The best specialist in deposit account bailiff. Foreclosure of the debtor's funds deposited with the territorial department of bailiffs

In established cases, carries out instructions from the management of the FSSP of Russia, the FSSP of Russia in the Kursk region, the head of the department - senior bailiff, specialist of the control and audit department, chief accountant, deputy chief accountant. VII. List of issues on which a specialist expert (on maintaining a deposit account) has the right or obligation to participate in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts and (or) draft management and other decisions 7.1. An expert specialist (for maintaining a deposit account), within his competence, has the right to participate in the preparation (discussion) of projects in accordance with the Regulations on the Management and Section III of these job regulations. 7.2. An expert specialist (for maintaining a deposit account), within the limits of his competence, is obliged to participate in the preparation (discussion) of the following projects: 7.2.1. Regulations on the department; 7.2.2.

Deposits in Russia

Vacation schedule for civil servants of the department; 7.2.3. Other acts on behalf of the head of the department, senior bailiff and management of the Department.

VIII. Time frames and procedures for preparing and reviewing draft management and other decisions, the procedure for agreeing and adopting these decisions 8.1. In accordance with his official duties, the expert specialist (for maintaining a deposit account) executes documents within the time limits established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
Get full text IX. The procedure for official interaction of a specialist expert (on maintaining a deposit account) in connection with the performance of his official duties with civil servants of the same government body, civil servants of other government bodies, other citizens, as well as with organizations 9.1.

Test for bailiffs, testing your knowledge


Job advancement on a competitive basis. 4.2.10. Professional retraining, advanced training and internship in the manner established by the Federal Law and other federal laws. 4.2.11. Consideration of individual official disputes in accordance with the Federal Law and other federal laws.

4.2.12. Conducting an internal audit at his request. 4.2.13. State protection of his life and health, the life and health of his family members, as well as his property.
4.2.14. Receiving a service ID and uniform, assigning a class rank. 4.3. An expert specialist (for maintaining a deposit account) has the right, with prior notification to the head of the Department, to perform other paid work, unless this entails a conflict of interest. 4.4.

Information on the activities of the certification commission of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia

Know the organization of the department’s work, constantly improve your professional level; 3.5.2. Timely report to the head of the department - senior bailiff, deputy head of the department supervising the work of the deposit group, on changes in the state of affairs on issues within his competence, the implementation of assigned tasks and instructions; Get full text 3.5.3.


Comply with the requirements of governing documents on accounting, office work, ensuring the secrecy and security of information; 3.5.4. Carry out accounting of funds received at the temporary disposal of a structural unit in accordance with the Federal Law - Federal Law “On Accounting”, orders, instructions of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia, the Administration; 3.5.5.

Maintain a book of funds in the prescribed manner; 3.5.6.

Sample list of questions for passing the competition

The interaction of a specialist expert with federal civil servants of the Federal Bailiff Service, civil servants of other government bodies, as well as with other citizens and organizations is determined by the general principles of official conduct of civil servants in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2002 No. 885 and the requirements to official conduct established by Article 18 of the Federal Law, as well as other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Federal Bailiff Service. X. List of public services provided to citizens and organizations in accordance with the Regulations of the Federal Bailiff Service 10.1.

An expert specialist (for maintaining a deposit account) does not provide government services. XI.

Leading expert in deposit account management

Time limits for appealing the actions (inaction) of an official of the bailiff service? 11. What is meant by the term “nomenclature of cases”? 12. What is checked before opening envelopes of incoming correspondence? 13.

What is prohibited in connection with civil service? 14. Which documents of the FSSP of Russia are the main legal form for the exercise of power? 15.
Is a copy of a writ of execution the basis for its registration and initiation of enforcement proceedings? 16. What is prohibited for a civil servant in connection with civil service? 17.
How is the registration of incoming correspondence confirmed? 18. What is provided to civil servants who have irregular working hours? 19.

Telephone consultation 8 800 505-91-11

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Bailiff's deposit

Please, for what reasons do bailiffs withhold funds on their deposit and do not repay the debt?

File a complaint about the inaction of the bailiff in the manner prescribed by Art. 123 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”, namely to the senior bailiff. Federal Law of October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ (as amended on March 6, 2019) “On Enforcement Proceedings.” Article 110. Distribution of collected funds. 1. Funds collected from the debtor in the process of fulfilling the requirements contained in the writ of execution (writ of execution), including through the sale of the debtor’s property, are subject to transfer to the deposit account of the bailiff department. The transfer (issuance) of these funds is carried out in the order of priority established by parts 3 and 4 of this article, within five business days from the date of receipt of funds into the deposit account of the bailiff division. If there is no information about the bank details of the claimant, the bailiff notifies the claimant of the receipt of funds in the deposit account of the bailiff division.

Do bailiffs return money to the debtor if there is money left on deposit?

Elena, good afternoon. Excessively paid funds for enforcement proceedings can be returned by bailiffs upon written application.

How much money can be on deposit with the bailiff for distribution to creditors?

Good day, dear visitor. Of course, the bailiff distributes money on deposit weekly. Good luck in resolving your issue.

Hello, Money is not kept on deposit for a long time, usually for a week, maximum 10 days. I wish you good luck and all the best!

Good afternoon, Ekaterina! Five business days from the date of receipt of funds to the deposit account. Federal Law of October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ (as amended on November 14, 2017) “On Enforcement Proceedings” Article 110. Distribution of collected funds 1. Funds collected from the debtor in the process of fulfilling the requirements contained in the executive document, including including through the sale of the debtor's property, are subject to transfer to the deposit account of the bailiff division, with the exception of cases provided for by this Federal Law. The transfer (issuance) of these funds is carried out in the order of priority established by parts 3 and 4 of this article, within five business days from the date of receipt of funds into the deposit account of the bailiff division. If there is no information about the bank details of the claimant, the bailiff notifies the claimant of the receipt of funds in the deposit account of the bailiff division. 2. Funds not claimed by the claimant are stored in the deposit account of the bailiff department for three years. After this period, the specified funds are transferred to the federal budget. 3. Funds received into the deposit account of the bailiff department during the execution of the property claims contained in the executive document are distributed in the following order: 1) first of all, the claims of the claimant are satisfied in full, including reimbursement of expenses incurred by him in carrying out enforcement actions ; 2) secondly, other expenses for carrying out enforcement actions are reimbursed; 3) thirdly, the enforcement fee is paid; 4. Funds received into the deposit account of the bailiff department during the execution of the non-property demands contained in the executive document are distributed in the following order: 1) first of all, the costs of carrying out enforcement actions are reimbursed; 2) in the second place, the enforcement fee is paid; 5. The requirements of each subsequent queue are satisfied after the requirements of the previous queue are satisfied in full. 6. The funds remaining after satisfaction of all specified requirements are returned to the debtor. The bailiff notifies the debtor of the availability of the balance of funds and the possibility of receiving them within three days.

A certain amount of money from the debtor’s pension has accumulated on the bailiffs’ deposit, which is not transferred to me due to the fact that the accountant quit and there is no one to transfer it to my account. Recently, the debtor and I talked and came to an agreement that he is ready to pay off part of the debt, and I am ready to forgive the remaining part and take the writ of execution, writing a receipt stating that there are no claims against the debtor regarding the debt. Two questions:
1) After the enforcement proceedings are closed, will the funds from the deposit be transferred to me when the bailiffs find a new accountant, or will they go back to the debtor due to the fact that the debt has already been closed?
2) Maybe we need to draw up some kind of agreement with the debtor regarding the money on deposit?

Write a complaint to the main department of bailiffs. The absence of an accountant should not infringe on your civil rights. The debtor fulfills his duty. It’s just that his money will never reach you due to the fault of the officials.

Funds from the debtor were transferred to the bailiffs' deposit at the beginning of March 2016. I still haven't received the money. I call every week and every time they tell me that the money has been distributed, but the boss (who only handles the transfer) is busy. Wait. Please tell me what my next steps are in this situation?

File a claim in court regarding the bailiff’s inaction

Write a written complaint addressed to a higher bailiff and (or) file a complaint with the court about the inaction of officials.

The ex-husband transfers alimony through bailiffs, now they have money on deposit since January, what to do in such cases? And how to apply for alimony in hard currency?

Contact the bailiffs. The lawsuit is being filed again.

Write a statement of complaint addressed to the senior bailiff. With a new lawsuit in court.

Alimony is deposited with the bailiffs, they have all my account details, but the money doesn’t arrive because they don’t have a permanent accountant, how can I solve the problem.

Complaint to the bailiff management

Natalia, write a complaint addressed to the head of the OSB or contact the Court. Good luck!

If the bailiffs are inactive regarding the collection of funds from him, it is necessary to appeal their inaction to their management, the prosecutor's office or the court. In addition, you have the right to collect a penalty for alimony. According to Art. 115 of the RF IC When a debt arises through the fault of a person obligated to pay alimony by court decision, the guilty person pays the alimony recipient a penalty in the amount of one-half percent of the amount of unpaid alimony for each day of delay.

Hello, first appeal the actions (inaction) to the manager, then to the court. Write that you will recover moral damages and penalties from the FSSP for retaining your funds. Money can also go to your account, why do you need a bailiffs deposit? Resolve this issue without their deposit

What should I do if the defendant transferred funds to the deposit of the bailiffs and the bailiffs are in no hurry to pay them to me for 10 months, they have already contacted the city. The court, twice to the arbitration court and even to the prosecutor’s office, but no result.

Write a complaint to Artur Olegovich Parfenchikov

He transferred alimony to the deposit of the bailiff service. Three years have passed and it is unknown where the claimant lives. In accordance with Art. 110 z-na On enforcement proceedings, the money must go to the budget. So what is next. The claimant will show up and start all over again? How to prevent money from going into the budget?

Hello! I recommend that you contact the bailiff with a petition and ask him to make a request to the Federal Migration Service in order to establish the place of residence of the claimant and the child in whose favor alimony was collected. In any case, you fulfilled your duties according to the writ of execution and transferred the money to the bailiff.

The bailiffs have not transferred funds to me for 2 weeks already, but there is already money on deposit, I provided them with the bank details, went to the boss and promised to take control, and the silence is not really possible to get through to me, what should I do?

You can submit a written complaint to the head of the bailiff service

The bailiff service received money for deposit from an LLC, I have a power of attorney from this LLC, with a living seal, with the right to receive the awarded property (money), the bailiffs say that the power of attorney needs to be notarized, but the notary says that nothing like that is needed , if there is a power of attorney from a legal entity. persons with the listed powers, then you can receive money from it, you need to notarize it only with real estate transactions, is the bailiff right, is it necessary to notarize such a power of attorney.

Yes, it is necessary to certify a power of attorney; these are the requirements of the Federal Law on Enforcement Proceedings.

The LLC does not need to be notarized, the LLC seal is sufficient.

The bailiff service has 13 thousand on deposit, which is what the debtor transferred to me as the plaintiff, but the bailiffs do not transfer it to me, they say no, the accountant quit, as soon as someone gets a job in the accounting department, we will transfer it. It is legal? If not, what should I do?

You can appeal the actions/inaction of bailiffs to the senior bailiff or to the court in accordance with the procedure defined by Chapter 18 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”. Appeals against actions (inactions) of officials of the Federal Bailiff Service are carried out in accordance with the judicial procedure provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation dated 04/27/1993 No. 4866-1 (as amended on 02/09/2009) “On appealing to court actions and decisions that violate the rights and freedoms of citizens” .

Is this legal? If not, what should I do? -- Hello. The actions of the bailiff are not legal; you can appeal them to a higher bailiff or in court. Article 123. Filing a complaint in the order of subordination 1. A complaint against a decision of a bailiff or a deputy senior bailiff, with the exception of a resolution approved by a senior bailiff, against their actions (inaction) is submitted to the senior bailiff, under whose subordination the bailiff is located. executor or deputy senior bailiff. 2. A complaint against a resolution of a bailiff, approved by a senior bailiff, a resolution of a senior bailiff, a deputy chief bailiff of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, against their actions (inaction) is submitted to the chief bailiff of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, under whose subordination they are. 2.1. A complaint against the resolution of the bailiff of a division of the Federal Bailiff Service, approved by the senior bailiff, the resolution of the senior bailiff of the specified division, against their actions (inaction) is submitted to the deputy chief bailiff of the Russian Federation. 3. A complaint against a decision of the chief bailiff of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a deputy chief bailiff of the Russian Federation, and against their actions (inaction) is submitted to the chief bailiff of the Russian Federation. 4. A complaint against a decision of an official of the bailiff service, his actions (inaction) can be filed either directly to a higher official of the bailiff service, or through an official of the bailiff service, the decision, actions (inaction) of which are being appealed. 5. Officials of the bailiff service, decisions, actions (inaction) of which are being appealed, forward the complaint to a higher official of the bailiff service within three days from the date of its receipt. 6. In cases where an official of the bailiff service who has received a complaint against a decision, actions (inaction) is not competent to consider it, the said official is obliged to forward the complaint within three days to the official of the bailiff service authorized to consider it, notifying about this to in writing by the person who filed the complaint. 7. The person who filed the complaint may withdraw it before a decision is made on it.

Both the actions and inactions of the bailiff can be appealed in the order of subordination by filing a Complaint or in court at the location of the FSSP department by filing an Application to challenge the decisions of an official of the bailiff service, his actions (inaction). The procedure for appealing in the order of subordination is established in Article 123 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ. The form and content of the complaint submitted in the order of subordination are given in Article 124 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ. The complaint is filed within 10 days from the moment the person learned of the unlawful action (inaction) of the official. An application to challenge the decisions of an official of the bailiff service, his actions (inaction) is submitted to the court in the manner established by Article 441 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Documents can be sent by mail.

Of course not. These are their problems. Write a complaint. Appeals against actions (inaction) of officials of the Federal Bailiff Service are carried out in accordance with the procedure defined by Chapter 18 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”. An appeal is also possible in court as provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation of April 27, 1993 No. 4866-1 (as amended on February 9, 2009) “On appealing to the court actions and decisions that violate the rights and freedoms of citizens,” Art. 441 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Hello! Appeal the inaction of the FSSP of the Russian Federation to a higher authority or to court.

BM transferred the arrears of alimony to the deposit of the bailiffs, the bailiffs have not transferred this amount of alimony to me for 2 months without any reason. Who should I sue for a penalty for the period when the money was on deposit?

It's the bailiffs' fault

On deposit with the bailiffs are funds seized from the debtor in the process of enforcement proceedings. According to Article 110 of the Federal Law on Enforcement Proceedings, Clause 4, the deadline is overdue. The bailiff does not transfer funds and does not make contact. Please help me write a COMPLAINT correctly!

write a complaint in any form - the essence of the problem, a request to take appropriate measures

Ksenia, good evening! To draw up a complaint, it is necessary to analyze all the circumstances of your case and the available documents. Contact us tomorrow at the phone number below, our company provides the services you need.

My funds have been on deposit with the bailiff for a month now, and the bailiff was obliged to return them to me, because... The accounting department sent the funds by mistake. How can I get them back? How long does it take for the bailiff to return the money?

There is no specific deadline for your case. Submit a written statement to the bailiff; in case of inaction, write a complaint to the senior bailiff or prosecutor.

The money must be returned to you within 5 days

How long do bailiffs have the right to hold on their deposit funds from the sale of seized property?

In accordance with Art. 2 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings” (with subsequent amendments) (hereinafter referred to as the Law), the tasks of enforcement proceedings are the correct and timely execution of judicial acts, acts of other bodies and officials, and in those provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation cases of execution of other documents in order to protect the violated rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations. By virtue of Part 1 of Art. 30 of the Law, the bailiff initiates enforcement proceedings on the basis of a writ of execution at the request of the claimant. According to Art. 110 of the Law, funds collected from the debtor in the process of fulfilling the requirements contained in the writ of execution, including through the sale of the debtor’s property, are subject to transfer to the deposit account of the bailiff unit, except for the cases provided for by this Federal Law. The transfer (issuance) of these funds is carried out in the order of priority established by parts 3 and 4 of this article, within five business days from the date of receipt of funds into the deposit account of the bailiff division. If there is no information about the bank details of the claimant, the bailiff notifies the claimant of the receipt of funds in the deposit account of the bailiff division. Funds not claimed by the collector are stored in the deposit account of the bailiff division for three years. After this period, the specified funds are transferred to the federal budget.

Part 5 Art. 107 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” states: “Money proceeds from the sale of the debtor’s property and remaining after reimbursement of enforcement costs are returned to the debtor. Money not claimed by the debtor is stored in the deposit account of the bailiff department for three years. After this period the specified funds are transferred to the federal budget." Art. 110 of the Federal Law specifies: "1. Funds collected from the debtor in the process of fulfilling the requirements contained in the writ of execution, including through the sale of the debtor's property, are subject to transfer to the deposit account of the bailiff unit, except for the cases provided for by this Federal Law. Transfer (disbursement) of the specified funds is carried out in the order of priority established by parts 3 and 4 of this article, within five business days from the date of receipt of funds in the deposit account of the bailiff department. In the absence of information about the bank details of the collector, the bailiff notifies the collector. about the receipt of funds in the deposit account of the bailiffs' unit. 2. Funds not claimed by the collector are stored in the deposit account of the bailiffs' unit for three years. After this period, the specified funds are transferred to the federal budget."

bailiffs have the right to withhold funds from the sale of seized property on their deposit, and the period for this is not established by law. Part 4 art. 80 of Federal Law No. 229-FZ of October 2, 2007 “On Enforcement Proceedings” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 229-FZ) determines that the seizure of the debtor’s property includes a prohibition to dispose of property, and, if necessary, a restriction of the right to use property or seizure of property. Thus, the seizure of the debtor’s property itself does not mean its alienation, that is, the transfer of ownership of it to another owner. Therefore, accounting of seized property until it is sold at auction is carried out by the debtor organization in the generally established manner. Clause 4 of Art. 161 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides that when selling confiscated property, property sold by court decision, etc. on the territory of the Russian Federation, the tax base is determined based on the price of the property (valuables) being sold, determined taking into account the provisions of Art. 40 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, tax agents are recognized as bodies, organizations or individual entrepreneurs authorized to sell the specified property. Thus, we believe that when selling the debtor’s property at auction, the provisions of clause 4 of Art. 161 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. This point of view is confirmed by the explanations of the Ministry of Finance of Russia (see, for example, letters dated November 11, 2009 N 03-07-11/300 and letters dated June 11, 2009 N 03-07-11/155). In letter dated 06/11/2009 N 03-07-11/155, specialists from the Russian Ministry of Finance also note that, by virtue of clause 1 of Art. 168 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when selling goods, tax agents are required to present the corresponding amount of VAT for payment to buyers in addition to the price of the goods sold. At the same time, tax agents calculate, withhold from the taxpayer (debtor) and transfer the amount of VAT to the budget (clause 1 of Article 24 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, invoices are also drawn up by tax agents (clause 16 of the Rules for maintaining logs of received and issued invoices, purchase books and sales books for value added tax calculations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 2, 2000 N 914).

Igor, transfer (issuance) of collected funds is carried out within five business days from the date of receipt of funds into the deposit account of the bailiff division. If there is no information about the bank details of the claimant, the bailiff notifies the claimant of the receipt of funds in the deposit account of the bailiff division.

Dear Igor. According to Part 1 of Art. 110 of the Federal Law of 02.10.2007 N 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”, funds collected from the debtor in the process of fulfilling the requirements contained in the executive document, including through the sale of the debtor’s property, are subject to transfer to the deposit account of the bailiff division, for except in cases provided for by the said Federal Law. The transfer (issuance) of these funds is carried out in the order of priority established by parts 3 and 4 of this article, within five business days from the date of receipt of funds into the deposit account of the bailiff division. If there is no information about the bank details of the claimant, the bailiff notifies the claimant of the receipt of funds in the deposit account of the bailiff division. From the analysis of these norms it follows that these enforcement actions must be carried out by the bailiff in a timely manner, that is, the funds collected from the debtor (deposited) must be transferred to the recoverer within five days after they are received into the deposit account of the bailiff department. Storing funds on the SSP deposit is three years, i.e. within the period for presentation of the writ of execution.

The total period within which the seized property must be sold is two months from the date of its transfer. If the debtor's property has not been sold within one month from the date of its transfer on a commission basis or if the first auction is declared invalid, the Federal Property Management Agency or specialized organizations notify the bailiff, who issues a decision to reduce the price by fifteen percent. When the debtor's property has not been sold within one month after the price reduction, the bailiff sends the claimant an offer to keep this property.

If the claimant refuses to relinquish the debtor's property or does not receive notification from him of the decision to retain the unrealized property, the property is offered to other claimants. In the absence of such or in the absence of their decision to keep the unrealized property, it is returned to the debtor. The date of completion of the process of sale of seized property is the date of transfer of funds to the appropriate account of the department of the territorial body of the Federal Bailiff Service, or the date of the act of acceptance and transfer (return) of the property, or, if the property is recalled and was not transferred for sale, the date of the decision on the revocation seized property from sale. Thus, the sale of the debtor’s seized property is carried out in the manner and within the time limits established by law with the participation of not only the bailiff service, but also the Federal Agency for State Property Management, as well as specialized organizations.

What should I do if the alimony provider has transferred alimony to the deposit of the bailiffs and the bailiffs have not been in a hurry to pay them to me for a month now?

file a complaint with the head of the SP service

Hello. You have the right to appeal the actions of the bailiff to a higher authority or to court. Good luck.

Well, what is the question, in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, appeal the inaction of the bailiffs, oblige them to carry out the transfers, you are exempt from state duty!

What sanctions can be applied to the bailiff service if the debtor deposited money (in case of non-payment of alimony since July 2010) from 08/26/2011. And the claimant was paid on March 22, 2012 with the explanation that the funds were not transferred to the claimant due to the lack of a bank account for the claimant. During this period (since 2010), did the claimant bombard the SSP with letters, statements and complaints? Thank you.

Unfortunately, the bailiffs are not authorized to issue the collected funds in cash. Therefore, you just had to open an account in any of the banks and report it to the bailiffs. If this was the case, then you cannot hope to apply sanctions to the bailiffs. If you reported the account to the bailiffs or they did not explained the reason immediately, then you can apply to the court to recover damages caused by the inaction of the SSP.

How long are funds kept on deposit with bailiffs until the funds are transferred to the claimant? Thank you.

The concept of bailiff deposit

Definition 1

The bailiffs' deposit is the totality of funds that are collected from the debtor in the process of fulfilling the requirements reflected in the writ of execution, including through the sale of even the debtor's property, which must be credited to the deposit account of the bailiffs' division.

In practice, at present, all funds collected from debtors must first be credited to the deposit account of the bailiff department, after which they must be transferred to the accounts of the collectors. This procedure has been established by the management of the bailiff service.

Transfer of funds to the deposit of bailiffs

In a situation of foreclosure on the debtor’s property on the basis of executive documents, first of all, it occurs on his funds, both in national and foreign currency, and other valuables, including those located on deposits, accounts or in storage as in banks themselves, as well as in other credit institutions (except for the debtor’s funds, which are in collateral, trading, nominal and clearing accounts).

As for the collection of funds in foreign currency, this happens due to the lack of funds in the national currency or their insufficiency with such a debtor.

In the absence of funds or their insufficiency from the debtor, foreclosure is applied to other property that is in his ownership, economic management and operational management (except for property that is not subject to recovery according to the law, regardless of whose and where it is actually owned or it is in use and the property withdrawn from circulation). Such property is subject to sale, and the funds are deposited with the bailiffs.

Note 1

The debtor has the right to indicate the property on which he asks to foreclose first, but the final decision on the priority of foreclosure on the property will be made by the bailiff.

If the debtor has property that belongs to him by right of common ownership, recovery will be carried out only in relation to his share.

Use of funds from bailiff deposits

Once received, these funds are subject to distribution in a certain order.

If there are claims of a property nature, the procedure in the executive document will be as follows:

  • first, the claims of the claimant himself are subject to satisfaction in full, including reimbursement of expenses incurred by him in carrying out enforcement actions,
  • then the remaining costs of carrying out enforcement actions are subject to reimbursement,
  • Only after this is the execution fee paid.

If there are claims of a non-property nature, the procedure in the executive document will be as follows:

  • first, the costs of carrying out enforcement actions are subject to satisfaction,
  • then an enforcement fee is payable.

Note 2

As for the requirements of each subsequent queue, they will be subject to satisfaction after the requirements of the previous queue are satisfied, and in full.

The funds that remain after the entire sequence of claims have been satisfied must be returned to the debtor. The duties of the bailiff include informing the debtor within a period of three days about the presence of such a balance of funds and, accordingly, the possibility of receiving them.

Funds that were not claimed by the collector are subject to storage in the deposit of bailiffs for a certain period; at the moment, at the legislative level, a period of three years is specified, after which the mentioned funds are subject to transfer to the federal budget.

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Shabolovskaya metro station, Moscow

28,000 rub. (bachelor's degree) in areas of investment Job responsibilities: - preparation of standard acts of the Pension Fund of Russia within the competencedepartment,- maintaining department records; - preparation and submission of periodic reports to the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Ministry of Labor of Russia; -...


Factory district, Kostroma - 18,000 rub.

economic, legal). Responsibilities: Working with documentation, knowledge of computer basics at the level of a confident user, working with


funds transfer account.

Conditions: Full benefits package, stable salary, quarterly bonuses, OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL BAILTIF SERVICE FOR KRASNOD...

Apsheronsk, Krasnodar region

Irkutsk and Sverdlovsk regions. We are interested in attracting energetic, ambitious, proactive and responsible

20,000 rub. legal entities of the Banking Operations Accounting Department (Ekaterinburg) Additional wishes: Higher education in economics. Experience in accounting for banking transactions for at least 2 years. Knowledge of bank accounting rules

Working hours Unregulated working hours Job responsibilities Work with documents, compile and fill out reports, work with documents. Additional wishes Conscientious fulfillment of assigned duties and assignments. Economic Education...

...Quick response 18 days agoVTB Bank (PJSC) -, deposit accounts"; Confident PC user, MS Office, 1C. Conditions: opportunity to become part of a large...

8 days ago

Federal Bailiff Service of Russia for the Moscow region - Dolgoprudny, Moscow region.