Management company rdi. Developer GC "RDI Group" development company ("RDI Group", "RDI Development", LLC "Ardiay")

"RDI Group" company is a huge holding company that masters and develops large territories. The main thing that RDIGroup does is investment in real estate and development.

The construction company "RDI" was founded in 2005. In 2007, the RDI company launched 12 projects. In 2008, a division was created - the company " Country Project" The company has entered into a partnership agreement with the company “Limitless”, which is located in the UAE. This was done for the construction of the Zagorodny Kvartal residential complex.

In 2010, the RDIService company was created to manage real estate. And in the same year, Golovkovo State Farm LLC took over the management of the company.

In 2011, RDIDevelopment became the general sponsor of the Vitiligo Research Foundation. In 2012, the company “RDITelecom” (“RDITelecom”) was created. And in the same year, the contemporary art fair “Viennafair” became part of the Group of Companies.

"RDI Group" new buildings

The Ardiay Group LLC company invested about 120 billion rubles in the projects of its group. Since 2012, the Zagorodny Project company began to bear the name “RDI”.

"RDI" developer is building several objects. For example, “RDI Group” new buildings: architectural suburbs “Western Valley” and “Southern Valley” with the principles of new urbanism. Innovative architecture is also used in the M3 suburb. It is also building the M4 technology park, an industrial area.

"RDITelecom" was created to offer communication services and information support for residential and industrial facilities. This includes video surveillance, public Wi-Fi, and mobile access to information about utility bills.

Composition of the company "RDI Group"

The group includes:

  • "RDI Development" - construction;
  • “RDI Service” (“RDI Real Estate”) - operation and management of real estate;
  • "RDI Telecom";
  • "RDIGeo" - geodesy and cartography;
  • State farm "Golovkovo" - supplies raw materials for Wimm-Bill-Dann and Danone. There are about 2100 heads. Produces about 6,200 tons of milk per year;
  • Art projects. The group collaborates with artists and architects.

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Dmitry Aksenov "RDI Group".

"RDI Group" General Director - Korotchenkov Sergey Vladimirovich "RDI".

Office: business center "RigaLand" on Novorizhskoe highway (Business Center "RigaLand").

Objects of the developer LLC "ArDiI"

The company specializes in the development of projects in the residential and commercial real estate. It successfully carries out complex development on large areas in the suburbs of Moscow, and also creates original detached residential complexes.

All real estate objects of RDI Group (RDI) are built using advanced technologies and safe environmentally friendly materials, green building methods are used. IN track record companies - many successfully implemented housing and industrial projects (townhouses, cottages, apartment buildings, technopark "M4")

The company considers its main mission to be the creation of affordable, comfortable and functional residential and commercial real estate. Highly qualified specialists were able to create a unique business model, thanks to which the company can stably implement projects even in crisis situations.

RDI Group is a stable company that is dynamically expanding its geography and offering clients a variety of real estate properties in which high European quality and original design solutions are ideally matched with an affordable price.

The structure of the company

The group of companies includes subsidiaries that provide comprehensive support for any project at all stages of construction, as well as providing a full range of management services implemented projects.

In addition to the development company, the group includes the RDI Service company, which manages finished facilities, the RDI Telecom company (communications), GeoExpress (geodetic work and cartography), and an agricultural complex.


Since 2011, the company has confidently been one of the top development companies in the real estate market of the Moscow region. She has repeatedly become a winner in various categories of prestigious Russian and international awards and festivals.

It unites a number of companies operating in different segments, which makes it possible to build a diversified, risk-resistant business.

The main activity of the Group is development and investment to real estate.

We carry out projects for the integrated development and development of large territories and manage residential apartment complexes. The investment block is engaged in strategic and portfolio financing of the sphere of innovation, high technology, telecommunications and consulting. The group also includes the agro-industrial complex. A unique line of business is investing in cultural services and projects, our flagship division is the viennacontemporary art fair.

History of the Group


    Creation of a company to manage land assets






    An RDI Service division is being created to service real estate properties. The company acquires an agribusiness: the Golovkovo state farm.



    RDI Telecom, the telecommunications division of the Group, is created.






R D I G r o u p
  • 2005

    Creation of a company to manage land assets.

  • 2006

    Development and investment in real estate are becoming a priority activity of the company

  • 2007

    The group is launching 12 projects in residential, commercial and industrial real estate

  • 2008

    A group of companies is launching an industrial park and developing a business line - cottage plots without a contract.

  • 2009

    The group opens a new direction of residential real estate

  • 2010
  • 2011

    The company begins to engage in comprehensive development of territories.

  • 2012
  • 2013

    The RDI Culture division is being created. RDI Culture's mission is to integrate art and cultural objects into projects to create unique residential environments and modern public spaces.

  • 2014

    Priority directions Groups of companies are becoming investments in international assets in Berlin and Austria.

  • 2015

    The group begins active development portfolio investments in digital.

  • 2016

    The group entered into a number of major investment transactions. The concluded partnership agreements allowed us to lay the foundation for further development new strategy companies.

  • 2017

    The company is actively developing resource, energy and telecommunications areas, strengthening the RDI.Digital direction, expanding the scope of cultural projects


The mission is to create a harmonious environment for human life and development. Through our projects, share your enthusiasm and passion, fill people's lives with inspiration, make it bright and meaningful.

  • Liberty We set ourselves the task of giving people more possibilities choice. Create conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual.
  • Art A limitless world that gives us the ability to see more.
  • Passion The driving force that inspires us to seek new things. This is collateral High Quality, innovative approaches and creative solutions.
  • Responsibility Acting for the good, we are honest with ourselves and are fully responsible for the result. We value our name, reputation, evaluation of clients and partners.

Founder's Letter

Our company is experiencing significant positive changes. We can proudly say that over the past years we have become a serious player in the market for integrated development of territories.

We learned not only to build houses. We have accumulated experience in various fields that help us create new modern spaces for a comfortable life.

RDI today is, first of all, understanding and anticipating the needs of our customers, creating people's needs for a new type of living space and satisfying them at the highest quality and aesthetic level.

Solving such problems requires from us dedication, high professionalism, knowledge and application of the best domestic and world practices.

Each of us is passionate and inspired by our work.

It is this approach to business that is the key to high quality, innovative and creative solutions.

By creating new spaces “with soul”, we change the world around us. We believe that we are creating an environment that is a source of strength for new steps, achievements and victories. An environment where people will be passionate about life.

Dmitry Aksenov Chairman of the Board of Directors, RDI.Group


RDI Group strives to find the best solutions to implement its ideas. Attraction leading architectural and design bureaus, the largest engineering and development companies, financial institutions, international consulting groups, the best construction companies allows the company to create projects that are unique in their content.

Social responsibility

Self-awareness as members modern society, understanding your responsibility and ownership to social problems is no less important than success in business.

We try to participate in a variety of community initiatives.

We are the general sponsor of the Vitiligo Research Foundation (USA).

VR Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit foundation created in 2011 with the goal of developing effective therapy for millions of people suffering from vitiligo. The Foundation unites many laboratories in different countries of the world engaged in research into this disease and trying to find effective method his treatment.


The RDI Group group of companies is a dynamically developing holding.

All Group companies firmly adhere to the principles corporate development and financial control. RDI Group is open to cooperation with promising specialists and with market professionals who have already proven themselves in a particular field of activity.

Basic operating principles of RDI Group - efficiency, responsibility, respecting the interests of shareholders and partners of the Group’s enterprises.

If you are interested in working in our company, you can send your resume with a note indicating what Professional area activities you are interested in at . We will review your resume and contact you if a suitable vacancy becomes available.

(9) “RDI Group” is an investment and management holding that unites companies operating in different segments: Development, investment, agribusiness, art.



In 2005, the “fat” year, RDI Group was created and. Based on the Region-R group of companies, a commercial division of the all-Russian public organization veterans According to market participants, these two “fighting brothers” controlled 90% of the group’s assets on a parity basis. However, in the midst financial crisis and began dividing the joint business. As participants in the Moscow region real estate market say, at the end of 2010, RDI Group finally left.

"Affiliated companies"


Vladimir Komar - CEO RDI Group


Hectares are being cut off from the “Country Quarter”

RDI is prevented by shareholders from reaching an agreement with the creditor

A group of shareholders of Zagorodny Kvartal objects to the terms of the settlement agreement signed by RDI (part of Dmitry Aksenov’s group of companies of the same name) with its creditor Igrek-Brand LLC as part of a debt settlement for 1 billion rubles. “The agreement is drawn up in such a way that Igrek-brand receives 62 hectares of land, and if the developer violates any of the obligations established by the agreement (even those independent of the will of the developer), the creditor has the right to demand all the land where construction is taking place,” Kommersant reported. Chairman of the shareholders' committee Oleg Kravets. He represents by proxy the interests of a relative who bought an apartment in the “Country Quarter”. Now two shareholders are allowed to participate in court as a third party with independent claims. RDI management, continues Oleg Kravets, does not consider obligations to shareholders a priority and warned apartment buyers that their demands will be satisfied last.

General Director of ArDiAi LLC Sergei Korotchenkov told Kommersant that all court-approved debt to shareholders has been repaid. After the execution of the settlement agreement, about 40 hectares remain vacant, which is enough to complete construction, the top manager explained. Now, he continues, four contracting companies are working at the construction site and the developer confirms the fulfillment of all its obligations to shareholders in full. However, Sberbank, which is interested in the safety of the collateral, also objects to the settlement agreement, since it issued mortgages to buyers of apartments in the “Country Quarter,” says one of the shareholders. The bank's press service does not comment on the situation.

In 2012, RDI received 1 billion rubles. from Expobank Igor Kim. Later, the rights to claim the debt were transferred to the Igrek-brand company, which filed for collection in court. According to, Igrek-brand LLC belonged to Mr. Kim. But in January of this year Nikolai Mashkarin became the owner. RDI told Kommersant that the company itself and Mr. Mashkarin are abandoning claims in relation to plots of land under residential development. The documents in court do not reflect this, argues Oleg Kravets.

Shareholders of Zagorodny Kvartal want to challenge the RDI settlement agreement

The settlement agreement, which allows the developer RDI to transfer to the creditor in payment of 1 billion rubles more than 60 hectares in the Zagorodny Kvartal residential complex under construction in Khimki near Moscow, was in jeopardy, the Kommersant newspaper wrote on Wednesday.

Half of the “Country Quarter” in Khimki will be given to the creditor for debts

The creditor of the Sheremetyevo-4 company, which is building the Zagorodny Kvartal residential complex in Khimki near Moscow, will receive half of the development territory of this residential complex in compensation for the debt, Vedomosti reports. The creditor is the Igrek-Brand company, which bought the developer’s debt in the amount of 1 billion rubles. at Expobank in February 2015. “Igrek-brand” will get 60 of the 113 hectares of land on which 730 thousand square meters were to be built. m of real estate, the newspaper writes.

RDI has settled with creditors the issue of construction of the Zagorodny Kvartal residential complex

According to the signed agreement, the main creditor of the Igrek-Brand company will be given a plot from the project’s land bank to offset the debt. The last stage of the project was planned to be implemented on this site in the long term. General Director of the Igrek-Brand company Nikolai Mashkarin noted that the strategy for working with this asset will be approved in the near future. “Several scenarios are currently being considered. The main thing is that all agreements have been reached,” he said.

A joint venture between developers RDI and Limitless is selling half of the Zagorodny Kvartal

Now, according to an RDI representative, Sheremetyevo-4 intends to transfer to the creditor cash, which is also provided for in the settlement agreement. The total amount of debt, taking into account fines and penalties, is about 1.2 billion rubles, said a source close to one of the parties to the transaction. The general director of Igrek-brand, Nikolai Mashkarin, through a representative, confirmed the fact of an agreement to pay his company in money. The press secretary of the law firm “Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasyev and Partners,” which represents the interests of Limitless in the courts, declined to comment.

Moscow Region landlords from RDI Group share business

The financial crisis, which became a serious test for Russian developers, forced large landlords to reconsider their plans. As RBC daily learned, shareholders of RDI Group, which before the crisis occupied second place in the rating of landowners in the Moscow region (29 thousand hectares), decided to split the business. Most of the group's lands were consolidated by Dmitry Sablin, who will develop them under the brand of the Interregional Development Company. The RDI Group, controlled by Dmitry Aksenov, still has previously launched development projects on 464 hectares and another 6 thousand hectares for development.

An Arab quarter will grow in Khimki

Dmitry Aksenov, who last year divided the RDI Group development business with his former partner Dmitry Sablin, revived the joint venture with the Arab company Limitless. As RBC daily learned, developers have begun construction of a satellite city with an area of ​​900 thousand square meters. m in the Khimki region. This project was announced about five years ago, but due to the crisis it remained on paper.

Landlords from RDI Group divided the land

The shareholders of RDI Group decided to divide the business, which before the crisis occupied second place in the ranking of landowners in the Moscow region (29 thousand hectares).

Landlords from RDI Group divided the business

The shareholders of RDI Group, which before the crisis occupied second place in the rating of landowners near Moscow, decided to split the business. Most of the lands were consolidated by Dmitry Sablin. He intends to develop them under the brand of the Interregional Development Company (MDK).

The company RDI Group and Limitless offered an installment plan for the purchase of housing in the Zagorodny Kvartal residential complex

A joint venture between RDI Group and Limitless, which is the developer of the residential complex“Country Quarter”, located 8 km from the Moscow Ring Road along Leningradskoye Shosse, offered its clients a convenient form of installment plan when purchasing apartments until the first of September. A quick and simple installment plan is more convenient and profitable than the mortgage programs offered in such cases. Currently, active construction of three houses of 4, 5 and 6 storeys, as well as 30 townhouses, is underway in the residential area. At the final stage of construction there are 6 townhouses, the construction of turnkey cottages is being completed, and in 4 storey building a ventilated façade is installed.

Shareholders of the landlord RDI Group decided to split the business

Shareholders of the landlord RDI Group, which before the crisis ranked second in the ranking of landowners in the Moscow region (29 thousand hectares), decided to divide the business, the RBC daily newspaper wrote on Wednesday.