How is maternity leave paid? Payments when going on maternity leave: what does an expectant mother need to know? Child benefits for mothers unemployed at birth

The maximum and minimum maternity payments have changed in 2020. You can find out what benefits you are entitled to when applying for maternity leave, taking into account the new procedure and changes in legislation, from our article.

Mothers who have left or will leave on maternity leave in 2020 have the right to apply for financial assistance from the state and employer. The types and amounts of compensation you can receive depend on a number of factors. Let's talk about them in detail.

Maternity leave in 2020 new payment law

What is maternity leave? This is maternity leave (lasting from 140 to 194 days, depending on the characteristics of pregnancy and childbirth) and subsequent leave to care for a child up to 1.5 and/or 3 years. When taking such leave, the following maternity payments for 2020 are provided:
  • For pregnancy and childbirth;
  • At the birth of a baby;
  • For registration in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks);
  • Child care up to 1.5 years and up to 3 years;
  • Maternal capital.

According to the new law, maternity payments are indexed in 2020 from February 1. The indexation coefficient is 1.038. Employers must calculate four payments in a new way: benefits at birth, for early registration and the minimum amount of benefits for child care up to 1.5 years.

Payments for maternity leave in 2020

Type of benefit

Minimum and maximum size

A comment

Maternity benefit

Minimum – RUB 55,830.60. ((12 130 × 24) : 730 × 140)

Maximum – RUB 322,191.80. ((815,000 + 865,000) : 730 × 140)

The minimum benefit for working women depends on the minimum wage, which as of January 1, 2020 is 12,130 rubles. (in 2019 it was 11,280 rubles)

Non-working women are paid a fixed amount

Benefit for registration in early pregnancy

Paid for registration up to 12 weeks of pregnancy

One-time benefit for the birth of a child

Mom or dad can get it - your choice

Monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years

  • for the first child – 4,852 rubles;
  • for the second and subsequent children in January 2020 - 6,554.89 rubles, from February 1 - indexed to 6,803.98

Maximum – 27,984.66 rubles.

It is 40% of the average earnings of one of the parents for two.

Another relative caring for the child (for example, a grandmother) can also receive the benefit.

Now let’s take a closer look at each payment: what it depends on and how to calculate it.

Maternity benefit in 2020

The following categories of women can apply for maternity benefits in 2020:

  • working women for whom employers pay insurance premiums in the FSS;
  • dismissed women during the liquidation of the employing organization;
  • students and full-time students;
  • female contract soldiers;
  • law enforcement officers;
  • female individual entrepreneurs making voluntary contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for at least 6 months;
  • women who adopted children.

The main document for calculating maternity benefits 2020 is a sick leave certificate. Issues a certificate of incapacity for work medical institution, in which the expectant mother registered. The duration of sick leave is different for all women in labor. The number of days of incapacity depends on the characteristics of labor and the number of expected children

Type of birth

Maximum duration of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth

Normal - no special features

140 days (70 days before and 70 days after childbirth)

With complications

156 days (70 days before and 86 days after birth)

Multiple pregnancy - the birth of two or more children

194 days (84 days before and 110 days after birth)

Maternity benefits are also provided to women who have adopted children:

  • 70 days - when adopting one child;
  • 110 days - when adopting two or more children.

Until now, it was not clear whether to take into account the days that were not included in the full months when working for different employers. The Social Insurance Fund has decided on the procedure for calculating length of service for sick leave and employment and labor benefits in 2020.

In these years, the maximum average daily earnings are:

2,301.37 = (RUB 815,000 + RUB 865,000) : 730 days,

  • 815,000 + 865,000 (1,680,000) - the maximum value of the base for calculating insurance premiums in 2018 and 2019, respectively, for contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity;
  • 730 days - number of days in the billing period.
  • By law, maternity leave lasts a minimum of 140 calendar days and a maximum of 194 days.

Amounts of maternity benefits in 2020

Length of maternity leave

Maximum size in 2020, rub.

Minimum size in 2020, rub.

322,191.80 (2,301.37 x 140 days)

55,830,600 (calculation: (12,130 x 24)/730 x 140 days)

359,013.72 (2,301.37 x 156 days)

62,367.24 (calculation: (12,130 x 24)/730 x 156 days)

446,465.78 (2,301.37 x 194 days)

77,365.26 (calculation: (12,130 x 24)/730 x 194 days)

Other maternity payments 2020

Allowance for registration in the early stages of pregnancy. B An expectant mother who registered before the 12th week of pregnancy applies for additional social assistance. In 2020, taking into account indexation, the amount of compensation:

  • From January 1 to January 31, 2020 - 655.49 rubles,
  • From February 1, 2020 - 680.40 rubles.

The same categories of women who receive maternity benefits can take advantage of the right to payment. Money can be obtained both from the Social Insurance Fund and from the employer. Secondly, the expectant mother needs to bring to the accounting department an application for payment and a certificate from a medical organization. Unemployed women do not receive such payments.

A one-time payment at the birth of a baby. Regardless of what kind of child is expected, parents claim a one-time payment at the birth of the baby in the amount of:

  • RUB 17,479.73 - in the period from 01.01.2020 to 01.02.2020,
  • RUB 18,143.96 - from 01.02.2020.

Payments do not depend on whether the child’s parents work or not. Compensation is provided in the same amount to absolutely everyone. If the child’s mother and father are employed, they receive payment from the employer. Only unemployed people can apply for payment to the Social Insurance Fund at their place of residence. The receipt procedure for single parents is simpler, since you do not need a certificate from the second parent’s place of work stating that he did not receive money.

Maternity payments for child care up to 1.5 years in 2020.

Receive benefits from either parent - mom or dad. The payment amount is 40% of the average monthly earnings for the two years preceding the birth of the baby. But the amount cannot be lower than the minimum wage. Unemployed parents may also receive a payment. But in this case, they will receive payments from the Social Insurance Fund in the minimum amount.

Who gets

Size, rub.

First child

Employed parents

40% of average earnings

Unemployed parents

Second, third and subsequent children

Employed parents

6,554.89 – until 02/01/2020

6,803.98 – from 02/01/2020

Unemployed parents

6,554.89 – until 02/01/2020

6,803.98 – from 02/01/2020

Amount of care benefits in 2020

For employed parents, there are minimum and maximum thresholds for child care benefits. Therefore, if the average monthly income is below the minimum wage, then the amount will be calculated from the minimum wage. Maximum payment limited to the 2018-2019 insurance base, within which employers pay contributions. The maximum that employed parents can count on is RUB 27,984.66. You can calculate child care benefits up to 1.5 years using online calculator maternity payments in 2020 on the FSS website.

Changes to carer's benefits in 2020

From January 1, 2020, the payment of benefits for children aged one and a half to three years will cease. Previously, this benefit was 50 rubles per month. Presidential Decree of November 25, 2019 No. 570 canceled this payment. Instead, low-income families can receive benefits in the amount of the regional children's subsistence level. This benefit existed before, but it was paid until the child turned 1.5 years old. From January 1, 2020, the child’s age has been extended to three years. This is also a change for 2020. Now benefit low-income families pay according to the following rules:

  • The payment can be received not from the employer, but from the Social Insurance Fund - for the first child, from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - for the second and subsequent children,
  • Payment for the second and subsequent children is issued from the amount of maternity capital,
  • You can receive benefits if the average per capita income for each family member is less than the adult regional subsistence level for the second quarter of last year,
  • The benefit itself is equal to the regional child subsistence minimum,
  • The family is obliged to confirm its poverty when the child turns one and two years old,
  • The benefit is paid until the child turns three years old.

Maternity payments 2020: how to apply

The decree is granted on the basis of:

The application can be made in any form addressed to the manager. It must indicate the requested period according to the certificate of incapacity for work. If the expectant mother has changed her place of work and one of the periods falls at her previous place of work, a certificate of earnings in form 182n is required to process payments. There may be a situation where it is not possible to provide a certificate. In this case, the employer calculates the benefit based on available information during work (part 2.1 of article 15 Federal Law dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ).

Based on the application and certificate of incapacity for work, an order is issued in form T-6 or in any form.

If all necessary documents are available, the employer assigns benefits within 10 days and pays them along with the next salary. You must apply for benefits no later than 6 months after the end of your vacation. If due to circumstances it is impossible to apply within this period, then it is permissible to apply to the Social Insurance Fund later. Many medical institutions have already switched to electronic document turnover. This means that paper sick leave sheets are gradually being replaced by virtual sheets. Currently, only residents of cities where the event is taking place can issue an electronic document. pilot project. The service will soon become available in more cities. To apply for maternity leave in 2020, as before, use the form approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n. It is worth carefully checking the sheet as it is filled out by the health worker. If there are violations, the FSS may refuse to reimburse expenses for paying benefits. If errors are identified, it is necessary to send an employee to obtain a duplicate.

How to pay child benefits in 2020

  • Temporary disability benefits, but only for citizens who have been exposed to radiation;
  • Maternity benefits;
  • One-time benefit for women registered with medical organizations in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • One-time benefit for the birth of a child;
  • Monthly child care allowance.

The change specifically concerns direct payments of child benefits. In regions where the Social Insurance Fund pilot project operates, employers must inform employees how to now write details for bank transfer benefits - just indicate the Mir card details without a bank account number.

Child benefits assigned before May 1, 2019 will continue to be received according to the same details until the baby turns one and a half years old or the card expires. The deadline is July 1, 2020. After this date, employees can receive child benefits from the Social Insurance Fund only on the Mir card.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman has to prepare for an important event in her life: the birth of a baby.

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And the state of our country provides the necessary conditions for this by providing and paying for maternity leave. But who should count on him, under what conditions and what should the expectant mother get?

Working as a mom

Maternity leave is a vacation from your main job and a transition to difficult household work. It includes the period of bearing a child from a certain period, childbirth and recovery after it for several weeks.

Many people call maternity leave the time when a child is in the full care of the mother and cannot attend preschool institutions due to age, which is not entirely true.

Working as a mother is called parental leave, for which you are also entitled to payments. But this period begins at 30 weeks of pregnancy, from this period a woman can legally go on maternity leave and prepare for childbirth.


Women go on maternity leave from 30 weeks. At this time, at the clinic where the expectant mother is registered for pregnancy, she is issued a sick leave certificate. If the pregnancy is multiple, then maternity leave begins at 28 weeks. From this period, a woman has the right not to go to work if she takes timely leave. Payments are made within 10 days after documents have been submitted in full.

If a woman feels well and does not want to go on maternity leave, then she applies for sick leave later than the due date. In this case, payments are made taking into account the number of days on the certificate of incapacity for work.


The duration of maternity leave depends on the pregnancy:

  • In a normal pregnancy and one fetus it is given 140 days. Of these, 70 days before birth and the same amount after.
  • In case of complicated pregnancy and one fetus, it is given 156 days: 70 and 86.
  • In case of multiple pregnancy, 84 days are given before and 110 after delivery, in total the maternity leave lasts 194 days.

If birth occurs ahead of schedule, the remaining days are added to the postpartum period. That is, the duration of the maternity leave remains within the norm established by law.

In cases where childbirth occurs much earlier than expected or the pregnancy is recognized as complicated after the leave has been taken out, the amount of the benefit is recalculated and the woman is given an additional payment.

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Who is entitled to the money?

All women registered under employment contract. Employer with each wages makes transfers to the insurance fund, from where maternity payments are made. In this case, work experience does not matter.

Women who are not officially employed will not receive benefits.

The fathers of the child are only entitled to transfer lump sum payment by birth. Sick leave received by a spouse is not paid. If a man (father) is raising a child on his own, he can only apply for monthly benefits.

There are several exceptions to of this rule. If a woman is unemployed, she can receive benefits in the following cases:

  1. If the pregnant woman is an individual entrepreneur and before her maternity leave she made contributions to the social insurance fund for six months or more. In this case, the amount of the benefit depends on the transfers made.
  2. If a woman is left unemployed as a result of the liquidation of an organization.
  3. If the expectant mother is a full-time student and receives benefits from the accounting department educational institution.
  4. If a woman does not work, but is registered at the employment center, and there are no available vacancies for her.

Only women with an insurance period exceeding 6 months.

How much do you pay on maternity leave?

The amount of maternity leave is calculated from the average salary for the past two years. The salary is summed up and then divided by the number of days in the month. The period of incapacity for work, paid annual leave and maternity leave with other children is deducted from them. As a result, the average daily earnings are calculated, which is multiplied by vacation days.

SDZ x days of maternity leave

Where SDZ– average daily earnings of a pregnant woman. It is calculated as follows: total earnings for two years worked divided by 730 (number of days for the past two years). If a woman went on vacation or sick leave, then this period is deducted from the number of days.

Example. An employee of Antares OJSC, Irina Kozlova, is going on vacation in March 2020. In 2013, she received a total of 430,000 rubles. Annual leave lasted 31 days. For 2020, 400,000 rubles and 30 days of vacation were paid. Total income came out 830,000 rubles and 670 days. The average daily earnings is 1238 rubles. Thus, Irina Kozlova will receive 173,320 rubles for 140 days of maternity leave.

If a woman was previously on leave to care for a child, then only the actual time worked is taken into account.

Also, at the request of the expectant mother, not the two years preceding maternity leave can be taken into account, but those previously worked, if this affects the amount of benefits.

Payment to women who went from maternity leave to maternity leave

If the expectant mother going on maternity leave was previously on maternity leave with a child under 3 years old, then she will also receive benefits.

In this case, the past two years are replaced by years worked previously.

If the expectant mother does not have two years of experience, then only the days actually worked are taken into account.

Payment to women working in several places at once

If a woman is officially employed in several companies at once, she will receive benefits from each employer. In this case, the minimum and maximum amounts are taken into account.

That is, the total amount of benefits received in all organizations may exceed the limits established by law.

The situation is similar with the minimum payment amount. Each employer will pay benefits depending on the woman's salary, making calculations using the formula given above. In this case, the payment amount should not be less than the quota established by law.

Monthly payments

One of the family members who will be with a child up to 1.5 years old can count on monthly payments. If the mother is not employed, then the father, grandmother and other relatives have the right to apply for benefits. It is issued directly at the place of service or at the social security authorities.

If the child’s father expects to receive benefits, the mother must provide a certificate stating that she is not receiving monthly payments.

Monthly payments are calculated depending on the employee’s salary, if she is officially employed. The benefit amount is 40% from the average monthly earnings of the mother (or father). If the parents are not officially employed, then the amount is calculated from the minimum wage.

Benefits can be paid in two ways:

  1. Advance payment for the coming month (for example, at the beginning of March, pay for March).
  2. In the month that follows the accrual of benefits (for example, in February to pay for January).


Each family receives lump sum allowance. In 2020 it is 14,497 rubles.

Upon the birth of a second or subsequent child, the family is given maternal capital. For 2020, its size is 453,026 rubles. From year to year this amount indexed. It can be used to improve living conditions, pay for a child’s education, or pay for a mother’s pension.

It is issued only once.

Thus, maternity capital is not due for the third child if it was received for the birth of the second child.

Additionally, a woman who registers her pregnancy early will receive compensation in the amount of 543.67 rubles.

Watch also the video about the amount of child benefit in 2020

Minimum and maximum amounts

The amount of benefits for expectant mothers cannot exceed a certain limit, nor can it be lower than the amount established by law.

The minimum payment amount is 25,528.65 rubles, and the maximum is 207,123 rubles.

Child benefits also have limits. The minimum monthly payment is 2,718.34 rubles for the first child. For the second and subsequent child, the mother has the right to receive at least 5,436.67 rubles.

The maximum monthly payment amount is RUB 19,855.82.


Many maternity leavers are concerned about the final amount of money. It is worth considering that deductions are made from the citizen insurance fund.

Therefore, benefits paid under BiR, as well as monthly payments are not taxed.

The amount of payments cannot be reduced in relation to the amount of accrual.

Subjects of payments

Transfers of benefits for BiR, as well as monthly child benefits are transferred by the insurance fund.

Therefore, the employer must have a concluded insurance contract, which must be drawn up upon employment.

The employer acts rather as an intermediary in this process.


Maternity benefits are paid by the expectant mother's employer or educational institution if the woman is undergoing full-time education. Monthly payments are also made by the employer and educational institution.

If the mother is not officially employed, then social security authorities make contributions.

The exception is cases where a woman is left without work as a result of the liquidation of an organization. Having collected Required documents, the expectant mother can receive benefits from the insurance company that issued the compulsory medical insurance policy.

Maternity leave and work experience

Many mothers are interested in the question: is maternity leave included in the overall work experience?

While a woman is on vacation with her children, her work experience is not interrupted, regardless of the duration of the maternity leave.

Since the benefit is paid through state social insurance authorities, this leave is not considered a basis for interrupting work experience.

Documents for obtaining benefits

To apply for benefits, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • A completed and certified sick leave certificate received at the clinic.
  • Application in the form established by the employer.
  • If the woman was previously employed elsewhere, then confirmation is required that the previous employer is not making payments.
  • Certificate of income from previous jobs for two years.


  • A woman going on maternity leave retains her place of work. An employer does not have the right to fire an expectant mother without her consent during the period of child care.
  • If a woman works but is not officially employed, she is not entitled to payments. However, she can count on receiving a one-time maternity benefit and monthly payments.
  • If the employer refuses to pay maternity benefits or delays them, then the woman needs to complain to the State Labor Inspectorate. Benefits must be provided within the prescribed period (10 days). For delaying benefits, a woman can demand that the employer pay a penalty.
  • Maternity benefits are paid one-time, in full amount. If an employer offers to “split” the amount into parts by making monthly payments, he is doing so illegally.
  • If a woman was previously employed in other organizations, then benefits are paid based on average earnings over the past two years. To do this, the expectant mother will need to bring a certificate of income from all places of work for the specified period.
  • Complaints about unlawful actions of employers should be sent to the prosecutor's office or labor inspectorate.

Maternity payments and child benefits

The issue of calculating maternity and child benefits in 2020 is of particular relevance for those who are planning children, or who already have small children. In 2020, the rules and procedure for calculating maternity payments and child benefits underwent significant changes. They affected both the size of payments and the procedure for their provision. New payments have appeared for those in need, which are available to families with children under 3 or under 7 years old.

Maternity benefits are officially payments for pregnancy and childbirth. This is a benefit that is paid to a woman for a certain period before and after childbirth. In the standard case, payment is made for 140 days: 70 days before birth and 70 days after. Through maternity payments, the state compensates a woman for her lost earnings in 100% volume.

In case of complicated childbirth, the duration of maternity leave is extended to 156 days. Accordingly, the benefit amount will be greater. In case of multiple pregnancy and complicated childbirth, the leave is 194 days.

For obvious reasons, they can only be received by: they are not available to children's fathers or grandparents or guardians. Even if dad actually goes on parental leave, he will not be able to take out maternity leave for himself.

All possible recipients of maternity benefits in 2020 are listed in Federal Law No. 81 of 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children.” This list includes:

  • officially employed women;
  • dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise within 12 months that preceded the recognition of the person as unemployed;
  • full-time students;
  • who voluntarily registered with the Social Insurance Fund;
  • contract military personnel;
  • persons who have adopted a child.

Unemployed women are not entitled to maternity benefits, as are women who work unofficially or under a civil contract. Entrepreneurs who have not completed the voluntary registration procedure with the Social Insurance Fund as an insured person and have not paid contributions will also not receive maternity benefits (by default, individual entrepreneurs are exempt from contributions to the Social Insurance Fund).

If an employee is employed under a student or other contract, or is undergoing an internship or internship, then she is not paid maternity leave.

Changes in the billing period

When calculating maternity benefits, a woman’s income for the previous two years is taken into account. In 2020 the woman’s earnings for 2018 and 2019 will be included in the calculations. If a woman went on maternity leave in December 2019, then the billing periods would be 2017 and 2018.

If you go on maternity leave in 2021, the years 2019 and 2020 will be included in the calculation.

The woman’s sick leave is compensated in full; it is not reduced by personal income tax.

Example: the income of employee Karandashina O.V. for 2019 amounted to 435 thousand rubles, for 2018 – 401 thousand rubles. She was on sick leave in 2019 for 6 days, in 2018 – 11 days. The amount of payments to Karandashina in 2020 will be:

  • (435,000 + 401,000) / (730 – 11 – 6) = 1,172.51 rub. (average daily earnings).

The employee was granted leave for 140 days and the amount of maternity leave was 164,150 rubles.

Changes in minimum and maximum sizes

The government has approved new limits for calculating insurance premiums for 2020. Why is this indicator so important from the point of view of calculating child benefits and maternity benefits? They directly affect the maximum amount of maternity and benefits for children under 1.5 years of age.

Employers pay social security contributions for their employees in the amount of 2.9% of wages. They go to the Social Insurance Fund budget and are then distributed among workers when insured events occur. Such insured events are pregnancy and childbirth. Funds from the Social Insurance Fund are distributed to pay for sick leave (maternity leave) and child benefits.

But contributions to the Social Insurance Fund are paid by the employer not from the entire salary of employees, but with some restrictions. Every year the Government sets limits for the calculation of contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. When an employee’s salary for a year exceeds the limit, contributions to the Social Insurance Fund stop accruing.

The limit directly affects the amount that is paid to employees upon the occurrence of insured event. This is especially true for employees with high level income. For the calculation, they take the employee’s average earnings for the last 2 years, but taking into account the established limit when calculating insurance premiums. That is, no matter what the employee’s salary was over the last 2 years, maternity and child care benefits cannot exceed the maximum amount.

When going on maternity leave in 2020, the maximum amount of payments for normal uncomplicated childbirth will be 322,192 rubles. If a woman went on maternity leave in 2019, then for her the maximum amount of maternity leave would be 301,095 rubles. in 140 days.

The Social Insurance Fund would pay her maternity benefits at the rate of: maximum 2150.68 rubles. per day. The limit for calculating contributions in 2019 was 1.57 million rubles. Maternity pay for 140 days amounted to no more than 301,095.2 rubles.

In case of complicated childbirth and 156 days of leave, the maximum maternity benefits in 2020 will be 359,013.72 rubles; in case of multiple pregnancy, no more than 446,465.78 rubles will be paid for 194 days.

The limits for calculating contributions for 2020 will be 1.68 million rubles. The maximum average daily earnings taken into account will be 2301.37 rubles. A woman’s maximum daily earnings for calculating maternity benefits are calculated as follows::

  • (815,000 + 865,000) / 730=2,301.37 rub.

Thus, maternity payments will be unprofitable for women with a salary of more than 70 thousand rubles. per month: they will not be able to receive 100% compensation from the state. They can continue to work and receive a salary, but they cannot pay maternity leave and benefits at the same time.

If a woman goes on maternity leave in 2021, then her maximum maternity leave for 140 days will be 340,328.8 rubles.

The state sets not only the maximum contribution amount, but also the minimum amount below which a woman will not receive even with low income. This guaranteed minimum amount of maternity benefits is tied to (federal). The minimum wage for 2020 was 12,130 rubles. (for comparison: in 2019 – 11,280 rubles).

The minimum amount of maternity benefits that pregnant Russian women can count on in 2020 will be 55,831 rubles. (this is 3,912 rubles more than the 2019 level). The minimum benefit for 156 days will be 57,852.6 rubles, for 194 days - 71,944.90 rubles.

A woman will receive maternity leave in the specified amount if the amount of her earnings for 2018-2019 is less than 398.79 rubles. in a day. The minimum average daily earnings in 2020 is determined by the following formula:

  • 12 130 * 24 / 730.

The value is tied to the minimum wage at the time of calculation.

Individual entrepreneurs receive maternity benefits in a minimum amount, regardless of the amount of income, since they pay insurance premiums based on the minimum wage. Those on maternity leave and those women whose work experience is less than six months receive the minimum amount.

Minimum maternity leave can be obtained by a woman who has been working in an organization for less than 2 years and cannot provide data on earnings from her previous place of work.

Child benefits in 2020

Indexation of all child benefits that are paid from funds federal budget, according to the rules, it is carried out not from January, but from February 2020. At the same time, benefits, the payment of which depends on the size of the minimum and maximum wages, will increase from January 2020.

In February 2020, payments related to the birth of a child will be indexed by a factor of 1.031. The benefit for early registration at the antenatal clinic (if the woman registered before 12 weeks of pregnancy) will be 655.48 rubles in January 2020. In February it will be indexed to 675.8 rubles. Indexation is paid annually. It is worth considering that some regions establish additional support measures for early registration: for example, in Tula this benefit exceeds 10 thousand rubles.

The one-time benefit for the birth of a child in January 2020 is 17,479.72 rubles, from February - 18,021.59 rubles. It is subject to annual indexation.

The indicated amounts are increased by the current regional coefficient, northern and other allowances.

The lump sum benefit is calculated at the place of work of one of the parents. If one of the parents is employed and the other is not, then only an employed person can apply for payment. If both parents do not officially work or are individual entrepreneurs, then the benefit is paid after contacting the social security authorities.

Benefits up to 1.5 years

The limit for calculating contributions to the Social Insurance Fund and the minimum wage also affects the amount of child care benefits for children under 1.5 years of age. Based on these indicators, child benefits are calculated, or more precisely, their threshold and minimum values.

In 2020, the minimum will be 4,852 rubles.(this is 340 rubles more than in 2019 – 4,512 rubles). The minimum benefit will be indexed from February 2020. The minimum amount of benefit for caring for a second and subsequent child up to 1.5 years old from February 2020 will be:

  • RUB 6,554.89 * 1.031 = 6,758.09 rub.

The maximum amount of child care benefits in 2020 will be 27,985 rubles.(1,833 rubles more than in 2019, when it was 26,152.24 rubles). The maximum benefit for a child under 1.5 years of age in 2020 is calculated as follows:

  • ((81 5000 + 86 5000) / 730 * 30,4 * 40%).

In 2021, the maximum benefit will reach 29,519.56 rubles.

For child care benefits, the average earnings for the previous 2 years are taken into account, taking into account limits. The person caring for the child receives 40% of the average monthly earnings. Average earnings they think like this:

  • Average daily earnings for the previous two years before the start of the vacation * 30.4 (average number of days per month).

The maximum average daily earnings for the year is known in advance. To calculate it, contribution limits for the previous two years are determined. When calculating minimum amount benefits are taken into account by the minimum wage. The minimum child care benefit will be calculated as follows::

  • Minimum wage * 40%.

For example, a woman received 10,000 rubles. per month. According to calculations, her benefit should be 4,000 rubles, but this is less than the limit, so she will receive 4,852 rubles. per month.

By law, a woman who cares for a child and works part-time may be entitled to a salary and child care benefits. The benefit is issued only after the end of maternity leave. If a woman did not go on maternity leave, then she can apply for benefits immediately after the birth of the child. But she has no right to receive maternity and care benefits for the same period.

Not only the mother of the child, but also the father and grandparents can apply for benefits. The payment is tied to the child: father and mother do not have the right to apply for benefits for up to 1.5 years to care for one child at the same time.

The benefit is also available to the unemployed and entrepreneurs. They receive it through social security authorities in the minimum amount guaranteed by the state. Other categories of citizens apply for benefits from their employer. To do this, they write a free-form application requesting payment. Attached to this application are:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • a certificate stating that the second parent did not receive benefits;
  • certificate of income for 2 years from a previous employer.

The benefit is assigned within 10 days after applying for payment. It is usually transferred on the day the salary is paid.

Payments for child care from 1.5 to 3 years

Until 2020, payments for child care under 3 years of age were nominal: they amounted to only 50 rubles. monthly. Many families did not even apply for such a payment: a lot of documents were required, and the benefit paid would not even be enough to buy a carton of milk.

But from 2020, an allowance of 50 rubles. it was decided to abolish it as not meeting current economic realities. Instead, it was decided to introduce a targeted program to support families who really need additional resources to support their children.

Corresponding amendments were made to Federal Law No. 81 of 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children.” Payments based on the criterion of need are available to persons caring for a child from birth to 3 years (previously, until 2020, this benefit was paid up to 1.5 years).

This additional benefit for the first, second and third children born after January 1, 2018, whose family meets the need criteria, does not have a fixed amount. It is paid in the amount of the subsistence minimum per child for the 2nd quarter of the year preceding the application for payment.

On average, the amount of benefit for a child under 3 years of age exceeds 11 thousand rubles. per child monthly (the amount depends on the region).

For example, a family has two children, 2 and 4 years old, father and mother. Dad receives 35,000 rubles. per month, mother does not work. The cost of living per child in the region is 11,000 rubles. The income per family member was 8,750 rubles. (35,000 / 4). This is below twice the subsistence level (11,000 * 2), so the mother can receive benefits until the child turns 3 years old in the amount of 11,000 rubles.

Thus, in the Vladimir region, the double subsistence minimum is 23,492 rubles; allowance for a child under 3 years old will be paid in the amount of 10,780 rubles. In Moscow, the double subsistence minimum is 40,390 rubles, child benefit is paid in the amount of 15,225 rubles, in the Tula region - 22,762 rubles. and 10,427 rub. accordingly, in St. Petersburg - 25,168.6 rubles. and 11,176.2 rubles, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug – 35,414 rubles. – minimum and 16,700 rub. – child benefit.

Payment of the so-called “Putin benefits” for up to 3 years occurs in 2020 under the following conditions:

  1. Monthly family incomes do not exceed two subsistence minimums per able-bodied resident in the region.
  2. The payment can be issued for the first, second or third child born after 2018.
  3. In 2020, the cost of living for children for the 2nd quarter of 2019 is taken as a basis.
  4. The payment can be issued to both employed and unemployed parents.
  5. For the first child, funds are paid to the social security authorities, for the second and third - to the Pension Fund.
  6. It must be taken into account that the allowance for the second and subsequent child reduces the amount of maternity capital, since it is paid from these funds. The family may not apply for benefits and retain maternity capital in full.

To apply for benefits, you must write an application, to which you must attach a passport, birth certificate of children or a child, documents on family composition (certificate of family composition) and income (certificate from the accounting department on income for the last year, declaration, etc.). When calculating per capita income, it is necessary to take into account all types of earnings, including the basic salary at the place of work, pension, scholarship, alimony, severance pay, income from valuable papers or deposits, etc.

When checking the information provided total income families for the year are divided by 12 and the number of family members. This is how the average per capita income is obtained, and if it turns out to be less than two times the regional minimum, then a benefit is assigned.

The benefit is paid monthly according to the details provided by the applicant.

Payments for child care from 3 to 7 years

During his Address to the Federal Assembly on January 15, 2020, President V. Putin emphasized that from January 2020, families with incomes within two subsistence levels will receive monthly payments for the first and second child under 3 years of age. Also, large families receive benefits in the amount of the subsistence minimum per child: this support program is being implemented today in all 75 regions. For example, in the Ivanovo region this amount is equal to 10,327 rubles, in the Belgorod region - 9,084 rubles, in the Tver region - 11,399.09 rubles, in the Pskov region - 11,057 rubles, Chechnya - 10,811 rubles, in Astrakhan region - 11,256 rubles, in the Republic of Tatarstan - 9,373 rubles, in the Tyumen region - 11,632 rubles.

But after the child reaches three years of age, everything defined benefits stop, and therefore the family may find itself in a difficult situation with money. To prevent this, the President proposed introducing monthly additional payments for families with children from 3 to 7 years old. Moreover, such payments are supposed to be introduced “retroactively”: already from January 2020.

To pay this benefit, you will need to issue a special certificate from the accounting department about the amount of earnings. The payment will be available to families whose income does not exceed the subsistence level per person. From January 2020, payments will amount to 5,500 rubles. (half the subsistence level for children), and from January 2021 - 11,000 rubles.

The payment will be increased to the full subsistence level from 2021, if even taking into account the new benefit in 2020, family income was insufficient to become comparable with living wage per child per person.

While the payment child benefit up to 7 years has the status of a legislative initiative, and details for its practical implementation have not been established.

Only after the publication of the relevant law will it become clear who will receive the new payments and in what amount. Presumably, it is planned to allocate an additional 134 billion rubles to pay benefits to children under 7 years of age.

Other child benefits

From February 2020, maternity benefits will be increased for wives whose husbands are undergoing emergency medical treatment. military service. This payment is made in a fixed amount and is regularly indexed from February. In 2019 and January 2020, it was 27,680.97 rubles, after indexation in February 2020 it will be 28,539.08 rubles.

For adoption from 7 years old or several children (the amount is paid for each) 137,699.69 rubles are paid. (133,559.35 * 1.031).

Payment for a child of a military personnel(serving under conscription) will amount to 12,231.03 rubles after the February indexation. In January 2020, it will remain at the level of last year - 11,863.27 rubles.

Payment for the loss of a breadwinner-military will be 2,459.97 rubles. (from February 2020, until this date - 2,386 rubles).

For a child from the Chernobyl zone up to 1.5 years, a fixed additional payment has been introduced - 3,485.21 rubles. (RUB 3,380.42 until February 2020).

Also in many regions there are other programs to support young families. Often, child benefits are assigned here according to the criteria of property need, but there are other options. For example, in Moscow a regional allowance in the amount of 15,000 rubles is provided for. (from birth to 3 years) and 6,000 rub. – for children 3-18 years old, for single mothers – 10,000 rubles. up to 3 years.

Thus, in 2020, child benefits will be indexed in several stages: from January and February. The formula for calculating maternity benefits and child benefits in 2020 remained unchanged, but the calculation periods have changed: a woman’s income for 2018 and 2019 is now taken into account, as well as the limits for transferring contributions to the Social Insurance Fund that were in effect during the specified periods of time. The minimum wage was also revised to increase. As a result, the maximum maternity and child care benefits increased, and the minimum values ​​of these benefits also increased.

The federal payment system assumes the following types benefits:

  1. Maternity benefits (maternity benefits).
  2. For early pregnancy registration.
  3. A one-time payment upon the birth of a child.
  4. Payment for child care up to 1.5 years.
  5. Payment for child care up to 3 years (it is planned to additionally introduce payment for child care up to 7 years).

There are also additional regional payments and payments in favor of individual categories citizens: for military personnel, adoptive parents, etc.

Calculation and payment sums of money during maternity leave are regulated on the basis of Federal Law No. 81 of May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children” and Federal Law No. 255 of December 29, 2006 “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity.”

Who can get it?

An important feature is that Only a woman who subsequently becomes a mother can receive maternity benefits, it is due to the following group of persons:

  1. Women working officially.
  2. Unemployed women registered at the employment center.
  3. Individual entrepreneurs registered with the Federal Tax Service.
  4. Full-time students of universities and colleges.
  5. Women serving in the army under contract.

People who adopt a child under 3 years of age are also entitled to receive child care benefits.

Not only the mother, but also, or any other person looking after him can count on other payments.

Who credits and pays money?

According to Law No. 255, all benefits related to pregnancy and childbirth are required to be paid by the employer, not the state.

Subsequently, the Social Insurance Fund returns to the employer the money paid to the employee, subject to the provision of the necessary documents.

The mother’s social status influences where she receives financial assistance:

  • female students studying full-time are financed from local budget through the dean's office;
  • who are registered with the Central Employment Center are entitled to benefits under the BiR. Funds are allocated to pay for them from the state budget through the Social Insurance Fund. Also, employees who are dismissed have the right to receive maternity leave;
  • women running small businesses () also have the right to receive maternity benefits, provided that they are registered with the Federal Tax Service and make contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. Funding is provided by the Social Insurance Fund.

If the employer refuses to pay maternity benefits, the woman has the right to file a complaint with the Social Insurance Fund of the locality where the employer is located.

Payment procedure and conditions

Maternity benefit

The woman receives it in a lump sum before giving birth, and not after, and it is calculated as follows::

  • the income of a woman going on maternity leave for the last two years is summed up;
  • the resulting amount is divided by the total number of days of these two years (730 or 731);
  • the result of the division is multiplied by 140 (standard sick leave). The resulting number will be the amount for a lump sum payment for pregnancy and childbirth.
  1. A sick leave certificate issued by a gynecologist observing a woman. This document is issued when the pregnancy reaches 30 weeks.
  2. Certificate of income from previous place of work for the previous two years. Required if the woman worked in another company in previous years.
  3. Application for payment.

Unemployed pregnant women registered with the Labor Center, receive benefits under the following conditions:

  1. No more than 12 months have passed from the moment of dismissal or liquidation of the enterprise to 30 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. To receive benefits, you need to provide the social security authorities with a sick leave certificate, a work book with a record of your last place of work, and a certificate from the Employment Center stating that the pregnant woman is registered as unemployed.
  3. The benefit is paid according to the standards established in a particular region for the unemployed (the amount is indexed annually).

A full-time student is paid benefits based on the average scholarship amount of the educational institution where she is enrolled.

Benefits are also paid in the form of a scholarship. For registration, you only need a doctor’s certificate and an application.

To receive maternity benefits, an individual entrepreneur must contact the local Social Insurance Fund with an application, sick leave and a copy of the state certificate. registration as an individual entrepreneur.

In general, the design procedure looks like this:

  • An employee (unemployed, student, individual entrepreneur) submits the entire package of documents to the employer (FSS, dean's office);
  • The employer (FSS, dean's office) calculates the amount of maternity benefits;
  • The employer (dean's office) submits its calculations to the Social Insurance Fund, from where the woman receives the funds. If there is a delay, the employer himself pays the money, which is then compensated from the local budget.

Other payments

When a child is born, a woman needs to collect in order to receive monthly payments and a lump sum birth benefit.

The list of documents includes:

  1. Baby's birth certificate.
  2. A certificate from the father’s work confirming that he has not made any payments to the child.
  3. Application for payment.

Otherwise, the procedure for receiving these benefits is similar to receiving financial assistance for pregnancy and childbirth.

How is money credited and paid?

After everyone has submitted necessary documents to the accounting department, the employer has 10 days to check them and calculate payments.

Read more about the timing of payment of benefits under the BIR. The employer is obliged to pay the employee money, even if she continues to work at the company after 30 weeks of pregnancy.

Social security authorities transfer payments no later than the 26th of the next month.

This benefit is not taxable

Read more about the timing of payment of financial assistance at the birth of a baby.

Where to go to receive it?

  • Officially employed pregnant women apply for payments to the accounting department of the organization in which they work.
  • Full-time students can get help in this matter from the dean's office of their educational institution.
  • Temporarily unemployed women registered with the employment center and individual entrepreneurs apply for their maternity benefit to local FSS authorities.
  • Unemployed mothers apply for benefits to social protection authorities.


Working women planning to become mothers should be prepared for the following::

  • Employers are usually reluctant to hire pregnant women, but they have no right to refuse her a job for this reason.
  • Payments in the amount of 40% of the salary will be made only for the first year and a half after childbirth, in the next 18 months the amount of payments will be 50 rubles per month.
  • A woman has the right to leave maternity leave before its end, but only at her own request; the employer has no right to demand this.

Maternity payments for twins

According to the law, women expecting one child can go on maternity leave 70 days before giving birth.

If twins are expected, then this period becomes 27 days longer, i.e. begins 97 days before birth.

Accordingly, and billing period there will be not 140 days, as in the case of one child, but 194 days, which will slightly increase the amount of the lump sum payment.

In addition, a woman a year and a half after giving birth can receive a monthly allowance separately for each baby.

However, the benefit amount cannot be more than the average salary in the region. Otherwise, the mother of twins is entitled to the same payments as others.

Any woman, upon becoming a mother, has the right to receive financial assistance. She also needs time to restore her health and care for the newborn baby.