if a bank goes bankrupt, they lose their funds irretrievably.

How is a deposit agreement drawn up?

Current legislation does not offer a unified model of a deposit agreement. It is drawn up in a form approved by the bank’s internal documents and does not contradict the norms of federal regulations. The agreement includes the following points:

  1. Details of the parties

The full name, TIN, location of the credit institution, full name and position of the authorized person, full name and passport details of the citizen-depositor are indicated.

  1. Subject of the agreement

It is written down what amount is placed by the investor and for what period. The annual rate and frequency of calculation and payment of interest are indicated. Additionally, you can indicate that the deposit is opened on the basis of a written application from the citizen, the return of funds is made subject to presentation of a copy of the agreement.

  1. Rights and obligations of the parties

For example, the responsibilities of a credit institution include:

  • Reception and storage of the designated amount of funds.
  • Drawing up and issuing documentation to the client confirming the placement of funds.
  • Execution of client orders regarding the fate of the deposited amount.
  • Refund of money upon the depositor's first request.

It is stated that the depositor is obliged to transfer the agreed amount to the bank, notify the credit institution in advance of the desire to withdraw funds or extend the deposit period.

  1. Additional terms

It states here that the client gives the bank the right to use his personal data. It is stipulated that the agreement comes into force after signing and is valid until the moment when the investor withdraws the funds and interest on them. You can additionally specify in what situations credit organisation has the right to change the rate.

  1. Force majeure and final provisions

It is stated that in the event of emergency circumstances, the parties are released from fulfilling their obligations under the agreement. It is indicated in how many copies the agreement was drawn up and that they have equal legal force.

The agreement is signed by both parties to the transaction: an authorized representative of the bank and the client. Everyone gets their own copy of the duly executed agreement.

in a person acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as " Bank", on the one hand, and the citizen, passport (series, number, issued), living at the address, hereinafter referred to as " Investor", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as " Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement", as follows:
1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The depositor transfers rubles to the bank on the day of concluding this agreement.

1.2. The placement period is not established (or it is established months from the date of conclusion of the contract, or from the day following the day of conclusion of the contract).

1.3. The deposit is opened on the basis of the established form, passport and payment of the entire deposit amount.

1.4. Interest on the deposit is accrued in foreign currency only for the period of placement, based on % per annum.

1.5. Payment on the deposit is made (options: at the end of the deposit, quarterly, monthly, when extending the deposit for the past period).

1.6. In case of early return of the deposit, interest (options: not accrued; interest remains unchanged; interest is paid on an annual basis).

1.7. Size interest rate may be changed in accordance with adopted by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other authorized government agencies decisions regulating interest rates on deposits of citizens.

In this case, the interest rate is changed by the Bank from the date of its introduction unilaterally without re-issuing the agreement.

1.8. The deposit and interest on it are issued to the Depositor only upon presentation of the agreement (original) and passport.

2. Responsibilities of the bank

2.1. Accept the deposit and store the Investor's funds.

2.2. Make a deposit, issue confirmation of receipt of money from the Depositor in the amount of rubles.

2.3. To carry out, within the limits of the funds on deposit, the written instructions of the Depositor regarding non-cash payments from the deposit.

2.4. Return the deposit with accrued interest upon the Depositor’s first request.

3. Rights of the depositor

3.1. Manage the deposit both personally and through your representative for notarized activities.

3.2. Receive income on a deposit in the form of interest or in another form.

3.3. Make non-cash payments.

3.4. Bequeath the entire deposit or its share with accrued interest.

4. Responsibilities of the depositor

4.1. Transfer money to the Bank in the amount of rubles up to "" year.

4.2. (option) Notify the bank about the extension of the period provided for in clause 1.2 no later than calendar days before its expiration and, within the next five days from the date of notification, draw up an addition to the agreement on its extension.

4.3. When early termination of the agreement, the Depositor must notify the bank in writing in advance of the calendar date.

5. Responsibilities of the bank

5.1. In case of untimely return of the deposit and interest accrued on it, the Bank pays the Depositor a penalty in the amount of % for each day of delay of the entire amount withheld, starting from the day following the day of expiration of the placement period.

6. Forty years of the contract

6.1. The Agreement comes into force from the date of its signing and is valid until the return of the deposit amount and interest accrued on it to the Depositor.

6.2. (option) Early return of the deposit and interest accrued on it is not allowed or is made by the Bank on the basis of a written notification to the Depositor.

6.3. Changes and additions to the agreement are made by agreement of the parties and are formalized as an addendum to it.

7. Dispute resolution procedure

7.1. If any questions arise (including loss of the original agreement or passport), the Depositor must contact the Bank by phone. .

7.2. All disputes between the parties are considered in accordance with the procedure established by law.



  • Legal address:
  • Mailing address:
  • Phone fax:
  • INN/KPP:
  • Checking account:
  • Bank:
  • Correspondent account:
  • BIC:
  • Signature:


  • Registration address:
  • Mailing address:
  • Phone fax:
  • Passport series, number:
  • Issued by:
  • When issued:
  • Signature:

License of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

(name of bank or other credit organization)

N _________ dated “____” ___________________________ _____, hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”, represented by

Acting on the basis

On the one hand, and

We shall hereinafter be referred to as “Depositor”,

(name of the organization - depositor)

represented by __________________________________________________________________, acting on the basis of

(last name, first name, patronymic, position)

On the other hand, collectively referred to as

(Charter, regulations, power of attorney)

The “Parties” have entered into this Agreement as follows:


1.1. The Bank undertakes to accept from the Depositor a sum of money in the amount of __________________________ (deposit),

return the deposit amount and pay interest on it in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.

1.2. This Agreement is concluded on the terms of issuing a deposit upon first demand (deposit up to


1.3. The bank charges interest on the deposit in the amount of ____% per annum. Interest begins to accrue

from the day following the day of making the corresponding deposit amount to the day preceding

its return or debiting from the account for other reasons.

1.4. Interest on the amount bank deposit are paid to the Depositor upon his request according to

at the end of each quarter separately from the deposit amount, that is, ___ date. Not in demand in

During this period, interest increases the amount of the deposit on which interest is calculated.

1.5. The contract is concluded for an indefinite period.

1.6. The bank undertakes to open _________ account (specify the type of account) no later than _________ after

submission by the Depositor to the Bank of an application with mandatory attachments for opening

bank account, which is considered as an offer and completion by the Bank

conclusive actions to open an account, which are considered as acceptance.

1.7. The agreement is considered concluded from the moment the Depositor makes an open deposit in accordance with

from clause 1.6 of the Agreement, account of the deposit amount in the amount of ____ (__________) rubles).


2.1. The bank is obliged:

– open a deposit account N ________ in the name of the Depositor no later than ________ after provision

necessary documents under the following conditions: ______________.

The list of documents is specified in the Appendix;

– at any time accept from the Investor any sums of money and credit them to the specified

deposit account;

– accrue interest on the deposit as provided for in clause 1.3 of the Agreement;

– issue to the Depositor the deposit amount in whole or in part upon his first request, or

dispose of the corresponding amount in a different manner as directed by the Depositor;

– pay the Depositor interest in the amount and within the terms established by this Agreement.

2.2. The bank has the right to unilaterally change the amount of interest on the deposit.

In this case, a reduction in the amount of interest is allowed after written notification

The investor or messages about this in the press or through other media.

The new (reduced) interest rate is applied to the deposit after _____ from the date

corresponding message.

2.3. The Bank has no right to carry out any operations on the deposit without the order of the Depositor,

except in cases expressly established by law.

2.4. The depositor disposes of the deposit at his own discretion on the terms established

this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation, including the Depositor has the right:

– receive the deposit amount in whole or in part at any time;

- receive at the end of each quarter the amount of interest due to him by the day

circulation, separately from the deposit;

– upon receipt full amount deposit to receive the full amount of interest accrued

by the day of receipt of the deposit amount.

The depositor has the right to carry out any other actions to dispose of the deposit and

amounts of interest on the deposit not prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.5. The depositor has no right to transfer the funds in the deposit

to other persons.



3.1. If the Parties violate the terms of the Agreement, they are liable in accordance with

with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. If the Bank violates the deadlines for returning the deposit amount or paying interest, the Bank will

is obliged to pay the Depositor a penalty in the amount of ____% of the amounts not paid on time for each

day of delay, as well as compensate for damages caused, including lost profits.

Compensation for losses and payment of penalties (penalties) do not relieve the Bank from fulfilling

obligations under this Agreement, including in terms of payments provided for in the Agreement


3.3. This Agreement is terminated upon application by the Depositor at any time.

3.4. Upon termination of the Agreement, the balance of funds in the account is given to the Depositor or

upon his instructions, is transferred to another account no later than seven days after receipt

corresponding written statement of the Investor.

3.5. Termination of this Agreement is the basis for closing the deposit

Depositor's accounts. Termination of the Bank Account Agreement and closure of the account occurs


3.6. All disputes and disagreements will be resolved by the Parties through negotiations. When

 Standard form of a deposit agreement without the right to early withdrawal of the deposit (part of the deposit) Deposit agreement No. __________________ Moscow "___"__________ 20__ Commercial Bank"FDB" (company with limited liability ), hereinafter referred to as the "Bank", represented by _________________________________, acting on the basis of _________________________________, on the one hand, and ___________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Depositor", represented by _________________________________, acting on the basis of ___________________, on the other hand, (hereinafter referred to as " The Parties") have entered into this agreement as follows: 1. Subject of the agreement 1.1. The Bank accepts funds received from the Depositor in the amount of ___________,__ (_____________) _________________, hereinafter referred to as the “deposit”, and credits them to the Depositor’s deposit account No. ____________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Depositor’s Deposit Account”). Deposit expiration date ___ _________ 20___ 1.2. The Bank charges the Depositor interest on the deposit at the rate of ____ (________________________) percent per annum. 2. Basic terms of the agreement 2.1. Interest on the deposit amount is accrued from the day following the day it is credited to the Depositor's deposit account (on the actual balance of funds in the deposit account at the beginning of the operating day) until the day it is returned to the Depositor. 2.2. The deposit cannot be claimed by the Depositor before the end of the period specified in clause 1.1. of this agreement, except for cases of significant violation by the Bank of the terms of this agreement, as well as in other cases provided for by federal laws as grounds for termination or amendment of this agreement at the request of one of the Parties based on a court decision. 2.3. Payment of accrued interest on the deposit is made by the Bank _________________________________, but no later than the end of the period established in clause 1.1. actual agreement. 2.4. The return of the deposit and payment of accrued interest is made by the Bank by transferring them to the Depositor’s bank account No. ________________________________, opened in ________________________________. 2.5. Accrued interest is not added to the deposit. 2.6. When calculating interest, the actual number of calendar days in the payment period is taken into account, and in the year - the actual number of calendar days (365 or 366, respectively). 2.7. Receipt of deposits in the name of the Depositor from third parties is not allowed. 2.8. A deposit received from the Depositor in violation of the conditions established by this agreement is returned by the Bank to the Depositor’s bank account specified in clause 2.4. actual agreement. If a deposit is received in the name of the Depositor from a third party account, such funds are returned by the Bank to the account of the third party from which the payment was made no later than the day following the day of receipt of such funds. In this case, interest on the funds specified in this paragraph is not accrued. 3. Duration of the agreement 3.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment the deposit is received into the Depositor’s deposit account and terminates from the day the Bank pays the Depositor all amounts due to him in accordance with the terms of this agreement. If the Depositor withdraws the entire deposit amount, this agreement is terminated and the Depositor’s deposit account is closed. If the Depositor does not transfer the deposit on the day of signing this agreement or transfers an amount less than specified in clause 1.1. of this agreement, then the latter is considered not concluded 4. Guarantees of the parties 4.1. The bank guarantees the return of the deposit and payment of interest accrued on it by all owned by the Bank in cash, as well as property that may be subject to foreclosure, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2. The Bank guarantees the Depositor the secrecy of the deposit, except in cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 5. Dispute resolution procedure 5.1. Any questions, disagreements or claims arising from this agreement or in connection with its execution shall be settled between the Parties on a mutually acceptable basis through negotiations. 5.2. All unresolved disputes are subject to consideration by the Moscow Arbitration Court. 6. Protection of the interests of the parties 6.1. On all issues that have not been resolved in the terms of this agreement, but directly or indirectly arising from the relations of the Parties hereunder, affecting the property interests and business reputation of the Parties to this agreement, the Parties will be guided by the norms and provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 7. Statements and representations 7.1. The depositor confirms that he has consent to the processing of his personal data of the persons specified in powers of attorney, orders, bank cards, decisions of management bodies and agreements, a questionnaire of the Bank's Depositor, a letter about management bodies and in an extract from the register of shareholders or in a letter with a list of participants sent to the Bank in accordance with the requirements for the provision of documents necessary for the execution of this agreement. 7.2. The parties represent that they have the legal authority to enter into this agreement. All actions, conditions and requirements that allow the Parties to legally sign this agreement, exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations under the agreement have been duly completed and observed. The execution of this agreement and the fulfillment of its obligations under this agreement will not violate any applicable law, regulation, agreement, order, treaty, regulation. Fulfillment by the Parties of their obligations under this agreement does not constitute and will not lead to any violation of any other agreement or contract to which one of the Parties is a party. 8. Other conditions 8.1. The Depositor undertakes to provide to the Bank all documents necessary for his identification in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements of the Bank, including information about the beneficiary and beneficial owner. At the same time, the parties understand that: - The beneficiary of the Party is the person for whose benefit the Investor acts, including on the basis of an agency agreement, agency agreements, commission and trust management, when conducting transactions with cash and other property; - The beneficial owner is individual which ultimately directly or indirectly (through third parties) owns (has a predominant participation of more than 25 percent in the capital) the Investor - legal entity or has the ability to control the actions of the Investor. 8.2. Any notice or other communication sent by the Parties to each other under this agreement must be made in writing. Such a notice or message is considered properly sent if it is delivered to the addressee by messenger or registered mail at the address specified in this agreement and signed by an authorized person of the Parties. 8.3. The grounds and procedure for termination of this agreement are determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 8.4. All changes and additions to this agreement are valid only if they are made in writing, signed by authorized representatives of the Parties and sealed. 8.5. This agreement is drawn up in 2 (two) copies having equal legal force. 9 Details and signatures of the parties 9.1 Bank: Commercial Bank "FDB" (Limited Liability Company), TIN 7702144800; 119121, Moscow, agricultural per., D.14/17, p. 1 BIK 044525195, Cor. Counted 301018102000000195 to the Opera Opera 9.2. DEPOSITOR: _____________________________________________, TIN _________________; ___________, city _________, st. _____________, d.___, p.___, bank account No. ____________________________ in _____________________________ correspondent account No. 30101810____________________ BIC _____________________ _________________________________ _______________________ M.P.M.P.