Sberbank deposit rates. Profitable deposits of Sberbank of Russia

Gone are the years when we were afraid for the safety of our money and kept it under the mattress. Now it is much safer to keep money in a bank and at the same time it is possible to increase it.

Open deposits, now it is already possible without leaving home using a personal computer and an online bank service. Sberbank provides this opportunity to its customers who have already connected to the system Sberbank Online .

To open a deposit, you need enter your personal account and go to tab " Deposits and accounts". Next, you will need to select the required contribution and fill in all the required fields.

Those who have already opened deposits probably know that Sberbank offers you a line online deposits. We will help you understand them and briefly describe which contribution has which features.

- this contribution brings the highest income, in comparison with the rest. But it has its drawbacks. This is a ban on withdrawing funds until the end of the deposit period and the impossibility of replenishing it. Interest rates on deposits from 6.50 to 9.5% per annum.

– a deposit that can be replenished during the entire term of the deposit. Suitable for those clients who prefer to regularly save money and at the same time receive an increased interest rate in the amount of from 7.05 to 8.69 per annum.

- a type of deposit that allows the client to write off funds without losing interest. Very versatile and suitable for absolutely everyone. Deposit rates from 6.15 to 7.72% per annum.

savings account

It's like a savings book. There are no restrictions on deposits and withdrawals. But unlike bank cards, where the money just lies, here you will receive from 1.5% per annum.

Incidentally, upon opening online deposits through Sberbank Online, the interest rate on deposits will be up 0.5% in relation to deposits opened in bank branches.

Interest rates on deposits may change and may not correspond to those indicated on our website. For more up-to-date information, please contact Sberbank branches.

The maximum interest on Sberbank deposits for individuals for 2017: rubles - 6.49% per annum (on the days of promotions - up to 10.00% per annum), dollars - 1.06%, euros - 0.01%.

We are already accustomed to the fact that the interest on Sberbank deposits is the lowest among similar “products” of other Russian banks.

The policy of the bank “makes it clear” that we are the “largest” and “reliable”, and you will still come to us, no matter what rates we approve.

Of course, the policy is “controversial”, because in almost all banks of the Russian Federation that accept deposits from the population, all amounts of Citizens are insured by the State (I now mean deposits up to 1.4 million rubles).

And about the "large" I will only say one thing - competitors represented by "VTB 24" (its "daughters" "Post Bank" - together, as they say "we are strong"), are rapidly opening new offices, developing a whole range of innovative financial programs and tools, slowly taken away from the "dozing" "Sberbank", regular customers.

Well, okay, let's not understand the intricacies of banking policy, but let's focus on Sberbank's deposit programs.

2. Deposit program "Replenish" - with the option of replenishment

In contrast to the above program, in this deposit, there was a replenishment. You can replenish the deposit in the amount of 1,000 rubles, during the entire period of stay.

The maximum rate on deposits in rubles - up to 6.23% per annum.

Interest is accrued monthly, they can be transferred back to the deposit, i.e. use capitalization, or rent for “personal needs”.

Deposit term from 3 months to 3 years. The most favorable rates under the “Replenish” program “lie” in the time interval from 6 to 12 months.

The interest rate depends on the amount and term of the deposit (see table of interest).

You have the opportunity to increase the percentage of the current deposit, if you can replenish the deposit, up to the next amount gradation.

Deposit amount 3-6 months 6-12 months 1-2 years 2-3 years 3 years
from 1 000 ₽ 5,20 (5,22*) 5,65 (5,72) 5,35 (5,48) 5,15 (5,41) 5,00 (5,38)
from 100 000 ₽ 5,35 (5,37) 5,80 (5,87) 5,50 (5,64) 5,30 (5,58) 5,15 (5,56)
from 400 000 ₽ 5,50 (5,53) 5,95 (6,02) 5,65 (5,80) 5,45 (5,74) 5,30 (5,73)
from 700 000 ₽ 5,70 (5,73) 6,15 (6,23) 5,85 (6,01) 5,65 (5,97) 5,50 (5,96)
from 2 000 000 ₽ 5,70 (5,73) 6,15 (6,23) 5,85 (6,01) 5,65 (5,97) 5,50 (5,96)

For deposits in dollars from 0.01 to 0.90% per annum. Very low rates on the euro - 0.01% per annum.

Minimum deposit amount: ₽ - 1,000, $ / € - 100.

For deposits of pensioners, the maximum rate of the time period applies, regardless of the amount of the deposit.

Early termination up to 6 months - “threatens” with recalculation of the rate by 0.01% per annum. With a “deposit life” of 6 months, you will retain 2/3 of the rate assigned on the opening day.

3. “Manage” deposit program – with replenishment and partial withdrawal

The “Manage” program allows the depositor to replenish and partially withdraw the deposit during the entire period.

Here is the lowest interest rate, figuratively speaking, the difference in percentage "left" to pay for options.

The maximum you can get: in rubles up to 5.77% per annum(term 6 - 12 months, amount from 2 million rubles, capitalization), in dollars up to 0.60% per annum, euro - standard 0.01% per annum.

The minimum deposit amount (when compared with the above-described “products”) has slightly “grown up” - 30,000 rubles, 1,000 dollars / euros.

Partial withdrawal of money from the deposit is allowed only up to the level of the minimum balance. Withdrawals below this level are penalized with a loss of interest (see early termination rules).

You can replenish the deposit from the amount: 1,000 rubles, 100 euros / dollars.

Accrued interest (calculation is carried out monthly), each depositor manages individually: either transfers for capitalization, or withdraws for “personal needs”.

Deposit amount 3-6 months 6-12 months 1-2 years 2-3 years 3 years
from 30 000 ₽ 4,85 (4,87*) 5,20 (5,26) 4,60 (4,70) 4,35 (4,54) 4,10 (4,35)
from 100 000 ₽ 5,00 (5,02) 5,35 (5,41) 4,75 (4,85) 4,50 (4,70) 4,25 (4,52)
from 400 000 ₽ 5,15 (5,17) 5,50 (5,56) 4,90 (5,01) 4,65 (4,86) 4,40 (4,69)
from 700 000 ₽ 5,35 (5,37) 5,70 (5,77) 5,10 (5,22) 4,85 (5,08) 4,60 (4,92)
from 2 000 000 ₽ 5,35 (5,37) 5,70 (5,77) 5,10 (5,22) 4,85 (5,08) 4,60 (4,92)

* – interest capitalization rates.

Deposit term from 3 months to 3 years.

You can actively replenish your deposit and increase the bet by reaching the amount of the next gradation.

Early termination: up to 6 months of the "active" deposit - at a rate of 0.01% per annum, upon termination of 6 months - 2/3 of the interest rate valid at the time of opening is retained.

4. “Gift of Life” deposit program – charitable assistance

Contribution with the help of sick children who suffer from severe oncological, hematological and other diseases.

Charitable assistance consists in the fact that the bank, once a quarter, transfers 0.3% per annum (of the deposit amount) to the Gift of Life Charitable Foundation.

I think that among the contributors there are hardly any people who are indifferent to such assistance.

Maximum deposit rate - 6.45% per annum. Such interest is given on a deposit with capitalization.

If you do not want to use capitalization, then the base rate is 6.30% per annum.

The minimum deposit amount is 10,000 rubles. Savings are accepted only in rubles, for a period of 1 year.

The “Give Life” program does not provide for replenishment and partial withdrawal operations.

Interest is calculated every 3 months.

Early termination, as in other Sberbank programs: up to 6 months - recalculated at a rate of 0.01% per annum, after 6 months - 2/3 of the rate valid at opening is retained.

5. “Pension Plus” deposit program – special for pensioners

For pensioners who receive their pensions to the account of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Sberbank has developed a special program - Pension Plus.

I don't know where you can find a rate lower than in this "product". Interest rate with capitalization – 3.67% per annum in rubles.

The deposit is opened for a period of three years. The minimum opening amount is 1 ruble.

Let this contribution come with replenishment (unlimited) and partial withdrawal (up to an irreducible balance), but such a low rate, for completely “impoverished” pensioners, is “shameful and insulting”.

And dear pensioners can only be advised that if you decide to make a deposit in Sberbank, and want to replenish it and partially withdraw it, then pay attention to the Manage program, the rate there is 5.77% per annum.

One of the most popular ways to save money today is a bank deposit. Among the investment instruments, bank deposits are considered the most reliable, thanks to the state deposit insurance (DIA). If the deposit amount does not exceed 1.4 million rubles (or the currency equivalent of this amount), then in case of revocation of the license from the bank, the agency will pay you the deposit along with accrued interest.

Many banks offer the population to increase their savings, but tricks when concluding contracts, secret commissions, sudden changes in tariffs become real pitfalls. Therefore, Sberbank has been and remains a reliable and popularly recognized Russian bank.

The line of deposits from Sberbank is divided into the following categories:

  • Term deposits:
    "Gift a life"
    "Multicurrency Savings Bank of Russia"
    savings account
  • Online deposits:
    Save Online
    Replenish OnL@yn
    Manage Online
  • Deposits for settlements:
    "On demand of Sberbank of Russia"
    "Universal Sberbank of Russia"
    "Pension Plus"
  • Savings certificates.

We will try to compare Sberbank deposits and choose the best solution to save your finances. It is the preservation, and not the increase in income, as banks often claim. The interest offered by the bank for deposits, unfortunately, only covers inflation and does not generate income. However, the appearance of high-yield savings certificates, which Sberbank is so actively advertising, allows us to invest our savings today, but first things first. The first parameter of the deposit profitability is its interest rate.

TOP interest rates: we get the maximum income

13 fixed-term deposits, 2 perpetual and savings certificates - this is the piggy bank of deposits from Sberbank.

To date, the TOP interest rates on ruble deposits of Sberbank are as follows:

  1. Savings certificate from Sberbank - up to 8.8%;
  2. Online deposit "Digital" - up to 7.7%, with the ability to increase the rate using a promotional code (to receive it, you must complete a survey on the Vkontakte social network in the official Sberbank group);
  3. Deposit "Replenish Online" with an interest rate of 7.28% (including interest capitalization).
  4. “Replenish OnL @ yn” - with an interest rate of 7%.
  5. “Save” – 6.75%.

Special conditions apply to deposits for pensioners: regardless of the opening amount, Sberbank offers maximum rates to persons of retirement age on deposits “Save”, “Replenish”, “Manage” and their online counterparts.

But a high interest rate does not mean that income at other rates will be lower. The effectiveness of the interest rate consists of such parameters as capitalization and account replenishment. And the higher the deposit opening amount, the more significant the dividends will be.

Saving Wisely: Criteria You Should Know About

So, a high interest rate is not the only condition for a high income on a deposit. An equally important criterion for profitability is the capitalization of interest. What is capitalization? In simple terms, this is the automatic addition of accrued interest to the deposit amount. That is, interest in the next period will be accrued already for the amount of the deposit plus interest for the previous period. We conclude:

The more often capitalization of interest occurs, the higher the profitability of the deposit.

So if the capitalization of the deposit occurs every month, then this increases our income. Consider the deposits of Sberbank, taking into account the capitalization of interest:

  • Deposits with monthly capitalization:

Top Up Online, Save, Top Up Online, Top Up, Manage Online, Manage, Savings Account and Give Life.

  • Deposits with quarterly capitalization (every three months):

Social, Multicurrency of the Savings Bank of Russia, Pension Plus, Universal of the Savings Bank of Russia, "On Demand of the Savings Bank of Russia".

The Sberbank line includes deposits without capitalization, with accrual and interest at the end of the term:

International, Digital, Savings Certificate.

Such an important parameter, indirectly related to capitalization, as account replenishment also affects the profitability of your deposit. Parameters such as account replenishment and cash withdrawal are important for those who are not sure that they will not have to use savings. Let's compare the deposits of Sberbank in these two parameters.

Contributions can be divided in this way:

  • Savings (neither the possibility of replenishment nor partial withdrawal);
  • Cumulative (with replenishment, but without the possibility of partial withdrawal of funds);
  • Settlement (with the possibility of partial withdrawal and replenishment);
  • Demand deposits (you can also replenish and withdraw money).

Despite the high interest rate, savings deposits are often not profitable when terminated early. Savings deposits with monthly capitalization are quite an attractive investment product. Deposits for demand have the lowest rates, so they will not bring high income. Settlement deposits have decent rates and allow you to manage your funds without losing interest.

At Sberbank, according to the specified criteria, profitable deposits are:

Recharge Online, Recharge, Manage and Manage Online.

The Social, Multicurrency and Pension Plus deposits could become leaders in terms of the given parameters, but unfortunately, the frequency of interest accrual is lower for them.

If we talk about multicurrency deposits (International and Multicurrency of Sberbank of Russia), choose them only if you have a good understanding of currency fluctuations. Otherwise, you risk losing your savings: not everyone can correctly guess the moment of transferring funds from one currency to another.

Let's summarize:

Deposits Replenish OnL @ yn and Replenish - the most profitable savings deposits of Sberbank in terms of the totality of the considered parameters without partial withdrawal of funds.

If you have savings that you will not need in the near future, savings deposits are best suited: “Savings Certificate”, “Save” and “Digital”.

From the line of settlement deposits, the leaders are "Manage OnL @ yn" and "Manage".

Rates on online deposits at Sberbank are significantly higher than similar ones opened in the branch, which means that the leaders of the race are:

Top up Online, Manage Online, Digital. And they are joined by the widely advertised Savings Certificate from Sberbank thanks to an attractive interest rate.

Let us dwell on such a product as a savings certificate in detail. A savings certificate is a valuable unnamed bearer paper with a higher interest rate. The reason for the increased rate on the certificate is the lack of DIA insurance. Therefore, as a financial management tool, a certificate is not the most convenient solution. Money loves diversification: to reduce possible risks, invest in different types of deposits, including savings certificates.

Opening a deposit correctly: a step-by-step guide

Opening a deposit in Sberbank is simple, contact the branch or open it yourself using the Internet bank or application.

How to open a deposit at a bank branch

  1. Take the required amount and passport. Pension certificate or other documents (for example, about guardianship).
  2. Already decided on the choice of the required contribution? Fill out an application for its opening. Contact a Bank consultant if you have any questions.
  3. Read all the clauses of the contract carefully, do not hesitate to ask questions.
  4. Are you a foreign person? Present your migration card, residence permit or permission to stay in the Russian Federation.
  5. After completing all the documents, you will have a copy of the agreement with the bank, a savings book in your hands - find a suitable place to store them.

How to open a deposit remotely?

  1. To access Internet banking, get a login and password for access at a branch or at an ATM.
  2. Log in to Sberbank Online @ yn, through a computer or an application on your phone.
  3. Select “Deposits and Accounts” from the menu.
  4. Select "Opening a deposit", fill out an application
  5. Wait for a notification that the deposit has been completed. An open account will always be available to view the status of your funds.

Close cannot be prolonged: competent termination of the contract

When concluding an agreement with the bank, specify the possibility of automatic prolongation (extension) of your deposit. So, for example, the Savings Certificate has a certain date of issue and you need to pick it up on time. More often, deposits can be extended many times: but the terms of the contract will be valid exactly on the date of its extension.

Decided to close the deposit? We will answer the most popular questions of Sberbank depositors:

  • Opened a deposit online?

Then you can keep track of its expiration date through the Sberbank Online @ yn application. For deposits opened in the branch, the date can be found in the papers of the agreement;

  • Did the closing date of the deposit coincide with the weekend and the bank is closed?

Easy to collect your savings on the next working day;

  • What documents to bring with you?

Apart from your passport, nothing is required. You can take a copy of the contract just in case.

To Store or Not to Store: The Rules of the Practical Investor

So, due to the ease of registration, a bank deposit has been and will be the most affordable way to save savings. Finally, a few recommendations for future Sberbank depositors:

  1. Analyze the market of bank deposits, look for profitable offers.
  2. Good rates are usually offered by banks before the long New Year holidays, in December and summer, during holidays.
  3. Look at the rate and frequency of capitalization of the deposit, it’s good if the deposit can be replenished. Try not to choose deposits without capitalization or at least monthly interest.
  4. You can open several deposits for different periods. This will increase your chances of transferring funds without losing interest when more profitable offers from Sberbank appear.
  5. Master Sberbank Online: half as much running around, higher interest rates, easier to manage your finances.
  6. The deposit must not exceed the insurance amount of the DIA.
  7. In a crisis, open long deposits with the possibility of replenishment and the maximum interest rate, because when the situation stabilizes, there will be no such offers.

Sberbank deposits for individuals in 2020 have become less attractive due to rate updates. Read on this page how favorable interest rates and conditions are offered to the population today by the largest bank in Russia.

Sberbank of Russia in 2020 offers its customers several types of profitable deposits for individuals:

1. basic for everyone;

2. premium with a higher rate;

3. special for certain categories of depositors.

Basic and premium deposits can also be divided into three large groups depending on the ability to manage funds. To choose the right one, you need to understand why you put money in the bank.

  • Deposits of the "Save" type are intended for those who are ready to invest a large amount for several years and not use this money in order to get the maximum income. There is also the opportunity to put a large amount into an account with Sberbank and live off the interest.
  • Deposits of the "Replenish" type have the possibility of replenishing the account and are beneficial for those who intend to save money.
  • And deposits of the “Manage” type are designed for those who have few free funds and some of the savings may be needed at any time. This is convenient, but the interest rate in this case is not high.
  • You can issue them in rubles and dollars. The Bank temporarily does not open new deposits in euro, offering to use the Savings account in euro at the rate of 0.01% per annum.

    Pensioners receive special benefits when making a deposit at Sberbank. They will receive the maximum interest from the minimum amount on the "Save" and "Replenish" deposits. See more here →

    But there is also a special deposit for receiving retirement income - “Pension Plus of Sberbank of Russia”.

    Note that all deposits in Sberbank today have the possibility of interest capitalization.

    See contributions:

  • with the highest percentage
  • for pensioners
  • In 2020, Sber updated the rates for deposits in rubles and dollars. Read at what percentage you can open basic Sberbank deposits for individuals today. Compare terms to find the best option for you.

    Deposit calculator

    New Year's deposit of Sberbank "Favorable start"

    This is a New Year promo deposit. It has an increased percentage, but there is also an important limitation. It can be issued only by those who did not open a deposit with Sberbank from October 20, 2018 to November 20, 2019. Offer valid until January 31, 2020 only.

    (+) Plus: increased percentage.

    (-) Minus: a ban on registration for a number of clients.


  • Term: 6, 12, 18 months;
  • Amount: from 50,000 rubles;
  • Replenishment: no;
  • Partial withdrawal: no;
  • Interest: at the end of the term;
  • Early termination: at a rate of 0.01%.
  • Interest rates

    Calculate the income from investing savings on the deposit calculator

    Sberbank deposit "Save"

    You should pay attention to this deposit for individuals if you need to securely save money and receive a guaranteed stable income. By putting a large amount in the bank, you can withdraw good interest every month.

    (+) Plus: high interest rate.

    (-) Minus: there is no possibility of replenishing the account and partial withdrawal of money without losing interest.


  • Term: from 1 month to 3 years;
  • Currency: Rubles / Dollars;
  • Amount: from 1,000 ₽ / 100 $;
  • Replenishment: no;
  • Partial withdrawal: no;
  • Capitalization: yes.
  • Interest accrual: monthly withdrawal or capitalization.
  • Interest rate

    In rubles

    from 1000

    from 100000

    from 400000

    In dollars

    from 100

    from 3000

    from 10000

    from 200000

    Deposit "Save Online"

    The conditions of this deposit of individuals are similar to the “Save” deposit, only it is opened via the Internet. And interest rates are the same today.

    Few? Look at the interest rate on deposits at VTB Bank today. Read more →

    Sberbank deposit "Replenish"

    This deposit will be of interest to those who prefer to save and regularly save money. You cannot withdraw the invested money, otherwise you will lose interest. But the interest itself, which is accrued monthly, can either be withdrawn or added to the deposit amount, that is, capitalized.

    (+) Plus: it is possible to replenish the account.

    (-) Minus: there is no possibility of partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest.


  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years.
  • Currency: Rubles / Dollars;
  • Amount: from 1,000 ₽ / 100 $;
  • Replenishment: yes.
  • Partial withdrawal: no.
  • Capitalization: yes.
  • Interest rate

    In dollars

    from 100

    from 3000

    from 10000

    from 200000

    Deposit "Top Up Online"

    The conditions of this deposit for individuals are similar to the “Replenish” deposit, only it is opened via the Internet. And the stakes are the same.

    Doesn't fit? See deposit rates at Rosselkhozbank — more details →

    Deposit of Sberbank "Manage"

    The main feature of this deposit is that the depositor will be able to withdraw part of the funds at any time without losing interest. The main thing is that the so-called “minimum balance amount” remains on the account. It can be equal to 30, 100 or 400 thousand rubles. The deposit can also be replenished. And the interest accrued monthly can be withdrawn or capitalized.

    (+) Plus: there is the possibility of replenishing the account and partial withdrawal of money without losing interest.

    (-) Minus: low interest rate.


  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years.
  • Currency: Rubles / Dollars;
  • Amount: from 30 000 ₽ / 1000 $;
  • Replenishment: yes;
  • Partial withdrawal: yes;
  • Capitalization: yes.
  • Interest rate

    In dollars

    from 100

    from 3000

    from 10000

    from 200000

    Deposit "Manage Online"

    The conditions of this Sberbank deposit for individuals are similar to the Manage deposit, only it is opened via the Internet. And interest rates are the same today.

    Deposits with higher rates

    These are premium deposits that can be opened not by all individuals, but only by the owners of the "Premier" or "First" service packages. They have higher interest rates, but the minimum investment amount also corresponds to the premium status of clients.

  • From 700,000 rubles or $50,000 for Premier package holders;
  • From 5 million rubles and 150,000 dollars for clients with the First package.
  • Other conditions for premium deposits are the same as for basic ones.

    Deposit "Special Save"

    A deposit with increased rates for owners of the Sberbank Premier or Sberbank First service package. It is opened in the amount of 700,000 rubles or 50,000 dollars. Replenishment and withdrawal of money (except interest) before the end of the term is prohibited.

    Deposit "Leader Save"

    Deposit "Special Replenish"

    This is a replenishable deposit with increased rates for owners of the Sberbank Premier/Sberbank First service package. It is opened in the amount of 700,000 rubles or 50,000 dollars. You can replenish your account, but you won’t be able to withdraw money from the deposit without losing interest.

    Deposit "Leader Replenish"

    This is a premium deposit with increased rates for owners of the Sberbank First service package. It is opened in the amount of 5 million rubles, 150,000 dollars or 150,000 euros.

    Contribution "Special Manage"

    This is a deposit with increased rates for owners of the Sberbank Premier or Sberbank First service package. It is opened in the amount of 700,000 rubles or 50,000 dollars. Replenishment and partial withdrawal of money from the account is allowed.

    Deposit "Leader Manage"

    This is a premium deposit for owners of the Sberbank First service package. It is opened in the amount of 5 million rubles or 150,000 dollars. Replenishment and partial withdrawal of money from the account is allowed.

    Special deposits of Sberbank

    These are, one might say, social deposits. They are intended to receive payments and benefits, as well as charity. However, this does not mean that they are less profitable. On the contrary, the “Give Life” deposit, for example, has an interest rate quite comparable to the “Save” deposit.

    Deposit “Pension-plus of Sberbank of Russia”

    This is a retirement income deposit. It is intended for individuals receiving pensions from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, non-state pension funds, as well as ministries and departments providing pensions.

    (+) Plus: there is the possibility of replenishing the account and partial withdrawal without loss of interest.

    (-) Minus: low profitability, restrictions on the investment period.


  • Term: 3 years;
  • Amount: from 1 ruble;
  • Replenishment: yes;
  • Interest accrual: every 3 months.
  • Capitalization: yes.
  • Interest rate

    3.50% per annum without capitalization;
    3.67% per annum with capitalization.

    Not enough? See the most profitable deposits for pensioners in top 10 banks →

    Social deposit

    This is a special deposit for children left without parental care. It can also be issued by veterans or invalids of the Great Patriotic War. The main feature of the deposit is that it can be opened in the name of an orphan child by legal representatives.

    (+) Plus: the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal without loss of interest.

    (-) Minus: low profitability, restrictions on the term and categories of clients.


  • Term: 3 years;
  • Amount: from 1 ruble;
  • Replenishment: yes;
  • Partial withdrawal without loss of interest: yes;
  • Interest accrual: quarterly.
  • Capitalization: yes.
  • Interest rate

    3.15% per annum without capitalization;
    3.28% per annum with capitalization.

    Sberbank's contribution "Give life"

    This deposit is charitable. Part of the funds is directed to help children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases. Every 3 months, Sberbank transfers an amount of 0.3% per annum of the deposit amount to the Podari Zhizn charitable foundation.


  • Term: 1 year;
  • Currency: Rubles;
  • Amount: from 10,000 ₽;
  • Replenishment: no;
  • Partial withdrawal: no;
  • Capitalization: yes.
  • Interest rate

    4.50% per annum without capitalization;
    4.58% per annum with capitalization.

    Savings account of Sberbank of Russia

    Savings account for free and confident management of money on a daily basis.


  • Term: Indefinitely;
  • Currency: Rubles / Dollars / Euro / others;
  • Minimum amount: Unlimited;
  • Replenishment: yes;
  • Partial withdrawal: yes;
  • Interest accrual: monthly.
  • Interest rate

  • from 1.00 to 1.80 in rubles;
  • 0.01 in US dollars, 0.01 in euros, Canadian, Hong Kong and Singapore dollars, Chinese yuan, and pounds sterling.
  • How to draw up Sberbank deposits for individuals

    Opening a deposit at Sberbank is easy, the main thing is that you have money that you can deposit with the bank!

    1. In the office. To make a deposit, it is enough to contact any of the bank branches with money and a passport. Sberbank employees will complete all the necessary paperwork, and you will only have to sign where required.

    2. Online. If you are already a client of Sberbank and use the Internet Bank, then you can open a deposit without leaving your home. Log in to the Internet bank, select the appropriate deposit and click the "Open deposit" button.

    3. At an ATM. Use the nearest ATM and follow the instructions on the monitor.

    Can I open multiple deposits at once?

    Yes. The client can make any number of deposits.

    Can I open a deposit for another person?

    Yes. To open a deposit for another person, you need your passport and a notarized photocopy of the passport of the person for whom the deposit is being made.

    Is it possible to open a “family” deposit for several people at once?

    No. The deposit is opened only for one person. But the client can issue a power of attorney to manage the deposit for free. Using it, you can withdraw money and receive account statements, replenish a deposit, as well as close it or transfer funds to another account. To issue such a power of attorney, you must contact the office of Sberbank. Moreover, a trusted person does not have to come. The document is valid for 10 years.

    Conditions for early termination

    In any unforeseen situation, if clients need money before the end of deposits, they can always be received.

    Early termination of deposits "Save", "Replenish", "Manage" and "Give Life" is subject to the following conditions:

    1. For deposits for up to 6 months (inclusive) - at an interest rate of 0.01% per annum;

    2. For deposits for more than 6 months:

    During the first 6 months of the main (extended) term - based on the interest rate of 0.01% per annum;
    after 6 months of the main (prolonged) period - based on 2/3 of the interest rate set by Sberbank for this type of deposits on the date of opening (prolongation) of the deposit.

    In case of early termination of deposits, interest is recalculated without taking into account the monthly capitalization!

    In case of early withdrawal of the deposit "Pension-plus of Sberbank of Russia" the rate set on the date of opening (prolongation) of the deposit does not change.


    ?What is an irreducible balance?
    This is the minimum amount that must be kept in your account during the term of the deposit.

    ?What is the maximum deposit amount?
    This is the amount of the deposit at the end of the day of the date of opening or prolongation of the deposit, increased by 10 times.

    ?What is interest capitalization?
    This is a monthly addition of accrued interest to the deposit amount. As a result, in subsequent periods, interest is accrued both on the deposit and on this interest, and the deposit grows faster. The rate on a deposit with capitalization is higher than without capitalization.

    ?How can I withdraw accrued interest?
    Interest can be withdrawn at any time in whole or in part. You can get them through Sberbank Online or at a bank office.

    ?Under what conditions is the deposit extended?
    If you have not withdrawn the money at the end of the deposit period, then it is automatically extended on the terms and at the rate that are in effect on the date of prolongation. So the percentage may change. If the deposit is no longer valid, then it is extended on demand at a rate of 0.01% per annum, as specified in the agreement.

    Conclusions: what are the benefits of deposits of individuals in Sberbank

    Sberbank deposits for individuals today do not have the highest interest rates compared to many other banks. But the majority of the Russian population still prefers Sberbank to store their savings. Why?

    Firstly, it is convenient, since there are bank branches in, perhaps, every city in the country.