How to sell an apartment: detailed instructions. Algorithm for selling an apartment Calculate the tax amount in two ways

Selling an apartment independently allows the seller to personally control every stage of the sale, from finding a buyer to the process of completing the transaction, and significantly save on the services of a realtor.

However, at the same time, the independent sale of residential premises is a rather labor-intensive process that takes a lot of time and requires knowledge of the basics of legislation relating to the purchase and sale of real estate and compliance with certain precautions.

Otherwise, the sale of the apartment may be delayed or even lead to adverse consequences for the owner of this residential premises. Therefore, it is recommended that you first evaluate your knowledge and strengths and weigh the pros and cons of selling yourself.

If you nevertheless decide to sell your home yourself, then you need to approach this process with maximum responsibility in order to avoid problems in the future.

So, what do you need to do to sell an apartment yourself?

Step 1. Preparing the apartment and all necessary documents for sale

Very often, it is the preparation of documents for sale that is the most labor-intensive and time-consuming process. However, the owner of the apartment, who has a set of documents ready for sale, will be able to complete the purchase and sale of housing in the shortest possible time. That is why the collection of documents must be taken with full responsibility.

Not only the speed of sale and registration, but also the legal purity of the transaction, and, possibly, even the price of the apartment will depend on the correctness and completeness of the set of documents required to complete a transaction for the sale of residential premises. Not all buyers will agree to wait several weeks until the seller collects all the necessary documents for the apartment.

To collect a complete set of documents, it is better to contact a lawyer or the registration authority. Competent specialists will help you compile a complete list of all documents for selling an apartment so that nothing is forgotten and the seller does not have to collect additional documents in the future.

The correctness of all documentation is also of great importance, as an incorrectly executed document can lead to a refusal to register a purchase and sale transaction, and, ultimately, significantly increase the time of selling an apartment. Therefore, again, it would be better to first clarify the requirements of the registering authority for a particular document.

In addition, you should carefully check that all documents are filled out correctly. All data specified in the technical documentation for the apartment and other documents must completely coincide with reality. Documents that will be subsequently submitted to the registration authority must contain only reliable data and be filled out legibly, without corrections or erasures.

Required set of documents

1. Certificate of registration of title to the apartment being sold or other title document confirming the owner’s right to housing.

2. Passports or other identification documents all apartment owners, including birth certificates of minor children who do not yet have a passport.

3. Cadastral passport from BTI(or technical passport) for the apartment.

4. Marriage certificate and spouse's consent(or spouse) for the sale of an apartment, certified by a notary. This consent is not required if the apartment is not legally the joint property of the spouses.

5. Permission from guardianship authorities, if the owner of the apartment being sold is a minor.

6. Extract from the house register, reflecting information about all persons registered in the apartment. This statement is valid for a fairly short period of time, so it makes no sense to take it in advance. This document can be obtained immediately before registering the rights of the new owner, when a buyer is found and all other documents are in hand. The same applies to a certificate of absence of debt on utility bills, which will also be required when selling an apartment.

Depending on the specifics of a particular purchase and sale transaction, other documents may be required, the list of which is best clarified in advance.

Preparing an apartment for sale involves not only improving the presentation of the living space being sold, but also freeing it from residents. It is much easier and faster to sell an apartment from which all the tenants have already been evicted, since they will still have to be evicted before the apartment is sold. Vacant apartments are more valuable in the housing market.

Step 2. Finding a buyer

At this stage, the apartment owner will have to evaluate his apartment, having previously studied the real estate market, and find a buyer.

Step 3. Drawing up a preliminary purchase and sale agreement

A preliminary purchase and sale agreement gives the seller a certain guarantee that the buyer will not change his mind about purchasing the apartment, and the buyer that the owner will not sell it to someone else. At the same time, the seller receives an advance or deposit for the apartment from the buyer, which is also fixed in the preliminary agreement.

A deposit agreement or advance payment agreement has similar legal force, which can be concluded instead of a preliminary purchase and sale agreement when the seller and buyer agree on all the terms of the main transaction.

When drawing up these documents, the seller should keep in mind that in civil law there are significant differences between an advance and a deposit. Therefore, it is very important to use the correct legal terminology in a contract or agreement in order to avoid certain difficulties in the future. In the event that the sale of an apartment is canceled for any reason, the advance payment is fully returned to the buyer.

If the parties agreed to make a deposit, unilateral refusal to complete the transaction will lead to the payment of penalties by the guilty party. If the seller refuses to sell the apartment, he is obliged to return the deposit to the buyer in double amount. If the purchase and sale transaction did not take place due to the fault of the buyer, then the deposit remains with the seller.

A preliminary contract for the purchase and sale of a real estate property is drawn up in any form. The contract specifies the passport details of both parties (or legal details if the contract is concluded with a legal entity), the addresses of the parties, the description and address of the apartment being sold, the duration of the obligation, the amount of the advance or deposit. The contract is dated and signed by the parties.

Step 3. Payments for the apartment

When making a real estate purchase and sale transaction, payments can be made at the time of conclusion of the transaction or at the time of signing the acceptance certificate of the apartment, both using cash and non-cash payments.

However, it is much safer and smarter, especially when independently selling an apartment by an individual, to make payments for the apartment through a safe deposit box.

This operation guarantees that the seller, after completion of the transaction, will receive the agreed amount for the apartment, and the buyer will be able to exercise his ownership of the purchased apartment after transferring funds.

Money, under the control of a bank employee, is deposited by the buyer into a safe deposit box. Before putting money into a cell in a special room, the seller can count and check the money. You can also check the authenticity of money at the bank itself for a fee.

After verification, the money is placed in a special bag and sealed. Signatures of both parties are placed at the gluing site. This procedure ensures that the integrity of the package is maintained while the money is in the bank.

After completing the transaction for the sale of housing and registering the buyer’s ownership of the apartment that is the subject of the transaction, the seller will be able to receive money from the bank.

Step 4. Concluding an apartment purchase and sale agreement and registering the rights of the new owner

The agreement is drawn up in simple written form or certified by a notary. If you have never dealt with the preparation of legal documentation, then, of course, it would be wiser to draw up an agreement with a notary or at least seek advice from a professional lawyer.

In any case, when drawing up an agreement, please pay attention to the fact that in addition to the mandatory details of the parties, the agreement must correctly indicate:

  • apartment price;
  • address and technical description of the apartment, which completely matches the data of the cadastral passport;
  • method and period of transfer of money to the seller;
  • distribution of costs for processing a transaction;
  • the period during which the seller must vacate the apartment and transfer it to the buyer;
  • terms and procedure for signing the transfer and acceptance certificate of the sold apartment.

After signing the agreement by both parties, you need to contact the registration authority at the location of the apartment and go through the mandatory registration procedure.

Step 5. Transfer of the apartment and receipt of money

The final stage of selling an apartment is its transfer to the new owner. Such a transfer must be accompanied by the signing of an apartment acceptance certificate, since from the moment of its signing all responsibility for the housing passes to the buyer. The act must be drawn up in at least 2 copies, if a bank is involved in the transaction (for example, with a mortgage) - in triplicate.

Each of us at least once in our lives faces the problem of selling real estate. Real estate services cost a lot and the choice in favor of independent sale is quite justified. How to sell an apartment on your own and not be deceived?

Indeed, the cost of real estate services when selling a home can reach several percent of the transaction amount. And if, in the case of buying an apartment, such a price can be waived - a realtor looks for suitable objects, checks documents, helps with a mortgage, then when selling a legally “clean” apartment, such expenses are not advisable. You are a seller - and you can dictate your own terms and not depend on anyone. And although in real estate transactions the seller is more protected than the buyer, nevertheless, the sale of real estate is one of the most “expensive” transactions in a person’s life in every sense, so it must be treated very carefully.

Before posting advertisements for sale, you need to take care of important formalities.

Documents required when selling an apartment

Whether you are selling an apartment yourself or through a realtor, you will need the following documents to complete the transaction:

  • Certificate of ownership of the apartment.
  • Documents on the basis of which this right has arisen: a purchase and sale agreement, donation, inheritance or a court decision.
  • Certificate of absence of debt on utility bills.
  • Passport or other identification document of the seller.
  • Extract from home book. It contains information about the people registered in the apartment. If there are people other than the seller registered in the apartment, their consent to the sale will be required, and registered minor children, dependents and people with lifelong support impose additional burdens - they must be registered in another place.
  • A cadastral passport or an extract from the BTI is currently not included in the list of mandatory documents, but can be requested by the buyer in order to verify the legality of the redevelopment, if any.
  • An extract from Rosreestr is not required, but may be required. It contains information about arrests, litigation and other encumbrances imposed on the apartment.
  • If the apartment was purchased during the period when you were married, then when selling it you will need the notarized consent of your spouse or personal presence at the transaction. If you are divorced, then consent will not be required only after 3 years from the date of divorce.

Deciding on the price of the apartment

The price of an apartment, of course, depends on many factors: season, area, renovation, demand, supply, etc. When determining the price, advertisements in newspapers and on websites with similar offers can serve as a guide. Look through them, identify the shortcomings and advantages, and try them on your object. You can call advertisements similar to your offer, introducing yourself as a buyer. So you will find that more than half of the ads are non-existent apartments from agencies that are used to “warm up” the market and fill the base.

In almost all advertisements for the sale of apartments, the price is overestimated by approximately 5% relative to the price for which they are sold. List your apartment at approximately the same price, unless there is a question of urgent sale. Usually you still have to give up a few percent of the price. Be sure to attach photos to your ad. According to marketers, ads without photos attract 3 times fewer potential buyers.

We are preparing the apartment for sale

Preparing an apartment for sale can add several percent to its price just due to its appearance:

  • Replace low-power light bulbs - buyers like bright apartments much more.
  • Leave a minimum of furniture - this will expand the space and visually increase the area.
  • Ventilate the room thoroughly and use an air freshener - pleasant smells put you in the right mood, but do not overdo it, so as not to give the impression that you are masking something.
  • Decide on the viewing time - if the sound insulation is poor and you can hear your neighbor watching TV in the evening, then the optimal time will obviously be a weekday.
  • Put things in order and eliminate minor defects - glue up wallpaper, nail down loose jambs. The apartment should give the impression of a fresh and clean home.

We are looking for an apartment buyer

Selling an apartment yourself will distinguish you favorably from other sellers, because the vast majority of advertisements are advertisements from agencies for the sale of non-existent apartments, with the goal of only replenishing their customer base. Buyers are looking for real objects and direct sellers, of which there are actually very few.

When talking with buyers, focus their attention on the advantages of the apartment, but do not hide the shortcomings either - if the buyer decides that you are hiding something from him, trust in you will disappear along with the desire to conclude a deal. Also be prepared for the fact that half of the calls will not be from potential buyers, but from notorious agencies. Some calls are necessarily converted into views. Depending on the number of people who come to the viewings and have a desire to buy your property, you can decide whether to reduce the price or not. A silent auction can be arranged between potential buyers, in which only the one who is willing to offer the highest price will remain.

If a buyer is found and the price and conditions are satisfactory, then it’s time to proceed directly to the sale.

Selling an apartment

You need to draw up and sign with a potential buyer preliminary purchase and sale agreement and advance payment agreement. It is needed in case the buyer refuses the deal and you thus lose your time. This agreement specifies the term for which it is concluded, the amount transferred by the potential buyer to the seller and the conditions under which this amount is returned. Instead of an advance agreement, a deposit agreement is sometimes used. The fundamental difference is that in case of non-compliance with the deposit agreement due to the fault of the seller, he must return the deposit in double amount, in contrast to the advance payment, the amount of which is returned in the same amount in which it was received.

If within the agreed period the buyer does not refuse to purchase the apartment, then it is time to draw up a purchase and sale agreement. This can be done on the basis of a standard purchase and sale agreement, entrusted to a realtor on the buyer’s side, or contacted by a legal agency. If you draw up the contract yourself, you will need to have it notarized. In the contract, it is necessary to pay attention to everything related to the monetary side of the issue, the correctness of passport data, as well as the period during which the apartment must be vacated.

Signing a contract for the purchase and sale of an apartment implies the transfer of money for it from the buyer to the seller. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Cash from hand to hand;
  2. By bank transfer;
  3. Cash through a safe deposit box.

The latter method involves settlement with the seller only after the buyer has successfully completed the procedure for obtaining a certificate of ownership and is currently used quite rarely. If you have chosen a cash payment method, we recommend that you pass the money through a cash register or ATM to ensure that all bills are genuine.

After this, the purchase and sale agreement must be registered. To do this, it, together with the corresponding statements of the buyer and seller, is submitted to the registration chamber. If everything is in order, the buyer will receive a certificate of ownership in about a month.

Taxes when selling an apartment

According to Russian law, any income received by a citizen is subject to a mandatory tax of 13%. Income from the sale of an apartment too. There are actually three good news:

  1. Income from the sale of an apartment owned for more than 3 years is not taxed.
  2. Even if the apartment has been owned for less than 3 years, only the amount above 1 million rubles is taxed.
  3. If the income from the sale of an apartment does not exceed the costs of purchasing it, there is no need to pay tax.

More in detail in the article - “”.

We examined in detail the sequence of actions when selling an apartment on your own. Let's summarize.

How to sell an apartment yourself? Step by step instructions

  1. We're checking everyone out of the apartment. We register minor children, dependents, etc., if any, at the new place of residence.
  2. We prepare all the necessary documents for selling the apartment.
  3. We study the market and determine the price of the apartment.
  4. We are preparing the apartment for sale.
  5. We place advertisements and wait for calls.
  6. We conduct inspections and select a buyer.
  7. We draw up and sign a preliminary purchase and sale agreement.
  8. We draw up an agreement on the advance (deposit) and receive it.
  9. We draw up and sign a purchase and sale agreement.
  10. We register it with a government agency and receive payment for the apartment.
  11. If you need to pay tax on the sale of an apartment, then we file a tax return next year.

As soon as an apartment owner thinks about selling, there is no doubt that he should contact a realtor. The specialist will do everything to the highest standard, find the right buyers and help prepare all the documents. But you will also have to pay a considerable commission. Many realtors charge 1% of the transaction price. It is easy to calculate how much money the seller loses. But you just have to study some of the nuances, and you can sell your home absolutely safely and without intermediaries. So, how to sell an apartment?

We carry out real estate assessments

Before you place an advertisement for the sale of an apartment, you first need to determine its value. This moment is quite important. If you set the price too low, the deal will not be profitable. But overpriced housing can remain on sale for years. Before selling apartments, it is worth studying the real estate market in a particular region. To do this, you can, for example, scroll through the pages of the relevant portals and forums for several days and look for similar advertisements. Initially, you can set a price that will not be much higher than the market price. If the demand for real estate is low, the amount indicated at the beginning will have to be slightly reduced.

There are a number of factors that influence the final cost per square meter. First of all, this is the location of the house. If the living space is located in a not particularly prestigious area, where there is no good transport interchange, it will not be possible to sell it at a high price. The cost may also be affected by the age of the house, its number of storeys, and the presence of auxiliary communications. It will be possible to sell an apartment built less than 3 years ago much faster and more profitably. After all, this is practically a new building. The view from the window also matters.

The level of solvency of the population in a particular area also indirectly affects the value of real estate. It will not be possible to sell housing for too much if people live on the minimum wage. Even those who save money in advance to purchase real estate try to consider cheaper options.

How to sell an apartment quickly and expensively?

It will not be possible to change the level of solvency of the population or move living space to another area, because this is beyond your strength. But it is still possible to increase the cost of housing a little. Everything must be done to make the apartment visually look more expensive. Most people make their final decision only after inspecting a potential purchase. If the apartment looks perfect, it can be sold for good money.

Simple cosmetic renovations can significantly increase the chances of a property selling quickly. All you have to do is re-paste the wallpaper and tidy up the balcony. It will be possible to sell a room apartment for the price of a two-room apartment if you do a good European-quality renovation. It is recommended to entrust this work to a real professional. Living space with designer renovations always costs much more. Experts estimate that after simple finishing work, the value of real estate increases by 20-30%.

We are preparing the apartment for sale

Before submitting an advertisement for sale, it is worth bringing the apartment into proper condition. After all, potential buyers can come to the “bride” at any time. How to sell an apartment if it is not cleaned? People who want to make a transaction will not have the most pleasant impression.

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate visible deficiencies. These are cracks that appeared due to the subsidence of the house, peeling paint on the radiators and window sill, as well as rusted pipes. Non-functional plumbing and leaks in the bathroom will clearly turn off potential buyers. In addition, if the apartment has not been renovated for a long time, there will be an unpleasant odor. You should get rid of it first.

Clutter in the room should also be eliminated. Almost all apartments contain various little things that are difficult to get rid of. These are souvenirs brought from abroad, packages with unclaimed items, old soft toys, etc. All this is a memory for the owner of the living space. But to a potential buyer, these “values” will seem like rubbish. Those who are determined to sell their apartment without intermediaries should take everything unnecessary to the garage. There should be a minimum of things in the room. You only need to leave furniture and essentials.

You will also have to get rid of some pieces of furniture. First of all, this is done in order to visually expand the space. In addition, the potential buyer will probably want to arrange the furniture in his own way. It is necessary to create everything so that the other party to the transaction can show their imagination. It would be good if at the time of sale you manage to move to another place altogether. Why? It's simple. The period for selling an empty apartment is reduced several times.

We compose the ad correctly

Everyone knows that advertising is the engine of trade. Selling real estate is no exception. And an advertisement acts as an advertisement. It is necessary to place information about the sale in various newspapers and on electronic resources. It's worth spending a little to make your ad stand out from the crowd. A high-quality text will quickly allow you to sell an apartment without intermediaries. You can come up with a catchy headline that will attract potential buyers.

The main text of the ad should be as informative as possible. A potential buyer wants answers to all his questions. Those who are trying to sell an apartment in Moscow should not only describe the area, but also indicate its advantages. If there is a metro station within a five-minute walk from home, you definitely need to remember this. All information must be entered compactly, in small sentences. Text that is too long and boring will not interest the buyer.

The advertisement, of course, must be written correctly. If necessary, you can use the services of a proofreader. The specialist will not only correct spelling, speech or punctuation errors (if any), but will also tell you how to write sentences correctly.

How else to advertise a property?

If you urgently need to sell an apartment in Moscow or another city, you need to use every opportunity. You can advertise your sale on television or radio. There are also absolutely free advertising methods. The ad can be hung on the entrance door or car window. Anyone who needs an apartment in a specific area will definitely read the information about the sale.

So, the advertisements have been compiled, designed and posted/posted in the newspaper, on the Internet, on the radio, etc. What next? As soon as information about the sale has become available to potential buyers, you need to be prepared for a huge number of calls. It would be good if you specified in the ad what time is best to call. It may be worth selling your apartment during the holiday period. This time can be completely devoted to completing the transaction. Try to pay maximum attention to each client. The greater the number of people you communicate with, the higher the likelihood that the home will be sold in the near future.

How and when to organize a viewing?

Inspecting the apartment is an important step. Only after the client sees the property with his own eyes will he decide to complete the transaction. Is it worth selling an apartment if it is not in order? We have already raised this question. Let us remind you once again: the lack of repairs and proper cleaning will not work in favor of the seller.

You should be prepared for the fact that, in addition to potential buyers, realtors will want to visit the apartment. They most likely won’t introduce themselves as such over the phone. But as soon as they cross the threshold of the house, they will immediately begin to offer their services. You can sell a new apartment without the help of intermediaries. But if the property does not look presentable, and you need to complete the transaction quickly, it makes sense to use the help of specialists.

In addition to realtors, those who are used to making money illegally can also come to the advertisement. Under the guise of potential buyers, bandits enter the house, study the behavior of the owner, and see what valuables are in the apartment. If the person who came to look at the living space seems suspicious, ask to see their passport. You can arrange for the buyer to take the documents with him over the phone. A decent person will not be frightened by such a request. But most “fake” buyers won’t want to come.

It is worth choosing the time for viewing carefully. Ideally, this should be during daylight hours. If you can't arrange a meeting during the day (for example, the client works late), invite a friend or neighbor. This way you can protect yourself from dubious individuals.

Inspecting a room in the dark has its advantages. If there are shortcomings in the apartment, a potential buyer may simply not notice them.

What documents are needed?

If the buyer is ready to complete the purchase and sale transaction, it is time to prepare the documents. It is worth putting in order in advance the passport of the apartment owner and the technical passport of the premises, which will indicate the main parameters. It is also impossible to sell an apartment without the consent of the family members registered in it. The only exceptions are children under 18 years of age. Additionally, you will need the following documents: a certificate of personal account status, an extract from the house register, a copy of the financial and personal account, a certificate from the tax office.

The seller and buyer draw up a preliminary agreement at the stage of preparing the documentation. At the same time, a deposit for the apartment is paid. This will guarantee the buyer's honest intentions. It is difficult to decide whether it is worth selling an apartment without collateral now. Completing all the necessary paperwork is a costly procedure. However, most certificates are valid for no more than a month. If the buyer backs out of the deal at the last minute, the money will be wasted. The deposit is not returned to the buyer.

We sell an apartment with a mortgage

Any transactions with mortgage real estate can be carried out only after agreement with the financial institution with which the loan agreement was concluded. First of all, the seller must obtain appropriate permission from the bank. The next step is to determine the exact amount that the homeowner must repay to the financial institution. This is the difference between the total loan amount with interest and the money that the apartment owner has already managed to pay.

Important! You can sell an apartment with a mortgage only if the potential buyer is aware of the conclusion of an agreement with the bank. The financial institution issues a special certificate that confirms the legality of the sale of real estate. And then everything is simple. The procedure is the same as when selling regular real estate. The seller needs to collect all documents and obtain the consent of relatives registered in the apartment.

How to sell an apartment if it belongs to several owners?

It is possible to sell a share of an apartment. At the same time, the transaction has a huge number of nuances. It cannot even be compared with selling a room in a dorm or in a house. The problem is that determining the boundaries of the share is quite difficult. The co-owner of the premises can occupy the entire room. But this does not mean that he is its rightful owner.

This is possible only if the housing is privatized. In this case, the entire premises will have a common personal account. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, an apartment that is owned by several people can be sold only with the consent of all of them. The co-owner has the right to acquire the share first.

The wife has the opportunity to sell her husband the apartment or its share. A transaction can be concluded with an outside buyer only in agreement with those registered on this living space. Home owners receive a notice containing information about the upcoming sale. If within a month the other owner does not decide to purchase the part being sold, it may be offered to third parties.

Not everyone knows whether it is possible to sell a share of an apartment if minor children live in it. It is difficult to answer this question. Each situation is individual. The decision may be made in court if the owners cannot agree on the details.

How to draw up a purchase and sale agreement?

Before selling an apartment, it is necessary to clarify the correctness of the basic documents. When a buyer is found, this will help conclude the purchase and sale agreement much faster. This is the main legal document that describes the nuances of the transaction.

The main data of the contract include the value of the property and a description of the subject of the transaction. In addition, it indicates the passport details of the parties, and also lists the documents that are necessary for the sale of real estate. If the buyer paid a deposit in advance, this information is also displayed in the contract. The main document for the purchase and sale of real estate describes the obligations of the parties, their mutual agreements, and also indicates the date of the transaction.

It is the purchase and sale agreement that is the main document under which money can be transferred. If non-cash payments are made, this must be indicated. Information about the financial institution through which the transaction is executed and the account number are also entered.

The crisis is a crisis in Africa too

Many people today are wondering whether it is worth selling an apartment in 2015? And this is not surprising. The economic situation in the country remains unstable. This affects, first of all, the real estate market. The question of whether it is worth selling an apartment now does not arise except for those who are planning to move abroad. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of the property as quickly as possible. At the same time, the cost of housing can be significantly underestimated.

Over the past year, prices on the real estate market have increased by 10%. At the same time, the average salary of Russians remained the same. People have to save significantly in order to accumulate the required amount. This is associated with a decrease in activity in the real estate market. Experts predict that much fewer transactions will be completed in 2015. Thus, it is no longer possible to resolve the issue on the principle of “I’ll sell my apartment at a high price.” Resale housing has dropped significantly in price over the past few months. Those who want to sell real estate profitably should wait a few more years. Analysts hope that the economic situation in the country will soon stabilize.

Finally, let’s briefly look at another option. More and more young families prefer to purchase real estate from a developer. This further aggravates the situation. Attracting a buyer is possible only with an ideal location and European-quality renovation. At the same time, the price of the apartment should be significantly reduced. The seller risks losing more than 15% of the real value of the home.

Price: from 0 ₽

Pros:savings on commissions to intermediaries

Cons:you need to independently look for a buyer and prepare documents

Sales algorithm

1. Prepare the apartment for sale

Carry out cleaning, make minor repairs if necessary, remove furniture (if sold without it).

Take 10–15 good photographs of the apartment.

Estimate the cost of an apartment based on similar advertisements in your home or nearby.

Prepare documents:

  • certificate of ownership or extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • certificate of absence of debts for housing and communal services;
  • spouse's consent to the sale certified by a notary;
  • an extract from the house register about people registered in the apartment;
  • technical passport of the apartment.

Checking out of your apartment is a good argument for those who want to buy your property faster.

2. Post a sale ad

3. Wait for calls

If they are not there, it is possible:

  • the price is too high - the price will have to be reduced;
  • the ad does not attract people - correct the description, take better photographs, describe the advantages of housing over competing offers, try to promote the ad on sites for a fee.

4. Show apartment

Make the showing comfortable for sellers - for example, buy a pack of shoe covers so they don't have to take off their shoes.

Be prepared to show copies of documents for the apartment so that potential buyers have no doubt that it is yours.

If the buyer likes the apartment, then during the inspection he can ask for a discount. Even a small price concession will increase the chance of a sale.

5. Prepare for a deal

Once you have agreed to sell the apartment, you need to prepare documents. To begin with, you can ask the buyer for a deposit - this is part of the cost of the apartment, which he will pay while the documents are being drawn up. The deposit is formalized in a separate document - the deposit agreement.

If the buyer decides to use a mortgage, he will assess the value of your apartment at his own expense. Otherwise, he will not be approved for a housing loan.

Then you need to draw up a purchase and sale agreement for the apartment. If you cannot do this yourself, you will need the help of realtors or lawyers.

You will also need to open a bank account or safe deposit box through which you want to receive funds for the apartment in advance. You can also use Sberbank, which is called “Safe Payment Service”: the buyer deposits funds into a special account, and the bank transfers them to the seller’s account only after making sure that the transaction is registered in Rosreestr.

6. Sign documents

On the day of the transaction, you must sign a purchase and sale agreement. The buyer pays the cost of the apartment, the purchase and sale agreement is submitted for registration to Rosreestr. To register the contract, you need to pay a state fee of 2000 ₽ (as a rule, it is paid by the buyer).

7. Get money

After registering the agreement with Rosreestr, you receive money. The apartment acceptance certificate is signed and the keys are handed over.

Method number 2: with the help of realtors

Price: 1– 5% of the cost of the apartment or a fixed amount, for example, 50–100 thousand rubles.

Pros:realtors will find a buyer themselves and prepare all the documents

Cons:need to pay realtors

Sales algorithm

1. Finding a realtor

2. Concluding an agreement with a realtor

The document will contain a list of services and costs. Pay attention to the clauses on early termination of the contract - sometimes there is a fine for this. This can happen if you change your mind or for some reason you don’t like the realtor.

Before signing the contract, the realtor may request title documents for the apartment - a certificate of ownership or an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

What will the realtor do:

  • will help you evaluate the apartment and determine its value;
  • make a competent advertisement for the sale;
  • will place it on popular platforms and in professional databases;
  • will promote the ad;
  • organizes housing showings;
  • organizes a purchase and sale transaction.

3. Selling an apartment and receiving money

The realtor will prepare documents for the transaction. You need to sign them and wait for the agreement to be registered in order to receive the money.

4. Payment for realtor services

Generally, the realtor will receive payment upon completion of the transaction. The payment mechanism is specified in the agreement with him.

Method number 3: quick sale at a discount

Price: 5– 30% of the cost of the apartment

Pros:quick sale

Cons:high service fees

Typically, such transactions are made when you need to quickly sell your apartment and buy another one before someone else buys it or it goes up in price. Such a transaction may be called a trade-in. Often the organizer of the transaction (broker, agent or real estate agency) buys an apartment with such a discount. The apartment is then sold at a price close to the market price.

Of the well-known companies, for example, PIK broker offers such a service: he is ready to buy an apartment in 10 days, subject to a discount of 10% of the market value.

The demand for apartments has not fallen for 10 years. Everyone wants to buy both new and secondary housing. Therefore, the owner needs to know how to sell an apartment himself without the help of third parties and correctly fill out all the required documentation. The tips below will help with this.

To sell an apartment yourself, you need to have in your hands all the papers proving the owner’s right. Preparing documents is a lengthy process and in 90% of cases buyers do not want to wait several months for you to complete them. Lawyers or specialists from the registration authority will help you collect them. It is also worth checking with a lawyer that the paperwork is correct. If you collect the papers yourself, fill them out carefully. Application forms for the registration authority must be filled out in legible handwriting, without edits or errors.

The required set for selling documents includes:

  • Certificate confirming your ownership of the property.
  • The owner's passport and identity documents of all persons who own the property (minor children, parents).
  • Technical/cadastral passport (obtain from BTI).
  • Spouse's consent and marriage certificate.
  • Permission from the guardianship authorities (if the owner is under 18 years old).
  • Extract from the house register (received before the transaction).

When preparing an apartment for sale, remove all residents from it. You will still have to do this before completing the transaction, because... You cannot sell apartments with persons registered there.

Depending on what kind of apartment and where you are selling yourself, other documents may be required. Therefore, contact the registration authority and a lawyer to clarify the set of papers.

Check out the current market offers for apartments for sale and compare the housing presented there with yours. No one can say for sure how to correctly set the value of real estate. If you are not in a hurry, then indicate a higher price in your ad. If you want to sell your home quickly, set the price below the market price. You need to choose buyers with money, i.e. those who have already taken out a bank loan or have the necessary amount in their account to purchase real estate.

When selling the property yourself, it is better if you receive a deposit from the future owners of the apartment. Its receipt must be certified by a notary. You should also consider the process of receiving money. The Federal Registration Service will not allow you to count your money. There you will only need to sign a document confirming that you received them. After the buyer leaves with a full package of documents, he may no longer give you the money. To avoid this, rent a safe deposit box.

Depositing funds into it is carried out under the control of a bank employee. Before this operation, you can check the authenticity of the money and count it. If you don’t want to do this yourself or doubt that you can perform these steps correctly, entrust everything to the bank. The money is placed in a special bag in front of you and the buyer. You then check its integrity and the bank employee will seal it. The buyer and seller put their signatures on the package, and after the transaction is completed, the property owner picks it up.

Tip #4. Draw up a preliminary contract for the purchase and sale of housing.

When selling an apartment on their own, owners forget about additional guarantees. One of them is a preliminary contract for the purchase and sale of housing. It specifies the deposit or advance payment made by the home buyer.

A deposit and an advance are two different things. Advance is a minimum amount that is part of the payment of the full cost of the property. Earnest money is an advance payment for the purchase of housing, guaranteeing that a person will buy your apartment. It is more profitable for the apartment seller to take a deposit, because it will remain with you if the buyer changes his mind about purchasing the property.

A preliminary purchase and sale agreement is drawn up by a lawyer in any form. It contains the passport details of the seller and the buyer, their residential addresses, the amount of the advance/deposit, the term of obligations, the date of conclusion of the contract and the signatures of the parties. After drawing up the agreement, the lawyer checks the correctness of the amount paid.

Tip #5. Calculate the cost of tax and refund.

Anyone who decides to sell an apartment must pay 13% on the income from the sale of property. But there are exceptions here too. There is no need to pay tax if

  • you have owned the apartment for more than 3 years;
  • expenses for selling an apartment are equal to income.

If you have owned housing for less than 3 years, then the amount exceeding 1 million rubles is taxed. If you have documents confirming your expenses for purchasing real estate, then you can receive a property deduction, i.e. get back part of the amount from its purchase. In addition to the amount spent on purchasing an apartment, the money invested in its renovation is considered expenses.

The tax amount is calculated in two ways:

  • 1 million rubles are subtracted from the sale price of housing and multiplied by 13%;
  • The purchase price is subtracted from the sale price of the home and multiplied by 13%.

In the second case, all costs must be documented.

Today, not only newspapers, magazines and advertisements on houses are used to sell apartments, but also the Internet. Register on the most popular real estate resources in your city and place advertisements there for the sale of your apartment.

When working on an ad for selling an apartment, take good photographs. They must be in high resolution, bright, light, with the correct framing. If you cannot do it yourself, then invite a photographer.

Post a property sale ad on social media. You can do this both on your page and in specialized communities. The right step is to register on various city forums, where there are sections with real estate and you can sell it.

If you decide to sell the apartment yourself, then prepare it for this procedure in advance. Property requirements will vary depending on the financial status of buyers. For young families, real estate area is important. Various large decorative elements will only confuse them. Panoramic windows and niches in rooms will also not appeal to budget class buyers.