The act of commissioning the town planning code. Supervision of the Republic of Ingushetia

To use the constructed/reconstructed structure for its intended purpose, it is necessary to obtain permission to put the house into operation. It confirms the completion of all construction work, as well as the compliance of the condition of the building with the requirements of the provisions of the Town Planning Code and regulations.

Residential building permit

As mentioned above, this document confirms the completion of construction activities at the site. The scope of work must correspond to the values ​​​​specified in the project and the permit for its implementation.

Article 10 (in paragraph 1) of the Civil Code establishes that buildings whose construction has not been completed are considered objects of unfinished construction. All rights to them must be registered. Moreover, if the construction of a multi-story structure has not been completed, it cannot be used for its intended purpose. To do this, commissioning must be carried out. And only after receiving the relevant papers can the owners move in.

The legislation also requires that a site be inspected by a special commission if state construction supervision is not provided for the structure.

Receiving paper

According to the rules of the Town Planning Code, as well as the provisions of Federal Law No. 131, the issuance of a permit for the reconstruction/construction or commissioning of a facility located within the territory of an urban settlement is carried out by the local administration. To do this, the interested subject applies to the authorized body that issued him the papers for the construction of the building.

Application and attachments to it

The Town Planning Code establishes a list of papers required by the applicant putting the house into operation. The documents that the subject must provide are the following:

  1. Statement.
  2. Title papers for the site.
  3. Urban development plan.
  4. Construction permit.
  5. Acceptance certificate. This document is provided if work is performed under the contract.
  6. A paper certifying the building’s compliance with the requirements of technical regulations. It is signed by the developer.
  7. The layout of the constructed, repaired or reconstructed building, as well as the adjacent engineering and technical communications and the planning organization of the territory. These documents are also signed by the developer.
  8. Papers certifying the structure’s compliance with technical specifications. They are certified by representatives of enterprises providing maintenance of engineering and technical communication networks.
  9. Conclusion of the state construction supervision commission (if the corresponding procedure is provided for the facility). This document indicates the building’s compliance with the requirements of the project and technical regulations, including regarding the parameters of equipment with metering devices and energy efficiency. For individual objects, an additional conclusion from the environmental control commission is provided.

Providing engineering communications

To put a residential building into operation, it is necessary to improve it. First of all, we are talking about laying utility networks. Putting a house into operation is carried out with ready-to-use systems:

  • Water supply - the structure must be connected to the local or central mains. In the first case, it may be a well or a borehole.
  • Electrical supply - power lines must be installed and connected.
  • Sewerage - the specifics of the connection will depend on where the residential building is located. Commissioning can be carried out in rural areas or within the city. In the first case, as a rule, there is no centralized sewage system. An autonomous system is suitable for each structure. In the city, sewerage is centralized.
  • Heating - the choice of system also depends on the location. As a rule, gas, stove, and boiler heating are used in the suburbs.

Convenient access to the building is also important. This can be an asphalt or gravel road.

individual housing construction

The commissioning of the house is carried out by a special commission. To exclude any claims to the structure, a number of rules must be followed. First of all, you need to visit the cadastral chamber at the address of the object’s location to call an engineer to clarify the existing boundaries and record the fact of the construction of the building. The house must already have windows, doors, a roof, a porch, and interfloor ceilings.

In order for the commission to arrive, you must send an application to the territorial authority. It is accompanied by a building permit and title papers for the site.

An application for inspection and a passport for the structure should be submitted to the town planning department. The latter is issued by a cadastral engineer. The executive body must obtain a list of institutions with which the documentation needs to be coordinated. Control structures include, in particular, fire, gas, and electrical services.

Having received approval to put the house into operation, having paid the established fee for completing the survey, all papers are submitted to the town planning service.

Important nuances

While waiting for specialists who will inspect and put the house into operation, it is advisable to contact the Unified State Register of Real Estate to receive a request for restrictions, arrests and easements on the site. Upon receipt, you must carefully check all data. If any inaccuracies or errors are discovered, you should immediately contact the appropriate official. The Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture is a must-see. This body is provided with:

  1. to the site.
  2. Extract from the Unified State Register confirming the absence of restrictions, arrests, easements.
  3. Construction permit.
  4. Scheme of the location of objects on the site at the time of application.
  5. Project.

After receiving all the agreed documents, you must go to the local administration. A statement is written there. After this, you need to go back to the urban planning department. Here you should write the final statement about the commissioning of the structure.

If, after checking the submitted papers, no shortcomings or errors are found, you can pick up the act after a month. After this, all documents are submitted to the BTI.

Simplified version

The essence of this approach is the simplicity of the preparatory stage. This procedure does not involve supervision of construction. There is no need to coordinate a package of papers with different structures. The list of documents for simplified and regular commissioning is the same.

The interested party must also visit the town planning department at the local administration. All collected documents are transferred to the relevant employees. They check them and then make a decision a month later. The application will be granted if, in accordance with the documentation, the structure is built and connected to utility networks.

To make sure of this, government officials come to the site and inspect it. The report drawn up based on the inspection results will be sufficient to put the structure into operation.

Normative base

In accordance with Article 48 (clause 3) of the Civil Code, in order to carry out construction work or reconstruction activities there is no need to develop and approve a project. Article 54 of the Code provides for cases in which state construction supervision is not required.

In particular, it is not implemented in relation to individual housing construction objects. The Town Planning Code, in Article 8 (clause 4), establishes the possibility of carrying out a simplified procedure for putting a structure into operation. The same norm explains the specifics of obtaining the necessary documentation. When constructing a building from scratch, you also need paper for the site. The latter must contain the characteristics of the allotment.


The process of putting a structure into operation is quite labor-intensive and takes some time. Difficulties may arise at the stage of coordinating papers with control services.

To put the house into operation, you will need certificates of compliance of the structure with sanitary, construction, and environmental standards. These papers are signed by the engineer responsible for the construction. A mandatory document is a certificate of compliance with fire regulations.

The simplified procedure saves the interested party from numerous trips to control organizations. However, in any case, an inspection of the structure must be carried out by representatives of the local administration.

Particular attention is paid to the equipment of the building. The house must have water, electricity, sewerage, and gas connected (if any). After commissioning the house, operation can be carried out in normal mode. The owner must register the rights to the building. Having received the certificate, the owner can carry out any legal transactions with the structure.

Formal procedures for commissioning are typical for both industrial and civil facilities: acceptance of the facility from the contractor, obtaining permission to commission, registration of the facility, etc. Operation is the longest phase of the life cycle of a construction project.

Commissioning permit

Previously, when commissioning, an additional decision of the state acceptance committee was required. After the adoption of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the developer must obtain permission to put the facility into operation. The following documents must be prepared for the application for such a permit:

  • title documents for the land plot;
  • urban development plan of a land plot or PMP;
  • building permit;
  • act of acceptance of a capital construction project;
  • a document confirming the facility’s compliance with the requirements of technical regulations (signed by the general contractor);
  • act on compliance of the object parameters with the design documentation (signed by the general contractor, technical customer, customer engineer);
  • documents confirming the facility’s compliance with technical specifications (signed by representatives of organizations operating the networks);
  • a diagram of the planning organization of the land plot with the location of facilities and utility networks within the boundaries of the land plot (signed by the general contractor and the technical customer);
  • act of final inspection of state construction supervision and conclusion of the state fire supervision body.

For dangerous objects, a compulsory civil liability insurance contract is added, for cultural heritage objects - an acceptance certificate for the work performed to preserve the object.

As an act of acceptance of a capital construction project, forms OS-la “Act of acceptance and transfer of a building (structure)” or OS-3 “Act of acceptance and delivery of repaired, reconstructed, modernized fixed assets”, approved by the State Statistics Committee on January 21, can be used 2003 No. 7. In Moscow, the form of the “Certificate of Acceptance of a Capital Construction Project of the State Order of the City of Moscow” was approved by Order of the Moscow Government dated March 9, 2007 No. 396-RP.

When a residential building is handed over, an acceptance certificate is drawn up, for which a commission is created. The act may indicate the condition of parts of the building, communications and engineering systems, and their defects. A similar procedure is carried out when transferring a building to the balance of another organization, and the operating organization is indicated.

To avoid problems when commissioning residential properties, it is advisable to adhere to an exhaustive list of procedures related to obtaining various permits and approvals. In almost all cases, the following documents will be needed:

  • technical plan of a building, structure;
  • conclusion on the compliance of the constructed or reconstructed capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations and design documentation, including the requirements for energy efficiency and the requirements for equipping the capital construction facility with metering devices for the energy resources used;
  • permission to put the facility into operation;
  • cadastral plan of the property: buildings, premises;
  • certificate of state registration of ownership of real estate.

If appropriate engineering systems are available, the following documents may be required:

  • certificates of admission of electrical energy metering devices, water and wastewater metering units for operation, certificate of acceptance of gas equipment and automation equipment for commissioning, certificate of inspection of compliance of energy efficiency indicators of gas-using equipment with passport or design indicators;
  • act on washing and disinfection of intra-site and intra-house networks and equipment of the facility necessary for connection to the centralized cold water supply system;
  • acts on the fulfillment of technical conditions for connection to electrical networks, inspection (survey) of electrical installations and notification of inspection;
  • acts on the readiness of intra-site and intra-house networks and equipment for the supply of thermal energy and coolant, for connection to centralized hot and cold water supply systems, domestic (general power) and storm water drainage systems, on the readiness of gas consumption networks and gas-using equipment for technological connection;
  • permission from the energy supervision authority to allow power receiving devices into operation, permission to connect to the heat supply system, permission to start gas;
  • acts of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility of the parties in relation to electrical and heating networks, gas distribution networks, centralized systems of cold and hot water supply, sanitation;
  • act of technological connection to electrical networks and gas distribution networks, acts of connection to centralized heat supply systems, cold and hot water supply, centralized household (general alloy) and storm water drainage systems;
  • contracts for energy supply and heat supply of cold and hot water supply, an agreement for the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy, an agreement for water disposal into a centralized household and storm water drainage system, a gas supply agreement and an agreement for the maintenance and repair of intra-house and intra-apartment gas equipment.

A regional government body or local government body may establish the need to conduct control geodetic surveys and transfer as-built documentation.

An application for a permit to put a facility into operation is submitted to the same authority that issued the construction permit. The latter is obliged to inspect the capital construction project within 10 days if state construction supervision was not carried out during construction, reconstruction or major repairs. Then the availability and correctness of the above documents are checked. If the results of the inspection are positive, the applicant must be given permission to put the facility into operation; if the results are negative, the applicant must be denied permission, indicating the reasons for the refusal. The refusal can be appealed in court.

The permit is issued in the prescribed form (see below). The permit indicates the main indicators of the constructed facility, the main materials used, the cost of construction - according to the project and actual. Permission to put an object into operation is the basis for state registration of the constructed object, and in the case of reconstruction - for changing the data of such registration.

Commissioning permission form

  • (name of developer
  • (last name, first name, patronymic - for citizens, its postal code and address)


for commissioning of the facility No._

  • (name of the authorized federal executive body,

or an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or a local government body issuing a construction permit)

Guided by Article 55 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, it allows the commissioning of a constructed or reconstructed capital construction facility (cross out what is not necessary)

(name of capital construction object

in accordance with the design documentation)

located at

(full address of the capital construction project indicating the subject of the Russian Federation, administrative district, etc. or construction address) 2. Information about the capital construction site

I. General indicators of the facility being commissioned

Construction volume is only cubic. m

including the above-ground part of the cube. m

Total area sq. m

Area of ​​built-in and attached premises sq. m

Number of buildings pcs.

II. Non-residential objects

Non-production facilities (schools, hospitals, kindergartens,

objects of culture, sports, etc.)

Number of seats Number of visits Capacity

(other indicators) (other indicators)

Industrial facilities




III. Housing construction projects

pieces of sections pcs/sq. m

pcs./sq. m pcs./sq. m pcs./sq. m pcs./sq. m pcs./sq. m sq. m

IV. Construction cost The cost of construction of the facility is only thousand rubles. including construction and installation works thousand rubles.

(position of authorized employee (signature) (transcript

authority issuing the signature permit)

proposals for commissioning of the facility)

To commission elevators, the installation organization prepares declaration of conformity with the participation of an accredited testing laboratory. The declaration, inspection and test reports, and electrical measurement reports are attached to the elevator passport.

The owner of the elevator (owner of the building or management company) checks the completeness of the documentation and compliance with the requirements of technical regulations 1, and also enters into a civil liability insurance contract and a contract for maintenance of the elevator.

To commission the elevator, the owner organizes a commission consisting of representatives of the owner, installation and maintenance organizations. Based on the positive decision of the commission, an act of acceptance of the elevator into operation is drawn up, the owner makes a decision on putting the elevator into operation and enters the decision into the elevator passport.

No one can guarantee that after delivery of the object no defects will be discovered. However, the general contractor is obligated to correct, at his own expense, defects that arose as a result of deficiencies in construction, installation and commissioning work and discovered during the warranty period (Article 755 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This also takes into account the warranty obligations of equipment suppliers enshrined in supply contracts. Manufacturers must eliminate, at their own expense, deficiencies that arose as a result of poor quality equipment manufacturing and were discovered within the warranty period established in the equipment supply contracts.

The duration of the warranty period is established in the construction contract and, as a rule, is 1-2 years, and in case of construction under the law on shared participation - 5 years. It is advisable to stipulate in the contract the start date of the warranty period: signing of the act of transfer of the object by the contractor, completion of comprehensive testing, completion of warranty tests, etc.

If the warranty period has ended, but within 5 years from the date of completion of the work, inadequate quality of construction was discovered, then the contractor’s obligations to eliminate defects remain after the expiration of the warranty period (Articles 724, 756 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the contractor is obliged to prove that the defect did not occur through his fault (“presumption of guilt” of the contractor).

Often, the customer establishes in the contract a provision for a security deposit (deferred payment), which can amount to up to 5-10% of the contract price for contract work. This deposit is returned to the contractor upon expiration of the warranty period if no defects are identified during this time. If defects are discovered and the contractor does not take measures to eliminate them, the customer, in accordance with this provision, pays for the work to eliminate the defects to a third party, thus reducing the amount returned to the contractor.

At the end of the warranty period, a certificate of final acceptance of the object is signed. By this time, all mutual settlements must be reconciled and completed.

We will launch your business.

Our specialists have sufficient experience and professional connections to quickly prepare an AIA. You don't have to waste precious time and delay the launch of the facility.

Leave all the hard work to us.
We are at your service.

The final stage of construction of a real estate property is commissioning. The key document for obtaining a certificate of commissioning of a facility is statement of conformity (AOC).

A statement of conformity (CCO) is “a conclusion of a state construction supervision body (if state construction supervision is provided) on the compliance of a constructed or reconstructed capital construction project with the requirements of technical regulations and design documentation, including energy efficiency requirements and facility equipment requirements capital construction with metering devices for used energy resources, conclusion of state environmental control in cases provided for in part 7 of article 54 of this Code" (clause 9 of part 3 of article 55 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation).

Commissioning of a capital construction project is carried out by the technical customer in accordance with previously agreed upon design documentation. The more detailed the construction and installation work project is, the easier it is to formalize the commissioning of capital construction projects subject to strict compliance with all requirements.

Each previous stage of work is documented with hidden work reports, which must be submitted to the construction supervision inspector. All these documents must be kept by the developer throughout the entire warranty period of the building construction.

The flow diagram for commissioning a capital construction project is given below:

The issuance of an AIA may be refused for the following reasons:

  1. During the construction or reconstruction of a capital construction project, there were violations of the compliance of the work performed with the requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts and design documentation, and such violations were not eliminated before the date of issue of the conclusion on compliance.
  2. There is no inspection report after completion of construction or reconstruction of a capital construction project.

The regulatory documents do not provide any other grounds for refusing to issue an AIA for the commissioning of capital construction projects.

Therefore, for obtaining a conclusion on the compliance of the object the following must be ensured:

a) Compliance of the work performed with the requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulations.

Monitoring of compliance with the requirements listed in paragraph a) is carried out:

  • daily by technical supervision services in the Developer's structure, with filling out the general work log and special logs provided for by construction regulations. At the same time, in accordance with the requirements in the field of construction, it is necessary to carry out inspections of hidden work with the execution of relevant documents, monitor the compliance of materials used in the production of construction and installation works in terms of nomenclature, quantity and quality, etc.
  • periodically by supervisory authorities. The responsibility for organizing interaction with state construction supervision authorities also lies with the Developer’s services from the moment of obtaining a construction permit. If violations are identified during the inspection process, the developer is obliged to take measures to eliminate these violations and prepare the relevant documents.

From an article by the head of Gosstroynadzor S.P. Bullfinch:

“It should be noted that state construction supervision is carried out from the date of receipt of the notice of the start of work (Part 5 of Article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) until the date of issuance of the conclusion on the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts and project documentation. Therefore, a positive conclusion on compliance by the state construction supervision body is issued only if construction supervision was carried out regularly throughout the entire construction period. And if, due to the fault of the developer, such supervision was not carried out, then the supervisory authority has the right to refuse to issue an AIA. The responsibility of the state construction supervision body does not include issuing a conclusion on compliance if the object was built or part of the object was built in violation of the established construction procedure.

b) Compliance of the work performed with the design documentation.

During the construction of almost any facility, it becomes necessary to adjust some design solutions and replace individual materials with similar ones. The developer is obliged to coordinate such changes with the design organization carrying out designer's supervision and to document these circumstances accordingly.

c) Receipt of the final inspection report

In accordance with paragraph 26 of RD-11-04-2006 “When conducting a final inspection, the inspection procedure provided for in Chapter III of this Procedure must be followed, and the following must be taken into account:
a) a constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction project in full (including individual work performed, building structures, sections of engineering support networks and used construction materials (products) is subject to visual inspection);
b) all acts (instructions, notices) on the elimination of violations (deficiencies) identified during the implementation of state construction supervision and construction control are subject to verification.”

Before the final inspection of the facility, the following must be carried out:

Individual tests of equipment and functional tests of individual systems, ending with a trial run of main and auxiliary equipment;
- trial runs;
- act of acceptance of a capital construction project (in the case of construction on the basis of a contract).

During the construction and installation of buildings and structures, intermediate acceptance of equipment units and structural elements of the structure, as well as hidden work, must be carried out.

Individual and functional tests of equipment and individual systems are carried out with the involvement of the customer according to design schemes after completion of all construction and installation work.

Defects and deficiencies made during construction and installation, as well as equipment defects identified during individual tests, must be eliminated by construction, installation organizations and manufacturing plants before the start of comprehensive tests.

Trial runs are carried out during the commissioning of a capital construction project before comprehensive testing. During the test run, the operability of the equipment and process flow diagrams and operational safety must be checked.

Comprehensive testing must be carried out by the customer during the final inspection. During comprehensive testing, the joint operation of the main units and all auxiliary equipment under load is checked.
Comprehensive testing of equipment according to schemes not provided for in the project is not permitted.
Comprehensive testing of equipment is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main equipment for 72 hours with rated load and design parameters of steam, gas, pressure and water flow, etc.

In heating networks, comprehensive testing is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the equipment under load for 24 hours at the nominal pressure provided in the start-up complex.

In electrical networks, comprehensive testing is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation under load of substation equipment for 72 hours, and power line equipment for 24 hours.

At the time of signing the final inspection report, a complete set of as-built documentation is required, including:

Inspection reports:

  • layout of the axes of a capital facility under construction;
  • geodetic alignment base;
  • hidden work, control over which must be carried out in a timely manner, before subsequent work is performed;
  • building structures
  • sections of utility networks

In addition, the as-built documentation includes as-built production documentation with records of compliance with the actual work performed. It also contains:

  • executive geodetic schemes;
  • documentation (drawings and diagrams) of sections of utility networks;
  • results of tests and examinations of construction control;
  • acts of testing the technical devices used;
  • documents on the quality of building materials;
  • some other data on the actual implementation of the project;
  • special journals, the procedure for maintaining which is specified in RD-11-05-2007: general journal of work; journal of design organizations carrying out designer's supervision; quality control logs (input and operational).

Buildings for various purposes is called putting real estate into operation. Based on the results, a corresponding document is issued confirming that the premises are ready for use.

We provide services for obtaining permits to put objects into operation both as part of comprehensive support for the construction/reconstruction of buildings, and in the presence of packages of documents not prepared by us. We work in the Moscow Region.

In the second case, the cost increases, because we will have to check the documentation and study the constructed/reconstructed building. If the inspections reveal serious inconsistencies, on the basis of which the supervisory authority may refuse permission to put into operation a capital construction project, and lawyers conclude that there is little chance of winning in court, we will refuse to work. However, you will have to pay for the research conducted.

The advantages of our company are the ability to solve problems in a comprehensive manner

Documents for obtaining permission to commission a capital construction project

If there are no complaints about the building, to obtain permission to put the facility into operation in the Moscow region, submit to the supervisory authority following documents.

  • Package of title documents.
  • Application completed on an approved form.
  • Documents for a legal entity.
  • Urban planning plan of the land plot.
  • Permission to construct the facility.
  • Certificate of its acceptance by the customer.
  • Documents confirming the compliance of the characteristics of the constructed structure with specifications, design documentation and technical regulations.
  • Certificate from the state construction supervision authority.
  • Technical plan of the structure.
  • A diagram showing the location of the facility, utility networks and their connection points, as well as the planning organization of the site.

If necessary, submit:

  • a copy of the civil liability insurance contract;
  • act on measures taken to protect objects of cultural and historical value.

Note! In order for us to transfer documents to obtain permission to put the constructed building into operation for you, you will need not only an electronic signature, but also a notarized power of attorney.

We work in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 N 87 (as amended on April 21, 2018) “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content”

Comprehensive support for the construction of the facility until obtaining an operating permit from IR Proekt Group of Companies

Comprehensive support for the construction of facilities until the buildings are put into operation is our main specialization. We offer the following services.

  • Obtaining a GPZU with the required parameters.
  • Conducting all types of surveys.
  • Development and approval of AGO.
  • Obtaining technical specifications for connection to utility networks.
  • Creation of all sections of the project.
  • His statement in ISOGD.
  • Carrying out all types of approvals.
  • Evaluation of design documentation.
  • Obtaining a building permit.
  • Its organization, support and control.
  • Preparation of acts and necessary additional documents.

If we perform all of the above work, you will significantly save your budget.

5 reasons to order construction support and commissioning of the facility from us

  • The entire range of services from one source. You do not need to resort to the help of other contractors and overpay.
  • Affordable prices. The cost of construction support services prior to the commissioning of residential and non-residential buildings is lower than that of our competitors.
  • Guarantees. All work is performed by experienced specialists. We guarantee that there will be no refusals or problems during approvals.
  • Efficiency. We develop documentation as quickly as possible. We are doing everything possible to speed up its approval.
  • Convenient format of mutual settlements. All services are paid as they are provided.

The procedure for putting real estate into operation

The procedure for commissioning a capital construction project is as follows.

  1. Submission of documents. The application and a package of accompanying documents are transmitted digitally through the government services website.
  2. Examination. The correctness of execution and completeness of the package of documents is confirmed.
  3. Inspection. Employees of the supervisory authorities conduct an inspection of the structure aimed at confirming the compliance of the building’s characteristics with the values ​​​​prescribed in the project and other documents.
  4. Issuance of permission to put the facility into operation. If there are no claims to the building, an approved document is drawn up.

The time for putting buildings into operation is from 15 days.

Procedure for the provision of services

Would you like to order the commissioning of an object from IR Proekt?

Cost of putting buildings into operation in the Moscow region

The cost of putting a building into operation is calculated individually and depends on the following factors.

  • The format of cooperation and the number of services we provide.
  • Purpose and type of object.
  • Its dimensions.
  • Length and features of installation of engineering systems.
  • Plot area, etc.

The cost of putting a facility into operation when ordering comprehensive construction support is from 90 thousand rubles. Notary services are paid separately.

LLC "NPC "Zemlya"
Thanks to the competent and prompt actions of the executive and management staff of Moszemcom, these projects were completed at a high level of quality. We note the high competence of the company and the speed of execution of assigned tasks.

LLC "Market"
The LLC Market company expresses gratitude to the Moszemcom company for the high level of professionalism in carrying out work on cadastral registration, state registration of rights, as well as obtaining a construction permit. Over the months that we have been cooperating with you, we have highly appreciated the level of services you provide, as well as compliance with deadlines. The results of your work allowed us to save time on the implementation of our projects. We would also like to express our personal gratitude to the General Director of Moszemcom.

Private limited liability company "BMT Estate Limited".
The BMT Estate Limited company expresses gratitude to the Moszemcom company for its repeated assistance in the implementation of development projects in the Moscow region. We would like to note your efficiency and competence in resolving issues: - cadastral registration; -state registration of property rights; - obtaining a construction permit, as well as putting objects into operation; - Engineering surveys. Also, the Moszemcom company provided consulting support for interaction with the bodies of Rosreestr and the Government of the Moscow Region, with the aim of registering development projects. Thanks to your efficiency, we have significantly reduced financial and time costs. We would like to note the high qualifications and efficiency of your organization’s employees.

Kuznetsov Roman Valerievich.
Professional solution of existing problems with a focus on obtaining the desired positive result. I liked the fact that they managed to solve a difficult problem. Everything is quite professional.

Potemkina Irina Anatolyevna.
The opinion about the company was positive. I liked: - careful study of the presented documents; - Detailed explanation of the situation on the controversial issue; - Proposing an option to achieve the intended result (for registering the land with cadastral registration). I would like to wish: - Good luck in everything; - 100% positive results in work; - 100% achievement of the intended goals and objectives, and most importantly, good health to all MOSZEMKOM employees.

Medvedeva Natalya Leonidovna.
I was very pleased with the service provided throughout the entire time I was aware of everything that was happening regarding my issue. I felt attention and care for my far from simple situation. Thank you very much. I liked the attitude of the employees to their work, their responsibility and cordiality. There were no comments. I wish you only prosperity in the future, more clients and all the best.

Granovich Elizaveta Yakovna.
I liked that all my questions were answered in accessible language. It is clear that the specialists are competent and well versed in their field, which earned my trust. I liked the fact that they quickly resolved my issues and corrected the mistakes of the previous company. The only downside I can mention is that I had to wait in line.

Kotova Tatyana Vladimirovna.
Company employee Ekaterina conducted an extensive consultation and a full legal inspection of the apartment. After checking, I decided to buy an apartment. The company took upon itself the obligation to support the transaction and design the apartment. I liked the competence and professionalism of the company's employees. But unfortunately, I did not meet with the head of the company, due to his busy schedule. I wish the company growth and prosperity.

Ostafiev Nikolai Romanovich.
I liked the fact that the company with great self-confidence took on the solution to the problem with my land, since I could not sell the land for more than a year due to problems with borders. I liked the Speed!!! Thank you very much!!! I wish all the best.

Fedorova Violetta Sergeevna.
I would like to express my gratitude to your company for its efficiency, professionalism and individual approach. Very friendly atmosphere in the office; specialists work very quickly and efficiently. I liked the quality of service, the kindness and responsiveness of the employees. I wish you to grow and develop :)

Akhmanova Kristina Mikhailovna.
I was very pleased with the work done, they collected all the documents on time, and paid attention to some points that I didn’t even suspect. There was a business-like approach to resolving my issue. I liked the individual approach to clients, the level of professionalism, and the accessibility of explanations to clients. I would like to thank my employee Ekaterina. Throughout the entire time, the consultation was very friendly and responsive.

Yanbekov Aidar Ildarovich.
During the process, I gained complete confidence in your company. It's a pleasure to do business with you! Despite the complexity of the task, you took into account all my wishes. All issues were resolved promptly, one might say at the first call! At the present time, this, in my opinion, is the most important thing. Thank you very much “Moszemcom”! I also liked the efficiency, responsiveness, and attitude towards the client. More positivity and sparkle in the eyes..

Miroshnikov Oleg Vladimirovich.
Reliable company with employees who know their business. I liked the speed of the work.

Tsarevskaya Olga Olegovna.
They impressed us as knowledgeable and capable specialists. I'm glad I contacted your company. Thank you for efficiency. I liked the efficiency of the work, as well as the literacy of the workers. Good luck to your company. Large number of clients.

Rakushkina Inna Sergeevna.
I had an extremely positive opinion. It's a pleasure to work with your company. I will recommend you to friends and acquaintances. I liked the professional approach to business.

Ganieva T.V.
During my work, the employees of the Moszemcom organization provided me with highly professional services. With great attention and patience, they explained to me all the actions and issues in the legislation that I did not understand, for which I am very grateful.

CJSC "MTE Finance"
We express our gratitude to the REC-Group company for its repeated prompt consulting assistance in the implementation of large projects in the field of siting production facilities. Thanks to the operational consulting of REC-Group, the costs and time costs associated with assessing the possibility of placing industrial equipment on production sites of enterprises and the necessary geological surveys of soils when assessing the possibility of producing foundations for industrial equipment have been significantly reduced. Also, REC-Group provided consulting support for interaction with Rostechnadzor authorities in order to obtain permits. We note the competence of the company’s employees, the promptness of provision, the completeness and reliability of information.

JSC "SU 87"
During the period of cooperation with the REC-Group company, the company has established itself as a professional and reliable partner. A distinctive feature of the work of REC-Group is the efficiency and high organization of the company’s personnel, the willingness to quickly respond to circumstances and make the right decisions. Based on the above, ZAO Specialized Management 87 would like to note the high potential of the REC-Group company, its focus on further successful development and prosperity.