Sberbank mortgage calculator online calculation. Mortgage for secondary housing from Sberbank

Many real estate market experts recommend Sberbank as a reliable partner with a good reputation. This is a bank with a stable financial position, has many branches throughout the country, works with all categories of borrowers, and also directly cooperates with many real estate agencies.

If you are interested in a mortgage from Sberbank in 2019 for secondary housing, the mortgage calculator will allow you to calculate approximate loan data online and evaluate how profitable the bank’s offers are.

Mortgage for the purchase of secondary housing in Sberbank

Sberbank offers the most favorable conditions for obtaining a mortgage loan for the purchase of finished real estate. The money allocated by the bank can only be used to purchase housing. This could be an apartment in a high-rise building, a private house or any residential premises.

Below is a mortgage calculator from Sberbank; it will help you calculate a mortgage for a secondary home and get approximate information on interest rates, monthly payments, and the amount of overpayment.

Mortgage calculator with interest rate changes

Payment type



Apartment cost


An initial fee



Interest rate


Credit term


Payment type



Amount of credit


Interest rate


Credit term


Calculation results:

Monthly payment:

Amount of payments to the bank for the entire period, including interest:

Amount of overpayment:

The development of financial instruments has led to the fact that now it is not necessary to have your own funds to pay for the desired product. Almost every bank has in its arsenal several profitable loan products, one of which is a mortgage.

Interest rates for secondary housing

The minimum allowable amount that can be received from a bank is 300,000 rubles, and the maximum amount is 15 million rubles. for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg and 8 million rubles. for residents of other regions of Russia. The mortgage loan can be issued for a term of up to 30 years.

The terms of a secondary housing mortgage at Sberbank stipulate that the future borrower needs to make only 15% of the cost of the purchased property as a down payment. At the same time, the interest rate for Sberbank’s basic programs ranges from 10.2% per annum.

*Deserves special attention - Sberbank PJSC is holding a special promotion that allows you to buy an apartment or private house on the secondary market at a rate of only 6% per annum.

Stages of obtaining a mortgage for secondary housing in Sberbank:

  1. Filling out an application for a mortgage at any bank office, on the organization’s official website or through the Sberbank Online service.
  2. Having received a positive decision, proceed to the selection of secondary housing.
  3. Collecting documents for real estate and submitting them to Sberbank.
  4. Signing a loan agreement and a mortgage for the purchased house, apartment, premises.
  5. Register ownership rights to the object, apartment in Rosreestr.
  6. Obtaining a mortgage and closing a purchase and sale transaction.

Important! In 2019, Sberbank provides all recipients of mortgages for secondary housing with an additional service of electronic registration of real estate in Rosreestr. After signing the loan agreement, bank employees themselves send the necessary documents to Rosreestr and supervise the registration procedures.

Why is it profitable to take a mortgage from Sberbank?

Many borrowers have learned from their own experience that applying to Sberbank to obtain a mortgage for a secondary home is truly beneficial. We will describe only the most obvious advantages of cooperation with the bank:

  1. A large selection of preferential lending programs, including those aimed at young families.
  2. Objectively low rates for basic programs - from only 9.2% per annum.
  3. Possibility of obtaining a mortgage without proof of income and employment.
  4. Hidden fees and commissions for issuing a loan or early repayment are completely excluded.
  5. To increase the amount of funds you will need to attract co-borrowers.
  6. Persons on Sberbank salary projects or employees of companies accredited by the bank are provided with additional bonuses.
  7. It is permissible to use maternity capital funds as a down payment or to pay off a mortgage in the future.
  8. Borrowers retain the opportunity to receive a tax deduction for the amount of interest paid on the loan.

Purchase of finished housing within the framework of the “Young Family” special program.

Sberbank has the ability to develop targeted mortgage lending programs aimed at certain groups of borrowers. It is this product category that includes a mortgage for finished housing from the bank, which young families can receive.

The mortgage rate is currently one of the lowest in the market - in 2019 its size is only 10.2% per annum. But the bank has the right to set additional surcharges. Let's consider the main ones:

  • the absence of a certificate of income and documents confirming the official employment of those receiving credit entails an increase in the interest rate by 0.5 percentage points;
  • the borrower's refusal to insure his life, health and the property being purchased will result in an increase in the rate by 1 percentage point;
  • if a potential borrower works for a company that does not participate in the bank’s salary project and does not transfer the salary plan to employees on a card issued by Sberbank, then the rate increases by 0 5 percentage points.

Sberbank always makes accommodations to its clients, including offering preferential terms for issuing mortgages for finished housing to those borrowers who are unable to confirm their official income.

Purchasing finished housing using borrowed funds is an excellent opportunity to become a property owner today, without wasting time on savings. At the same time, a mortgage on a secondary home becomes insurance in obtaining an apartment at the best price. After all, every year real estate prices increase, and with them inflation also increases, which depreciates savings.

But we must not forget that a secondary mortgage is a targeted loan. The bank issues it at interest and only to those borrowers who meet the lending conditions. To be sure of getting the most profitable loan, you should trust trusted credit institutions.

A mortgage calculator is a modern and convenient financial tool with which you can quickly calculate all the parameters of a mortgage loan.

Various banks offer their own lending conditions. In order to choose the optimal program, you need to know the exact amount of monthly contributions and the amount of the total overpayment on the loan. This information can be obtained from a bank employee or from a developer, but it is better to first calculate everything yourself in order to minimize possible risks.

The mortgage calculator in 2018 - 2019 will help determine:

  • Total amount of mortgage payments
  • Monthly payment amount
  • Monthly payment schedule
  • Monthly mortgage overpayment percentage

Having this information, you can easily compare offers from different banks and choose the option with the most favorable conditions. If the bank's information is significantly different from what you receive in the mortgage calculator, then you were not informed about any hidden fees, commissions or insurance.

How to use a mortgage calculator

In order to use the calculator, you need to enter some data, which can be obtained from the bank or viewed on our website.

For the calculator to work correctly, enter:

  • Mortgage size
  • Interest rate of the selected bank
  • Mortgage term

After this, the program will automatically calculate all loan parameters. You won't need to enter anything else. Just look at the payment schedule, monthly premiums and other important information. Decide whether the mortgage program you choose is suitable and whether the monthly payment will be too high. Will you be able to pay off your mortgage without putting a huge burden on the family budget?

The use of a mortgage calculator is justified in the following cases:

  • Purchasing real estate on the primary market
  • Purchasing real estate on the secondary market
  • Purchase of a new building (apartment in an apartment building under construction or already commissioned)
  • Major reconstruction of residential real estate
  • Acquisition of land intended for IP

Annuity and differentiated payment

To return a mortgage loan, banks usually offer a choice of two types of payments: annuity and differentiated.

An annuity payment involves repaying the loan in equal monthly installments throughout the entire loan period. This type of payment is the most common. It is ideal if you do not intend to repay the loan early. Our mortgage calculator allows you to calculate exactly the annuity payment.

Differentiated payment implies repayment in equal parts and interest accrual only on the remaining loan amount. In this case, the monthly payment will gradually decrease with each payment. This type of payment is recommended for those who have a good income level and are planning to pay off their mortgage early.

Before running the mortgage calculator, decide on the lending scheme.

So, a mortgage loan can be:

  • With a fixed interest rate
  • With variable interest rate
  • With early repayment of debt
  • No possibility of early repayment
  • With and without fines
  • With a fixed payment
  • With variable payment

Interest rate

One of the most important characteristics when calculating a mortgage is the interest rate. Its size actually determines how much you will overpay in the end after paying off the mortgage. When using the mortgage calculator 2018 - 2019, you will see the real picture of payments and estimate the amount of monthly payments at the selected interest rate.

Interest rates are divided into the following categories:

  • Mortgage loan with government support. Accessible to socially vulnerable segments of the population (large families, disabled people), young professionals and young families. The rate is 11.9% if the down payment is 20% or more.
  • Mortgage for the construction of a residential building. The rate for individuals is 13−14%.
  • A loan for a new building without government support. Rate from 12.5%.
  • Mortgage for already built housing without state support and benefits. The rate is 13−13.5%.
  • Targeted loan with partial government support. Available for scientists, military personnel, teachers. Rate from 11%.

Please note that the final interest rate will depend on the personal conditions of the bank. Additional commissions, payments, insurance. All these points must be clarified with the bank.

In order to use an online mortgage calculator, you need to know what interest rate to enter. Therefore, be sure to find out from the bank what interest rate it can provide to the borrower.

The Sberbank mortgage calculator allows you to calculate the mortgage amount for individuals based on data for 2019. If you want to choose the best mortgage offer, buy an apartment in a new building or other residential real estate with a minimal overpayment, then be sure to use the calculator.

Sberbank is a well-developed bank that occupies a leading position in the financial sector of the Russian Federation. Key areas of activity are consumer lending, servicing corporate accounts, mortgage lending, and attracting deposits from individuals. Low interest rates on mortgage loans make this bank popular among borrowers who want to purchase their own home.

Today, Sberbank offers 9 mortgage lending programs.

Purchasing a mortgage property is a very serious step for every family, since it is necessary to undertake monthly debt repayment obligations. The size of these payments will depend on how competently you calculate the mortgage and how correctly you choose the mortgage program (at what interest rate, for how many years).

Our online mortgage calculator Sberbank 2019 will automatically help you determine:

  • Maximum mortgage loan size
  • Monthly payment amount
  • The amount of accrued mortgage interest for each month
  • Amount of total overpayment in monetary terms
  • Amount of total overpayment as a percentage
  • The total amount of mortgage payments for the entire period
  • Possibility of early repayment

Using this information, you can get a complete picture of the chosen mortgage program, assess your ability to repay the loan and pay debt contributions, and decide on the advisability of applying for a mortgage.

Sberbank provides potential borrowers (including public sector employees and military personnel) with the following opportunities to obtain a mortgage loan:

  • With down payment
  • With a guarantor
  • With proof of income
  • No down payment (0% down payment)
  • No guarantors
  • Without certificates of income from work
  • Personal conditions (for young professionals or young families)

When applying for a loan, the bank can offer two options for repaying the debt: through annuity payments or differentiated payments. The Sberbank mortgage calculator calculates annuity payments, since they are in greatest demand among the population.

The calculator is a truly convenient and modern way to calculate all mortgage parameters online. For an accurate calculation, finally decide on the type of property.

You can get a mortgage loan from Sberbank:

  • On a plot of land for individual development
  • For secondary housing
  • For a new building
  • For the construction of a private house

Already at the bank branch, be sure to ask the bank employee whether it is possible to get a mortgage with early repayment from Sberbank, with state support or maternity capital. Let us also remind you that if the borrower has a salary card opened at the bank, this will significantly improve lending conditions.

Mortgage calculator in Sberbank - the ability to calculate monthly deposited amounts, taking into account the interest rate, debt repayment terms, and the possibility of early repayment. We offer with different offers. The bank has created special conditions:

  • large families,
  • citizens in need of government support.

How to use the mortgage calculator at Sberbank?

The mortgage calculator in Sberbank allows you to set certain parameters and calculate payments. See how the amounts change depending on the correction of these parameters. With it you can:

  • Make quick calculations taking into account various parameters.
  • Save an individual's time.
  • Evaluate changes in values ​​in different situations.
  • Assess the effectiveness and feasibility of early repayment.

You can calculate the amount with a mortgage calculator both for an apartment in a new building. Our website contains a service that fully corresponds to that available on the official website of this financial organization. This service allows you to make calculations for individuals, taking into account individual characteristics.

Calculating a mortgage using the Sberbank calculator allows you to preliminary assess the financial burden that falls on your family. If you are satisfied with the values ​​obtained, you can apply for pre-approval immediately. Sberbank's online mortgage calculator is constantly updated, which makes it possible to obtain the most accurate information.

Sooner or later in the lives of most people, such a serious question arises as buying their own home. In many cases, this problem faces young families - they need to build their family home outside the parental home. At the same time, Russian youth are not always economically protected and often do not have the opportunity to pay the full amount for an apartment in a new building or an already inhabited house put up for sale. The best option in this case would be an apartment loan or mortgage. Many financial organizations offer their services in this matter, and the most popular of them is Sberbank, where mortgages for new buildings are a profitable promotion.

Sberbank mortgage for an apartment in a new building

Quite favorable conditions from Sberbank for a mortgage in a new building in 2017 are provided to those wishing to obtain new housing. One of the conditions of such a loan is the obligatory purchase of housing in a building under construction in Moscow and the regions or a newly built one - in other words, a new building in Moscow or the peripheries. For houses under construction, the construction period is not limited.

The user - the future borrower - can provide documents for housing within ninety days, counting weekends and starting from the day when Sberbank made a positive decision - approved a mortgage for a new building in 2017.

One of Sberbank’s interesting conditions for a mortgage on a new building is the possibility of issuing a loan in installments. Dividing the total amount into two equal parts, the company issues the first half to the client after concluding a share participation agreement. The rest of the money allocated for the loan is issued later, but no later than a year after receiving the first part.

Conditions for Moscow and regions

Mortgages for new buildings in Sberbank for Moscow or other cities of the country are provided in domestic currency - rubles. The smallest amount issued by a financial institution as a loan for the purchase of housing is three hundred thousand rubles. The maximum loan amount in 2017 is calculated in a special way: it must not exceed one of two amounts, the lesser - 85% of the total value of the home being financed or the same percentage of the full price of other real estate provided by the agreement as collateral. The user can find out the remaining parameters using an Internet calculator.

The usual term of a mortgage loan with Sberbank of Moscow or the regions is thirty years. In this case, a down payment is required, ranging from 15 to 50 percent - a service called a Mortgage Calculator can most accurately calculate this factor. The highest threshold is intended for clients who have not provided the necessary documents - certificates of official income or papers confirming permanent employment and position.

New buildings with a Sberbank mortgage are rented out without a loan processing fee. However, the collateral for the loan includes the collateral of real estate - a new building or other residential premises. Also in 2017, in order to obtain a mortgage for a new building with Sberbank for residents of Moscow or the regions, it is necessary to attract guarantors, and the rate is significantly reduced.

A prerequisite for obtaining such a loan is the insurance of the property being pledged for the entire repayment period of the mortgage. This parameter does not apply to land plots, but protects the property from any damage.

Residents throughout Russia – not only Moscow, but also other regions – can take advantage of Sberbank’s promotion for mortgages on new buildings. The terms of the offer do not limit the geographic location of new buildings. However, such generosity applies only to mortgages on general terms; loans for the purchase of new housing under subsidies in Moscow are provided exclusively by the Moscow department of Sberbank. The same rule applies to other parts of the country.

Interest rate in 2017

The interest rates at Sberbank for mortgages on new buildings are not the same. Their size depends on several conditions. The uniform rate for all possible borrowers is 9.5 percent. The rate will be less by one tenth of a percent when the contract is executed electronically. This applies to all residential properties considered new buildings, except those located in Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Below - 7.5 percent is the rate when subsidizing a new building for a pharmacy, 7.4 percent is the option when subsidizing and concluding a loan agreement takes place online. It is worth noting that these rates apply to persons living in Moscow and the periphery and receiving wages on Sberbank cards.

In addition, in 2017 there are surcharges on the interest rate of 1 percent - for refusal to insure one’s own life contrary to the rules of creditors, and half a percent - if the salary of a client living in Moscow or another part of Russia is transferred to another financial organization.

The interest rate in each specific case helps to calculate a convenient Internet service developed by Sberbank: an online mortgage calculator.

Requirements for borrowers

The requirements for a potential borrower when applying for a mortgage loan are standard: age varies from 21 to 75. At the same time, the maximum age threshold is reduced to 65 if you refuse to provide certificates of income and position, and the rate increases significantly. It is possible to repay the loan partially or in full - ahead of schedule; an online calculator will help you figure out individual repayment parameters in advance.

Required documents

Every financial organization, before executing a mortgage agreement with a borrower, puts forward a list of documents necessary to confirm the client’s solvency. In 2017, the list of documents for a mortgage on a new Sberbank building varies in individual cases.

Without providing certificates of official income and position, residents of Moscow and other cities must provide an application form, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and one more document - variable: driver's documents, military ID or other form identifying the person.

It is worth paying attention - if you provide only two documents, the annual rate will increase significantly - up to 10.5 percent. In this case, it is possible to calculate the total amount by using an online calculator.

When presenting documents on official income in 2017, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and an application are required. The list of documents when registering real estate as collateral is significantly reduced - you only need to present papers on the substance of the collateral transaction.

Sberbank mortgage calculator

Many financial organizations are actively implementing a service called a Mortgage Calculator into their work. This easy-to-use mechanism will help you calculate the exact interest rate, down payment, total loan term and many other parameters even before completing your application.

It’s easy to understand how the loan calculator works – you just need to set the parameters that individually suit the borrower’s individual financial situation. The mortgage calculator from Sberbank will help inexperienced borrowers understand the lending system and correctly determine their family budget for timely repayment of the housing loan.


A mortgage in a new building from Sberbank is one of the best ideas for a young family to start arranging their own home. There are special programs for large families and those who have recently become parents for the first time. In other cases, Sberbank provides favorable conditions for borrowers and favorable interest rates. A mortgage calculator will help residents of Moscow and other cities calculate the number of payments and their amount in more detail.