Loan for personal farming. Loan from Russian Agricultural Bank for agricultural development

Recently, banks have been offering their clients more and more types of loans. Bank products are used by the majority of the Russian population. They are especially actively used by private entrepreneurs and businessmen. After all, any business of your own requires investment, both at the initial stage and at the stages of development.

One of the developing and, perhaps, the most important is the development of your own farming. This type of loan can be classified as business financing, but it is much easier to obtain, and the lending conditions in this case are more favorable. Breeding livestock, growing feed crops and the like is a very important and profitable area of ​​activity. A person, even without the status of an entrepreneur, can engage in small farming and earn quite a lot of money from it.

But only a private entrepreneur who has all the necessary documents to conduct business in this area can receive a loan for agricultural development. Otherwise, ordinary ones can serve as additional financing. Since financing under a special program aimed at developing agriculture costs borrowers much less, such people still prefer to register individual entrepreneurs.

Today, many banks have their own clearly developed agricultural lending programs and, although such programs appeared not so long ago, they have managed to take their strong positions in the banking services market. And this is not at all surprising, since agriculture has been an integral part of the Russian economy for many years, ensuring its active development and being responsible for food security.

That is why banking structures, together with the state, provide effective support to their clients who wish to receive a loan for business development in the agricultural sector.

What can an agricultural loan be? There are preferential agricultural loans that can be issued for two years for the purpose of performing seasonal work and to fulfill current farm needs. This loan can be spent on the purchase of planting material, but only domestic, as well as on the purchase of spare parts and other materials for the repair of units and machines that are used to perform work on the ground and not only. In addition, loan funds can be used for the purchase of fuels and lubricants, for the purchase of food for animals and birds, for fertilizers, for the purchase of young livestock, as well as for the purchase of veterinary drugs.

In addition to preferential loans, you can apply for an agricultural investment loan. A beginning farmer can get such a loan. The funds received can be used to purchase the necessary equipment and machinery for work. It is also worth considering that all purchases must be made only from domestic manufacturers. In addition, the investment loan can be spent on the purchase of elite livestock or transport. You can get such a loan for a period of three to five years, it all depends on the amount of money and the purpose of the loan itself.

How to get a loan for agriculture?

To take advantage of this lending program, the borrower must have:


Liquid property;

Fixed income;

Guarantor (if necessary);

All necessary documents for doing business.

You should immediately decide what exact amount is needed if the borrower decides to take out a loan to open and further develop a personal farm. For owners of subsidiary plots, many banks are ready to provide a loan for up to five years, and for owners of farms or an agricultural cooperative, a loan is provided for up to eight years.

If the loan is taken out by a borrower of retirement age, he must provide a guarantor, who should be one of his relatives who will help him run his farm.

When contacting a bank to obtain a loan, the borrower must present:

Extracting a sheet from the household ledger;

Your passport and the passport of the guarantor.

In addition, the borrower should immediately prepare documents confirming his income. This may be a certificate in form 2-NDFL, taken from the organization in which the borrower works, or the result of profits from running your own household. If the borrower is a pensioner, then a certificate from the pension fund confirming receipt of the pension will be required.

The guarantee depends on the amount necessary for farming. In some cases, you can get by with securing a loan, which can be the borrower’s liquid property. If the borrower requires an amount from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles, then he will need to provide one guarantor; if the amount required is more than 300,000 rubles, then it is necessary to provide not one, but two guarantors.

Personal subsidiary farming (LPH) is a form of non-entrepreneurial activity for the production and processing of agricultural products. The activity is carried out by a citizen or a citizen and members of his family living together with him and (or) jointly carrying out personal farming with him in order to satisfy personal needs on a land plot provided and (or) acquired for running personal farming.

Law No. 112-FZ of July 7, 2003 was adopted for owners of personal subsidiary plots and regulates all types of relations that arise in the process of organizing and maintaining private household plots. I recommend that you read the Law in detail - it is small in volume, clearly stated and clarifies a lot.

The Federal Law on personal subsidiary plots contains sections:

  1. concept of private household plots;
  2. rights of citizens in the organization and management of private household plots;
  3. land plots for private household plots;
  4. relations between government authorities at all levels and owners of private household plots;
  5. property when running private household plots;
  6. legal relations with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  7. accounting and termination of activities.

If you don’t have time to read this bill, here’s how I understood it:

  • Personal subsidiary farming is an activity that is not considered entrepreneurship, despite the fact that the products grown are considered the property of the owner and can be sold. Since the activities of private household plots are related to agriculture, it is most appropriate to compare this form with a peasant farm (peasant farm).
  • Our plot is only 20 acres, there are several fruit trees near the house, we have planted a vegetable garden and raise a dozen chickens. We are not planning to expand yet, but even if someday there is a desire to sell what we have grown, this type of activity will not be considered entrepreneurship. According to the law, private household plots are classified as non-profit activities if members of the same family are employed in them.

How to register a personal subsidiary plot

You can open a private plot on a plot purchased or leased, provided that the land plot has the type of permitted use: “For running a personal subsidiary plot.” There is no need to register private household plots as a legal entity - you can grow fruits and vegetables or breed animals and poultry from the moment you receive the right to land.

Records of all private household plots in the territory are maintained by the local Department of Land and Property Relations (DIZO). To legalize a farm, it is enough to contact the settlement administration to enter data about your new farm in the household book.

When registering a subsidiary farm, you will need the following information:

  1. Full name and date of birth of the owner or tenant of the land, as well as information about family members;
  2. Area of ​​the plot and its cadastral number;
  3. Number of animals and (or) birds, number of hives;
  4. List of agricultural machinery, equipment and vehicles.

If you don’t yet have a plot of land for private plots, then the situation can be corrected quite simply.

How to obtain a land plot for private plots from the state

In short, to obtain a plot of land for private plots you will have to:

  1. Find an unformed land plot on the public cadastral map of RosReestr;
  2. Order a layout diagram of this land plot (SRZU) on the cadastral plan of the territory. You can order the scheme without leaving your home. To do this, I recommend a service that sends a document ready for rent approval within 1-5 days. Cost - 1990 rubles, official data and compiled by a cadastral engineer (License No. 52-11-320) in accordance with Resolution No. 762 of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development.
  3. Contact the administration of the locality in which the land plot is located with an application “On approval of the layout of the land plot.” Indicate your personal data, the area of ​​the newly formed plot and the purpose of the lease - for running a personal subsidiary plot;
  4. After approval of the SRZU (up to 30 days) or immediately, submit another application to the head of the Administration: “On preliminary approval of the provision of a land plot”;
  5. If the answer is positive, go to the cadastral engineer to register a new and already agreed land plot for cadastral registration. Paid service - from 5 thousand rubles;
  6. When you have the cadastral passport in your hands, and the boundaries of the land plot you have found begin to appear on the cadastral map, we submit the application: “On the provision of a land plot for rent for a period of 10-49 years”;
  7. We conclude a lease agreement with the Administration and register the transaction in RosReestr through the MFC “My Documents”.

Layout of a plot of land that I recently ordered through

What is the maximum area of ​​land for private plots?

You can organize private household plots on personal land or outside the boundaries of a populated area - on a field plot. The size of a land plot is determined by local government bodies based on the norms in force in a certain subject of the Russian Federation. Housing and other buildings can be erected on a personal plot. True, in some regions there are restrictions on the development of residential buildings - no more than 10% of the area. It is prohibited to build permanent houses on field lands, but the installation of greenhouses, pens, sheds, etc. is allowed.

According to Part 5 of Art. 4 of the Federal Law on private household plots, the area of ​​private household plots is limited - the plot of one subsidiary plot should not be more than 0.5 hectares. Regional authorities have the right to increase the size of the plot by 5 times (for example, for the Leningrad region it is 0.99 hectares).

If the size of the plot is greater than the maximum allowable (50 acres), the excess part must be alienated. Otherwise, you will have to register not a personal subsidiary plot, but an individual entrepreneur or a peasant (farm) enterprise. Urban residents can also obtain land using the scheme described above if there is free land in the selected locality.

I recommend that you think about purchasing special equipment after signing a land lease agreement

How to make money on a personal subsidiary plot

After collecting the documents, you can rightfully begin the development of a subsidiary farm and, if desired, derive income from the sale of products. After receiving a resolution from the administration of the locality confirming that agricultural land has been transferred to you for private farming, you have the right to:

  1. Grow any agricultural crops.
  2. Install greenhouses of any size.
  3. Keep farm animals.
  4. Raise poultry.
  5. Maintain an apiary.

First of all, you need to decide on the type of activity. If you have experience living in a village, there will be no problems with the choice; city residents are better off starting with gardening and vegetable gardening or raising poultry. Make an action plan and start purchasing planting material, young poultry or animals.

You have the right to cultivate your land yourself or with the involvement of relatives of any degree of relationship. Non-relatives can be involved in the process provided that they live with you.

Even with your own hands you can provide a stable income. Here are several options for profitable activities in private household plots .

Growing vegetables

Vegetables are in demand at any time of the year. If you build a greenhouse and harvest even a small crop all year round, profit will be guaranteed. Small businesses do not require registration.

Pig breeding

You will be able to sell live animals or fresh meat. If possible, you can set up the production of sausages or semi-finished meat products, for example, cutlets or dumplings. However, this will require confirmed compliance with sanitary standards. You can keep as many pigs as you can place in the allocated area without violating the rules for keeping pigs on private farms.

Mini poultry farm

How to sell grown products

Products produced on private farms can be legally sold. To do this, you need to obtain a certificate from the local administration. This document must indicate that your product was produced in private household plots.

Help may be required if:

  1. transporting meat, vegetables or other products to the point of sale;
  2. delivery of meat to a sausage shop, etc.;
  3. transfer of goods to the retail outlet.

As you can see, you will have to obtain a certificate even to sell cabbage

What taxes will you have to pay?

Proceeds from the sale of products produced in private household plots are not subject to taxes. You also won’t have to pay VAT, since this tax only applies to individual entrepreneurs and organizations. The only regular payment is land tax, approximately 0.3% of the cadastral value of the plot.

According to current legislation, income from the sale of products of animal and plant origin is not taxed, however, to be exempt from taxes, two conditions must be met:

  1. The area of ​​the land plot should not exceed that established by Law No. 112-FZ. The permissible plot size is 0.5 hectares, unless a larger plot is allocated by decision of the local administration.
  2. Personal subsidiary farming is carried out without the involvement of hired workers.

To be exempt from taxes, you must obtain a document confirming that crops, meat and other products were produced on a plot of land permitted by law. The certificate must be issued by the local administration or the board of the dacha (gardening) partnership.

However, there are nuances that are worth paying attention to:

  • If you decide to produce vermicompost, biosoil, etc. on your site. and sell it wholesale or retail, you may be required to pay taxes. Fertilizers are not considered a product of livestock production; their production is considered as a result of business activity, and therefore is subject to taxation. Also, the legislator does not classify turf and soil mixtures as crop products.
  • To obtain tax exemption, you only need a certificate from the administration of the locality or the board of a non-profit association (gardening, dacha). A document issued by another organization is invalid.
  • Only income from the sale of products produced in private household plots is exempt from tax. If you manage to get a government subsidy, you will have to pay taxes. Amounts received from the budget to reimburse interest on a targeted loan are not taxed; the remaining funds for subsidies are subject to taxation.

How to get a subsidy for private household plots

Pursuing a social protection policy, the state supports low-income citizens by allocating them funds for development within the framework of a social contract for the development of personal subsidiary plots. If certain conditions are met (income per family member is less than the subsistence level, a legally allocated land plot and no debts to pay for it, the presence of three or more children), a citizen can apply to the social protection authorities with a request to allocate funds for the development of private household plots.

The size of the social contract is established by local authorities. Such subsidies can be allocated no more than once every three years and spent on the purchase of:

  1. Pets, poultry, bees or feed;
  2. fertilizers or planting material;
  3. equipment, equipment for cultivating land and caring for animals.

For its part, the participant in the social contract is obliged to:

  1. Develop and present a plan for the use of allocated funds;
  2. use the allocated money for its intended purpose, without deviating from the plan;
  3. insure property purchased using social contract funds;
  4. carry out plan activities and provide reports.

How to get a loan for private household plots

Any business at the start requires financial investments. If you decide to raise animals or poultry on your farm, you will need money to purchase young animals, feed, and build a building. To grow vegetables year-round, you need a greenhouse, the construction and equipment of which also requires money.

Loans for the development of private household plots are issued by Rosselkhozbank, Sberbank and 2-3 other banks with state support and loan programs for farmers. Rosselkhozbank specializes in supporting agricultural producers and offers loans on mutually beneficial terms. A loan for the development of private household plots can be obtained under one of the programs:

  • For the construction of communications. Loan up to 500 thousand rubles. you can get it at 15.5%.
  • For the development of personal subsidiary farming. Targeted loan up to 700 thousand rubles. at 14% for repairs, gasification, purchase of animals, feed, fuel, etc.
  • "Reliable partner". The program is designed for regular clients of the bank. If you took out a loan and successfully repaid the debt, it is possible to get a new loan at 13.5%.
  • "Gardener". Loans under this program are issued for gasification and repairs. Interest rate - from 16%. Possible loan amount is up to RUB 150,000,000.

Loan terms for private household plots

The Bank considers applications from citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of place of registration. Basic terms of a loan for private household plots at Rosselkhozbank:

  1. Age from 18 to 60-65 years.
  2. Solvency confirmed by a certificate of salary or other permanent income.
  3. Availability of collateral.
  4. Guarantee.
  5. Extract from the household register.

Is it possible to build a residential building on the lands of private household plots?

I bought a plot with a built house, but I completed some things on it myself: greenhouses, a bathhouse, a workshop. To avoid misunderstandings with a building permit, I had to study the legislation in detail, and at the same time found out whether it was possible to build a house on the lands of private household plots. Briefly about the most important things.

A plot of land for private plots can only fall into two categories:

  1. Land for a personal plot within a populated area. On a private plot of land, you can build a residential building and any other buildings (subject to the rules that are the same for everyone - construction, fire safety, sanitary and hygienic and others, and you can also produce agricultural products (any kind: planting plants, raising animals and poultry, setting up an apiary) In a residential building built on a private plot of land, you can register at your place of residence, and it is also possible to receive a property tax deduction.
  2. Field land for growing crops. On a field plot of land, you can only produce agricultural products and erect non-permanent buildings for this purpose (without a foundation). It is prohibited to build a residential building, and if it is built, it may be forced to demolish it. Naturally, there is no question of registration in such a house.

How to obtain a construction permit for private household plots

Construction on private plots in populated areas has no restrictions by law, but a request to the local administration should still be made, since there are restrictions at the local level. For example, in the Kaliningrad region, no more than 10% of a private plot for private household plots is allowed to be built up with residential buildings, but in practice no one observes this restriction.

Construction may not be permitted if the site, for example, is located outside the boundaries of a populated area or is not adjacent to them. If there are no restrictions, then you can build housing and other premises, for example, a garage, barn, bathhouse, greenhouse, pigsty, etc. In this case, it is necessary to coordinate actions with urban planning regulations regarding this site.

Local authorities do not have the right to refuse to issue a construction permit if the conditions and procedure for obtaining comply with the law. The Town Planning Code provides an exhaustive list of possible grounds for refusal of construction, as well as a list of documents for obtaining permission.

How to register on the lands of private household plots

A house built on the lands of private household plots and put into operation is recognized by law as residential. In such a house, based on an application from the owner at the passport office, you can obtain permanent registration (registration) in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Advantages of personal subsidiary farming

  • Simplicity of organization (LPH does not require legal registration);
  • lack of registration with the tax office and tax reporting (accounting is maintained in household books by local authorities based on information provided by the owners);
  • various benefits (exemption from personal income tax under certain conditions, preferential transport tax on equipment, etc.);
  • the possibility of making an independent decision on pension insurance (the owner of a private household plot decides whether to pay contributions to the Pension Fund).

Disadvantages of personal farming

  • Restrictions on the area of ​​land for private household plots. The size of the plot cannot be more than 0.5 hectares, although the local administration has the right to decide on a fivefold expansion of the plot.
  • The state does not support private household plots by providing preferential loans and subsidies:
  • Some types of activities subject to certification are prohibited, and declarations of conformity are not issued.

Commercial cattle breeding on private plots will be problematic


Thanks to the import substitution program, private household plots have received a new round of development. Farming is now carried out not only by rural residents, but also by some urban residents and even the oligarchy. For example, the former mayor of Moscow Yuri Lushkov also took up agriculture - he grows buckwheat in the Kaliningrad region.

In the first half of this year, the volume of agricultural products in Russia increased by 3%, despite a general fall in GDP. Facts and figures create a favorable background for reducing loan rates and guaranteeing demand for the products of private farms in the future.

Sberbank loans for the development of private household plots are a special type of loan that the leading Russian bank issues to individuals running personal subsidiary plots. Private household plot is a type of entrepreneurial activity, which implies that the family carries out certain activities on its plot and derives profit from it in kind. Sberbank’s loan program for private household plots differs in that part of the interest on the loan is subsidized by the Russian budget. For individuals running private farms, the interest rate on the loan is 20%.

On what conditions is a loan issued for the development of personal subsidiary plots and what categories of citizens are eligible to receive a loan for private household plots?

Who can get a loan for personal farming

A loan for the development of private household plots from Sberbank can be obtained by any individual who has his own subsidiary plot (to certify this fact, it will be necessary to submit a corresponding certificate to the bank). The borrower must meet the following requirements:

  • have Russian citizenship;
  • be over 21 years old at the time of receiving a loan for the development of private household plots;
  • By the time the loan is fully repaid, the recipient must not be older than 75 years.

The owner of a private household plot can attract co-borrowers - solvent members of his family - to receive a loan. In this case, the loan amount may be increased. Typically it varies within the following limits:

  • from 15 thousand to 300 thousand rubles for a period of three months to two years;
  • from 15 thousand to 700 thousand rubles for a period of up to five years.

Interest rate on loan for private household plots in both cases it is unchanged – 20%. There are no commissions or other fees. The loan is secured by a guarantee for the borrower from other individuals.

One borrower can take out several at once loans for the development of private household plots. However, their total amount should not exceed one million rubles.

How to get a loan from Sberbank

The first step is to collect a complete package of documents required to obtain loans to individuals running private farms. In addition to the aforementioned certificate-extract from the business book, certifying the fact that the borrower actually runs a private farm on his plot (it can be obtained from the administration of a gardening partnership or a holiday village), the bank will request the following documents from the borrower:

  • a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with registration or a document on temporary registration (in this case, the loan will be issued for a period not exceeding the duration of temporary registration);
  • work book or other document confirming employment and receipt of income (if the loan is calculated based on salary level);
  • an application form indicating all personal data - from full name, gender and age to employment and academic degree.

Having collected the full package of documents, the borrower, together with co-borrowers and guarantors, must contact the nearest Sberbank branch for advice on how to get money for the development of private household plots. A bank employee will accept the package of documents, carefully read it and render his verdict within two days. If it turns out to be positive, the situation will further develop as follows:

  • the first part of the Sberbank loan for agriculture will be issued to the borrower directly on the day the loan agreement is concluded;
  • all payments, including the first and subsequent ones, will be transferred to the borrower’s card, his account in Sberbank or the accounts of his co-borrowers;
  • the recipient must begin repaying the loan under the private household plot in equal shares in accordance with the agreement;
  • the loan can be repaid ahead of schedule without any restrictions;
  • For late repayment of the loan, you will have to pay a penalty of 20% per annum (its total amount is calculated based on the length of the delay).

What are the advantages of a loan for private household plots at Sberbank

For citizens running private farming on their own plot, receiving a Sberbank loan for the development of private household plots will be an excellent incentive for development and good material support. This type of loan has a number of advantages:

  • loan for the development of private household plots belongs to the consumer category, and therefore the most accessible for ordinary citizens;
  • the interest rate on a loan for the development of private household plots is one of the most favorable thanks to the state support and subsidy program;
  • commissions and any other security fees on the loan are completely absent;
  • repaying the loan early will not be a problem.

When choosing a creditor organization, preference should be given to Sberbank for several reasons:

  • Sberbank is the leading and most reliable Russian bank that receives the greatest government support (which is especially important in the case of a loan for private household plots);
  • all deposits, loans and other financial relations between citizens and the bank are insured;
  • Sberbank employees are not seen using uncivilized methods of “knocking out” loan debts - threats, damage to property, attracting unscrupulous collectors;
  • All credit disputes, including overdue ones, can usually be resolved amicably in strict accordance with the loan agreement.

To be completely insured against any troubles, re-read this article again, and when you come to the bank, carefully read the agreement that you are going to sign. All this will help you get a secure loan from a reliable bank on the most favorable terms.

Sberbank supports small business and agriculture

Not everyone prefers to live in cities. Among Russians there are those who choose to live in rural conditions. However, organizing a personal subsidiary plot requires a lot of effort and the injection of a significant amount of money. Considering that the returns from agriculture are not as great as from other types of business, the state has provided a number of benefits to such borrowers.

What are the conditions?

There is a special Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1460, adopted on December 28, 2012, which provides for the reimbursement of part of the interest from the federal and regional budgets to those borrowers who took out a loan for private household plots.

Lending conditions in different banks differ only in the interest rate. all others are the same:

  • the maximum loan amount for one farm is 300 thousand rubles (for a period of up to 2 years) and 700 thousand rubles (for a period of up to 5 years);
  • the maximum amount transferred to one person is 1 million rubles;
  • interest rate - from 22.5% per annum;
  • Security is required: the presence of co-borrowers or the transfer of property as collateral.

Borrowers are subject to the following requirements:

  • age - from 21 years;
  • Russian citizenship;
  • temporary or permanent registration in the locality where funds are actually issued. You will get more information about obtaining a loan with temporary registration from this article;
  • Desirable, but not required, permanent place of work;
  • mandatory - the borrower must be listed as the owner of the private household plot, which is confirmed by an extract from the household register of the municipality;
  • availability of a life and health insurance agreement for the borrower.

How to get a loan for private household plots

First you need to become the owner of a personal subsidiary plot. It is enough to acquire ownership of a plot of land with the necessary buildings, make the initial purchase of equipment, and acquire livestock.

A loan for the development of private household plots is provided only to those citizens who already receive some income and want to expand production. You won’t be able to get an appropriate loan just like that, from scratch.

To increase your chance of approval, you can provide:

  • financial statements for the previous year, indicating the profitability of the enterprise;
  • certificate of additional income;
  • characteristics of the head of the village council about the business qualities of the borrower.

After collecting all the documents, you should contact one of the banks that provide a loan for running a personal subsidiary plot. Today, profitable programs offer:

  • Ak-Bars Bank.

After submitting the documents, you must wait for approval. This takes from 3 to 7 days. If everything is in order, you can receive money in any convenient way: cash, card, bank account. Read more about how to get a loan for the development of a personal subsidiary plot.

How to use the benefit

In order to receive compensation for interest on a loan for private household plots, it is necessary, firstly, to pay all contributions on time, avoiding delays, and secondly, to prove the intended use of the funds.

So, the following are considered targeted expenses (for a loan up to 2 years):

  • purchase of fuels and lubricants;
  • purchase of fertilizers and seeds of agricultural plants;
  • increasing the number of young farm animals;
  • payment of land rent;
  • payment for electricity spent on watering plants;
  • purchase of materials for repair and reconstruction of public buildings.

For a loan up to 5 years:

  • purchase of adult farm animals;
  • purchase of equipment (processing of agricultural products);
  • repair or construction of premises (keeping animals);
  • carrying out communications, including gas equipment;
  • purchase of watering equipment;
  • capital investments such as purchasing a plot of land;
  • purchase of cars, vans, dump trucks and trailers;
  • purchase of tractors.

All expenses must be supported by relevant documents.

After the loan has been “disbursed” (in whole or in part) and all the certificates have been collected, you can contact the district administration, the social security department or the bank itself to apply for a subsidy.

The amount of the refund of interest paid is equal to the refinancing rate. In 2019 it is 10% and equal to the key rate. Therefore, if the borrower took out a loan at 22.5% per annum, he will only have to pay 12.5%.

Rosselkhozbank is one of the most sought-after and popular banks, which provides various types and forms of lending to citizens for targeted and non-targeted needs. You can also take it, but this type of lending requires completely different conditions. To develop personal farming, Rosselkhozbank is also ready to issue a loan with government support at a low interest rate.

Loan for the development of personal subsidiary plots

In order to open your own business, you need to find or come up with an original business idea and find out. Suitable or . Any can also be easily adapted to local conditions, for example, or. But in order to receive a loan for the development of a personal subsidiary plot from the Russian Agricultural Bank, it is necessary that your idea for private household plots fits one of the following expense categories:

  • Purchase of fuels and lubricants;
  • Purchase of young farm animals;
  • Purchase of protective equipment and mineral fertilizers for agricultural plants;
  • Payment of electricity;
  • Payment of rent for land and premises required in your private household plot;
  • Purchase of building materials;
  • Various seasonal expenses and expenses.

A loan for these expenses is provided for a period of up to 2 years, but you can get a loan for up to 5 years if larger expenses are planned:

  • Purchase of adult farm animals;
  • Repair and construction of livestock buildings and pens;
  • Purchase of agricultural equipment for livestock farming;
  • Purchase of equipment for connecting gas installations;
  • Purchase of land for various agricultural needs for personal use;
  • Other expenses are average.

You can get a loan from Rosselkhozbank not only for agricultural development. If a citizen of the Russian Federation lives in a rural area, then he can receive money for up to 5 years and for the following types of business:

  • Tourism development;
  • Development of folk crafts;
  • Development of trade;
  • Household services for rural residents;
  • Procurement of various fruits and berries, herbs and medicinal plants.

The purchase of large agricultural machinery is also possible with the help of credit money from Rosselkhozbank, issued for a period of up to 5 years:

  • Cars, dump trucks and others (weighing no more than 3.5 tons);
  • Tractors with power up to 100 horsepower;
  • Irrigation equipment;
  • Tractor trailers;
  • Equipment for agricultural processing.

Advice: Before taking out any loan, draw up a business plan for running your subsidiary farm, as well as a list of necessary expenses. In addition, it would be useful to subsequently maintain statistics of expenses and income. This way you will facilitate the process of obtaining the required loan amount with convenient terms for its repayment, get a more objective picture of managing your private household plot and will always be aware of how much money has been spent and how much more is needed for certain needs.

Loan for the development of personal subsidiary farming at Rosselkhozbank - conditions

For the most reliable and regular clients, Rosselkhozbank offers very favorable conditions, but even on general terms, the borrower can count on a cash loan with a minimum period of 3 months and a maximum amount of 1 million rubles (for reliable clients, the amount increases by 500 thousand rubles). In addition, it is necessary to maintain some security for the loan, namely a guarantee from at least one individual and at least one legal entity. Plus, if you want to purchase equipment, you may also need a property deposit. In this case, the bank can combine these conditions at its discretion.

How to get a loan from Rosselkhozbank for private household plots?

So, in order to get a loan from Rosselkhozbank for the development of a personal subsidiary plot, it is enough to have a business idea, determine your expenses so that they fit one of the categories above, and also provide at least two guarantors.

Primary requirements

The borrower must be at least 23 years old and have citizenship of the Russian Federation. The maximum age of the borrower is 75 years at the time of loan repayment and 65 years for the guarantor. Work experience varies depending on the borrower's employment status. If he is a client receiving wages into the account of Rosselkhozbank, his work experience must be at least 3 months at his last place of work, for other clients - at least 6. The potential borrower must have at least 12 months of experience running a personal subsidiary plot with entries in the household book of local governments.

Procedure for granting a loan

In order to receive the required loan amount, you will need to visit the bank office with a certain package of documents and write an application. The application is reviewed by the bank within 5 working days, and after approval, the potential borrower has a period of 45 days to obtain a loan. The bank transfers the loan money to the account of the borrower, who will have to make monthly differentiated or annuity payments (only for an unsubsidized loan). The bank provides the opportunity for full or partial early repayment.

Required package of documents

If you paid for goods and services by bank transfer, then within 90 calendar days from the date of receipt of the loan you must provide the bank with original documents, invoices and invoices, and if paying in cash - original checks certified by a seal. During the same period, it is necessary to provide documents for the purchase of goods and services privately from individuals.

When purchasing equipment, within 75 calendar days you will need to provide a vehicle passport, an act of its transfer, and a document confirming the registration of the right of pledge with Gostekhnadzor.

When connecting gas equipment within 180 calendar days, you will need to provide documents on expenses and a certificate of ownership of the premises.

In addition, you may need an additional set of documents confirming the conduct or termination of activities in agriculture as an individual entrepreneur - the head of a peasant farm (peasant farm).

In addition to the list, you must provide a passport, a loan application form, a statement of economic activity and a certificate of income.

Interest rates

If you are getting a loan for up to 12 months for the first time, your interest rate will be from 16.5%. If you fall under the category of reliable clients, you can count on a rate of 14.9%. For a period of 12 to 60 months, there is an offer at a rate of 16.5% for new clients and 15.5% for reliable ones. If you violate the conditions for providing documents confirming the target direction of the loan, Rosselkhozbank may increase the interest rate by 2.5%. If you refuse to insure life and health in accordance with the terms of the loan for private household plots and the conditions of the insurance company, you should expect an automatic increase in the interest rate by 4.5-5%.

Advice: very often clients tend to refuse life and health insurance when applying for a loan and in some ways they turn out to be right. Indeed, often even with all the commissions and increases in the loan rate, the borrower's payments are expected to be less than together with insurance payments. However, if you plan to repay your loan early, it is better to agree to insurance, because if you repay early, you can get your money back by submitting a written application to the insurance company.

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The government of the Russian Federation today is trying in every possible way to support rural residents and the development of agriculture. In particular, the state is ready to subsidize part of the loan for the costs of developing the personal subsidiary plot of any Russian citizen living in a rural area and ready to seriously take up this type of activity. At the same time, Rosselkhozbank offers a loan for the development of private household plots on favorable terms, a relatively small package of documents, a favorable interest rate and a loan term of up to 5 years.

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