Recalculation of products according to the recipe or arithmetic of the confectioner. Should child support be recalculated? If you are on sick leave

The choice of forms and equipment for confectioners and everyone who loves to bake is becoming more and more. And more and more often we are faced with the question: AND HOW TO COUNT THE NUMBER OF PRODUCTS prescription for different forms?

After all, usually, in all recipes, the number of products is indicated based on a certain shape size and diameter for baking.

How to be? If you take the amount of ingredients that is indicated in the recipe, then your biscuit will be much higher (at best), or even not fit into the mold at all.

What to do?

Everything is very simple! I need to get a calculator and count the number ingredients. And by what formulas, I will tell you in great detail in this article.

Let's look at the most popular forms and convert from one to another.

So what are the situations:

  1. Recalculation from round shape a certain diameter in round shape of a different diameter.
  2. Recalculation from round forms in square or vice versa.
  3. Recalculation from form complex configuration(heart, polygon, star, etc.) to any other shape.

Situation 1. Let's start with the simplest option. You need to count the number from one round forms in round form, but other diameter.

To do this, use the conversion factor:

K \u003d d 1 2 / d 2 2


d1 - the diameter of your form;

d2 - the diameter of the form from the recipe.

In our example, the coefficient will be:

For example, if sugar according to the recipe for d \u003d 18 cm needs 100 gr., Then you will need 123 gr.

I deduced this formula myself so that you do not remember about the area of ​​​​a circle and the number Pi, but if you are interested, you can read at the end of the article how I deduced it)))

By the way, the same coefficient is also suitable for recalculation from one square shape to another square.

For example, if you need to determine the products for a square shape of 20 cm, and in your recipe it is indicated for a square shape of 18 cm, then the coefficient will be equal to:

K \u003d 20 2 / 18 2 \u003d 400 / 324 \u003d 1.23.

Situation 2. You need to count from round forms in square or vice versa. Here it is already necessary to remember about the number Pi))).

K \u003d A 2 / 3.14 * R 2


A- square side;

R - the radius of a round shape, it is equal to half of the diameter.

For conversion from square to circle, you just need to flip the coefficient: K \u003d 3.14 * R 2 / A 2

Continuing our example, let's imagine that we need to recalculate for a square shape with a side of 20 cm from a round shape d \u003d 18 cm (radius \u003d 18 * 0.5 \u003d 9 cm.)

K \u003d 20 2 / 3.14 * (9) 2 \u003d 400 / 254 \u003d 1.57.

And multiply the resulting coefficient by the number of products from the recipe.

That is, if according to the recipe for a round shape of 18 cm, you need 100 grams of sugar, then you will need 157 grams for a square shape of 20 cm.

Situation 3. Now let's consider a situation where shapes of non-standard figures, whose area is difficult to calculate. For example: heart, star, bagel, etc. How to be in that case? Remember the entire course of geometry?

no yes easier way. You need to get away from area and form, but from her volume.

And the volume is easy to calculate if you fill the form with water (completely, to the top) and then pour this water into a bowl and weigh it. What weight of water you get, this means the volume of the form (after all, the density of water is 1). For example, if water weighs 1200 g = 1.2 kg, then the volume of the mold is 1200 ml. (or 1.2 liters).

And if you have a silicone mold, then manufacturers, as a rule, indicate its volume on the mold itself.

Then returning to our example, where you know the number of products for a round shape d = 18 cm, and you need to find out for the “Heart” shape.

The volume of a round shape is equal to: The area of ​​the shape * The height of the shape.

Suppose the height of this form = 5 cm. Then its volume will be equal to = ( 3.14 * 9 2) * 5 = 1271 ml.

And the volume of the form "Heart" is 1.5 liters.

Then the coefficient will be equal to: = 1.5 / 1.271 = 1.18 and sugar instead of 100 g. You will need 118 g.

OK it's all over Now!

I hope this was helpful and clear.

And if you have any questions - write them for me in the comments to this article.

And below - how I derived the first formula to make your life easier! Read only for those who loved math in school!)))

If you are wondering why I have such a coefficient formula, then let's remember the geometry.

To calculate the coefficient, we need to divide the area of ​​​​our form by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe form from the recipe.

The area of ​​a circle is calculated by the formula: S = ∏ d 2 / 4

Accordingly, we get:

S 1 / S 2 = (∏ d 1 2 / 4) / (∏ d 2 2 / 4) = d 1 2 / d 2 2

(The number of PIs and fours have decreased with division).

From others - for example, the premium may be determined by the amount of salaries for the period. In this case, a situation is possible when the salary will be changed after the bonus has been calculated. By default, the platform does not control such situations. If the developer considers it necessary to track this, then you need to use a special subordinate object of the calculation register - Recalculation:

Recalculation records are stored in a separate table. They do not guarantee that the dependent register needs to be accurately recalculated, but serve as a signal of such a potential need.

In general, the records of the recalculation table contain the following fields:
  • recalculation object (document-registrar whose data needs to be recalculated)
  • calculation type - a link to the calculation type from the Plan of calculation types defined for this calculation register

Records can also be stored in more detail, in the context of one or more dimensions of a given settlement register. For example, the payroll recorder for the entire department was rewired; while the changes were only for employee Ivanov. Adding the Employee dimension to the Recalculation will allow you to track this. In this case, the Recalculation dimension must be linked to the calculation register dimension:

The data of the recalculation table is generated automatically if the property Base period is set for the corresponding plan of calculation types. If the property is not set, then the developer is responsible for generating the records.

Question 14.41 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. Recalculation data...

  1. are not settlement register entries
  2. are settlement register entries
  3. are records of the recalculation register
  4. are table entries of the actual validity period

The correct answer is the first, they are generally stored in separate tables.

Question 14.42 of the 1C: Platform Professional exam. In the "Recalculation" dimension properties window, on the "Connection" tab, in the "Register Dimension" property, specify...

  1. measurement of the base register, when the data of which changes, the current register entry should be recalculated
  2. measurement of the current ledger whose records should be recalculated when the base ledger data changes
  3. measurements of base registers, when the data of which changes, the current register entry should be recalculated

The correct answer is the second. The recalculation itself is needed to track the need to update the records of the current register.

Question 14.43 of exam 1C: Platform professional. The "Recalculation" table is filled with rows, each of which represents ...

  1. a set of information about the calculation type and the document-registrar of the calculation register entry that needs to be recalculated. Also in the table there will be recalculation dimensions
  2. a set of information about the calculation type and the document-registrar of the calculation register entry that needs to be recalculated
  3. a set of information about the calculation type, the line number of the registrar document, and the registrar of the calculation register entry that needs to be recalculated. Also in the table there will be recalculation dimensions
  4. no correct answers

The first answer is correct, parsing above.

Question 14.45 of the 1C exam: Platform professional. Choose the correct answer:

  1. In the process of working with recalculations, the developer can "ignore" the information that the system provides in the recalculation table, that is, refuse to revise the calculation results
  2. The principle of operation of recalculations in the "1C:Enterprise 8" system is "notifying"
  3. The configuration developer cannot manage the process of recalculating settlement register entries, the system does everything automatically
  4. Statements 1 and 2 are true

The correct answer is fourth - recalculation only tracks the potential need to change dependent data.

Question 14.46 of exam 1C: Platform professional. For one calculation register...

  1. only one recalculation can be supported
  2. only three allocations of different structure can be supported
  3. any number of recalculations of different structure is supported

The correct answer is the third, there is no problem to add any number of subordinate objects to the calculation register. Recalculation, their structure is not controlled in any way.

Question 14.57 of exam 1C: Platform Professional. The frequency of settlements is a month. Appropriate settings have been made in the calculation register. For the payroll type Payroll, the payroll type Travel is specified as the preemptive payroll type. On March 1, 2014, salary information was entered into the information base, but the calculation was not made. On March 20, 2014, a business trip was entered and calculated in the information base. On March 30, 2014, the salary calculation was launched. Will business trip data be taken into account when calculating the salary? Do I need to recalculate the trip?

  1. Will be taken into account, but the business trip will have to be recalculated
  2. Will be taken into account, recalculation of the business trip is not required
  3. Will not be taken into account. You must cancel the trip calculation and recalculate both types of calculation
  4. Will not be taken into account. In order to calculate correctly, salary and business trip must be in the same document.

Recalculation is not needed, a business trip record within a month.

With salary increases

Russian companies salaries must be indexed every year. In practice, only large organizations do this.

If an organization raises the salaries of its employees, then the money paid for annual leave as vacation pay must be recalculated.

To do this, you need to use an indexing factor.

Wherein it is important at what point the increase occurred wages and salaries. Clause 16 of Decree No. 922 on average earnings provides for three different options:

  1. Salary changes within the billing period.
  2. The increase occurred after the end of the billing period, but before the employee went on vacation.
  3. The salary increase occurred while the employee was on vacation.

To calculate the conversion factor specialists of the personnel department use the following formula: the salary accrued in the month of the extreme increase is divided by the salary of each of the months of the billing period.

The result obtained will be the indexation coefficient, taking into account which vacation pay must be recalculated.

Vacation pay is indexed only in case of mass increase. In isolated cases, recalculation of payments on the occasion of vacation is not made. The billing period is twelve months. This time does not include the time the employee is on vacation, business trip, sick leave, failure to perform work as a result of downtime of the organization.

An increase in salary leads to changes in payments that depend on it. Therefore, vacation pay must be adjusted with each change in tariff rates. reverse situation, when there is a decrease in salary, does not lead to the need for recalculation.

Useful video

When an employee is recalled from vacation

After the employee went on a well-deserved rest, to recall him from there is possible only with his. .

  • minors;
  • women in position;
  • citizens whose work is connected with harmful and dangerous substances.

When an employee is recalled from vacation to work, wages are accrued to him. And here vacation pay will be returned to the accounting department, and this process is negotiated between the employee and the employer - how exactly the money will be returned.

The employer is not entitled to deduct vacation pay from the salary., therefore, the ideal option is when the worker voluntarily pays the amount of the overpayment to the cash desk of the organization.

Vacation pay will be paid back to the employee after he decides to take a paid vacation again.

If you are on sick leave

, he needs to pay disability benefits according to the sheet provided.

At the same time, vacation days that coincided with a period of incapacity for work, without any recalculation.

When sick leave is interrupted, after the sheet is closed, it continues.

Recalculation is not carried out, since at the end of the disability, the employee will still take the due time that he was paid.

Sometimes there are situations when a person goes to work immediately after recovery, without finishing the prescribed paid days. Sometimes this decision is dictated by production necessity, and sometimes by the employee's own desire. In this case issued, it is necessary to recalculate vacation pay accrued and paid to the employee. And the days that the employee did not use must be provided to the employee later. When the amount of payment will already be different, as the billing period will change.

If the transfer is made within a month, then recalculation is not carried out., since the initial data for the calculation do not change.

If the transfer is carried out for another month or even a year, then it is necessary to calculate the amount of vacation pay for the days of rest that ended up on sick leave, and return this money to the organization.

How exactly the amount of vacation pay will be returned in this case is decided between the employee and management individually. The situation is similar to an early recall to work - you cannot deduct from your salary, so you need to find other solutions. Ideally, in order to avoid confusion with accruals, a refund should be made voluntarily Money employee in the organization.

When paying an annual bonus

Law Russian Federation provides for the need necessary for the calculation of vacation pay.

A situation is possible - the employee is granted leave, vacation pay is accrued and paid. After that, a bonus was assigned based on the results of the year that was included in the billing period. In this case, this annual bonus should be included in average earnings for holidays. Since this payment was not previously taken into account, after the accrual of the bonus, the accounting department recalculates vacation pay. The employee is paid extra.

The situation varies depending on how long the worker has worked. If the entire year for which the bonus is assigned falls within the billing period, then the payment is included in the average earnings in full.

If the employee worked only part of the time, then there are two options:

  1. If the company annual bonus is accrued, not taking into account the amount of hours worked, then when calculating the average earnings, the bonus is accrued in proportion to the hours worked in billing period.
  2. If the company keeps records of hours worked, then the bonus is paid in full.

Upon dismissal

Upon termination employment contract with a specific employee, the company needs to make a full settlement with him.

If an employee leaves before the expiration of the calendar year in which he was already granted leave, the organization has the right to withhold the money paid in advance from the employee's salary.

Recalculation of payments issued in advance for vacation is made on the date of dismissal employee. The part of vacation pay paid in advance for the time that the employee has not worked on the date of dismissal is determined.

At the same time, it is important that you can deduct from the calculation upon dismissal no more than 20% of the accrued amount. If this is not enough to return the overpaid vacation pay, then the balance should be collected from the employee voluntarily. Invite him to deposit money into the cash desk of the organization.


In practice, situations often arise when it is required to recalculate the amount of vacation pay paid. It is important to highlight such cases and not violate the rights of workers.

For example, employers often neglect recalculation when raising salaries, although this need is provided for at the legislative level.

In most cases, the accountant is responsible for non-receipt of funds by the employee.

The value of the minimum wage is not constant - this year it has already changed twice. This can affect wages, benefits, vacation pay. In this article, we'll take a look at exactly how.

The minimum wage is set at the federal level and is currently 11 163 rubles. In addition, the regions have the right to set their own minimum wage, but not lower than the federal one.

If an employee is paid a minimum wage, it should be remembered that it cannot be lower than the minimum wage. This is required by article 133 of the Labor Code. The claim is fair in relation to wages for a full month. If, was on sick leave or on vacation, got a job or quit this month, then wages may be lower than the minimum wage.

To understand how much you need to raise wages after raising the minimum wage, you should find out whether the region has its own minimum. If not, you need to focus on the federal level. If the region has established its own minimum wage, the salary should not be lower than this value.

The only option not to take into account the regional minimum is to submit to the executive authorities reasoned written refusal from an offer to join the established minimum wage. Refusal must first be discussed with the union. It is also necessary to develop measures and terms in which it is planned to raise wages to the regional minimum. The employer who filed the refusal may invite to a conversation with the head of the authorized authority, which should be attended by representatives of the trade union. If we manage to agree, then for some time the regional minimum wage can be ignored.

But, we repeat - really good reasons are needed for the maneuver described above. Therefore, in the general case, the minimum wage level coincides with the regional minimum wage.

We increase the salary

Increase wages in connection with the increase minimum wage labor can be done in two ways:

  1. Make a supplement to the minimum wage. This method is not suitable for everyone, since in some cases the salary must be at least the minimum wage without taking into account certain allowances.
  2. Raise salary.

In any case, the employer should issue an order, as well as correct the existing documents - the Regulation on remuneration, the Staffing table. When applying the second method, you will also have to draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract.

We calculate vacation pay for the period in which the minimum wage has changed

An employee at the minimum wage must receive vacation pay during the period of the old minimum wage, but his vacation falls already during the validity of the new one. How to calculate holiday pay? The rule is this - before the vacation, vacation pay should be issued based on the old minimum wage, and after the vacation, recalculation and additional payment should be made.

Let's take January 2018 as an example. The employee decided to extend his New Year holidays and take a vacation from 9 to 15 January. The data for calculating vacation pay is as follows:

  • billing period - from January 1 to December 31, 2017 (worked without gaps);
  • income for the billing period - 7300 * 12 = 93,600 rubles;
  • vacation period - 7 days.

Now let's calculate vacation pay: 266.21 * 7 = 1863.47 rubles.

So, before the vacation, the employee received vacation pay in the amount of 1863.47 rubles. After returning, we calculate how much vacation pay will be in terms of a full month: 1863.47 / 7 * 31 = 8252.51 rubles.

Comparing this value with the new size of the minimum wage, we see that it is less. Accordingly, vacation pay will have to be recalculated:

  • Let's calculate the average earnings based on the new minimum wage: 9489 / 29.3 = 323.86 rubles;
  • Let's calculate the amount of the surcharge: 323.86 * 7 - 1863.47 \u003d 403.55 rubles.

We calculate benefits

After raising the minimum wage, it is necessary to recalculate benefits for employees whose length of service less than 6 months. The calculation of these benefits is based precisely on the value minimum size wages. Consider examples with maternity allowance and sick pay.

maternity allowance

An employee went on maternity leave on April 1, 2018. By this time, she had 3 months 20 days of insurance experience. The average daily earnings of this employee is 365 rubles. The allowance is assigned from April 1 to August 18. During this period, the minimum wage was increased(May 1), but initially this circumstance was not taken into account when calculating the allowance.

Calculate the maximum daily allowance:

  • April, June (30 days) - 9489/30 = 316.30 rubles;
  • May, July, August (31 days) - 9489/31 = 306.10 rubles.

Both values ​​are less than the average daily wage of an employee, so the allowance is calculated based on the minimum wage. The amount of the benefit for 140 calendar days, excluding the increase in the minimum wage, was (for 4 hollow months and 18 days of August): 4 * 9489 + 9489 / 31 * 18 = 43,465.74 rubles.

Let's see how the allowance will change if we recalculate it taking into account the increase in the minimum wage. The allowance must be paid in addition, starting from May. new size Minimum wage - 11,163 rubles. Maximum daily allowance:

  • May, July, August - 11,163 / 31 = 360.10 rubles, what is less than 365 rubles, then we take the minimum wage;
  • June - 11,163 / 30 = 372.10 rubles, which is more than the average daily earnings, respectively, 365 x 30 is taken.

So the benefit will be: 9489 (April) + 11163 (May) + 365 * 30 (June) + 11,163 (July) + 11,163 / 31 x 18 (August) = 49,246.74 rubles.

Since the employee was paid 43,465.74 rubles, the surcharge will be: 49,246.74 - 43,465.74 \u003d 5781 rubles.

sick pay

Sick leave depends on experience. It is calculated on the basis of the minimum wage for those employees whose insurance period is less than 6 months. But in some cases, sick leave is considered based on the minimum wage for other employees:

  • if the disease is associated with intoxication then on the basis of the minimum wage, the allowance for the entire period is calculated;
  • if a man broke the rules then on the basis of the minimum wage, sick leave is calculated from the day of the violation (the date is fixed in sick leave doctor).

The employee fell ill from April 25 to May 11, 2018. On April 29, he committed a violation of the regime, so from that day on, the allowance is considered to be at a minimum. On May 1, the minimum wage was raised. The employee's length of service is 9.5 years, the amount of his earnings for the billing period (2 previous years) is 450,000 rubles, the number of days in the billing period is 730.

The calculation of the allowance will consist of several parts:

  1. From April 25 to April 28 (4 days), the allowance is calculated based on 100% of average earnings: 450,000 / 730 * 4 = 2465.75 rubles.
  2. For April 29 and 30 (2 days), the allowance is calculated based on the old minimum wage: 9489 * 24 / 730 * 2 = 623.93 rubles.
  3. From May 1 to May 12 (11 days), the allowance is calculated based on the new minimum wage: 11163 * 24 / 730 * 11 = 4037.03 rubles.
  4. The total payout will be: 2465.75 + 623.93 + 4037.03 = 7126.71 rubles.