Job description of a leading specialist in housing and communal services. Job description of the leading specialist of the department of housing and communal services, construction, transport and communications Job descriptions of the chief specialist of housing and communal services


Head of department

on housing and communal services, tariff

politics, transport and communications

administration _____

municipal district

Job description leading specialist

department of housing and communal services,

1. General provisions

1. The leading specialist (hereinafter referred to as the specialist) is guided by the Constitution in his activities Russian Federation, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and —— the region, the Charter — the municipal district, the resolutions of the Head —— the municipal district.

2. A specialist is appointed to a position and removed from office by order of the Head of the municipal district.

3. The specialist reports directly, tariff policy, transport and communications.

2. Duties


1. Receives the information necessary for the Head of the municipal district, the deputies of the Head of the municipal district, the head of the department, from departments or individual specialists.

2. Collects, processes and analyzes information on housing and communal services, tariff policy, transport and communications.

3. Submits reports to the departments of housing and communal services, energy and tariff regulation ——- regions, finance department of the administration of the municipal district.

4. Takes part in the development targeted programs—— municipal district and their implementation:

— MCP “Energy Saving in the Territory of a Municipal District”;

— MCP “Modernization of communal infrastructure facilities ——— of the municipal district”;

– ICP “Development of water supply, sanitation and purification Wastewater——municipal district”;

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Today we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the topic: “job descriptions for housing and communal services” with a description from professionals and comments. You can ask any questions to the lawyer on duty. It is impossible to make competent management decisions without competent employees who know their business well.

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique. If you want to know how to solve your particular problem - just call, it's fast and free! The legislation refers to the category of specialists those persons who are engaged in engineering and technical work.


Job description of a specialist in the field of housing and communal services: for working with the population and the subscriber department, for disclosing information and the duties of the administration, as well as the standard for the main GIS for housing and communal services - all about real estate

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Appendix N 34

Appendix N 34 to the head of the administration of the urban district "City of Kaliningrad" dated November 11, 2009 N 591-p Job description of the leading specialist of the housing department of the housing and communal services administration of the administration of the Leningrad district of the urban district "City of Kaliningrad" 1.

General Provisions Leading Specialist of the Housing Department of the Administration of the Leningradsky District of the City of Kaliningrad City District (hereinafter referred to as the Housing Department): 1.1. Appointed to and dismissed from his post by the head of the administration of the urban district "City of Kaliningrad" on the proposal of the head of the administration of the Leningradsky district of the urban district "City of Kaliningrad" (hereinafter referred to as the head of the district administration).

1.2. Reports directly to the Deputy Head of the Housing and Public Utilities Department, Head of the Housing Department of the Administration of the Leningrad District (hereinafter referred to as the Head of the Department). 1.3.

» Job description of the chief specialist of the department of property, housing and communal services, architecture and construction Added to the site: 07/18/2014 Type: I approve [position, signature, F.

Acting head or other official authorized to approve the job description] [day, month, year] M.

P. Job description of the chief specialist of the department of property, housing and communal services, architecture and construction [name of the municipal authority] This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” dated March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations. 1.1. The position of chief specialist of the department of property, housing and communal services, architecture and construction (hereinafter referred to as the chief specialist) belongs to [insert the appropriate] group of positions of the municipal service of the “specialists” category. 1.2.

Job description of a specialist in work with the population in the field of housing and communal services download

He must also have the skills of negotiating, working with people.

Knowledge of legislation, work with software, the basics of document management is required. Responsibilities of a housing and communal services specialist in information disclosure - job description An employee collects information, consolidates it, and discloses it. Data about management company must be published on the website of the UK. The specialist is engaged in the preparation of reports on the management of apartment buildings.

Conclusion high level impossible without competent specialists.

When hiring employees to work in the Criminal Code, the head of the organization should be guided by professional standards accepted in the industry. A special moment will be the presence of a job description.

This document should be with every specialist who was hired.

of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, decisions of the city council, its executive committee, orders of the mayor, legislative acts, regulatory documents related to work with citizens' appeals. “On Corruption”, Decrees of the President of Ukraine “On Measures to Ensure the Constitutional Rights of Citizens to Appeal”, “On Additional Measures to Ensure the Exercise by Citizens of the Constitutional Right to Appeal”; rules of business etiquette, basic principles of working on a computer and related programs, rules for the operation of computer equipment; state language at the level of business communication and use; business instructions; rules and regulations of labor protection and fire protection.

Job responsibilities of a specialist

GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 The leading specialist of the department of work with the population and organizations is a municipal employee who, in accordance with the Law of St. Petersburg "On the registers of municipal positions in St. Petersburg", replaces the senior municipal position of the municipal service and works for a monetary reward from the local budget.

1.2 The leading specialist of the department for work with the population and organizations is appointed to the position and dismissed from the post by the Head of the local administration of the municipality of the city of Pushkin on the proposal of the head of the department for work with the population and organizations in accordance with the Law of St. Petersburg -8

"On the regulation of certain issues of the municipal service in St. Petersburg"

1.3 The leading specialist reports directly to the head of the department for working with the population and organizations and is directly subordinate to the Head of the local administration of the municipality of the city of Pushkin.

Sample documents are presented on the Career Portal of the Government of Moscow in the section.

Conditions of the competition The competition consists in assessing the professional level of candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve for filling the position of the civil service, their compliance with the qualification requirements for this position.

The competition is held in two stages and consists in assessing the professional and personal qualities of candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve. At the first stage, the Competition Commission evaluates the applicants on the basis of the documents submitted by them, their compliance with the qualification requirements for a group of positions, the passage of a civil or other public service, the implementation of other labor activities and decides on the admission of applicants to participate in the second stage of the competition. A citizen is not allowed to participate in the competition due to non-compliance with the qualification requirements for the relevant group of civil service positions.

JOB DESCRIPTION. Chief Specialist of the Department of Municipal Utilities and Construction

1 ADMINISTRATION OF THE KOSTOMUKSH CITY DISTRICT “AGREED” “APPROVED” First Deputy Head of the Administration of the Kostomuksha Urban District S.

N. Novgorodov 2020 Head of the Kostomuksha urban district A.V. Bendikova "2020 JOB INSTRUCTIONS of the Chief Specialist of the Department of Municipal Services and Construction of Kostomuksha 20202 I. General provisions city ​​district (hereinafter referred to as the municipal employee), replacing the position of the chief specialist of the municipal utilities and construction department (hereinafter referred to as the Chief Specialist).

2. The position of the chief specialist in accordance with the Register of positions of the municipal service in the Republic of Karelia, approved by the Law of the Republic of Karelia of July 24, 2007

Administration of the Luga Municipal District

quoted1 > > > > > HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT To organize the work of the department aimed at fulfilling the tasks assigned to it.

Participate in the formation and implementation of a policy for the development of public utilities, communications and transport on the territory of the Luga municipal district. To exercise control over the use of budgetary funds aimed at the development of housing and communal services and passenger transport. To carry out the formation of municipal orders for the services of passenger transport and public utilities.

To carry out the preparation of resolutions, orders of the head of the administration of the Luzhsky municipal district in the scope of the job description and the Regulations on the department. Ensure the submission of reports in accordance with established forms in a timely manner.

Added to site:

Job description
chief specialist of the department of property, housing and communal services, architecture and construction

[name of municipal authority]

This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation" dated March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ and other regulatory legal acts governing labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position of the chief specialist of the department of property, housing and communal services, architecture and construction (hereinafter referred to as the chief specialist) belongs to the [fill in the appropriate] group of positions of the municipal service of the category "specialists".

1.2. The Chief Specialist reports directly to [position title of immediate supervisor].

1.3. A person who has a higher professional education in the specialty [insert as appropriate] and experience in municipal service (public service) of at least [value] year / years or at least [value] year / years of work experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of chief specialist.

1.4. The chief specialist is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of [name of the position of the head].

1.5. The chief specialist must know:

the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Charter of [name of the municipality];

Normative legal acts regulating the organization of local self-government, municipal service, combating corruption, placing a municipal order;

Economic and management methods;

The procedure for keeping records and compiling reports on the economic and financial activities of the institution;

The procedure for the conclusion and execution of municipal contracts;

Regulations and instructions for office work of local governments;

The structure of local self-government bodies [name of the municipality];

Fundamentals of legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

- [other knowledge].

1.6. The chief specialist must have professional skills:

Qualified work planning;

Organization and enforcement of tasks;

Effective planning of working time;

Conflict prevention and resolution;

Preparation of a business letter;

Practical application of normative legal acts;

Ability to control processes and analyze the results of activities;

Effective and consistent organization of work on relationships with organizations, government agencies, and the public;

Effective cooperation with colleagues;

Adapting to changes in the situation and applying new approaches to solving emerging problems;

Work with official documents.

2. Job responsibilities

The chief specialist must:

2.1. Comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of [name of the subject of the Russian Federation], the Charter of [name of the municipality] and other municipal legal acts and ensure their implementation.

2.2. Execute orders, instructions and instructions from superiors in the order of subordination of managers issued within their official duties and powers, in full and on time. Do not carry out illegal orders. Upon receipt of an instruction from the relevant manager, which, in his opinion, is illegal, provide the manager who gave the instruction with a written justification for the illegality of this instruction, indicating the provisions of regulatory legal acts that may be violated during the execution of this instruction. If the manager confirms this order in writing, refuse to execute it.

2.3. Observe the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations in the performance of official duties.

2.4. Maintain the level of qualifications necessary for the proper performance of duties, master modern methods work.

2.5. Not to disclose information constituting state and other secrets protected by federal laws, as well as information that became known to him in connection with the performance of official duties, including information relating to the private life and health of citizens or affecting their honor and dignity.

2.6. Testify and make statements regarding information containing state or other secrets protected by law, only in connection with an initiated criminal case or in other cases expressly provided for by law, notifying [name of position of immediate supervisor] in writing about this.

2.7. Protect state, municipal property, including those provided to him for the performance of official duties, and the property of other employees.

2.8. Annually submit to [name of the municipal authority] information on their income, property and property obligations, as well as information on income, property obligations of their spouse (spouse) and minor children [if the position is included in the relevant list].

2.9. Notify [name of the position of the immediate supervisor] about the withdrawal from the citizenship of the Russian Federation on the day of withdrawal from the citizenship of the Russian Federation or about the acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state on the day of acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state.

2.10. Comply with restrictions, fulfill obligations, not violate the prohibitions established by the Federal Law "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation" dated March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ and other federal laws;

2.11. Report to [name of immediate supervisor] personal interests in the performance of official duties that may lead to a conflict of interest, and take measures to prevent such a conflict, as well as to prevent any possibility of a conflict of interest.

2.12. Notify [name of the position of the immediate supervisor], the prosecution authorities or other state bodies of all cases of contacting him by any persons in order to induce him to commit corruption offences.

2.13. Participate in the development and implementation of comprehensive and targeted development programs of [name of the municipality].

2.14. Develop and submit for consideration [position title] draft legal acts on the management, disposal, privatization of municipal property and other issues related to the management of municipal property.

2.15. Develop and submit proposals on the list of objects transferred to state ownership.

2.16. Maintain a register of municipal property owned by [name of municipality], provide information on the objects of accounting contained in the register.

2.17. Ensure the development of the necessary documentation for the acquisition of property in municipal ownership of [name of the municipality] and for the alienation of municipal property.

2.18. Organize and control the implementation on the territory of [name of the municipality] of comprehensive plans and activities in the field of privatization.

2.19. Control the transfer to the budget of funds received from the privatization, lease and other use of municipal property.

2.20. To carry out municipal land control.

2.21. Participate in the implementation of control within the boundaries of [name of municipality] electricity, heat, gas and water supply to the population, water disposal, supply of fuel to the population.

2.22. Participate in and oversee the preparation of decisions on the approval of the reorganization and redevelopment of residential premises.

2.23. Participate in commissions for the transfer of residential premises to non-residential premises and the transfer non-residential premises to residential.

2.24. Participate in the organization and conduct of public hearings on issues of urban planning activities.

2.25. Consider appeals and applications of citizens and legal entities, make decisions within their competence, exercise control over the consideration of appeals by specialists of the department.

2.26. Plan your work, report on the work done.

2.27. Conduct departmental business.

2.28. [Other duties].

3. Rights

The chief specialist has the right:

3.1. To get acquainted with the documents that establish his rights and obligations for the occupied position of the municipal service, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties and the conditions for promotion.

3.2. To ensure the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.

3.3. For wages and other payments in accordance with labor legislation, legislation on municipal service and an employment agreement (contract).

3.4. For rest provided by the establishment of the normal duration of the working (service) time, the provision of days off and non-working public holidays and annual paid leave.

3.5. To receive in in due course information and materials necessary for the performance of official duties, as well as to make proposals for improving the activities of the local government, the election commission of the municipality.

3.6. To participate on their own initiative in the competition for filling a vacant position in the municipal service.

3.7. For advanced training in accordance with the municipal legal act at the expense of the local budget.

3.8. To protect your personal data.

3.9. To familiarize yourself with all the materials of your personal file, with reviews about professional activity and other documents before they are included in his personal file, as well as to attach his written explanations to the personal file.

3.10. To association, including the right to form trade unions, to protect their rights, socio-economic and professional interests.

3.11. To consider individual labor disputes in accordance with labor legislation, to protect their rights and legitimate interests in the municipal service, including appealing their violations to the court.

3.12. On pension provision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.13. Supervise the work of subordinate employees, give them orders within their official duties and demand their precise execution, make proposals to the management for their encouragement or imposition of penalties.

3.14. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.15. Perform other paid work upon prior written notice to [title of immediate supervisor] unless doing so would result in a conflict of interest.

3.16. [Other rights].

4. Responsibility

4.1. The chief specialist is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper performance duties assigned to him; for actions or inaction leading to violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens; for disclosing state secrets, as well as information that became known to him in connection with the performance of official duties in accordance with the Federal Law "On municipal service in the Russian Federation" dated March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ.

4.2. The chief specialist is liable for property damage caused to the employer.

4.3. The chief specialist bears disciplinary responsibility for the untimely fulfillment of assignments, orders, orders and instructions of superiors in the order of subordination of managers, with the exception of illegal ones; for untimely consideration of citizens' appeals within the limits of their official duties and public organizations as well as institutions and organizations government agencies and local governments.

4.4. The chief specialist bears disciplinary, civil, administrative and criminal liability in case of execution of an illegal order by him.

4.5. For the commission of corruption offenses, the chief specialist bears criminal, administrative and disciplinary responsibility.

5. List of issues on which the chief specialist is entitled or obliged to independently make managerial and other decisions

5.1. In the performance of official duties, the chief specialist has the right to independently make decisions on the following issues: [insert as appropriate].

5.2. In the performance of official duties, the chief specialist is obliged to independently make decisions on the following issues: [insert as appropriate].

6. List of issues on which the chief specialist is entitled or obliged to participate in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts and (or) draft management and other decisions

6.1. The chief specialist, in accordance with his competence, has the right to participate in the preparation (discussion) of projects: [list the types of projects].

6.2. The chief specialist, in accordance with his competence, is obliged to participate in the preparation (discussion) of projects: [list the types of projects].

7. The procedure for official interaction of the chief specialist in connection with the performance of his official duties

7.1. The chief specialist acts by proxy on behalf of [name of the municipal body], represents and protects the rights and interests of [name of the municipal body] in all state authorities, local governments and organizations.

7.2. To perform his duties and exercise the rights granted, the chief specialist, in the manner prescribed by the current regulatory legal acts and other organizational and administrative documents, interacts with:

Municipal employees of [name of municipal authority];

Employees, structural divisions and officials of state bodies;

Employees, structural divisions and officials of local governments;

organizations and citizens.

8. Indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of professional performance

8.1. The effectiveness and efficiency of the professional performance of the chief specialist is evaluated in accordance with the following indicators: [list indicators, for example, the amount of work performed and the intensity of work, innovativeness in work, absence of complaints].

I am familiar with the job description:

[initials, surname, signature]

[day month Year]

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1 ADMINISTRATION OF THE KOSTOMUKSH URBAN DISTRICT “AGREED” “APPROVED” First Deputy Head of the Administration of the Kostomuksha Urban District S.N. Novgorodov 2017 Head of the Kostomuksha Urban District A.V. 17 year

2 I. General Provisions 1. This job description regulates the procedure for the implementation of professional service activities by a municipal employee of the administration of the Kostomuksha urban district (hereinafter referred to as a municipal employee), replacing the position of chief specialist of the municipal utilities and construction department (hereinafter Chief Specialist). 2. The position of the chief specialist in accordance with the Register of positions of the municipal service in the Republic of Karelia, approved by the Law of the Republic of Karelia dated July 24, 2007 N 1107-ZRK "On municipal service in the Republic of Karelia", refers to the senior group of positions of the municipal service. 3. The job description is an integral part and essential condition employment contract. 4. The chief specialist is appointed and dismissed by the head of the Kostomuksha city district in agreement with the head of the municipal utilities and construction department. 5. The chief specialist reports directly to the head of the municipal utilities and construction department. II. Qualifications 6. The following qualification requirements are imposed on the municipal employee replacing the position of the Chief Specialist: to the level of professional education: the presence of higher education in the specialty State and municipal government or higher education in the field of activity; without presenting requirements for work experience; to professional knowledge and skills: Knowledge of: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Republic of Karelia, laws of the Republic of Karelia, decrees and orders of the Head of the Republic of Karelia, orders and orders of the Government of the Republic of Karelia within its competence, the Charter of the municipal formation "Kostomuksha urban district", regulations of local authorities of the Kostomuksha urban district, administrative regulations for the execution of municipal services, other regulatory legal acts within the competence and their official powers; the basics of organizing the passage of municipal service; management methods; rules of business etiquette; the procedure for working with official information; the procedure for working with citizens' appeals; basics of office work; forms and methods of work with the use of automated controls; legal aspects in the field of information and communication technologies; legal aspects in the field of providing public services people and organizations; general issues in the area of ​​providing information security; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection. Skills: work with legislative and regulations; organizing and planning the execution of assigned tasks; analysis of statistical and reporting data; conducting business negotiations, oral presentations; ability to avoid conflict situations; effective organization of work; work in a specific field of activity; performing discipline; work in a team; preparing a business letter; using modern office equipment and software products, working with internal and peripheral devices of a computer, with information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, in the operating system, in a text editor, with spreadsheets, with databases, preparing presentations, using graphic objects in electronic documents, email management.

3 III. Job duties, rights and responsibilities 7. The chief specialist complies with the provisions of articles federal law dated March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ "On municipal service in the Russian Federation" the main duties of a municipal employee, restrictions and prohibitions related to municipal service, as well as requirements for the behavior of a municipal employee. Based on the tasks and functions, the Chief Specialist performs the following duties: 1. Conducts work on the organization on the territory of the Kostomuksha urban district: 1.1. maintenance and development of objects: road network (roads, squares, driveways, sidewalks, boulevards, footpaths, road signs and markings, fences, traffic lights, street lighting, bus stops, parking lots); improvement (landscaping, small architectural forms, places of mass recreation, children's playgrounds and sports grounds); places of burial; places where stray animals are kept; drainage and storm sewer systems providing services to the population for: collection, removal, disposal and processing of solid municipal waste, burial of the bodies of the dead (funeral services), providing public transport and means of communication, sanitary cleaning of territories and sanitary cutting of trees and shrubs, bath and laundry services, issuance of permits (earthworks, passage of large and heavy vehicles on municipal roads, demolition of green spaces, etc.). 2. Forms work plans for the maintenance, repair and reconstruction of road network facilities and improvement facilities of the Kostomuksha urban district. 3. Performs state powers to regulate prices (tariffs) for: transportation of passengers and luggage by public transport in urban traffic, solid fuel, household stove fuel sold to the population. 4. Develops, implements and, if necessary, corrects administrative regulations for the provision of municipal services, improvement rules, rules for maintaining roads, etc. 5. Monitors compliance by citizens and legal entities normative documents(rules) in the field of urban maintenance. 6. Conducts surveys of the sanitary condition of the territories of the Kostomuksha urban district. 7. Develops and controls the execution of measures to prepare the territory of the Kostomuksha urban district for holding festive events. 8. Participates in the work of the commissions: the commission for the improvement and sanitary condition of the territory of the municipal formation "Kostomuksha urban district", the commission for ensuring road safety of the municipal formation "Kostomuksha urban district"; 9. Controls the presence of pointers with names settlements, streets and house numbers. 10. Organizes consumer services for citizens in the bath and laundry complex.

4 11. exercises control over the implementation of resolutions of the head of the Kostomuksha urban district, decisions of the Council of the Kostomuksha urban district and other legislative acts in the field of improvement of the territory of the urban district; 12. Participates in the preparation of references, analytical materials, reporting reports on issues within the competence of the Chief Specialist, organizes the collection of the information necessary for this; 13. prepares draft decisions of the Council of the Kostomuksha urban district, resolutions and orders of the administration of the Kostomuksha urban district on issues related to activities within its competence; 14. performs official assignments of the immediate supervisor within the scope of his authority, which may be given orally or in writing; 15. considers and analyzes applications and complaints of citizens, prepares answers, summarizes proposals and adopts necessary measures at the request of citizens; 16. notifies the head of the Kostomuksha city district, the prosecutor's office and (or) other state bodies of all cases of appeal to him by any persons in order to induce him to commit corruption offenses, except for cases when these facts have been or are being checked; 17. informs the head of the Kostomuksha city district about renunciation of citizenship of the Russian Federation or acquisition of citizenship of another state on the day of renunciation of citizenship of the Russian Federation or on the day of acquiring citizenship of another state; 18. informs the head of the Kostomuksha city district about personal interest in the performance of official duties, which may lead to a conflict of interest, takes measures to prevent such a conflict; 19. notifies the head of the Kostomuksha city district in advance about the performance of other paid work, if this does not entail a conflict of interest; 20. maintains the level of qualifications necessary for the proper performance of official duties; 21. does not disclose information constituting a state secret and other information protected by law (confidential information and personal data); 22. exercises other powers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Karelia. 23. fulfills the principle of interchangeability within the framework of the activities of the municipal utilities and construction department in accordance with the procedure provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 8. The main rights of the Chief Specialist are regulated by Article 11 of March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation". In addition, the Chief Specialist has the right: 1) to make proposals for improving the work of the administration of the Kostomuksha urban district, the organization of professional performance and the conditions of municipal service; 2) request from subordinate institutions the information necessary for the analysis and control of their work on issues within its competence, participate in inspections of the work of institutions in these areas within the competence; 3) to carry out business and professional relations with specialists from other organizations and public associations operating in the field of urban communal services and construction; 4) advise representatives of other organizations and citizens on issues related to the field of professional performance of the Chief Specialist; 5) submit proposals for technical and material support, creation of appropriate organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties for consideration by the head of the department of urban communal services and construction;

5 6) take the initiative to send for professional retraining, advanced training, internship; 7) get acquainted with the job description and other documents that define the rights and obligations for the occupied position of the municipal service, the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the performance of official duties, the performance indicators of professional performance and the conditions for career growth; 8) use other powers necessary for the performance of the duties assigned to him, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Karelia, legal acts of federal and regional executive authorities, the charter and regulations of the Kostomuksha city district. 9. The Chief Specialist shall bear liability established by law for failure to perform or improper performance through his fault of the duties assigned to him, including for: 1) making illegal managerial and other decisions, including those related to abuse of official powers or excess of official powers, including the implementation of actions (inaction) leading to violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, organizations, society, the Republic of Karelia or the Russian Federation; 2) disclosure of state secrets, as well as information protected by law, which became known to him in connection with the performance of official duties; 3) non-compliance with the restrictions associated with the municipal service; 4) non-compliance with prohibitions related to municipal service; 5) non-compliance with the requirements for official behavior of municipal employees; 6) non-compliance with the legislation on municipal service, on personal data, labor, budgetary, anti-corruption and other special legislation related to the performance of official duties; 7) failure to provide or untimely provision of the information requested in accordance with the established procedure; 8) commission of corruption offenses; 9) failure to take measures to eliminate the causes of corruption; 10) loss or damage to the municipal property of the Kostomuksha city district, which was provided to him for the performance of official duties; 11) disclosure of information about income, property and obligations of a property nature of a municipal employee, his spouse (spouse) and minor children, or the use of this information for purposes not provided for by federal laws; 12) failure to fulfill the obligation to notify the representative of the employer, the prosecutor's office or other state bodies about all cases of contacting him by any persons in order to induce him to commit corruption offenses; 13) untimely fulfillment of tasks, orders, orders and instructions of superiors in the order of subordination of managers, with the exception of illegal ones; 14) execution of an illegal order; 15) non-compliance with the official regulations of the administration of the Kostomuksha city district; 16) violation of the rules governing the procedure for obtaining, processing and transferring personal data of citizens and municipal employees; 17) failure to take measures to resolve the conflict of interest in the municipal service in the administration of the Kostomuksha urban district; 18) failure to appear for attestation without good reason or refusal of attestation; 19) other types of violations for which the legislation provides for liability. 10. For failure to perform or improper performance of official duties established by this job description, duties enshrined in the Federal Law "On Combating Corruption", restrictions and prohibitions related to the municipal service provided for in Articles 13, 14, 14.1, 15 of the Federal Law "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation" Chief

6 a specialist may be held liable in the manner and on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. IV. List of issues on which the chief specialist has the right or is obliged to independently make management decisions 11. In accordance with his competence, the chief specialist has the right to independently make decisions: 1) on the choice of method and ways of organizing the fulfillment of tasks; 2) on the preparation of proposals for improving the conditions for passing the municipal service, improving the system of work, providing additional organizational and technical means; 3) on the preparation of proposals on activities; 4) on informing the management of the administration about violations of the law revealed in the performance of official duties and suggesting ways to eliminate them. V. The list of issues on which the chief specialist has the right or obligation to participate in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts and (or) draft management and other decisions 12. In accordance with his competence, the Chief specialist has the right to take or takes part in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts and ( or) draft management and other decisions on issues related to the scope of his professional activities. 13. In accordance with his competence, the Chief Specialist has the right to participate in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts and (or) draft management and other decisions on issues not related to the scope of his professional activities, but related to the activities of the administration of the Kostomuksha city district or issues related to with the provision of the activities of the Chief Specialist. VI. Terms and procedures for preparing, considering draft management and other decisions, the procedure for agreeing and adopting these decisions 14. Terms and procedures for preparing, considering draft regulatory legal acts and (or) draft management and other decisions, ) projects of management and other decisions are determined in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the local authorities of the Kostomuksha city district. 15. The preparation of managerial and other decisions should be accompanied by obtaining positive conclusions (visas, approvals) from the head of the municipal utilities and construction department, the first deputy head of the administration of interested structural units, the legal department of the administration of the Kostomuksha urban district. In the case of preparation of managerial and other decisions, the implementation of which will require additional material and other costs, the preparation of managerial and other decisions must be accompanied by obtaining positive conclusions (visas, approvals) from the structural unit responsible for the financial support of the administration of the Kostomuksha city district.

7 VII. The procedure for official interaction of the Chief Specialist in connection with the performance of his official duties with municipal employees of the Administration of the Kostomuksha City District, civil servants of state bodies, other citizens, as well as with organizations employees of state bodies, other citizens, as well as with organizations are built within the framework of business relations based on the requirements for official conduct established by the Code of Ethics and Official Conduct of Municipal Employees of Local Self-Government Bodies of the Kostomuksha City District, approved by the Decree of the Head of the Kostomuksha City District of February 15, 2011 7 , as well as in accordance with other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Karelia and the Administration of the Kostomuksha urban district, regulating the relevant legal relations. VIII. Indicators of the efficiency and effectiveness of the professional performance of a municipal employee 17. The efficiency and effectiveness of the professional performance of the Chief Specialist is assessed based on the results of his professional performance in the following indicators: 1) the quality of the work performed (preparation of documents in accordance with established requirements, a complete and logical presentation of the material, legally competent drafting of documents, the absence of stylistic and grammatical errors in the preparation of documents, thoroughness and accuracy); 2) professional competence (knowledge of laws and other normative legal acts, breadth of professional outlook, ability to work with documents); 3) observance of service discipline; 4) timeliness and efficiency of execution of instructions; 5) the volume of work performed and the intensity of labor; 6) the ability to maintain high performance in extreme conditions; 7) the ability to clearly plan and organize the execution of assigned tasks, the ability to rationally use working time, set priorities; 8) a creative approach to solving tasks, activity and initiative in mastering information technologies ability to quickly adapt to new conditions and requirements. AGREED: Head of the Department of Affairs / / Head of the Legal Department / / I am familiar with the job description: / / (full name) (signature) (date) A copy of the job description was received by: / / (full name) O.) (signature) (date)

8 Familiarization sheet p / p 1. Surname, name, patronymic Date and signature in familiarization with the official regulations and in obtaining a copy of it Date and number of the order on appointment to the position Date and number of the order on dismissal

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I APPROVE Deputy head of the municipality Korenovsky district, head of the affairs department I.A. Maksimenko 20 JOB INSTRUCTIONS of the leading specialist of the archive department of the municipal administration

I APPROVE The head of the municipal formation Korenovsky district V.N. Mine of the year 20 JOB INSTRUCTIONS for the head of the archival department of the administration of the municipality Korenovsky district 1. General provisions

I APPROVE Deputy Head of the Municipal Formation Korenovsky District A.P. Manko Age 20 JOB INSTRUCTIONS Chief Specialist of the Department for Civil Defense and Emergencies, Interaction

I APPROVE The head of the municipality Korenovsky district S.A. Goloborodko 20 JOB INSTRUCTIONS for the head of the department for interaction with the representative body of the administration of the municipality

I APPROVE Head of the Municipal Formation Korenovskiy District S.A.

I APPROVE The manager of affairs of the Administration of the Aksai region E.I. Lazareva 0, JOB INSTRUCTIONS of the head of the sector of Internet technologies of the general department of the Administration of the Aksai region. General provisions..

I APPROVE Deputy Head of the Municipal Formation Korenovsky District T.G.


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APPROVED Deputy Head of the Ministry of Defense Korenovsky District for Agriculture, Head of Department Agriculture V.N.Nadtochiy 200 JOB INSTRUCTION Leading Specialist of the Department economic development

1 “Get APPROVED by the Head of the Administration of Education and the Ipal District of the Decoy Region” P.P. Levin 2016 JOB INSTRUCTIONS for a municipal employee replacing the position of Category I Specialist

I APPROVE Deputy Head of the Municipal Formation Korenovsky District, Head of the Department of Agriculture V.N. Nadtochy January 09, 2013

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I APPROVE Deputy head of the municipality Korenovsky district T.G. Kovaleva 20 JOB INSTRUCTIONS of the head of the department for social issues of the administration of the municipality Korenovsky

“According to the Head of the Administration of the Central Education, the icpal district of the infernal region is APPROVED” by P.P. Levin, 20 years old

Appendix to the Decree of the Chairman of the Evpatoria City Council "04" February 2015

I APPROVE Chairman of the State Procurement Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan O.A.

JOB INSTRUCTIONS of the First Deputy Head of the Department of Education of the Administration of the District "Yakovlevsky District" I. General Provisions 1.1. This job description defines the functional

I APPROVE Chairman of the municipal district 1. General provisions 1.1. The Head of the Human Resources Department of the Office of the Council of the Bavlinsky Municipal District (hereinafter referred to as the Head of the Department) is part of the structure

I APPROVE Deputy Head of the Municipal Formation Korenovsky District, Head of the Financial Department N.G. Lysenko

I APPROVE the Head of the Administration of that formation of the initial district oblast.”p. Levin 2 0 /^ years

II. Qualification requirements for education, work experience, level and nature of knowledge and skills. 8. To the level of professional education: higher professional education. 9. To the civil service

HEAD OF THE MUNICIPAL FORMATION "SARAPULSKY DISTRICT" POST A N O V L E N I E October 15, 2013 57 p. Sigaevo About the exemplary job description of municipal employees in local governments

Administration of the Isilkul municipal district ORDER dated August 14, 2015 210 Isilkul On approval of the regulation on the legal sector and job descriptions of the chief and chief specialist

JOB INSTRUCTIONS for the head of the department capital construction and housing and communal services of the Administration of the Neklinovsky district 1. General provisions 1.1 Position of the municipal service of the head of the capital construction department

Appendix 1 APPROVED by the order of the Youth Policy Committee of the Volgograd Region dated 26~.0/-2 0/7 REGULATIONS on the Department of Legal and Personnel Support of the Youth Policy Committee of the Volgograd Region

A competition is announced for inclusion in the reserve for the positions of the state civil service of the Veterinary Administration of the Kurgan Region: 1. Chief Specialist of the Department of Safety and Product Turnover

I APPROVE Order 8 dated January 20, 2014 "Swallow" EA Kuts REGULATIONS on the contract manager 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This Regulation on the contract manager (hereinafter the Regulation)

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I APPROVE Deputy Head of the Municipal Formation Korenovsky District, Head of the Financial Department N.G. Lysenko

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I APPROVE Head of the Neklinovsky District Administration V.F. Danilenko Age 0 JOB INSTRUCTIONS Chief Specialist of the Department of Architecture and Housing Programs of the Administration of the Neklinovsky District. General provisions..

APPROVED by the order of the administration of the Partizansky urban district dated January 16, 2017, 13-ra REGULATIONS on the department of life support of the management of the housing and communal complex of the administration of Partizansky

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A competition is announced for inclusion in the reserve for the positions of the state civil service of the Veterinary Administration of the Kurgan Region: Leading Specialist of the Department of Safety and Product Turnover

A competition is announced for inclusion in the reserve for the positions of the state civil service of the Veterinary Administration of the Kurgan Region: 1. Head of the Department of Safety and Turnover of Animal Products


AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY SETTLEMENT VIDNOE LENIN SKOGO MUNIC IP AL'NO GOROY NA MOSKO V A REGION AND ORDER dated 04.10.2010 294-r / o On the introduction of amendments and additions to the order of the head

I APPROVE: Head of the Administration of the Municipal Formation "Podporozhye Municipal District of the Leningrad Region" P.P. Levin April 01, 2015 Job description of the municipal employee replacing

dated December 9, 2015, No. 275-u Gorno-Altaysk On strengthening the work to combat corruption in the Altai Republic In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 15, 2015 No.


Appendix 7 to the order of the Administration of the city of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea dated REGULATIONS ON THE MANAGEMENT OF LAND RELATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL PROPERTY OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATION 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS

I APPROVE Deputy Head of the Municipal Formation Korenovsky District, Head of the Financial Department N.G. Lysenko

HEAD OF THE ELBAN URBAN SETTLEMENT of the Amur Municipal District of the Khabarovsk Territory DECISION 13.02.2013 22

JOB INSTRUCTIONS for the Chief Specialist of the Department economic analysis and tariff policy I. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. Chief Specialist of the Department of Economic Analysis and Tariff Policy of the Department of Housing and Communal Services

Appendix 2 to the Decree of the Head of the Zainsk Municipal District dated September 29, 2015 56 JOB INSTRUCTIONS of the Head of the Human Resources Sector of the General Department of the Council of the Zainsk Municipal District 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS

A competition is announced for inclusion in the personnel reserve for filling the positions of the state civil service of the Veterinary Administration of the Kurgan Region: Leading Specialist of the Security and Turnover Department


Appendix 12 to the decision of the session of the Simferopol City Council of 2016 Appendix 34 to the decision of the 22nd session of the Simferopol City Council of 06/25/2015 286 REGULATIONS ON THE HOUSING POLICY MANAGEMENT

I APPROVE The head of the municipal formation Korenovsky district V.N. Mine 200 JOB DESCRIPTION Head of the Department of Culture of the Administration of the Municipal Formation Korenovsky District 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS

Approved by the order of the head of the district of June 9, 2007 N 246 REGULATION ON THE INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE VOLOKONOVSK DISTRICT This Regulation determines the status, structure, procedure

I APPROVE The head of the district administration A.N. Kuznetsov 2014 JOB INSTRUCTIONS for the Chief Legal Adviser of the Rasskazovsky District Administration 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. Municipal Administration Clerk


1. The adviser of the department of housing and communal services of the district council performs duties, observes the restrictions associated with the state civil service, does not violate the prohibitions and fulfills the requirements for official conduct provided for by the legislation on the state civil service. 2. Engaged in the implementation of measures to implement the Housing and Utilities Reform. 3. Carries out activities to reform the housing and communal services of the district in accordance with the current legislation. 4. Draws up documents on the meetings held (minutes), controls the implementation of the minutes of the meetings. 5. Fulfills the orders of the head of the council, the deputy head of the council, the head of the housing and communal services department and higher organizations. Carries out interaction between management companies and chairmen of homeowners associations, housing cooperatives within the limits of the powers granted. 6. Prepares drafts of internal documents in the areas of its activities. 7. Participates as a representative of the district council in commissions, meetings and seminars. 8. Considers letters, applications and complaints from citizens and prepares responses to them, if necessary, prepares letters and requests to other organizations in accordance with Federal Law 59 of May 2, 2006 "On the procedure for considering applications from citizens of the Russian Federation." 9. Interacts with the heads of management companies for the management of housing stock. 10. Interacts with the heads of contractors for the operation of the housing stock. 11. Interacts with the heads of resource-supplying organizations. 12. Prepares action plans for his direction. 13. Prepares reports and controls Money according to the program of social and economic development in their direction. 14. Prepares materials for the balance commission in his direction. 15. Organizes and coordinates the work on the seasonal preparation of the housing stock. 16. Prepares drafts of internal documents in the direction of its activities. 17. Prepares reports and action plans in his direction. 18. Forms a district program for overhaul housing stock. exercises direct control over its implementation, coordinates the work of contractors, carries out technical Supervision, acceptance of objects, prepares reports in the scheduled time upon execution. 19. Forms a district program for the replacement, modernization and conformity assessment of elevator equipment. 20. Forms a district energy saving program and exercises direct control over its implementation, prepares reports within the scheduled time upon execution. 21. Forms a program for the improvement of the district territory and exercises direct control over its implementation in its direction. 22. Forms tender / auction documentation in accordance with 44-FZ of April 5, 2013 "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" in its direction.