How much does it cost to change a compulsory medical insurance policy? How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy from an insurance company

When changing their surname, citizens are required to replace medical insurance, since the content of irrelevant information renders it invalid.

Do I need to change my compulsory medical insurance policy when changing my last name?

Compulsory medical insurance policy is a document confirming insurance that gives the right to receive free medical care.

Along with the main ones, this document must be replaced, since outdated data makes it invalid. With such a document, a citizen will not be able to receive medical care for free.

If a person has changed at least one part of his name - last name, first name or patronymic, then after that he must independently contact the competent authority to replace the insurance policy.

Important! Citizens who have registered a change of personal data are required to change their policy within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of a new passport health insurance.

The basis for obtaining a new policy are new documents confirming the fact of a change in the citizen’s surname:

  • new Russian passport;
  • certificate of marriage, divorce, change of name.

The reason for this may be marriage, divorce, or another of your own free will.

Procedure for replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy

When changing the surname, both the applicant himself and his representative acting under a notarized power of attorney can change the compulsory medical insurance policy.

To do this, you need to contact a branch of the insurance company using any in a convenient way:

Important! Replacement through the Gosuslugi portal has been temporarily suspended since 2017 - the service only allows you to find out information about your insurance company.

Replacement with an insurance company

To make a replacement with an insurance company, you must choose any convenient branch that works with individuals.

Required documents

When applying, the applicant must present the following documents to the insurer:

  • new Russian passport;
  • certificate of marriage, divorce or change of name;

Important! In the event that a representative applies for a replacement by power of attorney, he is allowed to present copies of documents that must be notarized.

A representative of the insurance company will ask the citizen to fill out an application, the form of which will be given to the applicant at the time of application. The application form for each insurer is drawn up individually, but the data required to be filled out is always the same. The applicant will have to enter personal data and also indicate the reason for receipt.

After filling out the application, an employee of the insurance company collects old policy, and instead issues a temporary certificate, according to which the citizen has the right to receive medical care in any institutions during the registration of a permanent document.

Important! A temporary certificate is issued for 1 month from the moment the applicant contacts the insurance company.

The insurer will set a date for receiving the new document. In addition, when the document is ready, the insurer can notify the applicant about this by sending him an SMS message.

When the main policy is issued, the temporary certificate is taken away.

Replacement at MFC

Replacing a medical policy after changing your last name can also be done in multifunctional centers.

Contacting the MFC will seem more convenient for those citizens who cannot waste time in line, since it is possible to choose the exact time of the applicant’s appointment by making an appointment by phone or on the regional MFC website.

To contact the multifunctional center, the applicant will need the same documents as when replacing it through the insurance company directly.

The specialist will accept the documents and also issue the applicant a temporary certificate.

When ready, the MFC system notifies the applicant by sending him an SMS message.

Replacement not at the place of registration

In accordance with the Law “On Compulsory Insurance” No. 326 of November 29, 2010, a citizen can apply for a replacement medical policy to any convenient insurance company, regardless of the place of permanent registration, since it does not contain information about the place of registration or residence of the insured person.

Such information is entered into Single register of insured persons, which is maintained electronically. Therefore, within 30 days from the date of change of registration, the citizen is obliged to inform the insurer about this.

Important! In cases where there is no branch of the insurance company in another region in which the citizen is insured, he will have to choose another insurer.

Production time and cost

The insurance company is obliged to produce a new document during the validity period of the temporary certificate. Since a temporary certificate is issued for a period of up to 30 days, the new policy must be ready by this time.

Production times do not depend on the method of application - directly to the insurance company or through a multifunctional center.

Important! State duty and other payments are not charged.

There are also no penalties for late replacement. However, it should be remembered that with an expired or invalid document (due to a change in personal data), it is impossible to receive free medical care.

Sooner or later, every citizen wonders where to change their medical policy. Especially now that the shape of this paper has changed. Old document samples lose their validity, which causes a lot of trouble. What should every citizen remember about policy exchange? How and where to change it in this or that case? We will have to answer all these questions further. In fact, bringing your plans to life is not so difficult. In particular, if you prepare in advance for the mentioned process.


Where can I change my medical insurance policy? There are different ways to answer this question. It all depends on the specific situation.

What is called a medical policy? This is a document that allows you to receive free service in public medical institutions. A new type of certificate is issued by every citizen of the Russian Federation. This way, the population can receive treatment and tests free of charge.


Before answering where to change your medical policy, it’s worth finding out what this paper looks like. Previously, all residents of the Russian Federation were given a yellow booklet. It contains information about the insured person.

Now the compulsory medical insurance policy has 2 different interpretations:

  • a blue sheet placed in a special envelope;
  • a plastic card with a chip.

Each citizen decides for himself which form of document to receive. But, as practice shows, so far the first option is used most often. Plastic cards are not accepted in all regions and not in every government medical institution.

When to change

Where can I change my medical insurance? Before figuring out the answer, it is important to understand under what circumstances this service will be required. After all, the mentioned paper will serve a person for a long time.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is exchanged for the following reasons:

  • change of surname, patronymic or first name;
  • correction of date of birth;
  • identifying inaccuracies in the document;
  • expiration of the document (mainly for owners of old policies).

In reality, bringing your idea to life is easier than it seems. Most often, citizens exchange this document due to marriage, divorce or adoption.

Main place of replacement

Where can I change my medical insurance? No one other than the owner of the document can answer this question more accurately.

The thing is that compulsory health insurance policies are exchanged and issued for the first time at insurance companies. If a need arises for an operation, a person must submit a corresponding request to his insurance company. This organization first issues temporary policy, then constant. Accordingly, the citizen will not be left without free medical services.

In addition, a person can apply for a new document to any insurance company. In this case, there is not an exchange, but a complete replacement of the previously valid paper. But, as practice shows, this is not the most popular solution.

Other places

Where can I change my compulsory health insurance policy? There are also bodies that provide similar services. Therefore, everyone is free to choose where to go.

For example, today multifunctional centers are engaged in reissuing policies. Some regions offer My Documents services. Including mobile phones. These are analogues of MFCs, which also issue the paper being studied.

Old samples

When wondering where you can change your medical policy, a citizen should know that a similar service is offered in many institutions.

As we already said, some people still walk around with old document samples. They are replaced over time. Where can I change my health insurance policy to a new one?

At any exchange points for the mentioned documents. These organizations are called that way. They are often installed directly in clinics and public hospitals. The exact addresses can be clarified at any medical institution. They will definitely tell you where the nearest point of exchange of policies for new ones is located.


But that's not all! Where can I change my medical insurance? In the Internet! More precisely, you can submit a corresponding request through a special portal. All that remains after this is to come for a temporary policy, and then for a permanent one.

We are talking about the State Services website. This service helps registered users receive government and municipal services without leaving home. This scenario is not yet popular. People prefer to personally apply for policy exchange to different insurance companies.


From all of the above, it follows that a person can apply for a new sample of the paper being studied in various types of organizations. It is best to go to insurance companies. Here the service is provided faster.

What needs to be done to exchange? Just follow the instructions:

  1. Collect a certain package of documents. It depends on the reason for replacing the policy. An approximate list will be presented below.
  2. Draw up and fill out an application for a new policy.
  3. Contact the registration authority with the appropriate request.
  4. Get a temporary policy. It is issued immediately, on the spot. It looks like a small piece of paper with an insurance company stamp on it. Valid from 14 to 30 days.
  5. Wait for the permanent policy to be ready and pick it up at the appointed time. You will have to do this in person.

Perhaps there is nothing difficult in the process. The service is provided free of charge. No insurance company should demand money for exchanging a medical policy. compulsory insurance.

Package of documents

We found out where to change your medical policy. If you change your last name or for any other reason, this is not so important. The main thing is that the service is provided in all the previously listed organizations.

In general, to replace a policy, citizens are required to:

  • passport;
  • old policy (optional);
  • statement;
  • document basis for the exchange (marriage certificates, divorce certificates, court opinions, etc.).

In addition, recently it is mandatory for people to carry SNILS with them. Without an insurance certificate, the compulsory medical insurance policy will not be replaced. And initially issued too. It is recommended to present proof of registration.

For children

Where can I change my child’s medical insurance? In the same place as for an adult. Only children under 14 years of age will have to do this through their legal representatives.

To change your policy you will need:

  • birth certificate;
  • citizenship insert;
  • application for a new policy completed by parents;
  • document indicating registration;
  • old policy (if any);
  • SNILS.

Nothing else is needed. As you can see, the documents for replacing the policy for children are almost no different from the “adult” list. The procedure in this case will be similar.

Terms of service provision

Where can I change my medical insurance? The answer to this question will no longer make you think. And the procedure for implementing the plan is the same. Usually, a new policy, regardless of the reason for applying for surgery, takes a month to be issued. Before this, the citizen, as we have already said, is given a temporary policy, which is valid until it is replaced with a permanent one of a new type.

Sometimes you have to wait longer than a month. Insurance companies try to serve their customers as quickly as possible. And therefore policies are issued very quickly.


We figured out where you can change your health insurance policy. This is a fairly simple task that does not cause any difficulties for modern people.

Foreign citizens can also replace or initially issue compulsory medical insurance policies. To do this, they will have to attach to the request:

  • Residence permit or temporary residence permit;
  • migration card;
  • passport;
  • statement;
  • document confirming registration in Russia;
  • SNILS.

Most often, problems arise with obtaining a residence permit in the Russian Federation. But if this stage is passed, it will be easy to issue or reissue a compulsory medical insurance policy!

To exercise the right to free medical services Citizens of the Russian Federation are required to have a compulsory medical insurance policy, previously issued by one of the insurance companies. The policyholder has the right to change the compulsory medical insurance policy to a new policy if the previous version is damaged or other circumstances arise to invalidate it. Information about the procedure, how to change compulsory medical insurance to new sample, is especially important for Russians who have changed their region of residence or personal data in their passport.

In October 2018, a message from the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund with a proposal to rush with a replacement made Russians worry, but later representatives of the fund clarified that the right to medical care under health insurance of previous generations is retained for an unlimited period of time. Medical care is guaranteed to every citizen of the Russian Federation and can only be lost if citizenship is terminated. They offered to update their health insurance for those who had lost confidence in the insurer or were dissatisfied with the service provided. Since changing insurers is possible once a year, the issue of switching to a new insurance company should be taken responsibly, choosing organizations that have successful experience in interacting with the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

In 2020, no changes are envisaged regarding whether it is necessary to change the old insurance to a new form, which means that the rules of service in clinics under the compulsory medical insurance remain the same.

If the policy contains up-to-date information about the person, there is no need to change old forms issued before 2011.

It’s another matter if the policyholder has changed his last name and, when contacting a medical institution, presents a new passport and old policy. In such a situation, a citizen new name is obliged to change the passport within 30 days and then all personal papers used constantly (licence, SNILS, medical insurance). According to current regulations, replacement is required in the following circumstances:

    Change of permanent residence address. Changes to personal data that led to the need to replace a passport. Damage or loss of a document.

Even if the form turns out to be invalid, this fact will not become a reason for refusing emergency assistance to the patient.

What is needed for this

The process of getting a new one insurance document requires the presentation of a minimum package of documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • personal statement with a request for a replacement (you must indicate the reason for the request); information about the SNILS number; the previous form, if it is preserved.

The list is supplemented by a birth certificate if insurance services the child needed. When applying for a replacement for another person who is not the legal representative of a minor, according to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Rules, you will need to additionally issue a power of attorney. To re-issue the form, it is not necessary to waste time on a visit to a department or branch of the insurer. Many organizations work through electronic services and accept applications online.

Where to change

There are several ways to submit applications and receive an updated form:

    Insurance company office. On the organization’s website, you can find points that work with compulsory medical insurance in the region of residence. Contact the territorial office of the MFC with a package of personal documents. Through the personal account of the insurer’s client. On the website, the insurance replacement service has been operating since 2018.

Large Russian insurers offer a convenient format for interaction. In Rosgosstrakh or Alfastrakhovaniye, to obtain a new document, a single visit will be required - for issuance. The application is submitted online from personal account registered user. Offices where the policyholder can exchange the old compulsory medical insurance policy for a new one can be found on the official websites of insurers and you can coordinate receipt at the branch closest to your home.

It is necessary to take into account the production time when planning to contact a medical institution for free help through the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

Production time

Most policyholders wait 10-15 days from the date of application. However, the issuance may be delayed due to the overload of insurers or the lack of forms. According to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Rules (clause 50), no more than 30 days pass from the date of submission of the application to the date of issue. If the deadlines are missed, you should contact the territorial division of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and report delays in receiving hotline insurer.

If you change your previous compulsory medical insurance policy at the MFC, 2 days are added to the waiting period required to transfer the application and forward the finished insurance.

Validity period of the new policy

The right to free medical services presupposes the perpetuity of the supporting document, even if 10-20 years have passed since the date of registration. When faced with the refusal of doctors to accept medical insurance under the old compulsory medical insurance policy, we should recall the current provisions of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Rules, approved by Order of the Ministry of Social Health Development No. 158. They speak of the indefinite validity of the document.

Conditions for mandatory replacement

Paragraph 55 of the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance talks about the need to replace insurance if the previous form is damaged. The following are the circumstances when it is necessary to replace the document:

    Loss or damage to a document. Change of surname or other personal data of the policyholder. Change of region of registration. Exchange of the main document proving the identity of the policyholder. Transfer to service to another company. Identification of errors and inaccuracies in the data of the current form.

For update insurance form a 30-day period is allocated during which the citizen must notify the company of the need for replacement. New health insurance is issued free of charge.

It is important to know

Children, teenagers (under 14 years old), refugees, and foreigners who arrived in the Russian Federation for permanent residence are in the first line of receiving a new type of policy. For children and adolescents, UEC is issued by parents or legal representatives. The insurer must provide the following documents:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • your passport (or other identity document);
  • SNILS.

Foreigners who arrived in the Russian Federation for permanent residence must present an identity card or a refugee document. Also, the citizen must present SNILS or an equivalent of this document if the state from which he came supports pension reform.


If you have an old insurance option and there is no reason to change the insurer, there is no need to rush to update the perpetual policy, since the right to free medicine does not depend on the date of issue.

Now any clinic providing emergency care or long-term treatment, as well as local doctors coming to your home for an examination, will definitely ask you to present a passport and medical insurance. This is a document issued by an insurance company to receive medical services free of charge.

To make it convenient, comfortable and practical, it was decided to improve the existing document. Further in the article we will learn in more detail what a new plastic compulsory medical insurance policy card is, the place where it can be obtained and who has the right to take advantage of such an innovation.

The issue of compulsory health insurance has always been relevant and in order to get free help it was necessary to take out an insurance policy. Control over this was previously assigned to employers, student organizations, school and preschool institutions.

In 2011, the system for introducing compulsory insurance for citizens began to transform and, in order to unify and regulate the process of issuing forms, they decided to issue a single perpetual compulsory medical insurance policy on blue paper.

It is issued on a sheet equal to A5 format and is valid throughout Russia, regardless of place of residence and registration. But, the use of paper insurance, unprotected from mechanical damage, is impractical.

But since 2015, medicine has been able to change its approach and found a solution to this problem. Now policyholders have begun to be issued an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy. It looks like a plastic card equipped with a chip, which contains all the information about its owner.

The essence of this decision is simple: everyone who, under mandatory conditions, was issued by insurance companies with policies that have a limited validity period, after its expiration, has the right to apply there in order to receive a new insurance with an electronic medium.

What does the new compulsory medical insurance policy look like?

The new compulsory medical insurance policy is in the format of a regular plastic card, similar to a bank card, which we use every day to manage our own funds.

Its single sample is decorated with the colors of the Russian tricolor, and on the front side there is the following information:

  1. Image of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation;
  2. Insurance system logo;
  3. Chip and policy number;
  4. SK name.

All personal information is indicated on the back side. Here is a photo, full name, date of birth and gender. You will be asked to sign. When looking at this form, you will definitely notice a hologram confirming the authenticity of the insurance.

There is also a telephone number of the fund that issued the document. The validity period of the compulsory medical insurance policy is 5 years. That is, after this time you will have to exchange the card again.

Difference from paper

New medicine with such insurance allows you to receive free treatment, defining the list of services available to the consumer. So, when going to clinics, medical institutions, hospitals in our country, we have the right to service, assistance, and provision of certain medications.

Not all regions are ready to accept modern system and take advantage of it. Thus, the lack of complete data about your company can seriously complicate treatment and provoke additional difficulties. But the new policy has a number of differences from the old one.

  1. Size. The small format allows you to receive a plastic card and store it in a wallet or passport cover, which is more convenient for the owner. When the paper version was not allowed to be laminated or folded crosswise, it required special handling.
  2. Material. Electronic policy The OMS has a plastic base and is practically not subject to mechanical or physical influences. Paper insurance is easy to wrinkle.
  3. Data security. In the new Compulsory medical insurance program protection is provided against the use of services by other persons, since the citizen’s personal information is now printed on the card, as well as a photo is posted. Such insignia and chips make it possible to create a unified information base of policyholders.

Where to get a plastic compulsory health insurance card

The compulsory medical insurance system extends throughout the Russian Federation, therefore all citizens can protect their lives. This means that the working population, pensioners, students and schoolchildren, and even newly born babies and the unemployed can count on protecting their health.

There are several ways to receive a card:

  1. Protective organization (SC). Having brought the old-style insurance, a paper form, you will replace it with plastic without wasting time and effort. The operator will have access to your series and compulsory medical insurance policy number using a single database. There he will see your personal data.
  2. MFC. The multifunctional system for providing state and municipal services will accept your documents. You need to register an application and within 14 days, an SMS about the completed service will be sent to the specified number.
  3. Branch office of the compulsory health insurance fund. New medicine allows you to contact this organization and issue insurance within 10 days.
  4. State Services Portal. You can apply for compulsory medical insurance policy online. To do this, you need to fill out the form electronically, enter all the necessary information and select a pickup point that is geographically close to you.

Insurance companies

Compulsory medical insurance allows you to choose your own insurance company. This means that if you are not satisfied with the quality of the services provided, then a replacement insurance agent possible once a year.

There are many companies working in the field of insurance of citizens, here are some of them:

  1. "VTB Medical Insurance"
  2. "Spassky Gate -M";
  3. "Ingosstrakh-M";
  4. "RGS Medicine";
  5. Uralsib;
  6. “Consent -M”, etc.

The list may be endless, but they are all suitable for protection. The rating of their popularity changes depending on the requests of insured citizens, but these are huge companies and it will be more convenient to get a new type of policy here.

Registration of a new electronic policy

The new compulsory medical insurance policy, as you already understand, looks like a plastic card. But what is important is not the appearance of the insurance, but how it is issued and the list of documents required in the future.

You will be asked to present:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. An application filled out on the form of the insurance company engaged in protection;
  3. When applying for a new type of insurance for a child under 14 years of age, metrics (birth certificate) are required.

In 2018, you can protect yourself and get a card within 30 days. During this time, the policyholder is given a temporary certificate, which replaces the card, but it also contains the number and series, as well as personal data.

So, if during the allotted time to prepare the card you will have to receive help or treatment, be in a hospital, buy medications, consult a doctor, then feel free to use temporary insurance.

When filling out the application, write down the phone number to contact the operator. Compulsory medical insurance policies are usually changed quickly, no more than 11 days. But try to control the whole process yourself and don’t wait for someone to call you; for these purposes, take the operator’s number.

Pros and cons of new policies

We told you how to replace compulsory medical insurance by last name with a new plastic format, but how to use such a document? The opportunities that a plastic card provides have not yet been fully implemented in many regions and therefore there is a possibility that you will not receive proper treatment and the required services for free. The table shows some of the pros and cons of both types of protection.

Type of insurance Advantages Flaws
Old sample Right to make changes to the form Inconvenient to use
Commonly used by medical professionals Possibility to receive services from third parties
New sample Mobility, durability, ease of use Lack of device in medical institution for reading the policy
High level of protection When changing data, be sure to get a new policy
No outside use Not every insurer is able to issue a new policy

Both insurances have equal legal force and are not subject to any differences in medical care.

Moscow and region

Compulsory medical insurance points allow you to obtain a policy. And this is allowed both during the initial application and for other reasons.:

  • When changing personal data. Marriage, a different place of residence, a first name or patronymic necessarily contributes to the new (re-) entry of information;
  • Incorrectly entered information. When applying for insurance, the operator made an inaccuracy that requires it to be replaced;
  • If it is lost. There are many reasons for such an accident. But, if a loss occurs, write an application for restoration;
  • Indecent state. If you understand that the document is damaged and in obscene condition, it must be replaced.

Places for obtaining compulsory medical insurance policies in Moscow are mainly associated with the addresses of insurance companies.

In the Moscow region, it’s easier to apply for and find out if a compulsory medical insurance policy is ready at MFC branches, at addresses such as:

  • Shchelkovo, st. Svirskaya, 2 A;
  • Orekhovo-Zuevo, st. Lenina, 96 A;
  • Lyubertsy, Oktyabrsky Avenue, 190;
  • Balashikha, st. Sovetskaya, 4.

Where is the number and series located on the policy?

For the insurance organization where the cards are issued, there is no difference between citizens and their status. This means that an unemployed or retired person, a school student or an ordinary worker has the right to use the services of the compulsory medical insurance policy on an equal basis. Therefore, the appearance of the card is uniform. Only insurance issued for a child under 14 years old is eligible for the exception.

In the case of a child's card, the child's photo is not posted. On the front side of the card there is a series and number of the compulsory medical insurance policy in the form of a 16-digit code. Due to the chip on which the information is stored, the devices quickly recognize the data and identify the owner of the insurance. So, having lost the card after replacing it with paper media on a plastic one, through the number you can restore all the data and the card itself.

What is the validity period of the new compulsory medical insurance policy?

Early replacement is made only in the event of a change in information or in case of loss. How to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy in this case? Report the incident to your insurance organization, take your passport and write an application. There they will quickly help you restore the document.

The new insurance format has limitations, which means its usefulness will extend for no more than 5 years. You can determine the expiration date of your card by looking at the back of it. When the specified period begins to come to an end, a replacement is required.

The replacement process will not take much time, since the list of documents will not change. All you need to do is write an application and wait for a new card within 1 month.

By paying compulsory medical insurance contributions to the employer, we have the right to independently choose the institution where we are ready to receive services, the insurer, and even between types of insurance. Everyone can independently determine which of them is convenient, and the order of further actions will depend only on your decision.

Replacement procedure compulsory medical insurance policy for a new type of policy started several years ago. Get a policy compulsory medical insurance of the new A sample will help in person by contacting a company specializing in health insurance or the MFC. Alternatively, it can be ordered through a proxy. The preferred form of the received document must be indicated, which is available for:

  • people with Russian citizenship;
  • people who are citizens of other states but reside in Russia on a permanent or temporary basis;
  • refugees;
  • persons without citizenship.

It is required to provide its owner with medical care without payment throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, giving the right to choose a medical institution, calling on clinics, hospitals, and medical centers to work efficiently and quickly.

What does he look like?

A new policy can be obtained from:

  • in the usual form - a paper document with data placed on both sides;
  • compact form of a plastic card;
  • as part of a universal electronic card (a promising option).

What does the new sample compulsory medical insurance policy look like in paper form? The format of the new document is A5, it is not recommended to bend it, and laminating it is strictly prohibited. The only thing that can be done is photocopies on both sides, which will help extend the life of the original. On the front part there is information about the owner (full name, day, month and year of birth), date of receipt, and a unique barcode. On the reverse side is printed information about the place of residence, the insurance company and its coordinates.

The electronic form is similar to a bank card. All data about who issued it is stored on the CHIP, for this reason, owners of plastic insurance should remember the name of their insurance company in order to provide information in hospitals and clinics. A unique number is also located here. WITH reverse side There is a photo and signature of the owner, the date until which the card is valid. The answer to the question of where to get plastic policy Compulsory medical insurance of a new type requires additional training related to calling organizations whose activities are related to health insurance. The reason is that not everyone has the technical ability to issue a plastic version.

You can check the authenticity of the paper or plastic version of the policy issued to you on the official resource by entering a unique number in a special search bar. You will need to rotate the document front side to yourself, where the compulsory medical insurance policy number of the new sample is printed, regardless of whether it is made on paper or plastic.

List of documents

The documents for obtaining a new compulsory medical insurance policy are, in principle, the same for everyone:

  • a correctly completed application to an organization whose specialization is health insurance;
  • a certified copy of a document that can clearly prove your identity;
  • a certified copy of SNILS (if available).
  • a certified copy of a document confirming the status of “refugee” (certificate of consideration of an application on this issue), a residence permit, an identification document of a stateless person, where there is a mark confirming the legality of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation for foreign citizens, refugees and stateless people respectively.

Having submitted an application for a uniform medical insurance document, the applicant receives a certificate that replaces the policy and gives the right to receive medical care until the registration procedure is completed. This certificate can be used for no longer than thirty working days, after which the original health insurance document in the form chosen by the applicant must be received in person.

Regardless of whether you are a citizen of the Russian Federation or not, obtaining a new compulsory medical insurance policy is quite simple and quick.

Do I need to renew or order a reissue?

First of all, it should be emphasized that all medical insurance documents received in hand, dated January 1, 2011 and earlier, are required to be accepted by any medical institution. Whether or not to change the old version is up to its owner.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that when you receive a new sample document in your hands, you will not find an expiration date on it. Therefore, to the question: “Is it necessary to renew the compulsory medical insurance policy of the new model?” The answer is no, with some caveats:

  • There are no restrictions on the validity period of this document for citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • for people who have received refugee status, the policy will be valid until the person leaves the country;
  • He will help people who have a permit for temporary stay in the Russian Federation to receive medical care free of charge as long as the permit is valid.


The new standard compulsory medical insurance policy is valid on the territory of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regardless of the residence permit or registration of the owner. For this reason, you must take it with you on any trip within Russia. The new unified compulsory medical insurance policy gives the right to choose not only the doctor providing medical services, but also the medical institution.

The nuances of obtaining a new sample document

As in any business initiated by the Russian authorities, when obtaining a single policy guaranteeing medical care, there are a number of nuances that need to be prepared for.

You can change your insurance company once during a calendar year and strictly before November 1st. The exception is the new owner's registration address.

Insurance is provided by one organization at a time. Accordingly, a person can be the owner of one policy.

If a plastic format is lost or damaged, then only its paper counterpart can be issued to replace it.

The country’s government plans to eventually move en masse to universal electronic map, which will replace policies (not only the old one, but also the new one), performing the functions of an identity card, a certificate of pension insurance, etc., opening access to a variety of state and municipal services in any region Russian Federation without payment.