Loan calculator with floating interest rate. Loan calculator with early repayments online

Loan payment schedule

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You can use a special calculator without paying.

How to calculate interest on our service

Using our special loan calculator, you can calculate the amount of monthly payments and the amount of overpayment on the loan, according to personal information about a particular borrower, taking into account his wishes, by entering into the program:

  • suitable amount for the down payment;
  • for how long the loan is taken out;
  • applied rate in percentage;
  • borrower's income;
  • whether the borrower can provide collateral.

Having entered the necessary information in all the columns, the program itself will select a possible loan within a few minutes and automatically, online, calculate the amount of the upcoming monthly payment and determine what the overpayment will be.

Produces an approximate calculation, since it does not take into account how many days a month has.

A more precise schedule for making payments, applicable rates and the amount of overpayment can be set individually for the client directly at the bank.

How to calculate the monthly payment amount using an online loan calculator

All potential borrowers are primarily concerned with the question of how much money they will have to withdraw from their family each month in order to stay on schedule for making regular payments. You can calculate this amount using our online loan calculator based on:

  • interest rate applied by the bank;
  • volume of the loan issued;
  • selected payment type.

You can make this calculation right now using the services of our website.

This online calculator has an expanded set of functions compared to a standard loan calculator. In addition to the function of calculating early loan repayment, there is the ability to set a change in the interest rate, select the day the loan is issued, select the day for the monthly payment, and select the type of monthly payment - annuity or differentiated. Thanks to these functions, the calculator allows you to make calculations as close as possible to a real loan, accurate to the day.

  • Date of early deposit of funds (if the payment is a one-time payment) or interval (if you are going to make payments on a regular basis, for example once every 3 months)
  • Amount of early payment
  • Select a loan recalculation method

You can set an unlimited number of partial early repayments.

Features of partial early loan repayment

With partial early repayment, two types of write-offs are possible:

  • on the day of the next payment. In this case, the amount of debt is simply reduced by the amount of the extraordinary payment.
  • between two subsequent payments. Here the calculation is more complicated. Interest on the debt amount is accrued every day and repaid once a month. By the time of early payment, a certain amount of interest has accumulated, which will be repaid from the funds allocated for early payment. And only the remaining amount will be used to pay off the principal debt. Next month, the interest part of the next payment will be less, because part of the interest for this month has already been paid. Do not worry about this and postpone early repayment until the next payment day. The sooner the payment is credited, the better.

After making an extraordinary payment, the schedule for subsequent loan repayments changes. The amount of the principal debt decreases and, following it, one of two parameters changes: the amount of the monthly payment or the loan term. The choice is always up to the bank client. Taking into account your choice, the bank recalculates the loan and creates a new payment schedule. Keep this in mind and receive a new payment schedule at the bank office or in the Internet banking program (if the bank provides such an opportunity). Our online calculator also allows you to choose any option and makes calculations taking into account your choice. After the calculation, you will be presented with a detailed payment schedule taking into account the specified early repayments.

It is more profitable to reduce the loan term, since the total overpayment in this case will decrease more significantly. Therefore, if the monthly payment amount is within your means, we recommend reducing the term.

Experiment with the options to choose the recalculation method that works best for you. The loan calculator allows you to save the calculation results; this is very convenient for comparing the received options, since you do not have to re-enter the original loan data into the form.

Variable interest rate

It is not uncommon for the interest rate to change during the life of the loan. This may be caused by a revision of the loan rate by the bank at the request of the borrower or by the terms of the agreement. For such situations, the calculator provides a corresponding function. You can set an unlimited number of interest rate changes over the life of the loan. For each period, you need to select the start date of the rate and its value. These changes will also be displayed and marked with a special color on the payment schedule.

The loan calculator is your faithful assistant in selecting lending programs in Moscow. Using our service, you can quickly select a loan online and estimate the likely costs. Preparing for a loan will help you avoid finding yourself in a situation where late payments put too much pressure on your budget and threaten to ruin your relationship with the bank.

How does the calculator work?

The easiest way to calculate your loan is to use an online loan calculator. It applies the parameters you specify to all programs, creates a monthly contribution schedule, and also displays on the page the best offers that fit your requirements.

To use the service:

  • Enter the amount you need and select the loan currency;
  • Set a repayment period that is convenient for you;
  • Enter the interest rate you are expecting;
  • And the expected date of issue;
  • Choose a payment scheme - annuity (that is, in equal shares) or differentiated payments;
  • Are you planning to close your loan as quickly as possible? Add early repayments.

When you click on the “Calculate Expenses” button, the loan calculator will calculate the loan based on your parameters and present a summary of it. It indicates the amount of monthly payments, the total amount and the amount of accrued interest. And in the graph, also presented on the page, you will see what part of the contribution will go to the principal debt, and what part will go to the cost of the loan, as well as the remaining debt after each payment.

Annuity or differentiated payment?

What are the effects of repayment schemes and which one is more profitable? The size of your monthly payments, the total overpayment on the loan and what the payment consists of depend on which scheme is used.

The annuity scheme implies that payments are calculated in equal installments for the entire duration of the contract. Thus, if you took out a loan for 12 months, then each month you will pay the same amount. However, there is an important point: at first, most of the contribution consists of interest accrued to you. That is, first you pay the bank for the service provided, and only then the cost of the loan.

Differential payment is calculated differently. Its size will change every day, and the shares of principal and interest in it are the same. The calculation is carried out in such a way that the body of the debt (that is, the amount you receive) is divided by the number of months, and the cost of the service is added to the balance and recalculated after each installment.

This scheme is considered the most profitable for the borrower, because it turns out that the overpayment will be insignificant. But there is also a minus - at the beginning of the term, payments will be the largest, which means they can become a serious burden on the borrower’s budget.

Which payment plan should I choose? It just depends on how you assess your financial abilities. If your monthly income allows you to pay fairly large sums to pay off your debt, and you want to save on interest, feel free to choose a bank with a differentiated payment scheme. If your income does not allow this, it is better to overpay - this way you will reduce the risk of delays and penalties.

To calculate the loan, you must enter the loan amount, indicate the duration of the agreement and the size of your interest rate. This calculator can calculate both fixed annuity and decreasing differentiated monthly payments (open the “additional options” item).

The rate indicator can be selected as fixed or variable. To select the second option, you need to enter the number from which the new percentage will be entered.

Thanks to our calculator, you will no longer need to go to the bank to calculate early loan repayment. And you can do this in just 2 minutes! To do this, simply provide some additional data in the program form:

  • What date are the funds deposited ahead of schedule (in the case of a one-time payment) or time period (if you plan to make regular payments several times a month);
  • Amount of early payment;
  • Specify the loan recalculation option;
  • You can enter an unlimited number of early payments.

The nuances of partial early repayment of debt

Early repayment loan calculator

There may be 2 types of write-offs for partial early repayment:

On the day when the next payment is made. With this method, the amount of debt is reduced by the amount of the extraordinary payment made.
Between next payments. This option is somewhat more complicated in calculations. Interest, depending on the size of the debt, is accrued daily, and repayment occurs once a month. By the day the early payment is made, a certain amount of interest accumulates, which is canceled thanks to the funds intended for the early payment. With this option, only the remaining portion of the amount will be used to pay off the debt. Next month, the percentage of the next installment will decrease, since some of this interest has already been paid. There is no reason to worry about this moment and postpone early repayment until the next payment. If the payment is made earlier, it will be more profitable.

After paying the extraordinary installment, changes are made to the schedule of subsequent loan payments. The size of the principal debt decreases and, as a result, one of the parameters changes: the loan term or the amount of the monthly payment. A client of a banking institution can always choose a more convenient option for himself. This choice determines how the bank will recalculate the loan and what the next payment schedule will be formed. The updated schedule can be obtained at the bank office, or by logging into the Internet bank, if you have access to it. Our online calculator will give you the opportunity to choose any option and calculate the loan depending on your choice. You will have access to a detailed payment schedule, which already takes into account and indicates early repayments.
Reducing the loan term is beneficial because it significantly reduces the overall overpayment. It follows from this that if you can afford the monthly payment, then you should reduce the loan term.

You can try different options to find the most optimal payment scheme for yourself. The loan calculator stores the calculation results, and you do not have to remember all the numbers entered and received previously.

Variable interest rate

As the loan progresses, the interest rate changes quite often. Such cases arise when, at the request of the borrower or under the terms of the agreement, the bank revises the loan rate. Our calculator has its own function specifically for such cases. You can specify as many interest rate changes as you want over the life of the loan. For each individual time period, it is necessary to set the start of the bet and its size. All changes will be marked in color in the payment schedule.

This calculator is intended for calculating consumer loans and mortgages in Sberbank, VTB, Deltacreditbank, Zenit Bank, Alfabank, Promsvyazbank, Rosselkhozbank, Raiffeisenbank, HomeCredit Bank, Skb Bank and other Russian banks.

To calculate your loan refinance, you can save your calculation and use it in the refinance calculator

Possibility of saving credit

In case you want to save your calculations, click " Save calculation«.
You will have access to a unique link that you can bookmark. When you open this link, the previously entered loan data will be automatically loaded.
If you have changed the data, click " Update calculation". In this case, the changed data from the loan will be saved using the current link.

If you need to compare early repayment options

If you are in doubt about how to repay early correctly - pay off the amount or term, pay earlier or later, then you can open 2 calculators in 2 browser tabs and compare. But this is not very convenient. We have now made a special calculator for comparing early repayment schemes
See also: .
There you can enter the same loan parameters on the left and right. But early repayments can be made in different types. When you click calculate, the most profitable option will be shown first

Entering various calculation parameters

For different banks, when calculating early repayment, you need to additionally set different flags in the block. This will make the calculation of early repayment more accurate.

If you have a loan from Sberbank

When calculating early repayment in Sberbank, you need to check the following boxes:

  • Accounting for early repayment on the payment date
  • Payment of interest only after early payment (Sberbank)

The early repayment amount is entered taking into account the fact that part of this amount will be used to pay off interest in the case when the early repayment date does not coincide with the date of the next payment.

If you have a loan from VTB Bank

  • Check the box:
  • Check the box:Annuity on original debt when % changes

For Raiffeisenbank

  • Check the box: Accounting for early repayment on the payment date
  • Check the box: Calculate interest per month as in Raiffeisenbank
  • Check the box: Take into account weekends

For other banks

If you see from the bank’s schedule that you need to pay on the last day of each month, then put

  • Set the flag - First payment is interest only and enter the issuance date
  • Payment on the last day of the month

It should also be understood that some calculation modes are not compatible. For example: Account for early repayment on the payment date and take into account weekends. With these parameters the calculation may be incorrect

An asterisk (*) on the payment schedule marks dates that fall on a day off - Saturday or Sunday. Usually in this case you must pay the loan before the weekend or on the first working day.

This is also a fairly accurate and universal loan calculator from Home Credit Bank. This calculator is used by many who want to take out a loan from Home. An online loan calculator allows them to estimate how much they will pay on the loan per month, as well as how much their payment will change if the loan is repaid early.

Attention! Early repayment made on the date of the next payment is taken into account in the next payment period. Those. if your next payment date is February 14 and you made an early repayment on February 14, then the new annuity payment amount will only be on April 14. if you make an early repayment on February 13, then the new payment will be on March 14. If you want to take into account payments exactly on the due date, check the box – Account for early payments on the payment date on the “Advanced” tab
The most accurate calculation of early repayment is currently implemented in the loan calculator for Android.

Some terms and definitions when using the mortgage calculator.

Amount of credit- the amount you want to borrow, which is specified in your loan agreement
Interest rate— the rate specified in your contract
Term— the integer number of months for which the mortgage loan is taken out.
Annuity— with this type of payment you pay in equal installments. Initially the interest payment is higher, but over time it decreases
Differentiated payments- with this type of payment, the amount to repay the principal debt is always constant. Interest is calculated on the principal amount. At the same time, the next payment decreases over time. This online loan calculator provides calculations for the above types of payments
Early repayment to reduce the amount- in this case, the amount of your early payment goes towards repaying the principal amount. If the principal amount decreases, the monthly payment amount decreases. This occurs due to a reduction in the interest part of the payment.

Early repayment to reduce the term- with this early repayment, the next payment remains the same, but the loan term is reduced. You will pay off the loan earlier.

First payment— interest. This flag should be set if you have a first loan payment in your mortgage payment schedule that is not equal to the rest. This is a payment to the bank in the form of interest if your date of issue and the date of the first payment are different. Do not set this flag unless necessary. In details .

Rate change— this type of early payment is suitable if, for example, after receiving ownership of an apartment, the interest rate on your mortgage loan changed. This is stated in the mortgage agreement. To change the rate you need to submit a package of documents to the bank.

Commissions and insurance— these types of payments do not affect the calculation of the loan and mortgage payment schedule, however, they are used when calculating the total overpayment on the loan.

Popular questions about the calculator

Is it possible to change the loan rate in the calculator?