Communication coordination. We draw up a water supply project for a private house - a scheme, stages, approvals Designing a water supply system for a private house from an individual source

For laying engineering communications in Vacation home or a private house within the city, standard procedures and rules are largely applicable, from the selection of household appliances and plumbing fixtures, but at the same time, there are features that can make their own adjustments to the plans and terms of construction. One of these issues is the creation of a water supply project for a private house. And although the design documentation itself, developed for laying water supply systems, is nothing complicated, the development and coordination of all the nuances of the project should be approached as carefully as possible.

  • Water supply from the central water supply system;
  • Autonomous water supply system of the estate.

The fundamental difference between these two systems lies in the source of water supply - for the first option from a centralized water supply system, this is a tie-in into the existing pipes of the central water supply system laid underground. The second option is to use a well or well on the site as a source of water supply and, accordingly, install all the equipment necessary for the operation of the water supply in the house.

The connection scheme from the central water supply necessarily requires the development of a project for connecting the water supply to the central water supply network. With such a connection scheme, it is necessary to obtain permits for a tie-in, develop a project, install the necessary water meters and coordinate with organizations that have underground utilities along the pipe laying route.

For an autonomous system, creating a project involves calculating the necessary equipment and materials, taking into account the characteristics of soils, the quality and quantity of water, and calculating the costs of work.

To connect to the central water supply, the consumer receives:

  • Constant and stable water pressure in the water supply;
  • High-quality tap water that meets sanitary quality standards;
  • Possibility of installing only plumbing fixtures and laying pipes;

At the same time, connecting to the central water supply requires going through a number of bureaucratic procedures and spending a lot of time to obtain permission and coordinate the project in the authorities. However, as practice shows, when connecting to a central water supply system, drafting a project and all bureaucratic red tape can be successfully carried out by design bureaus that are engaged in the design of engineering systems.

Creating an autonomous water supply system allows you to:

  • Provide the house with water, regardless of the presence of a centralized water supply;
  • Significant savings in the future on water bills;
  • Protect yourself from bureaucratic red tape, since an autonomous water supply system does not require project coordination with a water utility and other organizations.

The procedure for drafting a water supply project for a private house with a connection to a central water supply

Preparation for the start of the design of a water supply system with a connection from a centralized system involves putting in order all the documents that secure the ownership of the house and land plot. At the first stage, it is necessary to obtain a site plan at a scale of 1:500 from the geocadastre department, on which all available underground utilities passing through the site and the pipe laying route from the central water pipe must be marked without fail.

Further, to obtain the technical conditions for connection, you must contact the local water utility. In addition to the fact that this procedure is paid in some regions, you must be prepared that the technical conditions for connection will be ready within 30 days. Drawing up a project after receiving the technical specifications is also a paid procedure and it must be ordered from the design bureau or the design team of the water utility itself. Approval for connection from the sanitary and epidemiological service is obtained in the presence of technical conditions, while the term for obtaining approval is also determined by 30 days. And although the design organization most often itself coordinates the project with the rest of the city utilities - energy companies, gas companies, communication companies, it is rational to obtain permission to lay a pipe from these companies by the applicant himself, because the response time to an appeal to these bodies is also 30 days.

And after drawing up the project with all the approvals, the entire package of documents must be registered with the SES in order to obtain permission.

It should be noted that in most cases, the design organization itself will offer a standard plumbing scheme in a house with several connection points for plumbing and household appliances. In this case, the internal wiring of the water supply in the house will not be a dogma, but rather a rational start to the continuous improvement of the system. This approach by design organizations is due to the fact that in the process of building a house, minor or even significant adjustments can be made and the internal wiring can be changed in accordance with new realities. But in most cases, the issue of installing a water meter will be resolved unambiguously - it will be installed in accordance with the project in the place indicated in the project.

During the design process, if the responsible bureau is engaged in this directly at the site of the shooting of the object, the wishes of the owner regarding the placement of devices and the procedure for laying communications will be taken into account. But in the case of building a standard house according to standard project at home, the plumbing project will also be made according to the standard model for this series of houses.

Designing a water supply system for a private house from an individual source

To design an autonomous water supply system, it is necessary, in addition to simple arithmetic calculations to calculate estimates, to obtain data not only on the performance of pumping equipment, but also on the possibilities of the source to provide the house with the necessary amount of water.

On initial stage design, measurements of the depth of the surface water horizon and the horizon of the main aquifer are carried out. The daily flow rate of a well or well is calculated. The calculation of the maximum and minimum water consumption in the house is carried out.

After receiving the initial data, it is determined (if it was not previously determined) the place where the water supply source will be equipped and, in parallel, the place where the septic tank or wastewater collection tank will be located is designed.

The distance from the source of water intake to the extreme point of installing a water supply tap is calculated and the power of pumping equipment is calculated.

In the process of determining the type of pumping equipment, a variant of its installation is selected - for deep pumps, a caisson equipment above the well, for surface pumping stations, the place where it is planned to be installed - in a caisson or in one of the premises of the house.

  • Internal piping in the house;
  • Pipe laying route from the caisson to the house;
  • The type of pumping equipment is selected, the method of its installation and connection, the power supply circuit;
  • Places of installation of plumbing fixtures and how they are connected to the water supply;
  • Method of insulation of external water supply and caisson;
  • The number of required filters for mechanical water purification and the possibility of connecting equipment for deep water purification are calculated;
  • An estimate of materials and necessary work is drawn up;
  • A phased work plan is being drawn up.

When drawing up an autonomous water supply project, the distance between the water supply source and the septic tank, the distance from the septic tank to the border of the site and the source of water intake in neighboring areas are also calculated.

And although such a project is not required to be coordinated in local communal organizations and SES, most likely, it will have to be coordinated with neighbors, because it often happens that the communications of neighboring sites do not agree on the minimum acceptable sanitary standards for the location, which can lead not only to conflicts, but also to more severe consequences - pollution of water supply sources by effluents.

Most of the developed projects need to be coordinated with various organizations. Each designer should know with whom this or that section is coordinated project documentation, and also must know the procedure for coordinating the design and estimate documentation.

1 State expertise of projects.

The most expensive approval for the customer is the passage of state expertise. A positive conclusion of the examination - there is an agreement on the project documentation. Experts check the compliance of project documentation with the requirements normative documents, and also try to reduce the cost of construction, thereby saving the customer's money, especially budgetary funds. There are certain projects (depending on the purpose of the object, type of construction, etc.), which must necessarily pass the state examination.

When agreeing (removing comments), conflicts often arise between designers and experts, because everyone reads the rules in their own way. Even experts sometimes cannot agree among themselves how to do in this or that case. Therefore, in such cases, you have to contact the developers of regulatory documents for clarification or follow the following rules:

1 The expert is always right.

2 If the expert is wrong, see the first paragraph =)

2 Energy supply.

Energosbyt is an organization that sells electrical and thermal energy to individuals and legal entities.

Commercial metering meters are coordinated with the energy supply organization. Technical accounting meters are not coordinated with the energy sales company. Also, it is necessary to coordinate the ASKUE set with the power supply company.

3 Energy supervision.

Energy supervision mainly checks protective and switching devices.

Never over-set the circuit breakers.

Projects of substations, internal power supply must be coordinated with energy supervision.

4 Electrical networks.

Most often, technical conditions for power supply are issued by electrical networks. If you were issued internal specifications, i.e. If you are a sub-subscriber, these specifications should still be agreed with the electrical networks.

Electrical networks check if your project meets the specifications for electrical supply, i.e. whether you have exceeded the permitted power, look at the connection points, the laying of external electrical networks.

5 Gorsvet.

Outdoor lighting is coordinated with the municipality.

6 Signalers, water utility, heating networks, mezhraygaz.

External networks are coordinated with the owners of gas pipelines, water pipelines, heating networks, communication networks.

7 Roads and railways.

Crossings with railways and highways must be coordinated with the owner of the roads. It is also necessary to request specifications for crossings, which will indicate the method and location of the crossing, as well as other requirements for crossing and parallel laying.

8 Third parties.

When designing outdoor networks, especially in urban areas, you have to cross cables various organizations. With all of them, it is necessary to coordinate the intersections of the designed cables.

9 Customer.

Projects are not agreed with the customer very often, only if he himself wishes it or it is written in the design task.

Agreement procedure.

Basically, certain days are assigned for coordination. Ours is Tuesday and Friday. Some organizations agree on projects every day.

Many require approval covering letter and review the documentation for several days.

When agreeing, have a ruler, pencil, pen, proofreader with you. Sometimes it can come in handy.

All our approvals go through something like this and the names of organizations may differ slightly, but the essence does not change.

Always carefully read the technical specifications for power supply, ASKUE and the design task. They may prescribe with whom it is additionally necessary to coordinate the design and estimate documentation.

Dear colleagues and blog readers!

I congratulate everyone on the upcoming New Year 2015 and wish next year professional growth, go only forward, achieve all the goals and objectives, and also that all projects are agreed on the first time and without comments.

Problems legal regulation issues of design, coordination and construction of engineering networks. Questions of competence and conflict of interests of the parties.

Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences

Saint Petersburg State University

Postal address: 194295 St. Petersburg, pr. Khudozhnikov 24/4/104

Formulation of the problem: In large cities, a situation has developed when entire neighborhoods were built up without taking into account the engineering preparation of the territory and newly erected residential buildings found themselves without engineering networks (electricity, heat, water, sewerage). Land plots were not reserved in the required amount for the design of linear structures, or after the issuance of technical specifications by the owner of the networks, it turned out that it was not possible to pass a separate linear structure from the connection point to the facility being built due to the lack of a free corridor or the refusal of the owners (owners) of land plots from approval of the route selection act. As a result, the developed project had to be written off as losses, and the terms of reference had to be sent for correction due to the circumstances that had opened up. The specificity of linear structures is in sufficient length and passage through a significant number of land plots. There is a need for a balance of interests in the issue of the correlation of the rights of land owners, designers of linear structures, and the state. The legal vacuum is filled with individual norms of federal laws, by-laws, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and business customs.

For the purposes of this article under engineering networks (linear structures) refers to engineering and construction objects with technological devices constituting a single whole or a complete functional unity with it, intended for transporting liquids, gases, transmitting energy, signal. Engineering networks include water, sewer, heat, gas networks, outdoor lighting networks, cable lines, main pipelines.

The Federal Law "On the transfer of land or land plots from one category to another" refers to roads, power lines, communication lines, oil, gas and other pipelines, railway lines and other similar structures. The Urban Planning Code understands such objects as engineering networks, power lines, communication lines, pipelines, roads, railway lines.

The issue of coordinating the passage of engineering networks with the owner of the land.

EXAMPLE: between concluded an agreement on the provision of services for the connection of capacity. Under this agreement, pay a percentage of the estimated cost of the agreement, perform a set of design, construction and installation works in accordance with the terms of connection, and transfer the newly built equipment to the balance sheet. After the conclusion of the contract, an agreement with a subcontractor for the implementation of design and construction work and paid an advance. When designing the overhead line (OHL), the most suitable construction route was determined, which passed through the land plots owned. written requests with the attached plans of routes to the owners of land. It was not possible to achieve agreement on the construction of overhead lines from the owner of the land. After receiving an official refusal, the construction of the overhead line sent a notification in the need to adjust the connection conditions.

Inefficiency of the approval procedure:

Firstly, a state authority or local government, the owner of a land plot may refuse to agree on the placement of linear structures on land plots for any, often completely unreasonable reasons, since their list is not provided for by federal law.

Secondly, the procedure for resolving disputes and resolving disagreements when coordinating the passage of linear structures along land plots is not provided, which leads to the impossibility of establishing priority in the construction and design of engineering networks.

Thirdly, the process of preparing, coordinating and approving projects for linear structures takes at least a year and is associated with high administrative, technical and material costs.

The question of the relationship between the rights and interests of designers of linear structures in determining the priority of the passage of engineering networks.

EXAMPLE: Based on the terms of reference, two design organizations completed the projects. The first is a project for the construction of overhead lines, the second is a project for water conduits. Upon agreement in principle in the Department of Underground Structures of the KGA, a condition was prescribed to link the indicated design materials with each other. The arrangement of networks should be coordinated with interested land users. The latter, having considered the presented projects of two completely different networks, coordinated their passage in the same corridor, which led to the imposition of some linear structures on others. The designers were not made aware of the existence of a conflict of interest by the land owner. At the stage of final approval of the working draft, the question of priority arose. What is more significant for the country: the Program “Reconstruction and development of main sources of engineering support and main networks in the energy supply zone for 2005-2010” or the Program for the construction of water conduits for St. Petersburg. People need water, just like electricity, but they learned how to sell water in bottles, energy is not yet sold in this way at retail. The question of what to prefer: increasing the reliability of electricity supply to consumers or water supply was put before the relevant committee of the Government of St. Petersburg. The arbitrator in solving this problem is the Committee on Energy and engineering support(KEiIO) expressed his unequivocal position. KEiIO has no objection to the construction of the overhead line. Based on the declared projects, the balance of interests was never found. SUE Lengiproinzhproekt (LGIP), the general designer of water supply and sanitation schemes for St. Petersburg for the period up to 2025, represented by the GIP, instead of looking for a compromise solution, offered the overhead line designer to pay the bill in the amount of 70,000 rubles. for the fact that the general designer of water supply schemes will condescend to get acquainted with the essence of the issue. Simplicity and at the same time concreteness in matters of extortion of money for initial data and approvals have always been a hallmark of large design institutes in the past. In fairness, it should be noted that any quality work must be paid. In practice, the situation can be illustrated by the following example. D to perform terms of reference for the power supply of a residential building, it became necessary to obtain a plan for the passage of cable lines through the basement of a substation (SS). The PS project was developed by LGIP. Recognizing the existence of copyright in the project documentation, one should have paid for the right to use such documentation, however, the project materials did not correspond to the real state of affairs at the substation. Having acquired such documentation, it could not be used to complete the project and transfer the constructed cable line to the balance of the network owner. Summing up, it should be noted that the problem lies not in the law enforcement practice that allowed such a situation, but in people who interpret state and corporate interests according to their understanding.

The question of the relationship between the rights and interests of the designer of linear structures, the investor and the owner of the territory in determining the priority of the passage of engineering networks.

The procedure for granting land plots for construction and reconstruction from lands that are in state or municipal ownership is determined by the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, Civil Code RF, federal laws dated 01/01/2001 "On the state land cadastre", dated 01/01/2001 "On land management" and by-laws. Based on Art. 2 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, these relations are also regulated by laws and acts of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation and acts of local governments. In the city on the Neva, the Law of St. Petersburg -43 "On the procedure for providing real estate objects owned by St. Petersburg for construction and reconstruction" (hereinafter - the Law of St. Petersburg No. on the procedure for making decisions on the provision of real estate objects for construction and reconstruction”.

In accordance with the Law of St. Petersburg No. 000-43, targeted provision is understood as the provision of real estate objects for construction (reconstruction) without bidding or in case the bidding is declared invalid. Target provision of real estate objects for construction (reconstruction) can be carried out by decision of the Government of St. Petersburg. Targeted provision of real estate for construction includes 2 stages:

· Provision of a land plot for survey work in order to determine the possibility of locating a property.

· Provision of a land plot for the design and construction of a real estate object.

For the purposes of this article, the targeted allocation of land plots is carried out by persons who have the right, by virtue of civil law, to demand from St. Petersburg the conclusion of an agreement on the establishment of an easement for the laying and operation of power lines, communications and pipelines and other utilities that support the activities of the municipal economy.

If the site was not provided within the intended purpose for the design of linear structures, it is possible to establish an easement for the land plot through which engineering networks will pass. The basis for this is the technical characteristics of linear structures, which in most cases do not lead to significant difficulties or impossibility for the owner to use his land. There is uncertainty about the possibility of the owner of a linear structure to use a specific land plot for the purposes of construction and operation of the relevant structures.

Practical example. As part of the construction of the energy center, a project for laying a heating network was completed, approvals were received from the owner of the network, the committee for improvement and road facilities. The district architect of the KGA refused his approval of the project on the grounds that the linear structure falls under investment project expected to be implemented in a few years. To a constructive proposal from the design organization to determine further actions in terms of obtaining approvals from interested land users, the architect referred to being very busy and refused to continue the dialogue. Similar questions posed to the head of the City Development Department (UZG KGA) found their understanding, and an algorithm for obtaining approval was prescribed. To determine the possibility of placing a heating network, it was necessary to obtain the approval of the organization that carried out the planning project and the land surveying project on the territory of this quarter. For a written request to said organization an appropriate approval was issued when notifying a third organization about the implementation of the project. The third organization mentioned in the letter was informed in writing and gave a written answer that the project does not affect their interests, since it does not pass through the territory they occupy. In theory, the agreement of the interested land user should ideally contain the following information:

1. name and details of the owner (legal owner)

2. determination of the agreed area, boundaries, location of engineering networks

3. the period for which the consent was issued

4. must not contain additional conditions.

After receiving the approvals prescribed by the head of the UZG KGA, a second appeal was made to the district architect of the KGA. Another predictable refusal followed, the basis was a banal personal interest in the performance official duties which in practice led to a conflict of interest. It is possible to sum up by formulating the position taken by the head of the OCG KGA. If the investor is interested in the implementation of the investment proposal, his interests should not be put in a priority position in relation to the construction of a linear structure, since the latter is being built primarily in the interests of the city, and the investor in this case has its own commercial interest and the Committee should not and does not the right to protect the interests of a commercial organization .

Questions of competence and conflict of interests of the parties:

Probably, it is not good when a philologist becomes a power engineer; however, it is much worse when the architect does not know his specialty even within the framework of the job description. In the first case, a situation is possible in Russia when a representative of an energy company communicates with immigrants from Morocco in French (during their work on laying a 10 kV cable line). In the second, the incompetence of the district architect (public servant) leads to the fear of making an informed decision on a particular project. The consequence of this, in a broad sense, is the violation of the interests of the state. In a narrower sense, such inaction conflicts with many of the duties of a civil servant listed in Article 15 of the Federal Law “On the State Civil Service”, such as “maintaining the level of qualifications necessary for the proper performance of official duties”. There should not be typical situations in the practical work of a specialist of the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture, when the decision to approve the design documentation for the department of underground structures is made within thirty minutes or more. Today, in matters of design and construction, we are faced with the fact that civil servants cannot solve the tasks assigned to them. The impotence of the leadership is reinforced by obscene sayings addressed to subordinates who are not able to get the job done. A design specialist, whether a design engineer or an expert, must know the history generalized and systematized in SNiPs and related technical regulations, live in the present (be a practitioner) and predict the future (be able to foresee the consequences of decisions made by him and his colleagues). In design and construction, we must understand that when striving for systematization, there are no single solutions. They will always differ depending on the terms of reference or technical specifications for the design, geology, surrounding buildings. This opinion can be illustrated by the example of the construction of transformer substations (TS). In the Soviet period, construction was carried out from those materials that were available, sometimes without a project, and if today this is not taken into account when carrying out reconstruction projects, then it will be difficult, if not impossible, to bring an electric cable into the transformer substation.

Formation of engineering networks.

Regulatory basis: Federal Law of 01.01.01 "On state registration rights to real estate and transactions with it", Order of GU GUION No. 42 dated 01.01.01, approving the Instruction on the procedure for preparing documents for technical inventory and technical accounting of linearly extended objects.

Engineering networks can be formed in several ways:

as a separate object real estate(as the main thing and (or) as belonging to the main thing);

Formation of an engineering network as part of a complex immovable thing.

Works on the formation of engineering networks include:

1. Preliminary acquaintance with the design, executive and other documentation describing the engineering network;

2. Determination of the method of formation;

3. Preparation and approval of the formation project (if necessary);

4. Technical inventory, verification of characteristics, production of the final technical document for the facility.

5. Based on the results of the technical inventory and verification of the characteristics of engineering networks, a technical passport is drawn up.

Production of documents describing linearly extended objects:

Application and as applications:

individuals - identity documents;

legal entities - documents confirming legal capacity legal entity;

representatives of individuals and legal entities - documents confirming the authority to represent the interests of an individual or legal entity in GU GUION;

documents confirming the applicant's rights in relation to the Engineering Network, or other documents confirming the right to apply for the production of documents describing the Engineering Network;

design and working documentation, describing the Engineering network;

materials of geodetic control and executive survey of the Engineering network, made in accordance with SNiP 3.01.03-84 "Geodetic work in construction", SNiP "Engineering surveys for construction. Basic provisions", SNiP "Engineering and geodetic surveys for construction", including :

· a plan of the Engineering network at a scale of 1:500 indicating the turning and characteristic points with a stamp of acceptance of the work performed by the Department of Geological and Geodetic Service of the State Statistical Service of the KGA in accordance with the order of the Mayor of St. engineering surveys in St. Petersburg", in paper and electronic form;

· longitudinal profile of the Engineering network with indication of vertical breaks and designation of absolute marks and depths of the Engineering network, and distances between turning and characteristic points, in paper and electronic form;

· catalog of coordinates of turning and characteristic points of the Engineering network with indication of distances between them in paper and electronic form.

Procedure for technical accounting of engineering networks:

The Design and Inventory Bureau (PIB) prepares a "Technical passport for a structure - a linear-extended object", containing the following sections:

I. Situational plan

II. Information about the land

III. Total information, information about the name, purpose, documents on the acceptance of the Engineering Network for operation;

IV. Engineering network plan, made in a standard readable scale in accordance with the Symbols for topographic plans of scales 1:5000, 1:2000, 1:1000 and 1:500,

V. Longitudinal profile of the Engineering network with indication of vertical breaks and designation of absolute marks and depths of the Engineering network, and distances between turning and characteristic points;

VI. Explication of the elements of the Engineering network, which contains information about the name of the elements of the Engineering Network, their technical characteristics (year of construction, number of threads, material, diameter, pressure, length, supports, wells, valves, etc.) and the characteristics of the area linked to the section numbers in the section

· For plumbing : wells with shutoff valves, emergency outlets;

· For heating systems and hot water supply : carpets, compensators;

· For gas pipelines : carpets, siphons, control tubes, wells;

· For oil pipelines : wells, measuring tanks;

· For telephone network : distribution cabinets, connections;

· For power networks : kiosks,

VII. Calculation of replacement and actual cost The Engineering Network is carried out on the basis of data from a visual survey of the available elements of the Engineering Network by calculation. If necessary, the book value of the Engineering Network is indicated with a note that this information listed according to the Applicant.

As a conclusion on the merits of the issue of competence and conflict of interest of the parties in the design and construction, it should be noted that there are no impossible things in the world. There are only things that are impossible for you personally - and temporarily impossible, if you treat them correctly. To achieve a result in terms of completing the design and construction of engineering networks, it is necessary to develop a legal position, supported by project materials. In such a case, the grounds for refusing approval will be eliminated or those persons (civil servants) who take a non-legal position in resolving the issue (as an example, job rotations in the structure of Rostekhnadzor) will be eliminated.

Very chaotically written, I'll try to help you figure it out:

Those. did the designers put the design position of the engineering networks for the project of which you performed the survey?
Yes, that is how the designed networks were applied!

What does it have to do with subsoil use and geod.survey? definitely subsoil users, maybe land users? Or did you also have geology?
The fact is that the networks being designed pass through the licensed areas of several oil companies. According to the Gip, when completing the section of engineering-ecology, it is necessary to submit a certificate from the Volga subsoil or how it is correct, I don’t know. So, allegedly, they referred to these licensed areas, i.e. companies developing this or that field, and these, in turn, allegedly made remarks just with regards to promising sites, through which the designers laid the design networks. I hope I made it clear)

Did you have an assignment for IGDI? site plan with the specified survey boundary, or the axis of the projected route from which you yourself set the width of the survey strip. Or did you choose the route yourself? This is very important to answer your question.
We had a specification with an act of choosing a route, where the axis of the designed communications was specifically marked. Well, we carried out searches along the axis with a strip width of 100-150 meters. Although during the coordination of existing underground communications, some companies notified us in advance about their promising sites and gave us the coordinates. And for some reason, one of them decided to notify us about this 3-4 months later, after the project was submitted for examination and the survey project was fully completed. ((

The phrase "with all" is not very clear.
But in general your problem is clear. Designers want to shift their work on agreeing to your shoulders: project documentation (project position of networks), or the Scheme of boundaries for obtaining permission to place the object, on your shoulders. To understand that this is so, you need to read your terms of the contract (namely, TK), and in general you have the right to refuse any "additions to the technical assignment".
In the standard TOR for IGDI, you must coordinate topographic plans only with the owners or balance holders, Eng. networks, for their availability and completeness and correctness of application, and that’s all, you should not have any approvals of the design provision either with land users or with network operators.
There will be questions write, I will answer.

Click to reveal...

So we also think so. Only GIP 3.14daras, by hook or by crook, wants to push this case onto us. Such works are not indicated in the task, and they are not in the mandatory annexes to the report according to the joint venture either. He refers to the fact that if the customer writes to any will fulfill. Although I think it is their duty to coordinate the design of these networks. And in principle, how can a topographer-surveyor know all the planned, prohibited sites and communications third parties, this is simply not taken into account. In my opinion, this information should have been indicated in the territory planning project. And the fact that we allegedly cross a promising drilling site is just the wishlist of the oil industry without any justification.

--- Messages united, 9 Jan 2018, Original message time: 9 Jan 2018 ---

Designers want to shift their work on agreeing to your shoulders: project documentation (project position of networks), or the Scheme of boundaries for obtaining permission to place the object, on your shoulders.