To pay online. Review of Belarusian virtual cards

03:15 06.12.2016

You cannot withdraw money from an ATM or pay in a supermarket using a virtual card. It is intended for purchases in online stores.

This card can also be used to top up your phone balance, pay for housing and communal services, book airline tickets and hotel rooms, and so on.

It does not have a physical carrier; it is simply impossible to steal or lose it, unlike a regular one. This will be especially useful for anyone who often makes purchases abroad.

When issuing a virtual card, the client receives only its details. To make payments, all you need is its number, expiration date, first and last name of the user, as well as the CVV2 code (analogous to a PIN code).

However, it is not worth storing all your money on such a card. Experts advise to credit only those funds that you plan to spend on the Internet and to make purchases only on the websites of well-known companies that have already proven themselves in the virtual payment market.

The mechanism for obtaining a virtual card is simple. Most often you need to go to the bank’s website and fill out an online application. Moreover, to start using the product, sometimes you don’t even need to visit the bank: a virtual card can be activated immediately, because to pay for goods and services on the Internet, only its details are required. Most often, such a card is opened in any currency - Belarusian or Russian rubles, dollars or euros.

Today, 6 banks in the country offer virtual cards. Each of them has its own service characteristics.

Bank Name (card type) Term Price Peculiarities Replenishment
Alfa BankVirtual eCard, MasterCard 1 yearFor freeRegistration via Internet bank "Alfa-Click".. For free
Belagroprombank “Unreal card”, Visa Classic 1 year3 rub.Registration via Internet banking... Free replenishment via Internet banking, Mobile Internet banking and bank devices
BelinvestbankVirtual card,
Visa Classic
1 year3 rub.Registration via Internet banking. Interest on the account - 0.01% per annum Commission 25 kopecks. or 0.5 $ (depending on the card currency)
BPS-SberbankVisa Virtuon, Visa Virtuon from 1 year to 5 years4 rub. (for each year of service) The application can be left on the website or in any branch of the bank. You need to pick up the card at the bank. Can be issued for physical education. or electr. carrier. The interest on the account is 0.01% per annum. For free
ParitetbankVisa Virtuon, Visa Virtuon 1 year3 rub.The client is given only card details for on paper. You need to get the card from the bank. Production time is from 3 to 10 days. The interest on the account is 0.01% per annum. At the bank office using the client's account number, no commission
PriorbankVisa Internet (Virtuon) , Visa Internet (Virtuon) 1 year2.5 rubles when ordering through the website, 5 rubles. - at a bank branch. Order - on the website or at the bank, card for a physical person. the carrier must be obtained from the bank For free

For example, in Belinvestbank You can apply for a card only using Internet banking (mobile banking). There is also a limit on the amount expense transactions: per day - no more than 3 thousand rubles, per week - no more than 5 thousand rubles. Commission for replenishment is 25 kopecks. or 0.5 dollars (depending on the currency of the card).

Alfa Bank To receive a virtual card, “еCard” also offers to use Internet banking. What’s important is that receiving such a card, unlike other banks, is free. Before expiration, funds can be transferred to another eCard without commission or a plastic card with a commission of 1% + 1 dollar (if the transfer currency is dollars), or 1% + 0.8 euros (if the transfer currency is euro), or 1% + 40 rub. (if the transfer currency is Russian rubles).

"Unreal map" from Belagraprombank You can top up for free via Internet banking, Mobile Internet banking or self-service devices instant transfer from another card issued by Belagroprombank. The registration fee is 3 rubles.

Visa Virtue from BPS-Sberbank can be issued for a period of 1 to 5 years (in other banks - for a period of a year). The fee for each year of service is 4 rubles. An application for a card can be completed either online or at any branch of the bank upon presentation of an identification document.

Visa Virtuon cards from Paritetbank serviced at all ticket offices banking institution, as well as on all Internet sites with the Visa logo. You can top up your card at any bank office using the client’s account number. The account is opened in Belarusian rubles or US dollars.

To the features of Visa Internet (Virtuon) from Priorbanka It can be attributed to the fact that when registering it online you need to pay 2.5 rubles, and if the client comes to the bank - as much as 5 rubles. In addition, the account for this card is maintained in dollars, but payments can be made in any currency.


    Convenient and practical to use

    Online registration

    Secure payments on the Internet

Visa VirtualReality (Visa VR) is a card without physical media (plastic) designed to pay for purchases on the Internet. You can order a virtual card without contacting the bank, through the services of Internet banking, Mobile banking. Purchasing a virtual card is:

    Registration and receipt of a card online

    Secure payments on the Internet

    Classic type cards ( Visa Classic) for a small fee

    The card can be issued by a resident or non-resident of the Republic of Belarus, already registered users of the bank’s remote banking system or who are participants in the MSI, already have an activated card.

one Visa VR cards in every currency during its validity period No charge
Issue and maintenance fee second and subsequent cards Visa VR in every currency during its validity period 0.99 bel. RUR, 0.49 USD/EUR, 49.99 RUR rub.
the card is issued only using the system / Mobile banking
Account currency: BYN, USD, EUR, RUB
Card expiry date: up to 1 year
Interest remuneration: 0,01%
Access abroad: by default no charge
Access to the Internet: connection using the Internet banking / Mobile banking system without charging a fee

the amount of non-cash expenditure transactions performed
using Visa VR*, cannot exceed:
per day - 3,000 BYR,
per week - 5,000 BYR.

*for Visa VR nominated in foreign currency, the amount of debit non-cash transactions is calculated based on exchange rates for transactions with bank payment cards in the bank established on the date of the transactions)

How to apply: Visa VR can be issued only in the Internet banking / Mobile banking system

1. Issue of a Visa VR card is possible exclusively through systems remote maintenance Bank "Internet Banking" and Mobile banking(hereinafter referred to as RBSS) by selecting the appropriate context menu item in the “Maps” section.

2. Activation of the Visa VR card occurs:

    when issuing a card from 8:00 to 22:00 - within 6 hours;

    when issuing a card from 22:00 to 8:00 - after 9:00.

3. CVV2 is sent to the number mobile phone holder after the client confirms the application for the card by clicking the “Order” button in the RBSS.

4. Viewing card details (full card number, card expiration date) is possible in personal account RBSS user.

What is CVV?
CVV2 (Card Verification Value) - a 3-digit verification number that will be requested from the Client as additional remedy identification in the global computer network Internet.

Is it possible to make purchases in foreign online stores using a Visa VR card?
Yes, you can use your Visa VR card to make purchases in foreign online stores. Please note that access abroad and to the Internet is provided by default, without charging additional fees or charges.

Is the SMS notification service available using a virtual card?
The SMS notification service is available to Visa VR cardholders on general conditions. More detailed information about the “SMS alert” service is available on the bank’s website in the “Operations and Additional services» - “SMS notification”

What is the difference between virtual Visa card VR from a regular bank payment card?
You can get a virtual card ONLY in Internet banking. The virtual card is intended primarily for making Internet payments and cannot be used to carry out transactions in the network of POS terminals, self-service payment and information terminals (infokiosks) and ATMs.

Is it possible to top up a Visa VR card??
Yes, Visa VR can be topped up in the following ways:
- cash at cash points Money OJSC Belinvestbank using card details;
- by transferring funds from card to card.

What is the validity period of the Visa VR card?
The card is valid for 1 year.

Do I need a PIN when using a Visa VR card?
No, online purchases of goods and services do not require a PIN.

What are virtual card details?
Virtual card details used when making transactions include:
— card number — 16 characters;
— card expiration date — month and year;
— Full name of the card holder;
— security code (CVV2) — a three-digit code sent as an SMS to the holder’s mobile phone number after the client confirms the application for the card.

How long does it take for the Visa VR card to work?
The holder can use the card:

    when checking out from 8:00 to 22:00 - within 6 hours;

Most people pay for many services and purchases online. In order not to carry around more “plastic” with you, you can limit yourself to issuing a virtual card for these needs. the site found out the features of virtual cards, their cost and validity period.

A virtual card can most often be ordered online (via Internet banking or through an application on the bank’s website), less often - only at a bank branch. Such a card does not imply the release of plastic. You will only be given a card number and a CVV2 code. The details provided (number, expiration date, first and last name of the holder and CVV2) are sufficient to carry out transactions without the presence of a card.

A virtual card makes life much easier. You don't have to carry an extra card in your wallet if you just need to pay for something online. You can store it on it a small amount money needed for certain purposes, which increases the safety and security of funds. Also, high security is ensured by the absence of physical media and the use of only a card account.

Name of bank and card

Product Description

Cost and validity period

Alfa Bank

Virtual eCard

Issued in the INSYNC.BY application and the Alfa-Click Internet bank if you have any other “physical” Alfa-Bank card. You can open no more than 9 virtual eCards (3 cards for each type of currency RUB, USD, EUR). Free SMS alerts are automatically activated.

Bank BelVEB



ICS card



Visa Virtue

The account is opened in Belarusian rubles or USD.

To receive a card, you need to fill out an application form and draw up an agreement to open an account.


Visa Virtue


3 rubles for a period of 1 year.

BTA Bank

Visa Virtue


If you are already a bank client, you can order a card from Sberbank Online. Made no later than the next day.

Can be manufactured with a validity period from 1 to 5 years. The cost of registration and maintenance for each year is free.

Name of bank and card

Product Description

Cost and validity period

Alfa Bank

Virtual eCard

Issued in the INSYNC.BY application and the Alfa-Click Internet bank if you have any other “physical” card of Alfa-Bank (Belarus). You can open no more than 9 virtual eCards (3 cards for each type of currency RUB, USD, EUR). Free SMS alerts are automatically activated.

Registration and service are completely free. Validity period is one year.

Bank BelVEB

Virtual international card MasterCard Standard

It can be completed without visiting a bank office, via Internet banking. It can be issued together with the opening of a new current account or to an existing one for which bank cards on physical media are not open. Can be issued for accounts in white. rubles, USD/EUR.

Issued free of charge for a period of 2 years.


“Unreal card” based on Visa Classic

Issued for 1 year for 3 rubles.


ICS card


It is issued through the “X-card” application, which is downloaded when applying for the X-card itself. The X-card combines all the bank cards you have. If there are no cards, then virtual ones can be issued in the application (if necessary, you can then order “plastic” for them).

The fee for issuing the first card and servicing is RUB 19.90. For the second card there is a 50% discount for the 1st year, then the payment is standard. The third card is an 80% discount for the 1st year of service, the fourth and subsequent ones in the 1st year will be free. Validity period: 3 years.


Visa Virtue

The account is opened in Belarusian rubles or USD. To receive a card, you need to fill out an application form and draw up an agreement to open an account.

Issued for 3 rubles for a period of 1 year.


Visa Virtue

The account is maintained only in USD, but payments can be made in any currency. You can apply for a card on the website, in online banking or at a bank branch.

Issued for 5 rubles for a period of 1 year. If you apply online or already have debit card bank in the “Standard” or “Classic” service package - 2.50 rubles.


Visa Virtuon based on Visa Classic

You can only apply through Internet banking. Account in EUR. Produced in 5 to 10 working days.

3 rubles for a period of 1 year.

BTA Bank

Visa Virtue

Issued to a separate account. It is possible to apply to an existing current (current) account as an additional one. You can top up by transferring money from another card or at a bank branch. You can only order at a bank branch.

1 rub./0.5 USD/EUR. Validity period: 3 years.


Visa Virtue/ MasterCard Virtual

To open an account using a payment card, you need to contact any bank branch with a passport or leave an online application for a card on the bank’s website.
If you are already a bank client, you can order a card from Sberbank Online. Made no later than the next day.

Can be manufactured with a validity period from 1 to 5 years. The cost of registration and maintenance is free for each year.

Virtual cards

Virtual card – available as a bank card payment card and is intended for online payments only. Represents these bank card details needed for payment services and the sale of goods online.

A virtual card, in most cases, is issued without physical media, only in electronic form. But the issuing bank can produce for clients plastic cards with the details of virtual cards printed on them. Along with this, such a card lacks some attributes of simple bank cards: a magnetic stripe or chip, a hologram, the holder’s signature.

This does not allow the use of virtual cards to pay for purchases in ordinary stores or to withdraw cash from an ATM.

Details that are indicated on virtual cards:

  • Card number
  • Card expiration date: year and month
  • Security code CVV2/CVC2 is a three-digit digital code that is printed on simple plastic bank cards. back side cards
  • The name of the card holder is indicated at the request of the owner.

Characteristics of virtual cards

Like others banking products, virtual cards are characterized by many features, including:

  • Payment system affiliation: in most cases VISA or MasterCard
  • Account type: credit, debit, prepaid
  • Presence or absence of physical media (plastic card)
  • Duration of validity: for cards without physical media in most cases from 1 to 3 months, for “plastic” virtual cards - from 6 months to 2 years
  • Can be issued either in addition to the current main bank card or independently
  • Has maintenance and a certain cost of issue
  • obtaining details and various ways to order a card
  • There is a certain waiting time between receiving the details and submitting your card application
  • There are restrictions on the size of the card balance, restrictions on card transactions
  • Possibility of additional

    replenishment of the card balance upon completion of its issue.


  • Versatility. Virtual payment cards- a universal payment method for purchases in web stores around the world. This distinguishes them from non-bank (electronic) payment systems. For example, Russian WebMoney and Yandex.Money work, for the most part, on Russian websites
  • Ease of receipt. A virtual card can be issued without a personal visit to the bank by the client - via the Internet, an ATM network or cellular communication. In the absence of physical media, the client can take the virtual card details virtually without delay, specifically at the time of application
  • Safety. The use of virtual cards allows you to avoid the risk associated with transmitting bank card details over the Internet. The client can order the issuance of a virtual card with the minimum required balance, sufficient for a single payment. It will not be possible to steal any large amount of money from such a card
  • Anonymity. The virtual card can be debit, credit or prepaid. Prepaid cards are different in that they do not require a contract bank account(contribution). Based on this, the name of the prepaid card holder is not a necessary requisite
  • Expanding e-commerce accessibility. On this moment the most common cards in the former Soviet republics are VISA Electron and Cirrus/Maestro. They allow you to withdraw money from ATMs, but there are many restrictions on their use for online payments. Holders of such cards, and those who generally do not have bank cards, will be able to use virtual cards as a cheap alternative to opening more expensive Classic bank cards.

Disadvantages of virtual cards.

The Internet is taking over our lives every day. Many things are already moving into the world of virtual reality. A huge number of large Internet resources have been created where you can purchase the desired item easily and without visiting shopping centers. And the cards also decided to go to the world of the Internet.

However, if necessary, the bank can issue a card on which the basic details will be written so that you do not store them somewhere in a notebook. It differs from the usual one in that it cannot be used to pay in a store or withdraw money from an ATM. It lacks a magnetic stripe, chip and other attributes.

Details and data indicated on virtual cards:

  • Your card number;
  • Validity periods;
  • Security code CVV2/CVC2.

What are the main characteristics of virtual cards in Belarus?

Virtual bank card in many cases they refer to Master Card or Visa payment systems, which allows for international payments. You can safely order goods from Chinese websites or foreign Internet resources. The validity period of the card is approximately from 1 month to 2 years (if there is a plastic carrier). Also, you will always have the opportunity to top up your account if you do not have enough funds for your next new purchase.

Virtual cards are a universal and very convenient way payment for goods and services. There are no restrictions: make online purchases in all countries of the world. This is the main advantage over various Internet wallets, since they mainly operate within one country.

The card is very convenient to issue and receive. Simply fill out an application online or call. You don’t have to waste time queuing at the bank; all you need to do is take a couple of steps with your smartphone or laptop.

Virtual cards are a very secure means of payment. If you are afraid that someone may intercept your data and steal funds, you can open an account with the optimal amount of funds that you will need to make one purchase. Also, since there is no carrier, you will no longer lose all your funds and forget your card at ATMs.

Disadvantages of Virtual Cards

The disadvantages of such cards include the inability to pay for goods in a store, as well as withdraw cash from an ATM. However, these functions are perfectly performed by ordinary plastic cards. Also, most banks impose a number of restrictions on validity periods and payment limits.

If you plan to make online purchases via the Internet, then virtual cards are the most the best option. Their production also costs several times less than conventional ones.

Currently, virtual cards in Minsk are issued in two types: VISA Virtuon and MasterCard Virtual.

On our website you can also get acquainted with basic information about the possibility of ordering settlement, credit, etc.