Budget process in the Russian Federation. Review and approval of the federal budget Who draws up the federal budget of the Russian Federation

Consideration and approval of the budget is carried out in legislative bodies (Federal Assembly), representative bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation, and local government bodies.

Government of the Russian Federation submits to the State Duma:

Draft federal law on the tariffs of insurance contributions to state extra-budgetary funds for the next financial year.

Draft federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year with explanatory documents and materials;

Draft federal laws: on introducing amendments and additions to the legislative acts of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees; about budgetary state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation; on introducing amendments and additions to the Federal Law “On the Budget Classification of the Russian Federation”.

An assessment of the expected execution of the federal budget for the current financial year and the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation for the reporting financial year;

Draft programs for providing guarantees and providing federal budget funds on a repayable basis;

Proposals for expenses for the maintenance of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies;

Quarterly distribution of federal budget revenues and expenses for the next financial year.

Bank of Russia before October 1, submits to the State Duma a draft of the main directions of the unified state monetary policy for the next financial year. The previously specified project is sent to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.

State Duma Council, Having received the above documents and materials, sends them to the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, and also approves other committees responsible for considering individual sections and subsections of the federal budget. In addition, the draft federal law on the federal budget is sent by the Council of the State Duma to the President of the Russian Federation, to the Federation Council, committees of the State Duma, other legal entities, as well as to the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation for conclusion. After receiving the committee’s conclusion, the State Duma considers the draft in 4 readings:

1. The main directions of budget and tax policy, forecasts for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the external borrowing project, federal budget revenues and total expenditures are discussed.

If the draft budget is rejected in the first reading, the State Duma may:

Submit the bill to the conciliation commission to clarify the main characteristics of the budget. The conciliation commission includes representatives of: the State Duma, the Government, the Federation Council;

Return the bill to the Government for revision;

Raise the question of trust in the Government.

2. Federal budget expenditures are approved according to functional classification within the limits of expenditures approved in the first reading. The draft is considered within 15 days after adoption in the first reading.

3. Federal budget expenditures are approved by subsections of the functional classification and main fund managers (within 25 days).

4. The State Duma considers the bill within 15 days after the budget is adopted in the 3rd reading. Voting is carried out and amendments are not allowed. After adoption, the bill is submitted within 5 days to the Federation Council for consideration. The Federation Council must consider it within 14 days from the date of receipt. This approved Federal Law is sent to the President within 5 days for signing and promulgation.

If rejected by the Federation Council, it is transferred to the conciliation commission, after which it is again considered by the Duma. If the State Duma does not agree with the decision of the Federation Council, the Federal Law is considered adopted if at least 2/3 of the total number of the State Duma votes for it.

The President has 14 days to sign the federal law. If he rejects the law, the State Duma and the Federation Council consider it again. However, if at least 2/3 of the total number of parliament voted for the Federal Law, it is adopted in the previous wording and is subject to promulgation within 7 days.

If a federal law is not approved before the start of the financial year, then financial expenses in the first quarter of the year are carried out in the same amounts as in the previous year.

Execution and conclusion of the budget

Budget execution begins after the federal law is approved by the President. This stage includes the implementation of income and expenditure parts.

Budget execution is ensured by the Ministry of Finance and the entire financial management system of the Russian Federation. For the prompt execution of the budget, a list of income and expenses is compiled (quarterly by article, section). It is approved by the relevant authorities.

The organization of budget execution is entrusted to the Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation.

Treasury budget execution system differs from banking primarily in that the treasury concentrates both cash flows that arise in the process of budget execution - income and expenditure - in one account.

The treasury system of budget execution is regulated by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation. Budgets of all levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation are executed on the basis principle of unity of cash , which provides for the crediting of all incoming budget revenues, the attraction and repayment of sources of financing the budget deficit and the implementation of all expenses from a single budget account, with the exception of operations for the execution of the federal budget carried out outside the Russian Federation.

Execution of budgets by income provides:

Transfer and crediting of income to a single budget account;

Distribution of regulatory revenues in accordance with the approved budget;

Rice. 8.2. Drawing up, reviewing and approving the federal budget

Refund of excess amounts of income paid to the budget;

Accounting for budget revenues and reporting on the revenues of the corresponding budget.

Execution of expenditure budgets carried out within the limits of the actual availability of budgetary funds in a single account of the corresponding budget, while mandatory, consistently carried out procedures for authorizing and financing expenses must be observed.

All stages of the budget process are shown in Figure 8.2 for a clearer presentation.

The main stages of authorization and financing in the execution of budget expenditures are:

Drawing up and approval of the budget schedule. Budget schedule - the main operational plan for the distribution of income and expenses by divisions of the budget classification, in which the deadlines for the receipt of taxes and other payments and the expenditure of budget funds during the year are indicated;

Approval and communication of notifications about budgetary allocations to managers and recipients of budgetary funds, as well as approval of estimates of income and expenses by managers of budgetary funds and budgetary institutions;

Approval and communication of notifications about the limits of budget obligations to managers and recipients of budget funds;

Acceptance of monetary obligations by recipients of budget funds;

Confirmation and verification of fulfillment of monetary obligations;

Spending of budget funds (financing procedure). The work on executing budgets at all levels ends in the Russian Federation on December 31. Budget commitment limits expire on December 31. Acceptance of budget commitments after December 25 is not allowed. Confirmation of budgetary commitments is due to be completed by the Federal Treasury on December 28. Until December 31 inclusive, the Federal Treasury is obliged to pay accepted and confirmed budget obligations. Accounts used for the execution of the federal budget of the year being completed must be closed at 24 hours on December 31.

Reconstructions of non-profit institutions and many other events of national importance are largely compensated by national wealth. Its formation and structuring is a complex and time-consuming process, and we will try to understand it in this article.

Concept of the federal budget

The federal budget is the fundamental treasury of any state, which is a system of relationships based on imperative funds that are an integral part of government funds. National financial wealth is based on the main socio-economic functions of the country, from which the main directions of future income and expenses are identified.

In turn, the federal one performs the most important functions in the life support of the state system:

  • stimulates social policy;
  • regulates economic processes within the country;
  • takes part in the redistribution of GDP and national income;
  • controls cash flow.

As we see, this financial instrument has more than enough tasks, so the government takes a thorough approach to its formation and structuring, which we will talk about next.

How the budget is adopted

We all understand that the federal budget is not just a money supply, it is a huge complex mechanism, and each of us is interested in what principles officials are guided by when adopting it.

Typically, the treasury is approved in four hearings and includes the following series of procedures:

  1. Based on statistical data from key industries, the final indicators for the previous reporting period are assessed.
  2. Next, the immediate prospects for the socio-economic development of the state are predicted.
  3. The main points of the upcoming tax and budget policy are highlighted.
  4. Based on development plans for key areas, a consolidated budget and consolidated financial balance are forecast.
  5. Next, federal programs for various purposes are predicted - targeted, investment and defense.
  6. Agreements of an international nature that have any financial obligations are taken into account.
  7. Federal budget accounts for other expenses are taken into account.
  8. An upcoming program aimed at implementing external loans is being considered.
  9. Proposals on the level of minimum indexation of social payments are being considered.
  10. Regulatory and legal acts are suspended, the financing of which is not provided for in the budget policy for the next year.

Required programs

The draft federal budget as a financial instrument also bears a certain social responsibility to its people, so some mandatory programs still take place, but each of them is carefully checked for compliance.

For this purpose, there is a legally approved clear algorithm of actions:

  • the government is provided with a justification for the project from a technical and economic point of view, since the state apparatus must be confident in the need to finance a particular procedure from the treasury;
  • further, the social and environmental consequences of the implementation of a certain program are predicted;
  • guided by current legislation, the government makes a decision on the direct amount of funding for a specific project;
  • other necessary documentation is prepared.

Principles of formation of the federal budget

Any details related to the formation and disposal of the state treasury are regulated by this legal act - the Federal Law on the Federal Budget. A clearly defined algorithm of actions when a particular situation arises is extremely important in modern unstable market relations. Because it would be strange and highly inappropriate, after the adoption of the treasury structure for the current year, to manage funds for social payments in favor of strengthening national defense.

Therefore, every disposal of public funds, even of a minor nature, is regulated by current legislation and is based on the following principles:

  • all receipts of financial flows are classified into groups and classes depending on economic and territorial predisposition - this means that some local budget revenues remain at the disposal of the district, and vice versa;
  • if a deficit occurs due to excessive expenses, the missing funds are covered, also based on the structural component of the financial instrument.

In general, it is difficult to describe the mechanism for managing the state treasury in a few sentences, but below we will try to understand this complex structure.

Federal budget structure

We all understand that only higher executive authorities cannot manage a huge complex of cash flows. The federal budget is a financial institution of incomparable size, and in world practice there are several generally accepted structures for its regulation:

  • banking;
  • mixed;
  • treasury

Once upon a time, a banking structure was practiced in the Russian Federation, which made it possible to record movement at the level of payment and was regulated by the Central Bank. But such a system turned out to be imperfect due to untimely display of information, so it was decided to switch to treasury management.

Budget management

In addition to the principles of disposal, the federal law on the federal budget also regulates all this property.

Thus, at the first stage is the Main Directorate of the Federal Treasury, which is responsible for balancing all current income and expenses, as well as informing executive authorities about this.

At the second level is the Treasury Department, which reports directly to the district authorities. The functions of this institution are to inform higher authorities about income and execute orders on expenses on its territory.

The third level of management includes local city and district treasuries, which keep track of the movement of public funds in the designated area.

Functions of the Central Treasury

All federal budget funds are, in one way or another, accounted for by employees of the Central Treasury, which is entrusted with a number of important functions and tasks:

  • distribution of budget revenues between government bodies at various levels;
  • accounting of any kind of payments, including tax payments, in accounts of state importance;
  • carrying out returns and offsets of excessively or erroneously transferred funds between treasuries of all levels;
  • recalculation of planned indicators taking into account various types of deferments and benefits;
  • setting restrictions on certain financing;
  • constant control of expenses in order to effectively manage the state treasury;
  • management of all financial flows in treasury bank accounts.

Sources of income

Who forms the state treasury? Let's get acquainted with the participants in this complex and continuous process:

Thus, we can say that extremely important and indispensable participants in this mechanism are business entities that have certain obligations to the country. But there are also non-tax ones, which include fines, penalties and other penalties that arose in the course of relations with government bodies.

Sources of expenses

The federal expenditure budget is the result of settlement formations that are fully dependent on the revenue side. The size of this sector of the state treasury is directly proportional to both the population and the country as a whole. Of course, this does not mean that they are fully satisfied, but nevertheless they are taken into account in annual planning. They are distributed according to the following principles:

  • sectoral (formed based on the needs of various departments and ministries);
  • territorial (area of ​​participation of the country's subjects, that is, the population);
  • functional (costs are carried out in accordance with the stated target programs, which may include social, environmental, scientific and other issues).

Any decisions on government spending are taken directly by the Central Treasury and

Budget balance

Over the past decades, the federal budget of the Russian Federation has not been able to boast of its balance, which, in principle, is normal in world practice - it always exceeds something: either income or expenses.

Thus, in the 90s of the last century, there was a persistent budget deficit, which means that the need for socio-economic regulation of the state was much greater than the receipt of funds from taxpayers.

However, in recent years the situation has changed exactly the opposite, and at the moment there is a steady surplus in the national treasury.

Federal budget regulation

Now the government has set the most important task - increasing economic efficiency against the backdrop of foreign policy, which means that the structure of state financial reserves is first of all regulated. Various principles of social funds management are regulated by the Federal Law on the Federal Budget.

But we all understand that it is difficult to predict anything in such unstable market relations, which largely depend on international relations. Therefore, against the backdrop of recent events, a special Stabilization Fund was created, aimed at supporting economic growth through a budget surplus.

Russian Federation. It is developed by the government and approved by the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the form of a federal law. Expresses economic relations that mediate the process of accumulation, distribution and use of Russia's monetary fund.

Review and approval

Drawing up and approval of the report

Based on the results of budget execution, a federal law is adopted, which contains actual indicators of income, expenses and sources of financing the deficit.

Federal budget structure

Actual federal budget revenues
year trillion rub.
2007 7,781
2008 9,276
2009 7,338
2010 8,305
2011 11,368
2012 12,856
2013 13,020
2014 14,497
2015 13,659
2016 13,460
2017 15,089
Actual federal budget expenditures
year trillion rub.
2007 5,987
2008 7,567
2009 9,637
2010 10,116
2011 10,926
2012 12,895
2013 13,343
2014 14,832
2015 15,620
2016 16,416
2017 16,420
Unified portal of the budget system of Russia

Change history

During 2000-2005, expenditures on interbudgetary transfers increased at the fastest pace (due to cuts in the regional and municipal budgets’ own revenues and the redistribution of these funds through the federal center and in connection with the transfer of funds to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to cover its deficit), as well as expenditures on public administration and security. This is also explained by the increase in the state apparatus (in 2005, according to Rosstat, the number of civil servants increased by 11%, or by 143 thousand people). Expenditures on road construction, economic development, as well as interest expenses (that is, servicing external debt) decreased relatively. .

Revenues from natural resources

As one of the world's largest oil and gas producing countries, Russia receives significant revenues from the use of its resources, some of these revenues are withdrawn into the country's budget system in the form of taxes and fees. However, the degree of seizure changed over time. Thus, during the large-scale tax reform carried out in Russia in the 2000s, the system of taxation of the raw materials sector was radically changed: the mechanism of export duties was reconfigured and a mineral extraction tax was introduced, which made it possible to increase the share of oil and gas rent captured by the state budget, with from less than 40% in 2000 to 84% in 2005.

At the same time, at present, over 98% of all taxes for the use of natural resources and 100% of all income from foreign economic activity (including export duties on oil, petroleum products, etc.) go to the federal budget, and not to the regional ones. Therefore, the share of “raw materials” revenues in the federal budget is relatively high compared to the same share in the consolidated budget (includes, in addition to the federal budget, all regional budgets and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds). Thus, if the 2008 federal budget consisted of 50% of oil and gas revenues, then the same figure for the consolidated budget of the same year was slightly more than 30%.

The 2011 budget was based on a forecast oil price of $105 per barrel.

Since 2013, the so-called budget rule, which determines the maximum level of spending, has officially come into force. budget based on oil prices.

According to some estimates, before the fall in oil prices in 2015, energy exports (oil, gas, etc.) accounted for about half of Russian budget revenues.

Costs associated with tobacco use

In total, the total indirect losses from smoking due to lower labor productivity (unconfirmed information) and additional losses from the disability of smokers correspond to 21.59% of the consolidated budget expenditures on health care.

Economic losses from smoking amount to about 3% of Russia's GDP.

Budget transparency

In the ranking of budget transparency (openness) compiled by the International Budget Partnership (IBP), Russia took 15th place in the world (out of 100 countries studied) at the end of 2017. IBP indicates that the Russian government provides the public with significant information about the budget, but at the same time there is little opportunity for the public to participate in the budget process.

In 2019, journalists noted the growth of the classified part of the state budget of the Russian Federation: for example, in the document for 2020, expenses of 17% of the total amount of expenses are hidden.

The Government of the Russian Federation, no later than October 1 of the current financial year, submits draft laws on the federal budget and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds for consideration to the State Duma. At the same time, bills are submitted to the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

The draft law on the federal budget clarifies the indicators of the approved federal budget of the planning period and approves the indicators of the second year of the planning period.

Within 10 days from the date of submission to the State Duma of the draft law on the federal budget, the responsible committees of the State Duma prepare and send opinions on the bill to the Budget Committee. Next, the bill is subject to consideration by State Duma deputies in three readings.

First reading – 30 days from the date of submission of the bill to the State Duma.

During the first reading, deputies hear the report of the Government of the Russian Federation, co-reports of the chairmen of the Budget Committee and the Committee responsible for considering the forecast for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, and the report of the chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Subject of the first reading:

- To concept of the law on the federal budget;

Forecast of socio-economic development;

Directions of budget and tax policy;

Main characteristics of the federal budget:

1) the total amount of income, highlighting oil and gas income;

2) standards for the distribution of income between budgets;

3) total expenses;

4) conditionally approved expenses in the amount of not less than 2.5% of the volume of expenses for the first year of the planning period and not less than 5% for the second year of the planning period;

5) the upper limit of state internal and external debt;

6) standard value of the Reserve Fund;

7) budget deficit (surplus).

If a bill is rejected in the first reading, the State Duma may make one of the following decisions:

Submit the bill to the conciliation commission to clarify the main characteristics of the budget (the conciliation commission is tripartite, including representatives of the State Duma, the Federation Council and the Government of the Russian Federation);

Return the bill to the Government for revision;

Raise the question of trust in the Government.

Repeated rejection of the bill is possible if the State Duma raises the question of confidence in the Government.

Second reading - 35 days from the date of adoption of the bill in the first reading.

Subject of the second reading:

List of chief revenue administrators and chief administrators of sources of financing the budget deficit;

Budget allocations in terms of the functional structure of the budget classification of expenses;

Distribution of interbudgetary transfers between the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Programs for providing loans, internal and external borrowings, government guarantees;

Long-term targeted programs;

Text articles of the law on the federal budget.

During the consideration of the bill in the second reading, the Budget Committee prepares summary tables of amendments to expenditures in the context of the functional structure of the classification. Relevant committees review amendments and present the results to the Budget Committee. The Budget Committee subsequently submits summary tables of amendments for consideration to the State Duma with a decision on their acceptance or rejection.

Third reading – 15 days from the date of adoption of the bill in the second reading.

During the third reading, the departmental expenditure structure and the bill as a whole are approved.

Within 5 days, a bill adopted by the State Duma is sent to the Federation Council, which must consider it within 14 days.

The bill approved by the Federation Council is submitted to the President of the Russian Federation for signing within 5 days. The Budget Code of the Russian Federation provides for procedures for rejecting a bill when it is considered by the Federation Council and the President.

After the law is signed by the President, it must be published in the media within 5 days. The law comes into force on January 1 of the next financial year.

Budgeting- the stage of the budget process at which the composition and volume of income, expenses and receipts from sources of financing the budget deficit for the next financial year and planning period are determined.

Drawing up draft budgets is the exclusive prerogative of the Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments. Direct preparation of draft relevant budgets is carried out by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, financial authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

Budget preparation is based on the Budget Message of the President of the Russian Federation; forecast of socio-economic development of the territory; the main directions of budget and tax policy in order to financially support expenditure obligations.

For the timely and high-quality preparation of draft budgets, the necessary information is required on the composition and rates of taxes in accordance with the current tax legislation; standards for deductions from federal, regional and state taxes; expected volumes of interbudgetary transfers provided from other budgets; types and volumes of expenses transferred from one level of the budget system of the Russian Federation to another; minimum levels of estimated budgetary provision of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities. Financial authorities have the right to receive the specified information from financial authorities at other levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation, as well as from other state bodies, local governments and legal entities.

The draft federal budget is drawn up and approved for a period of three years: the next financial year and the planning period (two subsequent years). The main stages of drawing up the draft federal budget are determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29. 2007 No. 1010 “On the procedure for drawing up the draft federal budget and draft budgets of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation for the next financial year and planning period.”

So, in a year, preceding the current financial year, Government Commission on Budget Projects for the next financial year and planning period (Budget Commission):

a) before November 1, approves the schedule for the preparation and consideration of draft federal laws, documents and materials developed during the preparation of the draft federal budget, presented by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation jointly with the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation;

b) before December 15, reviews and agrees on draft main directions of tax, customs, tariff, and budget policies for the next financial year and planning period; makes decisions on submitting concepts for long-term (federal) target programs (for implementation starting from the next financial year or planning period) to the Government of the Russian Federation for consideration.

The Government of the Russian Federation, before December 30, considers an updated forecast of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the current financial year, the next financial year and the first year of the planning period; approves the concepts of long-term (federal) target programs.

Most of the stages of drafting the federal budget occur in the current fiscal year.

The Government of the Russian Federation, until February 15, approves the main directions of tax and customs tariff policy.

Subjects of budget planning, before March 1, send to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation proposals for the preparation and implementation, starting from the next financial year or planning period, of budget investments in capital construction projects not included in long-term (federal) target programs, as well as to the Ministry regional development of the Russian Federation - the specified proposals regarding comprehensive territorial development.

The Budget Commission, before April 1, reviews and approves these proposals submitted no later than March 15.

Subjects of budget planning - federal executive authorities - before April 1, submit to the Government Commission for assessing the performance of federal and regional executive authorities, as well as to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, draft reports on the results and main areas of activity (goals, objectives and performance indicators).

The Government of the Russian Federation, before April 15, approves the scenario conditions and main parameters of the forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the next financial year and planning period; proposals to reduce (change the structure) of the current expenditure obligations of the Russian Federation starting from the next financial year or planning period; main directions of budget policy; proposals for budget investments not included in long-term (federal) target programs.

Subjects of budget planning, before May 1, send to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation proposals to change the volume and (or) structure of the Russian Federation’s expenditure obligations for the next financial year and the first year of the planning period; in terms of the volume and (or) structure of the expenditure obligations of the Russian Federation for the second year of the planning period in part due to projects of long-term (federal) target programs, amendments to approved programs of this kind and drafts of other regulatory legal acts (decisions) on the preparation and implementation of budget investments from the federal budget, as well as to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation - the specified proposals in terms of comprehensive territorial development and the provision of subsidies to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The Budget Commission, before June 1, reviews and approves the above proposals submitted no later than May 15 by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

The Government of the Russian Federation, before June 15, approves the main characteristics of the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period; approves the distribution of the total (maximum) volume of budgetary allocations for the fulfillment of the accepted expenditure obligations of the Russian Federation; approves long-term (federal) target programs proposed for implementation starting from the next financial year (planning period), as well as changes made to the approved programs; adopts acts (amends acts) on the preparation and implementation of budget investments in capital construction projects not included in long-term (federal) target programs; makes other decisions necessary to prepare a draft law on the federal budget.

Subjects of budget planning, before July 15, submit to the Government Commission for assessing the performance of federal and regional executive authorities, as well as to the above ministries, draft salaries on the results and main activities for the next financial year and planning period, subject to clarification before November 1, taking into account consideration of the draft federal budget for the next financial year and planning period by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Review and approval of the budget- stage of the budget process, which falls within the competence of the relevant legislative (representative) bodies of state power and representative bodies of local self-government. At this stage, their right to budget initiative is exercised and an assessment is made of the draft budget presented by the executive authorities for the next financial year. The budget initiative represents the right of legislative bodies and other subjects of the right of legislative initiative to make changes to the draft budget, as well as to propose draft laws relating to the budgetary sphere.

Successful consideration and approval of the budget is impossible without compliance with certain requirements that characterize the relationship between legislative (representative) authorities and executive authorities in the budget process.

1. Taking into account the time factor - allocating sufficient time to discuss the draft budget in the representative body; adoption of the budget before the beginning of the planned year so that executive authorities do not have the opportunity to uncontrollably use budget funds in the period before the approval of the budget; the introduction of temporary budget management in the event that the law (decision) on the budget has not come into force since the beginning of the financial year (Article 190 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation), which limits the possibilities of budget recipients, since financing of expenses is carried out based on the indicators established in the previous year.

2. Submission to the legislative body of a draft budget, carefully developed, transparent, with the necessary information: government report; conclusion of the external financial control body (Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, control and accounting chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities); reports and opinions of independent experts on the financial situation; competent and impartial representation of the budget process in the media; the opportunity to study in detail government proposals on certain expenses and the effectiveness of planned programs.

3. Creative cooperation between the State Duma and the Government of the Russian Federation, the creation of conciliation commissions to overcome disagreements on the subjects of readings. Executive authorities must give an objective assessment in their conclusions to proposals from legislative authorities to increase the volume of expenditures from the point of view of the usefulness and financial feasibility of their implementation. It is necessary to strictly follow the rules for accepting new expenses only if the source of their coverage is indicated or the existing expenses are redistributed. In addition, the right of “veto” of executive authorities at all levels on the budget law adopted by representative authorities consolidates their actions to develop an optimal budget.

4. Certainty in the execution of the current year's budget Legislative bodies should not interfere with the execution of the budget without sufficient grounds.

5. Timely development and approval of individual laws and regulations that have implications for the budget (law on taxes, payments to the population, etc.), their simultaneous adoption with approval of the budget. It is advisable to consider and
adoption of interrelated legal documents as a package. At the same time, bill developers must clearly justify the need for the adoption of the law, its concept, and also provide a financial and economic justification.

6. The presence of a procedure for parliamentary control regulated by law with the definition of forms of control, the powers of legislative (representative) authorities, including the possibility of creating its own control body to conduct an external audit of the budget.

The Government of the Russian Federation submits to the State Duma for consideration a draft federal law on the federal budget for the next year and the planning period no later than August 26 of the current year, simultaneously with documents and materials characterizing the preliminary results and forecast of socio-economic development, the main directions of budget and tax policy; with a forecast of the main parameters of the budget system of the Russian Federation, an explanatory note to the bill and other materials, as well as draft federal laws on the approval of reports on the execution of the federal budget and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation in the reporting financial year; on the budgets of these funds for the next financial year and planning period; on insurance tariffs for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases for the next financial year and planning period; on changing the dates of entry into force (suspension) in the next financial year and planning period of certain provisions of federal laws that are not provided with sources of funding in the next financial year and (or) planning period.

The State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, responsible for reviewing the budget, prepares conclusions on the compliance of the submitted documents and materials with the requirements of Art. 192 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation. The Duma Council makes a decision on accepting the bill for consideration by the lower chamber or returning it to the Government of the Russian Federation for revision.

The draft of this law is sent within three days to the Federation Council, committees of the State Duma, other subjects of the right of legislative initiative (Article 104 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) for comments and suggestions, as well as to the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation for conclusion.

The State Duma is considering a draft federal law on the federal budget in three readings, for which 35, 30 and 15 days are allocated respectively from the date of its introduction or adoption in the previous reading.

Subjects of the law of legislative and budgetary initiative send their amendments on the subjects of readings to the Committee on Budget and Taxes, which conducts an examination of the submitted amendments, prepares summary tables and sends them to the relevant specialized committees of the State Duma.

In the first reading the concept of the draft federal budget, the forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the main directions of budget and tax policy, including the forecast of the volume of gross domestic product and the level of inflation indicated in the Federal Law on the Federal Budget, on the basis of which the main characteristics of the federal budget are formed, are discussed.

The subject of consideration in the first reading is main characteristics of the federal budget:

The total volume of revenues forecast for the next financial year and planning period, highlighting the volume of oil and gas revenues;

Appendix to the federal law on the federal budget, on standards for the distribution of income between budgets for the next financial year and planning period, if they are not approved by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation;

The total amount of expenses in the next financial year and planning period;

Conditionally approved expenses in the amount of at least 2.5% and 5% of the total volume of federal budget expenses, respectively, for the first and second years of the planning period;

The volume of oil and gas transfer in the next financial year and planning period;

The upper limit of the state internal and external debt of the Russian Federation at the end of each year;

Standard value of the Reserve Fund in the next financial year and planning period;

Federal budget deficit (surplus).

When approving these characteristics, the volume of gross domestic product forecast for the corresponding financial year and the level of inflation (consumer prices), determined by the ratio of the indicators for December of the current and previous years, are indicated.

When approving the main characteristics in the first reading, the State Duma does not have the right to increase revenues and the federal budget deficit if these changes do not have a positive opinion from the Government of the Russian Federation.

If the draft law is rejected in the first reading, the chamber may:

Submit it to the conciliation commission to clarify the main characteristics of the federal budget (hereinafter referred to as the conciliation commission), consisting of representatives of the State Duma, the Federation Council and the Government of the Russian Federation, to develop an agreed version of the main characteristics of the federal budget
in accordance with the proposals and recommendations of the committees responsible for considering the subject of the first reading;

Return the said bill to the Government of the Russian Federation for revision;

Raise the question of trust in the Government of the Russian Federation.

In the second reading are considered:

Appendices to the federal law on the federal budget, establishing a list of the main administrators of federal budget revenues and sources of financing the federal budget deficit;

Budget allocations (with the exception of conditionally approved or approved expenses approved in the first reading) by sections, subsections, target items and types of expenses of the classification of federal budget expenses for the next financial year and planning period within the limits of the total amount of expenses approved in the first reading;

An application establishing the distribution of interbudgetary transfers between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Programs for the next financial year and planning period ( Applications):

A) providing government loans;

B) government internal borrowings of the Russian Federation;

C) government external borrowings of the Russian Federation;

D) state guarantees of the Russian Federation in rubles;

D) state guarantees of the Russian Federation in foreign currency;

Text articles of the draft federal law on the federal budget.

In the third reading the departmental structure of federal budget expenditures is approved for the next financial year, for the first and second years of the planning period. The bill is then put to a vote as a whole.

After the adoption by the State Duma of the federal law on the federal budget, it is transferred to the Federation Council within five days, since according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation it is subject to mandatory consideration by the upper chamber. Within 14 days from the date of presentation, the Federation Council considers this law and votes for its approval as a whole. Then this law, within five days from the date of approval by the Federation Council, is sent to the President of the Russian Federation for signing and promulgation.

In Art. 190 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation provides “ Interim Budget Management" If the law (decision) on the budget has not come into force since the beginning of the current year, then the financial authority has the right to monthly inform the main managers of budgetary funds of budgetary allocations and limits of budgetary obligations in the amount of no more than 1/12 of the specified indicators in the reporting financial year. Other indicators are applied in the amounts (standards) and in the manner established by the law (decision) on the budget for the reporting financial year.

The procedure for the distribution and (or) provision of interbudgetary transfers to other budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation remains in the form determined for the reporting financial year.

If the law (decision) on the budget has not entered into force three months after the start of the financial year, then the financial authority organizes the execution of the budget subject to the specified conditions. At the same time, he does not have the right to increase the limits of budgetary obligations and budgetary allocations for budgetary investments and subsidies to legal entities and individuals established by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation; provide budget loans; borrow in the amount of more than 1/8 of the volume of borrowings in the previous financial year per quarter; form reserve funds.

However, the listed restrictions do not apply to expenses associated with the fulfillment of public regulatory obligations, servicing and repayment of state (municipal) debt, and implementation of international treaties.

At the regional and local levels, consideration and approval of budgets are carried out in a similar manner, taking into account some features associated with the unicameral structure of legislative (representative) bodies; fewer readings; signing the law (decision) on the budget by the highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (head of the municipal entity), etc.

Draft regional and local budgets are drawn up for a period of one year or three years. When drawing up a draft budget for the next financial year, a medium-term financial plan for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal district, or an urban district is developed and approved. This plan is understood as a document containing the main parameters of the regional (local) budget. The draft medium-term financial plan is submitted to the legislative (representative) body simultaneously with the draft budget. The indicator values ​​of the specified projects must correspond to each other.

When drawing up draft budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, their consideration and approval, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are guided by the provisions of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, other federal regulations, as well as their own legislation, in particular the law on the budget structure and budget process in the relevant territory, the annually adopted law on regional budget for the next financial year and planning period and
other acts.

The development of draft local budgets, their consideration and approval are carried out independently by local government bodies on the basis of the provisions of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law dated 06.10.2003 No. 131-F3 “On the general principles of organizing local government in the Russian Federation”, budget legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and decisions of representative representatives local government bodies.

(Materials are based on: A.G. Gryaznova. E.V. Markina Finance. Textbook. 2nd ed. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2012)