Deposits of the Savings Bank of Russia. Sberbank deposits for individuals: interest rates Sberbank deposits for individuals

What deposits for individuals are there in Sberbank in 2020

Sberbank deposits can be divided into three large groups:

All involve the possibility of capitalization of interest or their monthly withdrawal.

For premium clients who can open a deposit in the amount of more than 700,000 rubles, an increased percentage is provided.

Here, perhaps, and all the nuances. Let's move on to a brief review of the conditions for raising money and interest rates.

Interest on Sberbank deposits in February 2020

Sberbank's new deposit "Catch the Spring"

This is a seasonal promotional deposit that can be issued only from February 19 to March 14, 2020. Moreover, this can only be done via the Internet or at an ATM. The main advantage of the deposit is that it has an increased rate of 5%. True, the investment period is only 5 months.


Term: 5 months;
Amount: from 50,000 rubles;
Refill: no
Partial withdrawal: no.
Interest accrual: at the end of the term

Interest rate

5% per annum.

Contribution "Save"

This Sberbank deposit for individuals is distinguished by higher rates compared to other Sber deposits from the basic line. It is suitable for those who can invest a large amount in the bank without planning to use this money until the end of the contract.

The deposit does not provide the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of money without loss of profitability, there is only interest capitalization.


Term: from 1 month to 3 years inclusive;
Minimum amount: 1,000 rubles, 100 US dollars;
Refill: no

Interest rates

In rubles

Term and amount

1-2 m.

2-3 m.

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 g

2-3 g

3 g

4,10 /

over 100000

4,35 /

over 400000

4,50 /

In US dollars

Term and amount

1-2 m.

2-3 m.

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 g

2-3 g

3 g

0.65 / 0.65

0.75 / 0.75

0.80 / 0.80

0.85 / 0.85

Deposit calculator: calculate income

Sberbank's online deposit calculator for individuals will help you calculate income depending on the interest rate and term. It allows you to find out the profitability, taking into account capitalization, replenishment and withdrawal of funds from the account.

Deposit "Top up"

This Sberbank deposit for individuals will be convenient for those who prefer to save money in rubles or dollars. It can be replenished by depositing at least 1,000 rubles or $100 in cash into the account. The amount of non-cash replenishment is not limited. The interest rate will increase as soon as the amount of the deposit reaches the next sum gradation as a result of replenishment.


Minimum amount: 1,000 rubles, 100 US dollars;
Replenishment: provided;
Partial withdrawal without loss of profitability: not provided.
Capitalization: provided.

Interest rate

At registration in the branch and online, the profitability is the same today.

(without capitalization / with interest capitalization)

In rubles

Term and amount

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 years

2-3 years

3 y.

from 1 000
with capital.


from 100 000
with capital.


from 400 000
with capital.


In US dollars

Term / amount

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 years

2-3 years

3 y.

0.30 / 0.30

0.40 / 0.40

0.45 / 0.45

0.50 / 0.50

Deposit "Manage"

This deposit is for individuals of Sberbank with partial withdrawal of funds, as well as replenishment of the account.

It is designed to securely store savings with the ability to withdraw part of the money before the deposit expires without losing interest. However, it must be remembered that not the entire amount can be withdrawn without loss of profitability, but only up to the level of the minimum balance - 30 thousand rubles, 100 thousand rubles, 400 thousand rubles, etc.

It is convenient to save money on this deposit, replenishing the account from time to time. But we must remember that an increase in the interest rate with an increase in the amount of the deposit to the next amount gradation will not happen automatically. It will be necessary to conclude an additional agreement to increase the size of the minimum balance.


Term: from 3 months to 3 years inclusive;
Minimum amount: 30,000 rubles, 1,000 dollars;
Replenishment: provided;
Minimum replenishment amount: 1000 rubles, 100 dollars in cash / Non-cash - unlimited;
Partial withdrawal without loss of profitability: provided up to the minimum amount of the minimum balance.
Capitalization: provided.

Interest rate

At registration in the branch and online, the profitability is the same today.

(without capitalization / with interest capitalization)

In rubles

Term and minimum balance

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 years

2-3 years

3 y.

from 30 000
with capital.


from 100 000
with capital.


from 400 000
with capital.


In US dollars

Term and minimum balance

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 years

2-3 years

3 y.

0.20 / 0.20

0.25 / 0.25

0.30 / 0.30

Deposit "Give Life"

This is a ruble deposit for those who are ready not only to save money, but also to help those in need - children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases. Every 3 months, Sberbank transfers an amount of 0.3% per annum of the deposit amount to the Podari Zhizn charitable foundation.


Term: 1 year;
Minimum amount: 10,000 rubles.
Replenishment: not provided;
Partial withdrawal: not provided.
Capitalization: provided.

Interest rate

4.58% per annum with capitalization;

4.50% per annum without capitalization.

Deposit “Pension-plus of Sberbank of Russia”

This is a retirement income deposit. It is intended for individuals receiving a pension from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, non-state pension funds, as well as ministries and departments providing pensions. Opened only in rubles. It will not be possible to issue a Sberbank of Russia Pension Plus Deposit in dollars. Even those who in our country receive a pension in dollars, although we doubt that there are such.


Term: 3 years;
Minimum amount: 1 ruble;
Replenishment: unlimited;
Partial withdrawal without loss of interest: up to the level of the minimum balance amount;
Early termination: upon demand of the deposit, the rate set on the date of opening (prolongation) of the deposit does not change.

Terms of interest

Interest is charged every 3 months
Accrued interest is added to the amount of the deposit, increasing income in the following periods.

Interest rate

3.67% per annum with capitalization;

3.50% per annum without capitalization.

Sberbank savings account

For daily free disposal of money in the account.


Term: indefinitely.
Minimum amount: unlimited;
Replenishment: unlimited;
Partial withdrawal: unlimited.

Interest rates

up to 1.80% per annum in rubles;

0.01 in US dollars, euros, Canadian dollars, Hong Kong dollars, Singapore dollars, Chinese yuan and pounds sterling.

Deposits of Sberbank of Russia for individuals today remain attractive, although they do not have the most favorable interest rates in 2020. Compare the updated conditions for opening deposits in rubles and foreign currencies, online and in a branch.

Updated deposit rates of Sberbank of Russia for today

Sberbank in 2020 updated interest rates on deposits of individuals. Today, deposits are not as profitable as in many other banks. But individuals, when choosing a bank for investing funds, often prefer Sberbank, as the most reliable. In addition, Sberbank deposits for individuals are insured by the state. This means that if the bank loses its license, which is unlikely, you will be refunded an amount of no more than 1.4 million rubles, including interest. Read more about deposit insurance

The line of deposits of individuals in Sberbank is simple and understandable:

  1. – “Keep” and “Special Keep”,
  2. – “Replenish” and “Special Replenish”,
  3. with replenishment and partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest - "Manage" and "Special Manage".

Sberbank deposits for individuals today can be opened in Russian rubles and foreign currency (US dollars). It is possible to make deposits in the branch and online via the Internet.

For clients of retirement age - on deposits "Save" and "Replenish" the maximum interest rate is set for the selected period, regardless of the amount of the deposit. See the terms and interest rates of Sberbank deposits

Deposits in Sberbank today: interest and conditions

Let's compare interest rates and conditions for opening deposits of individuals in Sberbank today - in 2020.

Sberbank's "Catch the Spring" deposit: conditions and rates

This is a new holiday deposit that can only be issued from February 19 to March 14, 2020. It is timed to coincide with the holidays and has an increased interest rate.


  • Term: 5 months;
  • Minimum amount: 50,000 rubles.
  • Replenishment: no;
  • Partial withdrawal without loss of interest: no.

Terms of interest

  • Interest is calculated at the end of the term;
  • In case of early termination, interest is paid at a rate of 0.01%.

Interest rate

5% per annum in rubles.

Sberbank's "Save" deposit: interest and conditions

Deposit of individuals for reliable savings and obtaining a guaranteed stable income. Without the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal without loss of profitability. Opens in branch, online and ATM.


  • Term: from 1 month to 3 years inclusive;
  • Minimum amount: 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars.
  • Replenishment: no ;

Terms of interest

Interest rates

Without capitalization

Taking into account capitalization

In Russian rubles

In US dollars

Sberbank temporarily does not open new deposits in euro, and offers to use the Savings account in euro at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

Deposit of Sberbank "Replenish": interest and conditions

A replenishable deposit for those who prefer to save and regularly save money in a reliable bank. Opens in branch, online and ATM.


  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years;
  • Minimum amount: 1,000 rubles / 100 dollars.
  • Partial withdrawal without loss of interest: no.
  • Interest rate increase: automatically upon reaching the next sum gradation.

Terms of interest

  • Interest is calculated monthly.
  • The accrued interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods (capitalization).
  • Accrued interest can be withdrawn, as well as transferred to the card account.

Interest rates

Without capitalization

Taking into account capitalization

In Russian rubles

in US dollars

Sberbank deposit "Manage": interest and conditions

A deposit for the safe storage of your savings with the possibility to withdraw part of the funds before the expiration of the deposit without loss of interest. Refillable. Opens in branch, online and ATM.


  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years;
  • Minimum amount: 30,000 rubles / 1,000 dollars.
  • Replenishment: yes. Cash - from 1,000 rubles / 100 dollars. Cashless - not limited;
  • Partial withdrawal without loss of interest: yes. Up to the level of the minimum amount of the minimum balance without loss of accrued interest.
  • An increase in the interest rate: when the deposit amount increases to the next amount gradation and when an additional agreement is concluded to increase the amount of the minimum balance.

Terms of interest

  • Interest is calculated monthly on the entire amount of the deposit (the interest rate depends on the amount of the minimum balance).
  • Accrued interest can be withdrawn, as well as transferred to the card account.
  • Accrued interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods.

Interest rates

in Russian rubles

in US dollars

Deposit of Sberbank "Give Life": conditions and rates

Deposit to help children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases. Every 3 months, Sberbank transfers an amount of 0.3% per annum of the deposit amount to the Podari Zhizn charitable foundation. Opened at the branch.


  • Term: 1 year;
  • Minimum amount: 10,000 rubles.
  • Replenishment: no ;
  • Partial withdrawal without loss of interest: no.

Terms of interest

  • Interest is accrued every 3 months;
  • In case of early termination of the deposit, interest is recalculated without taking into account capitalization of interest.

Interest rates

4.58% per annum with capitalization (4.5% per annum without capitalization)

Deposit “Pension-plus of Sberbank of Russia”

This is a special deposit for retirement income. It is intended for individuals receiving a pension from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, non-state pension funds, as well as ministries and departments providing pensions.


  • Term: 3 years;
  • Minimum amount: 1 ruble;
  • Replenishment: unlimited;
  • Interest accrual: every 3 months. Accrued interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods;
  • Early termination: upon demand of the deposit, the rate set on the date of opening (prolongation) of the deposit does not change.

Interest rate

3.67% per annum with capitalization (3.50% per annum without capitalization).

Sberbank "Social" deposit: conditions and rates

This is a special deposit for social payments to orphans and war veterans.


  • Term: 3 years;
  • Minimum amount: 1 ruble;
  • Replenishment: unlimited;
  • Partial withdrawal without loss of interest: up to the level of the minimum balance amount;

Terms of interest

  • Interest is calculated quarterly.
  • Accrued interest is added to the deposit amount.
  • Interest accrued can be withdrawn.

Interest rate

During the holidays in February and March 2020, Sberbank of Russia offers individuals and pensioners to open a new promo deposit “Catch the Spring” with a rate of 5 percent per annum in rubles.

By the holidays of February 23 and March 8, Sberbank, together with partners, decided to hold a promotion and offered customers discounts on various types of services and goods. Thus, he supposedly helps his clients “congratulate their relatives and friends and create a memorable #wow-day for them.”

The new promo deposit “Catch the Spring”, which Sber introduced for the holidays, is an integral part of this big #wow-promotion. What else the Security Council of the Russian Federation offers for gender holidays, we will tell below, but for now we will focus on the deposit. He's worth it.

Terms of Sberbank's "Catch the Spring" deposit

This is a typical promotional offer.

  • Funds can be invested for a period of 5 months.
  • The minimum amount is 50,000 rubles.
  • Replenishment of the account and partial withdrawal of money without loss of profitability is not allowed.
  • If you decide to withdraw the money before the end of the term, you will receive it without accrued interest.
  • If you forget to withdraw the money after the end of the term, the deposit will be extended at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

In a word, the terms of the deposit are quite expected. What then is so attractive about it? And this…

Interest rate on Sberbank's "Catch the Spring" deposit

Today, Sberbank does not please investors with profitability. After the end of accepting winter promotional deposits "New Year's Bonus" and "Favorable Start", the maximum profitability of Sberbank deposits decreased to 5.54% per annum. You can get so much if you open a “Save” deposit in the amount of 400,000 rubles or more for a period of 6 months to 2 years. And this is taking into account the capitalization of interest.

The interest rate of the Seize the Spring deposit is 5% per annum in rubles.

This makes this deposit the most profitable among the base deposits of the RF SB.

An overview of the conditions and rates of Sberbank deposits can be viewed.

When can I open a deposit?

The deposit is seasonal, it is dedicated to the holidays, and therefore the period of its acceptance is limited.

The "Catch the Spring" deposit from Sberbank is accepted only from February 19 to March 14, 2020.

Where to open the Seize Spring deposit

The Seize Spring deposit can only be made remotely, which means it is only suitable for those who are already Sberbank clients. You can open it in three ways:

  1. In the Internet bank Sberbank Online;
  2. In the Sberbank Online mobile application;
  3. At a Sberbank ATM.

How to open a deposit for those who are not a client of Sberbank?

If you are not yet a client of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, then contact the bank branch with a passport and issue some kind of debit card. After that, you will get access to Sber's remote service channels and will be able to open a deposit.

What discounts does Sberbank offer by February 23 and March 8

As part of the celebration, the “Million THANKS” campaign is planned for participants in the “Thank you from Sberbank” loyalty program. It runs from February 13 to March 13, 2020.

Discounts during this period will also apply to insurance products:
Travel insurance (10% discount from 20.02 to 10.03),
"Home Protection" and "Card Protection" (23% - from February 20 to 23 and 28% - from March 5 to 8).

When opening an individual investment account with the “Accumulative” trust management strategy and a one-time contribution of 250,000 of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, you will be given a tax return. The service is valid from 21.02 to 10.03.2020.

But the main bonuses will be received by those who use the services or services of the Sberbank ecosystem during this period.

Sberbank ecosystem discounts by February 23 and March 8

Sberbank ecosystem services participate in the project as follows:

  • up to 25% discount - from the Delivery Club ready-made food delivery service;
  • 21 days of subscription to Optimum and START service packages - from the Okko online cinema;
  • 50% discount on a subscription until the end of the English Premier League season - from Okko.Sport;
  • 10% discount for five trips with the Citymobil taxi service;
  • discounts on gifts up to 50% on the Beru marketplace;
  • one month of unlimited consultations with a therapist and pediatrician (23 rubles - from February 14 to 23, 8 rubles - from March 1 to March 8) - from DocDoc;
  • discount on the SberMarket food delivery service (7% - from February 14 to March 23, 8% - from February 25 to March 31).

At Beru, you can buy gifts not only at a discount, but also get them on credit using the Buy with Sberbank service.


Financial instability forces citizens to think about the future. People try to make savings to limit themselves from the unexpected. Keeping the accumulated money at home is unwise. Funds in a reliable financial institution are placed without additional investments or with the possibility of replenishment.

What is a deposit in Sberbank

It is good to keep money in a bank. This guarantees the inviolability, security of savings and ensures the growth of savings. To place a deposit in Sberbank at interest means to increase your savings by the interest offered by the bank on invested funds. The reliability of the financial institution is ensured by the control of the main block of shares of the bank by the Central Bank. The state insurance system guarantees the safety of savings to depositors.

Types of Sberbank deposits

The bank offers its clients financial products for accumulation and increase of funds. The types of Sberbank deposits differ:

  • the method of spending savings (it is allowed to use the accumulated funds or not);
  • method of accumulation (with or without the ability to replenish savings);
  • social orientation.

It is useful for depositors to know what deposits are in Sberbank today:

  • Save;
  • Replenish;
  • Drive;
  • Savings account;
  • pension plus;
  • Gift a life;
  • Savings certificate.

Terms of deposits in Sberbank

Among the methods of accumulation offered by the bank, depositors can choose a convenient option. The terms of deposits in Sberbank provide for a monthly accrual of income on savings. Interest can be paid by crediting the account or issued in cash. Income can be added to the amount of deposit savings and monthly increase the amount for interest on invested funds. Interest is capitalized, it can be calculated using the calculator on the website.

Capitalization serves as a source of replenishment of deposits that cannot be replenished under the terms of the agreement. Sberbank cash deposits can be closed ahead of schedule. For bank deposit Keep withdrawals and the ability to replenish savings is not allowed. The Refill banking product provides for making additional savings (up to ten times the initial deposit) without the right to withdraw.

Depositors of the Manage deposit are given the opportunity to manage their savings - use the accumulated funds and make additional contributions (there are limits on the amount). A savings account does not imply restrictions on the number, amount of replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds. Interest is calculated on the minimum amount of savings during the month. The savings account is not urgent, the period of validity of the agreement is not limited by time.

For Save, Replenish, Manage, auto-renewal is possible. Incomes on the short-term deposit Give Life are accrued every three months. A special type of accumulation is the Savings Certificate, it can be given as a gift. Interest on savings is accrued at the end of the validity of the certificate, plus it is not subject to mandatory insurance.

Sberbank deposits for individuals in 2017

News of the Savings Bank of Russia on deposits inform the bank's customers about the termination of accepting foreign currency deposits: Multicurrency of the Savings Bank of Russia; International. The opening of deposits was completed in December 2016, and they are in the archive of Sberbank. The deposits were intended to save the invested funds of the population from fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate.

Shares on Sberbank deposits today

The bank's archive contains the Happy Payment campaign. There is no information about new promotions on deposits. Holiday promotions for deposits with Sberbank ended in January 2019: Maximum percentage; Seasonal. Now bank depositors who have issued a debit card are using the Thank You campaign. When paying by card, they receive bonuses on their account and exchange them for money.

Interest on Sberbank deposits today

The maximum interest on deposits in Sberbank is offered for a savings period of 6-12 months. Within the accumulation period, an increase in the amount of up to 700,000 rubles can increase the profitability of savings. Sberbank's interest on household deposits increases by 0.51% when a deposit is opened remotely.

The following interest rates are currently in effect on deposits with Sberbank:

  • Save - 4.6-6.74%;
  • Replenish - 5.72-6.23%;
  • Manage - 4.62-5.71%;
  • Savings account - 1.5-2.3%;
  • Give life - fixed 5.95%;
  • Savings certificate.

Tariffs for Sberbank ruble savings of the population depend on:

  1. purpose of the deposit;
  2. term of the contract;
  3. way of concluding a contract.

Profitable deposits of Sberbank

The financial institution offers its investors programs that can generate high income. Profitable Sberbank deposits for individuals are issued to citizens who use the Sberbank Premier service package. Anyone can purchase a package. To the package of premium services, depositors receive a special offer with an increase in the deposit rate: Save; Replenish; Manage.

Special offers on deposits are shown in the table:

Currency deposit in Sberbank for individuals

The Bank provided an opportunity for its customers to make savings in foreign currency. Individuals have the opportunity to make currency savings and protect their savings from inflation. Currency deposits in Sberbank exist for deposits: Keep; Replenish; Manage. The conditions for replenishment, withdrawal, early termination for them remain the same as for ruble deposits.

Currency deposit in dollars in Sberbank

Deposit Save for dollar savings eliminates the possibility of additional deposits and withdrawals, Replenish - allows replenishment of investments. Currency deposit in dollars in Sberbank Manage provides an opportunity to increase the amount and withdraw savings. The maximum return on invested dollars is offered to citizens for a cumulative period of one to two years and a savings amount of $20,000. Specify the conditions in the table:

Euro deposits at Sberbank today

Depositors can make savings in euros. Among all deposits, the profitability of euro investments is minimal. The profitability of the euro deposit is set at 0.01 percent per annum. Deposits in euros at Sberbank differ in today's minimum size and accumulation period. Euro savings at a minimum yield help citizens protect their accumulated funds from depreciation. See the conditions in the table below:

Sberbank deposits for pensioners

There are special offers from the bank for pensioners. For them, a profitable deposit is provided in Sberbank Pension Plus. The terms of the deposit imply the possibility of unlimited replenishment of the accumulation, withdrawals - up to the level of the minimum initial contribution. Deposits Save and Replenish are issued to pensioners on general terms, but the maximum interest rate is provided for each accumulation period.

Compare Sberbank deposits for pensioners and their conditions in the table:

Put money at interest in Sberbank

There are two ways to open a deposit in Sberbank for an individual:

  1. In the presence of a bank manager. The contract is drawn up upon presentation of a passport (for pension banking products - a pension certificate).
  2. Independently on the official website of the bank. Payroll card holders can put money at interest in the online system. Replenishment of funds is carried out by the depositor in a non-cash way. The banking service provides customers with a calculator with which you can choose the best deposit option.

What deposit is better to open in Sberbank

The investor needs to analyze his financial capabilities and make a choice for investing money, you need to consider:

  • whether he will use the savings;
  • whether he will have the opportunity to contribute additional funds;
  • how much he wants to make a profit (profitability can be calculated using a calculator on the bank's website).

To obtain a high income, the depositor benefits from savings options from Sberbank with a high interest rate: Save; Replenish; Gift a life; Savings certificate. With the Manage deposit, the depositor gets the opportunity to replenish and withdraw savings with certain restrictions. The terms of the Savings Account do not provide for restrictions, but offer a minimum income.

Video: interest-bearing deposits in Sberbank-online

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Sberbank deposits for individuals: interest rates

Sberbank offers term deposits without the possibility of replenishment and withdrawal (Save), savings (Replenish) and savings (Manage). Also, the client can open a demand deposit without restrictions on withdrawing funds. Special conditions have been developed for pensioners, as well as for existing clients of the Bank (belonging to the Premier category or being owners of the Sberbank First package).

The Bank offers a special deposit for crediting social benefits, as well as a deposit for accumulating funds, the recipient of which, after reaching the age of majority, will be a child. There is also a program of deposits Give Life, part of the funds for which is deducted for charity.

Design features. To make a deposit in a bank, a citizen of the Russian Federation must provide a document proving the identity of the depositor - this can be a civil passport, an identity card of a Russian serviceman (military ID), a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation (form N 2P). Also, the Bank in some cases has the right to request a TIN.

Foreign citizens can also make a deposit in the Bank - in addition to their national passport, they need to provide a migration card and a document certifying the right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation. The number of deposits that a client can open at the same time is not limited. There are the following features of registration of deposits in Sberbank:

  • A term deposit can be opened in Russian rubles or US dollars;
  • The deposit can be made in the name of another person. You need to have your passport and a notarized copy of the passport of the person for whom the deposit is being made;
  • You can make a deposit in the name of the child. To do this, you need to have your passport, passport / birth certificate of the child with you, if available - TIN;
  • Several people can manage the deposit at the same time, for example, family members, for this you need to issue powers of attorney. The service is free, the presence of authorized persons is not required;
  • It is possible to transfer the deposit to a new owner in the order of inheritance;
  • The rate can be increased due to additional contributions or in connection with an increase in the minimum amount (if it is provided for by the individual terms of the contract).

How to open a deposit? You can make a deposit in Sberbank in the following ways:

  • At the Bank's office. The client must have an identity document with him: a general civil passport of the Russian Federation, an identity card of a military man, a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation (form N 2P) or a foreign civil passport (for foreigners, documents certifying the right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation are also required);
  • At a Sberbank ATM. Money can be credited to the deposit by transferring from a card or directly depositing cash into an ATM. In the ATM menu, you can get acquainted with the parameters of the Bank's deposits and specify the amount and term of the deposit being processed.
  • remotely through the Internet bank or the Sberbank Online mobile application - for existing customers of the Bank, this method involves receiving a surcharge on the interest rate (available as part of the main programs of the Bank).
Attention! Remote actions with your deposits can be performed only if you have previously concluded a banking service agreement (RBS) with the Bank. A prerequisite for RBS is that the depositor has a Sberbank debit card (card currency - rubles).

If at the time of conclusion of the agreement the client does not have the specified card, then the card account in rubles is automatically opened and the Momentum card is immediately issued without charging a service fee.

You can get a bank deposit agreement opened online by printing it out in your personal account of the Sberbank Online Internet banking in the "History of Operations" section, or by personally contacting any office of the Bank.

Extension of deposits. When making a term deposit, information about the expiration date of the agreement will be indicated in Sberbank Online, as well as in the deposit agreement. If after the expiration of the term for placing a deposit the client has not withdrawn the money, an auto-prolongation takes place on the terms fixed in the agreement or valid at the time of the expiration of the term (if the client did not refuse auto-prolongation at the time of the conclusion of the agreement).

If during the term of the agreement, the Bank ceased to provide a similar deposit rate, auto-prolongation is made on the terms of a demand deposit (0.01% rate). Please note that automatic prolongation may imply a lower rate compared to the original one (if the Bank's tariffs have changed during the deposit term). The client can avoid such risks by issuing a prolongation "manually" - by contacting the Bank immediately after the expiration of the deposit to conclude an agreement on new conditions.

Closing procedure. You can close the deposit remotely, using the Internet bank or the Sberbank Online mobile banking application - to do this, you must fill out the appropriate short questionnaire in your Personal Account, indicating the account for crediting funds, and in the mobile application, by clicking the "Close Deposit" button and then following the instructions, the amount will be transferred to a valid card or account. Everything, you can immediately use the money.

Another option for closing a deposit is to contact the Bank's division where the deposit was opened. The client needs to provide the branch employee with a passport (or other document that was provided during registration) and a bank card (or account details) for crediting funds. Cash can also be received at the Bank's cash desk. To receive large amounts (from 150,000 rubles), a preliminary application is usually required 1-2 days before the expected closing date of the deposit.