Amount of full early repayment - how to find out the remaining debt on the loan? How to find out if a loan is closed? How to find out that the loan has been repaid.

We're glad we helped you make your purchase! We remind you that the loan for the goods was provided by the bank, and not by the retail outlet, so for all questions you will need to contact OTP Bank directly.

For your convenience, we have collected answers to the main questions that arise when using a consumer loan. For repayment methods, see the section “Repayment of OTP Bank loans”

How to return or change a credit item?

If you want to exchange or return goods purchased using credit funds:

  • Contact the store where you purchased the goods with your passport and documents issued to you when applying for a loan.
  • Inform the store staff that you want to return or exchange the item.
  • Then contact an OTP Bank representative in the store and he will advise you on all issues

There is no bank office in my city. Where to go if you have questions?

If there is no credit and cash office in your city, for any questions you may have, you can contact a representative of OTP Bank in the store where you purchased the goods, or by calling the bank’s contact center: short number: 0707 (free from mobile numbers Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Tele2). You can view financial information (date and amount of payment, account status, date of last payment, etc.) in the OTPdirect online bank.

How to repay a consumer loan in full ahead of schedule?

  • Check the amount for full repayment by calling the bank's help desk by calling 8-800-200-70-05.
  • Deposit the entire prepayment amount into your account in full.
  • On the next payment date, your loan will be repaid. You do not need to come to a store or cash office of the Bank or write an application.
  • In order to be sure that the loan is ultimately fully repaid, be sure to call the Bank’s contact center again to clarify information about the complete closure of your loan, or view OTPdirect online banking, which is provided to all clients free of charge.
  • Be careful, deposit the full amount for early repayment in advance so that the funds arrive in your account on time (for example, if you pay the loan through Russian Post, you must deposit the funds 10 days before the date of the next loan repayment indicated in the payment schedule).

Repayment of consumer and non-targeted loans of OTP Bank

Where can I see the amount of debt and the repayment date?

The amount of debt, the date and amount of payment can be found out in several ways:

REQ: find out your details

How to avoid being late?

Repay your loan on time in accordance with the payment schedule to avoid falling behind and avoid penalties. It is better to make payments in advance so that they have time to reach your bank account.

Your reliable assistant in repaying your loan will be the free mobile application “OTPcredit”, which you can download to your smartphone or tablet. The application will remind you of the date and amount of the loan payment.

What happens if you miss a loan payment?

If you miss a loan payment, the Bank charges a fine. In addition, late payments will negatively affect your credit history. To avoid such situations, deposit funds in advance. If you have problems repaying your loan, be sure to notify the Bank. OTP Bank makes every effort to accommodate its borrowers who find themselves in difficult life situations. If your financial situation worsens, you can restructure your debt. Restructuring implies a reduction in the monthly payment or suspension of loan repayment for a certain period with an increase in the period of final loan repayment.

What should I do if I can't pay on time?

For those who have taken out a loan at the branch, a service is available to postpone the payment date. If it becomes inconvenient for you to make payments in accordance with the established schedule, you can write an application to the Bank to establish a new payment schedule, and if the answer is positive, repay the loan on those days when it is convenient for you.

If you have problems repaying your loan, be sure to notify the Bank yourself. Bank employees will discuss all possible options with you.

What should I do if I have lost my details?

Find out your details using our services.

Internet bank "OTPdirect"

When signing the loan agreement, you received a login and password. Log in to Internet Banking by entering them in the appropriate fields.

Mobile bank "OTPdirect"

When signing the loan agreement, you received a login and password. Log in to Internet Banking by entering them in the appropriate fields. Install the free application on your smartphone or tablet (login and password, as in Internet Banking). Available on the App Store and Google Play.

Application for borrowers "OTPcredit"

Free application for clients who have taken out a loan. Authorization - by mobile phone number. Available on the App Store and Google Play.

SMS bank

Send an SMS with the command text to the short number 5927:
REQ: find out your details
LOAN: find out the amount and date of payment, balance of debt
HELP: Get a list of additional commands
(SMS information service must be activated in advance)

Bank help desk

Toll-free 24-hour numbers:
8-800-100-55-55 (cash loans);
8-800-200-70-05 (loans issued in stores)

OTP Bank branch

To obtain information, you will need your passport.

Made the payment, but the money did not arrive at the Bank?

  • There was an error in the recipient's details.

    If you find an error in your details, you need to contact the nearest OTP Bank office with your passport and all documents confirming the fact of payment. At the bank, you need to write a free-form application with a request to transfer money to the correct current account.

  • With the help of a loan or a loan from Sberbank you can: buy a home, buy a car, invest in a new business project, travel. But the debt must be repaid on time. Otherwise, you cannot avoid fines, bad credit history and other troubles. To prevent this, you need to follow the payment schedule. This article describes how to find out the outstanding balance on a loan via the Internet, an ATM, at a help desk or at a bank branch.

    This might be interesting:

    How to check your loan balance

    Not all borrowers can visit a bank or use the Internet to find out the amount of debt on their loan. Therefore, Sberbank has provided several ways to obtain this information. Read more about them below.

    Balance of loan debt from Sberbank Online

    Log in to Sberbank Online (how to register in your Personal Account). Go to the “Credits” menu; all your credits will be displayed on the page that opens. By clicking on one of them, you can view detailed information, including finding out the balance of the debt.

    Below you can see what the detailed information on the loan looks like, it contains:

    • Name.
    • Role in the loan agreement (borrower, co-borrower or guarantor).
    • The amount of the recommended payment and the date when it needs to be made.
    • Remaining debt.

    Attention! If the loan is highlighted in red, this means that the payment is overdue and the debt needs to be repaid urgently.

    Information about loans via ATM

    Insert the card into the Sberbank ATM and enter the PIN code. In the Main Menu, select “Personal Account”.

    In the next window, click on “Credits”.

    The “Loan Operations” window will open, click on the “Loan Information” button.

    Amount of debt by calling the Hotline

    Call the Hotline number, inform the operator of your intention to find out your loan debt and tell him your passport details, loan agreement or credit card number.

    Loan status at Sberbank branch

    Visit a bank branch, taking your passport and loan agreement with you. Based on these documents, the Sberbank credit specialist will provide you with detailed information about your debt. Then you can deposit the required amount or close the loan completely.

    As you can see, it is not difficult to find out the loan debt at Sberbank. Avoid late payments and be a reliable borrower who is a pleasure to work with.

    If a person has been sentenced to a suspended sentence, the criminal record is expunged after the end of the probationary period established for him. When a sentence is imposed that does not provide for imprisonment, the expungement of a criminal record occurs 1 year from the date of serving or execution of the sentence. If a person has committed a crime of minor or medium gravity, the criminal record is expunged after 3 years.

    The difference in legal concepts between an expunged and expunged criminal record

    When committing serious and especially serious crimes, the criminal record is expunged after 8 and 10 years, respectively.

    No, it is not installed.

    Important: there can be a lot of cases, since there are a lot of namesakes.

    Person's criminal record

    Therefore, be sure to check all initials and details.

    You might be interested:

    When a criminal record is considered expunged

    When a person has been convicted of a crime, he is said to have a criminal record. Its presence has a negative impact on everyday life. Over time, a criminal record can be expunged or expunged. After this, the person is fully restored to his rights.

    What is a criminal record and the terms of its repayment

    A criminal record should be understood as a certain status of a person who committed a crime and was punished for it. Having a criminal record largely limits his rights and opportunities. Having a criminal record, a person cannot hold certain positions or carry out certain types of activities. In addition, if a person has a criminal record, he may be denied entry into a particular country. Also, a criminal record can act as an aggravating circumstance if a person commits a repeated crime.

    Persons with a criminal record for committing grave and especially grave crimes, intentional crimes against minors, as well as repeat crimes may be subject to administrative supervision. It consists of a number of restrictions regarding a person’s place of stay, his travel to another territory, etc. In addition, as part of administrative supervision, a person must periodically visit the police at his place of residence.

    If a criminal record is expunged or removed, a person begins to be considered not to have been subject to criminal liability.

    How long does it take for a criminal record to be expunged?

    A criminal record is expunged after a certain period of time has passed after the person has served a particular sentence. The length of expiration of a criminal record is influenced by the type of punishment, as well as the severity of the crime committed.

    If a person has been sentenced to a suspended sentence, the criminal record is expunged after the end of the probationary period established for him. When a sentence is imposed that does not provide for imprisonment, the expungement of a criminal record occurs 1 year from the date of serving or execution of the sentence.

    What does expungement and expungement of a criminal record mean under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (terms)

    If a person has committed a crime of minor or medium gravity, the criminal record is expunged after 3 years. When committing serious and especially serious crimes, the criminal record is expunged after 8 and 10 years, respectively.

    In the case where a person was early released from serving a sentence or his sentence was replaced with a more lenient one, the period for expunging a criminal record begins to run from the moment of release from punishment.

    Expungement of a criminal record occurs automatically and does not require the issuance of any official document by the court or other competent authority.

    What is the difference between expungement and expungement of a criminal record?

    It often happens that a person is released from a criminal record early. This can happen as a result of his exemplary behavior and compensation for the harm caused, amnesty or pardon. In this case, we are talking about expunging a criminal record. A criminal record can be overturned by a court or by a document on the basis of which the person was pardoned or amnestied. However, an amnesty or pardon does not always mean an automatic expungement of a person’s criminal record.

    Number of crimes in Russia

    How to check a person's criminal record using a passport?

    What does a person face with a criminal record?

    - inability to hold positions in government bodies;

    — some educational institutions do not accept people with a criminal record;

    — while your criminal record is open, you will not be able to carry out any operations with weapons;

    — for several years after liberation you cannot leave the country;

    — when moving around the country, I will often stop you to check your documents;

    - are exempt from conscription into the army.

    Is it possible to find out about a criminal record online?

    No, because this database is secret.

    How to check whether a person is wanted?

    On the FSSP website, you can read in more detail the instructions we prepared by following the link.

    How to understand whether a case has been opened against a person?

    To do this, you need to go to the official website of the court at the place of residence of the defendant, in our case exactly the one we are looking for. Find the “Judicial Proceedings” or “Judicial Proceedings” tab and enter the required surname in the search bar.

    Should a criminal record be marked in a passport?

    No, it is not installed.

    A criminal record for any citizen is a sad event, since it is fraught not only with danger among fellow inmates, but also with consequences after release. Today I would like to pay attention to this particular category of people, what will await them after release, and is a criminal record really a stigma for life?

    How to check a person's criminal record using a passport online

    Many employers, when inviting a new candidate for cooperation, conduct a mandatory criminal background check. In addition, this question must be indicated in the application form when applying for a foreign passport. What does a citizen face after spending several years in such remote places?

    • Of course, first of all, you will not be able to get a position in the authorities and departments that are responsible for security - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the courts, the police, etc.
    • Some prestigious educational institutions do not accept students who have served a sentence.
    • Under no circumstances, until your criminal record is cleared, will you be able to obtain a permit to store and carry, or directly purchase a weapon.
    • In addition, for several years after your release, you will not be able to leave the country.
    • When traveling within the country, you will often be stopped by police officers to check your documents.
    • Well, no matter how strange it may sound, military service is cancelled.

    No matter how much you would like to “punch” a person yourself, checking for a criminal record using a passport online is impossible, since the database is secret and either organizations that have the right to request such information have access to it, or the person himself can send a request using Ministry of Internal Affairs to obtain a criminal record certificate.

    But it is possible to check whether a person is wanted, and whether there has been any court hearing against him.

    Let's consider them separately. So, to find out whether a person is wanted or not, you need to go to the FSSP website, indicate the full name of the required person and the region to search, and then click the “Find” button. Also, if you have sufficient information, you can use the advanced search.

    To understand whether cases were opened against a certain person, and whether a decision was made against him or not, you need to go to the official website of the court at the place of residence of the defendant, in our case, exactly the one we are looking for. Find the “Judicial Proceedings” or “Judicial Proceedings” tab and enter the required surname in the search bar.

    This is the only way you can find out some of the pitfalls of certain people.

    Do they put a mark on a passport about a criminal record?

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 1997 No. 828 provides a clear definition of what marks should be placed in the passport.

    Clause 5 of Chapter 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1997 No. 828:

    The following marks are made in the passport:

    "- on the registration of a citizen at the place of residence and his deregistration - by the relevant registration authorities or authorized officials of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/05/2016 N 72)
    - on the attitude towards military service of citizens who have reached the age of 18 - by the relevant military commissariats and territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2016 N 644)
    - on registration and divorce - by the relevant bodies carrying out state registration of acts of civil status on the territory of the Russian Federation, and by territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; (edited)

    How to check a person's criminal record online

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2016 N 644)
    - about children (citizens of the Russian Federation under 14 years of age) - by territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2016 N 644)
    - about previously issued basic documents identifying a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation - by territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2016 N 644)
    - on the issuance of basic documents identifying a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation - by territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or other authorized bodies. (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/18/2014 N 122, dated 07/07/2016 N 644) At the request of the citizen, the following marks are also made in the passport:
    - about his blood type and Rh factor - by the relevant health care institutions;
    - about the taxpayer identification number - by the relevant tax authorities.
    The mark on children (citizens of the Russian Federation under 14 years of age) is certified by the signature of an official and the seal of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2006 N 779, dated July 7, 2016 N 644)"

    If you make notes that are not provided for by this Resolution, then the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation will automatically be declared invalid.

    Clause 6 of Chapter 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1997 No. 828:

    “It is prohibited to enter information, marks and entries into the passport that are not provided for by these Regulations.
    A passport containing information, marks or entries not provided for by these Regulations is invalid."

    Therefore, a criminal record mark should not be placed in the passport.

    Do not forget that after a certain time after release, the fact of a criminal record can be annulled and then this mistake will not be recorded against you.

    You might be interested:

    How to check a person's criminal record using a passport?

    What does a person face with a criminal record?

    - inability to hold positions in government bodies;

    — some educational institutions do not accept people with a criminal record;

    — while your criminal record is open, you will not be able to carry out any operations with weapons;

    — for several years after liberation you cannot leave the country;

    — when moving around the country, I will often stop you to check your documents;

    - are exempt from conscription into the army.

    Is it possible to find out about a criminal record online?

    No, because this database is secret.

    How to check whether a person is wanted?

    On the FSSP website, you can read in more detail the instructions we prepared by following the link.

    How to understand whether a case has been opened against a person?

    To do this, you need to go to the official website of the court at the place of residence of the defendant, in our case exactly the one we are looking for. Find the “Judicial Proceedings” or “Judicial Proceedings” tab and enter the required surname in the search bar.

    Should a criminal record be marked in a passport?

    No, it is not installed.

    A criminal record for any citizen is a sad event, since it is fraught not only with danger among fellow inmates, but also with consequences after release. Today I would like to pay attention to this particular category of people, what will await them after release, and is a criminal record really a stigma for life?

    How to check a person's criminal record using a passport online

    Many employers, when inviting a new candidate for cooperation, conduct a mandatory criminal background check. In addition, this question must be indicated in the application form when applying for a foreign passport. What does a citizen face after spending several years in such remote places?

    • Of course, first of all, you will not be able to get a position in the authorities and departments that are responsible for security - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the courts, the police, etc.
    • Some prestigious educational institutions do not accept students who have served a sentence.
    • Under no circumstances, until your criminal record is cleared, will you be able to obtain a permit to store and carry, or directly purchase a weapon.
    • In addition, for several years after your release, you will not be able to leave the country.
    • When traveling within the country, you will often be stopped by police officers to check your documents.
    • Well, no matter how strange it may sound, military service is cancelled.

    No matter how much you would like to “punch” a person yourself, checking for a criminal record using a passport online is impossible, since the database is secret and either organizations that have the right to request such information have access to it, or the person himself can send a request using Ministry of Internal Affairs to obtain a criminal record certificate.

    But it is possible to check whether a person is wanted, and whether there has been any court hearing against him.

    Let's consider them separately. So, to find out whether a person is wanted or not, you need to go to the FSSP website, indicate the full name of the required person and the region to search, and then click the “Find” button. Also, if you have sufficient information, you can use the advanced search.

    How can I find out if my criminal record has been expunged or not?

    This is necessary to prove that you are not a robot. After this, the result will appear on the screen.

    To understand whether cases were opened against a certain person, and whether a decision was made against him or not, you need to go to the official website of the court at the place of residence of the defendant, in our case, exactly the one we are looking for. Find the “Judicial Proceedings” or “Judicial Proceedings” tab and enter the required surname in the search bar.

    Important: there can be a lot of cases, since there are a lot of namesakes. Therefore, be sure to check all initials and details.

    This is the only way you can find out some of the pitfalls of certain people.

    Do they put a mark on a passport about a criminal record?

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 1997 No. 828 provides a clear definition of what marks should be placed in the passport.

    Clause 5 of Chapter 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1997 No. 828:

    The following marks are made in the passport:

    "- on the registration of a citizen at the place of residence and his deregistration - by the relevant registration authorities or authorized officials of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/05/2016 N 72)
    - on the attitude towards military service of citizens who have reached the age of 18 - by the relevant military commissariats and territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2016 N 644)
    - on registration and divorce - by the relevant bodies carrying out state registration of acts of civil status on the territory of the Russian Federation, and by territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2016 N 644)
    - about children (citizens of the Russian Federation under 14 years of age) - by territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2016 N 644)
    - about previously issued basic documents identifying a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation - by territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2016 N 644)
    - on the issuance of basic documents identifying a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation - by territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or other authorized bodies. (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/18/2014 N 122, dated 07/07/2016 N 644) At the request of the citizen, the following marks are also made in the passport:
    - about his blood type and Rh factor - by the relevant health care institutions;
    - about the taxpayer identification number - by the relevant tax authorities.
    The mark on children (citizens of the Russian Federation under 14 years of age) is certified by the signature of an official and the seal of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2006 N 779, dated July 7, 2016 N 644)"

    If you make notes that are not provided for by this Resolution, then the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation will automatically be declared invalid.

    Clause 6 of Chapter 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1997 No. 828:

    “It is prohibited to enter information, marks and entries into the passport that are not provided for by these Regulations.
    A passport containing information, marks or entries not provided for by these Regulations is invalid."

    Therefore, a criminal record mark should not be placed in the passport.

    Do not forget that after a certain time after release, the fact of a criminal record can be annulled and then this mistake will not be recorded against you.

    You might be interested.

    You have long repaid all your debts on the loan and forgot to think about it. But after 5-10 months, your phone explodes from calls from the bank’s security service and you are horrified to learn that your debt to the bank has increased significantly. You run to the bank to find out, but there you will be disappointed. You are told that your last amount was not enough to close the loan, or you can also hear such an answer that your last payment did not reach the bank.

    Many clients try to achieve justice by bombarding bank management with complaints. But, alas, the answer is often negative.

    There is only one way out - to seek justice in court. But your victory cannot be guaranteed 100%.

    Since the reason lies in gullibility. The borrower, trusting the bank employee, relies on oral conversations and does not require documentary evidence of the fact of closing the loan. And this must be done, then there will be no problems.

    How to find out if a loan is closed and what should be done?

    As soon as you have repaid the loan, be sure to write an application to close the loan account, and take a copy with a note from a bank employee. Well, it would not be superfluous to have a certificate issued by the bank stating that the bank has no claims against you and the loan has been fully repaid by you.

    There is another possibility to check the closure of the loan. You need to request from the bank a statement of verification of mutual settlements, which records the presence of loan obligations.

    Keep all collected certificates in a secluded place, because this is your guarantee of a quiet life.

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    Problems with banks in credit relations can arise both from unscrupulous borrowers and from responsible and honest clients who are on time. Why do situations arise when financial institutions require their borrowers to pay extra, how to get out of them and how not to get into them? AND how to find out if a loan is repaid?

    As a rule, all cases of disagreement between banks and bona fide clients are similar. The borrower, having learned the full amount of the debt from the credit institution, pays it in advance (through ATMs or cash desks). At the same time, having transferred these funds, he immediately conveniently forgets about his loan and does not even think about the need to find out whether the loan has been repaid. After 6-12 months, the bank’s employees and security service begin to terrorize the client, calling him on his phone several times a day and... A frightened person does not understand why a financial institution demands money, because the loan was repaid on time.

    Let us immediately note that these situations are not petty fraud on the part of banks. As a rule, the money could simply not reach the credit institution, or the borrower’s last payment did not cover the full amount of the debt, since the ATM charged a fee. This is just a small part of the reasons that a bank employee can voice when surprised clients contact a financial institution.

    Of course, every borrower tries to restore justice, writes a large number of complaints, but banks in most cases remain of the same opinion: “the client must repay the loan!” Then some people try to sue the financial institution, but this is often a waste of time and money, since justice will side with the creditor.

    The problem with most clients is that they do not document the closure of the loan, relying on oral statements from bank employees. When the loan is repaid in full, you must first write an application to close the loan account. In this case, the client will be given a copy of the document, and it is necessary to ensure that the bank employee makes a note. In addition, it is necessary to obtain a certificate confirming the full repayment of the loan and the absence of claims against the borrower from the bank. If you receive these documents, the client will not have problems in the future.

    But, according to banking experts, there is another way find out if the loan is repaid– it is necessary to request a reconciliation report from the financial institution. This document contains information about the absence or presence of credit obligations.

    If you have everything on hand, the borrower can easily defend his rights in a dispute with the bank.