All ways to find out the debt on your loan from Sberbank. How can I find out the remaining debt on a Sberbank loan and can this be done by last name? Debt to Sberbank by last name

? occurs in several cases:

  • When there is a desire and opportunity to fully repay the loan.
  • When not an annuity, but a differentiated loan is paid (i.e., repaid not in equal payments, but in different amounts, depending on the term).
  • When there is a need to compare personal assets (money, property, etc.) and personal liabilities (debts, including to banks, other liabilities).
  • When there are delays, non-payments on the loan, penalties, etc. are charged.

In the latter case, interest in the state of settlements may be shown not by the borrowers themselves, but also by the organizations that control their affairs, incl. courts, collection authorities and everyone who has the legal right to do so.

In order to obtain basic information about the state of affairs on a specific loan, you need to find out only three parameters:

  • Total outstanding debt.
  • Payment schedule. It contains the amount and timing of specific payments.
  • Options for adjusting the payment schedule. Those. possibility of other changes in the obligations of the client and the bank.

How to find out the debt on a loan from Sberbank via the Internet?

The fastest opportunity to find out debts on your own loan is offered by the official website of Sberbank PJSC.

You don’t even have to remember the site address and the path to the desired point; any search engine for a query like: “Sberbank find out loan debt” will provide a link to detailed instructions on loans from this bank and basic operations with credit products.

To check the debt on a specific loan, you will need to log in.

For those who have not yet mastered the remote access capabilities of Sberbank PJSC, the website has a very detailed step-by-step guide.

Close to Sberbank Online are programs for smartphones specially created for communicating with this bank.

Other ways to find out the debt on a Sberbank loan

In addition to studying the credit calendar on your own, Sberbank borrowers have several other ways to find out about their debts:

  • Wait for a call from Sberbank employees. But such a call will mean a delay in mandatory payments.
  • Contact the Bank branch, provide your name, agreement number and ask the employees to explain the situation.

How to find out the debt on a Sberbank loan by phone

There is a special Sberbank phone number for debt information. To get an answer on the amount of debt you need:

  1. Dial number 8 800 555 5550. Follow the voice menu prompts.
  2. Wait for the operator (specialist or robot) to respond. Report or enter your passport details and number on the keyboard.
  3. Hear the amount of current debt

It turns out to be even simpler. You only need:

  1. Send to number 900 SMS with text BALANCE.
  2. Wait for a response message asking for your card number.
  3. Expect another message with the amount of the current debt.

How to find out the loan debt at Sberbank ATMs?

You can find out the amount of your current debt at Sberbank ATMs. Here you will need:

  1. Insert a plastic card into it (note - issued by Sberbank in the name of the borrower).
  2. Enter your PIN code.
  3. Select “Payment of loans” from the menu.
  4. Find the data you need.

The search for information in bank terminals occurs in a similar way.

They do not require a card, but you will have to enter the loan agreement number.

It will be very useful to receive a payment schedule in advance when applying for a loan. Even if the terms and amounts of payments change, a guideline and an idea of ​​your responsibilities will remain.

We especially note that neither Sberbank nor the bank makes it possible to find out the loan debt simply by last name; to do this, you will definitely need to confirm the right to access such information by providing your passport and loan agreement details.

Why should you know your loan debt?

From all of the above, we can draw a well-founded conclusion that one can only be unaware of the debt on a Sberbank loan due to one’s own desire or carelessness.

And the results of this ignorance can be very disastrous.

Let us consider here (as an example) the consequences of such an unintentional violation as an outstanding balance due to an incorrect calculation of the amount and date of full repayment of the loan

  • Penalties are assessed on the remaining amount. A mechanism for pursuing the defaulter is launched: blocking funds in Sberbank accounts, writing off funds from a salary card in this bank, etc. Many borrowers have doubts about the topic: “does Sberbank resell loan debts?”
  • There is no longer any doubt. Sells. Completely legal. And he has already reported this in the press several times. And a loan sold to a collection organization (even a legal one) guarantees a completely different quality of communication with the defaulter.
A debt on a loan from Sberbank can arise as a result of the borrower’s carelessness or a malfunction of the terminal. At the slightest delay in payment, bank employees contact the client by phone or send a notification letter to his home address. Timely notification of debt will allow you to repay it on time and protect yourself from various troubles. The article describes in detail what methods of debt verification Sberbank offers.

You can use the support service at 8800-555-5550 24 hours a day. The call is free. If the line is busy, wait a bit. To obtain reliable information on the debt, tell the operator:

  • loan agreement number;
  • passport details.

Typically, specialists provide information on total debt. It is difficult to find out the amount of the accrued penalty over the phone.

If your bank card is linked to a credit agreement under which you need to find out the debt, use an ATM. For this:

  1. Insert a plastic card.
  2. Enter your PIN.
  3. Select the “pay loan” operation.
  4. Study the information that appears about the loan balance and the recommended payment amount.

Sberbank has a very developed network of branches. Contact your nearest office and bring with you:

  • passport;
  • loan agreement.

Our specialists will tell you the balance of the debt and calculate the payment amount. The main disadvantage of this method is that it takes a significant amount of time.

If you own a Sberbank plastic card, connecting to the Sberbank Online service is not difficult. Log in through the official Sberbank website or enter the address into the browser. The permanent password and user ID are obtained in the following ways:

  • using a bank card at Sberbank ATMs and terminals;
  • by phone number of the contact center;
  • on the registration page of the site by entering the bank card number;
  • when visiting a Sberbank office.

Go to your personal page on the site and fill out the fields provided. To obtain information about whether there are debts on loans, perform the following operations.

  1. Select “credits” from the menu. Information about all loans issued to you by the bank will appear.
  2. Select the loan you are interested in.
  3. Enter the date for which the information is required.
  4. Click “request debt”. The amount will appear on the screen. On the loans page you can pay off your debt.

This method is available around the clock and saves time. In addition to the size of the debt, it makes it possible to obtain any information about the loan.

The loan calculator is located in your personal account on the official Sberbank website. With its help, two types of payments are calculated.

  • Differentiated – characterized by a constant decrease in the payment amount. It consists of principal and accrued interest.
  • Annuity – the monthly amount is unchanged, interest is paid first, then the principal.

To calculate your debt, please provide accurate information in the fields of the calculator:

  • loan amount;
  • loan term;
  • interest rate;
  • date of loan issuance;
  • the amount of the principal debt.

The accuracy of the calculation depends on how correctly the data is entered into the proposed columns of the loan calculator.

How to calculate it yourself amount of loan debt

Using a pen and a regular calculator, it is not difficult to calculate the debt.

  1. Find the payment schedule in the loan agreement. It shows the loan amount, monthly interest and the final amount.
  2. Subtract from the total the amount of payments made, which are shown on the printout for the current period.
  3. The result obtained is your loan debt.
  1. Choose the most convenient method for yourself, which requires less effort and is the most effective. For example, today's youth actively use the Internet. Elderly people prefer to visit the bank and communicate directly with a specialist.
  2. If you have a loan debt as a result of a deterioration in your financial situation, contact the bank immediately. Often, loan specialists offer a more acceptable debt repayment schedule.
  3. Even if you have made a payment on a Sberbank loan, it will not be superfluous to find out the debt on the loan. When paying at third-party ATMs or cash desks, a commission is charged. As a result, there may not be enough funds to pay off the debt. In addition, sometimes there is a delay due to a delay in the process of transferring money.

Question: How to find out the debt on a loan from Sberbank or how to find out the balance on a loan from Sberbank?

Answer: We know at least 7 ways to do this, and we will talk about them below.

Loan debt and loan balance are two concepts that mean the same thing - how much is left to pay on the loan in order to fully repay it. Therefore, further we will combine these two questions into one.

Read about why it is so important to know the loan balance.

We have counted only 6-7 ways to obtain information about your loan debt from Sberbank. Some belong to the “old-fashioned” methods, others to modern, faster and more technologically advanced ones.

It's up to you to decide which method to use.

Find out at the bank branch

This is a 100% “old-fashioned” way to find out the debt on a loan from Sberbank. And it consists in the fact that you need to “take your feet in your hands” and walk to the nearest Sberbank branch.

Now there are Sberbank branches like dirt, they are on every corner, in every residential area, so it won’t take much time to get there. But constant queues at the bank make this method of obtaining information very labor-intensive and time-consuming.

If you decide to use it, be sure to take your passport and loan agreement with you. When you reach a Sberbank branch, take a queue and contact any available bank employee. He will give you a detailed answer to your question.

Read also

How to make early repayment of a loan at Sberbank

At a bank ATM

How to find out the loan balance at Sberbank using a bank ATM?

This is also a very “old-fashioned” way of obtaining information, since you still need to get to this ATM. Although there are a lot of them now, and they occur quite often, you still need to go to it. If you have the desire and strength, then please!


  • take your Sberbank card with you
  • go to the nearest ATM
  • inserts the card into the card reader
  • dial your PIN code
  • find the item "loan payment"
  • get the information you are interested in

At the bank terminal

Bank terminal and bank ATM – these are two different things. While an ATM is a full-fledged “mobile” bank, the terminal can only accept money, not dispense it, and provide certain information to the client.

To find out the loan debt from Sberbank through the bank terminal:

  • you need to find him first
  • type on the terminal loan agreement number
  • and the display will display all information on the contract, including the remaining debt

In the case of a terminal, you don't need a credit card!

Find out loan debt by last name

It is not possible to find out the loan debt by last name in Sberbank, just by last name! To do this, you need other data, for example, loan agreement number, series and passport number, and so on.

Many Russian citizens take out loans without thinking about the issue of returning them.

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Due to the economic crisis that broke out in the country, most Russian citizens have lost a permanent source of income. The phenomenon led to the formation of debts to creditors.

What you need to know

Citizens receiving loan funds must understand that they are provided under certain conditions. The borrower must comply with them in order not to get into a difficult situation. Otherwise, their credit history will be damaged, as a result of which citizens will not be able to obtain credit in the future.

The circumstance forces the borrower to track information about the funds provided for lending and the formation of debts.

Each loan agreement specifies:

  • date of monthly payment;
  • the interest rate charged on loan funds;
  • the amount of penalties provided for in case of delay.

Consequences of non-payment of loan funds

Sberbank carries out a certain kind of work with each borrower, trying to support him in the event of difficult life circumstances. The borrower should take this rule into account and promptly notify him of complications associated with the repayment of loan funds. He will provide assistance in solving the problem that has arisen.

If the borrower does not make payment, the bank files a claim with the court to collect the debt. The measure is carried out if the borrower refuses during a peaceful settlement of the issue. He can achieve certain applications if he manages to convince the bank that the suspension of payments is not due to malicious intent.

The borrower must, during negotiations, reach an agreement from the bank:

  • to provide a deferment in the payment of loan funds;
  • to apply the debt restructuring procedure.

At the first opportunity, the borrower must notify Sberbank and begin repaying the loan funds, which will allow him to avoid litigation and enforcement proceedings carried out by bailiffs.

How to find out your loan debt at Sberbank

According to static data, every third Russian citizen uses the services provided by Sberbank of Russia. If he is late, then as a result he will incur a debt. It will increase over time due to the accrual of penalties, so the borrower should strive to avoid it under no circumstances.

Sberbank services used by citizens include:

  • opening a current account;
  • creation of a deposit in ruble or foreign currency equivalent;
  • purchasing a plastic card;
  • processing loans under various programs.

Sberbank online is available to all bank clients. You can register and use this option without leaving your home via the Internet.

Sberbank of Russia provides information about existing debts in various ways, including:

  • Internet. To use the services of the official website of Sberbank, you need to activate the Internet banking service. You can connect to it based on an application submitted to a bank branch by calling the support service by phone. The service allows you to find out the statistics of financial transactions on borrowed funds through your personal account.
  • Telephone communication - hotline. A traditional way to clarify the issue of debts in a short period of time. The borrower must know the phone number of the Sberbank branch where he applied for one of the types of loans. As a rule, the telephone number is indicated in the contract, so the borrower should not have any difficulties.
  • Personal visit. The borrower must visit the nearest Sberbank branch, where he will be given a statement of his debts.

As a rule, information is provided via telephone using the contract number and passport data. But the possibility of it being provided by last name cannot be ruled out.

The borrower can always use the services of Sberbank support service. But it operates only during business hours, so the best option for obtaining information about debts is the Sberbank online service.

Find out the balance of the debt

Sberbank has provided each borrower with the opportunity to find out the balance of the debt by using its services. As a rule, information about the amount of funds disbursed is recorded in the loan agreement. Attached to it is an official document containing information about the full cost of the loan, calculated on the basis of an approximate payment schedule. It indicates the approximate debt balance for each month.

In addition, the balance of the debt can be found out through the service:

  1. Sberbank Online. To fulfill your intention, you need to go to Internet banking, in the top menu of which there is a “Loans” link. It contains all the information about the loan funds provided.
  2. Mobile application Sberbank-online, the easiest way - loan balances are placed on the first line of applications.
  3. Sberbank branch. The method involves a personal visit to any branch to obtain information about the balance of outstanding loan funds. A passport identifying the borrower and a loan agreement are presented to the branch.

Which, of course, for Internet users is a big advantage compared to other methods of obtaining information about loan debt. Although Sberbank branches are located in almost every locality.

In the absence of the Internet or the absence of a Sberbank branch, you can resolve the issue of debt through an ATM. They are supplied in many shopping centers, supermarkets and shops. They can be easily recognized because they are made in white and green colors. But for this method you need to be the owner of a bank card.

Actions of the borrower to find out the amount of ATM debt:

  • insert the card into the ATM;
  • enter an individual PIN code;
  • select your personal account from the menu of available functions;
  • click on the “loans” menu, where you can find information about all executed loan agreements;
  • select the tab – loan information.

The service allows you to find out about the full repayment of loan funds, find out the amount of the remaining debt and receive background information, which in some cases is very useful.

Credit card debt

Individual citizens apply for a credit card, on which Sberbank places the issued credit funds. As practice shows, some borrowers spend them without accounting, which is why debt arises. To avoid this kind of event, you need to regularly check your credit card balance and replenish your account in a timely manner. If debts have arisen, then you need to try to pay them off during the period of the preferential lending.

Suggestions to resolve the problem

As a rule, when the first delay in payments occurs, Sberbank sends an information letter to the borrower’s home address or contacts him by telephone. He should indicate reliable data in the contract, otherwise he may have difficulties.

In exceptional cases, Sberbank provides simplified conditions under which payments are made, and changes the debt repayment schedule from annuity to differentiated and back.

It offers some tools to resolve problems related to debt formation.

These include:

  • Extension of the loan agreement. The measure allows you to extend the term of the loan agreement so that the borrower can repay the loan funds according to the established payment schedule. The size of monthly payments is reduced due to its extension, but the overpayment on loan funds increases significantly. For example, for a mortgage loan it is extended up to 10 years, consumer up to 3 years.
  • Deferment of principal payment on loan funds. It is provided for a period up to 2 years, during which the borrower pays interest charges. In this case, the minimum amount required to fulfill obligations to the bank is paid. Upon expiration of the deferment period, the borrower must pay the principal amount of the debt and interest charges on it.
  • Drawing up an individual debt repayment schedule. This method is mainly used by persons who engage in business activities during certain seasons. As a rule, debt arises precisely during the period of time when they do not carry out their activities. For them, Sberbank establishes quarterly payments, a minimum amount of payments for several months, followed by a large one, which is paid after six months.
  • Debt restructuring. The procedure gives the opportunity to maintain a positive credit history to a borrower who repays loan funds in good faith and promptly notifies Sberbank of his difficulties, regardless of the length of the protracted delay in obligations. carried out on the basis of an application from the borrower containing a detailed description of the circumstances due to which he is deprived of the opportunity to timely repay his debts.

It should be noted that Sberbank asks the borrower to provide any documents along with the application, so he should clarify the list of required documents with Sberbank.

These include:

  • work book, if the borrower is fired from work with the wording “in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise”, “as a result of a reduction in staffing”;
  • medical report on health status;
  • , confirming the reduction in wages.

The list of additional documents may vary depending on the specific circumstances that led the borrower to suspend payments. In most cases, Sberbank satisfies borrowers' requests for debt restructuring. But he must justify his request with sufficiently compelling reasons that are respectful in nature.