A1. What relations are associated mainly with the political sphere of society? The nationality of a person is a characteristic of his

15. Distinguishing feature market economy is

A. centralized allocation of resources

B. free pricing

B. Introduction income tax Correct answer________

D. commodity shortage

16. At the end of 1991, income federal budget of our country amounted to 145.6 billion rubles, and expenses - 228.8 billion rubles. These data directly reflect

A. decline in production

B. budget surplus

B. rising inflation Correct answer________

D. budget deficit

17. The national identity of a person is a characteristic of his

A. birth status

B. social role

B. achieved status Correct answer________

G. public prestige

18. Soviet society, as stated by the official ideology, consisted of two classes and a stratum. This characterizes

A. political system

B. social structure

B. economic structure Correct answer________

G. shape of the state

19. What is the highest representative body of state power in Russia?

A. Government

B. Security Council

B. Federal Assembly Correct answer_______

D. Public Chamber

20. Work, as opposed to communication

A. is a type of human activity

B. has an impact on personality Correct answer______

B. aims to transform the environment

G. assumes the presence of a goal


Letter options

    The program of the entrance exam in social studies / Compiled by: Rogozin I.I. and Gorbatenkova M.V. SPb TEI. 2011.

    Constitution Russian Federation. M., 2010.

    Bogolyubov L.N., Averyanov A.I., Gorodetskaya N.I. and others, ed. Bogolyubova L.N. Social science. (a basic level of). Grade 10. Education.

    Bogolyubov L.N., Gorodetskaya N.I., Matveev A.I. ed. Bogolyubova L.N. Social science. (a basic level of). Grade 10. Education.

    Bogolyubov L.N., Ivanova L.F., Lazebnikova A.Yu. and others, ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu. Social science. (basic and profile levels). 10-11 class. Education.

    Gurevich P.S., Nikolaeva E.Z. Social science (basic level). Grade 10. Mnemosyne.

    Gurevich P.S., Nikolaeva E.Z. Social science (basic level). Grade 11. Mnemosyne.

    Kravchenko A.I. Social science (basic level). Grade 10. Russian word.

    Kravchenko A.I., Pevtsova E.A. Social science (basic level). Grade 11. Russian word.

    Lipsits I.V. Economics (basic level). 10-11 class. Vita-Press.

    Nikitin A.F. Social science (basic level). Grade 10. Bustard.

    Nikitin A.F. Social science (basic level). Grade 11. Bustard.

    Nikitin A.F. Law (basic level). 10-11 class. Education.

    Nikitin A.F. Law (profile level). 10-11 class. Bustard.

    Salygin E.N., Salygina Yu.G. Social science (basic level). Grade 10.

    Salygin E.N., Salygina Yu.G. Social science (basic level). Grade 11.

    Social science. Textbook for students grade 10. educational institutions. / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N. and Labeznikova L.N. M. "Enlightenment". 2010.

    Social science. Textbook for students grade 11. educational institutions. / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N. and Labeznikova L.N. M. "Enlightenment". 2010.

    Human and society. Social science. Textbook for students 10-11 cells. educational institutions. In 2 parts. / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Labeznikova L.N. M. "Enlightenment". 2009

    Social science. Grade 9: textbook for educational institutions. / L.N. Bogolyubov, L.F. Ivanova, A.I. Matveev and others. M., "Enlightenment". 2009.

    Social science. Grade 8: textbook for educational institutions. / L.N. Bogolyubov, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L.F. Ivanova and others. M., "Enlightenment". 2010.

    Dvigaleva A.A. Social science. SPb., 2006.

    Kishenkova O.V. USE 2011. Social studies. We sell without problems. M., EKSMO. 2010.

    Kishenkova O.V. Collection test items to prepare for the final assessment in social studies for the course of the basic school: 9 cells. educational institutions. M.: New textbook. 2009.

    Dzhegutanov B.K., Oleinikov V.S. Social science. Answers for schoolchildren and entrants. SPb.: "Peter". 2008.

    Mikhailov G.N. Answers to exam questions in social science. Saint Petersburg. From. House "Letter". 2006.

Entrance Test Programby history.

The applicant at the exam must demonstrate a set of knowledge throughout the course of the History of Russia, from the appearance of the Eastern Slavs to the present day of modern Russia.

When preparing for the exam, he can use this program, which is based on an exemplary program of entrance exams in History, developed by the teaching staff of the department of SGN GOU VPO PSTU.

Sections of the program cover individual stages of the entire history of our Fatherland and contain questions included in the exam papers.

The program simplifies the process of preparing exam questions, making it possible to plan the answer to the exam.

Issues related to the history of the development of Russian culture require special attention, because. often cause difficulties. This program will help you solve the difficult task of preparing and passing the entrance exam in the history of Russia.

All questions of examination papers are taken only from the program of entrance examinations on the history of Russia.

Old Russian state (VIII- ser.XIIcenturies).

Eastern Slavs in antiquity. Origin and early history of the Slavs. Slavs in the era of the great migration of peoples, their social organization and material culture. Campaigns of the Slavs in Byzantium in the VI century.

Eastern Slavs in the 7th-8th centuries, their occupations, social system, life and beliefs. Formation of tribal unions.

The emergence of the state among the Eastern Slavs. Prerequisites for the formation of ancient Russian statehood. Norman theory of the emergence of the ancient Russian state and its modern assessment. Formation of the territory of the ancient Russian state. The first princes of Kyiv (Oleg, Igor, Olga, Svyatoslav). The rise of the ancient Russian state. Vladimir I. The adoption of Christianity by Russia and its significance. Yaroslav the Wise. Creation of the first written code of laws "Russian Truth". Specific system and inter-princely strife in the second half of the 11th - early 12th centuries. Vladimir Monomakh and his era. Socio-economic and political development of Rus' in the IX-XII centuries. Foreign policy of the Kyiv princes.

Culture of Ancient Rus'. Folklore. Writing. Chronicles. Schools and education. Painting. Artistic craft. Architecture.

The political fragmentation of Rus' (ser.XII- endXVcenturies).

The disintegration of Kievan Rus into separate principalities and lands, features of their development. Vladimir-Suzdal, Novgorod and Galicia-Volyn lands.

Fight against foreign invaders in the XIII century.

Mongol-Tatar invasion. The formation of the Mongol Empire and the conquests of Genghis Khan. Battle on Kalka. Campaigns of Batu in Rus'. Heroic resistance of the Russian people. Mongol-Tatar yoke and its influence on the socio-economic, political and cultural development of Rus'. Popular uprisings against the Mongol-Tatar conquerors.

The struggle of the Russian people with the German and Swedish expansion in the XIII century.

Baltics in the 13th century knightly orders. The offensive of the German knights to the East and their conquest of the Baltic. Aggression of the Swedish feudal lords and their defeat in the Battle of the Neva. German expansion. "Battle on the Ice". Alexander Nevskiy.

Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Russian lands in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

The formation of the Russian centralized state (the endXV- XVIcenturies).

Prerequisites for the unification of Russian lands into a single Russian state.

Social and economic development Rus' in the XIV-XV centuries. Development of agriculture and handicrafts. Growth of cities. Development of trade and strengthening of economic ties between Russian lands. The growth of large landownership.

North-Eastern Rus' in the XIII - early XIV centuries. The rise of the Moscow principality. Fight between Moscow and Tver. Ivan Kalita. Dmitry Donskoy and the beginning of the liberation struggle against the Horde. Sergius of Radonezh and the spiritual upsurge of the Russian people. Battle of Kulikovo and its significance. Internecine war in the Grand Duchy of Moscow in the second quarter of the 15th century. Vasily II the Dark.

Completion of the process of unification of Russian lands under the rule of Moscow. The overthrow of the Mongol-Tatar yoke and the conquest of political independence. Formation of the state apparatus. The growth of the international prestige of the Moscow state. Ivan III. Basil III. State and church in the XIV-XVI centuries.

Culture of Russia in the XIV-XV centuries.

The development of a unified Russian state in the XVI century. Territory expansion. Population growth. Agriculture. Estate and patrimony. The formation of serfdom. Domestic and foreign trade. Craft. Cities. Reign of Ivan IV. Social struggle. Strengthening state power. Reforms of the 50s of the XVI century. Oprichnina and its consequences. Accession to Russia of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates. Conquest of Western Siberia. Livonian war.

Russia at the endXVI - XVIIcenturies: from the Time of Troubles to the strengthening of statehood.

Time of Troubles. Causes of confusion. Economic ruin of the 70-80s of the XVI century. Exacerbation of social contradictions. The struggle for power after the death of Ivan IV the Terrible. Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich. Serfdom legislation. Accession of Boris Godunov. Famine of 1601-1603 False Dmitry I and his policy. Vasily Shuisky. The uprising of I. Bolotnikov. False Dmitry II. The struggle of the Russian people against the Polish-Swedish intervention. "Seven Boyars" and the capture of Moscow by the Poles. The first and second militias. The liberation of Moscow and the accession of Mikhail Romanov. Stolbovsky peace with Sweden and Deulino truce with Poland.

Russia under the first Romanovs. Socio-economic development of the country. Agriculture. Enslavement of the peasants. Development of small-scale production. The emergence of manufactories. Growth of cities and trade. The beginning of the formation of the all-Russian market. Strengthening autocratic power. Church and State. Reforms of Patriarch Nikon and the Church Schism. Social struggle in the 17th century. City uprisings. The uprising led by Stepan Razin. Liberation struggle of the Ukrainian and Belarusian people. Pereyaslav Rada and the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. The main directions of Russia's foreign policy. Wars and the Commonwealth and Sweden. Siberia in the 17th century Russian exploration of Siberia and the Far East. Significance of joining Siberia to Russia. Nerchinsk treaty with China.

Culture of Russia in the 17th century. Development of scientific knowledge and technology. Literature. Typography. Ivan Fedorov. Architecture. Russian folk art. School and education. Painting. Craft. Cultural ties with Western Europe.

Russian empireXVIII- XIXcenturies

The Russian state at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries, its internal and international position. Prerequisites for Peter's reforms. Struggle in ruling circles at the end of the 17th century. Peter I and Sophia. The beginning of the transformative activity of Peter I.

Foreign policy of Peter I. Azov campaigns. "Great Embassy" Causes and the beginning of the Northern War. The defeat of Russian troops near Narva. Creation of a regular army and construction of a fleet. Foundation of Petersburg. Invasion of Charles XII into Russia. Poltava battle. Prut campaign. Victory of the Russian fleet. Nystadt peace and its significance. Persian campaign. Peter I.

Socio-economic and political development of Russia in the first quarter of the 18th century. Economic transformations of Peter I. Changes in the social structure of Russian society. Reforms in the sphere of state structure. The establishment of the Senate. Creation of boards. Reforms of local administration. Formation of the Synod. Table of ranks. The adoption of the imperial title by Peter I. Russian absolutism and its features.

Culture of Russia in the first quarter of the 18th century. Reforms in the field of education. Development of education and science, foundation of the Academy of Sciences. Changes in life. Literature. Painting. Architecture. The era of palace coups.

The struggle for power after the death of Peter I. Catherine I and the Supreme Privy Council. Peter II. An attempt to limit autocracy. Anna Ioannovna. Bironovshchina. Ivan VI. The accession of Elizabeth and her domestic policy. Foreign policy of Russia in 1725-1762. The beginning of the accession of Kazakhstan to Russia. Russia's participation in the Seven Years' War. Peter III. The coming to power of Catherine II.

Socio-economic development of Russia in the 60-90s of the XVIII century. Agriculture. The position of the peasantry. Serfdom legislation of the 50s. Landlord economy. Development of Russian industry. Domestic and foreign trade. Education of the all-Russian commodity market. The emergence of bourgeois relations and the beginning of the decomposition of the serf economy. The social structure of Russian society.

Domestic policy of Catherine II. "Enlightened Absolutism". Secularization of church properties. Fixed commission. The uprising led by E. Pugachev. Provincial reform. Letters granted to the nobility and cities, their content and significance. The French Revolution and its impact on internal politics Catherine II. The beginning of the revolutionary movement in Russia. A.N. Radishchev.

Foreign policy of Catherine II. Russian-Turkish war 1768-1774 Kyuchuk-Kainarji world. Annexation of Crimea. Georgievsky treatise. Russian-Turkish war 1787-1791 Jassy world. Russia's participation in the divisions of Poland. Diplomacy of Catherine II and the French Revolution. Russian Declaration of Armed Neutrality.

Culture of Russia in the middle - second half of the XVIII century. Enlightenment and science. Literature. Painting. Architecture. Sculpture. Theater.

Russia at the end of the 18th - the first half of the 19th centuries. Socio-economic development. Formation capitalist relations. The disintegration and crisis of serfdom economic system. Development productive forces V agriculture. Landownership and its evolution. Peasant economy. Industries. The stratification of the peasantry. The beginning of the industrial revolution, its essence and features. The social structure of Russian society.

Domestic and foreign policy of Paul I. Paul I and the nobility. Decree of succession. The policy of Paul I in the peasant question. military reform. Relations with Western European states. War with France. Italian and Swiss campaigns of A.V. Suvorov. Mediterranean expedition of the squadron of F.F. Ushakov. A turn in foreign policy. Palace coup on March 11, 1801.

Alexander I and his internal political program. Projects of socio-economic and political reforms. The secret committee. Education of ministries. Decree on free ploughmen. MM Speransky and the struggle in the ruling circles around the reform projects. Education reform.

Domestic policy of Alexander I in 1815-1825. The Constitution of the Kingdom of Poland and reform projects in Russia. Strengthening protective principles in politics. Arakcheevshchina. military settlements.

Foreign policy of Alexander I. Participation of Russia in the third and fourth anti-French coalitions. Tilsit world. Russian-Swedish, Russian-Turkish and Russian-Persian wars.

Patriotic War of 1812. Napoleon's invasion of Russia. The retreat of the Russian army. The national character of the war M.I. Kutuzov. Battle of Borodino. Napoleon in Moscow. The retreat of the French army, its defeat. The historical significance of the Patriotic War of 1812

Foreign campaign of the Russian army. The collapse of the Napoleonic Empire. Congress of Vienna and its decisions. Holy Union.

Decembrists. Formation of the worldview of noble revolutionaries. The first secret organizations, Northern and Southern societies. "Constitution" by N. Muravyov and "Russian Truth" by P. Pestel. The uprising on December 14, 1825 in St. Petersburg and the Chernigov regiment in the south, their suppression. Significance of the Decembrist movement.

Domestic policy of Nicholas I. Strengthening centralization government controlled. Strengthening the repressive apparatus. His Imperial Majesty's own chancellery. Politics in the field of education and the press. Conservation of the estate system. Law codification. Change plans. Nicholas I and the peasant question. Reforms of P.D. Kiselyov. Economic policy.

Foreign policy of Nicholas I. Struggle against the revolutionary movement in Europe. Tsarist diplomacy and the Eastern question. Russian-Persian war. Russian-Turkish war. Attempts to resolve the Eastern Question in the 30-40s. 19th century The international position of Russia at the turn of the 40-50s.

Crimean War. Causes and beginning of the war. Heroic defense of Sevastopol. The defeat of Russia and its causes. Parisian world.

Expansion of autocracy in the Caucasus. The struggle of the highlanders of the North Caucasus for independence under the leadership of Shamil. conquest of the Caucasus. Completion of the accession of Kazakhstan. Mass movements in the second quarter of the XIX century. Polish uprising.

Social movement of the 30-40s. XIX i. The theory of official nationality P.Ya. Chaadaev. Slavophiles and Westernizers. The idea of ​​socialism in Russia. V. G. Belinsky, D. I. Herzen. Petrashevtsy.

Culture of Russia in the first half of the 19th century. Enlightenment. The science. Russian travelers. Discovery of Antarctica. Russian literature and its social significance. Architecture. Painting. Sculpture. Music. Theater.

Russia in the second half of the XIX century. Public upsurge after the Crimean War. Revolutionary and liberal tendencies in the social movement. N.G. Chernyshevsky and N.A. Dobrolyubov. The struggle of the conservative and reformist currents at the top. Alexander II and his position.

Abolition of serfdom. Preparing for reform. Struggle in the ruling elite around reform plans. Acts of February 19, 1861, their content and significance. Liberal transformations of the 60-70s. 19th century - movement towards the rule of law. Zemstvo and city reforms. Judicial reform. Transformations in education and printing. military reforms. Reformers 60-70s. M.T. Loris-Melikov.

Socio-economic development of post-reform Russia. Completion of the industrial revolution. Development of the domestic market. International trade. The social structure of Russian society.

Revolutionary movement in the 60-70s. Revolutionary populism and its ideology. "Journey to the people". "Land and freedom". Narodniks' transition to individual terror, "people's will" and "Black redistribution". Assassination of Alexander II. The decline of populism. The labor question and the labor movement in the 60-70s. 19th century South Russian Union of Workers. Northern Union of Russian Workers.

The internal policy of the autocracy in the 80s - early 90s. 19th century Alexander III. Counter-reforms. Workers' and peasants' movement in the 80s - early 90s. Spread of Marxism in Russia. Emancipation of Labor Group. G.V. Plekhanov. Populism in the 80s and 90s liberal movement.

Foreign policy of Russia in the second half of the XIX century. Struggle for the abolition of the terms of the Paris Peace. Russia and the Eastern Question. National liberation movement of the Balkan peoples. Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878 and its results. Prerequisites for rapprochement with France and the Franco-Russian alliance. conquest of Central Asia. Development of the Far East.

Culture of Russia in the second canvas of the XIX century. Education. Achievements of Russian science and technology. Russian literature. Russian philosophy. Architecture, Painting Music. Theater.

Russian Empire at the endXIX- earlyXXcenturies

Socio-economic development of Russia at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Capitalist evolution of Russia: problems and contradictions. Russian industry in the late XIX - early XX century. The policy of capitalist industrialization of the country. S.Yu. Witte. The emergence of industrial monopolies in Russia. Foreign capital in Russian economy. Export of capital from Russia. Agrarian system of Russia at the turn of two centuries, its features. The social structure of Russian society.

The brewing of a revolutionary crisis in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Workers' and peasants' movement. activity of revolutionary organizations. Russian social democracy. V.I.Lenin. The formation of the RSDLP, the struggle and split in the Russian Social Democracy II Congress of the RSDLP and the emergence of Bolshevism. Formation of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, its program and tactics. liberal movement.

The policy of autocracy on the eve of the revolution of 1905-1907. The struggle of currents in the ruling circles on the question of ways to prevent the revolution.

Revolution 1905-1907 in Russia. preconditions for a revolution. The events of January 9, 1905 and the beginning of the revolution. Strategy and tactics of various parties in the revolution. Bulyginskaya thought. All-Russian October political strike. Manifesto October 17th. Councils of Workers' Deputies. Formation of liberal political parties (Constitutional Democratic Party, Union of October 17), their programs and activities. Consolidation of conservative forces. Union of the Russian people.

Moscow December armed uprising.

State reforms of 1906. I State Duma. P.D. Stolypin. The development of the revolution, revolutionary performances in the army and navy. revolutionary terror. Introduction of courts-martial. II The State Duma. Third June coup. Results, features and significance of the Russian revolution of 1905-1907.

Duma monarchy. Features of the state structure and political system. III State Duma. P.A. Stolypin's program of transformations. Agrarian reform, its main activities and results. Struggle around P.A. Stolypin's reformative plans.

Russia on the eve of the First World War. IV State Duma. New revolutionary upsurge.

Foreign policy of Russia in the late XIX - early XX century. The alignment of forces on the world stage. Formation of military-political blocs.

Russia's policy on Far East. Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 and its results.

Foreign policy of Russia in 1905-1914. Rapprochement of Russia with the countries of the Entente.

Russia during the First World War. Causes of the First World War. Military operations on the eastern front in 1914 - early 1917. The impact of the war on the Russian economy. The political crisis in the summer of 1915. The activities of the opposition. Growth of the mass revolutionary movement. A national crisis is brewing. February revolution and the overthrow of the autocracy.

I am engaged in "Five with a plus" in the group of Gulnur Gataullovna in biology and chemistry. I am delighted, the teacher knows how to interest the subject, find an approach to the student. Adequately explains the essence of his requirements and gives realistic homework (and not like most teachers in the year of the exam, ten paragraphs at home, but one in the class). . We study strictly for the exam and it is very valuable! Gulnur Gataullovna is sincerely interested in the subjects she teaches, she always gives the necessary, timely and relevant information. Highly recommend!


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I very carefully selected a tutor in social studies, I wanted to pass the exam for the maximum score. "Five with a plus" helped me in this matter, I studied in the group of Vitaly Sergeevich, the classes were super, everything is clear, everything is clear, and at the same time fun and at ease. Vitaly Sergeevich presented the material in such a way that it was remembered by itself. I am very happy with the preparation!

A1. What relationships are associated with political sphere the life of society?

A2. Ivan Petrovich is guided in his life by the rule: do not wish for another what you do not want for yourself. This rule expresses

A3. Are they true the following judgments about the impact of nature on society?

A. natural conditions affect the economic life of society.

B. The development of science greatly enhances the influence of nature on the life of society.

A4. What is the hallmark of science?

A5. Anna moved to the 11th grade of a comprehensive school. She is a professional figure skater. What level of education is Anna at?

A6. Are the following statements about morality correct?

A. Moral norms exist only in written form.

B. Moral standards are established by the state.

A7. Which of the following refers to the factors (resources) of production?

A9. At the end of 1991, the revenues of the federal budget of our country amounted to 145.6 billion rubles, and expenditures - 228.8 billion rubles. These data directly reflect

A10. Are the following statements about unemployment correct?

A. The unemployed include all people of working age who are unemployed.

B. Unemployment is inherent in all economic systems.

A11. The nationality of a person is a characteristic of his

A12. Soviet society, as the official ideology asserted, consisted of two classes and a stratum. This characterizes

A13. Are the following statements about family functions correct?

A. The main function of the family is production and economic.

B. The family guards the sphere of a person's personal life.

A14. What is the highest representative body of state power in Russia?

A15. According to the French Constitution of 1791, when the legislature was formed, electors were first elected, who, in turn, elected representatives of the Legislative Assembly. This is an example of an election

A16. Are the following statements about political parties correct?

A. A multi-party system weakens the democratic state.

B. A two-party system does not exclude the presence of other parties.

A17. What is the hallmark of the rule of law?

    existence of a system of legislation

    equal rights and equality of citizens before the law

    functioning of law enforcement agencies


A18. President of Russian Federation

A19. Citizens traded near the metro station with lilies of the valley collected in the forest. It is known that these flowers are listed in the Red Book. What offense did the citizens commit?

A20. Are the following judgments about the Constitution of the Russian Federation correct?

A. The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by popular referendum. B. The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides for a special procedure for introducing amendments and additions to it.

At the present stage of development of the global world community, an ambiguous, ambivalent attitude has developed towards understanding such an important social category as nationality. There are several reasons for this.

social community

Mainly, the split in views on the understanding of the nature of national identity today is observed along the lines of the countries of the conditional West and East. In the most general sense, belonging to a group should be considered as one of the forms of social community.

There are a lot of them, and they all meet different criteria. Known linguistic, cultural, religious. The highest manifestation of social community is belonging to civilizations. Scientists give various classifications of civilizational communities, but in the conditions of modern realities it is most expedient to consider 9 main ones: Western, Islamic, Sin, Japanese, Hindu, South American, African, Orthodox and Buddhist.

This classification is based on territorial-geographical and religious criteria.

An even higher form of community is belonging to a race, of which there are traditionally three: Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid.

In an attempt to reveal the essence of the concept of nationality, one should move from the largest to the smallest. National commonality is another form of division within a particular civilization. Within the framework of the Orthodox, for example, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, etc. are singled out.

Difference of approaches to understanding in the West and East

Returning to the question of the controversial attitude to the concept of nationality, it is immediately worth pointing out that in Western countries, primarily in Europe and the United States, it is not customary to focus on the origin of a person.

The reason for this is the hypertrophied multicultural policy. Its goal is to abolish all differences based on nationality and create a single, homogeneous society.

In Western scientific circles, this concept has been called the "Melting Pot", an example of which can be seen in the United States. The modern American community is a derivative of the fusion of many nationalities: these are the British, and Hispanics, and African Americans, and the Chinese, and representatives of many other nationalities.

Native Americans are now a discriminated minority, forced to live on a reservation in order not to lose their culture and identity. This approach to understanding national identity, although it helps to integrate society to a certain extent, nevertheless contains a number of problematic points.

In particular, using the example of Europe, where the policy of multiculturalism is also being promoted, one can observe the prevalence of immigrants from countries from North Africa and the Middle East over native Germans, French, British, etc. This state of affairs is due to the refusal of the peoples of Europe to protect the integrity of their nations and their cultural heritage. According to Western countries, the division along national lines gives rise to conflicts and contradictions between people of different origins.

Therefore, in most European documents this concept interpreted as accurately as possible. "Nationality" in them implies exclusively territorial affiliation to any state. Basically citizenship. And anthropological, cultural and historical factors are not taken into account.

What are the consequences of averaging concepts?

The shift in emphasis from the right to nationality in favor of building a universal society is fraught with the gradual erosion of entire national identities, which can now be seen in France, where the Arab population prevails over the French.

On the other hand, in the line of the countries of the post-Soviet camp one can observe the opposite trend. The former Soviet states, especially the CIS countries, tend to be persistent in preserving the integrity and maintaining the inviolability of their nationalities.

Without exception, all the peoples living on the territory of Russia and in the near abroad are very sensitive to their historical origin. Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians - each representative of these communities honors and cherishes their national history.

The difference between nationality and ethnicity

Be sure to take it into account. Before determining the signs of a person's nationality, it is necessary to identify the differences between such intersecting categories as nationality and ethnicity.

The line between concepts is very thin. The term nation comes from ethnicity. And this is a social group that has arisen and settled throughout history, which is not always tied to a specific territory, prone to isolationism.

Nation - a social community united by language, culture, history, territory, characteristics economic life and general socio-political system. The transformation of an ethnos into a nation occurs when an ethnos becomes a subject international relations. And, accordingly, gains worldwide recognition.

Although the nation is a derivative of the ethnos, this concept is still more multifaceted, broader. As a result, it contains many ethnic groups in its composition. A striking example is the Chinese nation. It includes the ethnic groups Han, Huizu and others.

Why it is worth preserving national identity

Now it is worth moving on to an equally important topic. Namely, to the signs of national belonging, which, in fact, form this or that nationality. These include:

  • anthropological characteristics (biological and physiological features);
  • cultural component (customs, traditions, creativity, folklore);
  • common linguistic base (single language characteristic of the nation);
  • territorial and geographical place of origin (not necessarily a place of residence, since many national minorities are scattered around the world: the Jewish commune in Odessa, the Ukrainian diaspora in the USA and Canada, etc.);
  • general history;
  • the existence of a consolidated national core, represented by the state with the executive, legislative and judicial branches of power, the political system.

Each of the considered components is of particular importance. The loss of at least one of them is a sign that indicates the degradation of the nation and the regression of this social community.

The depressing fact is that some countries deliberately refuse to recognize the uniqueness of the culture and history of their own nation only for fear of hurting other people's feelings. In a full-fledged society, awareness and acceptance of the differences of people's individuality should not be a reason for public censure. Everyone is obliged to learn this and not be afraid to define and indicate their national identity in society.

Nationality as a social characteristic

It is a formative element in the process of socialization of citizens. The process of a person growing up and becoming a person (mainly social positioning) is influenced by nationality in the most direct way.

As an example, it is worth citing the events in Germany on the eve of World War II, when a greatly increased degree of public hostility towards Jews prompted them to be ashamed of their own origin and forced them to hide their nationality so as not to be subjected to humiliation and beatings. Under these conditions, the Jews did not just become social outsiders Western Europe. They have become hostages of their origin. Thus, national identity to a tangible extent is a determinant of a person's social position.

Provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

They are also worth paying attention to. More precisely, to the article that talks about the right to nationality. Without delving into philosophy and abstract reasoning, for the justification of this right, it is enough to refer to the fundamental legal documents that regulate the principles of the social structure of the state.

Article 26 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation regulates that every citizen of our country has the right to freely and voluntarily determine his nationality. The article provides that a citizen is not obliged to present biological and documentary evidence of his origin when choosing it.

These provisions are valid both in cases where a citizen was born in a mixed family, where the parents are representatives of different nationalities, and in cases where he appeared in a family of the same nationality, but grew up in a foster home.

Based on these two cases, advice can be given. It will be useful to those who do not know how to determine their nationality in documents. Everything is simple. A native of a mixed family absolutely freely has the right to indicate the nationality of one of the parents at his own discretion. And if a person was born in one family, and brought up in another? Then he should choose the nationality, language, culture and mentality that he has absorbed to a greater extent.

Russian anthropology

The question of Russian nationality was put on scientific comprehension at the end of the 19th century. It was then that anthropological research began to emerge in Russia. From 1890 to the middle of the 20th century, a common “Russian portrait” was finally developed in domestic science.

A high anthropological homogeneity of Russian populations is noted. All of them have the same cuts and shape of the lips, the width of the nasal bone and cartilage, the width of the skull. According to these parameters, they are similar to the populations of Western Europe. In terms of abdominal parameters and limb sizes, Russians are akin to Central Europeans.

There are other features as well:

  • relatively light pigmentation of the skin, hair, eye shades; the percentage of light shades of hair is approximately 30%, and the eye is 46-50%;
  • average growth of brow arches and facial hairline;
  • the dominance of a high horizontal profile and a medium-set bridge of the nose;
  • average width of the skull and face;
  • a slight slope of the frontal part and a smaller development of the eyebrows.

Finally, I would like to say that all nationalities are unique and special in their own way. Everyone must remember their belonging and not allow discrimination or infringement on this basis. Because we all live on the same planet - this is our common home.


Part 1

A1. What relations are associated mainly with the political sphere of society?

A2. Ivan Petrovich is guided in his life by the rule: do not wish for another what you do not want for yourself. This rule expresses

A3. Are the following judgments about the impact of nature on the life of society correct?

A. Natural conditions affect the economic life of society.

B. The development of science greatly enhances the influence of nature on the life of society.

A4. What is the hallmark of science?

A5. Anna moved to the 11th grade of a comprehensive school. She is a professional figure skater. What level of education is Anna at?

A6. Are the following statements about morality correct?

A. Moral norms exist only in written form.

B. Moral standards are established by the state.

A7. Which of the following refers to the factors (resources) of production?

A9. At the end of 1991, the revenues of the federal budget of our country amounted to 145.6 billion rubles, and expenditures - 228.8 billion rubles. These data directly reflect

A10. Are the following statements about unemployment correct?

A. The unemployed include all people of working age who are unemployed.

B. Unemployment is inherent in all economic systems.

A11. The nationality of a person is a characteristic of his

A12. Soviet society, as the official ideology asserted, consisted of two classes and a stratum. This characterizes

A13. Are the following statements about family functions correct?

A. The main function of the family is production and economic.

B. The family guards the sphere of a person's personal life.

A14. What is the highest representative body of state power in Russia?

A15. According to the French Constitution of 1791, when the legislature was formed, electors were first elected, who, in turn, elected representatives of the Legislative Assembly. This is an example of an election

A16. Are the following statements about political parties correct?

A. A multi-party system weakens the democratic state.

B. A two-party system does not exclude the presence of other parties.

A17. What is the hallmark of the rule of law?

    existence of a system of legislation

    equal rights and equality of citizens before the law

    functioning of law enforcement agencies


A18. President of Russian Federation

A19. Citizens traded near the metro station with lilies of the valley collected in the forest. It is known that these flowers are listed in the Red Book. What offense did the citizens commit?

A20. Are the following judgments about the Constitution of the Russian Federation correct?

A. The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by popular referendum. B. The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides for a special procedure for introducing amendments and additions to it.

Part 2

IN 1. The above list shows the similarities between the norms of law and morality and the differences between the norms of law and morality. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of the differences.

1) accepted by the state

3) based on ideas of good and evil

2) regulate the life of society

4) establish rules of conduct


Features of difference

AT 2. Find manifestations of the global problems of mankind in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer line.

    expansion of the circle of nuclear powers

    weakening of the immune system in older people

    increase in debt of economically underdeveloped countries

    soil depletion under the influence of human activities

    growth in the number of primary schools in several countries in Africa

Answer: _________________

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between characteristics and areas of culture: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) developing and testing hypotheses

B) creating artistic images

2) art

C) the formation of a sense of beauty

D) aesthetic pleasure

Write down the selected numbers in the table.

AT 4. Below are some terms. All of them, with the exception of one, relate to the concept of "consumption".

1) mortgage loan, 2) family expenses, 3) production of goods, 4) cost of living, 5) personal savings.

Find and write down the number of the term that falls out of this row.

Answer: ___________________

Part 3

Read the text and complete tasks C1 - C6.

Each ethnic group has its own unique stereotype of behavior. Sometimes the behavioral stereotype of an ethnic group changes from generation to generation. This indicates that this ethnos is developing, and ethnogenesis is not dying out. Sometimes the structure of an ethnic group is stable, because the new generation reproduces the life cycle of the previous one.

The structure of an ethnic stereotype of behavior is a strictly defined norm of relations: between a collective and an individual, between individuals, among themselves, between intra-ethnic groups ... These norms tacitly exist in all areas of life and everyday life, being perceived in a given ethnic group and in each individual era as the only possible a way of coexistence... Coming into contact with another norm of behavior in another ethnic group, each member of this ethnic group is surprised, lost and tries to tell his fellow tribesmen about the eccentricities of another people...

Different peoples arose in different eras and had different historical destinies. Of course, ethnic groups are influenced by the geographical environment through the daily communication of a person with the nature that feeds him, but that's not all. Traditions inherited from ancestors play their role, habitual enmity or friendship with neighbors play their own role, cultural influences, religion have their own meaning, but besides all this, there is a law of development that applies to ethnic groups as to any natural phenomena. We call its manifestations in the diverse processes of the emergence and disappearance of peoples ethnogenesis ...

The stereotype of the behavior of an ethnos is as dynamic as the ethnos itself. Rituals, customs and norms of relationships change either slowly and gradually, or very quickly.

According to the book L.N. Gumilyov "Ethnogenesis and biosphere of the earth". M., 1994. S. 92-93

C1 Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Give a title to each of them (make a text plan).

C2. What three types of norms does an ethnic stereotype of behavior include?

C5. L. Gumilyov cites such facts. The knights who captured Palestine resented the Arab custom of polygamy, and the Arabs considered the uncovered faces of French ladies to be shameless. What feature of the ethnic stereotype is manifested in these facts? Give the position of the text that helped you answer this question.

C6. The author believes that ethnic groups develop according to the laws of nature. At the same time, many researchers attribute ethnogenesis to social phenomena. Which of these points of view do you think is more correct? Based on the text and social science and historical knowledge, give two arguments (reasons) in defense of your opinion.

Keys Option 6.

job number

job number

job number

C1. Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Give a title to each of them (make a text plan). Answer:

The following semantic parts can be distinguished:

1) development and stability of the ethnic group;

2) norms of relations within an ethnic group;

3) what influences the development of an ethnos.

Other formulations are possible that do not distort the essence of the fragment, and the allocation of additional semantic blocks

The main semantic parts of the text are highlighted, their names (points of the plan) correspond to the content. The number of selected parts can be different.

Not all the main parts of the text are highlighted, their names (points of the plan) correspond to the main ideas of the selected fragments, OR not all the selected parts of the text correspond to meaningful and logically completed components of the text, OR not all the names of the selected parts correspond to their content

Maximum score

C2. What three types of norms does an ethnic stereotype of behavior include? Answer:

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

The correct answer should include the following types norms:

1) between the team and the individual;

2) individuals among themselves;

3) intra-ethnic groups among themselves.

Three types are named

Named two types

One species named OR incorrect answer

Maximum score

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

Your answer should include the following factors:

1) geographic environment

2) traditions;

3) relations with neighbors;

4) the natural law of the development of ethnic groups.

Four factors named

Name any two or three factors

Any one factor is named OR the answer is incorrect or missing

Maximum score

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

1) the answer to the question, for example: the dynamism of the stereotype of behavior is manifested in the fact that rituals, customs and norms of human relations are constantly changing;

2) examples, let's say:

Changing the norms of family and marriage relations among European peoples: from a decisive role in choosing a spouse of relatives to an independent and free choice of a marriage partner,

Changing the attitude of the Russian nobility towards foreigners-Europeans: from the feeling of their complete alienation in the period of Muscovite Rus' to the passion for everything foreign in subsequent centuries.

Other examples may be given.

The question is answered, two examples are correctly given

Question answered and one example given OR Two examples given and question not answered

Question answered OR one example given

Answer is incorrect or missing

Maximum score

C5. L. Gumilyov cites such facts. The knights who captured Palestine resented the Arab custom of polygamy, and the Arabs considered the uncovered faces of French ladies to be shameless. What feature of the ethnic stereotype is manifested in these facts? Give the position of the text that helped you answer this question.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) a feature of the ethnic stereotype is indicated: the attitude to one's own norms of behavior as the only possible one;

2) a fragment of the text is given: “Coming into contact with another norm of behavior in another ethnic group, each member of this ethnic group is surprised, lost and tries to tell his fellow tribesmen about the eccentricities of another people.”

A trait is indicated, a fragment of text is given

A trait is specified, OR a piece of text is given

Answer is incorrect or missing

Maximum score

Based on the text and social science and historical knowledge, give two arguments (reasons) in defense of your opinion. Answer:

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the student's opinion is expressed: agreement with a particular point of view;

2) two arguments (explanations) are given, for example:

when consent with the fact that the development of ethnic groups is a natural phenomenon, it can be indicated that:

The processes of formation and development of nations cannot be directed by the activities of people, do not depend on their will;

Like a living organism, ethnoi in their development go through the stages of origin, "childhood", maturity and extinction;

when consent with the fact that the development of ethnic groups is a social process, it can be stated that:

Social phenomena have a decisive influence on the development of ethnic groups: norms of attitude, interaction with neighbors, etc.;

Even natural factors influence the ethnos most often indirectly - through production, which in itself acts as a social phenomenon.

Other arguments (explanations) may be given.

The student's opinion is expressed, two arguments are given

The student's opinion is expressed, one argument is given, OR the student's opinion is not expressed, but is clear from the context, two arguments are given.

The student's opinion is expressed, no arguments are given, OR the student's opinion is not expressed, but it is clear from the context, one argument is given, OR the answer is incorrect or missing.

Relationships ... at the conclusion of marriages predominantly within a separate group ... a factor in everything spheres life societies How at the state level...