A game of thimbles, or How Bank RBK became the bank of the Nazarbayev family. Idrisov Dinmukhamet Appazovich Old enmity and fresh business

12.01.2018 18:23

Zhomart Ertaev, photo: Kapital.kz

News from neighbors that may be important for the economy of the Urals: the Kazakh authorities decided to save RBK at all costs. But so far, according to press reports, the process is being hampered by businessmen with powerful lobbying support. Among others, they name Zhomart Ertaev, who recently acquired a number of assets in Russia.

Kazakh business publications They also report that state representatives are closely connected with the new management of Bank RBK, and the publication of a list of business projects financed by the bank could provoke a serious internal political scandal and cast a shadow on the president’s eldest daughter Dariga Nazarbayeva. It was she who in 2014 sold Dinmukhamed Idrisov a 100% stake in the authorized capital of Alma-TV LLP. According to rumors, the transaction amount was $250 million, received through various schemes from Bank RBK. Then financing of the Alma Group business with money from Bank RBK continued. The head of Alma Group with the rank of honorary president, according to a number of opinions, is none other than Zhomart Ertaev. "Alma Group" - international company. It includes not only the Kazakh Alma-TV, but also the Russian Digit One, 2KOM, House Network Technologies +, and Saratov Digital Telephone Network. More details on this topic in the Forbes article. It was in the direction of Alma Group, if you believe insider opinions, that money flowed from Bank RBK, and Dariga Nazarbayeva, who remains not just the “main daughter of the country,” but also runs the non-profit “First President’s Fund”, helped with her patronage to Dinmukhamed Idrisov and Zhomart Yestaev Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy." By the way, its subsidiary, Directorate for Property Management “Fond-Invest” LLP, is listed as a shareholder of RBK. In addition, Nazarbayeva is the wife of an influential financier and manager Kairat Sharipbaeva.

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In the center of Moscow, employees of the capital's criminal investigation department, together with soldiers of the Russian Guard, detained Kazakh banker Zhomart Ertaev, a source in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow told RBC.

“The Kazakh banker was wanted and was detained near Moscow City,” the interlocutor said. According to him, the entrepreneur was arrested when he left a meeting in a business center in a Gelandwagen. Ertaev is suspected of fraud.

[Tengrinews.kz, 05/10/2018, “The reasons for the detention of Zhomart Ertaev in Moscow were named at the Ministry of Internal Affairs”: The reasons for the detention of the Kazakh banker and entrepreneur Zhomart Ertaev were named at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan, Tengrinews.kz reports with reference to the press service of the department. It is reported that in Moscow, at the request of the National Central Bureau of Interpol of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan, a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ertaev Zhomart, who was on the international wanted list for fraud on an especially large scale, was detained.
“He, as an adviser to the chairman of the board of directors, lobbied for a bank loan for a shell LLP in the amount of more than $80 million, and also carried out actions with the aim of non-repayment of borrowed funds,” the ministry commented.
The issue of extraditing the detainee to Kazakhstan is being resolved. [...] Earlier it was reported that together with Ertaev, his subordinate, former executive director of Troika-D-Bank Andrei Tretyakov, was detained, but later Tretyakov denied this information. - Insert K.ru]

The arrest of the banker was also reported by the REN TV channel. The report says that Ertaev “tried to detain for a long time, but could not establish his whereabouts.” The detainee, according to the TV channel, runs a large cable television operator, and he also “consulted for a commercial bank.” REN TV also reported that his detention is related to crimes committed several years ago while working at Alliance Bank.

Ertaev was the chairman of the board of Alliance Bank in 2002–2007. In August 2009, Kazakh law enforcement agencies charged him with embezzlement of $1.1 billion, which, according to authorities, was committed while Ertaev was in charge of the bank. The banker was arrested, but nine months later he was released, the Kazakh version of Forbes wrote. The charge was later reclassified; Ertaev did not admit his guilt.

In April 2018, Qazaq Banki reported a deterioration in financial performance and associated this with “low-quality loans” that were issued in 2013–2016, when it was headed, among other things, by Ertaev. On April 19, the businessman stated that he was not on the board of this bank and was not its shareholder. He also said that he has not worked in Kazakhstan for three years and has no business projects in his homeland.

Ertaev is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Troika D-Bank (operating under the ALMA Bank brand). He is the honorary president of the Alma Group holding. The holding is located in Moscow City and is engaged in asset management, according to the company’s website.

[Lenta.Ru, 05/08/2018, “At Moscow City, operatives and special forces detained millionaire Ertaev”: At the same time, as a source in law enforcement agencies told Lenta.ru, Zhomart Ertaev was put on the wanted list by law enforcement agencies of one of former republics of the USSR, and detained at the request of this country. Indeed, in 2014, the Kazakh Prosecutor’s Office stated that Ertaev was put on the international wanted list, but the information has now been removed from the website of the Kazakh supervisory agency.
In May 2017, Zhomart Ertaev and his affiliates acquired a controlling stake in Troika-D Bank JSC, and the deal was approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. If the buyer was wanted, the purchase would not have taken place. - Insert K.ru]

How the Alma-TV deal linked Nazarbayev’s daughter Dariga with Zhomart Ertaev

Original of this material
© kz.expert, 01/11/2018, Photo: AFP, zpravda.kz, Forbes.kz

New names in Bank RBK case

[...] Bank RBK pleased its clients, depositors and the market with the announcement of the transfer of doubtful assets totaling 603 billion tenge to Special Financial Company DSFK (DSFC) LLP. This structure, according to an agreement concluded between Bank RBK, the government, the National Bank and the Kazakhmys group of companies, or rather its co-owner Vladimir Kim, will deal with the return of “bad” loans.

Judging by press releases, things are improving for the financial institution. As of December 29, 2017 Vladimir Kim has already recapitalized the bank by 125 billion tenge. In addition, Bank RBK expects at the beginning of January 2018 the third tranche of a subordinated loan from the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the amount of 60 billion tenge in addition to the previously received 150 billion. In total, within the framework of the state program, he is entitled to 243.7 billion tenge.

As a result of the joint efforts of the shareholder and the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bank RBK's liquid assets should soon reach 180 billion tenge. It is expected that the current liquidity ratio of the financial institution (K4) will be about 4.0-4.5, which is more than ten times higher than the standard established by the regulator. Thus, there is no doubt that Bank RBK has been saved and will not experience current liquidity problems in the coming year.

In this case, instructions "leader of the nation" The government and the National Bank will not fully implement this topic. Let us recall that at an extended meeting of the Political Council of the Nur Otan NPA on November 3, 2017, Nursultan Nazarbayev instructed his subordinates not only to stabilize the work of Bank RBK, but to put the thieves where they should sit. It is with the latter that, it seems, nothing will work out.

We have already noted the complexity of the situation in which Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev and Chairman of the National Bank Daniyara Akishev found themselves. The latter, in his pre-New Year interview with the Delovoy Kazakhstan newspaper, even complained that the authorities have to choose: “not between good and very good, but between bad and very bad. But you have to choose, because inaction is even worse.”

Finding itself in a hopeless situation, Akorda decided to save Bank RBK at any cost and saved it. Kazakhstanis should at least be pleased that this time the state managed to involve billionaire Vladimir Kim in the “rescue” operation and thereby significantly reduce its costs. But this is where the authorities' successes ended. According to insiders, negotiations between authorized persons and two key figures who contributed to the problems of Bank RBK, namely Zhomart Ertaev and Dinmukhamed Idrisov, have so far been unsuccessful.

Dinmukhamet Idrisov
This is largely due to the fact that the hands of government representatives and the new management of Bank RBK are “tied.” After all, the publication of a list of business projects financed by the bank and schemes through which money was withdrawn could provoke a serious internal political scandal and jeopardize an important figure in Akorda - the president’s eldest daughter Dariga Nazarbayeva.

It was Dariga Nursultanovna who in 2014 sold Dinmukhamed Idrisov a 100% stake in the authorized capital of Alma-TV LLP. The deal was closed on May 16, 2014. The amount was not mentioned in the press, but according to our information it amounted to $250 million, received in turn under various schemes from Bank RBK. And this is not the end of the financing of the Alma Group business, of which Alma-TV LLP became a part, at the expense of Bank RBK money.

The head of Alma Group with the rank of honorary president is Zhomart Ertaev. Previously, in 2014 - 2016, he headed Alma-TV LLP (since February 2017, renamed AlmaTel Kazakhstan JSC), and in September 2016 he became chairman of the board of directors of Alma Group LLC and honorary president of the company.

According to Russian business publications, Alma Group includes Kazakhstan's Alma-TV, Russia's Digit One, 2KOM, House Network Technologies +, and Saratov Digital Telephone Network. More details on this topic in the Forbes article. We find it difficult to estimate the total amount of Alma Group’s investments in Kazakhstan and Russia, but, according to estimates in the press, the purchase of Digit One alone cost the investor from 1.7 to 2 billion rubles.

In addition, Zhomart Ertaev became the controlling shareholder of two Russian banks in 2017. So, in the spring, he acquired a 5% stake in Troika-D Bank JSC from the company 3D Distribution Limited (Cyprus). And another 95% of the shares as a result of two transactions came under the control of the closed mutual investment fund (CLIF) “Eurasia Investments” (under the management of CJSC Management Company “NIK Development”). Their beneficial owner is Ertaev, who headed the bank as chairman of the board of directors. In turn, Troika-D Bank JSC has been a shareholder of Vokbank JSC since 2015 (full name - Volga-Oka Commercial Bank JSC) with a participation share in the authorized capital of 99.99%.

According to insiders, money from Bank RBK flowed in this direction, and in a very large volume. But since there are suspicions that it was Dariga Nazarbayeva who helped Dinmukhamed Idrisov and Zhomart Yestaev obtain large loans from the bank, the negotiators from Kazakhstan in Moscow cannot act too harshly, without caution, otherwise a criminal case would have already been opened, and Ertaev himself would have been declared on the interstate wanted list.

Dariga Nazarbayeva had opportunities to help with loans.

She could influence the management of Bank RBK herself, as the head of the non-profit “Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy”, whose subsidiary LLP “Directorate for Property Management “Fond-Invest” was a shareholder of RBK, and through her current husband Kairat Sharipbayev, who was also an influential shareholder in a financial institution.

Simple voting shares of complex shareholders

Billionaire Vladimir Kim, Nazarbayev's brother Bolat and representatives of other clans in the history of Bank RBK

Original of this material
© kz.expert, 11/13/2017, RBK: behind the scenes of the processes, Photo: dialog.kz, MIA "Kazinform", Illustration: via kz.expert [...] According to the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange, large participants - owners of significant blocks of common Voting shares of Bank RBK over the last four years were:

Since minority shareholders could not possibly steal Bank RBK’s funds, the culprit that the latter found itself in a critical financial situation and without massive government support would have instantly gone bankrupt is one of the above-mentioned individuals and (or) legal entities.

By the way, among the latter there are people and structures very close to Nursultan Nazarbayev. This is, firstly, the Directorate for Property Management “Fond-Invest” LLP, controlled by the non-profit “Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy”, headed by Dariga Nazarbayeva. Secondly, Sharipbaev Kairat Kamataevich, the current husband of the president’s eldest daughter. Third, Nazarbayev Bolat Abishevich, the brother of the “leader of the nation.”

Kairat Sharipbaev
Meanwhile, for some reason, Akorda, through the hands of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, partially shifted material responsibility for the critical financial situation of Bank RBK to Vladimir Sergeevich Kim, a billionaire in Forbes-Kazakhstan list and co-owner of the largest Kazakh copper mining enterprises. It was Kazakhmys Corporation LLP controlled by him that pledged to invest 160 billion tenge in saving Bank RBK.

The reasons why such a decision was made (and clearly by Nursultan Nazarbayev himself, otherwise Kim would have challenged it) and the latter agreed to such large expenses are still a mystery, shrouded in darkness. And unless there is a leak of information, the state is unlikely to share this secret with the public and the market.

As for the current shareholders of Bank RBK, both majority and minority, the board of directors offered them to buy an additional issue of common voting shares for a total amount of 70 billion tenge.

Thus, the estimated total volume of financial support for Bank RBK will be 474 billion tenge, of which 160 billion tenge should be contributed by Kazakhmys Corporation LLP, 70 billion by the bank’s shareholders, 244 billion tenge by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Is it Vladimir Kim who is to blame for Bank RBK’s disastrous financial situation? We cannot say this with certainty. On the one hand, from November 4, 2014 to September 14, 2017, it was headed by Igor Mazhinov, who is said to be Vladimir Kim’s son-in-law. And since the theft of funds could not have occurred without the participation of the chairman of the bank’s board, we assume that the older relative had to answer for the younger one.

However, another option is also possible. Until the fall of 2014, Bank RBK was under the control of Nursultan Nazarbayev’s family members, who may have been actively lending to it, and after this became a problem, they transferred this financial institution to the disposal of Vladimir Kim, who lobbied for the appointment of his son-in-law as chairman of the board. Well, he never managed to rectify the situation.

The second version is supported by the fact that neither the head of state, nor the chairman of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, nor his subordinates ever announced the names of shareholders suspected of stealing Bank RBK funds. Although in Kazakh practice this happens all the time.

This version is contradicted by the fact that Mazhinov’s predecessor, Marpu Zhakubaeva, who became his first deputy after he joined the bank, has now headed it again.

Judging by these personnel decisions of Bank RBK shareholders, undoubtedly dictated from Akorda, if they still decide to appoint “scapegoats”, then one of them will be either Igor Mazhinov or Marpu Zhakubaeva.

By the way, while watching the pandemonium with members of the board of directors of Bank RBK, we noticed that several clans tried to “save” him, including the Speaker of the Mazhilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurlan Nigmatullin. His son Nurkhan Nurlanov even worked there for about two months as deputy chairman of the board. But all these “rescuers” did not have the necessary financial resources. As a result, the issue was raised to the level of the president, who made the appropriate decision.

Meanwhile, according to our estimate, 434 billion tenge of state support with the volume of problem loans subject to transfer to a special financial company of 600 billion tenge is definitely not enough. Therefore, we can predict that, as in the case of BTA Bank, in a couple of years the question will arise again: what to do with it next?

And then, if Bank RBK’s funds previously went to Vladimir Kim and the business structures controlled by him, anything is possible - bankruptcy of a financial institution with the simultaneous initiation of a criminal case, and a new multi-hundred-billion-dollar portion of cash injections from investors.

If the relatives of the “leader of the nation” are still to blame for the problems of Bank RBK, and Nursultan Nazarbayev continues to remain in power by that time, then the state will be forced to support the financial institution again. After all, the political damage from its bankruptcy will definitely be greater than the financial losses from the next “rescue” operation of the problem bank.

Idrisov Dinmukhamet Appazovich- owner of Alma-TV.


In 1989 he received his education at the Alma-Ata branch of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Road Construction Institute (1989).

In 1999 he graduated from the Kazakh State Academy of Management.

In 2002, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Research Institute of Building Materials. Doctor of Technical Sciences.

In 2006 he became an academician of the Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

From 1989 to 1990 he worked as a foreman for housing department-1 of the Ministry of Road Transport of the Kazakh SSR.

From 1989 to 1996 he worked as a teacher at the Almaty Road Institute.

In 1990, he worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Ust-Kamenogorsk Road Construction Institute.

From 1991 to 1996 he worked as an assistant at the Almaty Road Institute.

From 1996 to 1997 he worked as director of Karaspan LLP.

In 1997, he became the founder and president of Alma-Oil LLP and Ordabasy LLP.

From 2000 to 2002 he worked as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ordabasy LLP.

In 2002 and until 2005, he worked as president of Ordabasy Corporation JSC.

Since 2005, he worked as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kazakhstan Utility Systems JSC.

Since 2005, he worked as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ordabasy Corporation JSC.

From 2005 to 2006 he worked as president of Ordabasy Corporation JSC.

Managing Director of JSC National Company "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy".

Since 2006, he has been working as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ordabasy Corporation.

Other positions

  • Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Nauryz Bank of Kazakhstan (03.2001-02.2003);
  • Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Neftebank (05.2001-06.2003);
  • Member of the Board of Directors of Aktobe Oil Equipment Plant JSC (since 06.2004);
  • Member of the Coordination Council (since 03.2005);
  • Member of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (04.2005-05.2006, 04.2007-05.2010);
  • Member of the Board of the National Economic Chamber "Atameken Union" (since 06.2007);
  • Member of the Board of Directors of JSC National Company SPK Ontustik (since 01.2008);
  • Member of the Board of Directors of JSC “Insurance Company “Amanat Insurance” (minutes No. 406 dated 06.08.2009-2012);
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC IC Amanat Insurance (since 02.2012);
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company "Kazakhstan Utility Networks"


Idrisov's (Nurlakova) wife Magda Kamalovna Children:

  • sons
    • Zharmuhamed (born 1994),
    • Kamal (born 2004);
  • daughters
    • Madina (born 1996),
    • Alina (born 1999),
    • Louise (born 2001)


According to Forbes, as of October 30, 205, Dinmukhamet Idrisov ranks fourth in the ranking of the 50 richest people in the Republic of Kazakhstan (May 2015)

The businessman's fortune is $506,000,000.

Dinmukhamet Idrisov owns:

  • 100% Alma-TV LLP,
  • 9.9% JSC “Bank RBK”,
  • 9.9% of Qazaq Banki JSC,
  • 100% JSC "Insurance Company Amanat Insurance",
  • 29.9% JSC Aktobe Oil Equipment Plant,
  • 100% polymetallic JSC "Ai Karaaul",
  • 44% Ansagan Petroleum LLP,
  • 100% KKS LLP.
  • Participant of the project “Mom’s House”.

One of the persistent demands of Kazakhstani society after the tragic murder of the famous figure skater and Olympic champion Denis Ten was the reform of the law enforcement system, as well as the resignation of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Almaty Department of Internal Affairs. Moreover, most often the widely promoted experience of Georgia is cited as a guideline for reforms, which in a simplified form can be represented in the following scheme: dismiss the current members of the security forces and recruit new ones.

Is this possible in the realities of Kazakhstan, where law enforcement agencies are closely intertwined with the political, managerial and business elite of the country?

We collected information about the presence of kinship and family ties between the political and business establishment and representatives of law enforcement agencies - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Defense, the Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption, as well as customs and the State Revenue Committee (structures traditionally classified as security forces in Kazakhstan) and courts (as part of the law enforcement system, again according to Kazakh realities) to demonstrate the degree of interconnectedness and interdependence of the country’s managerial elite.

Influential relative in Astana

In addition to the fact that many heads of law enforcement agencies are representatives of security service dynasties, many of them also have influential relatives in Astana.

So the first deputy head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Zhambyl region, police colonel Kutbaev Berik, is the son-in-law of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kairat Kozhamzharov. Berik Mederbekovich is married to Daria Kozhamzharova, the sister of a prominent Kazakh security official. Daria Perneshovna herself heads the Taraz State Pedagogical Institute.

Another native of the Zhambyl region, Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev also has relatives serving in law enforcement agencies. The brother of the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, Kystaubay Sagintayev, in the past headed the migration police department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Zhambyl region, and was also the administrator of the courts of the Zhambyl region. Since 2015, he has headed the Zhambyl regional branch of the Real Estate Center of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The former head of the customs control department for Almaty and the Almaty region, Murat Baimukhanbetov, is the matchmaker for the head of the Presidential Administration, Adilbek Dzhaksybekov. Murat Almuratovich's daughter Zhanna Zhaksybek is married to Dauren Zhaksybek, the son of an influential Kazakh statesman.

Brother of the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Russia Imangali Tasmagambetov Kurmangali Tasmagambetov also works in law enforcement - from 2002 to 2014 he headed the customs of Atyrau and Aktobe regions. Currently, Kurmangali Nurgalievich holds the position of deputy head of the State Revenue Department for the Mangistau region.

Minister of Social Development Darkhan Kaletayev also has relatives in the security forces. His brother, police colonel Zhanbolat Kaletayev, holds the position of deputy head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the East Kazakhstan region.

The first deputy prosecutor of the city of Astana, Mukhambetkazy Murat Bakhytovich, is the nephew of the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Marat Tazhin.

Political support for the heads of law enforcement agencies is provided not only by the Astana establishment, but also by the regional elite.

For example, the head of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau for the Aktobe region, Mirlan Mukhambetov, is the brother of the akim of the Kostanay region, Archimed Mukhambetov.

The head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the North Kazakhstan region (formerly the head of the Criminal Police Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan) Berik Bilyalov is the brother of the former akim of the same region, now a Senate deputy from the North Kazakhstan region Serik Bilyalov.

Whether this relationship played a role in the appointment of Berik Sultangazievich as head of regional internal affairs bodies, or whether it was his personal qualities and professional competencies, as in the case of other representatives of law enforcement agencies with influential relatives, is a question that we are not trying to resolve within the framework of this material , just as we are not trying to give these facts a moral assessment. Another thing is that they well illustrate the degree of interpenetration and integration of the political elite and the security elite.

Forbes Lists & Law Enforcement Officers

Finally, representatives of the business elite, including regulars in the rankings of the country's richest people compiled by Kazakhstan's Forbes, do not shy away from family ties with the security forces.

For example, the prosecutor of the Zhambyl region, Ibragim Imanov, is the son-in-law of a major businessman Dinmukhamet Idrisov, who, according to Kazakhstan's Forbes, ranks 23rd in the ranking of the 50 richest businessmen in Kazakhstan and 19th in the top 50 most influential businessmen.

Ibrahim Alzhanovich is married to Dinmukhamet Appazovich’s sister Raushan Idrisova. Before his appointment as prosecutor of the Zhambyl region, Imanov headed the supervisory authority of the South Kazakhstan region for five years.

As Kazakh Forbes reports, Dinmukhamet Idrisov owns a controlling share of the Ordabasy Management Company and the country's largest energy company, Kazakhstan Utility Systems, represented in the Turkestan (formerly South Kazakhstan), Karaganda, Mangistau and East Kazakhstan regions.

In addition, the businessman owns Akniet Pharmaceuticals LLP, Amanat Insurance Insurance Company, shares in KazAzot LLP, Ansagan Petroleum JSC, Aktobe Petroleum Equipment Plant JSC. Finally, the businessman owns a share in Qazaq banki.

Another well-known businessman Serikzhan Seitzhanov, whom Kazakh Forbes placed in 18th position in the ranking of the 50 most influential businessmen of 2017, also has family ties with the leadership of law enforcement agencies. Seitzhanov’s son-in-law is the previously mentioned head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Zhambyl region, Arman Orazaliev. His father, Moldiyar Orazaliev, held senior positions in the internal affairs system in the 2000s.

According to Forbes, Seitzhanov and his family own FTTP Ontustik (SOUTS Oil LLP, Smart-Oil, North Oil), as well as the Rixos Khadisha Shymkent hotel.

An equally prominent businessman is the brother of the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the West Kazakhstan region, Mahsudkhan Ablazimov, Bakharidin Ablazimov. Maskhudkhan Nugmanovich has held senior positions in the internal affairs system for almost twenty years - in particular, he headed the traffic police and the Department of Internal Affairs of the Mangistau and Aktobe regions, and headed the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Bakharidin Ablazimov, according to Forbes Kazakhstan, is included in the ranking of the 50 richest businessmen in Kazakhstan in 2018 (32nd place) and in the top 50 most influential businessmen in 2017 (36th position). His fortune is estimated at $167 million.

According to Forbes, in partnership with Timur Kulibayev, Dinmukhamet Idrisov and other businessmen, Ablazimov owns KazAzot LLP. By the way, this enterprise is located in the Mangistau region, the internal affairs bodies of which were headed by his brother for eight years (from 2001 to 2009). Bakharidin Nugmanovich also has shares in Ansagan Petroleum LLP, Maten Petroleum JSC, TriasMunayGas LLP and Petro Chemical Company LLP.

Finally, the inhabitants of the very top lines of Kazakhstan’s Forbes have family ties in law enforcement agencies.

The brother of the richest and most influential Kazakh businessman Timur Kulibayev (second position in the Forbes ranking of the richest people in Kazakhstan) - Talgat Kulibayev - has headed the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs since 2010. Previously, Talgat Askarovich headed the department of internal affairs of Almaty and Zhambyl regions.

The nephew of the Kazakh billionaire, businessman and former manager of the President Bulat Utemuratov (No. 4 in the 50 richest businessmen of Kazakhstan according to Forbes), junior adviser to justice Saken Utemuratov works as the prosecutor of the Zhetysu district of Almaty. Saken Utemuratov’s father, the late Utemuratov Mazhit Dzhamitovich, an honorary education worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, headed the Kyzylorda Agricultural and Technical College named after I. Abdukarimov.

Thus, answering the question posed at the beginning of the article: “Is reform of law enforcement agencies in the format of lustration possible in Kazakhstan?” two significant points can be noted:

The degree of integration of the Kazakh elite, its various blocs - political, economic, security - is quite high. Obviously, family ties serve as the glue that holds its parts together and, perhaps, stabilizes the system as a whole. In this regard, a radical reboot of the law enforcement system without similar processes in the political and business elite looks unlikely.

The heads of law enforcement agencies, who are often appointed by public opinion as the main culprits of tragic incidents (as in the case of Denis Ten) and the crisis of the law enforcement system as a whole, are to a certain extent limited in maneuvers - for example, in resolving personnel issues in their own department, since they are forced to balance between interests various elite groups.

Idrisov Dinmukhamet Appazovich

Idrisov Dinmukhamet Appazovich- owner of Alma-TV.


In 1989 he received his education at the Alma-Ata branch of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Road Construction Institute (1989).

In 1999 he graduated from the Kazakh State Academy of Management.

In 2002, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Research Institute of Building Materials. Doctor of Technical Sciences.

In 2006 he became an academician of the Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

From 1989 to 1990 he worked as a foreman for housing department-1 of the Ministry of Road Transport of the Kazakh SSR.

From 1989 to 1996 he worked as a teacher at the Almaty Road Institute.

In 1990, he worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Ust-Kamenogorsk Road Construction Institute.

From 1991 to 1996 he worked as an assistant at the Almaty Road Institute.

From 1996 to 1997 he worked as director of Karaspan LLP.

In 1997, he became the founder and president of Alma-Oil LLP and Ordabasy LLP.

From 2000 to 2002 he worked as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ordabasy LLP.

In 2002 and until 2005, he worked as president of Ordabasy Corporation JSC.

Since 2005, he worked as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kazakhstan Utility Systems JSC.

Since 2005, he worked as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ordabasy Corporation JSC.

From 2005 to 2006 he worked as president of Ordabasy Corporation JSC.

Managing Director of JSC National Company "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy".

Since 2006, he has been working as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ordabasy Corporation.

Other positions

  • Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Nauryz Bank of Kazakhstan (03.2001-02.2003);
  • Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Neftebank (05.2001-06.2003);
  • Member of the Board of Directors of Aktobe Oil Equipment Plant JSC (since 06.2004);
  • Member of the Coordination Council (since 03.2005);
  • Member of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (04.2005-05.2006, 04.2007-05.2010);
  • Member of the Board of the National Economic Chamber "Atameken Union" (since 06.2007);
  • Member of the Board of Directors of JSC National Company SPK Ontustik (since 01.2008);
  • Member of the Board of Directors of JSC “Insurance Company “Amanat Insurance” (minutes No. 406 dated 06.08.2009-2012);
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC IC Amanat Insurance (since 02.2012);
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company "Kazakhstan Utility Networks"


Idrisov's (Nurlakova) wife Magda Kamalovna Children:

  • sons
    • Zharmuhamed (born 1994),
    • Kamal (born 2004);
  • daughters
    • Madina (born 1996),
    • Alina (born 1999),
    • Louise (born 2001)


According to Forbes, as of October 30, 205, Dinmukhamet Idrisov ranks fourth in the ranking of the 50 richest people in the Republic of Kazakhstan (May 2015)

The businessman's fortune is $506,000,000.

Dinmukhamet Idrisov owns:

  • 100% Alma-TV LLP,
  • 9.9% JSC “Bank RBK”,
  • 9.9% of Qazaq Banki JSC,
  • 100% JSC "Insurance Company Amanat Insurance",
  • 29.9% JSC Aktobe Oil Equipment Plant,
  • 100% polymetallic JSC "Ai Karaaul",
  • 44% Ansagan Petroleum LLP,
  • 100% KKS LLP.
  • Participant of the project “Mom’s House”.