Pao Sberbank deposits. “Different deposits are needed, all kinds of deposits are important ...” - an overview of Sberbank deposits

A convenient way to replenish your income can be called receiving interest from deposits. Having earned a certain amount of money, you can put it on a deposit and have a stable income. It is most profitable to do this in proven large banks that have proven themselves in the financial services market.

Such organizations include Sberbank. It has a reputation as a reliable economic institution. And those who decide to put money at interest in Sberbank can count on a stable guaranteed income.

Types of deposits in Sberbank

The largest financial institution in the country offers several types of deposits for individuals. The conditions under which contracts for such banking products are concluded may differ in the method of calculating interest, the term for placing money, the condition for receiving interest and the body of the deposit itself.

Most often, deposits are divided into term and perpetual. It is understood that the client in the case of an urgent option entrusts funds for a certain fixed period specified in the contract. After that, he can withdraw funds at any convenient time.

In the case of termless deposits, the money in a bank deposit account is on demand. The client can pick them up at any time upon request. Since the bank may lose funds for its earnings at any time, the interest on termless deposits is significantly lower than on contracts concluded for a fixed period.

Security in the execution of the contract

It is mandatory to keep the deposit agreement. This document in any situation is a confirmation for the depositor of the legal relationship with the bank. At what percentage you can put money in Sberbank, each citizen decides for himself, but you need to be more careful with the amounts.

Since Sberbank is a member of the Compulsory Deposit Insurance System, all deposits up to 1.4 million rubles are subject to a 100% return. Accordingly, some savings account holders split amounts below this threshold.

Current offers of Sberbank on deposits

The most attractive are the offers of the country's largest financial institution for term deposits without replenishment and partial withdrawal. For those who are just getting acquainted with bank deposits, a demand deposit is suitable.

Term deposits

Deposits with the largest interest payments are Lucky Interest (up to 10.10% in rubles), Save (up to 9.7% in rubles), Give Life (up to 8.35% in rubles). But in this case, it will not be possible to replenish or partially withdraw amounts from the issued account. All transactions with your money can be carried out only after the expiration of the contract.

Deposit terms

There are also limits on the amount of the deposit. "Happy Interest" starts from 100 thousand rubles, "Give Life" from 10 thousand, and "Save" from one thousand.

Those who do not know at what percentage you can put money in Sberbank can be advised to take an interest in deposits with the possibility of replenishment. Here, the percentage is slightly lower, but you can report money to the account under the same conditions that were signed during the opening of these accounts.

Such banking products include "Replenish" (up to 8.07%), "Manage" (up to 7.31%) and "Multicurrency" (up to 6.88%). These deposits also have limiting minimum amounts from which you can open such an account. In "Replenish" - it is 1 thousand rubles, in "Manage" - 30 thousand rubles, and "Multi-currency" deposit is opened even with five rubles in the account.

For the owners of the "Manage" account, there is an additional opportunity to partially withdraw the deposit amount. This is a very convenient service that gives you more freedom in the real management of your finances.

There is also a term deposit "International", which allows opening an account only in foreign currencies. The minimum amounts in this case are from 10 thousand British pounds, and the interest rate will be up to 4.5%. No replenishment or early withdrawal is provided in this case.

Perpetual deposits

If someone does not know what percentage in Sberbank on demand deposits, then they can pay attention to the line of Sberbank's termless deposits. Today it represents one type of such an agreement - "Savings Account". Opening can be from one ruble. At the same time, the deadlines for which the contribution is made are not specified. Since the funds can be used in any amount. You can replenish the deposit with an almost unlimited amount. You can also withdraw any amount you need. However, the percentage in this type of deposits can reach only up to 2.3%.

Required documents

There are several ways to open a deposit account with Sberbank. One of the options involves a personal presence at the nearest office of the financial institution. To open an account, you will need a passport or other proof of identity. From the options offered, you will need to choose one of the deposits. The specialist will print out two copies of the contract, which must be signed. Also, money is immediately deposited into the account. Interest begins to accrue from the next business day.

In order to withdraw funds at the end of the term, you will again need an identity card and an agreement on a deposit account.

Sberbank of Russia, according to experts, is one of the most stable and reliable banks, which you can trust with your savings without fear for their safety. Sberbank deposits are in high demand, even though the conditions for placing funds are sometimes far from the most attractive. What deposits of Sberbank in 2020 can be considered the most profitable, how to get the maximum interest rate?

Enter your deposit requirements and get the most profitable Sberbank deposits for individuals.

What to choose

If you focus only on the interest rate, then the most profitable investment is Save. The conditions for it are as simple and clear as possible. Its disadvantage is only that, if necessary, it is not possible to withdraw part of the deposit before its expiration date without a significant loss in interest.

Due to significant changes in the exchange rate in 2016, the Multicurrency deposit can become quite profitable, but only for those who are ready to independently monitor the foreign exchange market, make forecasts and analyze the situation. It can become really profitable only with the active participation of the investor himself.

The most optimal for most depositors who decide to choose Sberbank may be the Manage deposit, the conditions of which allow you to receive a good income with the opportunity to withdraw part of the deposit if necessary.

Sberbank deposits for pensioners are also very popular with the population, as they have good conditions, the possibility of replenishment and early withdrawal.

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Sberbank deposits for individuals in 2020 have become less attractive due to rate updates. Read on this page how favorable interest rates and conditions are offered to the population today by the largest bank in Russia. The calculator will help you calculate your income.

Sberbank of Russia in 2020 offers its customers several types of profitable deposits for individuals:

1. ;

2. ;

3. .

Basic and premium deposits can also be divided into three large groups depending on the ability to manage funds. To choose the right one, you need to understand why you put money in the bank.

You can issue them in rubles and dollars. The bank temporarily does not open new deposits in euro, offering to use in euro at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

Pensioners receive special benefits when making a deposit at Sberbank. They will receive the maximum interest from the minimum amount on the "Save" and "Replenish" deposits. See more

But there is also a special deposit for receiving retirement income - "".

Note that all deposits in Sberbank today have the possibility of interest capitalization.

Deposits in Sberbank for individuals: interest and conditions

In 2020, Sber updated the rates for deposits in rubles and dollars. Read at what percentage you can open basic Sberbank deposits for individuals today. Compare terms to find the best option for you.

Deposit calculator

Seasonal deposit of Sberbank "Catch the Spring"

This is a new promo deposit that can only be issued from February 19 to March 14, 2020. And only remotely: via the Internet or at an ATM. The deposit has an increased rate of 5%, the investment period is 5 months.

(+) Plus: high profitability.

(-) Minus : Without replenishment and partial withdrawal.


  • Term: 5 months;
  • Amount: from 50,000 rubles;
  • Refill: no
  • Partial withdrawal: no.
  • Interest accrual: at the end of the term

Interest rate

5% per annum

Sberbank deposit "Save"

You should pay attention to this deposit for individuals if you need to securely save money and receive a guaranteed stable income. By putting a large amount in the bank, you can withdraw good interest every month.

(+) Plus: high interest rate.

(-) Minus: there is no possibility of replenishing the account and partial withdrawal of money without losing interest.


  • Term: from 1 month to 3 years;
  • Currency: Rubles / Dollars;
  • Amount: from 1,000 ₽ / 100 $;
  • Replenishment: no;
  • Partial withdrawal: no;
  • Capitalization: yes.
  • Interest accrual: monthly withdrawal or capitalization.

Interest rate

from 1000

from 100000

from 400000

In dollars

from 100

from 3000

from 10000

from 200000

Deposit "Save Online"

The conditions of this deposit of individuals are similar to the “Save” deposit, only it is opened via the Internet. And interest rates are the same today.

Few? Look at the interest rate on deposits at VTB Bank today.

Sberbank deposit "Replenish"

This deposit will be of interest to those who prefer to save and regularly save money. You cannot withdraw the invested money, otherwise you will lose interest. But the interest itself, which is accrued monthly, can either be withdrawn or added to the deposit amount, that is, capitalized.

(+) Plus: it is possible to replenish the account.

(-) Minus: there is no possibility of partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest.


  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years.
  • Currency: Rubles / Dollars;
  • Amount: from 1,000 ₽ / 100 $;
  • Replenishment: yes.
  • Partial withdrawal: no.
  • Capitalization: yes.

Interest rate

In dollars

from 100

from 3000

from 10000

from 200000

Deposit "Top Up Online"

The conditions of this deposit for individuals are similar to the “Replenish” deposit, only it is opened via the Internet. And the stakes are the same.

Doesn't fit? See deposit rates at Rosselkhozbank -

Deposit of Sberbank "Manage"

The main feature of this deposit is that the depositor will be able to withdraw part of the funds at any time without losing interest. The main thing is that the so-called “minimum balance amount” remains on the account. It can be equal to 30, 100 or 400 thousand rubles. The deposit can also be replenished. And the interest accrued monthly can be withdrawn or capitalized.

(+) Plus: there is the possibility of replenishing the account and partial withdrawal of money without losing interest.

(-) Minus: low interest rate.


  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years.
  • Currency: Rubles / Dollars;
  • Amount: from 30 000 ₽ / 1000 $;
  • Replenishment: yes;
  • Partial withdrawal: yes;
  • Capitalization: yes.

Interest rate

In dollars

from 100

from 3000

from 10000

from 200000

Deposit "Manage Online"

The conditions of this Sberbank deposit for individuals are similar to the Manage deposit, only it is opened via the Internet. And interest rates are the same today.

See also the 50 most profitable deposits to date.

Deposits with higher rates

These are premium deposits that not all individuals can open, but only the owners of the Premier or First service packages. They have higher interest rates, but the minimum investment amount also corresponds to the premium status of clients.

  • From 700,000 rubles or $50,000 for Premier package holders;
  • From 5 million rubles and 150,000 dollars for clients with the First package.

Other conditions for premium deposits are the same as for basic ones.

Contribution "Special Save"

A deposit with increased rates for owners of the Sberbank Premier or Sberbank First service package. It is opened in the amount of 700,000 rubles or 50,000 dollars. Replenishment and withdrawal of money (except interest) before the end of the term is prohibited.

Contribution "Leader Save"

Contribution "Special Refill"

This is a replenishable deposit with increased rates for owners of the Sberbank Premier/Sberbank First service package. It is opened in the amount of 700,000 rubles or 50,000 dollars. You can replenish your account, but you won’t be able to withdraw money from the deposit without losing interest.

Contribution "Leader Replenish"

This is a premium deposit with increased rates for owners of the Sberbank First service package. It is opened in the amount of 5 million rubles, 150,000 dollars or 150,000 euros.

Contribution "Special Manage"

This is a deposit with increased rates for owners of the Sberbank Premier or Sberbank First service package. It is opened in the amount of 700,000 rubles or 50,000 dollars. Replenishment and partial withdrawal of money from the account is allowed.

Contribution "Leader Manage"

This is a premium deposit for owners of the Sberbank First service package. It is opened in the amount of 5 million rubles or 150,000 dollars. Replenishment and partial withdrawal of money from the account is allowed.

See interest on deposits at Raiffeisenbank -

Special deposits of Sberbank

These are, one might say, social deposits. They are intended to receive payments and benefits, as well as charity. However, this does not mean that they are less profitable. On the contrary, the “Give Life” deposit, for example, has an interest rate quite comparable to the “Save” deposit.


This is a retirement income deposit. It is intended for individuals receiving pensions from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, non-state pension funds, as well as ministries and departments providing pensions.

(+) Plus: there is the possibility of replenishing the account and partial withdrawal without loss of interest.

(-) Minus: low profitability, restrictions on the investment period.


  • Term: 3 years;
  • Amount: from 1 ruble;
  • Replenishment: yes;
  • Interest accrual: every 3 months.
  • Capitalization: yes.

Interest rate

3.50% per annum without capitalization;
3.67% per annum with capitalization.

Not enough? See the most profitable deposits for pensioners in banks

Social deposit

This is a special deposit for children left without parental care. It can also be issued by veterans or invalids of the Great Patriotic War. The main feature of the deposit is that it can be opened in the name of an orphan child by legal representatives.

(+) Plus: the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal without loss of interest.

(-) Minus: low profitability, restrictions on the term and categories of clients.


  • Term: 3 years;
  • Amount: from 1 ruble;
  • Replenishment: yes;
  • Partial withdrawal without loss of interest: yes;
  • Interest accrual: quarterly.
  • Capitalization: yes.

Interest rate

3.15% per annum without capitalization;
3.28% per annum with capitalization.

Sberbank's contribution "Give life"

This deposit is charitable. Part of the funds is directed to help children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases. Every 3 months, Sberbank transfers an amount of 0.3% per annum of the deposit amount to the Podari Zhizn charitable foundation.


  • Term: 1 year;
  • Currency: Rubles;
  • Amount: from 10,000 ₽;
  • Replenishment: no;
  • Partial withdrawal: no;
  • Capitalization: yes.

Interest rate

4.50% per annum without capitalization;
4.58% per annum with capitalization.

Savings account of Sberbank of Russia

Savings account for free and confident management of money on a daily basis.


  • Term: Indefinitely;
  • Currency: Rubles / Dollars / Euro / others;
  • Minimum amount: Unlimited;
  • Replenishment: yes;
  • Partial withdrawal: yes;
  • Interest accrual: monthly.

Interest rate

  • from 1.00 to 1.80 in rubles;
  • 0.01 in US dollars, 0.01 in euros, Canadian, Hong Kong and Singapore dollars, Chinese yuan, and pounds sterling.

How to draw up Sberbank deposits for individuals

Opening a deposit at Sberbank is easy, the main thing is that you have money that you can deposit with the bank!

1. In the office. To make a deposit, it is enough to contact any of the bank branches with money and a passport. Sberbank employees will complete all the necessary paperwork, and you will only have to sign where required.

2. Online. If you are already a client of Sberbank and use the Internet Bank, then you can open a deposit without leaving your home. Log in to the Internet bank, select the appropriate deposit and click the "Open deposit" button.

3. At an ATM. Use the nearest ATM and follow the instructions on the monitor.

Can I open multiple deposits at once?

Yes. The client can make any number of deposits.

Can I open a deposit for another person?

Yes. To open a deposit for another person, you need your passport and a notarized photocopy of the passport of the person for whom the deposit is being made.

Is it possible to open a “family” deposit for several people at once?

No. The deposit is opened only for one person. But the client can issue a power of attorney to manage the deposit for free. Using it, you can withdraw money and receive account statements, replenish a deposit, as well as close it or transfer funds to another account. To issue such a power of attorney, you must contact the office of Sberbank. Moreover, a trusted person does not have to come. The document is valid for 10 years.

Conditions for early termination

In any unforeseen situation, if clients need money before the end of deposits, they can always be received.

Early termination of deposits "Save", "Replenish", "Manage" and "Give Life" is subject to the following conditions:

1. For deposits for up to 6 months (inclusive) - at an interest rate of 0.01% per annum;

2. For deposits for more than 6 months:

During the first 6 months of the main (extended) term - based on the interest rate of 0.01% per annum;
after 6 months of the main (prolonged) period - based on 2/3 of the interest rate set by Sberbank for this type of deposits on the date of opening (prolongation) of the deposit.

In case of early termination of deposits, interest is recalculated without taking into account the monthly capitalization!

In case of early withdrawal of the deposit "Pension-plus of Sberbank of Russia" the rate set on the date of opening (prolongation) of the deposit does not change.


? What is an irreducible balance?
This is the minimum amount that must be kept in your account during the term of the deposit.

? What is the maximum deposit amount?
This is the amount of the deposit at the end of the day of the date of opening or prolongation of the deposit, increased by 10 times.

? What is interest capitalization?
This is a monthly addition of accrued interest to the deposit amount. As a result, in subsequent periods, interest is accrued both on the deposit and on this interest, and the deposit grows faster. The rate on a deposit with capitalization is higher than without capitalization.

? How can I withdraw accrued interest?
Interest can be withdrawn at any time in whole or in part. You can get them through Sberbank Online or at a bank office.

? Under what conditions is the deposit extended?
If you have not withdrawn the money at the end of the deposit period, then it is automatically extended on the terms and at the rate that are in effect on the date of prolongation. So the percentage may change. If the deposit is no longer valid, then it is extended on demand at a rate of 0.01% per annum, as specified in the agreement.

Conclusions: what are the benefits of deposits of individuals in Sberbank

According to our data, as of February 2020, 937 branches of Sberbank operate in Moscow:

  • Sberbank. Address: Kirovogradskaya, 8 k3. 1st floor. Opening hours: Mon - Fri from 09:00 to 18:00;.
  • Sberbank. Address: Andropov avenue, 42 k1. . Working hours: Mon - Fri from 10:00 to 19:00;.
  • Sberbank. Address: Chertanovskaya, 14 k1. . Working hours: Mon - Fri from 08:30 to 19:30; Sat from 09:00 to 17:00;.
  • Sberbank. Address: Sedova, 13 k1. 1st floor. Working hours: Mon - Fri from 10:30 to 18:30;.
  • Sberbank. Address: Academician Millionshchikova, 19. . Working hours: Mon - Fri from 10:00 to 20:00; Sat from 10:00 to 17:00;.
  • Sberbank. Address: Demyan Bedny, 5. . Working hours: Mon - Fri from 08:30 to 19:30; Sat from 09:00 to 17:00;.
  • Sberbank. Address: Sannikova, 13. . Opening hours: Mon - Fri from 09:00 to 18:00;.
  • Sberbank. Address: Architect Vlasov, 39. . Working hours: Mon - Fri from 08:30 to 19:30; Sat from 09:30 to 16:30;.
  • Sberbank. Address: Stromynka, 19 k1. . Working hours: Mon - Fri from 08:30 to 19:00; Sat from 09:00 to 16:30;.
  • Sberbank. Address: Birch alley, 9. . Opening hours: Mon - Fri from 09:30 to 18:30;.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation reduces the rates on deposits in rubles.

The most profitable deposit in Sberbank today

  1. If we evaluate the interest rate, then the most profitable deposit of Sberbank (in addition to seasonal deposits) is "Save Online @ yn" for ordinary individuals or "Special Save" for premium clients. But these deposits cannot be replenished!
  2. If you intend to save money, then the most preferable for you would be to make a deposit with a higher rate "Replenish Online" or "Special Replenish". But money cannot be withdrawn without loss of interest!
  3. If you plan to withdraw some of the money from the deposit at any time, then the deposit "Manage Online" or "Special Manage" will be the most profitable for you.

Below you can find out the new deposit rates for today (as of 02/24/2020)

Deposit Pension Plus

  • Interest payment - quarterly to a current account or to a bank card account
  • Capitalization - quarterly at the choice of the client
  • Special conditions - the deposit is opened upon presentation of a pension certificate
  • Replenishment is possible
  • Partial withdrawal possible
  • The minimum minimum balance is equal to the minimum deposit amount
  • Early termination on preferential terms - income for the actual period of storage of funds in the deposit is accrued based on the interest rate set by the bank on the date of opening the deposit
  • Auto-renewal possible

Contribution Give life

  • Interest payment - quarterly to a bank card account
  • Capitalization - quarterly at the choice of the client
  • Special conditions - 0.3% per annum of the deposit amount for each expired three-month period is transferred to the Podari Zhizn Fund
  • Replenishment - no
  • Partial withdrawal - not possible
  • Early termination on preferential terms - 2/3 of the rate after 6 months of deposit storage
  • Auto-renewal possible

Deposit Replenish

Rate table

In rubles

from 3 to 6 monthsfrom 6 months up to 1 year1 to 2 years2 to 3 years3 years
from 1 000 ₽4,1 4,4 4,3 4,25 4,15
from 100 000 ₽4,25 4,55 4,45 4,4 4,3
from 400 000 ₽4,4 4,7 4,6 4,55 4,45

In dollars

from 3 to 6 monthsfrom 6 months up to 1 year1 to 2 years2 to 3 years3 years
from 100 $0,01 0,55 0,75 0,45 0,35
from 3 000 $0,1 0,65 0,85 0,55 0,45
from 10 000 $0,15 0,7 0,9 0,6 0,5
from 20 000 $0,2 0,75 0,95 0,65 0,55
  • Capitalization monthly at the choice of the client
  • minimum amount: 1,000 rubles, 100 dollars;
  • Partial withdrawal is not possible
  • Early termination on preferential terms:
  • if the deposit amount does not exceed the maximum amount (the amount of the deposit at the end of the day of the date of opening or prolongation of the deposit, increased by 10 times for deposits, the amount of which at the end of the day of the date of opening or prolongation is less than 100,000 rubles / 5,000 dollars, the maximum amount is 1 million rubles /$50,000);
  • An increase in the rate is possible with an increase in the amount or upon presentation of a pension certificate
  • Auto-renewal possible

Deposit Replenish in the name of the child

Table of rates in rubles

3-6 months6-12 months1-2 years2-3 years3 years
from 10004.10/4.11 4.40/4.44 4.30/4.39 4.25/4.43 4.15/4.41
from 100 0004.25/4.27 4.55/4.59 4.45/4.54 4.40/4.59 4.30/4.58
from 400 0004.40/4.42 4.70/4.75 4.60/4.70 4.55/4.75 4.45/4.75

Table of rates in dollars

  • Interest payment on a monthly basis to a bank card account
  • Capitalization monthly at the choice of the client
  • Special contribution for children

Special conditions:

  • it is necessary to present a passport or other document proving the identity and birth certificate of the child;
  • a parent/legal representative of a child can open a deposit;
  • from the age of 14, the child receives partial access: he can independently replenish the deposit and withdraw the accrued interest;
  • at the age of 18, the child can fully dispose of the funds on the deposit;
  • full withdrawal of money before the child reaches the age of majority is possible only with the permission of the guardianship authorities

Replenishment is possible, but there are restrictions:

  • minimum amount
  • 1,000 rubles, 100 dollars;
  • for non-cash replenishment, the minimum amount is not limited

Partial withdrawal is not possible Early termination on preferential terms:

  • if the deposit amount does not exceed the maximum amount (the amount of the deposit at the end of the day of the date of opening or prolongation of the deposit, increased by 10 times; for deposits, the amount of which at the end of the day of the date of opening or prolongation is less than 100,000 rubles / 5,000 dollars, the maximum amount is 1 million rubles / 50,000 dollars);
  • if the amount is higher than the maximum deposit amount, then interest is calculated on the principal amount based on 2/3, on the difference between the deposit amount and the maximum amount - 1/3 of the interest rate on the deposit that was in effect on the date of its opening or prolongation
  • An increase in the rate is possible with an increase in the amount
  • Auto-renewal possible

Contribution Save

Contribution Social

Contribution Manage

Calculate the income on the deposit online