What is real estate insurance for? Property insurance

Real estate insurance- this is a type of insurance for individuals in cases of destruction or damage to property, both real estate and objects located in the house as a result of such events as:

— flood (heating system failure, firefighting, sewer pipes and water pipelines);

— mechanical damage;

— fires (explosion of a gas pipeline, steam boiler, lightning);

— natural disaster (falling trees, tornado, flood, earthquake, subsidence, etc.);

— illegal action of a third party (robbery, burglary).

In all these cases, the objects for concluding a property insurance contract are:

— real estate (residential buildings, garages, utility buildings, bathhouses, premises without interior decoration, unfinished premises);

— main structural objects (walls, floors, floors, ceiling);

— external and internal finishing of a house or apartment (tiles, wallpaper, suspended ceiling, parquet, doors);

— engineering equipment located in the apartment (plumbing or kitchen, air conditioners, autonomous water and electricity supply systems);

— movable property (household appliances, furniture, clothing).

Basically, insurance companies issue property insurance contracts for citizens' real estate for a period of one to twelve months. In addition to insuring your home or apartment directly, citizens are offered to insure their own liability to third parties who, theoretically, could suffer from a possible incident on your premises.

Types of property insurance for real estate

Also, voluntary programs for property insurance and office premises are divided into:

— not involving a property inspection (express offers with a fixation of the amount of compensation),

— with the assessment of insurance items and the amounts of compensation corresponding to the real value of the property examined. The first ones are considered the cheapest, since they set a liability limit in advance; as a rule, such a limit is set at the state level.

Conditions affecting the cost of the policy

The cost of an insurance policy may be affected by the following increasing and decreasing costs:

- design features of buildings (private, brick, panel house or wooden), as well as the year of its construction;

- location of the object (usually, the cost of the insurance contract increases by approximately 0.1% for apartments on the first and last floors);

— types of stoves (electric or gas), the presence of fireplaces or open fire systems (stove);

— seasonal living in premises or renting them out (the policies become more expensive, and sometimes insurance companies generally refuse to accept such premises for service).

When assessing the occurrence of insured events as a result of a natural disaster, regional characteristics are taken into account. The higher the degree of disaster occurrence in a given area, the more expensive the insurance policy contract will be. The amount of payment in the event of a complete property loss will be approximately equal to the amount of the insured amount, but will not exceed the actual value of this insurance object during the period of the insured event. If the damage is partial, then the loss is compensated in the form of the amount of costs necessary to repair (restore) and bring the property to the condition in which it was accepted at the time of insurance within the limits of the insurance amount specified in the contract.

What cannot be insured

- property not specified in the rules and subject to insurance using other insurance conditions (warehouses, vehicles, offices, equipment that belongs to legal entities);

- property that is currently in disrepair or requires major repairs, or that is not used for its intended purpose;

— manuscripts, securities, negatives, drawings, slides, photographs, storage media, religious objects;

- pets, plants;

- property manufactured or acquired for the purpose of conducting production or business activities or for sale, or which is currently being stored;

— caustic, poisonous, explosive materials and substances;

— property items and equipment attached to the external sides of buildings or balconies (exposed electrical wiring, antennas, masts, protective canopies, canopies, hardware);

- food products.

The most common mistake when making a conclusion is the fact that clients do not differentiate between insuring the premises itself (ceiling, walls, floor) and separately the property inside the insured apartment. Therefore, it is worth once again carefully reading what are the objects of property insurance, which are discussed above.

Sometimes an insured who has suffered an insured event demands that the company reimburse the cost of the full list of damaged personal property, but you need to know that the contract covers directly those objects that were actually insured, that is, those specifically listed in the contract.

Therefore, when purchasing a policy for a house or apartment, you should first decide for yourself what exactly you want to insure. Although the Law “On Insurance” obliges company employees to acquaint the client with all aspects of the contract. However, some companies “forget” about this norm. Often, careless company employees get away with the regulations and simply hand the future client a package of documents, where, as a rule, the insurance rules are written down in the smallest print.

A person who usually does not thoroughly understand the principles of insurance, does not pay attention to them at all and does not read these rules, thereby exposing his property to a certain risk. At the same time, it is almost impossible to accuse the company with which the contract is concluded of injustice and dishonesty towards the client.

Various transactions with real estate are always accompanied by the emergence of various risks. This applies to the purchase or sale of real estate, as well as its gift or exchange. This property has significant value, so to reduce the risk of loss, it is recommended to insure the property.

There are many types various insurance policies related to real estate. They can protect against loss of an object, its damage or other insured events.

With the help of various fraudulent schemes and other unforeseen circumstances, owners of apartments and houses can easily lose their property, which they have been saving for for many years, so it is advisable to regularly insure objects.

If an insured event occurs, you have the opportunity to receive compensation from the insurer.

Property insurance is a special process to protect property owners from loss of funds.

In the event of insured events, citizens have the right to receive compensation equal to the damage caused.

Insurance involves the conclusion of a special agreement between the property owner and the insurance company he has chosen.

The purchase of an appropriate policy is usually required when registering, since banks want to be confident in the safety of the collateral property. In other cases, insurance is voluntary. Many people want to be sure of the safety of their property, so they buy policies every year.

Each organization offers several types of insurance policies, so citizens have the opportunity to independently determine which insurance they will purchase. Their cost is significant, so many people purchase them only when absolutely necessary.

Real estate insurance is regulated by various laws and regulations. Federal Law No. 102 “On Mortgages” contains information about the need to preserve real estate for the entire loan term, for which it is required to insure it, if this is specified in the mortgage agreement. Art. 29 indicates the procedure for using real estate by the mortgagee, which is usually a bank. Art. 31 and art. 32 contain information about the need to insure objects and regulate various measures used to control the condition of property.

IN Federal Law No. 4015-1 “On the organization of insurance business” contains information on the regulation of relations between citizens and insurance companies.

If the mortgage borrower refuses to insure the purchased apartment or house before the end of the mortgage repayment, the bank has the right to terminate the contract early and demand from the client a full return of the entire borrowed amount.

Purpose and types

The main purpose of purchasing insurance is to ensure the safety of a property, so if situations arise that lead to its damage or loss, the insurance company is obliged to compensate the insured person for losses.

Exists several types of insurance, each of which has its own characteristics:

If the insurance company refuses to issue title insurance, then we can say with confidence that the seller of the apartment is a fraudster, so it is not recommended to purchase real estate from him.

Mandatory and voluntary

Insurance is voluntary procedure, so apartment owners independently decide whether to purchase an insurance policy or not. At the same time, they decide what kind of insurance will be purchased. The selection process takes into account the expected risks and available financial opportunities.

Are considered profitable package offers, for which it is possible to include in insurance cases various potential situations that lead to losses.

If an apartment is purchased using borrowed funds from banks, then real estate insurance is required process, as this is indicated by the clauses of the mortgage agreement. It will not be possible to avoid purchasing a policy in such a situation. Requires insurance payments to be made annually, and if the mortgage borrower refuses to comply with this condition, this may cause the bank to terminate the contract, as a result of which the borrower will be forced to return all borrowed funds.

Rules and procedure for registration

Order insurance consists of performing simple steps:

  • the potential risks against which the property is insured are determined;
  • the optimal type of insurance is selected, and it is also possible to choose a specific package, which includes many different insurance cases;
  • the company from which the policy will be purchased is determined;
  • a complete package of documents is collected and transferred to the organization’s employee for analysis, as a result of which the cost is determined, and a contract is drawn up;
  • The conditions are studied by both parties, after which the contract is signed, and the citizen pays the required amount.

TO basic rules and features official insurance includes:

The insurance company has the right to refuse to sell the policy if the apartment is located in a 5-story building built more than 30 years ago.

Drawing up a contract

To draw up a contract, a certain amount must be prepared. package of documents citizen. These include:

These documents are considered basic and basic, but different insurance companies have the right to require other documentation, so it is recommended to initially clarify the full list of papers. Based on the data received, insurance company employees create a personal offer.


Insurance policy price may vary depending on various factors:

  • the number of insured events covered by insurance;
  • its validity period;
  • maximum payment amount;
  • the cost of insured residential property;
  • the condition of the housing and the date of commissioning of the house;
  • If mortgage insurance is taken out, the interest rate is taken into account.

Insurance policy cost calculated for each client individually.

Every property owner can use online calculators to roughly determine the cost of an insurance policy.

How to act in the event of an insured event

Upon the occurrence of an insured event the policyholder performs sequential actions:

If you have insurance, it is not allowed to settle issues personally with the culprit of the incident using monetary compensation, since if this fact is discovered, the company may refuse to pay compensation.

Payments are not made upon detection of intentional damage to property.

Thus, real estate insurance is presented in several types. It is not mandatory, but when applying for a mortgage it is the main condition for receiving borrowed funds. The procedure for purchasing insurance is considered simple, and its cost depends on various factors. When an insured event occurs, every citizen should know what actions must be taken to receive compensation.

The procedure for insuring real estate is described in the following video:

Property insurance - protection of the property interests of owners of real estate, vehicles, works of art, goods, cargo, equipment, investments, in the event of certain events (fire, flooding, man-made disasters, theft, natural disasters). Compensation for material damage is made from funds generated from cash contributions from property owners. Property insurance for individuals is voluntary; for legal entities it is often required by law. Implies full or proportional compensation for losses.

Property insurance contract

A property insurance contract is concluded between the owner and the insurance company. Before signing a contract, an assessment of the value of the insurance object is usually made. The insured amount cannot be more than the actual value of the object at the time of signing the contract. The term of the contract is from one year or more with annual recalculation of the value of the property and the amount of payments. Individuals and legal entities can insure the full or partial value of the object. It is possible to insure the same property with different insurers. The total amount of compensation in this case should not exceed the cost of the object.

Property insurance for legal entities

The legislation provides for norms of compulsory and voluntary insurance of property of legal entities. State-owned property, high-risk objects, collateral values, and vehicles purchased under or under a leasing agreement are subject to compulsory insurance. An insurance contract can be drawn up both for the entire property of the complex and for its individual parts. Compensation for damage to a legal entity is paid only if the company is not at fault for the occurrence of the insured event. The existence of an insured event must be documented.

Property insurance for individuals

Compulsory insurance of property of individuals is not provided for by law, but often the conclusion of such an agreement is a mandatory requirement of banks when issuing insurance for the purchase of vehicles. According to statistics, only 3% of individuals in the Russian Federation insure their own property. In Europe and the USA, 90% of property owners enter into property insurance contracts. Insurance payments cover the full cost of lost or part of the cost of damaged material assets. The maximum payment amount depends on the appraised value of the property, limits, deductible and other factors.

Voluntary property insurance

Voluntary property insurance involves concluding an agreement with the insurer at the initiative of the company that owns the property. Legislative acts regulating this type of insurance are the Laws of the Russian Federation “On Insurance” dated November 27, 1992, “On the Organization of Insurance Business in the Russian Federation” dated December 10, 2013. For organizations, expenses for voluntary insurance, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are included in expenses associated with production and sales, as other expenses. Voluntary property insurance is always limited in terms of the terms of the contract.

Compulsory property insurance

Compulsory property insurance is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for legal entities. It provides for legal protection of state, personal, leasing, collateral, and rental property. Compensation for damage is provided for the entire property complex or its individual parts. The insurance contract includes a standard list of risks, which in some cases may be supplemented. The conditions for property insurance are established in the Insurance Rules registered with government agencies. The contract should always cover the following issues:

  • insurance liability;
  • insurance valuation and amounts;
  • rules and procedures for compensation.

Cost of property insurance

The cost of property insurance is determined by an agreement concluded between the insurer and the policyholder. It depends on several factors: the estimated value of material assets, the degree of their wear and tear, the list of risks, the amount of compensation, the amount of the deductible. The approximate cost can be determined using online calculators. The exact amount is determined when individuals and legal entities contact the insurance company to conclude a contract. Insurers offer different conditions, various types of insurance policies, from which citizens or companies can choose the optimal ones that suit their goals.

Property insurance rules

The rules for insuring property of individuals and legal entities are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and insurance companies. Often different for legal entities and individuals. They contain:

  • general provisions,
  • clarification of accepted terminology,
  • procedure for concluding a contract,
  • insurance objects;
  • deadlines;
  • tariffs;
  • list of conditions for compensation of damages,
  • types of risks,
  • principles for determining the value of property, franchise, amount of damage and volume of insurance payments,
  • the procedure for making payments;
  • liability of the parties;
  • dispute resolution procedure and other provisions.

Classification of property insurance

The insurance business has adopted a classification of property insurance by categories of clients, types of objects, types of risks, and conditions. These types of insurance are specified in the license issued to the insurer to carry out activities. There are the following types of property insurance:

  • voluntary and mandatory;
  • individuals and legal entities;
  • transport, buildings (houses, dachas, garages, plots, workshops, unfinished construction projects), agricultural (plantings, animals, equipment, vehicles), property of citizens, property of organizations.

Property and residential premises insurance programs

Insurance companies are developing various property and residential insurance programs. Thanks to them, each policyholder can choose the optimal conditions for the protection of property interests and compensation for damage. The government and municipal authorities are developing special preferential programs that make insurance accessible to all segments of the population, increasing the attractiveness of this type of service and social security of the population. Financial organizations are developing property insurance programs for mortgage lending and leasing of objects.

Real estate insurance

Insurance relations for real estate objects extend to buildings, premises, structures, plots, complexes owned by individuals and legal entities. The owner can insure the entire object or part of it. Individuals are voluntary; for legal entities, a compulsory insurance procedure is provided. The amount, conditions and method of compensation depend on the insurance liability system. The insured amount cannot be higher than the estimated value of the object. The contract provides for full or partial compensation for damage resulting from the occurrence of an insured event.

Last update: 10/08/2019

Hello, dear readers of the site magazine. Today we will talk about home insurance, namely: why do you need insurance for an apartment or house, what does insurance for suburban residential property protect against, and so on.

This topic is not new, but it is becoming increasingly relevant nowadays. The high economic value of property makes real estate a sought-after insurance item.

In this publication you will learn:

  • Why do you need home insurance?
  • What makes up the cost of insuring an apartment, house (dacha) - the main factors that influence the price of insurance;
  • What methods, conditions, types of real estate insurance exist.

We will also pay attention to the misconceptions that are associated with insurance and answer frequently asked questions.

This article will be of interest to a wide range of readers who own real estate or are planning to purchase it. Therefore, you should not hesitate to read it in order to calculate possible risks and draw timely conclusions.

Why do you need home insurance, how to insure an apartment against fire and flooding of neighbors, and how to profitably insure your home (apartment or house) - read in this issue

Protection of real estate is the main criterion for its proper use. You can protect your property with high fences, strong doors and locks, installing security systems and bars on windows.

But it is impossible to foresee all natural disasters, the occurrence of which does not depend on the owners. It's about about fires , flooding , causing other damage to real estate . Insurance will help pay for loss and damage to property.

Home insurance is a universal means of property protection for individuals and legal entities in the event of an insured event. Its economic nature is the formation of an insurance fund from contributions, which is intended for payments when the conditions specified in the contract occur.

In the Russian Federation, it is subject to compulsory insurance only health of citizens and vehicles. All other types are voluntary, but real estate needs no less protection, its value is higher than that of motor vehicles, and the damage caused can cause big problems .

This is especially true for real estate that is visited by owners irregularly - dachas, country houses. The risk of damage to a private home is higher than that of an apartment.

The practice of Western countries suggests that the insurance system should work in all areas of life , including in the real estate market. Abroad, all owners and managers of real estate have insurance policies.

The USSR also had a compulsory insurance system residential buildings, dacha, outbuildings, it stopped working due to the collapse of the state. The unstable economic situation in the country and the decline in the living standards of workers have made the insurance system inaccessible to most owners.

Statistics show that in the overall market structure, the private property insurance segment accounts for less than 5%. This amount includes mandatory insurance when issuing a mortgage, otherwise the amount would be even lower.

Citizens often hope that “maybe”, they hope that nothing will happen to their property. Insurance premiums are not considered mandatory expenses from the budget, thereby exposing yourself and your family to the risk of being left without a “roof over your head.”

But modernity dictates new rules. Today's owners of expensive houses and apartments understand that the amount of insurance premiums is significantly lower than the amount of possible damage. This is only a monetary expression of losses, but how much worry and worry will a natural disaster take away from the property owner? Therefore, over the past years, the insurance market has had a steady upward trend.

For example:

The owner of a newly built private house, having arrived to check his property, saw how a strong wind overturned a large tree onto the roof of the house. The roof had to be rebuilt using our own savings, set aside for a long-awaited family vacation abroad. If we had an insurance policy, the situation would not be so critical.

Even if there is no free cash, you should be aware that possible investments in damaged property will be many times higher than insurance premiums. Insurance will help protect not only money, but also the health of the owner.

The main risks that the insurance system protects are:

  • Loss of property due to fires, gas explosions, etc.
  • Consequences of flooding of houses due to floods, apartments due to old communications.
  • Heavy objects falling onto the roof (trees, poles).
  • Interior decoration, utilities, plumbing.
  • Robbery, burglary.
  • Damage to load-bearing structures due to shrinkage of the house.
  • Liability to neighbors for damage caused.
  • Protection against damage to rental property.
  • Natural disasters (strong wind, lightning, etc.).
  • Illegal activities such as disorderly conduct and vandalism.

Owners of private households may face additional risks:

  • If the house is located near the highway, it is possible for a vehicle to enter the house.
  • Stove heating, sauna available.
  • Damage to building facades.

2. Main types of home insurance - TOP 5 popular insurance items 📋

Insurance companies, in order to develop the service market, are developing a variety of species And conditions insurance. Objects can be both real and movable property of citizens.

Clients themselves choose the company and the required package of services, in accordance with individual requirements.

The main objects of real estate insurance (private households, apartments, etc.) include:

1) Structural elements

Structural elements (supporting structures) of real estate are the interconnected parts of a building and are the main part of the total cost of housing.

These include:

  • Roof, walls, foundation.
  • Partitions, lintels, construction sites.
  • Hatches, landings, vestibules.

These structures have an assigned risk only in seismically hazardous zones; for other citizens, due to minimal risks, insurance rates are insignificant.

2) Interior decoration and engineering equipment

For interior decoration include window designs, door leaves, built-in furniture, flooring, wall decoration And ceiling.

As part of engineering equipmentgas pipeline, heating, plumbing, sewerage, electrical networks.

All of the objects listed above have an increased risk. They are the first to suffer during fires or floods. And probably everyone has encountered leaking pipes.

Such insurance is desirable after expensive repairs to avoid unpleasant situations in the future.

3) Household property

The concept of home contents combines all the furnishings inside the premises. These are furniture, jewelry, personal items, antiques, computers, etc. that are owned.

They are insured against theft, damage, flooding, fires, and mechanical damage.

4) Civil liability

Civil liability implies responsibility to neighbors for causing damage to them. In the event of a fire or pipe break, not only the property of the insured, but also the neighbors may be damaged.

The victim will have to restore, in addition to his own household, the property of his neighbors. This causes a lot of controversy and disagreement. You can protect yourself with civil liability insurance.

For example:

Before work, the automatic washing machine was turned on so that by the evening there would be clean laundry ready. A water leak occurred as a result of a broken hose. The neighbors below were flooded. In the evening, instead of clean laundry, you end up with a showdown with your neighbors, additional cash costs for restoring their repairs and repairing your own unit. If there is an insurance contract, the problem will be solved fast And painless.

Typically, civil liability is an additional object of insurance to the main contract, and the insured amount increases slightly.

5) Title insurance

Title insurance – this is protection against possible material losses of the purchaser of real estate if the property rights to it are lost.

This type is necessary when concluding an agreement to purchase ownership of expensive property. For example, when drawing up a mortgage agreement.

Insurance, as a rule, is also used when purchasing housing on the secondary market. We wrote about what you need to know when buying an apartment.

Lending institutions also insist on title insurance to reduce possible risks in the event of " unscrupulous » transactions when concluding a mortgage agreement.

In the case of a long chain of transactions with real estate (apartments, houses), if at least one of them is not legal, it entails the nullity of all transactions (subsequent sales contracts).

For example: The purchase of housing, which will subsequently be claimed by close relatives of the seller who have the right to a share and did not refuse it in the process of concluding a purchase and sale agreement.

If the seller was not authorized to enter into a contract for the sale of real estate, the interests of minors or incapacitated property owners may not be taken into account.

This type of protection guarantees the buyer a return on investment, when events occur leading to the invalidity of the insurance contract:

  • Illegality of the purchase and sale agreement.
  • When a transaction is completed by an unauthorized seller.

Today the most popular program is mortgage apartment insurance. Credit institutions have a mandatory requirement to insure real estate, which is pledged to the bank as collateral. This is long-term insurance, valid until full repaying the loan and removing encumbrances from housing.

We wrote in more detail about the terms of a mortgage in the article “,” where we described how to calculate a mortgage and which mortgage programs are the most popular.

A feature of mortgage insurance is a gradual reduction in the cost of the policy when the loan debt is repaid. The home is insured for the balance of the debt. On average the tariff is 0,15% from the insured amount. If the cost of the apartment 3 million rubles, the maximum insurance along with the title will cost 15 thousand rubles. per year .

3. The cost of home (cottage) insurance - 5 factors that affect the price of country house insurance 💰

Life consists of accidents; it is impossible to protect yourself from all troubles. You can only try to reduce the risk of their occurrence.

Private households are now objects in which considerable financial resources are invested. Their loss can lead to severe material and moral consequences. Having insurance will protect owners from a nervous breakdown and will allow them to adequately accept the situation.

The price of home insurance depends on many factors: choice of insurance company and type of protection, size of the house and land, cost of home ownership, etc.

Let's consider the main circumstances that determine the cost of real estate insurance in more detail.

1) Volume of insured risks

You can insure your home against the following risks:

  • Fire.
  • Flooding.
  • Gas explosion.
  • Falling objects (pillars, trees).
  • Natural disasters (wind, lightning, flood, etc.)
  • Damage.
  • Illegal actions (breaking in, theft, damage to property).

In addition to the main ones, there are additional risks that are determined for a specific home. They depend on its location and the fears of the owners.

For example, You are afraid of suddenly running out of the house and being left on the street without keys near a closed door. The insurance company will relieve you of fear by covering the cost of your broken door.

Insurance is possible both against all cases and for individual risks. The cost depends on the number of elements selected and the percentage of probability of their occurrence.

2) How the home is used

Residential buildings are built both for permanent residence and for periodic use. When visiting a home only on weekends, the risk of intrusion or damage to the home increases, and the presence of other factors leading to an increase in the tariff.

The condition of operational systems (gas pipeline, water supply, electrical networks) is also a determining factor for the cost of the policy.

3) Availability of an alarm system and protection against fires, floods, etc.

To ensure protection against burglaries and fires in the home, owners install alarms and external surveillance cameras.

The presence of these factors convinces the insurance company that the owners care about the condition of the home, so the commission amount is reduced.

4) Cost of materials (construction and finishing)

The cost of insurance directly depends on the type of house: wooden, brick, block, the level of its finishing, the status of the home. The more expensive the building materials and repair work, the higher the commission.

5) Service life and condition of the country house/dacha

Old houses/cottages have increased risks, so the cost of the insurance commission is usually higher.

Insurance companies often set a maximum lifespan for a building before it can be insured - up to 50 years .

Detailed instructions that describe step by step how you can quickly insure your apartment, house or cottage

4. How to insure an apartment, house or cottage in 5 steps - step-by-step instructions for beginners 📝

Knowing about the features and process of concluding a contract, you will be able to insure your own home Just .

Insurance companies exist through the fees they charge, so they are incentivized to offer maximum types of home protection against risks.

The owner must adequately analyze and select acceptable types of insurance.

Agents may offer to insure a home without inspecting it on site. They offer a standard contract, a ready-made insurance package, based on the market value of the home.

The cost of such transactions often includes completely unnecessary services that simply increase commissions.

The best option is conclusion of a contract after a full inspection of the property And determination of specific insurance objects.

Good to know!

In large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc.) there are insurance systems in the city's housing sector for targeted financial support to families. The deal is concluded at preferential rates, which are paid together with utility bills.

To be sure of protecting your own apartment, house or cottage, you need to go through several steps.

Step #1. Insurance company analysis

It is necessary to choose an organization that operates stably in the market, values ​​its clients, and pays compensation without delay or bureaucracy.

The majority of such companies are, but there are also unscrupulous organizations that put their profit from the transaction at the forefront. By turning to them, you can be left without complete or even partial compensation for insured risks.

The main criteria for choosing an insurance agency:

  • General experience in the financial market.
  • Company rating in major agencies.
  • Solvency and stability of the organization.
  • Economically justified tariffs.
  • Availability of special programs.
  • Reviews about the company from friends, on thematic forums, official websites.

Of course, reviews play a subjective role in the choice, but they give a general idea of ​​the company and attitude towards customers.

Schematically, the main selection parameters are presented in the table:

Name Indicators
1. Work experienceIt is better to choose an organization that has been on the financial market for at least 5-6 years.
2. RatingThere are special agencies that provide an objective rating of all insurance companies by type of insurance, premiums collected, payments
3. Availability of representative offices and branch networkThe larger a company's network, the more stable its financial position.
4. SolvencyAvailability of a guarantee fund, amount of payments for insured events. This data is presented on the official websites of the companies.
5. Availability of special programs and promotionsThe greater the variety of services offered, the higher the status of the company and its reliability. Seasonal promotions will help reduce the cost of the service by almost half.
6. ReviewsThematic forums can provide insight into an organization from specific clients. Important take into account the presence of positive and negative opinions.

The more good indicators an insurance company has, the more reliable it is.

Step #2. Selection of insurance risks (partial or package)

The final cost of the service depends on the number of risks, so it is not always worth purchasing a full package of all services, even if it is offered at a “discount”.

The best option is to select the most possible risks applicable to a particular home. Ultimately, this will result in lower fees.

For example, The dacha is only insured against theft and burglary. As part of movable property, only the most expensive and rare items are insured.

Step #3. Providing documents to the insurance company

The following must be submitted to the insurance company: package of documents:

  • A document confirming the identity and registration of the client;
  • Certificates of ownership of an apartment, house, dacha, land plot;
  • Technical passports for real estate;
  • Cost assessment from an appraisal company (sometimes companies carry out the appraisal themselves);
  • When insuring a mortgaged apartment - a loan agreement.

To maintain competitiveness, organizations are interested in clients, so the set of documents is minimal; every property owner has one.

Step #4. Property inspection by agent

To save your own money, it would be better to invite an agent to personally inspect the property to identify possible risks. He will establish the estimated value of the property, tell you in detail about the availability of individual insurance programs, promotions and bonuses.

If you carry out insurance without visiting the site, you will have to pay more, and the amount of coverage for the risks encountered may be unexpectedly small .

Step #5. Conclusion of an agreement

To save yourself from surprises, you need to carefully study the terms of the insurance contract, all the clauses printed in small print.

You must be sure that if an insured event occurs, compensation will be full and prompt.

5. How much does it cost to insure an apartment and a country house (dacha) 💸 🗒

The final amount of insurance is individual; it depends on many factors and the risks chosen by the owner.

Main factors, which determine the price of insurance for an apartment or house are:

  • Market value of home ownership;
  • Dimensions of housing: its area, number of storeys (for houses);
  • How many risks are selected;
  • Term;
  • Reimbursement amount (selected independently).

The cost of insuring a country house can be from 2 thousand rubles. , apartments 3-5 thousand rubles. , private house – 3-10 thousand rubles. per year .

To the features of individual home insurance refers to the fact that these objects are insured entirely. It is impossible to insure just the interior decoration of a house. This leads to higher tariff prices. The average home insurance rate is up to 0.3% from the cost of housing.

There are factors that increase the base rate: if the house has wooden floors, the rate increases by 0.1%, the presence of stoves and fireplaces increases insurance by 0.2%, periodic residence in the house also increases the base rate by an average of 0.1%.

Important! A reduction in insurance may occur if the house is well protected, there is an alarm system, strong doors, and bars on the windows.

The property is insured separately, the insurance amounts to up to 4% its cost.

For example: Insurance of a wooden house with a stove, the market value of which is 6 million rubles. will be about 60 thousand rubles. per year at the base rate.

6. Where to insure an apartment and house on favorable terms - TOP-6 +1 insurance companies with favorable offers 📊

Insurance services from the bank " Sberbank »

Let's look at each insurance company and its home insurance services in more detail.

1) Rosgosstrakh

It has the most extensive network and has been operating in the financial market for more than 88 years. It has its own Loss Settlement Centers, where legal and psychological assistance is provided to people who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Among the popular programs is voluntary insurance of a house, apartment, other property, title, etc. The service can be provided online.

Popular residential property insurance programs include:

"ROSGOSSTRAKH House "ACTIV" — insurance of standard private houses located in towns, villages, and gardening communities. Basic risks are insured (fire, flood, explosion, illegal actions of third parties, collision with a vehicle, natural disasters) for 1 year.

"ROSGOSSTRAKH House "Prestige" — insurance of luxury houses.

"Asset fixed" — insurance of interior decoration, engineering equipment, property and civil liability of apartments.

This type of insurance protects the risk of fire, flood, and theft. The tariff is individual for each object. Average cost of insurance from 5 to 6 thousand rubles.

"Individual asset" — implies the inclusion of additional risks in the “Asset Fixed” package: structural elements, external finishing.

2) VSK Insurance House

Has been working in the financial market for 25 years. Insurance services for apartments, houses and other residential real estate are at the priority level of the insurance company.

Popular insurance programs:

  • Express Vacation Insurance – low-cost short-term insurance.
  • Turnkey – basic package.
  • Maximum protection – extended package.
  • Insurance of rental apartments.
  • Protection for damage to neighbors' property.
  • Investment apartment – ​​insurance conditions for clients. Awaiting the sale of a home.

The company evaluates the property free of charge; the tariff can be paid in installments.

It is possible to obtain insurance for an apartment, house or cottage online.

3) RESO-Garantiya

25 years of experience in the financial market. Here you can insure your apartment, cottage or house against fire and flooding.

Popular program "Brownie", with different risk packages: Premium, Express, Economy, Preferential.

Program "RESO HOUSE» provides protection for country houses, dachas, land plots, apartments.

For example, when insuring a house for 6.5 million rubles. (basic risks), insurance will cost 19.6 thousand rubles, fence insurance will cost 150 thousand rubles. will cost 0.6 thousand rubles.

Liability insurance and mortgage insurance.

Member of the All-Union Union of Insurers, Russian Union of Auto Insurers, etc. Here you can, if necessary, or any other movable property.

The company is currently working to reduce tariffs. The cost of the service has been reduced by 10% .

4) Alpha insurance

Operating for more than 10 years. One of the top five leaders of the open insurance market and the All-Union Union of Insurers.

Popular programs:

  • Repair insurance.
  • Protecting neighbors.
  • “Even a flood” (a comprehensive package of risks - valuables, repairs, finishing, civil liability).
  • Calm.

It features fast payment of insurance claims; you can purchase a policy online.

5) Ingosstrakh

Popular residential property insurance options are:

  • Platinum – full package, valid from 3 months.
  • Vacation pay is a short-term policy.
  • Freedom.
  • Express – economical insurance.

There are representative offices in countries near and far abroad.

6) Max

Has been working in the insurance market for 25 years. Offers a maximum of options for real estate insurance: apartments, houses and other real estate, liability, property rights. There are no restrictions on payment for elements of “load-bearing structures” or “finishing”.

Popular programs:

  • House. The basic set of risks includes gas explosions, lightning strikes, aircraft crashes, and vehicle entry. The expanded package includes the following risks: flood, natural disasters, attacks by third parties.
  • Apartment. The following risks are insured: fire, gas explosion, flood, natural disasters, force majeure, illegal actions.

7) Sberbank

The largest bank in our country. The company with state participation offers various services for insurance of residential real estate (apartments, houses).

The main product in the home insurance industry is apartment or house insurance. Home protection»

We looked at just a few popular insurance companies that offer home insurance services.

Study the insurance contract in detail and carefully read the conditions and payments upon the occurrence of an insured event.

7. How to save on home insurance - TOP 5 tips 💎

Protecting your home from possible risks is the main objective of insurance. It is better to spend a little money on insurance to avoid major problems in the future.

Tips from professionals will help you save your own money while providing yourself with maximum protection:

Tip 1. Insurance according to individual programs

This type of insurance provides the opportunity to independently select risks and the amount of payments for them. This allows us to take into account all the individual needs of the client.

The agent inspects the property during a personal visit, determines the real market value, this guarantees adequate payment in the event of an insured event.

Tariffs for individual programs below average, which is explained by the fact that the number of risks included in the policy is directly related to the cost of insurance.

Agents, when inspecting an apartment, private home, or dacha, pay attention to the presence of property protection systems. They include the presence of fire and security alarms, external surveillance cameras, the presence of bars on windows, the condition of fences and locking structures, etc.

Installation of security systems will require additional investment, but it will be worth it, will improve the status of housing . This will lead to a reduction in the tariff and will pay off in long-term insurance.

The availability of certain insurance positions must be determined by the client independently. It is necessary to exclude unnecessary risks from the service package.

For example, If the house is located far from the highway, why insure it against entry of other people's vehicles?

To effectively distribute risks, it is necessary to study information about the statistics of the occurrence of certain risks and the composition of a specific threat.

You can contact a professional (outsourcer), he will help calculate risk for each item that interests the policyholder, we will provide a choice of individual programs.

Tip 4. Determine the degree of participation of the policyholder in the risk

The presence of a franchise in the contract allows you to save money for the policyholder. In this case, the insurer is exempt from paying insurance compensation in a certain amount.

For example: In the event of an insured event, compensation for damage in 200 thousand rubles. the deductible under the agreement is set in the amount 5 % . The insurance company pays only 190 thousand rubles, and the remaining 10 thousand rubles. are paid by the policyholder from his own funds.

Tip 5. Using short-term types of insurance

A short-term contract is a contract concluded for a period of up to a year. According to statistics, the main time for insured events to occur is summer, when the threat of fires, floods, and thefts increases. This is due to the absence of the owners during the holidays.

Will minimize costs holiday home insurance . In total terms, it will cost less than a long-term contract. In addition to the main risks, it is necessary to include responsibility to neighbors.

8. 6 main mistakes and misconceptions when insuring an apartment/house against fire, flooding, theft ⚠

Often, policyholders make mistakes when calculating insurance and in other aspects when drawing up an insurance contract for a private home. To avoid them, let's look at the most common mistakes policyholders make.

Error 1. High cost of the policy

Clients who do not understand the intricacies of insurance believe that home insurance will cost a lot more expensive apartments. There is an intertwining of two concepts here: title And property insurance.

Title insurance is one of the most expensive types of contract; its cost depends on the market value of the property.

When concluding a property insurance contract only, the amount will be significantly lower. The contract amount will be determined based on the estimated cost of restoration work.

Therefore, before concluding a contract, all the conditions of its conclusion are analyzed, to what extent title insurance is necessary when purchasing a new apartment or house.

The cost of the policy is also affected by the comprehensive home insurance offered by insurers. The cost of insurance depends on the number of risks included in the contract.

Many companies offer different types of programs:

  • Economical.
  • Optimal.
  • Maximum.

Error 2. Full insurance coverage for damage caused by theft

The standard package of risks includes damage to structures and internal communications. If the client wants to insure the house against theft, this must be drawn up in a separate contract or be included in a comprehensive protection program.

Good to know!

In case of damage caused by the fault of the policyholder, the insurer has the right to refuse to pay insurance compensation.

Error 3. Home insurance fully protects against natural disasters

This fact is undeniable if the pole includes all types of natural disasters that can cause damage to the home. Payment of compensation will occur only upon the presence of a specific incident in the policy.

If the house was insured against damage by strong winds, but the roof was damaged by precipitation in the form of hail, no one will pay for the damage.

Error 4. Land plot cannot be insured

The cost of a plot of land, especially near a big city, is significant, so this property can and should be secured.

The main risks are:

  • Fire, explosion, communications failure.
  • Earthquakes, floods, landslides.
  • Soil contamination due to disasters or accidents.
  • Aircraft crash.
  • Illegal actions.

There are risks of washing away the fertile layer of soil and damaging the landscape design. They are included in the policy if the policyholder wishes, which will guarantee compensation for damage when an insured event occurs.

The most significant risk is considered to be loss of ownership of the site . According to statistics, land owners rarely resort to such a service. This is explained by the fact that the probability of these events occurring is not high.

Error 5. Home insurance fully protects against losses from fire

If, when applying for a policy, a professional assessment of the market value of a private home was not made, the amount of payment will be calculated based on their replacement cost. This means that the amount paid by the company will not cover the cost of repair work. 100%.

In addition, the cause of the fire must be determined. If the house burned down due to the negligence of the owners, there will be no payment. Therefore, even if the risk of fire protection is included in the policy, it is necessary to follow fire safety precautions and know exactly the terms of the insurance contract.

Error 6. Why insure your home if you can protect it yourself?

You can install a modern alarm system, hang bars on the windows and connect strong locking structures, you can hang video surveillance cameras in the house and area, but give guarantees of complete security of the household impossible .

For example, it is impossible to predict the entry of someone else’s vehicle into the house, a fire from a shorted wiring, natural disasters, etc.

Only insurance can compensate for the consequences of certain cases.

9. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about home insurance 🔔

When deciding to insure an apartment, house, or land, a lot of questions arise. Answers to the most popular of them are provided below.

Question 1. What is real estate title insurance?

Title insurance means protection against the risk of losing title to a property.

Title is a document that confirms ownership. However, it cannot be considered that any loss of title is an insured event.

For example, if property is lost in a fire, explosion, or intentional destruction, title insurance will not compensate for the loss.

This type of insurance is mandatory when obtaining a mortgage loan or purchasing housing on the secondary market.

Often, purchase and sale transactions of one apartment or house occur repeated , if the law was violated once in the chain, all subsequent transactions are considered void. This is where title insurance can help.

The main reasons for loss of property rights include:

  • Infringement of the rights of third parties (minors, incompetents, heirs, etc.).
  • Carrying out previous transactions in violation of the law.
  • Invalidity of the transaction.
  • Fraudulent nature of the transaction.

The transaction tariff is up to 1% from the insured amount.

Question 2. What to do if an insured event occurs?

If an insured event occurs, you must act immediately.

Basic steps to take:

Step 1. Take measures to reduce damage (extinguish the fire, turn off the water, etc.)

Step 2. Notify emergency services

Urgently call emergency services:

  • A single emergency call using a mobile phone is 112.
  • In case of fire - 01, 101.
  • In case of a domestic gas explosion - 04, 104.
  • In case of a flood or rupture of operational systems - call the operational services - housing department, management company, homeowners' association.
  • In case of natural disasters - to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • In case of theft or vandalism, contact law enforcement agencies.
  • If a vehicle has driven into the house, contact the traffic police.
  • If necessary, call an ambulance - 03, 103.

Step 3. Contact the insurance company

Within three days, contact the insurance company to notify about the occurrence of an insured event and receive advice on further actions. Collect all possible preliminary information about the damage.

Step 4. If possible, do not touch anything until the damage is recorded.

Do not touch anything until representatives of the insurance company arrive (if possible).

Without the written consent of the insurer, it is impossible to agree to settle issues with voluntary compensation of losses by the guilty party.

You will need to prepare an insurance contract, a policy, a receipt for payment of premiums, and an identification document. It will also be necessary to collect certificates from the competent authorities confirming the occurrence of the event with confirmation of the amount of damage caused.

Question 3. What does insurance for an apartment, country house, etc. protect against?

It is impossible to completely protect your own home from unforeseen risks. Only insurance will help with this.

What are apartments, country houses and cottages insured against - the main risks

The main risks that companies insure are:

  1. Fire;
  2. Explosion;
  3. Flooding;
  4. Lightning strike;
  5. Destruction;
  6. Natural disasters, for example: hurricane, earthquake, flood, heavy rain, heavy snow;
  7. Theft, robbery, robbery;
  8. Intentional destruction (damage to property) by other persons;
  9. Terrorist act;
  10. Penetration of liquids into the apartment from other premises that do not belong to you;
  11. Other cases specified in the insurance rules depending on the selected insurance company.

You can select several possible risks, or insure your home for all unforeseen circumstances, it all depends on the individual needs of the policyholder.

Companies offer different packages of services, in which various risks are grouped, where, along with the necessary ones, unpopular risks can also be included.

Question 4. How much does it cost to insure a house or apartment?

The cost of the service is individual, it depends on many factors: area, location, status of the premises, number of selected risks, choice of insurance company, etc.

Comprehensive home insurance price starts from 1000 rubles . The cheapest is called " Boxed product" It includes a basic set of risks, its registration will take a minimum of time. As a rule, insurance companies do not inspect property; you can issue a policy online.

When concluding a contract, you should understand that the largest share in the insurance compensation is occupied by protection of load-bearing walls.

Finishing, which has a higher risk of damage, takes up only 10% of the total contract amount.

Under individual insurance conditions, the cost of the service is:

  • Finishing and property – 03-.3-0.7% of the insured amount.
  • House – 0.2-1.0% of the insured amount.

Table of average insurance costs taking into account basic risks:

Minimum cost of an annual policy (thousand rubles) 2 2,3 2,9 3,8 5,9
Finishing (500 thousand rubles)+ + + + +
Load-bearing structures (300 thousand rubles) + + + +
Civil liability (300 thousand rubles) +

10. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

Living in an insured house or apartment is much calmer; this will save not only money, but also nerves. Will protect you from possible financial expenses and troubles.

It is important to take into account your own interests and needs, choose the right insurance company, carefully study the contract and policy, and do not forget about paying insurance premiums.

Questions for readers

Do you insure your home (apartment, dacha, cottage)? If yes, under what conditions?