Bank of monograms. Money transfers Money Graham in Sberbank - how to receive or send a transfer

Money transfers Money Graham in Sberbank - how to receive or send a transfer

At Sberbank, money transfers are made instantly through the MoneyGram system. Moneygram is one of the American organizations that is distinguished by its practicality, accessibility and wide functionality. The organization's securities are traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Since 2012, she has been involved in charity work, with her help poor children can count on a decent education.

The payment system helps carry out transactions in 190 countries, the request processing time lasts about 10 minutes. Upon receipt, you can convert the transfer amount into another monetary equivalent. The maximum amount of an acceptable transfer for citizens of the Russian Federation is $5,000, $10,000 for non-residents. The transfer can be canceled free of charge.

The commission is charged taking into account a number of factors:

  1. the place where the registration is carried out (special registration point, bank);
  2. country of the recipient of the money;
  3. amount of money.

The commission is about 3-5%. In the CIS countries, a transfer of $1000 will cost no more than $20. When sending money to certain countries in Europe and Asia, you must take into account that the commission required is more than $70. The calculation calculator on the organization’s website will allow you to calculate a specific tariff.

How and where to receive a Moneygram transfer from Sberbank?

Money sent from another country is received by contacting Sberbank. To withdraw funds, you must provide:

  • control unique number;
  • passport or other identity document;
  • registration address;
  • phone number;
  • occupation;
  • purpose of the transfer.

The recipient needs to know certain information for the Moneygram system in Sberbank to work perfectly:

  1. Full name of the sender, country of residence;
  2. amount and currency of the money transfer.

If the information matches those indicated in the application by the sender, the amount is issued at the cash desk. In case of minor errors, the amount is also paid (for example, if there is a minor error in the sender’s name or surname). In case of unforeseen cases, you can call the Moneygram Support Center.

How to make a transfer?

To implement a Moneygram money transfer in Sberbank you will need:

  • passport or other supporting document;
  • surname and name of the person who will receive the transfer, in Latin.

You will not be able to complete your application without leaving your home. You need to go to the nearest bank that deals with these payment transactions. You should take your passport and card details of the recipient with you. Then follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Provide information to an office employee.
  2. To be on the safe side, you can create a security question that the recipient will have to answer.
  3. Then you credit the bank with the required amount along with the cost of the commission.
  4. Inform the recipient about the transfer number; it is required when issuing funds.

Russian legislation has imposed restrictions on the transfer of funds to Ukraine. In accordance with Federal Law No. 59, sending money stopped on May 5, 2017. You can only receive funds sent from this country.

The transfer of funds through Sberbank, according to the bank’s terms, should not be related to business activities. Otherwise, there are many situations that can be solved by translation. Translations are especially important for:

  • labor migrants who earn money in Russia and constantly send money to their relatives;
  • students who send money to family or are recipients themselves;
  • tourists who spent unplanned money or found themselves in another difficult situation.

How long is a sent transfer stored?

Money can be kept for 3 years after registration. You can cancel an erroneous money transfer. This procedure is completely free on the day of dispatch. After 45 days, you can return the money only with deduction of the cost of the commission.

To return funds, you must present a passport, transfer identification number, transfer amount and a document confirming the funds transfer operation. The employee checks the data and makes a refund request. You can get your money back either immediately after applying or on the appointed day.

The organization has a department dedicated to transaction security. Control is carried out by software and employees. Transfers that seem suspicious are blocked. If your transaction is blocked, you will be notified.

Articles about Russian organizations

MoneyGram – international money transfers 01.12.08 11:01

MoneyGram is an international system of urgent money transfers, which is one of the leaders in the global market. Until 2004, MoneyGram was owned by Viad Corp and Travelers Express Company Inc, one of the world's largest processing companies. Today MoneyGram is an independent company whose shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

The transfer itself is called a moneygram, and the first money transfers without opening a bank account using the MoneyGram system were carried out in 1940 in Minneapolis (USA).

MoneyGram has 138,000 service points in 170 countries around the world that carry out international money transfers daily, providing their customers with the most convenient service. In the CIS countries, the MoneyGram network currently has over 7,000 service points, covering almost the entire region and uniting the largest banks in Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.

Around the world, MoneyGram works with major financial institutions that provide services through a network of their branches. MoneyGram's partners in Europe include such financial institutions as the Royal Mail of Great Britain and Norway, Italian Post, Bank of Ireland, Banco Popular Espanol, Kocbank, Finansbank and many others.

In Russia, the MoneyGram system works with OJSC JSCB "ROSBANK", CJSC "Raiffeisenbank", Bank "Far Eastern O.V.K." Bank Prominvestbank, OJSC NKB RADIOTECHBANK, OJSC JSCB "Stela-Bank", JSCB "Investtorgbank", Zemsky Bank, JSCB "Priobye", etc.

The advantage of sending transfers through the money gram system is speed, reliability and convenience. So:

  • The moneygram system operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
  • You don't need to open a bank account;
  • Transfer money is accepted and issued in cash. The transfer amount is paid immediately, at the client’s request, in cash in US dollars, Euros, local currency, depending on the country of receipt of the transfer;
  • The time for transferring money is 10 minutes. In this case, one should take into account the difference in time zones in different countries of the world and on different continents, as well as working hours in offices and banks;
  • Possibility of canceling the operation (before the recipient receives the funds);
  • Transfer, at no additional cost, a text message to the recipient of funds;

You can receive or send a moneygram in any country in the world, at any service point of the Money Gramm system. Transfers via the MoneyGram system can be used by:

  • emigrants sending money back to their homeland;
  • students and their parents to pay for studies and accommodation;
  • tourists, in case of emergency situations;
  • citizens of the Russian Federation sending funds to their relatives
  • businessmen who need to quickly send money, etc.

There are restrictions on the amounts sent:

  • Up to 5,000 US dollars per day when transferring from Russia abroad (for residents of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation).
  • For non-residents, MoneyGram has set a limit of $9,099 per day.

Recalling a transfer or receiving an unclaimed transfer

Revocation of a transfer is provided for by the rules of the MoneyGram system and is possible if the recipient’s plans have changed and if the money has not yet been paid to the recipient. You can return a transfer that was not received by the recipient within an unlimited period of time by contacting a bank branch that works with Manigram. If more than 45 days have passed since the transfer was sent, then the sender must first contact MoneyGram, after which the money transfer will be restored with a new registration number and paid at any bank that works with Money Gram. The information that you sent or received a MoneyGram money transfer is completely confidential and is a bank secret.

How to send a transfer?

  1. Fill out the form for sending a transfer and present your ID;
  2. Enter the transfer amount along with the commission;
  3. Receive the transfer registration number;
  4. Provide the registration number to the recipient and in 10 minutes the money will be ready to receive.

How to receive a transfer?

  1. Find out the transfer number from the sender;
  2. Fill out the form to receive the transfer, indicating the registration number, and present your ID;
  3. Get money

Among the variety of money transfer systems, the American company MoneyGram occupies a special place. Its uniqueness lies in the combination of many years of history, scale of activity, reliability, accessibility and social responsibility. Here are just some general facts about the company:

  • Moneygram is the second largest company in the world that carries out money transfers without opening an account, was founded in 1940 in the USA;
  • The company's annual turnover is approximately $1.45 billion and its shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange;
  • Moneygram's agent service network includes about 350 thousand points for receiving and issuing money transfers in 200 countries near and far abroad, including in, and.
  • in Belgium, France, Germany and the USA, the company owns a network of its own retail service points;
  • For the second year in a row, Moneygram is recognized as the best company in the category “Best Money Transfer Service” according to The Asian Banker agency. This prestigious award recognized improvements in service delivery and reach through digitalisation, business expansion and global presence, effective strategies to support financial performance and future growth expectations;
  • In 2012, following the success of its Global Giving program, the company launched the Moneygram Foundation, which aims to help poor children gain access to educational institutions and learning resources. To date, funding for both programs has amounted to approximately $4 million.

Moneygram's largest foreign partners

Among the 200 countries where the company operates, the largest number of Moneygram service points is located in the USA - more than 47,000 branches. This is followed by: China (16,000 branches), Italy (more than 13,000 branches), Spain (more than 11,000 branches), etc.

Moneygram's largest partners are:

  • in the USA - Advance America (financial company - 2,100 service points), Albertsons (retailer - more than 2,200 supermarkets), CVS Pharmacy (more than 9,600 pharmacies), Jewel-Osco (185 stores), Walmart (more than 10,000 supermarkets);
  • in China - Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

Moneygram in Russia

In Russia, the company is not registered as a payment system, so sending a Moneygram money transfer across Russia will not work. However, this does not prevent you from sending international money transfers through an extensive agent network. The total number of service points where you can send and receive MoneyGram international money transfers in Russia exceeds 25,000, and the company’s key partners are:

  • Banks - Sberbank, Asian-Pacific Bank, URALSIB Bank, Svyaz-Bank, Express-Volga Bank, Rosbank, Raiffeisen-Bank, Rosgosstrakh-Bank, Vostochny Express Bank, etc.;
  • Networks of communication stores - Euroset, MTS, Svyaznoy.

How to send a Moneygram transfer

Before sending a money transfer, you should read the terms and conditions of this service:

  • all transfers are made in US dollars, and you can receive them in dollars or euros;
  • speed of execution of a money transfer - about 10 minutes;
  • the maximum amount of money transfer is $10,000;
  • for residents of the Russian Federation there is a legal limit of $5,000;
  • Transfer rates depend on the amount and direction.

In order to transfer money using Moneygram, you must:

  • visit the nearest service point;
  • inform the operator of the data for automatically drawing up an application for transfer;
  • present a passport or other identification document;
  • deposit the required amount into the cash register;
  • receive a transfer control number;
  • Confidentially inform the sender of the transfer control number.

When sending a transfer, the following information may be required:

  • country of destination, amount and currency of transfer payment;
  • first and last names of the sender and recipient of the transfer, written in Latin letters;
  • sender's date of birth;
  • sender's permanent residence address;
  • the sender's occupation and purpose of the transfer. According to the rules of the payment system, transfers for business purposes are not allowed;
  • identity document details.

Before receiving the transfer, it is possible to cancel it and return it to the sender. In this case, the paid commission is not refunded if more than 45 days have passed since the transfer was sent. An additional fee may apply for canceling the transfer. To cancel a transfer, you must contact the service point from which the transfer was sent.

How to receive a Moneygram transfer

To receive a transfer you must:

  • visit the nearest branch of the partner bank (partner company) of the Moneygram money transfer system;
  • provide the required data to receive the transfer, including the transfer control number;
  • present an identification document;
  • get money.

The recipient must provide the following information to issue the transfer:

  • transfer control number;
  • first and last name of the sender and recipient in Latin letters;
  • departure country;
  • payment amount and currency;
  • permanent residence address;
  • purpose of translation.

The transfer may be refused if the recipient of the transfer incorrectly indicated:

  • first and last name of the recipient and sender of the transfer (a discrepancy in the first and last names of no more than 3 letters in total is allowed);
  • country of origin of the transfer;
  • transfer amount (deviation within 10% is allowed).


8 800 500 92 53 - Moneygram Customer Support Center (calls within Russia are free).

MoneyGram money transfers allow you to transfer money without opening an account anywhere in the world, the transfer time is a few minutes. The company proudly reports 350,000 service locations in more than 200 countries. MoneyGram has been providing money transfers for over 70 years.

MoneyGram makes transfers through major banks and communication shops. The commission is charged only to the sender and depends on the amount of the transfer. Approximate transfer time is 10 minutes.

Transfers are not made within Russia.

Where to send

MoneyGram is the only money transfer that Sberbank works with. In addition to MoneyGram, the bank carries out transfers using its own system - urgent money transfers (transfer time - 10 minutes) and regular money transfers (within 1-2 days).

It would seem that the fact that Sberbank works with MoneyGram is a big plus of the system, but not every branch allows you to send or receive a transfer. MoneyGram employee hours may vary from branch hours. Long queues and low qualifications of Sberbank employees can complicate sending or receiving a transfer. Find out in advance by phone which branch of Sberbank and at what time it is best to come about the transfer.

In addition to Sberbank, MTS, Svyaznoy, Euroset, as well as some banks work with MoneyGram, as well as some banks: Rosbank, Rosgosstrakh Bank, Vostochny Bank.

Check by phone whether this item works with MoneyGram. What you find on the MoneyGram website may not be accurate.

How to send

MoneyGram is an international transfer and can only be sent abroad. You can make a transfer to neighboring countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia and others, as well as Israel) only at a bank; communication shops make transfers only to non-CIS countries.

To send a transfer you only need a passport and cash; an account will not be opened. The sender needs to provide the recipient's first and last name in Latin letters. Each transfer is assigned a control number, which must be communicated to the recipient.

Transfers can only be made in dollars. The maximum transfer amount for residents is $5,000, for non-residents — $10,000.

How to get

You can receive the transfer in dollars or euros, depending on what currency the sender indicated. The recipient is obliged to present a passport at the MoneyGram point and provide the control number of the transfer.

Translation rates

A fixed commission is charged for a MoneyGram transfer depending on the transfer amount and the country of origin; the recipient does not pay a commission. For example, money transfers (CONTACT) charge a commission as a percentage of the transfer amount.

Please note that the commission in the bank is significantly higher than in the communication shops. Before making a translation:

  • calculate the commission,
  • find out the point of departure,
  • decide on the pick-up point.

The cash transfer system is intended for those clients who do not have a bank account or payment card. MoneyGram transfers are simple, fast transfers from the world leader in money transfers.

Happy translations!
Nina Polonskaya