Documents for obtaining a loan in Rosbank. On what conditions in Rosbank to issue a cash loan

Rosbank makes loyal demands on future borrowers, so almost anyone can get an application approved.

It is enough to meet all the criteria put forward by the bank and provide the office with a certain list of documents confirming the solvency of the applicant.

Requirements for the borrower in Rosbank when applying for a consumer loan

Anyone can apply for any loan program offered by the bank.

It is enough for a potential borrower to have Russian citizenship, a positive credit history and permanent registration in one of the regions of the country where the territorial bank office is located.

The loan is provided to adult citizens with official income. At the same time, the contract can be concluded only with a person whose age at the time of repayment of the debt does not exceed 70 full years.

To confirm the solvency of the client, the following is requested:

  • bank account statement;
  • 2-personal income tax;
  • certificate from the FIU;
  • tax return;

If the loan amount exceeds 400 thousand rubles, in addition, the borrower will have to provide a copy of the work book certified at the place of employment to the office. This document is not needed if the applicant initially gave the manager a certificate in the form 2-NDFL.

Requirements for the borrower in Rosbank when applying for a mortgage

The bank has a wide range of mortgage lending programs, and also offers mortgage options from its official partners. Depending on the selected tariff, certain requirements are imposed on a potential borrower.

In most cases, mortgage registration for the purchase of finished or under construction housing, a private house or a room in an apartment is available to the following persons:

  • having the citizenship of any country;
  • over the age of 20;
  • receiving official income.

A mortgage lending agreement is concluded if, at the time of closing the debt to the bank, the client is not older than 64 years. Applications can be submitted by both employees and business owners (co-founders of organizations or private entrepreneurs).

If necessary, the client can involve a co-borrower in the conclusion of the agreement. Any person (for example, a close relative, work colleague) has the right to act in his role. It also has the same requirements listed above. It is possible to invite up to three co-borrowers as a maximum.

The bank office, as a rule, provides the applicant's passport, tax return (for individual entrepreneurs and business owners) or income statement, as well as a copy of the work book certified by the employer, confirming official employment.

In order to consider the application, the potential borrower must also prepare the relevant real estate papers. We are talking about technical and legal documents (for example, an extract from the USRN, a cadastral passport), copies of passports of property sellers.

In some cases, the bank requests the provision of additional documentation. It is recommended to clarify the exact list in advance in order to more quickly conclude an agreement with a specialist.

The bank offers favorable terms of mortgage lending. For example, you can take a loan to buy a finished house at a rate of 9.75% per annum with an initial payment of 40% of the value of the object. If we are talking about purchasing an apartment in an apartment building or its share, the interest rate starts from 8.25% per annum, and the down payment is only 15%.

You can get more detailed information about the bank's offers at the office, through the call center and on the official website in the Mortgage section.

One of the most popular financial products is consumer lending. It is not always easy for clients to make a choice and choose a financial institution that is ready to offer a loan on more favorable terms. Consider what kind of consumer loan Rosbank offers to potential customers, lending conditions and other nuances.

Who can become a client of Rosbank

In this bank, the conditions for issuing a loan directly depend on the category of borrowers. Loans are currently available to:

  • bona fide borrowers;
  • employees of state institutions;
  • payroll clients;
  • employees of partner companies of the bank.

On the bank's website there is a form for choosing a consumer loan, in order to select an offer, you need to indicate which category of the above the borrower belongs to.

The first requirement for a client, and not only in this bank, is a positive credit history. It doesn’t matter in which financial institution the loan was previously issued and repaid, the data is transferred to the credit bureaus, respectively, if he regularly fulfilled the terms of the contract, he can count on a consumer loan at Rosbank.

The category of employees of state institutions includes law enforcement officers, employees in the field of education, healthcare, local government, housing and communal services. In fact, all state-owned enterprises and institutions are financially stable, the bank bears fewer risks, which means it is ready to offer favorable lending conditions.

The lender has greater confidence in partner companies and those who participate in the bank's payroll projects. The bank's partners include legal entities that cooperate with the bank, these are credit customers and owners of accounts opened with the bank. This category of borrowers also inspires confidence among lenders; accordingly, there is a favorable offer for consumer lending for them.

Credit for conscientious borrowers

For any category of borrowers, the bank has three offers for consumer lending - a consumer loan with or without collateral. The last loan program is a loan for refinancing, but this offer is targeted, the bank gives a loan on the condition that the client repays the loan to another financial and credit organization.

A loan without collateral is available to all residents of our country over 21 and under 65. To take a loan, Rosbank will require a certificate of income, if the loan amount exceeds 400 thousand rubles, then a copy of the work book certified by the employer will be additionally required.

The interest rate depends on the loan term, if it does not exceed one year, then from the rate will be 16%, if more, then 18% per year. This program has a number of advantages: no collateral, independent choice of the date of payment. Also, in order to obtain a loan, the borrower can attract a second spouse as a co-borrower or provide a certificate of additional income, he will also be taken into account when determining the maximum loan amount.

For each credit program, the minimum amount of consumer credit will be 50 thousand rubles, the maximum is 3 million rubles, the maximum loan term is 5 years. But the maximum amount for each client is determined by the lender individually, depending on his solvency.

The second offer for bona fide borrowers is a secured loan. Any liquid property of the borrower, including a vehicle, can act as collateral. Guarantors can act as collateral, but their income is not taken into account when calculating the maximum loan amount. By the way, the collateral is not a reason for the lender to increase the maximum loan amount, it will only help to get borrow money at a lower interest rate: 14% if the loan term is less than a year, 16% from a year to 5 years.

Loan conditions for conscientious borrowers

For government employees

Probably, it is not worth talking about who belongs to this category of borrowers, it definitely does not include employees of companies whose organizational and legal form is LLC, CJSC, IP. For everyone else, the bank is ready to offer a consumer loan with or without collateral at a reduced annual interest rate of 0.5%.

The client can simply issue money without collateral without collateral and guarantors, for this you need to write an application to the bank and provide a salary certificate in the form of 2-NDFL. By the way, for each potential borrower, the lender has the right to request other certificates. If the loan amount is more than 400 thousand rubles, a copy of the work book, certified by an employee of the personnel department, must be attached to the salary certificate. Interest rate from 15.5% if the loan term does not exceed one year and 2% more if the term of the loan agreement is from one to 5 years.

In any branch of the bank, the client can find out if his organization is on the list of financially stable ones, and what kind of lending program he can count on.

For clients of this category, loans with collateral are available: collateral and surety. Interest rates on loans are reduced by 2%, that is, if the term of the contract is up to a year, then the rate will be 13.5%, if from 1 year to 5 years - 15.5%. The bank, by the way, reserves the right to raise rates depending on the documents submitted by the client.

Terms of consumer lending to financially stable organizations

For payroll clients and employees of partner companies

Two consumer lending programs are also available to recipients of wages to a bank account and employees of partner companies of Rosbank: just money without collateral or with collateral, surety. Loan rates start from 12.5% ​​if the client is ready to leave a pledge or attract a guarantor, and 2% more if there is no collateral. 2% more than the rate, provided that the loan term exceeds 1 year.

Salary clients do not need a certificate of income, because all the borrower's earnings go to a bank account. For everyone else, proof of income and employment is mandatory.
Benefits of lending at Rosbank

A consumer loan at Rosbank has a number of advantages. The first of these is a relatively low interest rate, although it all depends on the decision of the bank, the lender can raise the rate at his own discretion, it depends on many circumstances. The second advantage is a large loan amount, you can get a consumer loan, even without collateral, in the amount of up to 3 million rubles, while you do not need to confirm the intended use of funds.

Rosbank offers customers to choose the payment date on their own, although banks usually determine it on their own. If you wish, you can repay a consumer loan ahead of schedule, the bank does not impose sanctions on this action.

The requirements for borrowers from the bank are standard - working age, permanent place of work, work experience, permanent registration and citizenship of the Russian Federation. By the way, even working pensioners can get a consumer loan from a bank, the main condition is that at the end of the loan agreement, the age should not exceed 65 years.

The bank is ready to provide a consumer loan in a larger amount if, for example, the borrower's income is not enough, provided that a third individual acts as a co-borrower. His income will be considered in aggregate with the borrower's earnings, this will help increase the maximum loan amount.

Please note that the co-borrower is jointly and severally liable for the fulfillment of the terms of the loan agreement.

Rosbank is ready to offer loans to individuals on really favorable terms, the main task of the borrower is to meet the requirements of the bank as much as possible and to properly fulfill the terms of the agreement, otherwise the lender may raise the loan rate or impose penalties. There are several ways to apply for a loan: at a sales office or bank branch, by calling the contact center or online on the official website of Rosbank. In case of a positive decision, the operator will inform the client about his decision, he, in turn, will have to come to the bank and sign a loan agreement.

Standard conditions, possible term: 13 - 60 months

Salary client, possible term: 13 - 84 months

If the insurance policy is terminated after the loan is issued, the interest rate on the loan will increase by 6% per annum

* The rate depends on the loan amount

Terms of consumer credit

Requirements for the borrower

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation
  • Permanent registration in the region of presence of one of the bank's divisions

Required documents for a cash loan

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Income document* (for 12 months):
    • certificate in form 2-NDFL
    • bank statement
    • certificate on the form of the employing organization
    • salary account statement or certificate of operations on a salary account opened, including in another bank
    • certificate of the amount of pension (for working pensioners)
    • tax declaration for persons engaged in private practice in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation
  • Income from 15 000 ₽ per month
  • With a loan amount of 400,000 rubles or more, if the income is confirmed by a document other than a certificate in the form 2-NDFL, a copy of the work book certified by the employer is additionally provided**

The guarantor provides similar documents. If the client's spouse is registered as a Guarantor or if the total income of the spouses is taken into account, a marriage certificate is additionally provided. In the case of registration of the vehicle as a pledge, the following is additionally provided: the original title at the time of applying for a loan to an individual and the current insurance contract "Autocasco" when applying for a cash loan. If the client's spouse is the owner of the vehicle being pledged, the spouse's passport and marriage certificate are additionally provided.

The bank has the right to request additional documents for obtaining a consumer loan.

* The type of document depends on the area of ​​work of the client. For more detailed information, please contact the bank branches or call the bank's contact center at 8 800 200 54 34.

** For military personnel and employees of the internal affairs bodies, it is possible to provide a certificate from the military unit / internal affairs bodies on service with an indication of the rank. For military personnel, it is possible to provide a service contract and an officer's identity card or an extract from the military service record.

In the life of almost every person, there may be an urgent need for some amount of money. Housing, household problems, the need to make a large purchase or pay for tuition, travel - such difficulties can be solved with the help of a non-targeted cash loan.

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In Rosbank, it is possible to issue such a loan for corporate and payroll clients who have long-term financial cooperation with the bank.

About bank

Rosbank is one of the most reliable and successful banks of the Societe Generale group. The bank's policy is aimed at providing high standards of customer service, achieving sustainable profitability indicators, applying advanced technologies and innovations in its work, as well as reaching a leading position in the Russian market.

More than 400 branches and offices successfully operate in the Russian Federation, serving more than 3.5 million customers (individuals and legal entities). Rosbank offers a full range of banking services and operations: loans and term deposits, money transfers, operations with precious metals and currencies, issuance of plastic cards and maintenance of payroll projects.

How to get a cash loan

Rosbank presents 5 loan products to its customers:

  • Cash loan;
  • For real estate;
  • On a car;
  • For refinancing;
  • For daily expenses.

A cash loan is the most convenient option for obtaining a loan on attractive and loyal terms.

Before directly submitting a loan application, the borrower needs to determine the exact amount of the loan, the term and the possibility of providing collateral.

Sending an application for a loan is carried out in Rosbank in the following ways:

  1. With the help of a request for a call through the bank's website.

To do this, it is necessary to fill out a special application form on the website, according to which the client can order a call from the bank. It indicates the client's name, phone number, region and preferred time for contact. After sending the application at the specified time, the client will receive a call from a banking specialist to clarify the details and conditions for the loan.

  1. Appeal to a convenient or nearest branch of the bank.

A potential borrower can contact any branch of Rosbank to learn more about the terms of the loan and the list of required documents, or provide an already assembled application kit and fill out an application form.

As soon as possible, the bank makes a decision on the submitted application for a loan, and the client is notified of this by phone. If a positive decision is made, the borrower will be invited to the bank to sign the necessary documents and pay the loan amount.

Video: Online account

Conditions for obtaining a cash loan at Rosbank

Currently, Rosbank has two credit programs with the issuance of cash:

  • Just money without collateral;
  • Just money backed.

Upon agreement with the bank, a potential borrower can provide a guarantee of an individual or a pledge of a vehicle as security.

Conditions for these loans vary depending on the customer's affiliation to different categories.

In particular, the following classification of borrowers has been adopted:

  1. Conscientious borrowers (regular customers who have been cooperating with the bank for a long time and have a positive credit history).
  2. Payroll clients (receiving wages to an account with Rosbank).
  3. Employees of budgetary and financially sustainable enterprises.
  4. Employees of the Privileged Partner category (for corporate clients).

The list of relevant organizations is approved by the bank and specified in any branch.

Below is a summary table with the conditions for a cash loan, depending on the type of borrower and the presence / absence of collateral.

Client category Name of loan product Loan amount Annual rate in % Credit term
Conscientious BorrowersJust secured moneyFrom 50 thousand to 3 million rubles.From 14From 6 months to 5 years
From 16
Payroll clientsJust secured money13 — 16
Just money without collateral14 — 17
Employees of budgetary and financially sustainable organizationsJust secured moneyFrom 13.5
Just money without collateralFrom 15.5
Employees of corporate clients "Privileged Partner"Just secured money12,5 – 15,5
Just money without collateral13,5 – 16,5

As can be seen from the table, you can get a loan in the amount of 50 thousand to 3 million rubles, for a period of six months to 5 years.

The range of lending rates starts at 12.5% ​​per annum (for the Privileged Partner category). In general, the rate is determined for each client on an individual basis, depending on the loan term and other parameters.

For secured loans, certain requirements for the object of collateral are established. For example, the vehicle must be a category B car, have a mileage of no more than 200,000 kilometers, and be no older than 12 years. The same requirements apply to the guarantor as to the borrower.

Package of documents

To apply for a cash loan at Rosbank, the borrower will need to provide the following documents:

  1. RF passport
  2. Certificate of income of the established form
  3. Documents for the vehicle (for the offer "Just money with collateral"): original title, valid auto insurance contract (Casco)
  4. A copy of the work book (for loans in excess of 400 thousand rubles).

The Bank has the right to request additional documents from the borrower at its discretion.

Requirements for the borrower

The borrower must meet the requirements set by the bank:

  • Age restriction: from 22 to 65 years;
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • Availability of permanent registration in the region of the bank's presence;
  • Obtaining a stable source of income and work experience at the current place of work for at least 3 months.

Loan repayment

A loan in Rosbank can be repaid in any of the following ways:

  1. At any bank office
  2. At Rosbank ATMs and partner banks with a deposit module (with a cash-in function)
  3. Via internet banking
  4. Using the YandexMoney system
  5. Through terminals "Eleksnet"
  6. In the branches of the Russian Post
  7. At the offices of third-party banks at the specified details
  8. With the help of the service "Zolota Korona - repayment of loans".

When making the next monthly payment, it is important to take into account the terms for crediting funds to the debt, which can take up to 3 days when repaid through third-party banks and services.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of obtaining a cash loan at Rosbank:

  • Favorable interest rates on existing loans;
  • Possibility to choose a program for obtaining a loan without collateral;
  • A decent loan amount (up to 3 million rubles);
  • Many ways to repay a loan;
  • Loyal requirements to the client and a minimum package of documents.

Disadvantages of lending at Rosbank:

  • Focus on privileged categories of borrowers (it will be difficult for a new client “from the street” to count on the approval of the application and registration at a favorable annual rate);
  • High age limit (from 22 years).

Attractive annual rates, prompt decision-making on the application, the ability to obtain a loan without collateral, the competence of employees - all these factors allow you to get a large loan by choosing the best program and the most suitable conditions.


A loan for a period of more than 36 months is provided only to those borrowers whose total work experience is at least 2 years. Rosbank issues to individuals in the amount of 10,000 to 3,000,000 Russian rubles for a period of 3 months to 5 years.

To date, the interest rate for a loan taken for a period of 3 to 24 months is 20.4% per annum with health and life insurance of the borrower, and 22.

How to get a car loan from Rosbank

up to 2 days.

In the Far East, Siberian and Ural Federal Districts, waiting for a response from a bank can take up to 3 days. As part of the classic lending program from Rosbank, you can get a car loan for cars of categories "B" and "C". In the latter case, when applying for a loan, a restriction is imposed: the initial payment cannot be less than 40%.

Loan amount: from 60 thousand to 5 million rubles. Loan term: from 6 months to 5 years.

Consumer loan at Rosbank: conditions

In fact, all state-owned enterprises and institutions are financially stable, the bank bears fewer risks, which means it is ready to offer favorable lending conditions. The lender has greater confidence in partner companies and those who participate in the bank's payroll projects.

The bank's partners include legal entities that cooperate with the bank, these are credit customers and owners of accounts opened with the bank.

Rosbank: consumer loans in cash

Rosbank's requirements for a borrower are quite standard: citizenship of the Russian Federation, age from 22 to 65 years (for the expiration date), permanent registration in the region of Rosbank's presence and experience at the last place of work for at least 3 months, and for customers without permanent registration in this region - at least 6 months. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Certificate of income in the form of 2NDFL or in the form of a bank.

Under what conditions can I get a cash loan at Rosbank

The minimum loan rate of 12.5% ​​per annum can be obtained by the borrower as part of a loan to affiliated persons, subject to the provision of security and execution of a life and health insurance contract for the borrower. Non-targeted cash for individuals involve repayment in equal installments. This method is called an annuity and is used by most banks to settle cash loans.

Rosbank - loan calculator

Rosbank, a calculator, as we said earlier, can be found on the bank's website.

Let's talk about this in more detail. There are several ways to get a consumer Rosbank or a car loan or a mortgage.

Mortgage conditions in Rosbank

The program is typical and differs little from similar programs offered by competing banks. This ruble loan enables the borrower to purchase an apartment on the secondary market, provided that it is pledged by the bank.

An excellent option for mortgage lending for borrowers who dream of buying a country house. Rosbank provides such an opportunity, while requiring the transfer of this property as a pledge of the bank.

On what conditions in Rosbank to issue a cash loan

To do this, it is necessary to fill out a special application form on the website, according to which the client can order a call from the bank. It indicates the client's name, phone number, region and preferred time for contact.

After sending the application at the specified time, the client will receive a call from a banking specialist to clarify the details and conditions for the loan. A potential borrower can contact any branch of Rosbank to learn more about the terms of the loan and the list of required documents, or provide an already assembled application kit and fill out an application form.

Rosbank loan

Non-targeted cash loans are issued directly at the branch of the company.

It is allowed to choose different programs, and some require software, while others do not need it at all.

The borrower can use the funds for any purpose, so these types of loans are considered the most popular and frequently used. If security is required, then it can act as an attracted guarantor or a pledge of valuable property, most often in the latter case a vehicle is used.