How to get a loan from Sberbank as an individual entrepreneur. Sberbank - small business lending: conditions, requirements, loan amount

The majority of individual entrepreneurs at a certain stage of development of their own business need leverage. To replenish working capital, purchase the necessary goods or equipment, open a new office or representative office, or launch a new direction - there can be many reasons for taking out a loan.

But in order for a loan to become a convenient tool, and not a burden that can ruin a young business, you need to choose the right lender. And the first thing that comes to mind for most Russians is Sberbank. Do they give loans to individual entrepreneurs?

Advice for those who decided to take out a loan from Sberbank and everything about the conditions for issuing loans from this bank for individual entrepreneurs is in our article.

Product line from the bank for individual entrepreneurs

For individual entrepreneurs Sberbank offers a number of loans. They can be roughly divided into two categories:

  • requiring security in the form of a pledge or surety;
  • unsecured lending.

In total, there are currently three loan programs from Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs (IP): “Express Bail”, “Trust” and “Business Trust”.

The difference between these products is clear from their names.

The first assumes the presence of property that serves as collateral for a loan provided by the bank, the other two are issued without collateral.

The difference in interest rates is small: the most profitable for the borrower will be “Express Secured”, the rate of which is from 15.5% per annum. The loan is issued for a period of up to 48 months. The maximum amount is up to 5,000,000 rubles.

The annual rate for the “Trust” loan is from 19.5%, for the “Business Trust” product - from 18.5%. Issue limits – from 300 thousand to 3,000,000 rubles. The loan period is limited to 36 months.

Read about how to get a loan from Sberbank as a salary card holder, and how profitable the offers are for individuals.

Conditions for issuing a business development loan and requirements for the borrower

Sberbank is ready to provide loans to individual entrepreneurs on fairly favorable terms. Funds are provided without collateral(for products “Trust” and “Business Trust”) for a period of up to 36 months, or secured by existing property.

IMPORTANT! The property must be registered in the name of an individual entrepreneur, although in some cases the bank is ready to consider the property of an individual.

The minimum period for doing business for all types of activities is 6 months. At least 18 months– for individual entrepreneurs engaged in the following services:

For non-targeted lending, a report on the use of borrowed funds is not required. When registering an amount over 500 thousand rubles, or at the individual request of the bank, the borrower is obliged to attract a guarantor as security for obligations.

An Express Secured loan also does not require a report on the intended use of borrowed funds. The loan is issued for a period of up to 4 years. The object of collateral can be property owned either by the borrower himself or his guarantor. Existing equipment can serve as collateral.

The standard interest rate for this product on general terms ranges from 17 to 19% per annum.

The main requirements for the borrower are as follows:

  • age from 23 to 60 years (for persons under 25 there is a restriction - the period of activity must be at least 12 months);
  • Russian citizenship;
  • availability of a bank account (if you don’t have one, you can open it after the loan is approved);
  • availability of permanent registration in the region where you apply to the bank.

The application is reviewed by the bank within three days from the date of submission of the full package of documents.

Is it possible to get a loan in cash, without guarantors?

Unfortunately, there have always been stricter lending conditions for individual entrepreneurs than for borrowers - individuals.

It is simply not possible to get a loan without a guarantor or collateral from Sberbank. But there is an important nuance.

This is not possible if you apply directly for a business loan. If you need an amount not exceeding 1,500,000 rubles, and you are ready to put up with higher interest rates, then regular consumer loans are always available.

In this case, in the employing organization column, the borrower simply indicates the details of his individual entrepreneur. Naturally, both for this type of loan and for business loans, the individual entrepreneur must be active, have a current account and turnover on it.

You should also not forget about timely tax deductions.

If we return specifically to the business line of loans from Sberbank, then there is a chance to receive an amount not exceeding 500 thousand rubles (in the regions - 300 thousand) without a guarantor. But the maximum package of documents will be required, and the application will be checked meticulously.

How to obtain: required documents

Now let’s talk directly about the package of documents required to complete an application for a loan.

Maybe, at first it will seem gigantic to you, but after the first shock it usually becomes clear that you already have all these papers in stock if you are actually conducting business.

All that remains is to collect them and take them to the bank.

To apply for a loan you will need:

  • personal documents (Russian passport, military ID - if you are under 27 years old, INN and SNILS, temporary registration if any, additional documents if desired);
  • papers for individual entrepreneurs - certificate of registration in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and registration with the tax service;
  • information about economic activity: license for admission to certain types of activities (if applicable), certificate of admission to construction work (for the corresponding type of activity), documents on the right to use residential premises (office, store, etc.) - this there may be a lease agreement, a lease with the right to buy, a certificate of ownership, etc.;
  • financial documentation: reporting with confirmation of its acceptance by the tax authorities, papers confirming payment of tax;
  • a package of personal documents for the guarantor, plus a 2-NDFL certificate for the last 6 months, if the latter is not a member of the borrower’s family.

This is the main package of documents that is required for Sberbank to accept the application for consideration.

NEED TO KNOW: In addition, upon request, additional papers may be required - in particular, on the ownership of the collateral property. The final touch is a directly completed questionnaire, but it is filled out by managers at the branch based on the client’s words.

We've talked about the documents, now it's time to move on to the most interesting part - the procedure for processing and issuing a loan.

Have you heard about the existence? We will tell you about its purpose and benefits on our website!

Registration procedure

The procedure for obtaining a business loan for an individual entrepreneur is practically no different from the procedure for obtaining a consumer loan by an individual.

First, you will need to collect all the necessary papers and contact the branch of your choice that provides services to legal entities. Once you submit your application, expect a review within three days. and decision making.

If you have applied for the Bail Express program, please expect an appraiser to visit. The bank will need to check the condition of the collateral.

For the lending program without collateral for an amount of up to 1,000,000 rubles, an expert visit to assess the conduct of activities is not carried out; if the amount was higher, then it occurs by agreement with the borrower. After this, the bank makes the final decision and issues the money.

For a secured loan, this occurs simultaneously with the execution of the pledge agreement, by transferring funds to a current account opened at the bank.

Funds can be withdrawn from it and used at your discretion. For unsecured loans, the borrower receives cash immediately after signing the loan agreement, at the bank’s cash desk.

Finally, I would like to give a couple of tips to those who are planning to apply for a loan for individual entrepreneurs. First of all, pay attention to the loan amount.

It is always better to take funds with a reserve, 20% more than the amount required. Set aside extra money for a rainy day; it can come in handy if you have trouble making payments.

This is especially true for secured loans. It will be a shame to be left without real estate due to several delays.

General advice for individual entrepreneurs who have recently started operating is to choose between a consumer loan from Sberbank and a loan for individual entrepreneurs.

There is one nuance that banks usually do not voice - you will not be able to take out more than one such loan for yourself, and additional funds may be required during the repayment process. And other banks issue ordinary consumer loans to borrowers with business loans with great reluctance.

Therefore, the choice is yours. Business loans have a more attractive interest rate and a higher credit limit, but in general this is their only advantage. Consumer loans are easier to obtain and service, although more expensive.

In contact with

Technically, obtaining a loan for an individual entrepreneur is similar to obtaining a non-targeted loan for consumer purposes. First, the owner of his own business will need to familiarize himself with the range of Sberbank offers aimed at lending to small business owners. Next, the businessman selects a suitable program and follows the algorithm below:

  1. Collection of documentation required to be submitted to the bank when applying for a loan;
  2. Filling out the borrower’s application to receive money and submitting it along with the documents;
  3. Waiting for the application to be reviewed - if the decision is positive, the next step takes place;
  4. Familiarization of the businessman with the terms of the loan agreement and signing of the document;
  5. Receiving funds in the chosen method - cash or non-cash.

If you plan to apply for a business development loan for an individual entrepreneur at Sberbank against collateral, the borrower will additionally be required to collect documents on the collateral and evaluate it. If the selected collateral is approved by the bank, the amount of money will be paid against the security of the object itself or documents for it.

After the loan funds are received, the entrepreneur is obliged to repay the debt promptly and in full. To do this, you need to use an individual payment schedule - it is issued by the lender after concluding a lending transaction. There are many ways to pay off debts.

Conditions for individual entrepreneur lending

The terms of loans for individual entrepreneurs at Sberbank depend on what specific lending program the individual entrepreneur chooses. Today, the company provides secured loans and credit to small business owners. Please keep in mind that this bank does not provide money to beginner entrepreneurs who do not yet have income or work experience. To start, it would be better to apply for a consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs at Sberbank.

Briefly, the loan offers available to individual entrepreneurs can be described as follows:

  • "Confidence". Non-targeted loan that can be spent on business. Term up to 3 years, up to 3,000,000 rubles;
  • "Business Trust". Unsecured loan for individual entrepreneurs with a repayment period of up to 3 years and at an interest rate of 12% per annum;
  • "Business Overdraft". Money to pay for expenses. Up to 12 months, amount up to 17,000,000 rubles;
  • "Business Turnover". Loan to replenish working capital. Up to 48 months, amount from 150,000 rubles.

Entrepreneurs can also receive an investment loan under the Business Invest program. This loan is given for business development. Term – up to 10 years inclusive, amount from 150,000 rubles.


The bank in question offers entrepreneurs and businessmen a lot of profitable leasing programs. Within their framework, you can purchase freight and passenger vehicles on lease, as well as commercial vehicles and a number of special equipment. To use leasing, you must submit an application and receive approval. After this, the entrepreneur enters into a leasing agreement, makes an advance payment and receives the equipment for rent.

On bail

If you need to get a large loan at a low rate on a business loan for an individual entrepreneur from Sberbank, you should choose the “Express Secured” program. As part of the loan offer under consideration, a businessman is provided with a loan in the amount of 300,000 to 5,000,000 rubles secured by real estate or equipment. The debt must be repaid within a period of 6 months to 3 years inclusive. Rate from 15.5% to 17.5% per year.

Loan interest rates

Loan interest rates

  • "Confidence". From 16% per annum;
  • "Business trust". From 12% per annum;
  • "Express on bail." From 15.5% to 17.5% per annum;
  • "Business Overdraft". From 12% per annum;
  • "Business Turnover". From 11% per annum.

The specific interest rate on a business loan for an entrepreneur is selected individually. The rate depends on many factors, including the loan amount, debt repayment period, and the presence of collateral.

What documents are needed to apply for an individual entrepreneur loan?

Before you take out a loan for an individual entrepreneur from Sberbank, keep in mind that you can apply for such a loan only with a personal visit to the organization’s office. Online registration, which is available to individuals, is closed to small business owners. Make sure there is a branch of the bank you need nearby.

  • Passport details of the business manager and part-time potential borrower;
  • Financial documentation on the company’s activities – financial and accounting reports;
  • Information about the activity codes of an individual entrepreneur according to the OKVED classification.

Additional individual entrepreneur documents for a loan from Sberbank are needed if you plan to issue a secured loan. In this case, you will need to attach to the documentation already listed above papers that confirm the borrower’s right to own and legally dispose of the collateral.

Why don’t they give a loan to an individual entrepreneur at Sberbank?

There are many reasons why the most popular banking organization in Russia does not provide loans to individual entrepreneurs. Understanding the reasons why a bank refuses to issue a loan can greatly help a businessman - he will reconsider his own shortcomings and eliminate factors that prevent him from receiving money. The next registration attempt will probably be successful. The main reasons for IP failure:

  • The lender had doubts about the authenticity of the individual entrepreneur’s documents. Before providing a businessman with a cash loan, Sberbank studies in detail the documentation provided by the entrepreneur. If inconsistencies and other suspicious aspects are found in it, the issuance of money will be refused;
  • The potential borrower's business has been operating for less than 6 months. Many banks, including Sberbank, require individual entrepreneurs to have their company operating for at least 6 months at the time of applying for a loan. If you don’t have such experience yet, the probability of refusal is high;
  • Insufficient indicator of the client's solvency. When the personal income of an entrepreneur or the profit of his company does not reach the minimum requirements of the bank, one cannot count on receiving a loan. However, you can improve the situation by providing the bank with property as collateral.

Getting Sberbank loans for individual entrepreneurs is not so easy, but it is possible. Knowing this fact is enough to not give up after the first refusal, and to reapply when it is allowed again. If a small business needs financial support, feel free to contact Sberbank.

These are the two most popular options:

Individual entrepreneurs experience certain difficulties when applying to banks for a loan for their business. Some banks de facto do not work with individual entrepreneurs or cooperate with them on obviously worse terms than with legal entities.

Does Sberbank issue loans to individual entrepreneurs?

There is no such discrimination in the attitude of the Security Council towards entrepreneurs. Sberbank programs aimed at small businesses are addressed to both owners of LLCs and individual entrepreneurs.

This is evidenced by at least completely equal conditions when issuing a loan to start a business: it is issued at the same interest rate and for the same terms.

A private owner can similarly participate in other small business financing programs:

Is it difficult for an individual entrepreneur to get a loan from Sberbank?

The above does not mean that the bank is completely indifferent to who applied for financing. There is a difference in the formalization of relations between the Security Council and representatives of small businesses of different organizational and legal forms.

First of all, they are stipulated by legislation, according to which the rules of document flow differ for different OPFs.

These two reasons can indeed complicate the issuance of a loan, but their influence is not so great (document flow is not a problem; guarantors are also available).

Therefore, in general, we can assume that when applying for a loan from Sberbank, an individual entrepreneur is in no worse conditions than the owner of an LLC. In both cases, the objective features of the business are of key importance: the amount of capital, profitability, prospects, financial reporting characteristics, etc.

What is the reason for the higher odds?

We mentioned above that the situation with discrimination against legal entities is quite widespread. Why does Sberbank remain an exception?

It's quite simple. The reason why banks are reluctant to issue unsecured loans to individual entrepreneurs (and often do not issue them, even if the entrepreneur does not apply empty-handed, but with more or less suitable collateral), this reason does not lie in business. The reason is in the banks themselves.

Looking at these characteristics, it is easy to understand that a legal entity as a whole is a more “convenient” client for a bank:

  • Easier to analyze (more reporting).
  • Typically, larger amounts of debt are required - which means that the client’s “efficiency”, that is, the income from him, is higher.
  • There is usually something to provide as collateral.

Hence the simple conclusion: if relatively few private entrepreneurs approach the bank, it simply does not make sense for it to create a department (or at least hire a specialist) to work specifically with individual entrepreneurs. A bank will earn more on a couple of large contracts than on several dozen small ones: why work in a niche with low profitability?

And since the bank does not have a department or specialists specifically for emergency situations, it may well refuse an entrepreneur who fully meets all the requirements for a borrower.

The situation as a whole is outlined above. This is not typical for all banks. And of course, it simply cannot apply to Sberbank, which has the largest customer base in the country. Employees. who understand the intricacies of doing business as entrepreneurs simply cannot but be there. The demand is too great.

Citizens who decide to engage in entrepreneurial activity often face a lack of financial resources. Many banks refuse to issue loans to start-up businessmen or charge them too high interest rates. A loan from Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs can be obtained on more favorable terms than in other financial institutions. The organization issues loans to small and medium-sized businesses at reduced interest rates and without collateral.

Advantages of individual entrepreneur lending at Sberbank

One of the main advantages of cooperation with the company is the possibility of early repayment of the loan without charging a commission. Sberbank protects its clients from the actions of fraudsters through a letter of credit form of payment, i.e. money is transferred in favor of the individual entrepreneur's partner by bank transfer. If the tender or payment documents are found to be falsified by third parties for the purpose of obtaining illegal benefits, the bank will cancel the transaction. Other advantages of cooperation with Sberbank:

  • Providing a deferment for repayment of the principal portion of the debt. The citizen will have to pay interest on the loan, but the monthly payments will be less than those originally established for the loan.
  • Providing money to develop your own business. If the borrower has just decided to start his own business, he can obtain financing from a lender. The decision on such lending programs is influenced by the specifics of business activity.
  • Possibility of obtaining an unsecured loan.
  • There are no fees for cash withdrawals.

Types of small business lending

Sberbank provides different types of loans to businessmen. A legal entity has the right to choose a loan program and a method of debt repayment. For targeted loans, the annual rate is lower and the repayment terms are longer. Businessmen often take non-targeted loans in order to make up for the lack of working capital. Sberbank has developed the following lending programs for individual entrepreneurs:

  • For any purpose without collateral or guarantors. An entrepreneur does not need to involve his friends to obtain a loan or mortgage any real estate, but at the same time, the citizen’s company must undergo official certification in its industry and generate a stable income.
  • Collateral for any purpose. The client will be able to invest money at his own discretion, but is obliged to pledge movable or immovable property.
  • To replenish working capital. An individual entrepreneur can replenish the company’s capital with the help of this loan. Money can be issued on bail or on surety.
  • For the purchase of vehicles, equipment and real estate. The loan is provided to the client so that he can update his fleet of equipment and increase the efficiency of his own production.
  • Leasing. With the help of Sberbank, individual entrepreneurs take out long-term leases of equipment, real estate, and vehicles. After the debt is fully repaid, the client can buy the equipment at a significant discount.
  • Providing bank guarantees. Individual entrepreneurs are given funds to secure obligations under a transaction with a partner.
  • Refinancing loans from other banks. Legal entities that have taken out loans from other lenders at less favorable interest rates can reissue the loans at Sberbank.
  • Program to stimulate lending to small and medium-sized businesses. According to this government project, businessmen are given money to expand their activities at reduced interest rates.

Terms of loans

Features of individual entrepreneur lending depend on the chosen banking product and the state of the business. A citizen must have a regular income. For some banking products, even people over 65 years of age will be able to get a loan. Individual entrepreneurs are considered self-employed citizens, but Sberbank insists on their official employment. This is especially true for individuals who have recently started their own business. The standard conditions for granting loans are as follows:

  1. The borrower's age is from 22 to 60 years.
  2. The presence of a guarantor in the form of an individual or co-owner of an enterprise.
  3. The minimum interest rate is 12.3%.
  4. The company is at least 12 months old.
  5. The amount of the down payment required to implement the project should not be less than 15% of the loan amount.

Sberbank requirements for borrowers

Sberbank tries to protect itself as much as possible from risks and losses, therefore it carefully checks potential borrowers. Individual entrepreneurs who meet the list of requirements will be able to receive a loan, while other entrepreneurs will be denied. If there is a possibility of incomplete payment of the debt, the client's application will be rejected. When checking borrowers, underwriters pay attention to the following points:

  • Age. The borrower must be at least 21 years of age and not older than 60 years of age. Entrepreneurs of retirement age can only take advantage of certain loan products.
  • The borrower must have the original certificate of registration of the individual entrepreneur.
  • An individual entrepreneur must work as a small and medium-sized business for 12 months.
  • Successful entrepreneurial activity must be carried out within 6 months. This criterion is relatively vague and depends on the citizen’s field of activity. Companies whose expenses exceed their income will not be granted a loan.
  • Availability of guarantors and liquid property.

How to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur

An entrepreneur should contact the company's lending department. It is not necessary to visit the office in person to complete a preliminary application for a loan for an individual entrepreneur at Sberbank. You can fill out the form on the lender’s website or leave a verbal request by calling the hotline. After a citizen receives preliminary approval for a loan for an individual entrepreneur, he must complete the following steps:

  1. Visit the nearest branch of the organization to submit a second application. The list of required documents can be provided by the Sberbank support service manager. When applying, you should find out the time and date that a bank employee will visit the potential borrower's company for verification.
  2. Wait for a decision on your application. The applicant will be contacted after the organization's activities have been verified.
  3. Get a loan. If the decision is positive, the citizen can be given money in cash, transferred to an account, or immediately sent using a payment document to another company.

Registration procedure

Individuals, after receiving individual entrepreneur status, rarely know exactly which loan product will suit them. Representatives of Sberbank can help you with choosing a loan during a consultation. Managers are required to provide all information about the terms of the loan and, if the client wishes, calculate the amount of the overpayment. After the lending product is selected, you need to contact the manager to find out what certificates and documents will be needed. Procedure for obtaining a loan:

  1. Submitting a preliminary application. If desired, a citizen can immediately submit a ready-made package of documents. This will save a little time on applying for a loan.
  2. Analysis of information provided by the client. Analysts, together with the collateral service, check the legal purity of the concluded transaction. For lending programs that do not require collateral, the manager is responsible for analyzing the data.
  3. Sending information about the borrower and the transaction to the underwriting service. Experts will assess the solvency, reliability of the individual and the riskiness of the transaction. In fact, they provide the final decision on the application.
  4. Signing the contract. If the client is recognized as trustworthy, then an agreement is signed at the bank branch closest to the borrower’s place of residence or work. When a transaction is more than 5 million rubles. There is a security specialist in the room.
  5. Transfer money to client account. With a targeted loan, funds are transferred immediately to the account of the organization providing services or products to the individual entrepreneur.

List of required documents for consideration of the application

At home, you need to download it from the Sberbank website and fill out the borrower’s application form. A sample of the completed form can be found there. In addition to the passport and a second identification document (sailor's ID, pension certificate, military ID, etc.), you will need to collect all the constituent and registration documentation of the individual entrepreneur. Without it, bank employees will refuse to accept applications from the client. Mandatory documents include:

  • a certificate confirming payment of business taxes;
  • bank statement showing the movements of funds in the account;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs/Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • TIN (individual taxpayer number);
  • a license confirming the company’s accreditation in a specific field of activity (if necessary);
  • financial statements for the last reporting period;
  • certificate 2-NDFL, if the entrepreneur is employed in another company.

Application review period

Upon prior request, the response often arrives within a day. For lending programs that do not require collateral, applications are reviewed within 3 days. If a citizen is going to take a large sum of money, then the verification may take 2-3 weeks. For small loans up to 500,000 rubles, the answer comes within 2 days. The duration of verification of leasing documents is 2 business days.

Reasons for refusal

After submitting documents to receive a loan for an individual entrepreneur at Sberbank, a negative decision comes if the borrower has been assigned the status of unreliable. An entrepreneur who has a stable income and high profit margins, but his company does not meet other criteria established by the bank, may be denied a loan. Possible reasons for application refusal:

  • Bad credit history. A citizen can take out a mortgage where the borrower’s property will be the collateral. This will help the bank compensate for the risks that arise when issuing money to citizens with a bad credit history.
  • The company's liquidity is not justified. An entrepreneur should rework his existing business plan. Particular attention should be paid to the presentation of the project. The business plan should not contain errors and have all the necessary calculations.
  • The company uses a simplified taxation system or pays a single tax on imputed income (UTII). The only way out in such a situation is to change the tax regime.

A businessman is assigned the status of an unreliable borrower after an assessment of his business activities. An individual entrepreneur, if he is refused a loan for a legal entity, can apply for a consumer loan. The main disadvantage of such loans is high interest rates, which is critical for the development of your own business. A citizen can contact the bank again when he has accumulated a small capital and increased the return on business. Then the company can cancel the initial decision and provide the entrepreneur with borrowed funds.

What kind of loan can you get for an individual entrepreneur from Sberbank in 2019?

The organization has developed many lending programs for beginning and developing businessmen. They differ not only in the interest rate and loan amount, but also in their purpose. The company will provide small sums of money to entrepreneurs, provided the business is profitable, without collateral and without the need to confirm the purpose. The table shows the current conditions for different types of loans for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank:

Name of the loan program

Goals and purpose

Interest rate (%)

Loan term in months

Trust (without collateral or guarantors)

Financing the current needs of the project without confirming the targeted expenditure of funds

from 80000 to 3 million

Express bail

Development of your own business, purchase of assets

from 300,000 to 5 million

Business Turnover

Compensation for current expenses, replenishment of working capital, participation in tenders

Express Overdraft

Execution of payment orders, letters of credit

from 50,000 to 2.5 million

Business Overdraft

Repayment of debts to other companies, implementation of planned expense transactions

from 100,000 to 17 million

Business Real Estate

Purchase of shopping centers, warehouses, land plots, retail space and other commercial real estate

Business Asset

Purchase of equipment for organizing agricultural activities

Business Auto

Purchase of cars, trucks, public commercial vehicles, special equipment and other types of vehicles

Express Mortgage

Purchase of residential and commercial real estate in officially operated facilities

Loan "Trust" without collateral or guarantors

Legal entities with an income of less than 60 million rubles can apply to receive funds through this banking product. in a year. For individual entrepreneurs, a guarantee from individuals is mandatory. The citizen can spend the money he receives as he wishes. The client must engage in entrepreneurial activity for at least 24 months, of which 18 months are accompanied by receiving a stable income.

Loan "Express secured"

If there is security, the application will be reviewed in 2-3 days. Confirmation of the purpose of spending the funds is not required, but the client will have to provide documents proving the profitability of the business. If the borrower owns his own store, then Sberbank experts will visit the building before concluding the contract. Businessmen whose annual income does not exceed 60 million rubles will be able to receive a loan under this program.

Loan "Business Turnover"

Under this program, entrepreneurs whose annual revenue is less than 400 million rubles can receive funds to purchase production raw materials, replenish inventory, provide guarantee fees for tenders, and pay off debts to other financial organizations. The bank provides money against partial collateral. The collateral can be property or inventory.

Credit "Express-Overdraft"

This banking product can be used by clients who need to quickly replenish the company’s working capital. They must have a Sberbank current account opened at least 6 months ago. The second mandatory condition for issuing money is the presence of regular receipts from buyers and counterparties. The borrower is obliged to repay the debt after 360 days.

Credit "Business Overdraft"

Agricultural producers under this lending program can obtain a loan of 100,000 rubles. For other categories of borrowers, the minimum loan size is RUR 300,000. Guarantee of business owners and legal entities associated with the borrower is mandatory. The enterprise must have Russian resident status. The age of the citizen taking out the loan cannot exceed 70 years at the time of full repayment of the loan, and the annual revenue is not more than 400 million rubles. Agricultural producers will be able to receive this loan if they have been operating for at least 12 months.

Loan "Express Mortgage"

This lending program has been tested by many businessmen. One of the advantages of a loan is that the funds can be used not only for the purchase of commercial, but also residential real estate. There are certain restrictions. You can buy an apartment or office in ready-to-use properties. It will not be possible to use money under this program to make a contribution when starting construction of a new building.

Loan "Business Asset"

With the help of this loan, a businessman will be able to purchase equipment necessary for conducting business activities. The cost of the loan can include the cost of commissioning, insurance for purchased equipment for 1 year, and the cost of purchasing additional components. This loan program allows you to purchase both new and used equipment. The technique must first be assessed by an expert if it has been used before.

Credit "Business Auto"

As part of this banking product, an entrepreneur can receive money to purchase vehicles for running a business. The main difference from leasing is that the borrower independently chooses the companies from which he will purchase vehicles. Special equipment falls under this lending program. The loan amount can include the cost of additional spare parts and insurance.

Loan "Business Real Estate"

The borrower gets the opportunity to purchase an office or other facility in a building under construction from developers accredited by Sberbank. When deciding to provide funds, the bank takes into account the specifics of the entrepreneur’s activities. The client can purchase ready-made commercial real estate. Before issuing borrowed funds, the organization’s expert will assess the condition of the object.

Loan programs for individual entrepreneurs

Sberbank, as an accredited financial institution, takes part in some government projects. The main one is the program to stimulate lending to small and medium-sized businesses. Under this project, citizens who decide to become entrepreneurs will be able to obtain a loan through partial attraction of public funds at a reduced interest rate. The loan refinancing program and vehicle leasing also fall into this category.

Vehicle leasing

Long-term rental of equipment and vehicles is one of the easiest ways to expand a company's activities. This procedure is leasing. Participating in the transaction are the lessor, lessee, seller, insurer and policyholder. A mandatory condition when interacting with a bank under leasing programs is vehicle insurance. The amount of financing is no more than 24 million rubles. You need to take out an OSAGO and CASCO insurance policy. Individual entrepreneurs will be able to use the following banking leasing products:

  • Commercial vehicles. The amount of the advance payment is 15%. The contract is concluded for a period of 12 to 37 months. The rate of increase in price is from 5.08%. The lessee can purchase cars and trucks up to 5 tons.
  • Freight transport. The amount of the advance payment is 15% for equipment from foreign manufacturers, 20% for models from domestic manufacturers. The rate of increase in price is from 5.08%. The lessee can purchase dump trucks, truck tractors, refrigerators, isometric vans, trailers, semi-trailers up to 41 tons. The contract is concluded for a period of up to 48 months.
  • Special equipment. The amount of the advance payment is 25%. The contract is concluded for a period of up to 36 months. The rate of increase in price is from 4.97%. The lessee can purchase agricultural, construction, road, and warehouse equipment.

You can obtain vehicles under leasing only to expand your own business. The payment schedule is set individually for each borrower. Payments can be annuity, differentiated, decreasing, seasonal. According to the terms of the insurance program, the individual entrepreneur is obliged to carefully use the purchased equipment. The insurance company has the right to request the insured vehicle for additional inspection at any time. The leasing rate starts from 12%.

Loan refinancing programs

Loans received to expand the production or commodity base, replenish working capital for the provision of services, modernize production, purchase commercial real estate, repair current assets and movable property, and introduce innovative methods of production can be reissued at Sberbank. Formally, state-supported refinancing programs include:

  • Business Turnover.
  • Business Invest.
  • Business Real Estate.

Program to stimulate lending to small and medium-sized businesses

The maximum loan amount is 1 billion rubles. The program is state-owned, so entrepreneurs working in the following industries will be able to receive a loan: communications, transport, agriculture, electricity, water, gas production, manufacturing, primary and industrial processing of agricultural products. Loans are issued to small businesses at 10.6% per annum, and to representatives of medium-sized businesses at 9.6%. Lending has several purposes:

  • purchase of fixed assets for business activities;
  • start of new projects;
  • replenishment of working capital;
  • modernization and reconstruction of production.

The loan term is set in accordance with the financial situation of the borrower, but the duration of preferential funding cannot exceed 3 years. Businessmen will be able to get an individual entrepreneur loan from Sberbank on the preferential terms discussed above if they are not involved in cases of corruption. As security, it is allowed to attract an independent guarantee from an SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) corporation.


Many people know individuals, but what are banks ready to offer entrepreneurs today? Previously, financial institutions were not very loyal to individual entrepreneurs; it was almost impossible to get funds to promote a business. In recent years, the situation has changed a little; special financing programs have begun to appear in banks, from which every businessman can choose the one that suits him. Today we will talk about Sberbank loans to individual entrepreneurs: conditions, programs, interest rates, etc.

Why Sberbank?

In fact, there is no particular difference in where to take out a loan, the main requirement is that it be most profitable. Sberbank just offers quite affordable conditions. Moreover, this bank has a decent amount of working capital, which increases the applicant's chance of getting approved.

Well, of course, no one has canceled the stereotypes - for a Russian citizen, Sberbank is a guarantor of stability and a loyal attitude to the implementation of government projects for the development of small businesses.

How to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur to open a business at Sberbank, what programs are there?

Sberbank loan programs for individual entrepreneurs

Today, a well-known bank offers a variety of programs taking into account the client’s preferences and business direction.

Express loans

This loan can be issued only if real estate is provided as collateral; it can be either residential or commercial. The purpose of the loan directly depends on the type of express loan, which is divided into two types:

  • Mortgage. Financing is provided only for the purchase of residential or non-residential real estate.
  • Secured loans are issued for various purposes.

A loan for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank can be issued under the following conditions:

  • Loan duration up to 10 years.
  • Loan interest rate from 16.5%.
  • The maximum amount is 7 million rubles.
  • The loan is secured by real estate.
  • Guarantee for individuals persons required.
  • Premature loan repayment is permitted.

Requirements for borrowers:

  • Age restrictions - 23-60 years.
  • At least 12 years of entrepreneurial experience.
  • Business turnover up to 60 million rubles.
  • Must have a current account.

Loans for any purpose

Sberbank of Russia provides loans to individual entrepreneurs in the form of trust loans for the following projects:

  • "Confidence".
  • "Business Trust".
  • "Business project".

Sberbank loans are issued to individual entrepreneurs on the following conditions:

  • The minimum loan amount is 30 thousand.
  • Maximum - 3 million.
  • The loan period is up to 4 years.
  • Interest rate - 18.5%.
  • Collateral is not necessary, but by registering it as a guarantee, you can reduce the interest on the loan.
  • Guarantee of individuals is one of the main conditions.
  • The assessment is carried out strictly by the bank.

Requirements for an individual entrepreneur:

  • To receive a Sberbank loan by an individual entrepreneur, the amount of turnover of his enterprise should not exceed 60 million.
  • The duration of the organization's activities is at least 2 years.
  • Age restrictions: from 23 to 60 years.
  • Registration in the Russian Federation.

The above criteria for obtaining the opportunity to form a small business apply only to the “Standard” and “Business Trust” programs. The “Business Project” has some features:

  • The circumstances of lending are discussed directly with the financial institution on an individual basis during the period when a decision is made to issue a loan for a business project.
  • In addition to a standard loan, a businessman can apply for opening a credit line or allocating an investment portfolio in the amount of up to 200 million.
  • The loan period is set on a personal basis.
  • Reduced loan rate from 14.5%.
  • The borrower's personal funds in the amount of at least 10% must be contributed to the project.
  • Collateral property insurance.
  • The annual turnover of the enterprise is up to 400 million rubles.
  • Age restrictions - from 23 to 70 years.
  • At least one year of entrepreneurial experience.

Loans for working capital financing

Sberbank provides individual entrepreneurs with the right to apply for a loan to replenish the funds used, which is necessary during the rapid growth of a business when personal funds become insufficient. In this case, of course, you cannot do without borrowed funds!

The following programs are provided for: “Turnover-Business” and “Overdraft-Business”.

“Turnover-Business” is provided under the following conditions:

  • Depending on the borrower, the loan size for individual entrepreneurs at Sberbank can reach up to 3 million.
  • The annual financial turnover of the company is up to 400 million rubles.
  • The contract period is up to 4 years.
  • Rate - from 14.5%.
  • This program requires a surety or property bond.
  • The possibility of early repayment of debt is provided.

Lending to individual entrepreneurs at Sberbank “Overdraft-Business” is available only to businessmen with active accounts in this institution. The money that is stored on them is a guarantee of loan repayment.

The conditions for this program are as follows:

  • The maximum loan size is 17 million rubles.
  • The limit period is 1 year.
  • The loan rate is from 13%.
  • The fee for opening an overdraft is 1.2% of the requested amount.
  • Credit collateral is a guarantee from individuals. faces.
  • Insurance is not required.
  • The company has been in business for at least 1 year.

Lending for the purchase of means of production

Sberbank loans to individual entrepreneurs can be obtained in the form of a special loan for the purchase of production assets, such as equipment, land, vehicles, real estate and more. The requirements for this program practically do not stand out against the background of similar loans. To finance the purchase of production means, you need to collect the established set of documentation, make a down payment of 20% and immediately pledge the purchased equipment.

This type of lending includes the following projects:

  • “Business Asset”, from the amount of 150 thousand, at a rate of 14.50%, for a period of up to 7 years;
  • “Business Auto”, the loan is issued from 150 thousand, at a rate of 14.50 and is valid for up to 8 years;
  • “Business Real Estate” is valid for up to 10 years, from the amount of 150 thousand, with a rate of 14.0%;
  • "Business-Invest", minimum amount of 150 thousand, for a period of up to 10 years, interest rate - from 14.40%.

Loans for participation in tenders

To submit a request for participation, as well as to implement the won tender, impressive finances are required. At Sberbank of Russia, individual entrepreneurs can also apply for loans to participate in state tenders and beyond.

Functioning programs:

  • "Contract Business".
  • "Guarantee-Business".

Opportunities and conditions of the Contract-Business project:

  • Obtaining financing for the implementation of domestic contracts and for export.
  • Receiving up to 80% of the contract amount in the form of a loan or non-revolving credit line.
  • The loan repayment schedule is adjusted to the profit pattern of the won tender.
  • Under this program, Sberbank loans are provided to individual entrepreneurs for a period of up to 36 months.
  • Credit rate - 14%.
  • Amount - from half a million to 200 million.
  • Credit collateral - pledge of property/rights under a contract/guarantee of an individual. persons
  • Loan servicing fees range from 1.5 to 70 percent of the total amount.
  • Available only to residents of the Russian Federation.
  • Entrepreneurship experience - from 3 months.

Business Guarantee Program

This program from Sberbank is much more complex - it is not a standard loan, but a symbiosis of insurance against the occurrence of an insured event. In simple words, the entrepreneur is not sure that if he wins the tender, he will have enough of his own funds to fulfill the contract and that when he turns to the bank for a loan, he secures himself with borrowed funds.

In the absence of an insured event, the entrepreneur will only need to pay a commission, and if he has to use borrowed money, he will need to return it and pay interest.

Conditions of the Business Guarantee program:

  • Under this program at Sberbank, individual entrepreneurs are given terms of up to 3 years.
  • The minimum amount is 50 thousand rubles.
  • Commission fees for issuing funds - from 2.5%.
  • Interest rate - from 11.5.
  • Security is a surety or property pledge.
  • Insurance is not required.


You already know that Sberbank provides cash loans to individual entrepreneurs, but in addition, you can get a loan for the purchase of means of production, such as automotive equipment. This program is called "Leasing".

Leasing programs:

  • Cars. The loan is issued up to 24 million rubles, term from 1 year, contribution 10%.
  • Commercial and freight transport - from 1 year, up to 24 million rubles, contribution 15%.
  • Special equipment - from 2 years, up to 24 million rubles, contribution 25%.

Small Business Incentive Program

Sberbank loans to individual entrepreneurs can be issued on the basis of the state program “On Stimulating Small Businesses”, together with JSC SME Corporation. In this case, consideration of the application falls on the corporation, and Sberbank carries out its will.

Program conditions:

  • Preferential interest rate - 10%.
  • The maximum loan amount is 1 billion rubles.
  • The loan period is up to 3 years.
  • The loan is secured by a guarantee from SME Corporation JSC.
  • Other conditions imposed on each borrower individually.

List of documents

In order for Sberbank employees to begin the application review process, a complete package of documents must be submitted. Only originals need to be submitted to the bank branch; photocopies will be made by employees on site. When applying for a Sberbank loan, individual entrepreneurs will need the following documents:

  • A questionnaire filled out in accordance with all the rules and regulations of Sberbank.
  • Applicant's passport.
  • A document from the military commissariat confirming that they have no claims against the borrower (this certificate is necessary in order to exclude any possibility of conscription for military service for the period of validity of the loan agreement).
  • Certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur and TIN.
  • A photocopy of the license for the right to carry out activities.
  • A lease agreement or certificate of ownership of the premises involved in the business.
  • Tax extract.
  • Financial statements for the last year.
  • Tax reporting confirming payment of taxes.
  • Personal documents of the guarantor (passport, TIN, certificate in form 2-NDFL).

In some cases, documents confirming the guarantee of franchising may be required.

Review of application for funding

Sberbank has created a special credit committee that reviews loan applications from individual entrepreneurs. In this case, the loan file is compiled by the inspector and only after that is transferred to the committee for analysis.

In order to increase the chances of a positive decision on issuing a Sberbank loan to individual entrepreneurs, the following conditions must be met:

  • Ideal credit history.
  • Stable financial position.
  • Permanent and official employment of the guarantor.
  • Having your own real estate and other property.
  • Reliable guarantor.
  • Competitive business plan.

Possible reasons for refusal

Unfortunately, situations when Sberbank decides to refuse lending happen quite often. There may be several reasons for this:

  • Unconvincing business project.
  • Insufficient liquidity of a functioning business.

It is worth keeping in mind that checking the solvency of individual entrepreneurs is carried out especially scrupulously, since it is quite difficult to assess the transparency of accounting records.

Having studied the bank's programs, you can understand that there are quite enough opportunities for business development; you just need to choose a suitable program and meet all the necessary conditions.