Application for debt restructuring on a loan from Sberbank. Sample of filling out a questionnaire on debt restructuring on a Sberbank loan

It is difficult to imagine a modern person without credit obligations. These are the realities of the present time. Loans are used to purchase household appliances, apartments, cars, and so on. No one is immune from situations in which the borrower is temporarily deprived of the ability to repay the loan. The only way out is restructuring credit debt.

Options for loan restructuring at Sberbank

Sberbank clients who have taken out a loan and find themselves in a difficult financial situation can count on a review of the loan terms. The only way out is.

The bank can choose one of four ways to restructure its debt:

  • Defer payment of principal

On average it is equal to a year, for mortgages it is two years. That is, during the agreed period, the borrower pays only interest, therefore, the monthly payment is reduced and the overpayment does not increase.

  • Refuse penalties

In this case, no amendment to the contract is provided. The bank simply does not collect the calculated fines from the client.

  • Increase the loan term

There is a so-called “stretching” of the loan, which allows you to reduce the amount of payment per month. Although the overpayment ultimately increases, the monthly financial burden decreases. A consumer loan, as a rule, increases to three years, a mortgage loan – to ten.

  • Individual approach to payment schedule

Essentially, changes are being made to the payment schedule. What can change? Payment date, sequence of payments (first of all, the borrower pays for fines, then for interest and only then for the principal debt). Borrowers who have seasonal work are offered a special option for distributing payments - during the season their payments increase, during the quiet period they decrease. Perhaps the annuity type of the chart will change to differentiated.

How to restructure loan debt at Sberbank

As soon as it becomes clear that the financial situation does not allow you to comply with loan obligations, you should not expect penalties to be applied.

What to do:

  • To write an application to change the terms of the loan agreement.

Download the form

  • Depending on the reason that influenced the current situation, collect documents , confirming the fact of a decrease in income:
  1. Certificate 2-NDFL or use a bank form.
  2. A work record book (you can have an extract with a notice of dismissal or an entry reflecting a change of job).
  3. A copy of the order (agreement) to reduce wages.
  4. Certificate issued at the labor exchange.
  5. Bank statement from salary account.
  6. Tax return.
  7. In case of loss of ability to work, you cannot do without medical certificates and conclusions.
  • Contact the bank and provide the collected package of documents.
  • You may have to fill out a form , allowing bank employees to make a preliminary analysis of restructuring data.

All that remains is to wait for the bank's decision.

Application for loan restructuring



"__" _______201__ between me, ______________________________ and __________________________________________________________ Loan Agreement No.______ dated “__” ______ was concluded on the following terms: loan amount _______________________________________ rubles,
(in words)
for a period of _______________,
final loan repayment period ___ ______ 2016__, interest rate on the loan__________________________________________ percent per annum,
(in words)
intended use: __________________________________________.
Since __ _____201__ my financial situation associated with ___________________________________________________
(please specify the reason in detail)
as a result of which I became unemployed.
Copies of supporting documents are attached to the letter.
Throughout the term of the Loan Agreement, all payments were paid to the Bank on time. Total paid to the Bank:
(specify amount)
Based on the above, I request you to restructure the debt under loan agreement No._________ dated __ _____201__, and consider the possibility of:
1. provide vacation for 2 months;
2. reduce the size interest rate;
3. prolong the amount of the principal debt for a period of ______ years, changing the final repayment period of the loan.
(indicate the amount you can pay and how often)
If my financial situation improves, I will repay the loan before the extended period.
_______________________________ signature (as in a passport)
"___" ______ 201__
Please send your answer to the following address: ________, st.______________, house__, apt.___ or call: +7___________

The statement is written in two copies, one for each side.

Copies of documents confirming financial difficulties are attached to the letter.

Contents [Show]

Also, please take into account that for me, the best option restructuring will provide me with a “credit holiday” for a period of __________ All information presented by me in this application is reliable and, if necessary, can be supported by documents. Based on the above and guided by clause 4.3.4. Agreement 1. Consider the issue of restructuring my credit debt under Agreement No. _________ dated __________.

If the borrower promptly requests consideration of his difficult situation, then such collection measures are not applied. IN otherwise, the borrower cannot escape punishment.

If such a fact occurred, the borrower may contact the bank with a request to revise the amount of the fine downward or increase the number of periods during which he can repay the debt in full. How to restructure a loan at Sberbank Who can claim job loss due to dismissal or layoff; the birth of a child, which increased expenses family budget; conscription for compulsory military service; restructuring of a foreign currency mortgage or car loan; disaster; temporary or permanent loss of ability to work, disability.

Application for debt restructuring on a loan from Sberbank

Why do banks agree to change the terms of debt repayment?

Almost any loan can be restructured, ranging from several thousand to a million-dollar loan for living space.

For what reason does Sberbank go to meet its unfortunate debtors?

How to ask banks to reconsider the terms of the agreement?

It looks something like this:

The completed form is accompanied by documentary evidence of the impossibility of paying off the debt in the previous format: photocopies of payments for public services, alimony, receipts from the pharmacy, extract from medical documents, income certificate, photocopy of work book.

Thus, if financial difficulties arise, there is no need to avoid paying off loans, but immediately go to the bank with a request for restructuring. The sooner you make such a statement, the more likely it is that the bank will cooperate.

The questionnaire for loan restructuring is posted on the Sberbank website.

It must be filled out and handed over to the bank employee. Online application is not available. The client has legal grounds for filing an application for debt restructuring.

Article 451 of the Civil Code of Russia provides for the amendment or termination of a contract in the event of significant and unforeseen changes in the conditions under it. Sometimes a client has to defend his rights in court.

The legal relationship between the lender and the borrower regarding the repayment of the obligation assumed by the latter is regulated by Art.

309, 315, 407, 408 Civil Code Russian Federation.

The application is drawn up in free form and conditionally consists of information about the petition part. The information part must contain the following data:

How to write an application for loan restructuring: sample filling

There are also different options regarding the cost of this service:

  1. small price (like commission).
  2. requirement to pay part of the principal debt;

Or there may be an option that they won’t charge you anything at all. Most often this is exactly what happens, but not all banks take this step.

What does the law say? Moreover, it is precisely this opportunity that is most beneficial to the payer, since options with an increase in the loan term will cost more than the original terms of the agreement.

Restructuring mortgage loan in a savings bank for an individual If a mortgage was issued and a person has problems with servicing it, then without delay it is necessary to contact the lender to resolve the situation. The fact is that the security for a housing loan is the purchased real estate and, provided that the borrower does not fulfill his obligations, the bank has the right to sell the property to cover the balance of the debt. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to contact the bank for help in restructuring your mortgage at the first opportunity. Credit card debt Credit cards have become a popular means of lending. They are beneficial because you can use money not only in Russia, but also when traveling abroad.

Questionnaire for loan restructuring at Sberbank

  • loan repayment prospects;
  • signature of the borrower and co-borrower (guarantor).

The application must be accompanied by supporting documents:

  • certificates of wages (if they are reduced);
  • certificate of unemployed status;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • medical and other documents confirming the specified reasons.
  • reduce size monthly payments on loan;
  • change the frequency of making payments (once a quarter, six months, a year);
  • change the form of loan security.

If you use real estate or other valuable property as collateral for a loan, you can reduce the interest rate.

Application for loan restructuring to Sberbank

The following will be considered as a compelling argument:

  • job loss due to dismissal or layoff;
  • the birth of a child, which increased expenses of the family budget;
  • conscription for compulsory military service;
  • restructuring of a foreign currency mortgage or car loan;
  • disaster;
  • temporary or permanent loss of ability to work, disability.

Requirements for the borrower The borrower must meet the criteria that apply to all borrowers of the bank. The main emphasis is on age, or rather on its upper limit.
Since the age limit is limited for non-working pensioners 65 years, then the restructuring, if an increase in the number of payments is implied, will be calculated in such a way that the last installments are paid before the client reaches 65.

Sberbank - loan restructuring

Since debt restructuring at Sberbank involves concluding a new loan agreement, the client will have to present a passport. How to formalize restructuring If according to others credit products There is a large amount of information on the official website of Sberbank, then for information on approval of the restructuring, you will have to contact the branch directly, since it will not be possible to find information online.

This is due to the fact that general conditions There is no procedure for carrying out this procedure, and each individual case is considered individually. In order to imagine what the essence of the operation is and how it happens, you should carefully look at the information below.

Restructuring a loan at Sberbank

Documents for restructuring Documents must confirm the difficult financial situation of the borrower: - Work record book with a record of dismissal. - Documents confirming the deterioration of the financial situation: an order or a copy thereof for granting maternity leave to a woman, an order or a copy thereof for granting leave without pay wages. - Certificate of incapacity for work, information about disability. - Certificate of income. - Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The list of documents is individual for each specific case.


When submitting an application, you need to most accurately describe your financial situation to a bank employee. It should be remembered that the decision on restructuring is made by Sberbank, and an individual does not have the right to challenge the bank’s rejection of the application.

The submitted documents are verified. Then a decision is made on approval. Application for debt restructuring on a loan from Sberbank

A number of valid reasons (loss of additional types income, pregnancy, loss of a breadwinner, joining the army, etc.). - Death of the debtor. In such cases, the heir is provided with loan restructuring at Sberbank. Is it realistic to get it and what is needed for this? Application for restructuring The application form can be filled out either at a Sberbank branch, or you can download the form on the website, fill it out and send it by email. It must indicate the reasons for the restructuring, the types of income for repaying the loan on new terms, and the object of collateral to secure the loan (if any).

After a short period of time, the borrower will receive a call from the bank and be invited to a specific branch to discuss the further process of cooperation. A specialist is assigned to the debtor, with whom further actions and a list of required documents are discussed.

This service involves the payment of only interest under the agreement for a certain period of time established by the bank.

  • An increase in the loan repayment period with a corresponding reduction in the payment amount. Credit for consumer needs can be extended for 3-5 years, and a mortgage loan - for 10 years or more.
    For the extended loan term, Sberbank charges interest, and divides the entire debt amount into equal payments according to the new payment schedule. Thus, monthly payment it becomes more comfortable for the client, but at the same time the amount of the total overpayment increases noticeably.
  • Reducing the loan rate to the minimum possible.
  • Forgiveness of accrued penalties due to which the borrower cannot begin to repay the loan according to the old schedule.
  • In some situations, restructuring involves a complete revision of the payment schedule.

How to correctly fill out a form for restructuring a Sberbank loan

Restructuring of loan debt at Sberbank for individual conditions Since loan restructuring at Sberbank is not a standard service, but a strictly individual approach, separate conditions are determined for each borrower. Based on an analysis of the documents provided and a mandatory personal conversation, a decision is made on each case.
It is important to understand that a specific option may be adopted for one borrower, while another will require the implementation of a whole set of measures. Reducing the interest rate In rare cases, loan restructuring at Sberbank occurs by reducing the rate under the agreement, since this is how the lender loses money. As is known, basically credit policy The bank applies the value of the key rate of the Central Bank of Russia.

Questionnaire for loan restructuring at Sberbank

A standard sample questionnaire has the following form:

Restructuring a loan from Sberbank to an individual: conditions, statements, documents and reviews

Reducing the amount of monthly payments by increasing the loan term. - Establishing an individual payment schedule for the borrower to simplify payments.

This could be either a postponement of the payment date or a reduction in contributions in certain months.

How is loan restructuring carried out at Sberbank?

First of all, this is a loan overdue for more than 30 days.

Sample of filling out a questionnaire on debt restructuring on a Sberbank loan

A restructuring application can also be drawn up in cases where credit institution violates the terms of the contract early repayment debt and sends a message to the borrower that he cannot repay the loan before the deadline established in the agreement.

The legal relationship between the lender and the borrower regarding the repayment of the obligation assumed by the latter is regulated by Art. 309, 315, 407, 408 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The application is drawn up in any form and conditionally consists of an informational part about the petition.

The information part must contain the following data:

In the so-called petition part, the borrower can contact the bank with a request for:

  • suspension of interest accrual on a loan obligation;
  • writing off accrued debt and extending the loan repayment period due to emerging circumstances.

Magazine headings

Essentially, changes are being made to the payment schedule.

What can change? Payment date, sequence of payments (first of all, the borrower pays for fines, then for interest and only then for the principal debt). Borrowers who have seasonal work are offered a special option for distributing payments - during the season their payments increase, during the quiet period they decrease.

Perhaps the annuity type of the chart will change to differentiated.

Sample application for loan restructuring

Since October 15, 2014, my financial situation has deteriorated greatly due to a decrease in wages, which is confirmed by the following documents: _____________________. During the entire period of validity of contract No. 7654321 dated March 25, 2011, I made all payments on time as scheduled. There are currently no overdue debts.

Cop., and therefore, I cannot make payments under the loan agreement in the same amount. So I'm currently in a tough spot financial situation, the occurrence of which is not related to my guilty actions.

In accordance with clause 4.3.4. Agreement, the Borrower is obliged to notify the Bank in writing within 3 (three) business days of the occurrence, including, of circumstances that could affect the Borrower’s fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement.

How to restructure a debt on a loan from Sberbank to an individual - registration and conditions

If the borrower promptly requests consideration of his difficult situation, then such collection measures are not applied. Otherwise, the borrower cannot avoid punishment. If such a fact occurred, the borrower may contact the bank with a request to revise the amount of the fine downward or increase the number of periods during which he can repay the debt in full.

How to restructure a loan at Sberbank Who can claim job loss due to dismissal or layoff; the birth of a child, which increased expenses of the family budget; conscription for compulsory military service; restructuring of a foreign currency mortgage or car loan; disaster; temporary or permanent loss of ability to work, disability.

Sample application for loan restructuring

Using this sample application to a bank for debt restructuring, you can contact a financial institution.

Read more about applications to banks via the Internet here. Having your application approved will help you cope with the difficulties of repaying your debt.

Many banks in the country now offer on-lending, often at favorable conditions. But usually such services are provided to those who have credit history without delays or with minimal delays.

Application for loan restructuring at Sberbank

Application for loan restructuring in Sberbank Features of filling out an application for loan restructuring in Sberbank A Sberbank client may ask in the application for the following: reduce the amount of the obligatory payment; change the payment frequency from monthly to quarterly or annual; ask for a replacement form of security.

Also, please take into account that for me, the best restructuring option would be to provide me with a “credit holiday” for a period of __________ All information presented by me in this application is reliable and, if necessary, can be supported by documents.

Based on the above and guided by paragraph.

4.3.4. Agreement 1. Consider the issue of restructuring my credit debt under Agreement No. _________ dated __________.

Application to the bank for debt restructuring

An application to the bank for debt restructuring is drawn up when problems arise with debt repayment.

If for some reason the borrower has lost the ability to make monthly payments, debt restructuring will be the solution.

It allows you to get more comfortable conditions, but banks are very reluctant to take this step. Correct preparation of the application, a detailed description of the cause of financial problems and the attachment of supporting documents will significantly increase the chance of receiving a positive response.

An application form to the bank for debt restructuring can be obtained from a bank branch, but you can compile it yourself in any form. But it is necessary to adhere to certain content, which consists of basic provisions.

Let's take a closer look at what the statement must include:

Sample application to the bank

For greater clarity of a correctly drawn up contract, we provide a sample. Your information should be in place of the underlined text.

Let's start with the document header:

Start with the word “Where” and write the address of the bank, which can be found in the loan agreement issued to you. Next, write “From” and indicate your full name, residential address, as well as passport information, such as series and number, as well as by whom it was issued.


The issue of debt restructuring is not something new or complex. This is a fairly well-established procedure, but banks are very reluctant to do it.

The reason is quite obvious: the lender simply does not want to lose its profits.

In this case, you will simply have to give a positive answer, since in the end the organization will either lose even its investments, or through the court you will be provided with more lenient conditions and no fines.

Restructuring of consumer loans at Sberbank

In this financial institution, the principal debt and interest can be repaid by agreeing on an individual schedule with the bank online.

This restructuring option is especially convenient for those who work seasonally or on a rotational basis. For example, instead of a monthly payment of 2 thousand rubles, the client pays 300 rubles for 7 months, after which he repays the debt accumulated during this time with a lump sum payment.

Payments under loan agreements sometimes become unaffordable for clients. In such cases, banks offer to change the terms of their deposit. But it is important to understand how to draw up an application for restructuring a Sberbank loan using the sample, what documents are required to carry out the operation and the nuances of the proposed program.

Reasons for restructuring

Bank loans can be divided into short-term and long-term. Simple consumer loans are usually designed to be repaid over one year. Long-term loans (for example, mortgages) can last for 20 years. Naturally, over such a period of time, with changes in the economic situation, the lending system in the country and the financial viability of the borrower are transformed.

In such situations, the question of revising the terms of the loan agreement is natural. This procedure is called restructuring. But not all borrowers can qualify for it. If the case concerns Sberbank clients, the following are considered as reasons for revision:

  • A significant decrease in the borrower’s income due to dismissal or salary reduction, etc. It should be taken into account here that leaving of one’s own free will will not be accepted as a reasoned reason. And if a citizen is left without a job because he was laid off, he can count on restructuring. If he himself decided to transfer to a position with a low salary, this also will not allow him to renegotiate the terms of the contract. That is, the main thing is that the reason is not a consequence of the will of the borrower himself.
  • Partial or complete loss of ability to work. Assignment of a disability group or the presence of a severe injury that requires long-term treatment and recovery must be confirmed by the conclusions of a medical commission.
  • The birth of a child in a family. If we are talking about borrowers who have become grandparents, the restructuring application will most likely not be approved. This paragraph applies to young parents until the child is 3 years old.
  • Conscription into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for urgent military service. This clause no longer applies to those who remain under contract.

Restructuring is required for people who cannot pay the debt on the same terms due to lack of money

The loan at Sberbank is being restructured through the following measures:

  • The borrower is provided credit holidays. That is, they allow you not to repay the debt for a certain period. For consumer loans it is set at one year, for mortgage loans – at three years. During this period, no interest is charged on late payments.
  • If desired, reduce the monthly payment period, increasing the total payment period. That is, the amount of debt remains the same, only, for example, instead of 8 years, you can repay it in 10 years, which means the monthly payment is reduced by 20%.
  • Change the loan currency. If the client took out a loan in euros, as the exchange rate increases, the financial burden also increases. When an application for restructuring is approved, the recalculation is made on the date of its submission, and not on the date of the loan.
  • Draw up individual payment schedules, for example, change credit interest depending on the season. This policy is relevant for individuals whose income varies depending on the time of year.

Carrying out restructuring is a right, not an obligation of the bank. However, the latter prefers to accommodate its clients halfway in order to avoid termination of the contract, for example in the case of refinancing with a third-party bank.

If a borrower finds himself in a difficult financial situation, it is advisable not to hide from interaction with bank employees, but to try to resolve the problem amicably. This option is more profitable for both parties than filing statement of claim to court and debt collection through the SSP.

How to write an application correctly

A client who wants to change the terms of the loan must first write an application for restructuring the mortgage loan. The sample can be found on the Internet and, if necessary, download the form to fill out. This service is provided on various banking websites free of charge. You can enter the required data in Word.

When drawing up an application, it is important to take into account all the rules

The application will require the following information:

  • All data on the existing loan agreement (amount, remaining debt, interest rate, account number, etc.).
  • The reason why the client is requesting a restructuring.
  • Desired changes to the contract parameters.
  • How the applicant himself assesses the prospect of repaying the loan.
  • Information about the co-borrower, if there is one (most often, this is a marriage partner).
  • Signature of the applicant with transcript and date of application.

Clients apply during a direct visit or on the Sberbank website. Its consideration takes no more than 3 working days.

Nuances of drawing up an application

To obtain approval for restructuring, you need not just write an application, but collect a certain package of documents:

  • Photocopy of your general passport.
  • Document on the amount of income. Depending on the source, this may be 2-NDFL; certificate issued by the employer; tax return; paper from the Pension Fund.
  • Document confirming the client's employment. For example, an extract from a work book or a copy employment contract. The papers must be certified by the employer.
  • Documents that justify the need for restructuring. This could be a certificate about the upcoming liquidation of an enterprise, an ITU conclusion on the assignment of a disability group, etc.

In addition to the application, the bank must provide additional documents

If a borrower requests a loan restructuring with collateral, an insurance policy and payment receipts for the collateral will be required.

The Bank reserves the right to request any other documents.

There are two ways to submit your completed package and application for loan restructuring:

  • During a personal visit to the bank.
  • By submitting online. To do this, you need to register on the bank’s official website. You will need to fill out a form for restructuring a Sberbank loan and upload scans of the necessary documents.

Programs of other banks

The opportunity to carry out restructuring is available not only to Sberbank clients. In 2019, large financial institutions offer their clients the following forms of procedure:

Structure nameTerms of restructuring
RaiffeisenbankIncreasing the duration of payments, credit holidays, reducing interest, changing the currency.
Renaissance CreditReducing the rate, exemption from paying interest on a loan for a certain period, changing the payment schedule.
RosbankChanges payment terms only consumer loans. If the amount is more than 2 million, 2 guarantors will be required.
Svyaz BankRestructuring is possible and carried out on individual terms.
Alfa BankOffers standard changes to conditions: credit holidays, increasing the duration of payments, changing the currency.
Orient Express BankReduced monthly payments and credit holidays. Other conditions are discussed individually.
Bank VTB 24Change in interest rate if the loan amount is from 100 thousand to 5 million rubles.
Tinkoff BankReducing the interest rate, increasing the total payment period.
Post BankWrite-off of the amount of the penalty, deferment of payments, reduction of monthly payments.
AHMLThe only mortgaged housing can be restructured. The program proposes changing the currency, writing off penalties, and reducing the interest rate.

All kinds of microfinance organizations have their own restructuring programs. Conditions should be clarified with operators or on the websites of organizations.

You can learn about the restructuring from the video:

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If you are unable to fulfill your loan obligations, you can make changes to the loan agreement. Targeted (for the purchase of a car, education, mortgage) and non-targeted loans can be subject to restructuring. We will look at the application for loan restructuring at Sberbank and an example of how to fill it out below.

Reasons for loan restructuring

Sberbank is obliged to accept an application for loan restructuring in the following cases:
  • dismissal from work, temporary disability;
  • change in financial situation for the worse (salary reduction, birth of a child, etc.);
  • unplanned expenses (illness of loved ones, fire, etc.);
  • the need to support a disabled relative;
  • other reasons requiring financial expenses to a significant extent.

When is a loan deferment possible?

If such circumstances arise, the most the best option will apply for loan restructuring. This way you can get a deferment or change the terms of the loan agreement. Otherwise, penalties and fines will be charged, which will further aggravate the financial situation.

In most cases, Sberbank meets its clients halfway, because... interested in returning borrowed money. For example, upon the birth of a child, the bank can provide a deferment on payments for a period of 1 year. No penalties or fines will be charged.

How to submit an application for loan restructuring to Sberbank

In order for the bank to carry out restructuring, it is necessary to correctly fill out an application, a sample of which is presented below. It is necessary to describe the reasons for the change in financial position and the date from which these changes occurred. You can download the loan restructuring form from Sberbank here:
(downloads: 3644)
View online file:
The application must indicate:
  • details of the loan agreement;
  • desired parameters for changing loan payments;
  • the reason for the restructuring;
  • date of occurrence of the above reason;
  • loan repayment prospects;
  • signature of the borrower and co-borrower (guarantor).
The application must be accompanied by supporting documents:
  • certificates of wages (if they are reduced);
  • certificate of unemployed status;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • medical and other documents confirming the specified reasons.

Features of drawing up an application

To maintain your reputation as a reliable borrower, you can use one of the options offered by Sberbank as part of the restructuring:
  • reduce the amount of monthly loan payments;
  • change the frequency of making payments (once a quarter, six months, a year);
  • change the form of loan security.
If you use real estate or other valuable property as collateral for a loan, you can reduce the interest rate.

When the guarantor refuses to perform his function or, conversely, the borrower has the opportunity to attract a guarantor, this is indicated in the application as a separate paragraph.

In 99% of cases the statement individual request for loan restructuring at Sberbank is fully satisfied. If guarantors are involved, they must be informed in writing about the filing of the restructuring application. They must also provide their consent in writing.

Every Sberbank client can take advantage of the opportunity to reduce their credit burden. Don't delay the decision financial problem, because this can lead to loan defaults and further litigation. The bank is always ready to accommodate, while maintaining confidential information about the borrower.

Video instructions for restructuring a bank loan

A standard sample questionnaire has the following form:

— Reducing the amount of monthly payments by increasing the loan term. — Establishing an individual payment schedule for the borrower to simplify payments.

This could be either a postponement of the payment date or a reduction in contributions in certain months.

How is loan restructuring carried out at Sberbank?

— First of all, this is a loan overdue for more than 30 days.

Application for loan restructuring

An application for restructuring can also be drawn up in cases where a credit institution violates the terms of an agreement on early repayment of debt and sends a message to the borrower that he cannot repay the loan before the deadline established in the agreement.

The legal relationship between the lender and the borrower regarding the repayment of the obligation assumed by the latter is regulated by Art. 309, 315, 407, 408 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The application is drawn up in any form and conditionally consists of an informational part about the petition.

The information part must contain the following data:

In the so-called petition part, the borrower can contact the bank with a request for:

  • suspension of interest accrual on a loan obligation;
  • writing off accrued debt and extending the loan repayment period due to emerging circumstances.

Magazine headings

Essentially, changes are being made to the payment schedule.

What can change? Payment date, sequence of payments (first of all, the borrower pays for fines, then for interest and only then for the principal debt). Borrowers who have seasonal work are offered a special option for distributing payments - during the season their payments increase, during the quiet period they decrease.

Perhaps the annuity type of the chart will change to differentiated.

Sample application for loan restructuring

Since October 15, 2014, my financial situation has deteriorated greatly due to a decrease in wages, which is confirmed by the following documents: _____________________. During the entire period of validity of contract No. 7654321 dated March 25, 2011, I made all payments on time as scheduled. There are currently no overdue debts.

Using this sample application to a bank for debt restructuring, you can contact a financial institution.

Cop., and therefore, I cannot make payments under the loan agreement in the same amount. Thus, I am currently in a difficult financial situation, the onset of which is not related to my guilty actions.

In accordance with clause 4.3.4. Agreement, the Borrower is obliged to notify the Bank in writing within 3 (three) business days of the occurrence, including, of circumstances that could affect the Borrower’s fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement.