Measurement of gross regional product. Gross regional product (GRP) GRP indicator of the level of economic development

Results scorecard economic activity at the level of the country's economy as a whole should be supplemented by a system of indicators characterizing the results of economic activity at the regional level.

The logical continuation of the SNA for the regional level is the system of regional accounts (SRS), the methodological principles for constructing which were developed Nobel laureate R. Stone in the 50s of the XX century. Currently, regional accounts are being built in many countries of the world. In Russia, only the first steps have been taken so far to create a CDS in the subjects of the Federation: the production account and individual elements of a number of other accounts are being developed.

central position in the SNA it occupies the gross domestic product indicator, and in the CDS it occupies its regional counterpart, the gross regional product (GRP). Without them, it is impossible to build the most important national (regional) accounts). GDP is used in all market and transition economies in macroeconomic analysis and economic policy as the main indicator. The role of the GRP is not yet so authoritative, however, it is also being used more and more widely as an instrument of regional policy.

Gross regional product GRP - an indicator that characterizes the results of the production of goods and services in the region in accordance with the principles of the SNA, is calculated as the difference between the output of goods and services and intermediate consumption.

GRP does not include (or partially includes) the results of activities aimed at fulfilling national functions and not having a strict territorial reference (central administration, defense, monetary system, foreign trade, etc.). As a result, the total GRP is noticeably less than GDP: for example, for the observed 1994-2000. its value, according to the calculations of Rosstat, fluctuated in the range from 86 to 91%.

The problem is not only that the GRP does not take into account some of the activities actually carried out in the region and therefore reflected in other regional indicators (employment, household income, consumer spending, land use, etc.). The main thing is that the undistributed part of the GRP fluctuates over time and is not the same in different regions of Russia. Naturally, the services and costs of central administration and international activities are largely carried out in Moscow, and the activities of the army affect the locations of military units, that is, first of all, the provinces.

Thus, the gross domestic product of the GDP cannot be calculated as the sum of the gross regional products of the GRP for all subjects of the Russian Federation.

Rosstat has been conducting official calculations of GRP in current prices since 1994 for 79 subjects of the Federation, and since 1999 for 88 subjects. GRP is determined by the production method as the sum of the produced gross value added in all sectors national economy. GRP calculations in comparable prices have been carried out by Rosstat only since 1997.

In inter-regional comparisons of GRP (as well as in international comparisons of GDP), it is necessary to take into account regional differences in prices for goods and services.

Actual final consumption is an indicator that characterizes the results of the economic activity of the region at the stage of final use of GDP. This indicator measures the consumption of goods and services by households at the expense of their own income and through transfers in kind received from state institutions and non-state institutions. non-profit organizations(individual health services, education, culture, etc.). Actual final consumption characterizes the level of well-being of the region's population.

Control questions

1. Name three levels of economic indicators.

2. Describe the gross output.

4. What is not included in the gross output?

5. How is the gross output of the economy determined?

6. What are the features of calculating the gross output of industrial enterprises.

7. What applies to the industrial activities of households?

8. What is included in the gross output Agriculture?

9. What does the gross output of construction include?

10. Describe the gross output of transport. Note the features of the gross output of the road sector, communications, trade and public catering establishments.

11. What are the essence and composition of intermediate consumption?

12. What is related to material costs?

13. Describe intangible services.

14. What is included in the composition of material costs and intangible services in the industry?

15. Describe intermediate consumption in agriculture, construction and transport.

16. What is “gross value added”?

17. How to determine the net value added?

18. What is the difference between gross and net profit enterprises?

19. What is gross domestic product?

20. Describe the indicator of gross national income.

21. What is called net national income?

22. How is gross national disposable income calculated?

23. What is "gross capital formation"?

25. What are the values?

26. Describe the composition of the national wealth.



4.1.Production method

4.2 Distribution method

4.3 End use method

Gross domestic product is the main macroeconomic indicator of the performance of the economy in the statistics of most countries and international organizations (UN, OECD, IMF, IBRD). This is one of the main indicators of the system of national accounts, which characterizes the final result of the production activities of resident economic units.

Gross domestic product - the market value of all goods and services produced by residents in a given period for final use at market prices. It includes the value of goods and services produced and does not include the value of intermediate goods and services used in manufacturing process(raw materials, materials, fuel, transport services, financial services, etc.). At the same time, like other indicators of economic performance calculated on a gross basis, GDP includes consumption of fixed capital. GDP can be calculated by 3 methods, each of which corresponds to a certain stage of the reproduction cycle:

1) by the production method - at the stage of production of goods and services;

2) by the distribution method - at the stage of distribution;

3) by the end use method - at the stage of end use.

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Gross regional product (GRP) is the central indicator of the system of national accounts (SNA), which characterizes the value of final goods and services produced by residents of the country for a given period. GRP is calculated at end-use market prices, that is, at prices paid by the buyer, including all trade and transport margins and taxes on products. GRP is used to characterize the results of production, the level of economic development, the pace economic growth, analysis of labor productivity in the economy and so on.

Before proceeding to characterize the methods for calculating GRP, it is necessary to focus on the key points in the concept of the indicator.

First of all, GRP is an indicator of the product produced, which is the value of the final goods and services produced. This means that the value of intermediate goods and services used in the production process (such as raw materials, materials, fuels, energy, seeds, feed, trucking services, wholesalers, commercial and Financial services etc.), is not included in the GRP. Otherwise, the GRP would contain a repeat account.

End products are goods and services that are bought by consumers for final use and not for resale. Intermediate products are goods and services that are further processed or resold several times before reaching the final consumer.

In order to correctly calculate total output, it is necessary that all products and services produced in a given year be counted once, and no more. Most products go through several production stages before they reach the market. As a result, the individual parts and components of most products are bought and sold multiple times. Thus, in order to avoid multiple accounting of parts of products that are sold and resold, only the market value of final products is taken into account in calculating GRP and intermediate products are excluded.

Therefore, in order to avoid multiple double counting, GRP should act as the cost of final goods and services and include only the value created (added) at each intermediate stage of processing.

Let us consider in more detail the concept of value added.

Value added (VA) is the value created in the production process at a given enterprise and covers the real contribution of the enterprise to the creation of the value of a particular product, i.e. wages, profits and depreciation of a particular enterprise. Therefore, the cost of raw materials and materials consumed, which were purchased from suppliers, and in the creation of which the enterprise did not participate, is not included in the value added of the product produced by this enterprise.

In other words, the value added is the gross output of the enterprise (or the market price of the output) minus the current material costs, but with the inclusion of deductions for depreciation (since the fixed assets of the enterprise take part in creating a new value of the products). In Soviet practice, this indicator was called conditionally net production.

GRP is also a domestic product because it is produced by residents. Residents include all economic units (businesses and households), regardless of their nationality and citizenship having a center of economic interest in the territory of a given country (region). This means that they are engaged in production activities or reside in the economic territory of the country for a long time (at least a year). The economic territory of a country is the territory administered by the government of that country within which persons, goods and money can move freely. Unlike geographical territory, it does not include territorial enclaves of other countries (embassies, military bases), but includes such enclaves of a given country located on the territory of other countries.

GRP is the gross product, because it is calculated before deducting the consumption of fixed capital. Consumption of fixed capital is a decrease in the value of fixed capital during the reporting period as a result of its physical and moral deterioration and accidental damage that is not of a catastrophic nature. In theory, domestic product should be determined on a net basis minus the consumption of fixed capital. However, in order to determine the consumption of fixed capital in accordance with the principles of the SNA, special calculations are required based on data on the replacement value of fixed assets, their service life and depreciation by type of fixed assets. Data amortization accounting not suitable for this purpose. Not all countries make these calculations, and those that do use different methods. Thus, GRP data are more readily available and comparable across countries, and therefore GRP is more widely used than net domestic product.

Beyond GRP in the statistics of the series foreign countries an earlier macroeconomic indicator, the gross national product (GNP), is also used. Both of them reflect the results of activities in two areas. National economy material production and services. Both determine the value of the entire volume of final production of goods and services in the economy in one year (quarter, month). These indicators are calculated in both current (current) and constant (prices of a base year) prices.

The difference between GNP and GDP(GRP) is as follows:

1) GRP is calculated on the so-called territorial basis. This is the total value of the products of the spheres of material production and the service sector, regardless of the nationality of enterprises located on the territory of a given country;

2) GNP is the total value of the total volume of products and services in both spheres of the national economy, regardless of the location of national enterprises (in the country or abroad).

So Thus, GNP differs from GRP by the amount of the so-called factor income from the use of resources of a given country abroad, the profit of capital invested abroad, the property available there, transferred to the country, wage citizens working abroad minus similar incomes of foreigners taken out of the country.

Usually, in order to calculate GNP, the difference between profits and incomes received by enterprises and individuals of this country abroad, on the one hand, and profits and incomes received by foreign investors and foreign workers in this country, on the other hand.

This difference is very small: for the leading Western countries, no more than ±1% of GRP. The UN Statistical Service recommends using the GRP indicator as the main indicator.


The calculation of the indicator of gross regional product (GRP) is carried out by the territorial bodies of state statistics as part of the introduction of elements of the system of national accounts (SNA) on regional level. The calculation methodology was developed in the central office of the State Statistics Committee of Russia and is the same for all regions.

The System of National Accounts is a detailed statistical model that includes a system of interconnected macro-level indicators. The SNA exists as an international standard recommended for implementation in various countries by the UN Statistical Commission, the IMF, the IBRD, the OECD and the Commission of the European Communities. Currently, most countries of the world are implementing the version of the SNA adopted by the listed organizations in 1993. SNA-93 is also being implemented in Russia.

SNA includes a set of statistical tables called accounts, each of which characterizes a certain stage business cycle: production, education and distribution of income, expenditures on final consumption and accumulation. The central macroeconomic indicator around which the rest of the system is essentially built is the gross domestic product (GDP). GDP can be calculated using different methods: production method, income method and expenditure method. The calculation of GDP by each of the listed methods is carried out in the corresponding accounts of the system.

In the SNA of Russia, the greatest attention is paid to the calculation of GDP by the production method. In terms of production, GDP is the sum of the gross value added created for reporting period resident economic units.

SNA in Russia began to be implemented from the federal level. However, the regions are also in need of a modern, requirements-driven statistical generalization model. market economy and compatible with the federal SNA and international standards. Due to a number of features inherent in the regional economy, and the limitations of the information plan that the territorial bodies of state statistics face, the system of national accounts cannot be fully implemented at the regional level at present. Nevertheless, Goskomstat of Russia is carrying out systematic work on the introduction at the regional level of calculations of a number of generalizing indicators, methodologically based on the principles and definitions of the SNA. Chief among them is the GRP indicator.

In terms of its economic content, the GRP indicator is a close regional analogue of the GDP indicator calculated by the production method at the federal level. GRP is also defined as the sum of gross value added produced during the reporting period by resident units, only in this case we are talking about resident units of the regional economy.

Gross value added, in turn, is defined as the difference between output of goods and services at basic prices and intermediate consumption. The methodology for calculating this indicator at the regional and federal levels in most cases coincides. However, there is a significant difference between GDP (at the federal level) and GRP (at the regional level) indicators. Separate elements of Russia's GDP cannot currently be calculated at the regional level or distributed among the regions of Russia. Therefore, they are included in the calculation only for Russia as a whole.

The total GRP calculated for all regions of the Russian Federation differs from Russia's GDP by the amount of value added:

Other non-market services financed from the federal budget, information on which is not available at the regional level;

Services of financial intermediaries (especially banks), whose activities are rarely limited to individual regions;

Output at current prices of industries providing non-market services is calculated on the basis of data federal treasuries on execution federal budget by region and data from regional financial authorities on local budget expenditures, as well as annual ratios of the volume of output of non-market services (including expenditures of extra-budgetary funds) and the total volume of expenditures of the federal and local budgets in the relevant areas in each region.

When conducting monthly calculations of GRP, in the absence of operational information on the production of products for a particular sector of the economy, the general scheme for calculating output and intermediate consumption is as follows:

Gross output of this industry in the previous period

of the corresponding year at current prices of this period

multiply by

index of the physical output of the industry

in % to the previous period

= Gross output of the industry of the current period in prices

previous period

Intermediate consumption commercial enterprises is determined based on the output of a full range of enterprises and specific gravity intermediate consumption in the output of the relevant industry, calculated according to the data of the form "Information on the costs of production and sale of products (works, services)".

Intermediate consumption of goods should be valued at purchasers' prices existing at the time of their consumption in the production process, and not at the time of acquisition of the goods. At the same time, the indicator of intermediate consumption obtained on the basis of accounting data, as a rule, does not correspond to this valuation principle. Determining its value directly from accounting data, especially during periods of high inflation, can lead to a significant underestimation of intermediate consumption and, accordingly, to an overestimation of profit by the amount of change in the value of goods received for intermediate consumption from stocks, as a result of changes in prices during the time spent in stocks. Therefore, an appropriate adjustment of the value of intermediate consumption (calculated according to accounting data) is necessary, which consists in revaluing the material component of intermediate consumption, taking into account the average change in prices over the period of storage of industrial stocks (see "Methodological provisions on statistics", issue 1, Goskomstat of Russia, M., 1996, pp. 266 "Determination of the indicator of holding profit (loss)").

The scheme for calculating the share of intermediate consumption in output is as follows:

Calculation of output and intermediate consumption
by industry____________________________

The calculation is performed on the basis of the data of the form "Information about
costs of production and sale of products (works, services)
enterprises (organizations) for ______________________ 199"

at current prices, million rubles

Name of indicator


A source of information

Volume of products (works, services)
at current prices
(excluding value added tax)
cost, excises and similar
regular mandatory payments

F., p.01, gr. 3

production costs and
sales of products

F., p.03, gr. 3

Material costs

f. , p.04, gr. 3

royalties on reproduction
mineral resource base

F., p.07, gr. 3

deductions for reclamation

F., p.08, gr. 3

payment for wood, holiday

F., p.09, gr. 3

payment for water withdrawn
enterprises from
water management systems

F., p.10, gr. 3


f. , p.16, gr. 3

material costs,
included in the intermediate

p. 3 - (p. 4+5+6+7+8)
(of this table)


f. , p.26, gr. 3

Representation expenses

f. , p.30, gr. 3

Payment for third party services

F., p.35, gr. 3

Other costs

f. , p.48ґ k **), gr. 3

Intermediate consumption

(of this table)

Specific gravity of intermediate
consumption in volume
products, in %

Page 14: page 1x100 (of this table)

*) The volume of products (works, services) should be increased by the amount of subsidies for products in those industries where they are present, but not included in the volume of production.

**) k - share of intermediate consumption in "other costs".

The scheme for calculating intermediate consumption has some industry specifics.

If there are no data to determine the share of intermediate consumption in the output, then the share of intermediate consumption is calculated on the basis of the corresponding ratios prevailing in the last available period.

Since the form in 1gg. was developed on a cumulative basis, then, having calculated the intermediate consumption for the first half of the year and knowing the value of the intermediate consumption for the I quarter, the difference can be obtained as the intermediate consumption for the II quarter, the calculation for the III and IV quarters is carried out according to a similar scheme.

Intermediate consumption by months is calculated based on the share of intermediate consumption in the annual or quarterly output of the respective industries with expert adjustment to take into account the seasonal characteristics of each month.

Gross value added for each of the industries at basic prices is calculated as the difference between output at basic prices and intermediate consumption of these industries.

Currently, the following classification of industries is used.

Industries producing goods






trade (wholesale, including trade in means of production, retail) and


information and computing service

real estate transactions

general commercial activities to ensure the functioning of the market

geology and exploration of subsoil, geodetic and hydrometeorological services

non-productive types of consumer services for the population


science and scientific service


Culture and art


producing non-market services:

organizations serving agriculture


science and scientific service

health care, physical culture and social security

education, culture and art

Gross domestic product - GDP - is a popular economic measure. It measures the volume wealth created in the country during the year. There is one more parameter - GRP - gross regional product. It can be calculated for each region separately. This allows you to compare different subjects of the Federation. Today we will study it in more detail.
GRP is considered slow. Data for 2017 is not yet available. Therefore, we will use the figures for the year 2016. To begin with, let's see which subjects of the Federation are the largest in terms of this indicator.

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Moscow is leading. In the structure of the all-Russian GRP, its share 21% .

The number is big. It is interesting to look closely under a microscope. Rosstat provides this opportunity. Here is the structure of the GRP of Moscow.

Agriculture has a negligible share, mining has zero share. By the way, the fact that many enterprises operate in the regions but are registered in Moscow does not affect the calculation of the regional product. Only goods produced or services rendered are taken into account. If mining is not carried out in Moscow, then there is nothing to consider. So we see zero here.
But what is great in Moscow is trade and real estate. Together they account for more than half of the GRP. It was they who gave such an impressive result.

Moscow is of great commercial importance for the whole of Russia. There are a large number of wholesale warehouses and markets. Moscow conducts active trade with all subjects of the Federation. A large flow of goods flows through it. They are sold both wholesale and retail. As for real estate, everything is clear here. Firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, it is in high demand. Therefore, the housing and office space market has given a significant increase in the overall treasury.

Well, the Moscow manufacturing industry (plants and factories) gave the region 12% from his GRP. Moscow is a major center of mechanical engineering, machine tool, shipbuilding, and instrument making; ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical, light, printing industry. The Khrunichev Center is located here, which develops Proton launch vehicles and boosters for them.

A large number of military enterprises are also concentrated in Moscow. In second place in terms of GRP is the Tyumen region. In the table, it is given together with the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs included in it. Such a significant gross regional product is explained by the richness of the subsoil. Oil and gas are produced in the Tyumen region. This region is an important source of hydrocarbons not only for Russia, but for the whole world.

In the structure of GRP, mining accounts for 54% . Thanks to this, such a high position in this ranking. The third, fourth and fifth lines are quite expected in St. Petersburg, the Moscow Region and the Krasnodar Territory. Also among the regions with an impressive size of the economy should be attributed Sverdlovsk region, Tatarstan and Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Speaking about Moscow, I said that in the structure of its GRP, manufacturing industries occupy 12% . Let's see in which subjects of the Federation this sphere is at the maximum levels. I will name the regions where the manufacturing industry has a share in the economy above 30%.

The record figure for the country in the Lipetsk region: 42% .

Refrigerators and freezers are produced here, granulated sugar and canned fruits and vegetables are produced. An important role in the economy of not only the region, but also the country is played by the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works.

I will briefly mention other subjects of the federation, in which the share of the manufacturing industry in the structure of the economy is high. These are the Tula region, Vologda, Omsk, Kaluga, Vladimir, Chelyabinsk, Novgorod and others.
Let us turn to the indicators of the Crimea and Sevastopol.

Our Republic ranks among other Russian regions in terms of GRP 54th place. Sevastopol on 82nd place, but he should not be embarrassed because of this, because his area and population are not large. The dynamics are noteworthy: both Crimea and Sevastopol are rapidly increasing their gross regional product. The successes of the 16th year compared with the 14th are impressive.

The growth is partly due to the transition period. In 2014, there was a low base of comparison. The economy was rebuilt and took on new tracks. But even with this reservation, the GRP of Crimea is growing by leaps and bounds. One only housing construction rose over last year three times, and it is part of the regional product. Now the share of the peninsula in the country's economy is half a percent. But it is quite clear that this is only the beginning, and this role will increase in subsequent years.