Wooden house from start to finish. Where to start building a house on a site - all stages, from foundation to roof

Building your own home is not an easy task, and it’s not for lack of significant savings. This is an objective reason.

Many people are stopped by the fact that they do not know where to start building a house on their site. The variety of types of work, costs, documents, time, the risk of making a mistake and its possible consequences. Our goal is to provide information on how to step by step complete all stages of building a private house with your own hands. And the final decision is yours.

Individual housing construction - what is it?

Decoding the abbreviation individual housing construction- this is individual housing construction. Individual housing construction involves the construction of a residential building on a privately owned plot of land.

Individual housing construction objects are: residential building, extension, superstructure, garage and other permanent buildings. Those. those buildings the construction of which requires permission from local authorities and, in some cases, the consent of neighbors.

Land plot is a territory that has clearly defined boundaries. At the same time, the surface layer of the earth is also considered private property. The depth of the layer is not prescribed at the legislative level. But it is worth remembering that when you are going to dig a well, you are acting within the framework of your interests. If you plan to drill an artesian well, then you are encroaching on state property, which means its drilling must be agreed upon and documented.

Plot for building a house

To start construction you need to have a certain budget and land plot. If there is no plot, and the budget allows, you can buy it.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a site to build a house:

  • personal interests. First of all, set the direction for the search. Perhaps there are memories associated with a certain place, or you want a plot near the water, or in the forest, etc.;
  • location. More in demand are plots located within the city or at a distance of 10-15 km from it;
  • plot dimensions. Affect the scale of construction. In construction, the proportion is 1:10. That is, on a plot of 6 acres it would be appropriate to build a house of 60 square meters. Whether or not to follow this recommendation is up to the owner of the plot, but in the event of a sale it significantly increases the liquidity of the property;
  • availability of infrastructure. Even if complete privacy is planned, it is desirable that there be several more buildings located on the development territory, a medical center, a store, a school, etc. This is especially important if the house is intended for a family with children and is planned for year-round living;
  • proximity to transport. It is important for car owners to evaluate the quality of access roads and the presence/condition of asphalt pavement. So as not to end up in a situation where, in order to get home, you need to change your car to another one with a higher ground clearance. For those who do not have a car, proximity to public transport is desirable;
  • availability of communications. Is it possible to connect to central heating, water supply, sewerage. Are power lines connected to the site? Owners of plots in newly created satellite villages often face this situation;
  • state of ecology in the area. It may turn out that living here is fraught with negative consequences (proximity to hazardous production);
  • soil type. The choice of foundation and the possibility of constructing a well depend on it. In practice, it may turn out that this soil is generally not suitable for the construction of heavy objects. That is, you can put a summer house or a small dacha on it, but build two-storey house with an attic - unrealistic.
  • market value of the plot. It is determined by all parameters together. The final price will depend on the owners of the site and your ability to bargain reasonably.

Advice. Having decided on a plot, do not be lazy to check the legal purity of the documents and the compliance of the actual dimensions of the plot with the dimensions indicated in the cadastral passport. You may be sold territory that actually belongs to someone else.

The situation with the site can develop according to two scenarios:

Firstly, permanent buildings may already be located on the site. A fairly common situation is the acquisition of a plot of land with an already built house. Now we are talking not about its restoration, but about demolition. The advantage of such a site is that the main communications are connected to it. In this case, in addition to the above parameters, you need to check the legality of communications.

Secondly, the site may not be developed. We will pay attention to this option.

Where to start building a house on an empty lot?

1. Decide on the style of the plot/house

The appearance of the building, its location, the choice of material, etc. will depend on the design.

The size of the house depends on the number of people permanently living in it. The house can be made into several floors, thus it is possible to obtain sufficient space, but not at the expense of developing the site.

Note. If you plan to dig a well, you need to immediately call the experts who will tell you where the water is. Perhaps the only place on the site where the aquifer is close to the surface will be exactly the place where it was planned to place the house. By the way, in this case, you need to talk with your neighbors and find out what quality the water is in the area.

Self-construction country house It will be easier because there is no need, for example, for heating.

2. When to start building a house?

It is better to start construction work as soon as it gets warmer - i.e. in early spring. There will be six months of good weather at your disposal. In practice, the best time to start construction is late spring. More precisely, the period when the night temperature does not drop below +5°C. At this time of year, not only will the snow melt, but also the water will leave, interfering with digging a pit or making a foundation. In addition, in warm weather, labor productivity is much higher.

Note. You should not expect to complete the construction of a house in one season. According to standards, only the foundation must survive for 1 year. And, for example, construction brick house differs in time from the construction of a frame house. So, conservation of unfinished construction is inevitable (with the exception of prefabricated houses).

3. What material should the house be built from?

The choice will be influenced by: the period of operation of the house (for permanent residence or only in the summer), budget, environmental requirements, fashion, the ability to complete the work quickly with the involvement of specialists or with your own hands. Let's consider several options:

  • . A common material for construction. The undoubted advantage of a brick house is its time-tested service life;
  • . In terms of price/quality ratio, foam concrete occupies an advantageous position. A foam block made of durable cellular concrete, due to air bubbles, has good thermal conductivity and low weight;
  • . This material is durable, lightweight, has high thermal conductivity and breathability, and is easy to process. Construction with aerated concrete does not impose any special requirements on the construction of the foundation;
  • . It is practiced less frequently due to the high cost of the material. Arbolite blocks are a type of lightweight concrete, consisting of a mixture of cement and crushed wood (chips). Characterized by low water absorption and high thermal insulation properties;
  • frame or modular construction. A special feature is the availability of modular designs. They are cheaper, and the work is completed in a short time. This structure is lightweight and therefore does not require significant foundation costs;
  • construction wooden house. In terms of cost and manufacturability of work, it belongs to the category of luxury construction:

Do not forget that any building material has both advantages and disadvantages that need to be eliminated.

What to build a permanent home from?

Brief Comparative characteristics materials for cottage construction in the table (approximate prices for 2016-2017). Which one is better is up to you to decide.

Material Arbolit Frame construction Beam/log
Cost, rub/m3 from 000 From 000 sq.m. area From 8 000
Construction period 4-6 months 1-2 months 3-4 months
Construction start time End of spring all-season The beginning of spring
Advantages - speed;
- reliability;
- thermal conductivity.
- speed;
- no shrinkage;
- light weight.
- speed;
- environmental friendliness;
- no need for finishing.
Flaws - price;
- need for finishing;
- presence of counterfeit.
- price;
- additional finishing;
- risk of fire;
- low noise insulation.
- shrinkage is possible;
- drying of wood;
- the need to attract specialists.

4. Who will build the house?

The solution to this issue involves choosing from three options:

The work is entrusted to the general contractor

This is a company that undertakes to deliver a turnkey project. The set of services includes everything from site assessment and project development to finishing work. Searching and delivering material is also their responsibility. The general contractor may involve subcontractors. But he must invest within the agreed time frame and budget.

The work is done entirely by hand

It is worth mentioning that it is almost impossible for one person to build a house. This implies the involvement of assistants from among friends and relatives, at least one of whom knows the procedure for performing work of a certain type. This option allows you to save up to 20% on the cost of materials (often contractors include their interest in the cost of the purchased material), as well as up to 100% on the cost of work. In addition, full control over the construction process is exercised.

Disadvantages of the do-it-yourself approach:

  • increase in construction period;
  • lack of knowledge and experience in performing this or that type of work;
  • difficulties in obtaining design and permitting documentation;
  • responsibility for the result of construction.

Some are done in-house and some are done by subcontractors.

The most common and real way. In this case, the owner performs independently that part of the work that he is able to do, and specialists are brought in for the remaining tasks. At the same time, the customer, being on the construction site, can quickly assess the quality of work.

But this approach is fraught with disadvantages:

  • searching for highly specialized companies takes a lot of time, and the cost of their services is higher. As a rule, they turn to handicraftsmen (shabashniks), but there is no confidence in the quality of the work;
  • complete control over the progress of work. If the owner unknowingly missed some point in the construction, no one will point out the mistake. Hired people do their part of the work and leave;
  • violation of deadlines. There may be some part of the work that was not completed on time. Because of this, the construction of a cottage with your own hands will have to be suspended, which is fraught with additional payments and loss of time;
  • shared responsibility. When a marriage occurs, it is difficult to find the culprit. For example, tilers will blame the mason or plasterer for crooked walls, or the floor was poured incorrectly. And there are many such examples.

Note. Users advise hiring craftsmen who will do the next stage of work and evaluate the work of the previous ones. This way they take responsibility for their part of the work.

5. Budget for building a house

After all of the above, it makes sense to reconsider the construction budget.

What increases construction costs:

  • individually developed project;
  • complex structure configuration;
  • the presence of balconies, basements, winter garden, garage, swimming pool, sauna, etc.;
  • a significant number of rooms;
  • broken roof;
  • use of unreasonably expensive materials in construction.

What reduces the cost (what to save on):

  • ready standard project;
  • simple form of structure;
  • refusal of the second floor in favor of the attic (subjective);
  • the presence of a significant number of windows;
  • reduction of partitions;
  • reasonable choice of foundation type;
  • reasonable thickness of external and internal walls;
  • choosing a roof configuration that allows rational use of lumber and minimizing waste of roofing material.

Cost ratio for building a house

Work cycle Contents of the cycle % of total costs
Preparatory - preparation of documents;
- search for contractors;
- purchase or development of a project.
Null - digging a pit;
- pouring the foundation.
15-35 (depending on the type of foundation)
Elementary civil works:
- construction of walls;
- installation of rafter system and roofing;
- conservation of unfinished buildings if necessary.
35-50 (depending on the number of partitions, roof configuration and cost of roofing material)
Final - filling window and door openings. 5-15 (depending on number, area, material)
Engineering work - laying of intra-house communications and their connection to central networks;
- installation of electrical wiring;
- plumbing work;
- heating and insulation.

At this point the planning stage is over, it’s time to move on to direct action.

The beginning of work on a site with dilapidated buildings includes the demolition of old buildings and clearing of debris from the area. The demolition of the building must be reported to the local BTI and a document must be obtained confirming the exclusion of the demolished house from the federal register.

If the house was connected to communications, you need to coordinate their disconnection before demolition with the relevant services, for example, the gas service. It's easier when the site is empty.

In this case, the sequence of work can be presented step by step:

Step 1 - Private house project

As already mentioned, there can be three ways to acquire projects.

Firstly, buy finished project. The cost of a house project depends on its complexity and uniqueness. The price starts from 3,000 rubles.

Secondly, contact an architect. The cost of developing an individual project starts from 20 thousand rubles. At the same time, carrying out the project and author’s control over its implementation in practice is paid additionally.

Third, develop the project yourself. How to develop a house project yourself without sufficient knowledge? Based on the example provided below.

Wood is the oldest building material, which has not lost its relevance in the 21st century. Wooden houses are unique. Each of them can be considered a truly unique creation. Today's technologies make it possible to process wood logs with such precision and accuracy that they turn into very easy-to-lay and aesthetically attractive timber. It can be with flat edges or profiled. Since its manufacturing technology involves thorough drying of the wood, the risk of changing the geometric parameters of the timber during proper storage and transportation is negligible.

This is what profiled laminated timber looks like. It is very convenient to make a log house out of it.

What are the advantages of a house made of timber and what are its disadvantages?

Wooden houses themselves have a certain internal warmth. After all, wood is able to maintain thermal balance for a long time, unlike stone or concrete. Therefore, a wooden house can be warmed up much faster. On the contrary, when the heating is turned off, cooling occurs much more slowly than in buildings made of brick or concrete blocks. No one doubts the ecological purity of wood. As for the ease of processing the material, there are no problems here either. A huge number of tools have long been invented that can make products of any shape and size from wood. The aesthetic beauty of using wood in construction is undeniable.

Man has learned to successfully level out the existing shortcomings of wood with the help of the latest developments in the chemical industry and timber manufacturing technology, which involves deep drying it. However, it is worth listing these disadvantages:

  1. Susceptibility to rotting, fungus and mold. With the correct manufacturing technology, which includes high-quality drying, as well as when treated with impregnating antifungal compounds, the tree is practically not susceptible to these diseases and can last at least a hundred years. Timely care of wood will further increase this period. Suffice it to recall the monuments of wooden architecture that have stood for centuries.
  2. Severe fire hazard. The disadvantage is serious, but it can be significantly smoothed out if all wooden elements of the house are treated with fire retardants. They make wood almost completely non-flammable. Installing fire extinguishing systems in addition to this will reduce the risk of fire to nothing.

In a word, the existing disadvantages, which can also be smoothed out, are not able to surpass the advantages of a wooden house. For this reason, many developers are building their a private house precisely from timber. How to do this correctly will be discussed further.

How to build a log house with your own hands from start to finish

Construction of any house is a rather complex and responsible process. However, if you have carpentry skills, it is quite possible to build a house from timber yourself from start to finish. Let's look at how this is done step by step.

Excavation and foundation installation

Any new construction begins with excavation work. After all, no matter how flat the site is, it needs preliminary planning and installation of drainage structures. In the case of a wooden house, the latter is very important, since high-quality drainage is the key to dry wood, and therefore its durability. The site is leveled by removing the top fertile layer of soil down to the clay base. The removed soil can be removed or moved to the garden. A drainage ditch is installed along the perimeter of the site with a slope to the lowest point of the site. It can later be cultivated by placing drainage pipes in it.

The next stage is the construction of the foundation. Most often under timber houses they make a tape type. It is the most convenient and makes it possible to build a basement under the house. To construct it, they dig a trench of the required depth and width, construct formwork, fill it with reinforcement and fill it with concrete. In this case, special attention should be paid to both vertical and horizontal waterproofing of the foundation monolith. In order for the foundation to fully satisfy the type of structure and its weight, it is necessary to make correct calculations of its parameters.

According to construction rules, the lower part of the base should be located 20 cm below the freezing level of the soil. For the middle zone, this figure ranges from 50 to 150 cm. In the northern regions and Siberia it is much deeper. This rule does not apply to areas where the soil is sandy and dry. Here you can dig a shallower trench, but no less than 70 cm from the zero mark, that is, from the surface of the earth.

The elevation of the foundation above the ground should be from 30 to 120 cm. However, it may vary due to the significant slope of the site. The width of the monolith should be 30 - 40 cm. Thus, to construct a foundation with a total height of 1.5 m and a perimeter of 40 m, you need to calculate the required volume of concrete. 1.5*0.4*40 = 24 m3. However, its consumption can be reduced to 50% if a sand-crushed stone cushion is placed at the bottom of the trench.

A brick plinth is placed on top of the foundation monolith. The masonry is made one brick thick in 2 or 3 rows.

Construction of a log house from timber: laying logs and floors

For example, let’s take laminated laminated timber with a section size of 200x200 mm. These sizes are optimal for cold climates. Let's calculate the need for it for our one-story house with dimensions of 10x10 m. It is better to order a solid beam of the required length than to join a standard 6 meter one. If we want to have a ceiling height of no less than 270 cm, then taking into account the need for a mauerlat and basement floor, we need 320 cm of the total height of the log house. By simply dividing 320 by 20, we get 16 rows of masonry in the log house. The height will be slightly greater than the design one due to the insulation that will be laid between the beams, but over time the log house will shrink and the parameters will be calculated.

If our house is ordinary rectangular, then we need 16 * 4 = 64 beams 10 m long. This is only for the external walls. For a house this size you need another one bearing wall(the foundation under it can be columnar to save material), so we add 16 more pieces and get 80 beams. Let’s not forget about the installation of floors. We have two of them: basement and ceiling. If you make logs on them every 1 m, then you will need about 20 more beams. For these purposes, a cheaper regular untreated solid lumber is suitable. In total, we will need 100 pieces of 10 meter beams. Their volume is 100*0.2*0.2*10 = 40 m3. Knowing this, you can determine the required financial investments for the log house.

Before starting the construction of a log house, the entire timber should be treated with an antiseptic and antipyrine. The first crown is laid on the base through a half-beam layer of waterproofing. This is necessary for laying basement floor joists, which are laid every 1 m if 50 mm are used. blocks for the subfloor. If you plan to immediately make a finishing floor, then this distance should be reduced to 40 cm, which will entail an increase in the need for material. The ends of the timber are sawed down and half is cut off from each so that a flat surface is formed at the joint.

Corners can be joined in various ways, the simplest of which is dovetail. This is when each subsequent beam is placed in joint with the previous one. This fastening is not very reliable, so when using it, the bars are additionally fastened together with metal staples. There are other, more advanced connection methods.

The beams of adjacent rows are fastened to each other using wooden dowels. To do this, a through hole is drilled in the beam, which penetrates into the previous one to a third of the depth. A dowel is driven into the hole with a wooden sledgehammer, the thickness of which is 2 mm greater than the diameter of the hole. The blows are applied until the beam fits tightly to the previous one. The distance between the dowels must be at least 1.5 m.

Between the rows, for compaction and insulation, jute tape or other similar material is laid: tow, moss, mineral wool. There should not be a single area left where this gasket does not exist.

Laying jute tape between the beams. For this purpose there is a special groove in the beam profile.

There is no need to attach the last two rows to the previous ones, since after shrinkage of the log house they will have to be removed to lay the floor beams. The distance between the logs must be at least 1 m if light mineral wool or polystyrene foam is used for insulation. For bulk insulation, reduce the distance by half. Window and door openings in the walls are cut either after complete shrinkage of the frame, or left directly when laying the crowns.

Installation of roof structures on wooden walls

To install a simple gable roof, you will need bars with a section of 100x50 mm, a beam of 150x150 mm and edged boards for constructing the roof sheathing and covering the gables. If metal tiles or corrugated sheets are used as roofing, then the construction of a bulky, powerful structure is not necessary. However, more planks will be needed, since the sheathing should be with a small pitch or continuous.

The last row of the frame will be used as a mauerlat, to which the rafter legs must be securely attached. To do this, a protrusion is sawed into them, with which the rafter legs rest against the mauerlat. The racks are made of timber and installed on a load-bearing central beam or wall every 100 cm. Rafter legs are constructed on each rack, going down to the mauerlat. The length of the racks should be chosen so that the angle of the roof slopes is at least 45 degrees. The lathing is made from boards 150–200 mm wide and 15–25 mm thick, in increments of 100–150 mm.

Roof structure. The simplest scheme.

The final stage will be vapor barrier and laying of roofing material. After that, ridge and wind strips are installed, and the gables are sewn up.

Features of interior decoration

Interior wall decoration in wooden house may not be done at all if the timber is polished. It is covered with stain of the desired color to obtain a beautiful natural pattern. If finishing is necessary, then it can be done with any finishing materials. The walls can be plastered with pre-reinforcement or plasterboard sheets can be used.

Plywood can be laid on the subfloor, on which a finishing coating is applied. The ceilings are hemmed with plasterboard or tension structures are made. Door and window openings are filled with doors and windows made of any material.

Finished house made of wooden beams. As you can see, no additional finishing of the facade is required.

Created with your own hands, a log house will delight not only you, but also your children and grandchildren when proper construction and proper care.

A new home is the cherished dream of many. But at the same time a big problem. And it's not just a matter of financial costs. Sometimes it is simply unclear where to start building a house. We decided to present you with a step-by-step detailed instructions, which will become a supporting plan, will help distribute finances, strength, opportunities, and think through important points.

When is the best time to start?

When is the best time to start building a private house? What do experts say about this? The most suitable period is late spring, when the snow melts and the threat of frost on the soil and melt water disappear. This will not interfere with digging a pit and pouring the foundation. And labor productivity will be higher.

No matter how great your zeal, building from scratch does not fit into one season. The same foundation must stand for a year. Therefore, conservation of the process at its various stages is inevitable.

What material will the building be made of?

Where to start building a house? Choose what material you will use. The following factors influence this:

  • Permanent residence or seasonal stay.
  • Budget.
  • Style preferences.
  • Possibility of involving a team or carrying out the work independently.

Here are popular material options:

  • Brick. The most common material. Its undoubted advantage is its long service life.
  • Foam blocks. Very good quality/price ratio. Light weight and excellent thermal conductivity are undoubted advantages here.
  • Aerated concrete blocks. What we have here is a durable and lightweight material, breathable, characterized by ease of processing, high thermal conductivity, and low foundation requirements.
  • Arbolit. A type of lightweight concrete. The material is not very popular due to its high cost. But low moisture absorption and high thermal insulation qualities are its undoubted advantages.
  • Modular, frame construction. Work with such material is carried out in a short time. Let us also note the low cost of the material and its lightness.
  • Tree. This is already elite construction. Glued and profiled timber and rounded logs are popular.

When discussing where to start building a house, let's look at the pros and cons of the above.

Advantages and disadvantages of materials

Let's continue to explore the topic. Question: "What do you need to start building a house?" It’s difficult to call it simple, because when answering it, you will have to take into account many nuances. One of them is materials. Let's learn about the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular ones.

Material Start of construction Approximate terms of work pros Minuses
Brick End of spring 5-7 months Thermal conductivity, durability, reliability "Wet" work, long term
Foam block End of spring 4-6 months Cost, speed of work, thermal conductivity You can buy a fake, non-ecological material, finishing required
Aerated concrete blocks End of spring 4-6 months

(+ to the disadvantages of foam block)

Shrinkage, cracking, full breathability

Arbolit End of spring 4-6 months Good thermal conductivity, reliability, speed of work Possible purchase of a fake, high price, needs finishing
Frame, modular construction All-season 1-2 months Speed ​​of work, light weight, all-season use, no shrinkage Cost, low sound insulation, risk of fire, finishing required
Tree The beginning of spring 3-4 months Environmental friendliness, speed of work, no finishing required Drying, shrinkage, you need to hire specialists for work

Of course, the table will not help you figure out where to start building a house, but it will definitely be useful in terms of choosing materials. Let's move on.

Who will build the house?

Where to start building a house on the site? On top of everything else, from deciding who will be the builder. There are three options.

General contractor. This is a company you trust to get the job done inside and out. Starting from project development and ending with finishing work. The acquisition and delivery of materials under the contract may also become the responsibility of the general contractor.

Independent work. It is almost impossible for one person to build a house from start to finish. You will need to involve family, friends, colleagues - people familiar with similar work. Among the advantages are low construction costs and full control over its progress. But there are also a number of disadvantages:

  • Lack of knowledge (if you are not a professional builder) will affect the quality.
  • Increased construction time.
  • The difficulty is in developing a complete project.
  • Full responsibility for the results.

Partially independent work. That is, you do what you can do yourself, and for other work you hire subcontractors. Analyzing where to start building a house, we will identify the disadvantages here:

  • Finding highly qualified workers can take a long time.
  • There is a risk of entrusting construction to non-professionals.
  • Plans may be disrupted due to poor quality or late work completed.
  • Maintaining complete control - employees will perform only their duties.
  • Divided responsibility among specialists can lead to poor quality results.

Budget planning

Here it is, the beginning of building a house! Where to begin? Now you need to decide on a budget. Let's present a convenient table that will demonstrate what increases costs and what allows you to save.

Let's consider one more point that will help to correctly distribute the budget over construction cycles.

Budget distribution

We have already outlined where to start building a house on the site. It is also important to correctly distribute your available funds so as not to mothball construction due to unforeseen circumstances.

Stage of work Contents of the cycle Percentage of costs from the total budget, %
Preparation Collection of documentation, search for performers, preparation, project development 0-1
Null Pit, foundation 15-35 (depending on the chosen type of foundation)
Elementary Construction of walls, installation of rafter structure, roofing, conservation of the facility as necessary 35-40 (depending on the number of walls, roof configuration)
Final Working with door and window openings 5-15 (depending on materials, number of openings)
Engineering Laying communications inside the house and connecting them to central networks, conducting electricity, plumbing work, heating and thermal insulation 15

And now - the next steps.

House project

Where to start building a private house? Of course, you need to prepare its detailed design. There are three ways here:

  1. Order a ready-made standard project from a specialist. Today the price of such a plan starts from 3 thousand rubles.
  2. Contact an architect to draw up an individual project. The cost of one plan alone is from 20 thousand rubles.
  3. Develop the project yourself.

The plan of your future home is a system of the following parts:

  1. Sketch. A rough sketch of what you want to see.
  2. Architectural section. At this stage, the number of floors, number, location and purpose of rooms are determined. Next are the dimensions of the room spaces. It is important to determine the number and location of bathrooms, the presence of a basement, attic, and their purpose. It is important to decide whether there will be a built-in garage.
  3. Constructive section. Detailed analysis arrangement of the foundation, walls, roof.
  4. Engineering section. The following items are considered here: lighting, electrical equipment, water supply and sanitation, ventilation, heating.

When preparing your own plan, pay attention to the following:

  • The project should take into account your future possibilities - expanding the house, adding extensions to it.
  • The plan must be agreed upon with the neighbors if the future structure affects their rights and interests.
  • Each section is worked out in as much detail as possible to create a clear estimate.
  • The lack of a project will make it difficult to connect the house to central communications.
  • In addition, a building without such a plan may be considered illegal and demolished.
  • A site is required to obtain a copy of it from the appropriate authority.
  • Professionals advise conducting a geological study of their properties to determine the nature of the soil and search for an aquifer.

Preparation of documents

Building a house - where to start? We go through the necessary steps step by step. The next one is an introduction to the acts regulating individual construction:

  • Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Federal Law No. 190).
  • Land Code of the Russian Federation (Federal Law No. 136).

From the documents it follows that before starting construction the following must be submitted to the relevant authority:

  • An application on the basis of which permission will be issued.
  • A document confirming your ownership of the plot.
  • Approved house design.
  • Cadastral passport of the plot.
  • The act of establishing the boundaries of the site.

According to Art. 51 of the Town Planning Code, such a permit is issued for 10 years. For some cases (but only those provided by law) it is not required. Anything else will be considered unauthorized construction. Unauthorized buildings are regulated

Site preparation

When starting to build your own home, you need to start by preparing the site for construction.

If there are old buildings on it, it is necessary to organize their demolition and clear the area of ​​construction waste. Before this, they are disconnected from communications and must report the fact to the local branch of the BTI so that the building is excluded from the register. If the area is empty, then move on to the next:

  • Construction of a temporary structure - a trailer, a cabin.
  • Installation of a restroom - an outdoor one with a cesspool or a cubicle with a dry closet.
  • Installation of a fence that will protect the construction site from prying eyes. You can erect a temporary fence, or you can immediately build a permanent one.
  • Preparation of the construction site - arrangement of access roads, places for construction waste, premises for storing building materials.

Construction plan

  1. Preparing the pit.
  2. Pouring the foundation.
  3. Construction of the basement.
  4. Construction of building walls.
  5. Roofing.
  6. Installation of windows and external gates, doors.
  7. Insulation of the building.
  8. Carrying out engineering communications.
  9. Arrangement of the blind area.
  10. Finishing work.

Since the work will be carried out for more than one year, at some stage it will have to be mothballed. Let's imagine the most suitable periods for this:

  • Pouring the foundation.
  • Arrangement of the basement.
  • Walling.
  • Roof arrangement.

Common mistakes at the beginning of construction

Let us finally analyze the most popular mistakes that hinder the speed and quality of work:

  • Focus on the best prices for building materials and work provided. Often low cost leads to low quality.
  • Lack of building design. It may threaten to be demolished.
  • Replacing materials with similar ones (from a layman’s point of view).
  • Laying the foundation without geological survey of the site.
  • Lack of engineering communications diagram.
  • Lack of detailed estimates.

Building your own home is a very responsible undertaking that needs to be thought through from top to bottom. And you need to approach it with all seriousness at the beginning of construction.

Today, building a house from start to finish is a fairly common service that is used by a lot of people. To build a house from SIP panels, brick or other wall materials means in any case to get decent, affordable, comfortable and durable housing. Such a building can please its owner and serve him for many years.

How to get a finished house?

Undoubtedly, you can complete all stages of building a house from the foundation to finishing on your own. This is quite worthy of praise and pride. However, it may not end as well as we would like. It is worth adequately assessing your capabilities and only after that start building a house from start to finish - by searching for a project or contacting a company that is ready to take on the construction of your home. Here it is up to you to decide.

The main point to know is the need for a professional approach. It doesn’t matter whether you build the house yourself or entrust it to third party organization. Builders need to be chosen very carefully, because the quality and durability of the building in which you live depends on them.

Construction of a house from start to finish with the help of the contracting organization "KrovMart"

Our company is a leader in the field of building a house from start to finish using expensive building materials. For clients, we can offer an excellent selection of finished housing options, and we can also take on the preparation of the project and the actual construction of the house from start to finish. We will implement all your plans and thoughts during construction.

Made from expensive building materials. For clients, we can offer an excellent selection of finished housing options, and we can also take on the preparation of the project and the actual construction of the house from start to finish. We will implement all your plans and thoughts during construction.

Your personal option may seem great only until you consider what we offer. By concluding an agreement with our company, you will definitely receive a beautiful and strong house that can stand without changes for the worse for 50 years or more.

from our company this is the transfer of a finished object, distinguished by its beauty and reliability. All work, from the start - preparation of the project to the end - delivery of the finished object to you, is carried out with the help of specialists from various fields. Our company's employees have many years of experience and qualifications. The materials used in the construction of the house from start to finish comply with Russian GOSTs and SNIPs. All these approaches enable us to achieve excellent results and design durable and attractive housing for our clients.

The KrovMart company is engaged not only in construction, we can also carry out repair work, reconstruct buildings or premises, or complete an object abandoned by another contractor. Be that as it may, in the end you get quality work done, and also save yourself from problems such as purchasing building materials or finding competent contractors. With us, you don’t have to think about unnecessary details and significantly reduce your budget, because all stages of building construction are handled by one company.

The prices for building a house from start to finish in the organization are distinguished by their democratic nature. We are pleased to guarantee first-class service.

If you would like to order the construction of a house from start to finish from our organization, you can contact us by phone listed on our website. You can also get advice and find out in more detail about the prices for the production of all services.

More and more people prefer living in their own home - in the suburbs, away from the bustle of the city. And although this choice is justified by the presence of undeniable advantages - relaxing in your own garden, playing with children in the fresh air, barbecuing with friends and other joys of private home ownership, initially you have to go through, albeit pleasant, but still significant troubles associated with building a house. Therefore, it is not surprising that the decision to begin construction of a private home is an important stage in the life of any family.

Completely unreasonably, when thinking about where to start building a house, many people mistake the preparation of a construction site and laying the foundation for the zero cycle. In practice, this is only the “tip of the iceberg”, because before the actual start of construction, a large amount of preparatory work will have to be done, on which the success of the entire enterprise largely depends. In addition to obtaining the necessary permits, it is necessary to work out each stage of construction, which will help to avoid future problems, such as inconvenient stairs and a waterlogged garden.

A long way from decision to implementation

Preparatory stage of construction

At this stage, you will have to resolve several important issues: choose a place for construction, determine its budget, choose a house design, obtain a building permit and choose a contractor. All questions are of equal importance, each will have to be given enough attention.

Buying a plot

When choosing and purchasing land for new house pay attention to both legal and practical nuances. The procedure is accompanied by the execution of many documents, so it is advisable to involve a trusted intermediary - a realtor or lawyer.

It is impossible to decide how to properly build a house without a detailed inspection of the site where the work will be carried out, and ideally, everything starts with finding land for construction. Since the comfort of future life directly depends on the location of the site, when choosing the latter, they are guided by several criteria:

  • Features of the site. Not only the area, but also the relief is taken into account. A site on a slope will require additional financial investments for planning and excavation work, construction of retaining walls.

A complex site dictates the rules for the location of the house

  • Documents of the owner (seller). It is necessary to verify their authenticity and correct filling (in the given dimensions).
  • Location. The proximity to civilization, the quality of access roads, and the availability of stops are taken into account public transport, environmental situation (hazardous industries located nearby). It is important to find out if there is a swamp, wastewater treatment plant or landfill nearby.
  • Infrastructure. The availability of utilities is assessed (it is better to obtain detailed information from the management company).
  • Additional possible expenses. Perhaps there are dilapidated capital buildings on the site that are subject to demolition, or the groundwater flows high, which means that an effective drainage system will have to be installed.

This and other useful information can be obtained from neighboring owners land plots, as well as in the administration of the locality.

Experienced experts who know how to properly build a private house advise making a request to the relevant institutions about the possibility of connecting to existing utility networks. Otherwise, an unexpected ban will become a serious problem.

Geodetic surveys provide a comprehensive assessment of the conditions of the territory for further construction

When the site for building a house is finally chosen, measures are taken to facilitate the work:

  • Geological and geodetic surveys, topographic survey of the area. The result will be information about the composition of the soil and its depth. groundwater, which will help adapt the foundation of a standard project to specific conditions. If there is ongoing construction on the land, you will have to tie into the existing foundation and possibly strengthen it.
  • After the purchase, the plot is fenced.
  • In order not to pollute most of the land with construction waste, it is necessary to determine a place for storing waste, mixing concrete, burning waste, as well as access for construction equipment.

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How to minimize losses when building a house on video:

On our website you can get acquainted with the most - in the filters you can choose to display projects from one or several construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

What to build a house from

The choice of suitable material is a topic for a separate detailed discussion. Any material, be it brick, wood, sandwich panels, foam or aerated concrete, has a set of individual properties. These qualities can manifest themselves both positively and negatively, depending on the context of use.

When choosing a material, the decisive factors are local conditions (climate, topography) and economic arguments. The latter often conflict with the desire to make the home comfortable, reliable and environmentally friendly. It must be remembered that any house needs thoughtful insulation, a reliable roof and modern engineering support.

In general, block (from cellular concrete) and frame houses(including SIP panels). It will take the least amount of time (1-2 days) to install a modular house, but this is not the most budget option.

Construction costs

Such an understandable desire to save money does not justify itself when building a house, since it most often leads to increased costs in the future. Phased construction of a house involves a detailed preliminary calculation of the estimate; It is better to draw it up together with the foreman.

After the walls and roof are built, the costs engineering support buildings may seem unreasonably large, but downsizing them without good reason is not recommended.

Construction costs can be reduced by choosing a ready-made project

Preparation of the project and its connection to the area

In many respects, a standard project is the most profitable option (when compared with self-construction and an individual project). It allows you to immediately begin construction without delaying design work.

It would be optimal to purchase from a company or construction company with solid recommendations and guarantees. The version downloaded from the Internet may end up costing more. When choosing a project, owners take into account the conditions and way of their life, determining the important parameters of the future home:

  • Is a second floor needed? Costs for foundation and roofing works for two-story house less, and you can also increase the area for a flower garden or gazebo.
  • Roof shape.
  • The number of rooms and their area (depending on how many permanent residents there are and how often you plan to receive guests).
  • It may be possible to build a house with a bathhouse
  • Height of premises (for residential floors - from 3 m).

The shape of the roof and the dimensions of the rooms are determined when choosing a project

  • Size of living room, kitchen, utility rooms.
  • Number of bathrooms.
  • Additional premises: sauna, dressing rooms, garage.
  • Interior finishing (design project is being prepared).
  • Additional amenities (sink in garage).

After agreeing on all the details, the project is linked to the area. During this stage, the optimal position of the building on the site is selected.

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Step-by-step process of building a house on video:

Construction permit

Before starting construction work, it is necessary to coordinate it by obtaining permission. To build a house from scratch, you need to start by preparing documents, the list of which has some differences in different regions. The list can be clarified in the administration.

Next, a site inspection report and a construction passport of the facility are drawn up. The sanitary-epidemiological and fire inspections coordinate the development plan, and the fire department additionally approves the electrical and gas circuits. After studying the agreed plan, the architecture committee issues a construction passport.

Family-friendly design

The need for landscape design

The purpose of landscape planning is to transform the site into an area that best suits the needs of the family. The arrangement, carried out by specialists, will solve several problems:

  • Choose a place for your home, utility rooms, recreation area, garden and vegetable garden. This takes into account illumination, soil composition, shape of the site and the location of groundwater.
  • Determine the location for laying utilities; If necessary, a place for a septic tank is designed.
  • Play around the difficult terrain and possibly change it.
  • Provide soil drainage.
  • Choose a design style for the site and create a unique design.
  • Select useful and ornamental plants suitable for growing in these conditions.

Purchasing materials

The composition and required quantity of materials are specified in the estimate. When choosing, construction and finishing materials that have a manufacturer’s certificate (quality guarantee) are preferred. This will help avoid future disappointments in the roofing or exterior finishing, which begins to rapidly lose its appearance after 2-3 seasons.

Even bricks can be damaged by improper storage.

Usually most of the materials are prepared for future use. Construction is often delayed or temporarily suspended, for example, during the winter. If stored improperly, the quality of materials can decrease, sometimes significantly (this applies not only to wooden structures, but also to bricks, building blocks, and dry mixes).

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How to build a house and avoid common mistakes, watch the video:

How to choose a contractor

Many site owners prefer to rely on the recommendations of good friends and acquaintances who have personally experienced construction. This strategy can be expanded and strengthened with additional actions:

  • Exploring options. Conscientious construction companies willingly provide their qualification certificates, recommendations and portfolio of completed work.
  • Conclusion of an agreement. It specifies a list of works, deadlines for their completion, payment and additional conditions at the request of the developer (fine in case of failure to comply with conditions, cleaning the area from construction waste).
  • Materials. Their quality must be controlled, for which it is better to involve independent technical supervision or at least check that the purchased materials comply with SNiPs.
  • Work of the technical supervision service. Service specialists can monitor compliance with building regulations, which will help reduce costs. In addition, technical supervision can additionally check the contract, estimate and the company itself before construction begins.

Laying a strong foundation takes time

Construction of a house

Knowing where to start building a house on the site, you can think through the subsequent stages of building a private house and not worry about missed deadlines. Before starting work, it is necessary to ensure access roads, water and electricity supplies to the construction site. At this stage, the axes of the building have already been placed on the site in accordance with fire and sanitary standards. The construction of a private house goes through several stages.

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Is it worth ordering technical supervision for construction? This question interests almost everyone who builds a house, makes repairs, etc. Today we will look at how to control construction company? What should you pay attention to? Where can I find independent technical supervision and what is the essence of this service? Let’s also consider how much technical supervision will cost you and what are the advantages of this service?

Earthworks, foundation

The location of the water supply inlet and sewer outlet is outlined, trenches are dug for them, pipes are laid and insulated. The foundation is being laid. To do this, a pit is dug, a cushion of crushed stone is laid on the bottom, and formwork is installed. After installing the reinforcement, concrete is poured.

It will take 20 to 30 days for concrete to gain strength. This time can be devoted to installing a septic tank or well. Then the foundation walls are erected.

Frame installation work

At this stage, walls are built and floors are installed, then rafters are constructed and the roof is laid. Lastly, the windows are installed and the garage doors and front door are installed.

Façade finishing and primary interior work

This includes external wall decoration, installation of a balcony and stairs (if provided for by the project). Next, internal insulation of the floor and walls is carried out, primary finishing of the walls, floors are installed, and the ceiling is sheathed. At the same time, utility networks (sewage, water supply and electrical wiring) are laid.

After this, the building can be insured as an unfinished construction project. Before finishing the walls, an air conditioning system and heated floors are installed.

Laying floors in a private house

Conclusion – final arrangement

Stage includes completion interior decoration, installation of kitchen and plumbing equipment, tidying up the area. After completion of the work, the owner and the contractor sign a work acceptance certificate indicating the guarantee for the work performed. Next, the building must be registered in GASN (State Architectural and Construction Supervision) and in the State Register.

Building your own home is an exciting time in the life of a family. Path from approval architectural plan the housewarming will be remembered for many years. These will definitely be pleasant memories if you choose the right construction company, whose specialists will help you with the right choice of site and project, plus they will draw up a well-thought-out construction plan.