Credit cards of "Rosselkhozbank" (types, conditions). How to get a credit card "Rosselkhozbank"? Rosselkhozbank credit card: conditions for issuing an online application Agrarian Bank issue a credit card

To receive a small amount of money for unforeseen expenses, a Rosselkhozbank credit card is convenient for registration, the conditions of which are selected individually for each potential holder. The payment instrument is issued free of charge, has a wide range of features and functions, and is serviced on favorable terms.

In 2020, RSHB provides six main offers for new and regular customers at favorable rates.

Product name Maximum credit limit (rubles) Interest rate (percent per annum) CashBack (percentage of the amount spent) Additional terms and options
Host1 million23,9 5-10 Free withdrawal, maintenance 0 rubles
Travel 22,9 Up to 7 points for every 100 rublesSMS service - 0 rubles
Panasonic 20 Up to 20% off in-store purchases10,000 welcome points upon registration
Amur tiger 23,9 Additional discount programHelp for wild animals
Rosneft 23,9 7 Discount 1 thousand rubles. by promo code, 300 welcome points
With grace period 22,9 1.5 points for every 100 rubles.Special offers for cash withdrawal, a wide range of payment systems

As new offers are introduced, the basic conditions may change, new credit card offers will appear. Information about this must be studied additionally on the bank's website, by calling the hotline or at consumer service offices.

Rosselkhozbank credit cards - terms of use

Plastic can be used for the following purposes:

  • making purchases on the Internet;
  • payment for purchases in regular stores;
  • payment for services and money transfers;
  • cash withdrawal.

The card is issued for a period of three years. Other conditions of the Rosselkhozbank credit card (limit size, interest rate) are determined by the following factors:

  • credit history;
  • solvency (wage level, marital status, etc.);
  • offer;
  • provision of guarantees in the form of certificates and other documents confirming solvency.

When issuing a means of payment, individual conditions are provided.

Rosselkhozbank credit cards with a grace period

Plastic with a grace period is provided at 22.9% per annum. When using, free cash withdrawals from bank ATMs are allowed for the first three months, as well as accrual of bonuses under the “Harvest” program. It is possible to issue a Rosselkhozbank credit card with an interest-free period of up to 55 days. When using the option, the buyer gets the right to pay for purchases in stores and the Internet, withdraw cash and make payments without accruing%.

How to apply for a credit card in Rosselkhozbank online

You can get a credit card for free in one of the branches of a commercial institution. To apply, you must choose one of two methods:

  1. With personal presence. To do this, you need to contact the manager and request a questionnaire form.
  2. By sending a document through the official website.

Both methods are available to regular and new clients of the financial institution. But the most convenient way is to apply online.

To send it you will need:

  1. Go to the official website of the commercial organization at
  2. Open a section for individuals.
  3. Select an item with credit cards, read the terms and conditions of their provision and choose the most suitable option. Click "Finish".
  4. Fill in the application form indicating the branch of the bank, product type (name), required amount, full name, date of birth and contact details (mobile phone number, email address).
  5. Write a comment to the questionnaire (if necessary, optional).
  6. Press the send button.

The Bank will consider the application within one to five working days, then inform about its decision via SMS and (or) e-mail. To clarify the details of registration, you will need to wait for a phone call from a specialist of the institution. Further, it is possible to order a Rosselkhozbank credit card only on the proposed individual conditions, which will be announced by the employee.

To draw up an agreement, you will need to visit the selected branch of the bank at the appointed time and provide original documents. After receiving a credit card, you need to activate and connect additional services and systems to it.

Required documents and requirements

Only consumers who have reached the age of 21, but not older than 65 years, can receive plastic and free service. The product is provided throughout Russia in the regions where the financial institution operates.

Other requirements for a potential holder:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • registration (temporary and permanent) on the territory of the Russian Federation in the region of presence of a commercial organization;
  • the presence of an official place of work or other source of permanent income (profit from doing business, pensions, etc.);
  • work experience of at least six months;
  • positive credit history.

Regular customers who receive wages or pensions at the expense of a commercial organization are entitled to issue a card without certificates and confirmation of the presence of an official place of work. Other users must provide:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a certificate in the form of a bank or 2-NDFL (official extract from the USRIP for entrepreneurs);
  • military ID (for men under 27 years old).

A package of documents must be provided after consideration of the application when visiting the bank to sign the contract.

How to withdraw cash from RSHB credit cards

The main purpose of a credit card is to pay for purchases in a store or on the Internet with the possibility of accruing% on the balance. But cash withdrawals are allowed at network ATMs, as well as terminals of third-party financial institutions. In the first case, the commission is not charged for the first three months after registration, then the transaction fee will be 3.9% of the withdrawal amount, but not less than 350 rubles. Tariffing in other banks must be clarified with representatives.

Credit cards or installment cards are especially popular among the population, allowing you to freely pay with borrowed funds, purchase expensive purchases when your own funds are not enough. Rosselkhozbank credit card provides a wide range of opportunities for spending funds and making non-cash payments at terminals, cash desks, and online stores.

Depending on the needs of customers, in 2018 they issue credit cards of various statuses: classic, gold, platinum. Differing in lending parameters, RSHB cards work according to the same principles defined by the bank. Having learned how to use plastic correctly, borrowers reduce the overpayment to a minimum, resolving their financial issues with the greatest benefit for themselves, and the dynamics of growth in emission volumes indicates that the bank's proposals are in demand.

Terms of use of the RSHB credit card

Before contacting the bank, they analyze the terms of use offered by the issuer, determining the most suitable type of credit card.

Any plastic with a credit limit from the RSHB has a number of undoubted advantages:

  • low interest overpayment;
  • low cost of annual maintenance;
  • issue of additional cards for free financing of the borrower's inner circle (up to 8 cards);
  • transparency of working conditions with plastic and convenient service through Internet banking and mobile banking;
  • profitable cashing out is not more expensive than 3.9% of the withdrawal amount;
  • interest-free spending of bank funds for a 55-day period;
  • free use in foreign trips, thanks to the support of one of the two international payment systems - "Visa" or "Mastercard".

Depending on the type of credit card, you can use a credit card for 2 or 3 years.

Depending on the chosen plastic, the parameters of use have their own nuances:

  1. classic. Assumes the receipt of up to a million limit (based on the information provided by the potential borrower and supporting documents) at 23.9%.
  2. Gold. It requires an annual service fee - 2 thousand rubles, however, the rate charged for the used limit is slightly lower than for classic plastic - 22.9%. The limit is 1 million rubles. The status of the card implies the provision of discounts from partners of a financial institution - up to 15% when shopping and booking hotels.
  3. Premium. Gives the greatest benefit with active use due to the rate reduced to 21.9%. The client's expenses should take into account the annual service fee - 4 thousand rubles.
  4. Travel. Allows you to receive increased bonus accruals (1.5% as part of the Harvest program) and then exchange them for a discount when paying for travel (hotels, restaurants, train or plane tickets). A valuable competitive advantage will be the ability to save money on withdrawing money from ATMs - the action is performed without commissions and additional costs on the part of the client. The percentage of accrual for the funds used is not less than 22.9%.
  5. Amur tiger. Settlements for plastic of this type provide for the direction of part of the bank's profits to protect the endangered species of tigers. The amount of the donation is 0.7% of each transaction made by the client. The interest rate is within the standard 23.9%, and the first year maintenance is free of charge. Starting from year 2, the fee will be 700 rubles.
  6. Owner card. As part of this program, the issuer offered to use cashback, i.e. return up to 1% to the card balance for the funds spent. Increased up to 5% cashback - with the cost of refueling the car. Cashing out occurs with the withdrawal of 350 rubles for 1 operation or 3.9% of the amount of funds received.

In case of an urgent need for additional financing, the bank will offer an instant issue card. It is impossible to receive a large amount for it, since the program involves an accelerated simplified consideration of the application with a minimum of documents. By contacting the branch, you can receive bank funds on the card in a matter of minutes - up to 250 thousand rubles. The card is suitable for current payments in Russia with payment up to 300 rubles per year. Instant release plastic is beneficial, since the urgency and ease of registration do not affect the final interest rate.

In addition to universal cards, there are many options for issuing increased cashback, discounts, and payment benefits. Specially for spending money in settlements with online stores, Country plastic is produced. To pay for fuel at gas stations with increased accrual of bonuses under the Family Team program, Rosneft plastic is issued, supported by the domestic Mir payment system with a limit of up to 1 million rubles.

RSHB credit cards suggest the possibility of using an interest-free period of 55 days. During this period, the client can spend funds from the Rosselkhozbank credit card account with a grace period, and then deposit them again before the expiration of the established period. In the future, after paying off the debt, the client gets the opportunity to use the grace period algorithm again:

  1. Settlement part - allows you to pay with plastic within the limits of the balance within a month after the first debit transaction.
  2. The payment part is a 25-day period that is set aside specifically for depositing funds back to the card.

Account replenishment is the simplest operation, as it allows you to quickly and conveniently repay a loan debt in cash through a wide ATM network in the Russian Federation or by additional deposit methods:

  1. By bank transfer via debit plastic or bank account (you should take into account the time for an interbank transfer up to 5 days).
  2. Through cash desks in branches.
  3. Pay with electronic money via the Internet.

The grace period does not eliminate the need for a monthly deposit of 10%. If the payer has not previously repaid the debt in full, a tenth of the money spent is paid on the day of the monthly payment.

To receive a credit card, you must first determine the appropriate conditions, as well as assess your chances of agreeing to issue, based on belonging to the category:

  • standard offer on general terms;
  • special benefits for individuals who receive earnings on debit plastic in the RSHB;
  • Loyal customers who have established themselves as responsible and reliable borrowers are offered additional privileges.

Any citizen over 21 years old (at the time of the last issue of a credit card, age should not exceed 65 years old) with Russian citizenship and residence permit can become a credit card holder.

No more than 5 days are given for consideration of the submitted application, after which an employee of the financial institution will contact the person to agree on the conditions for signing the contract and issuing credit plastic.

List of documents

Getting a loan is easy enough. When considering an application from a potential borrower, the bank draws attention to the list of securities presented:

  1. Statement with information about the identity of the client.
  2. Passport, other identity document.
  3. Military ID (for men under 27).
  4. Documents confirming income (certificate 2-NDFL, from the place of work, an extract from the USRIP, a certificate and a copy of the declaration for individual entrepreneurs).

Additionally, the creditor has the right to request any other document.

Credit cards are one of the most demanded financial instruments, which are very popular among the population. It is no coincidence that many banks offer to draw up an agreement for the purchase of this product, among them the Russian Agricultural Bank. Rosselkhozbank credit cards provide an excellent opportunity to expand your financial capabilities by using a credit limit.

General conditions for the purchase of the product

Credit cards are valid for 3 years. Funds are provided in rubles at rates from 21.9% per annum. The size of the credit limit is determined on an individual basis, but its upper limit cannot exceed 1 million rubles. All products are protected by a built-in chip and have a grace period of 55 days. A Rosselkhozbank credit card with a grace period allows you to use the funds provided free of charge for a specified time without paying interest on them.

Types of credit cards of Rosselkhozbank

The bank offers its customers 7 types of credit cards with different possibilities and terms of service:

  1. Country. Designed for active purchases on online platforms and offline stores, provides the opportunity to cash out at partner ATMs at an attractive commission. Mandatory authorization of all operations and restriction of use only on the territory of Russia are provided. All this guarantees the highest security of payments. The interest rate and limit are similar to the previous cards. The cost of maintenance per year is 200 rubles for MasterCard and 300 rubles for Visa.

  1. Instant card. It is convenient for those who wish to expand their financial capabilities in the shortest possible time at an affordable service price. Registration and receipt takes only one day. The card allows you to use all standard banking services, has a grace period of 55 days. The terms of use are similar to "Country".
  1. golden card . It belongs to the category of premium banking products designed to emphasize the high status of the owner. It opens access to a wide range of additional services, an increased credit limit and guarantees the security of financial transactions. Zloty card holders receive various preferences in the form of pleasant discounts and benefits from well-known manufacturers, sellers and service providers around the world. annual rate from 22.9%, the maximum loan amount is up to 600 thousand rubles, card maintenance costs 2000 rubles a year.
  1. Premium card. The most privileged credit card of Rosselkhozbank, the terms of which emphasize the special status of the client. Addressed to holders with high social status and unsurpassed financial reputation. Its owners are provided with an individual credit limit up to 1 million rubles, as well as a virtually unlimited personal service with exclusive offers and the widest discount program. Has the lowest rate in the entire line - from 21.9% per annum. The cost of maintenance is from 4 thousand rubles a year.

Briefly about cards

Benefits provided by Rosselkhozbank credit cards:

  • quite competitive percentage (from 21.9% per year);
  • low commission fees for cashing out funds;
  • the ability to purchase up to eight cards for yourself and loved ones;
  • management of operations through electronic services "Internet Office" and "Mobile Bank";
  • affordable service cost;
  • many offers for discounts and promotions from the most popular payment operators MasterCard and Visa;
  • great preferences for premium card holders;
  • no additional fees and charges.

How to apply for a Rosselkhozbank credit card online

Today, applying for a credit card does not require visiting the office - it is enough to have the Internet at hand. First you need to go to the main page of the official website of the Russian Agricultural Bank and go to the "Individuals" section.

Then you need to click on the link "Bank cards", where a list of available offers will appear and select the desired product. There is a button on the left side of the page. "Apply online", after clicking on which an online application window will open.

You must enter standard data in the proposed fields

  • own initials;
  • the desired credit limit (the information is advisory in nature and does not directly affect the decision of the bank);
  • Mobile phone number;
  • card type;
  • Date of Birth;
  • regional branch of the bank;
  • E-mail address.

In case of a positive decision, the client needs to come to the service office to complete the credit card issuance.

Required documents

You can count on the approval of the application only by providing a package of documents, which includes:

  • application form;
  • general passport or other identity document;
  • for male borrowers under 27 years old - a military ID.

Separate requirements apply to documents substantiating the financial situation and confirming employment. Their list varies and depends on the category of the borrower.

For example, for clients who are employed under a contract, it is enough to present a correctly executed 2-NDFL certificate. For individual entrepreneurs, you will need to provide an extract from the USRIP, a copy of the tax return and a registration certificate. A detailed list of documentation can be found on the official resource of the Russian Agricultural Bank.

After filling out the questionnaire and providing a full package of documents Expect a decision within five business days about which the bank will notify you additionally.

Requirements for the borrower

Rosselkhozbank offers to become a cardholder to everyone, dividing them into three categories:

  • individuals;
  • participants of salary projects;
  • reliable borrowers with a positive credit history in the bank for a period of 12 months.

Depending on the category, customers have different requirements for obtaining a loan. A credit card can be issued to a Russian citizen aged from 21 to 65 years old, which is registered in any region of the country.

Clients participating in payroll projects must have at least three months of work experience in the current place and a total work experience over the past 5 years of more than six months. For other borrowers, the conditions are more stringent - four months of seniority in the last place and 12 months of total seniority over the past 5 years. Persons engaged in personal subsidiary farming must provide a mark in the household book on the maintenance of household plots, dated no earlier than a year before the date of application.

Feature Pack

Rosselkhozbank customers can use a variety of additional services, including:

  • attractive discount programs of partners;
  • 24/7 customer support;
  • conducting transactions in a secure mode using 3D-secure technology;
  • SMS notification;
  • the possibility of emergency cash withdrawal in case of loss of the card outside the Russian Federation;
  • interest-free payment for cellular services;
  • service for changing the PIN code at an ATM;
  • loyal conditions for cashing out funds - up to 0.5 million rubles per day and up to 1 million rubles per month on equal terms in ATMs of Rosselkhozbank and its partners.

Almost all banking institutions today offer a wide range of financial services. To survive in the market in a tough competition, you should keep up with the times and offer customers a quality product.

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The bank's reputation depends not only on its versatility, but also on many years of successful work in the credit market. One of the banks that combines extensive experience and following fashion trends is the Russian Agricultural Bank.

About bank

Founded with state participation in 2000, the Russian Agricultural Bank was established to serve producers in the field of agro-industrial production. Today, with an authorized capital of 334 billion rubles and 76 regional branches, the bank is confidently among the 30 largest banks in Russia.

Joint-Stock Company Rosselkhozbank, being a universal commercial bank, works with both legal entities and individuals. One of the activities of a financial institution is the issue of a wide range of credit cards that meet the interests of a wide range of consumers.

Types of cards

Like other banks, Rosselkhozbank offers cards designed for customers with different income levels. The main credit product is the Classic, Gold and Platinum cards, which differ in the level of advanced features and interest rates.

In addition to the above cards, the bank issues a number of credit cards that have unique advantages that allow its holder to receive additional benefits:

  • travel credit card;
  • credit card "Amur tiger";
  • owner's credit card;
  • instant credit card of Rosselkhozbank;
  • country credit card;
  • Rosselkhozbank-Rosneft credit card.

To help determine the choice of the card the client needs, we will consider the individual features of each of them in more detail.

Terms and interest rates

The conditions common to all Rosselkhozbank credit cards are as follows:

  • the grace period on the card is 55 days;
  • bank commission for cashing out 2.5-3.9%;
  • all cards can be issued at the choice of the borrower in two main international payment systems: Visa or MasterCard;
  • validity of cards - 24-36 months;
  • no additional fees;
  • the possibility of issuing up to 7-8 additional cards for your loved ones;
  • card management can be carried out through the "mobile bank" and "Internet office".

Let's compare individual conditions for cards and interest rates in order to determine the most successful loan products from the borrower's point of view:

Card type Terms of Use
Classic credit card The classic card allows the borrower to get a reliable financial instrument for only 700 rubles. in year. The credit limit is set individually, depending on the income of the borrower, but cannot exceed 1,000,000 rubles. Interest rate 23.9% per annum.
golden credit card Gold card costs 2000 rubles. per year at a rate of 22.9%. The credit limit is the same as for a classic card - 1,000,000 rubles. The card belongs to the premium class, which allows its owner to count on a wide range of privileges: up to 15% discounts on services of shops and hotels.
Premium credit card Emphasizing the high social status of the owner, the premium card has a reduced interest rate of 21.9%. Card service starts from 4000 rubles. The cardholder has access to exclusive offers.
Travel credit card The travel card is a godsend for travelers, as it allows you to receive an increased accrual of bonus points (1.5% of turnover) based on the Harvest loyalty program when used. These points can be exchanged for goods and services from the travel catalog: pay for hotels, restaurants, air and railway tickets. A convenient option: there is the possibility of free cash withdrawal at RSHB ATMs. Interest rate from 22.9% per annum.
Credit card Amur tiger By making a payment, you are helping to protect a rare and critically endangered species of tiger. From each transaction, the bank transfers a small part of the income (0.7%) to the Center for the Study and Conservation of the Amur Tiger Population. Servicing a credit card will cost the borrower in the first year for free, in subsequent years - 700 rubles. Annual percentage 23.9%.
Host Credit Card The peculiarity of this card is the presence of a cashback function - 1% of all transactions and 5% of non-cash refueling at gas stations. Interest for the use of borrowed funds outside the grace period 23.9%. The bank gives the first year of service as a gift for free. Cash withdrawal 3.9%, minimum 350 rubles.
Instant credit card An instant card is issued to the borrower on the day of application, so its credit limit is low - up to 250,000 rubles. It has circulation only on the territory of Russia. Its content will cost the borrower 200-300 rubles. depending on the chosen payment system. The interest rate starts from 23.9% per annum.
Country credit card The card is used for online purchases. When going beyond the grace period, it is enough to make a minimum payment of 10% of the amount spent + pay the accrued interest.
Credit card Rosselkhozbank-Rosneft This card of the MIR payment system is suitable for an individual entrepreneur associated with the transport business or the head of a family with several cars. The card allows you to pay for purchases at the Rosneft gas station network and accumulate bonus points from the Family Team loyalty program. 300 bonus points from the first purchase. Annual maintenance - 1200 rubles. The amount of the credit limit is up to 1,000,000 rubles.

An analysis of the features of each of the credit cards will allow the borrower to decide on the choice of a card that meets his tastes and preferences.

How to apply for a Rosselkhozbank credit card

To issue a card, the borrower must personally come to the nearest branch of Rosselkhozbank, having previously captured all the necessary documents.

Documents required to apply for a credit card include:

  • passport;
  • military ID - for male borrowers under the age of 27;
  • completed application form;
  • documents confirming the income and employment of the client: for all categories of individuals - different. For example, from a person working for hire, the bank will request a certificate for the last 4 months, an individual entrepreneur will be required to provide a certificate of state registration, an extract from the USRIP and a copy of the tax return in the form.

When submitting documents, the employee-consultant of the bank is obliged to check the compliance of the client with the established requirements. You should not expect to apply if the match is incomplete.

The portrait of the borrower of Rosselkhozbank is as follows:

  • age - from 21 to 65 years inclusive;
  • a citizen of Russian Federation;
  • work experience at the last place of work must be at least 4 months and at least 1 year of work experience for the last five years;
  • registration (permanent) on the territory of Russia.

Can I apply online

The method of filling out an application online can save the client's time, since the service works around the clock, and the borrower has the opportunity to fill out the questionnaire at any time convenient for him. You should select the credit card you are interested in and start processing by going to the application page.

In the upper corner of the page, you must select a bank branch convenient for you. Then, using a special slider, indicate the planned card limit. The program will require the borrower's personal data: full name, date of birth, contact phone number and email. In conclusion, it is proposed to write an additional comment: the purpose of the loan, a convenient time for contact, etc. By submitting an application, the client agrees to the processing of personal data.

After submitting an application, the waiting time for a decision can be 1-2 days. A call from the managers of the security service department is possible in order to clarify additional information.

In the case of a positive decision to provide a credit card, it is necessary to decide on the method of obtaining a card. It is not prohibited to receive a credit card by courier delivery or by mail. However, the best way would be a personal visit to the office with the signing of all necessary documents.

Attention: The proposed credit limit amount can be reduced by the bank's employees after analyzing your solvency.

Grace period

The Bank offers all credit cards an interest-free period for using borrowed money. The 55-day grace period is divided into two parts: settlement and payment. In the billing period, which is a calendar month, a purchase is made, paid for in a non-cash way.

The payment period following the reporting period lasts 25 days. In order not to overpay sufficiently high interest, accrued on the loan amount, you should meet this time interval and repay the debt.

You can top up your card balance in different ways:

  • transfer money from another credit or debit card;
  • deposit the required amount through the bank terminal;
  • pay the loan through the cash desk at the nearest branch;
  • transfer funds from an electronic wallet;
  • send by bank or postal transfer.

When repaying a debt, you should carefully consider the timing, since obligations are considered fulfilled not from the moment the borrower sends funds, but from the moment they are credited. If the loan cannot be repaid on time, the minimum payment of 10% must be paid at the end of the period. Its amount is calculated automatically by the program in your personal account.

How to check balance

You can check your credit card balance in several ways:

  • through the client's personal account "Internet office";
  • by SMS informing;
  • through the "mobile bank" in the phone;
  • when carrying out transactions through an ATM;
  • by calling the bank's contact center - for this method, you will need to go through identity verification by phone.

The history of the creation of Rosselkhozbank goes back to the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna. One of the stages in the formation of a new banking structure dealing with agrarian affairs can be called the abolition of serfdom in the Russian Empire.

In its modern form, Rosselkhozbank has existed since 2000 and solves the problems of establishing a credit and financial system for the agro-industrial complex and rural areas of the Russian Federation. A universal commercial organization with a variety of services, including lending and credit cards of the Russian Agricultural Bank for private clients.

The Rosselkhozbank credit card differs from similar offers from other credit organizations. The main difference is the limit, which is not renewable. Its amount is spent once. Even if you deposit the funds necessary to pay off the debt, the limit will not be restored.

You can consider a credit card from Rosselkhozbank as a loan issued for consumer needs in card form and implying convenient access to money. Interest is charged only for the use of money or for exceeding the period without %%.

Despite such special conditions, there are advantages.

  1. The interest-free period is 55 days and is valid only for cashless payments through ATMs and POS-terminals (devices located at the cash desks of retail outlets).
  2. Large credit limit. Its value depends on the type of card:
    • 1 million rubles - platinum;
    • 600 thousand rubles - golden;
    • 250 thousand rubles – standard;
  3. Quite low interest rates - 18-24%. They are formed from the status of the recipient. A novice client will receive the maximum %%. Loyal customers with a good history can count on minimum rates.
  4. The recipient has to pay only for issuing the card. Depending on its type, the cost of maintenance also varies - from 300 rubles. up to 7 thousand rubles

No matter how good the Rosselkhozbank credit card is, there are still disadvantages.

  1. Non-renewable card limit.
  2. All cards (Platinum, Gold, Standard) are short-lived. This means that the resulting debt should be repaid without going beyond this period, tk. no debt rollover.
  3. It is possible to issue a credit card of Rosselkhozbank only in rubles.
  4. Significant commissions for cashing out funds.
  5. SMS service and Internet banking are paid - 60 rubles / month, and in a year it will run up to 720 rubles, which somewhat lubricates the impression of a "free" card.

Credit cards perform many functions. You can make purchases with them, use them to pay for services, get back part of the money using cashback, withdraw cash.

It is issued in 2 types: MasterCard Instant Issue and MasterCard Standard, giving up to 1 million rubles and having cashback features.

CashBack option

It makes it possible to return part of the money spent if you make purchases in selected preferential categories.

Super CashBack has the largest return percentage - 10%:

  • musical production, cinema, theaters;
  • books;
  • online games;
  • purchases in pet stores;
  • cafes and restaurants;
  • pharmaceutical products.

An increased cashback of 5% can be received in the following categories:

  • cosmetics, perfumery;
  • Taxi;
  • toys;

In the rest, a basic cashback of 1% is charged.

Other Options

  1. The card of the owner of the Russian Agricultural Bank for the first 3 months has a service of 0 rubles. by the promo code "Owner".
  2. Term - 3 years.
  3. The rate is 26.9%.
  4. With the "Cash" option, cashing out without %%.
  5. When connecting the "Harvest" program for 100 rubles. 10 points are awarded. They can be spent on railway and air tickets, payment for hotels (1 point - 1 ruble).
  6. 55 days without %%.

Travel credit card

This Rosselkhozbank product is intended for travelers who can accumulate points for further travel. For each purchase for 100 rubles, the client can receive up to 7 points.

These are the terms of the card.

  • Max. amount - 1 million rubles;
  • rate - 22.9%;
  • Internet service, SMS - free of charge;
  • cash withdrawals from bank ATMs and card transactions - 55 days without %%;
  • the tariff for paying for services is formed as follows: if the client has reached a financial turnover of 20 thousand rubles. or exceeded it, no commission is taken from it, otherwise - 150 rubles / month.

This is a social project, when any expense contributes to the conservation of rare animals. From each transaction, the bank transfers 0.7% to a special account in an organization dealing with the problem of preserving the tiger population, while the clients' own funds are not spent.

The card has conditions:

  • Max. amount - up to 1 million rubles;
  • rate - 23.9%;
  • in 1 year maintenance - 0 rubles, then 700 rubles;
  • period without interest 55 days.


The card of the Mir system gives points-bonuses in the networks of gas stations of TNK "Family Team" and "Rosneft".

A special feature of the design of plastic is the special code “POLISH BEARS”, which, by reporting, you can get 1 thousand rubles. for service.

  • interest-free period for everything, and cash receipt - up to 3 months;
  • rate - 23.9%;
  • Max. limit - 1 million rubles;
  • bonuses from partners - 7%;
  • service 200 rub. — 1200 rub.

Credit card with grace period

Such payment plastic is MasterCard Worldwide, Visa International and MIR. A Rosselkhozbank credit card with a grace period can be both premium and instant.

Cardholders have additional opportunities in the form of receiving “live” money (up to 3 months) b/p and the optimal means for accumulating bonuses under the “Harvest” option for cashless payments (1.5m points for 100 rubles).

  • rate - 22.9%;
  • Max. limit - up to 1 million rubles;
  • service - from 300 rubles / year;
  • without %% 55 days for purchases.

The requirements of the Russian Agricultural Bank for future credit card holders are standard and do not contain any special conditions:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age range - from 21 to 65 years;
  • for payroll clients of the bank - information about the work experience of 3 months, for other groups of clients, a work experience of 4 months is required. For farmers - 1 year.

These parameters may be enough, but the decision will be made only after a thorough review of all the documents provided by the applicant and confirming his financial potential.

Required documents and design features

The bank needs to check the ability of the borrower to continue to fulfill loan obligations, so it requires customers to provide a fairly serious package of documents that can characterize the financial position of the borrower and his reputation.

What needs to be provided? The package of documents looks like this.

  1. Application with details of the applicant.
  2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. All males under 27 must present a military ID or deferral document.
  4. Certificate of income 2-NDFL. For individual entrepreneurs - 3-personal income tax.
  5. Certificate from the place of work / copy of the Labor Code / contract of employment.

Owners of personal subsidiary farms must provide land papers and extracts from their household book.


Rosselkhozbank credit card is activated by the bank automatically. This will happen no later than the day following the issuance of the card. But if you need to use the money urgently, and the card is still not active, then activation can be done at an ATM in a few steps.

  1. You should find a bank ATM and insert a card.
  2. A corresponding column appears in which you need to enter a PIN code. When introducing, care should be taken, tk. an error will block further operations. Next - "Enter".
  3. In the list of operations, select "Account balance".
  4. At the request of the system - show or print the balance - select.
  5. On the request "Return the card" - select.
  6. Activation completed.

The direct purpose of plastic is cashless payments. When there is an urgent need for cash, everyone should take into account that withdrawing money from a credit card is accompanied by a commission, benefits of the interest-free period do not work, and bonuses and cashback provided for cashless payments are lost.

Rosselkhozbank has provided the following benefit for credit card holders: for the first 3 months, cash withdrawals can be made without commission.

  • Rosselkhozbank-ATMs and PVN (cash point) - 3.9% (at least 350 rubles);
  • other ATMs and PVN - 3.9% (not less than 350 rubles).

Methods and features of replenishment

There are many ways to top up a credit card.

  1. If the client has a current account with the Russian Agricultural Bank or any other, he can transfer money from it using an interbank transfer. Card details will be required.
  2. Replenishment can be carried out through the terminals of the Russian Agricultural Bank / other banks or through payment acceptance points.
  3. At the bank branch, deposit money at the cash desk.
  4. Use the mobile application or go to the organization's website and use Internet banking.
  5. Top up the balance from electronic wallets and payment systems.

You can find out where to top up a credit card on the official website of the Russian Agricultural Bank in the cards section. The client will be provided with a list of all points of replenishment of cards in the desired region, as well as points of partner organizations where it is possible to carry out a transaction without a commission.


  • Raiffeisenbank;
  • Rosbank;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Promsvyazbank.

How to close

Before closing a credit card, you should make sure that there are no debts on it. If there is one, it must be eliminated so as not to waste time later. Next, you need to contact exactly the office where the credit card was issued to apply.

You must have with you:

  • passport;
  • credit card, if available. If the card is stolen or missing, you will need to file an additional report of its loss.

It must be taken into account that there is enough money on the card to pay for additional services (service), otherwise the request will be denied. The rest of the client's own money can be transferred where the client indicates in the application.

The card is closed after 45 days from the date of application. After that, you will need to apply for clarification of the absence of debts on the credit account in order to avoid possible claims from the bank in the future.