Banks with favorable interest rates on deposits. Reliable banks with high interest rates on deposits


It is important for every person not only to save, but also to increase their savings. Financial institutions offer Russians various deposit programs. Before choosing an option for a profitable investment, it is worth considering the available deposits in Moscow banks at the maximum interest rate with different conditions, rates, terms of placement of funds and available operations. All deposits differ in currency, presence or absence of capitalization, method of interest payment and other parameters.

Profitable deposits in Moscow banks

In the Russian capital, there are more than 50 different financial institutions offering the population different types of deposits, so choosing the best option for yourself is difficult. To deposit money at the maximum interest rate, you need to determine the important parameters of the future account:

  • currency;
  • possibility of replenishment;
  • the ability to perform expense transactions;
  • reliability of the financial institution.

In addition, the most profitable deposits in Moscow should be selected according to the conditions. For those who would like to quickly accumulate a significant amount, banks develop time deposits for 2, 3 and 6 months. Another investment option is partnership programs with insurance organizations. In this case, the client takes out a life and health insurance policy and receives attractive deposit conditions. Russians can open deposits in Moscow at a high interest rate in banks that service their salary cards. Issuers are constantly preparing special programs with increased rates for their clients.

Profitable deposits in rubles

It is worth noting that the rate on ruble deposits is much higher than on foreign exchange programs. If the client plans to spend money in Russia in the future, then choosing dollars or euros for investments would be inappropriate. Financial institutions in the capital offer a large selection of deposits for individuals. Before placing your money in an account, you should not only read the terms and conditions, but also check the bank’s reliability rating. Sometimes high interest rates on deposits are offered by unreliable financial institutions in order to attract capital.

When choosing an organization for storing and increasing savings, it is worth considering that ruble deposits in Moscow banks with rates of more than 11-12% per annum are, as a rule, just a publicity stunt and should raise certain suspicions. Large financial institutions, such as VTB 24, Sberbank of Russia, Alfa Bank, offer rates on ruble accounts of no more than 8.5%.

Check out the profitable deposits in Moscow today in the table:

Bank's name


"Moscow City"


Rate up to 9.25%, monthly capitalization, additional contributions available.

Premier Credit Bank

"Beneficial cooperation"

Rate up to 9.5%, replenishable.

JSCB "Peresvet"


Up to 9.3% per annum, replenishment.


Rate up to 9.25% per annum, without income and expense transactions.



Up to 8.45% per annum, without the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal.

"TransCapital Bank"

"Spring hit"

Up to 8.95% per annum, capitalization, replenishment.

Deposits in foreign currency at high interest rates

Modern financial institutions offer a wide range of services and products. Deposit programs provide for the opening of not only ruble accounts, but also foreign currency ones. This investment option is especially relevant for those who plan to spend their money abroad, avoiding unprofitable conversion. Many financial organizations in Moscow offer foreign currency deposits at high interest rates. However, the rate on such programs is significantly lower than on ruble deposits. The table below presents the most attractive offers for residents of the capital:

Maximum deposits in Moscow banks (currency – US dollar)

Bank's name


"UniCredit Bank"

"For life"

Rate 2-3%, monthly capitalization, without replenishment, expense transactions.


"Tradition of Success"

Rate up to 1.05-2%, replenished, with capitalization of interest.

"Gold standard"

Up to 1.5-2.5% per annum, replenishment, capitalization.

High deposits in Moscow banks (currency – €)

Bank's name




Rate 0.55-1.8%, no additional contributions, partial withdrawal.

"Prime Finance"


Rate 0.4-1.6%, no replenishment, partial withdrawal.

"Your savings"

Rate: 0.5-1.8% per annum, replenishment, monthly capitalization.

Pension deposits

Most credit institutions offer special conditions for deposits for pensioners. For this category of the population, maximum interest rates and preferential parameters for early account closure are available. A pension deposit with a high interest rate is opened only if you have the appropriate ID and passport. If the client receives a pension through a financial institution, then the money can be invested through the issuer’s remote service system.

Before making a final decision, compare the advantageous offers of Moscow banks for this category of citizens. See the table for specific deposits in Moscow banks at the maximum interest rate for pensioners:

The best deposits in Moscow banks

Every potential investor is interested, first of all, in the profitability of the deposit. All investments up to 1.4 million rubles are under state protection. However, the best interest rates on deposits in Moscow banks can be found among offers from far from the most reliable financial organizations, subsidiaries or franchisees that have opened recently and for a short period of time. Rules:

  • Before you start drawing up an agreement with the issuer, you should make sure that it is in the top 10, 20 or 50 best.
  • Placing funds at a higher interest rate guarantees a decent income, and cooperation with a reliable issuer guarantees peace of mind.

Valid for up to a year

For those who plan to receive maximum income in a short time, there are time deposits. Such products are designed for 3-6 months, after which the investor receives his money along with accruals. Deposits for 6 months at a maximum interest rate are especially convenient when you need to save up for a vacation, purchasing a car or repairs, because they allow you to save and increase your savings.

Look at the table for offers with a period of 6 months:

Bank deposits for a year

Most financial institutions are ready to offer maximum interest rates on bank deposits, subject to long-term placement of funds in accounts. Offers designed for 12-36 months provide high returns and great opportunities. When choosing the optimal option, you can make a comparison by:

  • conditions;
  • minimum amounts;
  • availability of capitalization and other parameters.

Residents of the capital can open a deposit for 1 year using one of the offers from the table below:

Reliable deposits in Moscow banks

All capital banks have their own line of deposits. When considering different offers, some clients pay more attention not to possible income, but to the rating of the issuer company. You can choose a reliable bank with high interest rates on deposits from the list below. All organizations are included in the official top 10, have an impeccable reputation, and a high rating.

Offers from the most reliable banks in Moscow:

  • “Profitable online” from VTB 24 provides income of up to 7.55% per annum. The account is opened for a period of 3 months to 5 years, subject to placement of at least 100 thousand rubles.
  • “Classic” from Rosselkhozbank. The product is designed for different categories of clients, so you can open an account in any currency for a period from 1 month to 7 years. The client must deposit at least 3 thousand rubles into the account. The yield under the program reaches 8.2% per annum.
  • “Promising” from Gazprombank. To open a deposit, the client must deposit an amount of at least 15 thousand rubles into the account. Domestic or foreign opening currency available. The rate is calculated individually, up to 8%. The deposit is valid for up to 3 years.
  • “Memory of Generations” from Sberbank. This product was developed specifically for Victory Day. Clients can grow their savings and help military veterans at the same time. The rate is calculated individually, the maximum available income under the program is 7% per annum. To open a deposit, you need to deposit at least 10 thousand rubles.

Rating of deposits in Moscow banks today

Those who believe that savings should provide additional income should consider the current offers of financial institutions. Maximum rates can be obtained as part of current promotions and seasonal offers. The rating of deposits in Moscow banks is formed on the basis of customer reviews and the conditions offered by issuers. Although it is difficult to combine reliability and maximum profitability, it is important not to neglect the reputation of issuers. Below are the popular offers of Moscow banks with a detailed description of the parameters.

Asia-Pacific Bank – Investment deposit

One of the most attractive offers is the ATB product. The deposit parameters are as follows:

  1. The offer is available to clients who have issued an ILI policy from a bank partner.
  2. The term for placing funds on the account is 6 or 12 months.
  3. The amount is not less than 167 thousand rubles.
  4. The currency is national.
  5. The maximum rate is 10.5%.
  6. There are no outgoing or incoming transactions.
  7. In case of early withdrawal of funds from the account, all accruals are canceled automatically.

Inkarobank – “High Interest” deposit

This offer will be an excellent option for those who plan to accumulate a decent amount over time and increase it. The deposit parameters are as follows:

  1. The account is opened in domestic or foreign currency - your choice.
  2. The down payment must be at least 200 thousand rubles.
  3. Additionally, you can deposit funds with restrictions (at least 20 thousand rubles).
  4. Interest is paid every month to a separate account of the client.
  5. Deposit term: 1-12 months.
  6. Expense transactions on the account are not available.
  7. If the client withdraws cash early, the issuer recalculates charges at the minimum rate.

Krosna-Bank – term deposit

This offer for Moscow residents is different in that bank interest increases along with the amount in the account, so the client can receive a maximum income of up to 9.33%. The conditions are as follows:

  1. The minimum amount to open an account is 30 thousand rubles.
  2. Placement period: 6-18 months.
  3. Accruals are paid to the client quarterly.
  4. Interest capitalization available.
  5. Replenishment without restrictions, no later than 3 months before the end of the deposit period.
  6. Rate: 8.26-9.33%.

Krylovsky Bank – “Suitable” deposit

This proposal is no longer relevant for Moscow residents. However, those who previously opened a deposit continue to receive income under the following conditions:

  1. Amount: from 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Duration of placement of funds: 91-540 days.
  3. Replenishment is available from 30 thousand rubles.
  4. Capitalization of interest is provided.
  5. If an account is closed early, interest is recalculated only for the current quarter.

Bank Standard-Credit – “Term” deposit

For those who are looking for maximum income that grows with the amount deposited in the account, the offer from Standard-Credit Bank will be very tempting. Income transactions are available on the account, regular capitalization of interest and progressive accrual are provided. The main parameters of the product are presented below:

  1. Duration: 1-12 months.
  2. Amount: not less than 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Replenishment is available with restrictions (from 20 thousand rubles).
  4. Monthly interest payments into a separate account are available.
  5. The interest rate is constantly growing, the maximum income is 9.93% per annum.
  6. If the account is closed early, interest is recalculated at the minimum rate.

Bank Modern business standards – “Urgent replenishment”

For those who plan to save a substantial amount, this product will be an excellent solution. The deposit provides for income transactions, an increasing rate, the maximum amount of which is 8.5% per annum and the payment of accruals after closing the account. Below are the main conditions for Moscow residents:

  1. Duration: 1-2 years.
  2. Currency: domestic, foreign.
  3. Amount to open an account: at least 15 thousand rubles.
  4. The interest rate depends on the selected currency: 8.25-8.5% (rubles) / 1.45-1.6% (dollars) / 0.55-0.60% (euros).
  5. If the account is closed early, income is recalculated at the minimum rate.

Inbank – “Constructor” deposit with interest payment at the end of the term

This offer is suitable for those Moscow residents who want to constantly receive profit from their savings. Interest is paid every month to the owner's separate account. The main parameters of the program are as follows:

  1. The minimum amount to open an account is 700 thousand rubles.
  2. Deposit validity period: 1-36 months.
  3. Receipt/expenditure transactions are not provided.
  4. Rate: 7.55-9.38%.
  5. If an account is closed early, income is recalculated at a minimum rate of 0.1%.

Bank Round – “Classic” deposit

This offer is suitable for different categories of citizens. The account is opened when placing a small amount and can bring income up to 8.3% per annum to its owner. The advantage of the product is attractive rates on foreign currency accounts. The conditions for the “Classic” deposit are as follows:

  1. Currency: national, foreign (euros, dollars).
  2. The first payment is at least 1100 rubles (or equivalent).
  3. Deposit validity period: from 1 to 36 months.
  4. Additional contributions and capitalization of interest are not provided for by the program.
  5. Early withdrawals are not available without loss of accruals.
  6. Nobody brings money to banks anymore - this is the new result of the policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Found an error in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we will fix everything!

The highest rates on deposits in Moscow banks from the top 10 are presented on this page. You can compare and choose a deposit at the maximum interest rate for today, in 2019 - 2020.

A bank deposit for individuals today is one of the most accessible tools for investing savings. By opening a deposit, you keep your money in a safe place, receive a small income on it, and also have quick access to it if necessary.

Most deposits that are issued at maximum interest rates have common features. They cannot be replenished, and partial withdrawals of money without loss of interest are also prohibited. The only exception is short-term deposits for a period of 1-3 months. But they, in general, are not time deposits, but savings accounts with no time limit for investing savings.

When choosing a deposit, of course, first of all everyone looks at the interest rate that the bank offers. Below are the most profitable deposits for individuals today in Russian banks from the top 10, as well as their breakdown by terms:

  • 1 month;
  • 3 months;
  • 6 months (six months);
  • 1 year (12 months).

Deposits with the highest interest rates today

Thinking about where to invest money in 2019 so that it works, many are wondering: which bank has the highest interest rate on deposits today. But when opening a deposit account in a bank, you should pay attention not only to the interest rate, but also to the conditions of this deposit, such as the minimum amount and deposit period.

Deposits at maximum interest rates in top 10 banks

"New Year's Dreams" - ICD

  • No replenishment
  • No partial withdrawal
  • Capitalization monthly
  • % monthly

“Your success” - Gazprombank

  • No replenishment
  • No partial withdrawal
  • Capitalization monthly
  • % at the end of the term

“Fix your income” - Rosselkhozbank

  • No replenishment
  • No partial withdrawal
  • Without capitalization
  • % at the end of the term

"Reliable Promo" - FC Otkritie

  • No replenishment
  • No partial withdrawal
  • Without capitalization
  • % at the end of the term

“Even higher” - Alfa-Bank

  • No replenishment
  • No partial withdrawal
  • Capitalization monthly
  • % monthly

“My income” - Promsvyazbank

  • No replenishment
  • No partial withdrawal
  • Without capitalization
  • % at the end of the term

Deposits at maximum interest for 1 month

Deposits at maximum interest for 3 months

Deposits at high interest for 6 months

Deposits at high interest for 1 year

If you need to withdraw all the money from the deposit before the end of the term, you can do this at any time. However, interest will most likely not be accrued!

Deposits at maximum interest for 3 years

What is the safest amount to open deposits for?

According to Russian legislation, deposits up to 1,400,000 rubles are insured if the bank participates in the deposit insurance system. If the license of such a bank is revoked, the Deposit Insurance Agency, through agent banks, fulfills obligations to its depositors within the established limit. This is the meaning of guaranteeing the safety of savings entrusted to the bank.

In short, if you invest less than 1,400,000 rubles, then you can choose highest interest rate on bank deposits– if the license is revoked, of course, you will have to be nervous, but the money will still come back.

Repayment of funds above the specified amount is not guaranteed, so if you keep more than 1,400,000 rubles in the bank, then you are taking on increased risk.

Find out the exact conditions and interest rates on deposits in branches or on the official websites of banks. The data is presented for informational purposes only and does not constitute a public offer.

Perhaps everyone who is thinking about investing money is looking for a deposit at a high interest rate. It is the interest rate on the deposit that is the first criterion by which deposits are compared with each other. However, such a comparison would be incomplete. It is also important to take into account such a factor as risk.

Attention: the most up-to-date information on current rates and conditions - (updated weekly).

As you know, the state Deposit Insurance System guarantees each depositor of a bank participating in this system the safety of savings in the amount of up to 1,400,000 rubles. However, here's what a potential investor needs to remember.

  1. The most reliable bank is not only a large bank, but also the least risky. Lending institutions with state participation are least prone to risk - and our people are accustomed to trusting the state somewhat more than private business. It is no wonder that it is banks with state participation that lead the ratings in all respects, including the volume of funds raised on deposits. In addition, the leading banks have a wide (Gazprombank, VTB24) or very wide (Sberbank) network of branches throughout Russia - it is not surprising that they also “win” in terms of accessibility for depositors. Therefore, people for whom such parameters are the main thing choose Sberbank, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB.
  2. Private banks from the Top 50 are the choice of people who, trusting private capital to a greater extent, prefer high income on deposits. The fact is that these banks vigorously issue loans at not the smallest interest rates, due to which they can attract deposits at a high interest rate (higher than competitors with state participation). Among the most popular banks in this group we can mention Home Credit Bank, Russian Standard, and MTS Bank (places from 18th to 38th in the ranking of Russian banks). Now let’s look at what the banks mentioned above offer their depositors in February 2019 .


Perhaps this is the first bank that almost every Russian thinks about out of habit. Now Sberbank:

1 seasonal deposit “Catch the Profit” - from 7.1% to 7.65% per annum;

8 time deposits in rubles and dollars (up to 5.75% on the “Save” deposit in rubles);
- 6 deposits for owners of the “Sberbank First” and “Sberbank Premier” service packages - “Leader Save”, “Leader Replenish”, “Leader Manage” and “Special Save”, “Special Replenish”, “Special Manage”. Rates in rubles - from 4.70% to 6.85%, in US dollars - from 0.90% to 3.40%, in euros - 0.15% -1.0%.

3 online deposits in rubles and dollars (rates are higher than on time deposits, on average by 0.25%);
- 3 pension deposits.

Thus, it cannot be said that Sberbank attracts deposits at a high interest rate, because Sberbank’s deposit rates are low. But the risks are low, the choice is wide, and the conditions are flexible. A choice of replenishable and non-replenishable deposits is possible, with different interest payment schemes (at the end of the term, monthly, etc.), and the minimum amount (from 10 to 1000 rubles) is “achievable” for any person.


This bank offers several deposits on different conditions (we can say that VTB’s are about the same as Sberbank’s):

Seasonal deposit “Time of Growth”, opened until April 30, 2019 for 180 and 380 days, with a maximum rate of 7.60% (if opened online - 7.70%). For purchases over 75,000 rubles on the VTB Multicard, the deposit rate may increase to 9.2% per annum.

3 deposits opened in bank branches - Comfortable, Savings and Profitable at rates from 2.50% to 7.16% per annum in rubles, from 0.01% to 3.56% in US dollars, in euros - 0.01 % -0.96%.

3 deposits opened remotely in Internet banking - Comfortable-online, Saving-online and Profitable-online at the same rates, but with a lower initial investment amount.

Savings deposit with flexible terms in rubles. VTB Multicard owners have the opportunity to open a Savings Account at rates from 4% to 8.5% per annum, and the interest rate depends on the monthly amount of purchases on the Multicard.


This bank has a variety of deposit offers: there is an investment deposit, including investments in mutual funds (up to 8.2%), savings deposits for various purposes in rubles (up to 8.0%), dollars (up to 3.25%) or euros (up to 0.40%). A deposit for pensioners is also offered at 6.8%-7.5% in rubles, 1%-2.05% in dollars and 0.01%-0.35% in euros. Thus, the rates of this bank are approximately at the same level as the rates of Sberbank and VTB.


Rosselkhozbank offers a wide range of deposits. Almost all deposits can be opened remotely (maximum rates - up to 8.55% in rubles, 4.50% in dollars), 2 pension savings programs (up to 6.85%). Some deposits are standard savings accounts, the maximum rate for which reaches 6.45% in rubles, 3.40% in dollars, 0.65% in euros. The interest rates here are higher compared to some other banks, and the placement conditions are wider - interest at the end of the term or monthly, with/without replenishment, with partial withdrawal/without withdrawal, that is, for every taste.

Russian standard

This bank offers 6 deposits with a variety of interest payment schemes: the depositor has plenty to choose from. Rates on deposits in rubles - from 6.0% ("Universal") to 7.5% per annum ("Maximum Income +", "Pension!"), and in foreign currency - up to 1.0% on the "Maximum Income" deposit . Capitalization is not offered in most deposits, and the conditions are not the most flexible - this is the logical “payment” of the investor for high income.

Home Credit

Home Credit offers: two foreign currency deposits: up to 2.50% in US dollars and up to 0.5% in euros, several ruble deposits with different conditions: from 5.5% to 8.0% per annum, 2 deposits for pensioners can be opened in Russian rubles (from 6.2% to 7.7% per annum), another deposit in rubles can be opened at 7.7% per annum, with an amount of 1 million rubles. There are options for capitalization, partial withdrawal and replenishment by a certain amount. Thus, Home Credit is a good choice for those who want a good income and place funds for a period of 2 to 24 months.


MTS Bank offers 9 deposits in rubles/dollars/euro, including investment and pension. Rates in rubles for this bank range from 5.0-7.8%, and in foreign currency - from 0.01% to 3.30% per annum. You can choose a deposit with the most flexible conditions at a good interest rate. An additional 0.25% to the base rate can be received by clients opening a deposit in the Internet bank, as well as salary clients - with a deposit amount of 50,000 rubles or more.

Thus, it is most profitable to deposit money in one of the private banks. Especially if the deposit amount does not exceed 1,400,000 rubles, since such a deposit will be fully insured.

Deposits at high interest rates in Moscow are issued, as a rule, by banks specializing in consumer lending (Russian Standard, Tinkoff, Home Credit). But at the same time, you should very carefully study the conditions regarding replenishment, early withdrawal, etc., in order to make your deposit not only profitable, but also convenient in terms of using money.

Updated February 2019.

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    • New Product

      Primsotsbank offers to apply for a New Year's deposit or a New Year's loan

      Until the end of this year, from Primsotsbank you can get a loan of up to 250 thousand rubles at a rate of 11.5% per annum (the offer is valid when submitting an online application). When applying for a loan at a bank office, the rate increases by 1 percentage point. The loan term is from 25 to 60 months. To obtain a loan you need a passport and a second document

      13 Nov 2019
    • Current

      Absolut Bank has improved the conditions for the “Absolute Income” deposit

      Absolut Bank allowed clients to replenish the “Absolute Income” deposit within a month after its opening. The maximum amount of additional contributions is set at 10 million rubles / 200 thousand dollars. The amount of one-time replenishment is from 1 thousand rubles / 100 dollars. Depositors can also now withdraw interest credited to the deposit account without waiting

      06 Nov 2019
    • New Product

      Akibank offers to open a “Holiday Interest” deposit

      In a month, Akibank will turn 26 years old. In honor of the next birthday, the credit and financial structure launched a new profitable deposit service for clients, “Holiday Percent”. The profitability of the deposit program reaches 8 percentage points when placing funds for a period of up to 62 days. The deposit amount is from 100 thousand rubles. Limit

      25 Sep 2019
    • New Product

      Rossiya Bank introduces a new autumn deposit

      Rossiya Bank has added a new seasonal deposit service. The maximum rate on the “Velvet Season” deposit is 6.4% per annum. The rate is provided when placing at least 10 million rubles on a deposit account for a period of 1 year. The deposit can be issued for a minimum of 31 days. The deposit volume is from 3 thousand rubles. The minimum deposit rate

      17 Sep 2019
    • Changes in rates

      UniCredit Bank revised rates on deposits in dollars

      The maximum yield on dollar deposits of UniCredit Bank is currently 2.32% per annum. The rate can be obtained as part of the “For Life” deposit service when placing funds for 1 year. The product implies the execution of a savings or investment life insurance agreement. The maximum return on the “New” deposit

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    • New Product

      SDM-Bank launched the “Three Comrades” deposit

      7.5% per annum - this is the maximum ruble rate on the new deposit of SDM-Bank “Three Comrades”. The yield on a dollar deposit reaches 2.4 percentage points. Early termination of the deposit agreement on preferential terms is possible from day 182. The return on the deposit will be 5% per annum in rubles and 1% in dollars. To the deposit

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    • New Product

      Gazprombank presented the New Year's deposit

      Gazprombank offers clients to place available financial resources for 91 days at 6.5% per annum. These are the main characteristics of GPB’s new deposit product, called “Gazprombank – New Year”. The minimum placement volume under the new deposit program is 1,000 rubles. The deposit can be made until the end of February

      12 Dec 2018
    • Changes in rates

      Rosgosstrakh Bank revised rates on deposits of individuals

      Retail deposits of RGS Bank have become more profitable. The maximum return on the “Double Benefit” deposit has increased to 7.8% per annum. The deposit is issued for a period of 3 to 12 months. The deposit amount is from 100 thousand rubles. For the Gosstrakhovsky and Gosstrakhovsky VIP deposits, the rates of return are 6.8% and 6.9% per annum, respectively.

      13 Nov 2018

    It is formed based on the total volume of incoming funds. If you are looking for a financial institution with high performance, thanks to the ranking you will be able to choose the right one. Based on the information provided, you will be able to select the best offers in terms of profitability and interest rates.

    Features of the formation of the rating of Russian banks by deposits

    Russia by deposits is formed according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The analysis also takes place based on other indicators:

    • Positions in the ranking compiled by independent agencies.
    • Opinions of clients who have already made transactions with this bank.
    • Positions in the ranking compiled by ordinary people.

    For the Central Bank of Russia, the main indicator is the size of the institution’s own capital. The more funds, the less likely it is that it will be declared insolvent.

    Rating of banks in Russia by retail deposits in 2019

    In 2019, the top best banks in Russia by deposits did not change much. The higher the place on the list, the more trust there is in this financial organization. Typically, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation publishes an official list that inspires the most confidence among people by:

    • interest rates,
    • creditworthiness.

    The top best banks may change depending on various indicators. Therefore, we regularly update information, offering customers only profitable offers.

    The rating of banks today is based on reports provided by financial organizations. All companies included in the list are presented in our summary rating. Additionally, reliability can be assessed not only by bank deposits, but also by other indicators.

    If we consider the ranking by interest rates, the list may be different. When choosing, pay attention to the rating based on the total cost of deposits. It includes additional payments, bonuses and other gifts for investors.