Who is entitled to official housing: rating of professions. Territory cleaning standards for a housing and communal services janitor and his job description with duties Is it possible to privatize a service apartment

In the old Soviet times, almost any young specialist who came to work at a factory or a large plant in another city could be sure that in a couple of years he would definitely be given an apartment. Yes, "Khrushchev", yes, small, but separate and completely comfortable, and most importantly - completely free.

Viktor Burkulay. Dormitory. 1968

The practice of providing so-called service apartments has been preserved to this day. Only their number has become much smaller, in order to get such free housing you have to stand in line for years, and the condition of the apartments usually leaves much to be desired.

Let's try to figure out who is entitled to service apartments, who can count on receiving such housing, are there any enterprises in our country that provide employees with apartments at their own expense, and, finally, is it possible to privatize service housing, making it truly ours?

What is service housing

Thus, in order to get corporate housing, you do not need to stand in line at all or be poor, have many children and are socially unprotected, have some kind of benefits - it is enough to successfully get a job.

Often, service apartments are provided even to those employees who already have their own housing. True, in another city, from where it is impossible to go to work every day. In this case, the organization or enterprise where the person works provides him with official housing.

The main condition for the provision of a service apartment is the inability to perform official duties due to the lack of housing in the immediate vicinity of the place of work.

At the same time, Article 93 of the Housing Code of Russia limited the meaning of the term “service housing” and determined that only those apartments that are provided to “citizens in connection with the nature of their labor relations with a state authority, a state unitary enterprise, a local authority” can be classified as such. self-government, municipal or state institution, in connection with the service, in connection with the appointment to a public position Russian Federation or a public office of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as in connection with the election to elective positions in local self-government bodies or state authorities.

That is, according to the article, only state and municipal employees can apply for service housing, workers of private enterprises cannot receive such apartments. However, there is still a practice when a non-state company or organization provides its especially valuable employees with housing and such premises cannot be called anything other than office space. Many experts point out that Article 93 of the Housing Code does not reflect the actual situation in the provision of service apartments, and also leaves a wide scope for interpretation.

Who to go to work to get corporate housing

M.G. Sokolov. IN AND. Lenin in Razliv. 1969

So, in order to get a chance, often very real, to move into a service apartment, you should choose such specialties, professions and areas of activity as:

  1. People's Choices. Deputies of any level, be it a modest city council in the outback or the State Duma, are entitled to official housing for the duration of their duties. If a deputy represents the interests of, for example, the Krasnoyarsk Territory or Khabarovsk and arrives in the capital, where a place in the State Duma awaits him, he and his family are provided with a comfortable apartment with furniture and a telephone in Moscow. For some reason, he insists on having a phone the federal law"On the status of deputies State Duma and members of the Council of Federations”, which determines the procedure for allocating apartments for deputies and senators from the state service fund.
  2. Officials. Employees of numerous ministries, departments and government agencies can also apply for corporate housing if they do not have it in the city where they arrived to work. Ministries and departments often solve the "housing problem" of their employees by providing subsidies for the purchase of housing, but this is already a variant of concessional lending that is not related to the practice of providing office apartments.
  3. Military personnel. As you know, the military are forced people and during the years of service they can change several cities and towns. And if a single serviceman can live in a hostel, sharing a room with a colleague, then family housing is mandatory for service housing. The topic of providing both service apartments and permanent housing to those military personnel who are already leaving the ranks of the Russian army is quite acute. The Ministry of Defense regularly reports on plans for the construction of new residential buildings, apartments in which will be allocated to military personnel, however, many military families still need to improve their living conditions.
  4. Law enforcement officers, in particular district police officers, investigators, police officers, and so on, who are sent to a duty station in another locality. In this case, employees with families are also primarily provided with official housing.
  5. Wipers. Traditionally, in order to attract people to this not the most prestigious position, they are provided with service apartments at the place of work. This practice is also connected with production needs - wipers usually start working at 6 or even 5 in the morning, and it is very problematic to get from another part of the city at such a time. Other employees of the housing and communal services system, for example, locksmiths or site foremen, can also receive service apartments.
  6. Emergency personnel such as firefighters.
  7. Foresters, huntsmen, fishery workers. The work of representatives of this category of specialists is often associated with trips to hard-to-reach areas, to areas remote from large cities, therefore, for the duration of their official duties, such workers are provided with official housing.
  8. Customs officers, tax officials, judges.
  9. teachers and doctors. Ideally, after several years of work, service housing should be provided to all medical staff and teachers who are state employees, that is, they work in ordinary hospitals and schools, and not in private gymnasiums and elite clinics. It makes no sense to tell how things really are - it is well known that teachers and doctors can get service apartments practically only if they agree to go to work in the countryside, and they will have to work for a certain period of time for housing.

It is clear that it is better to be a deputy than a janitor - people's deputies have much more chances to get official housing, but in principle, all of the above categories can apply for free apartments while working in a particular organization.

It is also safe to say that many large enterprises, for example, factories and metallurgical plants, provide their especially valuable specialists, for example, managers or engineers invited from abroad, with apartments at the place of work or pay for rent, which can also be considered one of the varieties of obtaining office living space.

The procedure for providing service housing

According to the Housing Code of Russia, in order to receive corporate housing, a person in need of living space at the place of a new job must write an appropriate application for the provision of an apartment from a local specialized housing stock.

The application must indicate how many family members will live with the applicant, since there are approved norms on the minimum living space per inhabitant of a service apartment. For example, if there are two children in a family - a boy and a girl over the age of 9, then the applicant may apply for a three-room apartment. In addition, each family member must have at least 6 square meters of living space, but no more than 15 - this is already considered an unaffordable luxury.

Vincent van Gogh. Ward in the Hospital in Arles. 1889

However, such norms do not apply everywhere, in many cities service housing is provided according to the principle - take what they give, there is nothing else. And you can’t argue with such a statement, since the Housing Code states that service apartments must be “residential” - that’s all, no more clarifications and norms.

In addition, the municipal specialized housing stock often consists of so-called "escheated" housing, that is, apartments that were privatized, and the deceased owners did not find heirs. Such apartments usually stand abandoned for a long time, while the search for possible heirs is underway, they are in disrepair, and local budgets there is no money for their repair, at least cosmetic. There are frequent cases when, for example, a new district police officer who arrived at a duty station in a district center received official housing “without windows, without doors” and could not believe his “happiness”, refusing to move into such an apartment.

After the application for official housing is written and received by the authorized official, between the organization that allocates housing and the employee, a contract for the rental of official housing is concluded, which is considered valid for the period of passage military service, employment relationship or performance official duties. The tenant is provided with a warrant that gives him the right to move into the specified apartment.

Residents of a service apartment pay public utilities exactly the same and in the same size as the owners privatized apartments. At the same time, they are obliged to maintain the premises in good order, not to delay utility payments, and so on.

The rights of residents of office premises are limited - they cannot rent out the provided apartment for rent, book or exchange for other housing. The tenant can move all his household members, dependents and relatives into the service apartment, if the other adult tenants do not mind and give their written consent.

Alexander Benois. Illustration for the "Queen of Spades". 1910

The office lease contract is terminated in the event of termination of employment, expiration of the term of tenure in an elective position or dismissal from office.

Is it possible to privatize a service apartment?

The list of residential premises that are not subject to privatization, established by the first part of article four of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 4, 1991 "On the privatization of the housing stock in the Russian Federation", also includes office housing.

That is, it is impossible to privatize it according to the law, however, in a number of cases, tenants of office housing still manage to formalize everything Required documents and achieve a positive decision of the authorities and leaders of the company or organization.

An important nuance is that in each region of Russia, local authorities are in charge of privatizing office space, so the conditions and procedure for privatization can be very different.

For example, in Moscow there is a government decree, according to which tenants who have lived in this residential area and, accordingly, have worked in the providing living space organization for over 10 years.

Such employees can write an application on the basis of which the contract of employment will be terminated and a contract of social rent of an apartment will be concluded. Thus, before starting the process of privatization of service living space, it must first be removed from the specialized service housing stock and included in the state or municipal social housing fund.

What will be needed for this? First of all, the consent of the organization, enterprise or institution that owns the apartment.

In certain, specially stipulated cases, employers who have not yet worked for 10 years in the organization can also privatize corporate housing. These special cases include:

  • retirement of the employer who was provided with service housing, if he quits due to reaching retirement age from the organization that provided the apartment;
  • obtaining disability of groups 1 and 2, which occurred in connection with an injury due to the fault of the employing organization or an occupational disease received during service. In this case, the organization can “redeem its guilt” by allowing the privatization of the service apartment;
  • in the event of the death of the tenant of corporate housing, his family can also subsequently privatize the apartment provided to him at the place of work;
  • restructuring or liquidation of the enterprise, which led to the dismissal of the employer from the place of work.

The list of documents that are required for the privatization of a service apartment includes:

  • the permission of the owner of the service housing stock is the most important document, without which it is almost impossible to privatize service housing;
  • the original order for the apartment or the original extract from the decision with the contract of social employment;
  • an extract from all house books, without exception, from all addresses where the tenant previously lived and was registered, starting from July 1, 1991;
  • explication issued by BTI and cadastral passport;
  • originals and copies of passports of all members of the tenant's family registered in this residential area;
  • if the passport was issued after July 1, 1991, a certificate of replacement passports is also required;
  • a notarized power of attorney for a single window service employee;
  • statements from all family members registered in the apartment, as well as their personal presence during the paperwork;
  • receipt confirming the payment of state duty.

It should be noted that the transfer of service housing from a specialized fund to a municipal or state social fund, which will give the right to privatize an apartment, may take several months and even years. To speed up this process and privatize a service apartment, you can go to court with statement of claim, which will contain a requirement to recognize the tenant's right to privatize housing. It is also worth going to court if the employer, the organization that owns the apartment, does not give its consent to privatization, despite having ten years of experience. Unfortunately, legal proceedings can also take a long time, and a positive decision in such cases is rare.

Thus, in order to privatize a service apartment, it is necessary to negotiate with the employer by any means and still obtain permission from the organization that provided the housing. In this case, it is quite possible to privatize the office space, although the process of collecting documents, especially extracts from all house books in the places of previous residence, may be delayed.

The only consolation for those tenants of office premises who, despite ten years of experience in one organization, were denied the right to privatize an apartment by both the owner and the court, is the fact that it is impossible to evict such families without providing other housing.

Anna Sedykh, rmnt.ru

First of all, this is a full-time employee of the housing and communal services department, who keeps order in the territory entrusted to him, not only in the sense of observing the proper sanitary condition of the yard, lane or street.

Such a worker always serves a limited area adjacent to residential buildings, and involuntarily notices who at what time leaves the entrance.

The janitor gets used to the tenants and immediately distinguishes strangers who have come with not quite good intentions. Therefore, the janitor is obliged to cooperate with representatives of law enforcement agencies, and, first of all, with the district police officer.

The territory cleaner knows, if not by last name, then by name and certainly by sight all the children of his yard, and is entitled to call on them to observe public order - not to make noise, not to allow fights, and is also obliged to stop manifestations of vandalism in relation to common property.

It is easy to distinguish a real janitor: the guardian of cleanliness and order in the broad sense of the word must be dressed up in overalls.

This housing and communal services employee has a closet in one of the houses located on his site: usually this is a small room in which the cleaner can keep tools - shovels, brooms, brooms, crowbars, buckets and other equipment. This work is physically difficult, and in the back room you can not only change clothes, but also sit and rest.

You can complain about the janitor, seen in unfulfillment, negligence, in the veins. office, and an executive friendly person should be praised, such reliable and hardworking employees should be awarded prizes by the management of the housing and communal services.

Job description of a janitor of housing and communal services

In the employment contract, a list of duties is also given, but it is more concise than in the job description.

It is this document that should contain a detailed, detailed description of everything that a housing and communal services janitor should do at his workplace.

The job structure of the janitor of the housing and communal services is as follows:

  • general provisions;
  • official duties;
  • rights;
  • responsibility.

It is important for the employer to know that there can be no requirements for the degree of education or experience for the applicant for this job position.

What are the duties of a janitor of housing and communal services? The main job responsibilities are as follows:

The janitor reports to the master of housing and communal services and the manager, he can receive tasks from them directly, and if it is necessary to urgently eliminate the consequences of a fire, water flood or other accident, he will be redirected to the place where his help is needed.

It is this employee who is obliged to report to the management about the disorder he noticed, and has the right to suggest ways to fix the problem.

The janitor must also comply with the norms and rules adopted for all housing and communal services workers - to prevent absenteeism, failure to comply with the instructions of the management, comply with the requirements of safety and labor protection, fire and sanitary standards.

The rights of the janitor are as follows:

  • obtain the necessary tools and materials for work;
  • require the provision of premises for the storage of materials and tools, as well as the creation of normal working conditions;
  • submit proposals to the management regarding the better organization of labor, the improvement of their labor activity;
  • demand familiarization with the housing and communal services documents relating to his duties and rights, as well as the terms of payment and bonuses.

With regard to liability, the janitor must be held accountable for failure to perform his duties, as well as if he commits an offense of any kind.

The cleaner will be liable according to the law even if his actions cause material harm to the enterprise.

Territory cleaning standards

Heavy physical load in the performance of official duties as a housing and communal services janitor should be limited to the area that this employee can master.

The norms for cleaning the territory for the janitor of housing and communal services are regulated by the following legislative acts:

It turned out that the standards for the labor activity of a housing and communal services cleaner are a whole science.

For example, sidewalks are divided into classes, depending on the congestion of the road:

  • 1st class, if no more than 50 people pass in both directions in 1 hour;
  • 2nd class, when the intensity of pedestrian traffic is in the range from 50 to 100 people. at one o'clock;
  • 3rd grade - more than 100 people will pass within 1 hour.

Sidewalks crowded with people are difficult to clean without interfering with pedestrians, it is more convenient to sweep and water them early in the morning or late in the evening, while the area of ​​​​a different intensity class needs different cleaning frequencies.

Since the work of the janitor was still manual, the norm of the area to be cleaned is still taken to be 500 m2 - precisely to be cleaned, and not the total.

Wage level

Despite the fact that the work of a cleaner is hard, public, that is, in plain sight and regardless of weather conditions, the salary level of this category of housing and communal services leaves much to be desired.

So, in 2016 in Moscow, the salary of a janitor was no more than 15-16 thousand rubles, and in the periphery it did not exceed 8 thousand rubles. per month .

It is the level of wages that keeps people from wanting to become janitors. In addition, short-sighted managers often demand that the janitor be on the territory assigned to him from 8-00 to 17-00.

Those employers who allow the janitor to divide his working time into morning and evening hours act more wisely.

In this case, even before the mass exit of residents to work, leaves, snow can be removed from sidewalks and paths, which is more pleasant for people and prevents the snow from compacting, making cleaning difficult.

Those public service workers who make our yards cleaner, and our common property more well-groomed and unharmed, should be treated with more respect than we are used to, and their hard and thankless work should be appreciated at its true worth.

Today, many are ready to work in firms where they give housing for work.

And, although at first glance such “earnings” may look strange, it is quite applicable in modern conditions.

Why do they give apartments in Russia

In the Soviet Union, with low salaries, people could hardly afford their own real estate, but the state took care of this: after standing in line for many years, families could count on free real estate or improved living conditions.

Today, the situation has changed radically, and people must take care of their own coal on their own: buy, exchange, rent it.

But some organizations are still trying to help a valuable specialist solve the housing problem, albeit in other ways.

Note: obtaining housing for work is possible in both public and private firms.

Work for an apartment or what is corporate housing

The military can get a service apartment

A service apartment is a real salvation for many civil servants who, on duty, were forced to move to another locality.

So that they do not have to spend their entire salary on renting housing, the state provides them with a temporary one.

Service housing is an apartment in which an employee and his family will live while working for a state-owned enterprise.

Note: separate dorm rooms or cohabitation in the same apartment of several families is not official housing - they cannot be provided for the entire time of work.

Depending on the position and composition of the family, apartments may vary in area and location. An important role is played by the capabilities of the company itself: usually in state structures the number of free apartments is limited.

List of professions

Physicians can also apply

By law, public service housing is assigned to the following specialists:

  • deputies and officials;
  • military personnel transferred for service to another city or closed settlement;
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as customs officers, judges, tax officials;
  • doctors;
  • teachers and kindergarten teachers;
  • employees of emergency services: firefighters, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • foresters and rangers;
  • fishermen in fishing farms;
  • housing and communal services employees: most often this applies to janitors, but electricians and locksmiths can also get housing.

The state is obliged to provide housing for all these specialists if they decide to go to live and work in another city and cannot find an apartment themselves.

It is important to know: the above-mentioned specialists have the right to use housing only while they are in the public service.

Often housing is provided by:

  • employees working in other cities on a rotational basis, for example, workers employed in oil fields;
  • builders;
  • large firms interested in a particular specialist or top manager can also rent an apartment for him, paying from his "pocket".

Provision procedure

Service housing helps to attract people to less promising jobs, such as janitors

To obtain service housing, you must apply to the local Ministry of Housing and Communal Services.

It must indicate that the applicant is an employee of a state-owned enterprise and does not have his own housing.

The following documents must be collected along with the application:

  1. Employee Passport.
  2. Documents relating to the current residence of the applicant. For example, a lease agreement or documents that indicate that the owner is a relative of the applicant, and not himself.
  3. Certificate from the state register on the presence or absence of housing.
  4. Certificate of absence of the family's own housing or its unsatisfactory condition.
  5. Letter from the head of the employee about the need for the latter to receive official housing.

Take into account: if housing is offered by a non-state company, the list of documents and the procedure for issuing can vary significantly.

In addition to the minister, the decision to issue office space may be taken by the administration of the enterprise. In this case, it is better to contact them directly and find out what documents you need to prepare.

Consideration of the request is carried out within a month. After that, the issue of the area of ​​​​housing and its location is resolved, then a lease agreement is concluded.

Reasons for eviction

After graduation employment contract the family must move out of the service apartment within a month

Tenants may be evicted for the following reasons:

  1. Termination of the employment contract: this may be due to the expiration of the contract, or voluntary departure.
  2. Deliberate damage to property or the apartment itself.
  3. Failure to pay utility bills for six months.
  4. The inability of other tenants to live with employees on the same floor or in the same house: this can be immoral behavior, alcoholism, drug addiction, and much more.

It is worth noting: some reasons for eviction are specified in the contract or determined by law.

If a decision is made to move out, the family must move out quite quickly - within a month.

When You Can't Move Out

Together with the serviceman, his family also moves into the service apartment

In some cases, a family cannot be evicted "to nowhere" - they must be provided with equivalent housing.

These include:

  • employees whose work experience is more than 10 years;
  • the family of the deceased employee who was entitled to service housing;
  • single employees with minor children;
  • military personnel;
  • participants in the Second World War and persons who became disabled due to hostilities;
  • labor invalids.

Another condition is that at the time of March 1, 2005, you must be on the waiting list for better housing conditions or living in terrible conditions that allow you to join the waiting list at any time.

Note: the employer is obliged to provide housing in the same locality in return.

Is it possible to privatize

Privatization of a service apartment is extremely rare.

The Housing Code prohibits employees from privatizing office apartments - this was done in order to combat the abuse of privatization opportunities.

But the second part of the same law allows the owners of residential premises to decide on the issue of privatization on their own: that is, the company that owns the property can decide on its own whether privatization can be carried out.

However, organizations almost never agree to privatization, which, however, is not surprising. They may agree to transfer the apartment to an employee with great experience or an experienced and valuable specialist.

Good to know: for refusal of the organization in privatization it is not even required to name the reason.

For privatization, an apartment will need to be transferred from an official status to a municipal one, transferred to an employee and then privatized.

Work for an apartment in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Finding a job where you can get an apartment is not easy, especially in the capital and the region.

This is due to the large number of commercial, rather than state-owned enterprises, for which it is unprofitable to give real estate just like that.

It often happens that for valuable out-of-town needy specialists, separate living spaces are rented, but in this case they will definitely not be able to be privatized.

If the desire to get an apartment is still great, you should choose one of the professions indicated at the beginning of the article: they will help you temporarily “catch on” to housing, and with a good attitude from your superiors, you can even stay there.

Getting a service apartment is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, but things are worse with privatization. Most often, property owners refuse this to employees, believing that they will abuse trust. However, there is always hope for a favorable outcome.

Watch a video in which an experienced lawyer explains the features of the privatization of service housing:

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Who is responsible for house cleaning? Housekeeping should be done by:

  • management companies with which special agreements have been concluded;
  • directly the residents of the house themselves sign documents on the provision of relevant services with various companies;
  • HOA members who have directly entered into agreements with organizations providing cleaning services.

It is these companies that should hire a person who is directly involved in cleaning the area around the house. This is also stated in the Content Rules. apartment building in paragraph 1.

Who should clean the adjoining territory of an apartment building from third parties? Those companies that you hire to clean the yards near your house, will be liable for non-fulfillment of their obligations or low level of service. But only if there are contracts with them.

This document has a standard form, which will contain the following items:

  • name, address of the customer;
  • on what basis it operates;
  • requisites managing organization;
  • the subject of the contract with the list of services provided;
  • responsibilities;
  • the rights of the parties;
  • payment;
  • responsibility;
  • when the contract is broken.

At the end indicate the signatures and positions of the responsible parties.

Does the owner have to pay

The adjacent territory is the property of all homeowners. He speaks about it. The legal documents make it clear that apartment owners, whether they have privatized the property or not, Responsible for cleaning and landscaping land plot located near their home.

Since the very placement of a high-rise building assumes that everyone living in it uses the local area, which means they must serve it.

The calculation of the tariff for cleaning the local area occurs depending on the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing owned by the owner. This is stated in Part 1 of Art. 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. In other words, the larger the apartment, the higher the amount to its owner for maintaining the land near the housing will be.

IMPORTANT! If the cleaning of the local area is not carried out or is not carried out in full, then the homeowner contacts the company and draws up an act. Based on it, the fee for this service will be reduced.

The act specifies:

  • title: Act on the failure to provide cleaning services for an apartment building;
  • date of;
  • statement of claim: name of the managing organization, address of the house, list of claims;
  • Full name, apartment, signature.

As fully as possible, you should write what work is not being carried out.

What regulation governs the implementation

About the frequency of cleaning the adjoining territory of an apartment building, it is said in the laws:

  • in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation;
  • in Federal Laws;
  • in the rules and norms of the technical operation of the housing stock.

Each locality develops its own documents, which indicate what work organizations are required to carry out, involved in home maintenance, the timing of their implementation. These documents must comply with the laws of the Russian Federation. A typical contract is in the Rules for the maintenance of the house.

Not only residents, but also local authorities or special technical committees appointed by them can control the quality of cleaning the territory of an apartment building.

What work should be carried out

Responsibilities of a janitor for cleaning the adjoining territory of an apartment building change depending on the time of year. So, in the warm season, the main goal will be dust removal and garbage disposal. In addition, the list of works on cleaning the adjacent territories includes:

  • grass mowing;
  • sweeping the area;
  • container cleaning;
  • garbage collection from sites;
  • cleaning up areas under garbage cans;
  • watering green spaces;
  • delivery of sand to children's sandboxes;
  • repair, painting of small architectural forms;
  • watering sidewalks, driveways, if the temperature outside is more than 30 degrees Celsius.

In winter, along with cleaning the territory from debris, management companies must clear snow from the adjacent sections of the road. At the same time, the following work must be carried out:

  • cleaning the sidewalk from snow and ice manually or with the help of machines;
  • knock down ice under drainpipes;
  • loosen snow on lawns;
  • be sure to clean areas such as driveways, pedestrian exits from entrances, roads leading to garbage containers;
  • sprinkle paths during ice;
  • clean up urns;
  • sweep areas under garbage cans;
  • cleaning the area near the basements;
  • cleaning from ice and snow of sewer manholes;
  • collect garbage from children's and sports grounds.

The meeting of the tenants of the house independently determines what services will be provided to them and at what price.

Who controls

To monitor the cleaning of the area near the house are required:

  • directly the residents of the house;
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • local administration.

If the owners are not satisfied with the quality of cleaning, they must write a corresponding application to the administration of their locality. The verification will be arranged within five working days.

If there is no cleaning

In the event that your local area is not cleaned, you can report it:

  • chairman of the HOA;
  • the head of the management company;
  • V Federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer protection;
  • State Housing Inspectorate;
  • law enforcement and judicial authorities.

Residents may at an extraordinary meeting terminate the contract with management company and choose another organization that will clean the local area.

A list of such companies can be obtained from local authorities.

The main thing is that the owners of the apartment building should not remain indifferent and check the quality of cleaning themselves. Then the companies serving your territory will perform their duties in good faith.