Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources (Unified State Examination Social Studies). Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources."

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In his statement, L. Peter raises economic problem, which has never lost its relevance. This is a resource allocation problem. And it’s impossible to disagree with this, because main question Economics is how to allocate limited resources to unlimited human needs and desires.

From our social studies course, we all know that the term “economics” has several meanings.

An economy is a management system that includes sectors of material production and the intangible sphere, providing society with material and intangible benefits. On the other hand, economics is a science that studies how people, in conditions of limited resources, satisfy constantly growing needs. In turn, a need is a person’s need for something that constitutes necessary condition his existence. And resources are the means necessary to satisfy these very needs and are available to society in limited quantities. There are several types of resources: natural, labor, material, financial and information.

However, despite limited resources, modern economy and science finds a “way out” in all situations. For example, in China they learned how to make artificial cabbage from a special liquid. This vegetable is staple for the local population. But because enterprising gardeners achieved great results by applying homemade fertilizers to the soil, the soil and the products themselves were saturated with these chemicals and prohibited from use. This led to the need to search alternative source food. The advantages of such cabbage are that it takes less time and money to “grow” it, which is reflected in its cheap cost and leads to great demand for this product.

Another striking example that confirms Peter's statement is the development of one of the most famous business centers in Asia. Until 1966, Dubai was an ordinary desert city, but after oil deposits were discovered on its territory in the same year, the city began to develop rapidly. Now this metropolis is included in the list of the richest cities on the planet and major tourist centers. It is oil production, skillful management in cash and literate economic policy led to the fact that this person in this city is able to satisfy his unlimited needs.

All the arguments I have given confirm the fact that L. Peters was right in asserting that the economy is capable of satisfying the unlimited needs of man with the help limited resources. And only competent economic policy together with other areas public life will contribute to human prosperity.

Updated: 2018-03-04

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According to the assessment criteria for assignment No. 29. Demo version 2020

29.1 The meaning of the statement is revealed – (1 point) The main idea related to the content of the social science course is correctly highlighted and correctly formulated. It is correctly emphasized that this idea is the main issue of economics as a science.

29.2 Theoretical content is not fully disclosed (1 point)

The concepts of economics as an economy and as a science are correctly given; needs; types of resources

It was necessary to. List the factors of production, types of economic systems, which at a certain stage of the state of the economy in their own way answered the main question of the economy. Thus, a theoretical justification would be given for what the author of the statement calls “art.” It would be desirable to give an argument on why the market is most fully capable of satisfying increasing needs with limited resources: capital and business go where there is greatest demand.

29.3 Correct use of concepts and reasoning (presence or absence of errors) (0 points). The statement “...despite limited resources, modern economics and science finds a “way out” in all situations” is incorrect from the point of view of social science theory.

The fact is that if this were so, there would be no social inequality in society, no poor, no have-nots, no global problems, etc. That is, economics and science alone cannot do this; politics is needed. Those. redistribution of goods by the state Such a state is called social. And in economics, this is a mixed type of economy that seeks to overcome the shortcomings of the market type.

29.4 Factual arguments – (1 point)

(at least 2 correct facts/examples; examples must be from different sources: 1. from public life modern society; 2. from personal social experience, incl. literary works; 3. from history)

A historical example of the economic life of modern society is correctly given - an example of the situation in China.

The 2nd example is not counted, because it belongs to the same type of sources as the 1st example: the economy of modern society; In addition, it is unsuccessful in terms of the fact that the huge oil reserves in Dubai mean there is no limited resource, i.e. abundance of resource.

It could be from the history of the 20th century.

In the USSR 20-80s. the command type of economy dominated: the needs of the population were met, but not to the fullest extent: there was not enough variety of goods, the quality and quantity of consumer goods and services lagged behind. In 1992, the country began transformations in the economy, the transition to a market: privatization, price liberalization, freedom private property. Today in the Russian Federation there is a mixed type. The base is the market, but with greater functions of the state, the result: the needs of the population are met in the same way as in other countries of the world. The problem of social inequality is solved by the social policy of the state. – pensions, benefits, benefits, etc.

I was very interested in the phrase of the American writer L. Peter, which sounded like this: “Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with the help of limited resources.” Let's try to analyze this statement. Centuries and eras have passed. The word “economy” acquired different content, but its essence remained the same, only the scale of this concept changed. Now, speaking about the economy, we mean not so much domestic, but public, national and world economy. Economics is economic system, ensuring the satisfaction of the needs of people and society through the creation and use of necessary life goods. Economics is the science of the economy, the ways of running and managing it, the relationships between people in the process of production and exchange of goods, the patterns of economic processes. Production processes have become incomparably more complex - one of the possible types of activity of an organization or individual aimed at creating a final product or service; intermediation systems have been improved - this is the provision of services by a subject (subjects) to two or more parties, while the subject (subjects) plays the role of a third party, and trade - the process of exchanging goods, services, values ​​and money. One thing has not changed - at the center of everything that happens, there are specific people with their needs, who are the engines of development of civilizations. Need is an internal state of psychological or functional feeling of insufficiency of something and manifests itself depending on situational factors. It was precisely the needs that at all times forced people to travel vast distances in search of new lands and markets, to explore uncharted territories. It is the needs that have been and remain the main incentive for the development of science, technology and production, thereby contributing to the flourishing of culture and education and an increase in living standards. Each of us strives to live the best life possible. However, this is not so easy to do. Since ancient times, people have solved this problem in different ways. The needs of society in connection with the increase in population, the acceleration of the scientific and technological process, the deepening of cultural ties and exchanges are constantly increasing and becoming almost limitless. On the contrary, economic opportunities are those real resources that society can direct to satisfy needs, always, at every this moment are limited. Limited resources - economic concept, expressing finitude, rarity, scarcity of resources available to man and humanity at any given moment, their relative insufficiency in comparison with the unlimited human needs for which these resources are used. Society is constantly faced with the need to resolve this contradiction and the problem of economic choice. Economics, the science of choice, is trying to solve this problem. There is a direct relationship between the state of the economy and the standard of living of the population. The standard of living is characterized by: Consumption per capita; Real income of the population; Housing provision; Social Security. The standard of living is the level of well-being of the population, the degree to which people's basic living needs are met. In order for the standard of living to increase, constant economic growth is necessary (increase in real production volume, improvement of technical, economic and social characteristics). Indicators economic growth are gross national product (GNP), gross domestic product (GDP), national income (NI). Gross National Product (GNP) - Summary economic indicator, defined as the sum of market prices of all final goods and services created by producers of a given country during the year, both domestically and abroad. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - A general economic indicator, defined as the sum of market prices of all final goods and services created by the producers of a given country during the year within the country. All this once again proves the correctness of the phrase of the American writer L. Peter, which sounded like this: “Economics is the art of satisfying limitless needs with the help of limited resources.”

L. Peter's statement points us to the main problem of the economy - limited resources and limitless human needs. This problem is relevant for people at all times and, of course, in our modern society.

L. Peter in his statement says that the resources available to humanity tend to run out, and human needs continue to grow at a rapid pace and must be satisfied. Science, which studies this global problem and ways to solve it, according to the author of the statement, is an art. It’s hard to disagree with L. Peter’s point of view. , After all, resources must be used rationally, and not wait until they are completely depleted. In order to talk about the meaning of economics, I consider it necessary to remember the basic terms: an economic system is an economic system that ensures the satisfaction of the needs of people and society through the creation and use of the necessary goods of life; Economics is the science of methods of farming, the patterns of economic processes; good is what is useful for a person, satisfies his needs; benefits are free and economic; limited resources are those goods that are used to create services and products that satisfy human needs. There are different types of resources: land, information, labor, entrepreneurial abilities, capital.

To confirm the above, let's look at history. During the existence of the USSR state, agriculture was the basis of the country's economy; it was due to its active development that our country occupied a leading position in the economic ranking. Then the main resource was the labor abilities of people. Currently, the main sources of supplying our country with the necessary funds are Natural resources: gas and oil. Russia's best economists are trying to determine exactly how to rationally use these limited resources, but still scientists provide data that oil and gas will soon become depleted and then we will have to look for new ways to provide for the country's economy.

The initial reason for limited opportunities to meet needs is limited income. Works from Russian fiction can serve as confirmation of this. In Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov,” Ilya Ilyich inherited from his parents an estate with working peasants and a certain amount of money. His income was stable, but due to his laziness and inability to manage the farm, Oblomov exhausted the available resources and brought the estate to a loss, which now only took money for its maintenance without bringing anything in return.

“Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources”
(L. Peter)

“Economics is the art of satisfying limitless needs with the help of limited resources” is a famous statement by L. Peter, a Karadag teacher, which relates to such a field of science as economics. Economics is the science of farming, methods of running it, relationships between people that arise in the process of production, distribution, exchange of goods and services, and the patterns of economic mechanisms. IN modern world There are many different sciences that play an important role for humanity, and economics is no exception. That is why the topic that L. Peter raises is relevant not only at the present time, but at all times. Let's try to understand this topic.
In his statement, the author says that the main problem of economics is the fact that human needs with his development, as well as the development of society, are constantly increasing, while the resources that are necessary to satisfy these needs are limited and are constantly decreasing in quantity. In order to understand a given topic, it is necessary to consider some terms. Economics has two broad meanings: as a science and as an economy. In this topic it is necessary to consider the economy as an economy. Economy is an economic system that ensures the satisfaction of people's needs through the production and use of economic goods. Economic goods are means used to satisfy people's needs and are available to society in limited quantities. To create economic benefits, resources are needed. Resources are the potential capabilities that society has at a specific period of its development, that is, all types of sources, means of production that are used in the creation of new goods and services. Need is a person’s need for something that is a condition of his existence.
Thus, needs that are constantly increasing must be satisfied in a short time with the help of limited resources. This is one of the most important goals of the economy, for which it creates certain economic systems: market, traditional, commander-administrative and mixed. Each of these systems strives to implement a given function of the economy, having its own pros and cons. But the market economy is most effective in this regard, since one of the problems it solves is the rational distribution of limited resources.
The correctness of all of the above can be proven by presenting certain arguments.
Firstly, in the 20th century in our country the following situation was observed: there were a huge amount of some goods on the market, while other goods or services were in short supply. Thus, people could not fully satisfy their needs, which confirms that the economy must be able to correctly allocate its resources
Secondly, an example would be a group of limited resources. These, for example, include: oil, coal, gas, and so on. With the development of society, humanity comes up with new inventions that contribute to more efficient extraction of resources. Since we must understand that the time will come and limited resources will run out, and then people will not be able to satisfy some of their needs, so the task of the economy is to prevent this situation.
Thirdly, in modern Russia public policy in the field of energy saving is aimed at efficient use energy resources and overseeing this process. New, efficient equipment is being introduced into production to help save money. The state requires reporting legal entities and enterprises about the energy resources they produce and consume, and individuals are required to report on the consumption of these resources.
Based on the analyzed terms and given examples, we can conclude that I agree with this statement, the author is right, since the main problem of the economy is to satisfy as many people’s needs as possible while spending as few resources as possible at their disposal humanity

Social Studies Essay:
“Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources.” L.Peter
Recently, the word “economics” has been heard by absolutely every person, even the most ignorant in this area, since for the most part our standard of living and our well-being now depend on it. At all times, various scientists and thinkers devoted almost their entire lives to the study of economics and its issues. As a result, even more questions arose, since economics itself is a very controversial phenomenon. Even the ancient philosopher Aristotle in the 4th century BC said that economics is the art of housekeeping. And already at the beginning of the 20th century, the American writer L. Peter (1919-1989) called economics the art of satisfying limitless needs with limited resources. I completely agree with this statement, but first, to argue my point of view, I want to clarify that needs are what a person needs, and resources are all kinds of means to satisfy human needs.
So, economics is really the art of satisfying human needs. This is one of the four pillars on which society rests. Economics, like other spheres of public life, interacts with politics, sociology, and culture. She goes wherever her help is needed. But we can’t help but say something about the person for whose needs the economy exists—man. This biosocial being has a number of needs, both biological: physiological and existential (the need for food, sleep, reproduction of their own kind, safe existence, etc.), and social, prestigious, spiritual (Maslow’s classification of human needs). Sometimes the number of human needs is much greater than its capabilities. This is where economics comes to the aid of man. It is known that all resources in this world are limited, except for the light of the sun, the power of the wind, and the energy of the rivers. And it is the economy that can satisfy all human needs in this situation.
In addition, to meet human needs today there are at least two approaches to organizing economic life in the state: a command-administrative economy and a market economy, i.e. such an economy in which it dominates private form ownership, competition, free pricing. In the first case, the state not only controls all economic processes occurring within it, but also spontaneously intervenes in them, dictating its own rules. In the second, the role of the state is minimal. It consists only of control and monitoring of economic life.
As you know, "father" market economy is a Scottish economist Adam Smith. It was he who first identified the main principles of a market economy - what, how, for whom? It is also necessary to say about what ensures the normal existence and functioning of such an economic system - competition. As a rule, by this word we understand the economic competition of participants in human economic activity to achieve better results. It is this “invisible hand of the market” that maintains a kind of balance in the economy.
In conclusion, I want to say that now economics is indeed one of the leading areas of public life, but this does not mean that all others have faded into the background. Still, the economic crisis is not an obstacle to the existence of all life in this world.
Knyazeva Anna, 11th grade history.

Even if you have limited resources, you can start your own business.
First you need to think about and calculate everything. Let's decide what you do better than others. Let's say you make wonderful pancakes.
Then we decide where to get resources from. For your small business you need some products: flour, eggs and water. Flour can be purchased at the wholesale market, eggs - from a friend who works in the product sales department at the Ptenchik poultry farm. Water is always available.
But who will buy simple pancakes? So you need to make them with filling. I think that in the summer, going with the whole family to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries is not only less expensive than buying everything, but also interesting. Chicken fillet (meat) can be purchased at competitive prices at the same Ptenchik factory, and cheese, butter and cottage cheese can be purchased at the nearest dairy plant.
But for everything to go “like clockwork,” you need to have your own markets. You can set up sales points at the market that is located near your home, or sell ready-made frozen pancakes to restaurants, cafes and shops. You can also create a small website where everyone can order dishes and pies made from spring rolls. I think such a proposal will be in demand.
So we have traced the economy of a young company, its art of satisfying limitless needs with the help of limited resources.

Social Studies Essay Example

“Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources.”

The problem of limited resources with constantly growing needs. The problem is relevant because In the modern world, resources are becoming scarcer.

I agree with him because resources are limited in relation to people's needs, economics, using the discoveries of various sciences and the latest inventions, is able to solve this problem.

Resources are natural, material and human. Natural - the earth, its subsoil, flora and fauna, forest and water resources, air basin and climate. Material - capital, everything produced by man. Human ones are labor and entrepreneurial abilities. Together they make it possible to produce economic goods that people will consume during the distribution process.

Scientists are identifying fuel resources that are cheaper to produce and more easily transported, such as natural gas.

New energy-saving technologies and equipment allow you to save heat, fuel and electricity. Physicists have developed ways to convert thermal and atomic energy into electrical energy. Examples include thermal generators and power plants. Thanks to optoelectronics, solar energy is converted into electrical energy using a solar generator.

Examples of interchangeable and complementary resources include the production of brick and concrete, cotton fiber and synthetic fiber, coal and peat, and the invention of plastics.

IN agriculture double-disc seeders, which make it possible to work with different crops, and resource-saving sowing complexes, which make it possible to obtain high yields and at the same time restore soil fertility, began to be widely used.

Human resources can also wear out - “grow old”, which is why advanced training courses are available, they allow the employee to improve their knowledge, master new specialties, and retrain.

Of no small importance for the wise use of resources is the ability to make a choice which needs to satisfy first, comparing their usefulness, how to spend less resources to better satisfy human needs, i.e. rational consumption. These questions are addressed by economists.

Thus, I proved that economics in collaboration with scientists through joint efforts can and do solve the problem of limited resources.

Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources.
"Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources"

Lauren Peter

I read the statement of the Canadian writer and thought about it. Is economics an art? But, indeed, it is art.

The word “art” has many meanings. One of the meanings is extremely developed skill in a particular area. And so it is. After all, the economic activity of a society, enterprise, collective farm or state farm, the set of relations that develop in the production system in this society, enterprise, the system of distribution, exchange, consumption cannot be carried out without a certain skill. Therefore, of course, art.

Now let's talk about limitless needs. This topic is too broad. Let's take a small enterprise providing tourism services in a small town.

Labor resources enterprises are the main resources of each enterprise, the quality and effective use of which largely determine the results of the enterprise’s activities and its competitiveness.

Labor resources set in motion the material elements of production, create production products, in our case services, cost and profit.

The basis of personnel planning is the analysis of the enterprise's personnel needs and the study of information about the productivity of employees, as well as the costs of their maintenance.

Due to the shortage of qualified labor, personnel planning at any enterprise is essential.

A small enterprise that needs qualified personnel has its personnel needs reflected in its labor and personnel plan. Such a plan is needed in order to clearly define the following points:

The costs of maintaining personnel constitute a significant part of the enterprise’s costs, which is included in the price of tourism services and affects the competitiveness of the enterprise;

The personnel of an enterprise is the most important factor, because it determines how successfully the enterprise as a whole operates. Therefore, every enterprise must develop and implement a personnel policy;

When implementing various innovative projects at an enterprise, in which a large number of employees are involved, their effectiveness depends on the coordinated efforts of the staff;

The workforce must have an optimal gender, age and qualified structure;

Training and retraining of personnel, advanced training of enterprise employees;

Labor stimulation;

Creation of favorable working and rest conditions for personnel;

Increased labor productivity;

Optimization of funds for maintaining employees, etc.

The enterprise creates a plan for labor, number of personnel and wages.

Obviously, planning personnel requirements is part of the overall planning process in a small business. Ultimately, successful personnel planning will be when it is known how many employees, what qualifications are required, how to reduce

Or optimize the number of personnel, how best to use personnel in accordance with their abilities, skills, and desires to work for the benefit of the enterprise.

Thus, as a result of selection according to certain criteria, the quantitative and qualitative composition of hired workers is established.

Now a logical question arises: how to satisfy such needs with limited resources? Let me remind you that the enterprise is located in a city with a small population; there is no higher educational institution in the region where such personnel are trained. In addition, the enterprise may not have a specialist who is able to make the right choice when selecting personnel, because this often requires a multi-stage selection system, the use of various analytical and medical-psychological methods and tests that determine whether applicants for the position meet the requirements imposed by company. After all, the selection of personnel is important, since the future activities of the enterprise largely depend on it, because only with qualified personnel can it achieve the best results.

Therefore, I agree with Lawrence Peter’s statement that economics is an art that is very interesting and useful, because it is aimed at creating planned actions that will go towards improving human life, better satisfying his needs and fulfilling assigned tasks.

Essay on social studies on the topic “Economics is the art of satisfying limitless needs”

The basis of the economy is the relationship between the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services. This is what the modern economic dictionary writes about this type of activity.

What are these goods and services? Any that a person wants and can consume! Cars and washing machines, a haircut at a hairdresser or smelted metal, training in feminine charm or a bag of tomatoes! In general, all the benefits that are needed for life.

Of course, the concept of “needed” is relative. Humanity can live without cars, but it will no longer be possible to move at a speed of 120 km/h without them. And people have a desire to move around like this, and accordingly, an economic need is created. Economics is the engine of social development, as Karl Marx wrote.

Human needs in modern economic theory are considered limitless. They are constantly growing. After all, three hundred years ago the stove was heated only with wood, only the queen could afford a new dress every month, and imported overseas fruits appeared only on the table of rich nobles. Today, each of us is surrounded by modern technology in our homes, shops, boutiques, and supermarkets. The needs have grown, not without the participation of advertising. This did not make people happier, since needs always grow faster than they are satisfied.

In general, the task of the economy is to satisfy the unlimited needs of people. But here the second factor comes into play - the planet’s resources are limited. Satisfaction is one