Notification about the status of the personal account in the Pension Fund. How to find out your pension savings using SNILS

Pension fund The Russian Federation is accumulating cash, transferred monthly by employers for their officially employed employees. The amount of these deductions depends on future pension employee. For this purpose, a personal account is opened at the Pension Fund for all citizens. You can get acquainted with the information on it; for this purpose, an extract from the ILS ZL is drawn up. What this is will be discussed later in the article.

What is an ILS extract?

In the past, the Pension Fund independently sent letters to taxpayers with information about current state their personal account. This happened until recently - mid-2013. Currently, the state has stopped sending these letters.

Moreover, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive information of interest to him about the amount of pension accruals made by his employer in the form of a documentary extract.

An extract from the personal account of the Pension Fund is a state document that contains a table that includes all of the following points:

  1. Serial number from an entry in the existing register.
  2. Current information on the funded part of the pension.
  3. Current information on the insurance part of the pension.
  4. A list of all organizations that made contributions and the amount of these contributions.

In addition to the table itself, an extract from the Pension Fund on deductions provides the following information for study:

  • name of the document, time and date at which the document is valid;
  • Full name individual, for whom this extract was issued, as well as his date of birth;
  • insurance number of the individual personal account;
  • indicated detailed information about insurance premiums made;
  • the total amount of all funds lying on this personal account;
  • pension growth rate;
  • Name management company, which manages funds in this account.

The format of this document is standardized and the information stored in it is the same both in paper and electronic form.

Financial receipts to the personal account of an individual are made by the employer on a monthly basis.

Financial contributions are sent by the employer monthly

Purpose of discharge

A citizen’s receipt of this document is required for a variety of purposes, but most often it is necessary to obtain detailed information about tax deductions, which are associated with the formation of the employee’s future pension. Moreover, both in relation to the savings part and the insurance part. Can be obtained full view about funds accrued by all former employers.

An extract is also required in situations where you need to apply for a pension:

  • by length of service;
  • on disability;
  • military and in a number of other cases provided for by law.

The statement is very useful for verifying the correctness of the accrual of pension funds. There is always a small chance of a bureaucratic error, so it would be a good idea to independently periodically monitor the crediting of funds to your own personal account.

Information about the current status of a taxpayer’s personal account may be required in many organizations, so it makes sense to think in advance about how and where this statement can be purchased.

Legal regulation

The law of the Russian Federation provides for the procedure for calculating and accruing pensions to citizens, as well as many aspects in regulating the activities of the Pension Fund.

The main legal acts in this area are considered to be Federal Law No. 173 “On Labor Pensions in Russian Federation"and Federal Law No. 400 "On Insurance Pensions". It is these two federal laws that contain the basic provisions on legal regulation, a list of conditions for assigning a pension, the procedure for establishing the amount of the pension, how these laws are put into effect, etc.

Pension contributions are regulated by law

Federal Law No. 400 is fundamental in determining the procedure for those actions that are related to pension accruals and most often are legally based on it.

Federal Law No. 173 only partially works - on at the moment some of its chapters are no longer relevant or used in practice.

There are also a number of other legal acts, for example, Federal Law No. 56, which determine the procedure for assigning and receiving pensions by citizens. They are aimed primarily at certain social groups, such as people with disabilities, government employees, etc.

How to get an extract from a pension fund

There are several ways to get the information you need about current situation HUD:

  1. Firstly, citizens have the opportunity to independently send a request to their local Pension Fund department.
  2. In a situation where there is an agreement between the local MFC and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on their interaction, it is possible to issue the document at the nearest department of the MFC.
  3. The request can be made electronically - all you need to do is create a personal account either on the Pension Fund website or through government services.
  4. Some banks can provide statements.

Through the territorial department of the MFC and the Pension Fund of Russia

When a taxpayer personally applies to the department of the nearest MFC or Pension Fund to obtain current information about the status of a personal account, he must submit an appropriate application and a passport (or any other document identifying the applicant). If desired, he can also additionally provide his certificate pension insurance(SNILS).

The account holder has the opportunity to transfer documents by mail, but to do this they will need to first have them certified by a notary, in the manner prescribed for this. The law provides for a period of no later than 10 days for the preparation of documents from the date of submission of the application.

You can receive an extract in one of the provided ways, but you can also use several at once:

  • in the case of a personal application by an individual at the place of his actual residence in territorial department MFC or Pension Fund of Russia – an extract is issued in paper form;
  • if an individual applies at the place of his actual residence to the territorial department of the MFC or Pension Fund with a request for delivery of an extract by mail, the document will be sent by registered mail;
  • in case of a written request sent by postal order– the document will also be sent back by mail.

You can get an extract on the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia

Extract from the Pension Fund online

You can find out information about your personal account on the Internet resources “PFR” or “Gosuslugi”. All you need to do is first register your personal account on one of these sites.

Today, this is the fastest and easiest option to acquire information about the current state of the HUD. All necessary information is immediately available to any user on the same day on which he applied for it.

To gain access to your personal account on the Pension Fund website, you need to register on the State Services portal

In order to register a personal account on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you must first undergo a short registration of a new user on the “Unified Portal of Public Services” or simply carry out the authentication procedure.

You can get an extract on the State Services portal

On the “State Services” network resource, all the information necessary for the payer will be located in the “Pensions, benefits and benefits” section, where you should select from the menu list “Notification of the status of the personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.” In the selected window, the user will see a page containing the required data.

Receiving information from banks

If any bank has entered into an agreement with the Pension Fund, then it has the opportunity to provide its clients with information about their individual personal account.

Information can be provided either electronically when using ATMs or Internet banking functionality, or in printed form - in this situation it is issued by a bank teller. For example, Sberbank provides such a function through its Sberbank-online application.

Banks also have the opportunity to provide their users with access to a personal account on the website of the Russian Pension Fund.

Among other things, a citizen has the right to demand from his employer copies of documents that he sends to the Pension Fund to include this data in the employee’s individual personal account. It is worth noting that such information may differ from data on the state of the HUD.

Legislation has approved a unified form for issuing personal identification documents

Standardization of statements

The rules for document execution are clearly defined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. By Government Decree No. 192, all possible aspects and nuances related to indicating the data required in this document were worked out.

In order to avoid future difficulties in interpreting certain information contained in the extract, you should first familiarize yourself with this document.

If necessary, obtaining this document will not be difficult. But it makes sense to purchase it even in a situation where there is no need to provide it to any organization. At least for timely monitoring of the correctness of funds accrual.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation currently does not send notices to insured persons about the status of their individual personal accounts.

In accordance with Article 14 Federal Law dated 04/01/1996 No. 27-FZ “On individual (personalized) registration in the compulsory pension insurance system”, the insured person has the right to receive free of charge from the authorities of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or work, at his request, in the manner specified by him when applying, information, contained in his individual personal account ( specified information can be sent to him in the form electronic document, the procedure for registration of which is determined by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, using public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, including a unified portal of state and municipal services, as well as in other ways, including by post).

Currently, the following methods are implemented for the insured person to obtain information about the status of his individual personal account:

  • independently online through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (EPGU), subject to completing the registration procedure in unified system identification and authentication (USIA). This service involves the formation on the said portal of information about the status of the individual personal account of the insured person with the possibility of sending them to an email address of the citizen’s choice. When receiving the service, the citizen is informed that the document will be sent in a special format that guarantees the authenticity of the data. The insured person receives a package of documents containing information about the status of the individual personal account in xml and pdf format, signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature organ state power in XMLDSIG format. Detailed registration procedure and methods of obtaining public services presented in the form of training videos in the Information and Reference Section of the EPGU;
  • independently online using the electronic service “Personal Account of a Citizen” of the Internet portal “Pension Fund of the Russian Federation” in the section “ Electronic services» if you have a confirmed account in the ESIA. However, in this case, the document will not be certified by a qualified electronic signature;
  • by obtaining information about the status of the individual personal account of the insured person on the basis of an application submitted to any territorial Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Such an application can be submitted by the insured person personally (you must have a passport and insurance certificate with you) or sent to the territorial Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by mail. In this case, copies of your passport and insurance certificate, certified by established by law procedure, and the application should indicate exactly how the insured person will receive information about the status of the individual personal account of the insured person (in person or by registered mail). If the insured person expresses a desire to receive them by mail, it is necessary to indicate the full postal address of the place of residence, to which information about the status of the individual personal account of the insured person will be sent by registered mail within 10 days from the date of application;
  • by submitting a request for information about the status of the individual personal account of the insured person to the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC). You must have your passport and insurance certificate with you.

When a person gets a job, the employer pays to his individual personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation insurance premiums to the future pension fund of your employee.

These employer contributions are reflected in the form of pension points on the citizen’s individual personal account with the Pension Fund.

The same individual personal account reflects:

  • information about experience and salary,
  • as well as on the voluntary insurance contributions of the employee himself within the framework of the State Co-financing of Pensions Program.

All this information will be needed in the future for the insured person to assign him a pension under compulsory pension insurance (insurance and funded pensions). The higher white salary and the longer the period during which the employer made contributions to the Russian Pension Fund for the employee, the more pension points the employee accumulates.

The more pension points reflected in his pension account, the higher the pension under compulsory pension insurance will be.

How to obtain information about the status of an individual personal account

Information about the status of an individual personal account can be obtained:

  • by using Personal account the insured person;
  • through the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • through the Unified Portal of State (municipal) Services (EPGU) and
  • through the bank.

    information about the status of the individual personal account of the insured person;

    information on the value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC) and its components;

    information (pension rights of the insured person), on the basis of which the value of the individual pension coefficient was calculated for periods before 2015 and

    information about the amount of pension savings of the insured person.

First form. Information about the status of the individual personal account of the insured person

  • technical information:
    • details of the request on the basis of which and as of what date this information was generated;
  • personal data:
    • Full name, date of birth;
    • number of an individual personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (SNILS),
    • option pension provision in the compulsory pension insurance system (formation of only insurance or insurance and funded pensions);
    • number of years of service taken into account for granting a pension,
    • number of individual pension coefficients (pension points).

Points are awarded for each year of work, subject to the accrual of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance by employers or you personally. Since 2015, pension rights have been formed in the form of points.

Second form. Information on the value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC) and its components

The formation of pension rights in pension points (individual pension coefficients) began in 2015. If you started your working career before 2015, then all your generated pension rights were transferred to pension points (individual pension coefficients) for assigning a pension to you in the future according to the new pension formula.

This form indicates the number of pension points and its components earned before 2015 (if any) and since January 1, 2015, as well as the total number of pension points.

The IPC is calculated based on information received from employers and does not contain individual pension coefficients for periods when you carried out other socially significant activities (the period of completion of military service upon conscription, periods of childcare, for the disabled, etc.).

Third form. Information (pension rights of the insured person) on the basis of which the value of the individual pension coefficient was calculated for periods before 2015

This form describes the basic information on the basis of which the number of pension points (individual pension coefficient) was calculated for periods before 2015.


    average monthly earnings for 2000-2001,

    total work experience,

    as well as detailed information about the places of work and earnings of the insured person during a given period.

This data is necessary for calculating the estimated pension capital for further conversion into pension points. The same form indicates the amount of the estimated pension capital formed from insurance contributions in the period from 2002 to 2014.

Moreover, the total amount of pension capital is indicated taking into account the indexations carried out.

To transfer pension rights into pension points, the amount of the estimated pension capital is calculated monthly payment the insurance part of the old-age labor pension that you would have received as of December 31, 2014.

In this case, the fixed base amount is not taken into account, and then the resulting amount is divided by the cost of one pension point as of January 1, 2015 (64.1 rubles).

Your total number of pension points earned before 2015 (if any) is shown on Form 2.

This form also contains detailed information:

    about places of work,

    accrued and accounted insurance premiums, as well as

    periods of work included in the insurance period.

If you think that any information has not been taken into account or has not been taken into account in full, contact your employer to clarify the data and submit it to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Fourth form. Information about the amount of pension savings of the insured person.

The information posted in this form is reflected depending on

    from the option of pension provision in the compulsory pension insurance system,

    participation in the State Co-financing of Pensions Program, as well as

    from the insurer with whom the insured person forms his pension savings.

If you are forming pension savings in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, this form will display the following information:

    the selected management company (private or public Vnesheconombank) and the selected investment portfolio.

    If you have not chosen any management company, then your pension savings are in trust management state management company “Vnesheconombank” (investment portfolio – EXTENDED);

    the total amount of pension savings taking into account their investment with distribution according to the sources of formation of the funded pension:

  • due to insurance premiums;
  • at the expense of insurance contributions under the State Pension Co-financing Program, including employer contributions (if they are another party to the Program and pay additional insurance premiums for you), state contributions for co-financing and income from their investment.

If you are forming your pension savings in a non-state pension fund, then this form will display the following information:

    the name of the non-state pension fund, where, in accordance with your choice, the amount of pension savings was transferred;

    total amount of insurance premiums received for funded pension, without taking into account their investment with distribution according to the sources of formation of the funded pension:

  • due to insurance premiums;
  • at the expense of maternal (family) capital;
  • at the expense of insurance contributions under the State Pension Co-financing Program, including employer contributions (if they are another party to the Program and pay additional insurance premiums for you) and state contributions for pension co-financing.

If you are a participant in the State Pension Co-financing Program, this form also contains information about the amounts of contributions under this Program, including employer contributions (if they are another party to the Program and pay additional insurance contributions for you) and government contributions for pension co-financing , broken down by year.

We addressed this question to the Pension Fund Office to the head of the personalized accounting department, Oksana Vladimirovna Manko.

Corr: What is an individual personal account?
Manko: An individual personal account in the compulsory pension insurance system is not an analogue bank account. This account does not store money, but information about the citizen’s pension rights. Throughout your working life, employers pay insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, which are recorded on your individual personal account with the Pension Fund of Russia. Information about your voluntary contributions to your future pension, as well as information about your insurance period, is also reflected here.

Wherever you work in different periods your life, information about your work experience and insurance contributions from your employers in pension system are received by the Pension Fund, recorded on your individual personal account and determine your future pension rights.

Correspondent: On what basis is an individual personal account created?

Manko: An individual personal account is opened on the basis of a questionnaire, which you can submit either independently to the territorial authority at your place of residence, or through your employer. As confirmation of opening an account, you will receive a certificate of compulsory pension insurance, the so-called “green card” with a unique number for this account - SNILS. Most Russians were registered with the Pension Fund back in 1996-2001.

Corr: How does a pension depend on salary?

Manko: The basis of your future pension is the employer’s insurance contributions, which are paid monthly for you to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. With gray wage schemes, insurance contributions are either paid to minimum size, or are not paid at all. In these cases, funds are not received to replenish your pension account or your future pension is formed in the minimum amount.

Remember that only with a white salary your pension capital is formed. Check the status of your individual personal account to find out whether your employer is transferring insurance premiums for you in the proper amount.

Corr: How to find out the status of an individual personal account?

· On one's own
You must come to the Pension Fund at your place of residence or work with a passport and an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance and write a corresponding application. After 10 days from the date of application, you will be able to personally pick up an extract from your individual personal account
· Via the Internet
You must register on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services

(ILS), in other words, data that stores all information on electronic cards. This document contains all the necessary and collected materials about time worked, wages, and insurance contributions made from the insurance company. Such data is necessary pension authorities, pension assets for assignment, recalculation and adjustment of pensions. According to the law, on the territory of the Russian Federation, any legally insured person has the right to receive finance and protection from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. A personal, individual personal account is created and opened in the emerital asset. Such a card has a permanent insurance number containing control digits, which in turn make it possible to track failures and errors when using an emerital card.

Features of a special pension account

The personal pension account of any citizen living in Russia is maintained in the PS of the Russian Federation throughout the life of this person. After death, documents are stored for the designated time provided by the law on the storage of pension documents and accounts. Also, after the death of an insured person who is a member of a pension branch, the death must be reported as soon as possible. All documents and certificates must be transferred from the date of death within a period of 3 weeks or 40 days from the date of confirmation of death by the Place of Final Registration of Citizens.

The insurance number is completely individual and unique; it is available only to one citizen. An individual pension account can be created for working persons from the first days of their working career. In this case, the account will accumulate all the data and information for assigning a future pension.

Data required to fill out and provide an IPS in the Russian Federation.

For the IPS questionnaire, both personal and specific aspects from a person’s life, about a person’s life, health and education are required. You must specify:

  • Last name, first name, patronymic. For women, you must indicate both your maiden and married names. It is also worth indicating the data on what date and to which authorities the marriage ceremony and change of surname were concluded.
  • Insurance number and name of the insurance registration company. Full date of birth and place of birth.
  • City, address of permanent residence.
  • Series, number of a passport or other identification document of a person. It is necessary to indicate the authority and the date of issue of these documents.
  • Available passports, citizenship.
  • It is necessary to indicate the time of start and end of work, including the entire length of service. This is necessary to assign an individual pension.
  • If the work was life-threatening, or had special conditions and difficulties, it must also be indicated in a special section.
  • The resulting, so to speak white, is indicated wages.
  • , listed by insurance companies, as compensation or contribution.
  • Notices about calculation and recalculation of PCs.
  • Information on the establishment of a labor pension and indexation of its size.
  • Information about opening and closing an individual personal account.

How to find out materials about the current state of the personal pension account of the Russian Federation

You can find out specific, necessary information about the status of your personal account in the Russian Federation at any time, through special authorities. You can find out information about your retirement account through your employer. It is important that wages and employment are official. In this case, the employer must transfer all data about the length of service and work to. You can safely check with your superiors for all the necessary information. You can clarify the situation in your pension account by writing a registered letter to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, located in your region or city. As a rule, the response comes quickly, within approximately 10-15 business days. You can also find out all the information you need at contact number phone. You can also order an extract in advance by phone. In some regions there are PF websites where all contact information, e-mail for communication.

How to get your legal pension savings

You can receive legal, earned pension savings only upon reaching retirement age. For men this age is 60 years, and for women - 55 years. Also, if it was legally accrued before old age, due to disability, early retirement, you can also contact the Pension Fund to receive funds.