Calculate consumer credit in Sberbank online. Was the page helpful to you? Sberbank mortgage calculator: how to calculate early repayment

Credit calculator Sberbank 2020 "Sberbank loan 2020" is an updated online loan calculator designed to perform calculations consumer loans individuals at Sberbank in 2020. Namely, the Sberbank loan calculator will allow you to calculate a consumer loan in 2020, calculate a cash loan or a credit card according to the lending conditions established by Sberbank for 2020.

Sberbank loan calculator 2020

Sberbank loan calculator 2020 will help you calculate monthly payment, the full cost of the loan, the total amount of payments and the overpayment on the cash loan, as well as the overpayment on the credit card for the entire term of the loan. In addition, this online Sberbank loan calculator will calculate the ratio of interest on the loan and the amount of the principal debt in monthly payments. Thus, the calculation of the loan will help the borrower to take the most profitable consumer cash loan from Sberbank in 2020, with the most favorable and lowest interest rate and on the best conditions in the lending market.

Our loan calculator is an early repayment calculator with a payment schedule. The payment schedule displays all the necessary information on the loan, which will be needed for early or partial early repayment of the loan at Sberbank. The loan calculator is available for both individuals and small and medium businesses.

How to calculate a loan in Sberbank in 2020 online


A consumer cash loan in 2020 can be calculated for 5 years up to a maximum of 5 million rubles. Calculation of the loan, at the minimum rate, for a period of 3 months to 5 years, is preliminary. The exact interest rate and amount of the loan will be known after the approval of the loan when drawing up an agreement at a branch or office of Sberbank. The Bank has the right to refuse to issue a loan without giving reasons.

Loan terms for 2020


Loan interest rate

The base interest rate for a consumer loan, a cash loan for any purpose at Sberbank in 2020 will be from 13.9 percent per annum. If a bank client (salary client, individual) receives a salary or pension on a card or current account with Sberbank, then the interest on the loan in 2020 will be reduced by 1%, and will accordingly amount to 12.9% per year. These lending conditions (promotions on loans for payroll clients) are intended only for individuals.

Interest on Sberbank loans

* In 2020, Sberbank lowered the minimum interest rate loan at 1 percent. If you apply for a loan through the Sberbank Online Internet Bank, or receive a salary or pension to an account with Sberbank, then the loan rate from 300,000 rubles will be 12.9 percent per annum. (Special conditions).

Credit card interest

Credit interest on a Sberbank credit card, in 2020 will remain at the same level of the previous 2019 and, depending on the tariff and type of cards, will be:

*Credit cards with a personal limit in Sberbank are issued only upon a pre-approved personal offer of the bank. To find out if your card is approved, go to personal account Internet banking or in the Sberbank Online mobile application.

The loan calculator from Sberbank is designed to calculate mortgages and consumer loans online. The calculation algorithm is based on interest rates valid in 2020. You can use it both on the bank's website and with us.

The loan calculator will accurately determine the amount of the monthly payment, the total cost of the loan, the amount of payments and the percentage of overpayment. Moreover, the calculation of the latter indicator is available both for a cash loan and for credit cards.

The financial instrument is used by our clients to monitor and select a consumer loan with the most favorable terms. The ratio of the amount of interest and the amount of the principal debt, paid in monthly installments, is taken as the basis.

Instructions for using the loan calculator

To calculate your loan online in 2020, follow these steps:

  • choose the right amount loan
  • indicate the desired loan term;
  • determine the interest rate depending on the type of loan - card or cash;
  • Click the "Calculate Credit" button.

The repayment calculator will help you calculate online:

  • payment amount with interest
  • the amount of payment for loans with early repayment,
  • payment amount for loans with partial early repayment.
  • calculate monthly payment
  • loan terms

This program is designed not only to effectively help users, but also save time for bank employees. Having at hand the results issued by the program, the applicant already knows exactly which credit card to count on and what numbers will be specified in the contract. Such information solutions allow you to quickly search for the best loans with loyal interest on a cash loan remotely.

The Sberbank loan calculator is the most reliable, convenient and trouble-free software tool. Having received all the necessary calculations (loan term, monthly payments, total amount of payments on a credit card) online, you can avoid serious problems later, when monthly payments begin to scoop out most of the personal or family budget.

The loan calculator will calculate:

  • for payroll and credit card holders,
  • for natural (private) persons,
  • for pensioners,
  • For legal entities,
  • for IP.

The parameters set on the calculator must comply with the conditions applicable to credit cards and consumer loans of Sberbank.

A consumer loan issued in 2020 is calculated for a period of up to 5 years from maximum amount 5 million rubles. The calculation will be approximate, since the interest rate and the total loan amount will become known only after a positive decision of the bank on the created application. The manager of Sberbank will indicate the specific figures when drawing up the contract directly at the branch. The Bank reserves the right to refuse to provide a loan to a client without disclosing the reason.

Loan terms approved for 2020

Loans issued in 2020 are subject to the following conditions:

  • the interest rate varies between 11.9% - 19.9%;
  • the minimum loan amount is 30 thousand rubles, the maximum is 5 million rubles;
  • You can borrow for a period of 3 months to 5 years.

Lending conditions and interest rates for cash loans at Sberbank 2020

Consumer secured real estate

Consumer under surety


Consumer without collateral

The specified data is also used to obtain detailed information on the loan using online calculator on the Sberbank website.

Interest rate

The standard interest on a consumer loan taken in cash for any expenses for 2020 is set at 12.9% per annum. Preferential conditions valid for holders bank card and recipients of pension and salary payments to a card or settlement account of Sberbank. These clients will be able to get a loan at 11.9% per annum. The promotional offer is valid only for individuals who are payroll clients. The total interest on a loan taken on general conditions directly depends on the amount of the loan.

Conditions for a credit card

The credit limit set on the Sberbank card in 2020 will be burdened with the previous interest rate that is valid in 2020. Its size depends on the tariff chosen by the client, as well as the type of card. The minimum rate for a card with a personal limit is 21.9%, the maximum is 23.9%. For a card issued on general terms, rates are 23.9% -25.9%, respectively.

Types of loan calculators

Each client can use one of several types of financial instrument:

  • credit;
  • mortgage;
  • universal;
  • car loan;
  • for consumer refinancing;
  • to refinance a mortgage.

Online lending

Clients who apply for a consumer loan for online service Sberbank, can take advantage of a reduced interest rate. To do this, a citizen must follow a simple instruction:

  • registration or authorization on the Sberbank Online portal;
  • fill out a short questionnaire of the borrower and form an application;
  • the bank will send specified number phone SMS message, which will notify the client about the preliminary decision on the loan;
  • if the application is approved, the money goes to the Sberbank card or to the current account.

The borrower will need three documents, including a passport with registration and Russian citizenship, a financial certificate in the form of "2-NDFL", a photocopy of the work book, which will confirm the employment of a citizen.

Client Requirements

The borrower must meet certain criteria:

    minimum age 18;
  • on the date of repayment, the age of the client must not exceed 65 years;
  • continuous work experience at the current workplace should not be less than 3 months.

In addition, the borrower must have Russian citizenship and permanent registration in the Russian Federation. Temporary registration is allowed, but in this case, you must submit a document on registration at the place of residence.

Loans can be taken:

  • cash,
  • for development small business,
  • to buy a car (for a car),
  • to buy a home,
  • for building a house,

We wish you a pleasant calculation and the most favorable conditions.


DomClick from Sberbank:

If you already have a loan, can you get more?

Yes, you can. The presence of loans in other banks is not a reason for refusing to issue a loan or refinance them in Sberbank.

What kind of loans does the bank give?

Sberbank provides general purpose loans without collateral, as well as secured by real estate, loan refinancing, mortgages and consumer loans for people running a personal household.

How to apply for a loan?

You can apply at any convenient Sberbank office. You can find the nearest branch using the map on the Bank's website. You can also apply for a loan online using the Sberbank Online service (section "Loans").

Where can I find out the status of my application?

If the client submitted an application through the Sberbank Online Internet bank, you can check its status there. This information can also be provided by employees of the Bank's offices. When the application is considered, the client will receive an SMS with a decision on it.

How to get money for an approved application? My application has been approved! How can I get money?

You can get an approved loan within 30 days from the date of notification of the client about a positive response to the application. The loan amount is credited to the account debit card Sberbank. If the borrower receives a salary or pension on the Bank’s card, he can receive money through the Internet bank by clicking on the “Apply a loan” button next to the application. Otherwise, money can be obtained by contacting a branch of Sberbank.

Where can I see the payment schedule?

You can find out all the information on the loan, including the amount and terms of payments, using the Sberbank Online service.

How to pay monthly payments?

The borrower can pay the loan in the following ways:

  • by automatically debiting funds from a card or a deposit account with Sberbank;
  • by listing the part wages through the accounting department of the client's place of work;
  • through Mobile Bank and Sberbank Online service;
  • through ATMs and terminals of the Bank; in cash at a branch of Sberbank;
  • using ATMs with the function of receiving funds;
  • by transfer from an account in another bank.

How to apply for a partial early repayment loan?

This can be done through the Internet bank, section "Loans", tab "Early repayment". In the form that appears, you need to select the type of repayment (partial), specify the account for debiting funds, the amount and date of repayment. The application must be confirmed by SMS.

I'm late with my payment!

How to find out the accrued penalties for late payment?

You can find out this information in Sberbank Online, in the Loans section. In case of delay in payment, the client is charged a penalty in the amount of 20% per annum of the amount of the unpaid payment for the actual period of delay, starting from the date following the day of payment (according to the repayment schedule) until the date of its payment.

I can't pay my loan anymore, what should I do?

In the event of financial difficulties, the client can apply for the restructuring of an existing loan. You can do this online or at the Sberbank office. Restructuring may take the form of changing the currency of the loan, extending its term, or providing grace period(temporary reduction in the amount of the monthly payment). Together with the application, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the existence of grounds for restructuring, including:

  • loss of work capacity by the borrower;
  • loss of a stable source of income (for example, as a result of layoffs);
  • call for military service;
  • maternity leave.

The Bank reviews each application and makes decisions on them on an individual basis, analyzing all the circumstances.

The leader in providing loans to Russians, Sberbank, is expanding its credit line and offering more favorable terms to its potential customers. But any person who wants to use borrowed funds is always interested in the question of how to calculate a loan at Sberbank so that it is profitable and not burdensome for their own budget.

How to calculate a cash loan at Sberbank

Most borrowers make the same mistake: they assume that an overpayment on a loan is defined as the addition of the interest rate and principal. But this is absolutely not true: banks use completely different payment options. maximum size loans and monthly payments for each specific client. Calculation formulas take into account many factors.


Preliminary calculations can be done independently in two ways. The first one is traditional. A citizen applies to the credit department, where, after providing data about himself, income and the desired amount borrowed money, receives all the information from the manager. At the same time, the client cannot directly participate in the calculation itself, but will only receive the finished result. For those who wish to independently explore all the possibilities of loan program and, most importantly, to analyze for yourself all the benefits of a particular product, you should go to the site and make all the necessary calculations online, selecting different parameters using a loan calculator.


Another method of calculation is based on the use of mathematical formulas.

Amount of differentiated payment calculated like this:

E=S/t+ (((S*M*dl)/DY)/100), where

E- the amount of the monthly payment,

S- loan amount,

t– number of months (or remaining months);

M- annual rate, according to the contract;

dl- the number of days in a particular month;

DY- days in a year.

Monthly payment according to the annuity scheme redemption is defined as follows:

E=S*(m*(1+m)^n)/((1+m)^n-1), where

m- monthly interest rate

n- the number of months under the contract.

monthly interest rate is defined like this:

m = M/12/100, where

M- annual rate, according to the contract.


In banking practice, there are only two loan repayment schemes - annuity and differentiated (classical).

Annuity involves fixed and equal monthly payments that do not change during the entire loan term. Such payments include both the body of the loan and interest. Their ratio may change monthly, but the amount of payments will be the same. Under this scheme, most of the interest is paid in the first months, and only then - the main debt. This is the reason for the increase in overpayment. This method is most often used for long-term loans, and especially for mortgages. It has its pros and cons. Among the advantages are the following:

  • for the first months, the client will pay less than with the classic repayment scheme;
  • knowing a fixed payment, it is easier for a borrower to plan his budget.

Of the shortcomings noted:

  • the overpayment is greater than with the classic version, and with an increase credit term it is more significant;
  • it is difficult to determine the outstanding balance;
  • early repayment is not very profitable.

A differentiated scheme is to reduce the amount of monthly payments. The payment itself consists of the body of the loan, the amount of which is divided proportionally for all months, and interest accrued on the unpaid balance. Due to the decrease in interest at the end of the term, the payment decreases. Advantages of differentiated payments:

  • overpayment is less;
  • early repayment is very beneficial;
  • easier to determine the remainder.

But there is also a drawback: in the first months, payments are maximum.

How to calculate a differentiated loan payment

With differentiated repayment, each subsequent monthly payment is less than the previous one - this is the essence of classic lending. The maximum payout is in the first month, and the minimum payout is in the last. All borrowed funds are divided into equal parts according to the number of months specified in the contract. To each of these payments is added the amount of interest accrued on the balance. Since the balance decreases every month, the amount of the payment also decreases.

Step-by-step instruction

  • outstanding balance,
  • the remainder of the time until the end of the repayment,
  • the number of days in a particular month;
  • number of days in a year.

Having these indicators, you need to go to the site and select the required loan. Then fill in the fields with the data listed above. Choose a repayment method - differentiated - and make a miscalculation.

How to calculate loan payments

When applying for a cash loan at Sberbank, the client is always interested in how to calculate the amount of payments.

Since recently banks are moving away from a differentiated scheme and stop at an innuitant one because of the greater benefit for themselves, most of the calculations are associated with annuity payments. In most cases, these are all types of mortgages and long-term loans.


Since such a scheme assumes equal payments every month, the borrower is mainly interested in the amount of overpayments. To get this indicator, it is better to use a calculator and do the following:

  • go to the site and select the loan of interest;
  • the page with the selected product most often provides its own calculator;
  • study all the columns by filling it out;
  • fill in all the data and indicate the type of payment;
  • calculate.

The summary table will show all the indicators - the amount of overpayments and payments every month, on the basis of which the client will be able to draw conclusions about the benefits and expediency of the loan product.

Loan calculator: how to calculate a consumer loan in 2017

The Sberbank loan calculator for 2017 allows the borrower to calculate what monthly payments he will have to pay. The algorithm is simple: you will need to fill in all the fields, taking into account your personal data and loan parameters. The result of the calculations will be a compiled table or graph that will clearly demonstrate the amount of principal debt, payment dates and interest to the bank. The advantage of the loan calculator is that you get complete calculations in seconds and real information about the selected product. This allows the user to realistically assess their capabilities and the financial burden on the family budget.

It should be noted that the calculator does not take into account possible additional payments (ship bill, commissions, insurance). You can find out about them already at the bank branch before concluding the contract.


To calculate the required loan amount at Sberbank using a calculator, you need to follow the scheme:

  • go to the bank's website;
  • in the menu from the list Consumer loans» choose the one you need, click on it;
  • determine the type of calculation (according to loan amount, average monthly income or monthly payments);
  • set the desired date and term of crediting in months;
  • it is mandatory to indicate the category of the borrower, this affects the amount of interest;
  • fill in personal data;
  • the interest rate is set automatically, and it corresponds to the current one;
  • indicate income (own and family), family composition, expenses;
  • make a calculation.

When filling out all the points, it is worth realistically assessing your financial capabilities and the duration of debt repayment.

How to calculate a loan for building a house in Sberbank

On the eve of applying to banking institution you can make an approximate calculation of a loan for building a house in Sberbank by calculating the overpayment and the amount of the monthly payment using a mortgage calculator. In addition to the main indicators (type of calculation, repayment scheme, value of the property, term and amount of borrowed funds), you should pay close attention to other items that affect the rate. This is the category of the borrower, the income of the client and his family, the desired amount down payment, the time of registration of the object (before the conclusion of the contract or after) and the ability to use state budget funds. The latter includes attraction maternity capital and participation in the Young Family campaign. After the maternity capital is credited, the bank recalculates according to the loan repayment schedule, reducing monthly payments. But one should not hope that the repayment period will be changed.

Sberbank mortgage calculator: how to calculate early repayment

Early repayment of a mortgage loan at Sberbank should be calculated according to the scheme for annuity payments. For this, a mortgage calculator is used. The algorithm is simple:

  • all parameters are entered (date of conclusion of the contract, amount, rate, and term);
  • the type of payment is indicated;
  • indicate the amount planned for early repayment and the date.


Having figured out how to calculate a loan at Sberbank of Russia, you need to take into account a few more points. Before going to the bank, it is worthwhile to assess your own solvency and real opportunities without embellishment. You should not chase after an unrealistic loan, but stop at the loan that will be beneficial for you and carefully study the terms of the loan. There is no need to rush to get a loan without first calculating future payments. Then they can be compared with the calculations in the office and deal with additional "surcharges". The best option is to stop at a differentiated debt repayment scheme.

To make a preliminary decision on taking a loan, a special loan calculator has been developed at the bank. Thanks to him, you can do all the calculations without leaving your home, choosing the most best options repayments for different loan sizes.

Consumer loans are among the most popular banking products of Sberbank. Anyone who has a desire to issue it is interested in the question: "How to calculate the interest and the amount of monthly payments?". There are two ways to find out. The easiest is to contact the bank branch and get all the data. But this will take your own time. And the result may not always be satisfactory if you are not satisfied with the terms of the loan.

In order not to waste time, there is the most comfortable way - to make a calculation online.

You can calculate loan payments online. Choose an interest rate for standard Sberbank programs or an arbitrary value.

Standard loan offers

  • Consumer loan without collateral
    Rate from 11.9%
  • Consumer loan secured by individuals
    Rate from 12.9%
  • Loan to individuals leading a personal subsidiary farm
    Rate 17%
  • Non-targeted loan secured by real estate
    Rate from 12%