How to get on the waiting list for housing. Documents for lining up for an apartment

In modern reality, it is rare for anyone to receive housing from the state. Even such categories of citizens as military personnel and civil servants more often purchase apartments on a preferential mortgage than receive them in social rent. However, there is still a waiting list for housing, and many citizens do not even realize that they have the right to get into it. So who has the right to stand in line for an apartment? How is public housing distributed? And what documents need to be collected?

What categories of citizens have the right to stand in line for an apartment?

For a long time, municipal housing was inaccessible even to privileged categories of citizens. However, in 2010, the state began implementing the Housing Program and changes were made to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. According to this program, budget allocations for the construction of municipal housing were increased. Thanks to this, the stock of apartments for social rent has grown significantly in many regions of Russia. Since the social housing program has a regional focus, Russian regions themselves determine the criteria by which citizens are granted the right to receive an apartment. But, nevertheless, the main categories of citizens are the same for all regions. They are divided into preferential categories and low-income families who have the right to receive social housing in the general queue.

1. Veterans of war and labor, combatants;
2. Orphans or graduates of orphanages whose parents were deprived of parental rights;
3. Disabled people from labor and non-working disability groups, disabled people from childhood;
4. Military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, transferred to the reserve due to length of service;
5. Families affected by natural disasters or who lost their housing during emergency situations, such as terrorist attacks, military actions or malicious intent of third parties;
6. Large families with low incomes;
7. Residents of dangerous houses.
A separate queue for receiving municipal housing is formed from preferential categories of citizens. Beneficiaries can get into it provided that they do not have their own housing, or the housing in which they live with their family does not meet the required standards. The social norm for area per person is 18 square meters.

According to the general queue, only low-income citizens or citizens without their own housing who fall under the state program “Young Family” can receive an apartment for social rent.

In the first case, citizens must have an income per family member below the subsistence level established in the region, live in the locality for at least 10 years (for some regions this period is 15 years) and not worsen their living conditions for 5 years. That is, do not sell or donate residential premises, do not register persons in an apartment to reduce the living space per resident. In addition, the family should not own expensive assets, such as dachas, garages or cars.

Young families are families in which any of the spouses is under 35 years of age. To participate in the state program, such a family must not have its own housing, or close relatives with housing.

What documents are needed to get the right to join the queue for an apartment?

Any applicant for municipal housing must collect the following package of documents:
1. An application requesting to stand in line for an apartment must be signed by all adult family members.
2. Identification documents and family relationships are provided in person in the original and in copies.
3. Certificate from the Real Estate Cadastral Chamber regarding the presence or absence of residential premises in the property.
4. Documents on rights to benefits: certificates, certificates, acts of loss of housing or its emergency condition and other documents.
5. Certificates of income and social benefits for all family members.
6. Certificate of ownership of the car, or confirmation that the property does not have movable property.

Having collected all these documents, you can safely go and stand in line for an apartment.

Everyone knows that housing is very expensive in Moscow now. Many of its residents do not have the opportunity to buy an apartment on their own and thereby improve their living conditions. It’s good that the city provides some categories of the population with the opportunity to increase their living space. The most realistic of them is the conclusion of a social tenancy agreement. It is quite difficult to get municipal housing in the capital, but it is still possible. Considering that a large-scale event is planned in Moscow in 2017, this topic is of particular interest. In this regard, we decided to figure out how to get in line to improve housing conditions in the capital?

It is important to remember that not every Moscow resident can get on the waiting list for improved housing conditions. To do this, you must meet several criteria, the most important of which is living in the city for at least ten years. All these years you must be registered (!!!) at your place of residence. However, in addition to the fact of registration, you still need to prove your family’s need for improved living conditions. If all this is present, then you meet one of the conditions for receiving municipal housing for rent.

It is interesting that the norm requiring a 10-year registration at one time caused discontent among citizens who lived in Moscow without registration. They considered this a violation of the constitutional rights of every citizen to choose their place of residence and freedom of movement. Trying to defend their rights, citizens have repeatedly filed lawsuits in the courts, which demanded the abolition of this norm. The courts upheld the citizens' claims, and the rule requiring a mandatory 10-year residence permit for registration was abolished. However, in 2003 this provision was again included in the Housing Improvement Law and is still in effect today.

Many lawyers believe that this restored norm also does not comply with the Russian Constitution and federal laws. Now a second lawsuit may be filed to cancel it, but the process has not yet been initiated by anyone. The norm is still actively applied in practice by municipal authorities. Moreover, officials only require registration as proof of residence, without taking into account any other evidence, for example, testimony of witnesses. Of course, this is a clear violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, but as long as there is no specific court decision on this issue, the actions of municipal officials are lawful.

Not enough square meters per family member

Moscow “Khrushchev buildings”

The second important condition for receiving free municipal housing is the unfavorable living conditions of your family. To meet this condition, each resident must have less than ten square meters of living space. If each family member has living space in excess of this norm, then the family’s living conditions are considered satisfactory, and the family is not in need of improvement at the expense of public funds. For those who live in communal apartments, the living space standards are slightly higher -15 square meters, since their housing, in comparison with apartments for a separate family, is considered not entirely comfortable.

At the same time, in practice there are many cases where placement on a waiting list for improved housing conditions is carried out without taking into account the total square meters per family member. Basically this happens:

  • in cases of cohabitation in an apartment with adjacent rooms or a one-room apartment of persons who are not related to each other;
  • if the housing is unsuitable for living premises, such as dilapidated houses, or houses that are constantly or periodically exposed to harmful factors;
  • if the housing is houses or apartments with a corridor layout, as well as premises without cold and hot water supply, sewerage, gas and electricity supply, central heating;
  • when living in dormitories, except for citizens with temporary registration;
  • when living in communal apartments with people who suffer from chronic infectious diseases, if doctors have recognized such cohabitation as dangerous for other residents;
  • citizens living in the same apartment, which does not have isolated rooms, together with patients with chronic infectious diseases.

In addition, citizens who have had a Moscow residence permit for more than forty years and have lived in communal apartments are recognized as eligible to get on the waiting list for improved housing conditions.

We stand in line to improve our living conditions

You can get on the waiting list for improved housing conditions at your place of residence. Residence in a certain area of ​​Moscow can be confirmed by the presence of registration in this area of ​​permanent residence, that is, registration. In order to register, you need to contact the housing department with a written application, which must indicate:

  • what living conditions do you and your family have;
  • how many years have you and your family lived in Moscow;
  • what benefits for receiving municipal housing do you and your family have;
  • your family status – young family, etc.
  • consent to inspection for persons who wish to get on the waiting list for improved housing conditions.

When submitting an application with the above data, you must attach the following documents:

  • a citizen who wants to stand in line;
  • an extract from the house register for inclusion in the queue;
  • apartment plan;
  • a certificate confirming the absence or presence of property of a citizen who wants to get on the waiting list for improved housing conditions.

After all these documents have been submitted to the appropriate authorities, the citizen is considered to have entered the queue for municipal housing in Moscow.

Video review “How to get housing in Moscow?”

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Who has the right to register

For many, the waiting list for housing is a chance to purchase their own home, without spending large personal sums of money on it, which are sometimes inaccessible to many families.

But it is important to remember that not everyone is allowed to register as those in need.

The list of people who are provided with this type of government assistance includes families:

  • in which the age of neither spouse exceeds 34 years;
  • whose members are not foreigners. Consideration of the possibility of providing a subsidy is carried out taking into account citizenship, the participant must be a citizen of Russia;
  • also receive privileges when queuing.

Absolutely any family that meets the requirements can receive assistance from the social program. a specific list of requirements. These include:

All citizens who meet the above requirements can freely register for housing and wait until they receive the opportunity to purchase an apartment at a reduced cost. When registering for participation in the program, you must present a certificate of income so that social housing employees can study the family’s solvency and offer better conditions.

How to determine your turn

Today there are many different ways to determine your priority for improving your living conditions.

The simplest one is to use online resources city ​​administration of the region.

Via the Internet

Unfortunately, online verification resources do not work in all cities. Information about the operation of the site (whether there is a check function) can be find out when checking out applications for social assistance in purchasing housing.

Searching for information on the Internet is much more convenient than constantly sending applications to receive priority information to the relevant structures.

Unfortunately, checking through city websites is currently only available in major cities: Moscow, Kemerovo, St. Petersburg and some others.

Instructions for verification (shown using the example of the state housing portal of Moscow):

There are also separate websites that offer a free queue tracking service. To obtain information, you need to go to the resource, fill out the case data and send a request. The queue appears on the screen after a few seconds.

Submitting a petition to the local administration

Any family that is on the waiting list for assistance in purchasing a home has the right to request all necessary information from the housing department.

Perhaps the simplest and most common way is sending an application about the serial number. It is compiled and then sent to the appropriate department of the city or district administration.

There are several ways to apply. The first is a request to the housing department; it is submitted in two copies in free form. All papers are sent by registered mail with a description of the contents and the possibility of a return notification (it is necessary to monitor the timing of the response, it should arrive no later than 30 days).

You can also simply contact the administration at your place of residence, they should tell you the current serial number.

Social programs help them develop, allowing them to get their own apartment. However, everything is not so simple; in reality, those wishing to purchase housing will have to make great efforts to prepare documents and get in line, because they will have to collect a large package of documents and contact several government organizations. But it’s worth it, because it’s very difficult for an ordinary family (especially a young one) to save up money for living space on their own; their only chance is to receive government assistance.

For another online option to find out your number in the queue for housing, see the following video:

Russian citizens, whose residential area they occupy and have by right of ownership is below the established standards, are endowed with the constitutional right to receive free or subsidized housing from the state.

Conditions for the allocation of free apartments by the state

Conditions for the allocation of free housing in 2020

When answering the question of how to get municipal housing, it is worth considering the key conditions for allocating free houses and apartments.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation considers the provision of low-income citizens in need in order of priority, taking into account the following criteria:

  1. The financial situation of applicants for housing (the assessment is based on the family’s income, after which it is determined whether it will be able to purchase a home in the next 20 years).
  2. Not participating in privatization programs (such citizens already own real estate under social rental conditions).
When allocating housing, the order of priority must be taken into account. However, if documents for free housing are submitted by especially needy citizens, the list of which was given above, then housing is provided out of turn.

Required documents

In order to get in line to receive housing from the state, you must submit a package of documents prepared in advance to the municipality. The required package of documents may differ depending on the region of residence and the preferential category of applicant citizens.

As a general rule, it consists of:

  • Applications from all legally capable family members;
  • Copies of passports, birth certificates, SNILS, as well as marriage certificates, certificates of paternity (if available);
  • Certificate of recognition of the family as low-income;
  • Documents confirming the right to use the residential premises occupied by the applicant;
  • Certificate about the presence or absence of residential premises in the applicants' ownership;
  • Extract from the technical passport of the occupied residential premises;
  • Certificate of family composition;
  • Documents confirming the non-compliance of the occupied residential premises with the established requirements.
All copies of documents must undergo mandatory notarization, unless their originals are provided at the appointment with a specialist.

Obtaining an apartment from the state in the Russian Federation may require the submission of other additional documents to provide the right to receive living space. At the same time, when submitting them to the commission for consideration, it is important to ask for a receipt from the receiving person.

The documents submitted by the applicant are studied in detail for 30 days, after which the applicant receives a positive decision or a refusal (in writing) to assign the status of someone in need of improved housing conditions.

The applicant can challenge the negative response from the municipal housing department in court.

What size of living space can the state provide?

Russian housing legislation does not clearly establish what kind of residential premises can be allocated to needy citizens within the framework of a social rental agreement.

The right to establish the standard area for the provided residential premises remains with the regional authorities. The area standard is set depending on the level of provision of residential premises provided under social tenancy agreements and other factors. The average for the Russian Federation is set at 15-18 sq.m. per person, for a family of two people - 32 sq.m.

The size of the provided residential premises can be increased if there is a preferential category (disabled people, military preferential categories, etc.).

In addition to meeting the standards for the number of square meters of living space, other requirements are put forward for houses and apartments provided by the state:

  1. The living space must meet the criteria of a comfortable home (provided with communications and social infrastructure).
  2. The building must be located within the boundaries of a populated area.
  3. The house must provide conditions for citizens with disabilities (ramps, etc.).

When can housing be denied?

A citizen has submitted documents to receive free housing from the state, but he may be denied an apartment if he has deliberately worsened the conditions of his residence:

  • Exchanged a comfortable house for dilapidated or emergency housing with an additional payment;
  • Sold or issued a deed of gift for a completely habitable home;
  • Intentionally worsened the condition of the place of residence (permission or damage occurred through his fault);
  • Moved and registered third parties in the house (except spouses, children, parents).
All of the above actions must take place within the last five years (only five-year housing history is checked).

In addition, registration may be refused on the following grounds:

  • failure to provide the full package of documents required for registration;
  • provision of documents that do not confirm the right to be registered as those in need of residential premises;
  • The five-year period has not expired since the intentional deterioration of living conditions.

What does a social tenancy agreement provide for?

Receiving free housing from the state involves drawing up a social tenancy agreement, which stipulates such aspects as:

  • The legal right of the owner to live within the allocated residential area;
  • The need to pay utility bills for the amenities provided (water, gas, heating, etc.);
  • Monthly payment for an apartment received under social rent;
  • The right to registration in the home of relatives and other persons.
Recipients of municipal housing from the state have the right to subsequently privatize it in the standard manner.

What prohibitions apply to municipal housing?

Having decided how to obtain housing from the state, you should clearly understand what actions with municipal housing may be considered illegal.

  1. The owner does not have the right to sell, exchange, or give away the allocated municipal apartment.
  2. The possibility of renting out free apartments is excluded.
  3. Although the owner of the home does not have the right to register other persons (except for members of his family) in it, he cannot bequeath it to his heirs.

Such restrictions on municipal housing are quite justified: ownership of it remains with the state, therefore, the owner cannot determine its legal fate.

If a citizen neglects the rules and conducts an illegal transaction with a socially rented apartment, then such actions will not only entail confiscation of the living space, but may even become the basis for criminal liability.

The main options for obtaining apartments from the state

Many Russian citizens are wondering whether it is possible to get an apartment for free. Therefore, it is important to consider options for allocating comfortable living space.

You can count on this option:

  • Single-parent and single-parent young families with and without children, having the status of low-income people and in need of housing (spouses' age is up to 35 years);
  • Military personnel;
  • Judges;
  • Veterans of military operations and WWII;
  • Orphans and persons from among children left without parental care;
  • Persons who currently live in premises recognized as unsafe or dilapidated;
  • Workers of the Baikonur cosmodrome;
  • Participants in the liquidation of consequences of radioactive disasters;
  • Disabled people;
  • Large families;
  • Persons who moved from other countries due to political, national and religious persecution and other persons in accordance with regional and federal legislation.

If a citizen participates in one state program to receive a free apartment, then he cannot apply for other housing programs. If a serviceman participates in the NIS, then he is not entitled to receive an apartment under programs for those in need).

The Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the right of citizens to own housing. Some categories of citizens can receive free housing from the state. How to get on the waiting list for an apartment in 2020?

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Many Russians need their own housing, but not everyone can afford such a purchase due to lack of funds.

The state is trying to solve this problem by providing social housing. How to get housing from the state in 2020 and where to get on the waiting list for an apartment?


The constitutional order in Russia involves ensuring every citizen the right to housing.

At the same time, the income level of the average Russian does not allow him to purchase his own home as needed.

For its part, the state provides support to citizens in need of housing. The measures taken are expressed in the allocation or provision of social housing.

A strictly defined list of persons can count on state support. At the federal level, these are citizens who have the status of “in need of improved housing conditions.”

The main criterion by which the “need for housing” is determined is the insufficient financial security of a family or individual citizen.

Additional conditions are developed by regional authorities based on the characteristics and capabilities of a particular region.

The allocation of a subsidy implies that the recipient already has some accumulated amount, but it is not enough.

Financial support from the state compensates for a certain part of the costs. For citizens who do not have the opportunity to save money, the priority is to receive free housing from the state fund.

What is it

For any state, providing free housing is an unprecedented measure. The transfer of public housing to private use is extremely limited.

The process is strictly controlled by municipal authorities and public organizations.

To receive free housing, you must meet certain requirements. The right to improve living conditions requires documentary confirmation.

Theoretically, the opportunity to obtain social housing can be provided to any citizen of Russia.

The main condition is living in poor conditions and the state’s confidence that the person himself will not be able to purchase living space.

Social housing refers to residential premises owned by the state or municipality. Essentially, this is any housing that has not passed. Facilities are provided to citizens according to .

In housing legislation, residential premises are understood as real estate in the form of an apartment, residential building or room. The main characteristics are isolation and suitability for permanent residence.

Any citizen who has an income below the subsistence level and is able to confirm his financial insolvency in purchasing his own home can qualify.

To do this, you should clarify the conditions of the regional program and, if you comply, get in line to receive housing under a social tenancy agreement.

What is the program?

At the federal level, there is a federal target program “Housing”. Its purpose is the mass construction of economy-class housing.

In general, this is a global government plan designed to provide affordable housing to Russian families.

The Federal Target Program “Housing”, in addition to material targeted assistance, also involves the construction of housing, the development of subsidies for certain categories of citizens, improving the level of housing and communal services, and much more.

Within the framework of the program, there are a number of regional subprograms aimed at developing construction in the regions of the Russian Federation.

Among the regional programs, it is worth noting projects in which social housing is allocated to needy citizens for free use on the basis of a social tenancy agreement.

A complete list of requirements for participants in such programs is stated in. This:

  • lack of housing ownership or social rent;
  • non-compliance of existing housing with accounting standards for living space;
  • the condition of the housing does not meet legal standards;
  • Russian citizenship, etc.

The general essence of regional programs is that a person contacts local authorities and declares his desire to receive free housing.

The citizen is checked for compliance with established requirements, and an approved package of documents is provided.

If the decision is positive, the applicant is registered. He is provided with an apartment on a first-come, first-served basis as suitable housing becomes available/available.

The procedure is documented by concluding a social tenancy agreement. Some citizens can count on extraordinary financial state support.

Thus, a housing subsidy out of turn can be provided to a combat veteran, parents with disabled children, etc.

Legal grounds

Candidate requirements:

  • at least 10 years of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • dismissal upon reaching retirement age or for health reasons.

To obtain a certificate, the following must be submitted to the special housing commission under the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • application for inclusion in the program;
  • copy, ;
  • identification documents of family members;
  • marriage certificate and child’s birth certificate (if available);
  • certificate of experience;
  • extract from ;
  • documents supporting the right to obtain additional space;
  • documents on the presence/absence of other housing.

A decision is made within ten days. If approved, the applicant is registered to receive a certificate.

The amount allocated is calculated based on the average cost of housing in the region. With the funds provided, you can buy or build housing, repay a previously taken out housing loan.

Large family

Large families are provided with housing on the basis of regional programs. The requirements are largely similar across regions:

  • having three or more children under 18 years of age;
  • minimum income per person;
  • the need to improve living conditions;
  • residence in the region for at least a certain period.

You should contact the authorized housing authority, where you submit:

  • statement;
  • identification documents of all family members;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • document on financial insolvency issued by social security authorities.

Basically, large families are provided with a housing subsidy or are provided with a mortgage on preferential terms. Free housing has not been provided to large families since 2005.

Like a low-income family

The right of low-income families to free housing is stated in. First of all, you need to obtain the status of a low-income citizen in accordance with the requirements of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Among the common norms are the following:

  • the level of income for each family member is less than the subsistence minimum;
  • accommodation in the absence of your own home;
  • lack of funds for living space that meets accounting standards;
  • the condition of the existing housing does not allow it to be considered suitable for living;
  • living together with citizens suffering from severe chronic diseases.

Additional requirements for being placed on the waiting list for an apartment are the presence of Russian citizenship, residence in the locality for a certain time with permanent registration, and the absence of a known deterioration in living conditions.

The application, along with supporting documents, is submitted to the local administration.

The application will be reviewed within a month. If the grounds are confirmed, the applicant is put on a waiting list to receive an apartment.