Who keeps the gardener's market. New owners of Moscow markets are trying to create spaces for fashionable hangouts

After the “incident” at Matveevskoe, for almost a month now, a sweep of the capital's markets has been going on - the largest since the liquidation of Cherkizon. Novaya found out what is happening in the markets now and what will happen to them in the near future.

After the “incident” at Matveevskoe, for almost a month now, a sweep of the capital's markets has been going on - the largest since the liquidation of Cherkizon. Novaya found out what is happening in the markets now and what will happen to them in the near future.

The sign at the central entrance of Matveevsky is crowned with the head of Santa Claus. Judging by the shabbiness, she spent more than one year here. Nearby is an information stand - on burnt sheets and for some reason diagonally printed telephone numbers of various services, trade rules, a list of goods prohibited for sale.

Few buyers, “closed” signs on the pavilions, a good half of which are just asking for demolition, and a complete void in the very center, between the agricultural part of the market and the rest. However, this division is purely symbolic. Chilled (as the inscription testifies) meat from Tambov and Dagestan is adjacent to second-hand. A "fresh bird" is located through the wall from detergents. Miasma from the fish pavilion clogs the smell of baking.

At the vegetable counter, several women are talking in an undertone about health checks:

- Tamara, they heard, last week they found some kind of stick in ryazhenka.

— Yes, not only her. How many have already been covered, they find something all week. Vaughn Aigul remember. Her son, too, by the way, is not visible.

It was not possible to find out what kind of stick was found in Tamara's ryazhenka and what Aigul got burned on, but they showed me the empty counters of both. They are reluctant to talk about a total check of the market, at least with outsiders. The seller of vegetables (refused to introduce himself) believes, for example, that Matveevsky “should have long been brought into proper form. But it doesn’t belong to the city, which means you can’t force the owner, so they decided in this way to show who the real owner is here. ” By the way, my interlocutor could not remember the name of the owner of the market, but he immediately gave several options for his nationality. And in the end, he confidently stated that "all this will not last long - the mayor will be elected and calm down." He does not believe in the story of market reformatting.

During the hour-long "promenade" along Matveevsky, I did not meet a single policeman. On the other hand, groups of southern men of incomprehensible social affiliation periodically came into view - they did not stand behind the counters, rather they were watched, and categorically refused to communicate. I did not find anything similar to the directorate's office either. And outside the territory of the market, in the meantime, spontaneous trade in socks, dill and something in jars was carried out by local old women.

... The market near the Izmailovskaya metro station is completely dug in in a capital building and is called the Izmailovskaya Fair. Merchants are sure that their point will not be touched - there is a metro station nearby, and a transport interchange, "the traffic is very high" *. In addition, as they explained to me, "we have more and more farm products." And indeed, dairy products from Vologda and Vladimir, "Belarusian Farmer", chickens near Moscow, domestic bottling honey fair. True, here, as on Matveevsky, everything is in one bottle: pickles next to slippers and slates, meat - with ladies' bags, vegetables and fruits - with watches and perfumes.

...Preobrazhensky market. He seems to be from the category of trustworthy. I was here a year and a half ago, today practically nothing has changed, at least for the worse. The rows are more or less systematized, sellers actively invite buyers, but they are actively involved in the process. I ask a middle-aged man selling potatoes and pumpkin whether it is really as quiet and peaceful as it seems?

- And who is to fight with whom? I have been trading here for the seventh year, there has always been order. Yes, and the place, you see (nods at the church, which borders on the market), prayed.

True, a little later, the man recalls that he had not seen greenery dealers for a long time: “Either Tajiks, or Uzbeks, they always stood opposite, they probably left home ...”

… The Dubrovka market has a different format, there are no products here, they sell clothes, shoes, cosmetics, toys, furs… Perhaps its main advantage for tenants is called “remoteness from residential buildings, which guarantees friendly relations with the residents of the area and the absence of social unrest." However, the purge did not bypass this point either. One of the tenants told Novaya Gazeta how “decriminalization” took place at Dubrovka about three weeks ago: “Several buses with “Grozny” signs, such as wholesalers, drove up. We stood for a while, and then the show masks were thrown from there. Previously, they always agreed with inspections, they decided with money. Now I don't think it will."

By closing the markets, the Moscow authorities cut off gigantic financial flows. Say, Cherkizovsky's turnover, according to experts, fluctuated around $10-25 billion a year. And the profit from Luzhniki, according to Sobyanin, reached $400 million annually. It is not possible to calculate how much money actually passes through all Moscow markets. A cash register next to a vegetable counter or in a meat aisle is from the category of a dream about the ideal.

But you can estimate, at least approximately, how much rented premises bring. According to Dmitry Krasnov, Deputy. head of the Department of Trade and Services in Moscow, a trading place (counter or tray), for example, on the Dorogomilovsky market, can cost from 300 to 1500 rubles a day. Multiplying by 365 the number of leased seats (there are an average of 300-400 in this type of market), we get an approximate annual figure - up to 200 million rubles. A pavilion with an area of ​​18-20 square meters at Dubrovka costs tenants from 50,000 to 120,000 rubles a month. The total volume of retail space here is about 180 thousand sq.m. Total: annual income from rent alone can reach 1 billion rubles.

“Comprehensive checks” have been or are being carried out in almost all Moscow markets. More than a thousand migrants were detained at Sadovod alone (metro station Bratislavskaya, 14th km of the Moscow Ring Road), which has long since turned into a clothing store. Everything is in the field of view of the inspectors - from compliance with trade rules to violations of immigration laws.

By the way, there is nothing surprising in the very fact of the cleansing: at the end of 2010, Sobyanin announced a course to destroy all open and non-capital markets of the capital by 2015, as required by federal law.

The incident at Matveevsky, combined with the election campaign, only accelerated the inevitable process.

The most notorious event in this area in recent years was the closure of the "legendary" Vykhinsky market. It existed on legal terms, but it attracted illegal traders with terrible force. Pretty good location. One of the employees of the prefecture of the Eastern Administrative Okrug told us that after the police raid, and they were carried out systematically, not even 15 minutes passed before the market was again filled with "wild" traders. The press service of the prefecture says that the market is closed by Rospotrebnadzor "until the shortcomings are eliminated." And they say that "it will not be possible to eliminate them anyway."

In this case ( about others in "mosgorspravka") only the city will suffer economic damage. In 2008, the functions of the sole executive body of five agricultural markets, including Vykhinsky, were transferred to Mosregiontorg OJSC, an enterprise with a 100% share of Moscow in the authorized capital and extensive experience in this area. But, as you can see, it didn't work out.

Meanwhile, the territory of the market is part of a fairly neglected, but Europe's largest transport hub (TPU). Near the second busiest metro station "Vykhino" there is a bus station, a railway platform for commuter trains of the Ryazan direction of the Moscow Railway and ground transport stops. Now the territory is planned to be used for its intended purpose, and the transport hub with infrastructure and the station will unload the area, which is always clogged with merchants, buyers and minibuses. So the unspoken verdict handed down to the Vykhinsky market does not seem to be subject to appeal.

As for the reform of other points, the areas of eight of the eighteen completely closed markets, including Kashirsky Dvor and Babylon (at the intersection of Krasnoy Mayak St. with Kirovogradskaya St.), will be used for the construction of multi-purpose shopping centers.

But 15 universal markets are going to be converted into purely agricultural markets - such a fate awaits, for example, Tsaritsynsky. Instead of the Timiryazevsky market, a transport interchange hub with intercepting parking will be built, something similar will be on the site of Tushinsky, Krasnogvardeysky and the market on Planernaya.

There is hope that the trading history of Cherkizon will finally come to an end. Vladimir Putin instructed to find a territory for the placement of museum storage facilities with exhibition halls. Sergei Sobyanin suggested Cherkizovsky. The CSKA hockey center will also be located here.

The fate of Matveevsky, from which the “acceleration” began, has not yet been determined.

“One thing can be said for sure today: until 2015, the market will continue to operate in the form in which it exists now. Everything is in order with his papers. And then, if the management company makes an appropriate decision, a capital building will be built. Or the market will become part of the TPU, on the territory of which it is partially located today,” the press service of the Department of Trade and Services told Novaya Gazeta. “But we are not talking about the demolition of the market yet.”

*The arguments are very similar to those put forward by opponents of the demolition of the Vykhinsky market.


How many markets are there in the city? And who do they belong to?

Even the Department of Trade and Services does not have exact information

During the period of the Federal Law No. 271 “On Retail Markets”, there have been major changes in this trading format, and the number of markets in Moscow has decreased by more than half. In 2011, 14 markets were closed, in 2012 - 18, for the past period of 2013 - 8.

According to the Department of Trade and Services, today there are 51 markets in the city (including New Moscow): 43 agricultural markets, 5 universal markets, 1 radio market (on Rizhskaya Square), 1 food market (Yaroslavsky market on Mira Avenue) and 1 auto parts market (“Avtomaster” in the Novomoskovsky district). True, by experience, Novaya counted 12 more food markets, including: Domodedovo, Preobrazhensky, a market on the street. Teply Stan. The same Mytishchinskaya Fair food market offers a complete set - from meat and fish to groceries and drinks. And residents of the Gagarinsky and Ramenki districts have been complaining about spontaneous markets near the Universitet metro station for many years. There are several other fairly large and actively operating auto parts markets: Yuzhny Port, AvtoMALL on the 55th km of the Moscow Ring Road, Camp in Mnevniki. And so - across the "spectrum".

An unofficial numismatic store has been successfully operating for about 20 years at the corner of Goncharnaya Street near the station. metro station "Taganskaya" The flea market at the Mark Savelovsky railway station seems to have been closed, but it soon revived at the Lianozovo station.

Why the official statistics do not fit with the real one, Dmitry Krasnov, deputy. head of the department of trade and services in Moscow: “Not everything that we call a market is such. There are shopping centers, unauthorized trading floors, points of litigation. But in the register of Moscow markets ( published on the website of the department.Ed.) included only those that have permission from the Moscow government and comply with the regulations; it is determined by Federal Law No. 271 “On Retail Markets”. But here, too, not everything is so simple: of the 51 markets mentioned in the official statistics, only 27 operate in capital buildings. Accordingly, the rest have a very shaky position and should be liquidated by 2015.

11 official Moscow markets are unitary enterprises and joint-stock companies with a 100% city share in the authorized capital. The rest are private. According to the SPARK database, one of the co-owners of the Matveevsky market is a relative of the head of Kabardino-Balkaria Arsen Kanokov - Leonid Kanokov. He owns a 60% stake in the Gesplay Trade Complex, which owns Matveevsky. In the structure of his business, the Moscow shopping malls "Troitsky", "Pokrovsky", "Usachevsky", as well as causing a lot of claims, and therefore closed "Tushinsky".

According to information from several consulting companies at once, Gorbushkin Dvor (an area of ​​60,000 sq.m.) and the neighboring Filion (128,000 sq.m.) were bought two years ago by the owners of the Complex Investments company, Yuri and Alexei Khotin, immigrants from the Republic of Belarus. In business publications, this deal, estimated by experts at about $500 million, was called the largest in the retail real estate market of the capital since the beginning of 2011. "Electronic Fair on Rizhskaya" is the patrimony of Azerbaijani businessmen, owners of the "Kyiv Ploshchad" company God Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev, who top the Forbes rating "Kings of Russian Real Estate-2013". They also own "Gardener" (area 34 hectares).

Friendship of peoples behind the counter

Who has what specialization in the capital markets

Officially, there should be no foreigners behind the counters of Moscow markets. The fact is that in May of this year, amendments to Federal Law No. 115 “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation” were adopted. In fact, they prohibit hiring non-Russian citizens - even under the guise of highly qualified specialists - to work in retail. Moreover, this rule applies regardless of the range of goods sold, retail space and forms of customer service. Exceptions are made for employees "carrying out the management and coordination of activities related to the conduct of trade."

So it is unlikely that it will be possible to determine the national composition of the market based on documents. But to the eye and ear - quite. For example, the market at st. the Izmailovskaya metro station is a kind of greeting from the USSR, a little bit of everyone. At Dubrovka, most of the sellers are Ukrainians and Moldovans. Mostly Moldovans trade in the market in the area of ​​Teply Stan. Most of the merchants on Dorogomilovsky are Azerbaijanis and Uzbeks. And the main ones for meat are Bashkirs, Moldovans and Ukrainians.

Like Basmanny in his time, Danilovsky is controlled by the Azerbaijanis.

Historically, fruits in the markets of the capital are mainly traded by Georgians and Azerbaijanis. Vegetables and greens are part of the Moldavians, Uzbeks and Tajiks. More and more meat is being brought from Ukraine.

Well, in general, the picture is as follows: a significant turnover of the capital's market trade, - experts explain to Novaya Gazeta, - is controlled by representatives of Azerbaijan. More precisely, the Mountain Jews, for the most part, come from the empire of Telman Ismailov, the former owner of Cherkizon. In any case, "all the major markets of Moscow are under them."

Near the Sadovod market, we thought: where else could something like this happen and who is protecting illegal carriers today? with the help of OMON. Illegals did not like that officials from the Yellow Taxi company tried to enter the local taxi rank. The bombillas tried to defend their bread place with sticks and stones. The police detained about 40 attackers. The official driver who started the fight was severely beaten and is now in the hospital.

We tried to understand if something similar could happen in other areas of Moscow? Who even covers the bombing? Or such concepts remained in the 90s?


Probably, there is no need to explain that the bombillas feed on lazy and stingy passengers. That is, you and me. After all, it’s easier for many to raise their hand by the road than to contact the dispatch service for ordering or online booking a taxi.

Bombillas were still in Soviet times, nothing can lime them, - Vyacheslav Smirnov, chairman of the trade union of metropolitan taxi drivers, is pessimistic. - Illegals continue to work at the subway in residential areas, at railway stations and at clothing markets. They do not need licenses - then they will have to pay taxes. And who wants to share with the state?

Thousands of Daewoo Nexias and eggplant kopecks drag along the sidewalks, waiting for customers. Do they have any bosses? Who covers them?

Small groups of drivers like chauffeurs near the Shchelkovskaya metro station are a mafia in their own right, says Smirnov. - The men decide who will work at the point and who will not. They have no influence on other grain zones. That is, there is no single bandit group that spuds taxis. Every place has its own rules.


As legal carriers say, the city today is divided into territories where civilized rules are established, and those where it is better not to meddle with your checkers.

In recent years, we have received real support from the city, - Natalya Novikova, executive director of Commander Taxi, told KP. - Our cars can stand on the first line at the stations without paying for parking. There are much fewer illegal immigrants, they now park away from the entrance.

Illegal taxi drivers are an international environment. There are few ethnic groups among carriers in Moscow.

I know that Azerbaijanis are in charge in the south-west, - Ivan Chaikin, a taxi driver with 20 years of experience, told KP. - There are plenty of Tajiks and Uzbeks everywhere. It's easier to get into the company of Asians, not Caucasians. Private traders who do not belong to any "firm" can agree on the rules of the game. For example, about who is standing near the clubs, whose turn it is to carry. It is not so difficult for a beginner to break through, there would be a desire. Every now and then, drivers from the Moscow region come, taxi for a week and leave. Of course, they do not like them and try not to let them into good places. It rarely comes to fights, but the conversations are tough.


Large clothing fairs stand apart, where they sell cheap fur coats and down jackets from China (Moscow, Sadovod, South Gate complex). There's too much money going on here to let things take their course.

The lion's share of visitors to these shopping centers are small wholesalers from the provinces. They take clothes here to resell them in the city markets at home. Bombillas are always at the service of the shuttles. To fill up the "four" with bales? Sure, not a problem! Without bales, they will also take you wherever you want.

Strangers are not allowed into the markets, says taxi driver Chaikin. - Illegals are controlled by the administration. As a rule, the transportation of goods is another source of income. At "Moscow" or "South Gate" there is actually an organized group of bombers who pay local owners for the right to work.


Five trunks must be taken to the Yaroslavsky railway station, - I call the information desk of the Moskva shopping center.

Please contact our transport department.

Oh how! They have a whole department here. But wait, no...

And it’s better to call Pasha, he knows everything with us, - they answer at the other end of the wire. - Write down your mobile number...

2.5 thousand rubles. The gazelle is already worth 4.5 thousand, - Pasha announces the price.

For comparison, I call a regular transport company. The road from Lublin to Komsomolskaya Square on a sedan costs 1900 rubles. It turns out that they bombed the same services for a third more expensive. Naturally, who will allow an official taxi to be overwhelmed with Chinese sneakers...

Locals, by the way, not only carry bales on the Zhiguli. Guest workers from the same "Gardener" six of them ride "fours" from "Moscow" to hostels in Belaya Dacha. Official taxi drivers will not take so many passengers. And for two hundred rubles one way they will spit in disgust.


Since 2011, there has been an active struggle for the safety of transporting people, - Dmitry Pronin, deputy head of the Moscow Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development, told KP. - During this time, more than 70% of illegal immigrants left the taxi market. In February 2013, we began to form mobile teams to catch illegal carriers. In total, 11 brigades were created last year. For a year of work they made almost 12 thousand protocols. 6102 vehicles were seized from the bombers.

True, the authorities are more hunting for illegal immigrants on the streets, near metro stations. Large shopping centers and clothing markets are still on the sidelines.


The most serious showdowns between official taxi drivers and bombers happened in 2003-2005 at the Kursk railway station. Drivers staged real battles there: with sawed-off shotguns, baseball bats, breaking windshields and overturning cars.

The decisive battle took place at the end of July 2004: then about a hundred illegal immigrants in front of the Kursk railway station easily defeated a dozen and a half drivers from the New Yellow Taxi in a fight. The traffic police then sided with the bombers - official carriers were endlessly checked for alcohol. One person was beaten by the police. Taxi drivers responded by blocking the station. As a result, the conflict was resolved only after the intervention of the city authorities. Kursky railway station was one of the first places in Moscow where a taxi rank was organized.

What do they own

1. Pokrovskaya base, Moscow

2. Wholesale and food complex "Zelenogradsky", Zelenograd

3. Agricultural market "Teply Stan", Moscow

Before closing, the Pokrovskaya fruit and vegetable base was the largest in Moscow: the official turnover was more than 1 billion rubles, the profit was 490 million. Unofficial turnover was estimated at up to $1 billion a year. The Hajiyevs gained control over the base in the early 90s, when Ibrahim worked there as deputy general director. Over time, the brothers built a whole vertically integrated holding "New Cheryomushki", which, in addition to several markets, included two agricultural firms in the Moscow region, a bank and a transport company. At present, all the owners of Novye Cheryomushki are either under arrest or on the run.

The family of the owner of the oil company "Russneft" Mikhail Gutseriev

What do they own

4. Khlebnikovskaya vegetable warehouse, Dolgoprudny 5. Kuryanovskaya warehouse, Moscow 6. Office and warehouse complex "Rus", Moscow

The Khlebnikov base is now the third in terms of turnover in Moscow and the region. According to media reports, it is controlled by Vegetta CJSC Mikail Shishkhanov, Mikhail Gutseriev's nephew, through the Cyprus offshore Ripplewood Limited. Kuryanovskaya base and "Rus" are controlled by the industrial and financial group "BIN" of Sait-Salam Gutseriev, brother of Mikhail Gutseriev. Both the Khlebnikov base and Rus were acquired by the Gutserievs according to one scenario: at first, firms specializing in hostile takeovers (and in fact, hard raiding) gained control over the bases: for example, the struggle for control over CJSC Vegetta ended with the murder of its CEO Pyotr Redkin together with his wife), then the shares were resold to the structures of the Gutserievs. The Gutseriev structures bought the Kuryanov base from the Moscow government in 2008. It was to the Khlebnikovskaya base that the main flow of trucks with vegetables and fruits moved after the closure of the Pokrovskaya base in Biryulyovo.

Family of the head of Kabardino-Balkaria Arsen Kanokov

What do they own

7. Dmitrovsky wholesale and retail market, Moscow

After the closure of Pokrovsky, the Dmitrovsky market became the largest in the Moscow region, although formally it is not even a market. Officially, this is a dispatch center with the right to sell agricultural products and store heavy vehicles of LLC Moscow Transport Company. The owners of the ITC are a relative of the head of Kabardino-Balkaria Arsen Kanokov Timur Kanokov and his partner Artur Kardanov. The structures of Arsen Kanokov himself are also engaged in food trade. His holding company Sindika owns the Usachevsky and Bratislava food markets, as well as several markets where consumer goods are sold.

God Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev

What do they own

8. Shopping complex "South Gate", Moscow

For billionaires Nisanov and Iliev, the food base is a side business compared to real estate, clothing and construction markets. They are ex-co-owners of the Cherkizovsky market, the owners of the Ukraine Hotel, Evropeisky shopping center, Moscow shopping center, Sadovod market and numerous other assets. Moreover, even at the "South Gate" the fruit and vegetable sector is far from being the main one. But when such serious players enter the market, other businessmen tense up. It is no coincidence that it was Nisanov and Iliev who were credited with organizing the "collision" at the Pokrov base - they allegedly wanted to transfer the flow of goods to the "South Gate" (for more details, see page 32).

Nadezhda Yashina

What is owned or operated

9. Fruit and vegetable base "Kuibyshevskaya", Moscow (co-owner)

10. Wholesale trade complex "Perovskoye", Moscow (general director)

Yashina is one of the few who has lasted in this business since Soviet times. She became the director of the Kuibyshev fruit and vegetable association back in 1983. After the collapse of the USSR, she bought the base. In 2003 and 2007, not without the help of Yuri Luzhkov, she repulsed the attacks of raider companies close to the Gutseriev clan. Under the patronage of the same Luzhkova, she headed Perovskoye (48.99% from the Moscow government, from Yashina - 2%). True, since the departure of Luzhkov, Yashin has lost the support of the mayor's office and is now hardly repulsing the attacks of competitors who want to take control of the market. Among the few colleagues of Yashina in the old vegetable guard, for example, is the co-owner and general director of the Kuntsevskaya base (with a turnover of half a billion rubles) Yuri Zaborovsky - he came to the base in 1985 as the head of the shop, and during privatization he bought out a controlling stake.

Vladimir Melnik and Oleg Pronin

What do they own

11. Vegetable base on Krasnaya Presnya, Moscow

Today it is the second largest vegetable warehouse in Moscow. Six months ago, it changed its owner: Viktor Taranin, the “red director”, deputy of the State Duma of two convocations, sold a controlling stake to the Finrate company, which, according to media reports, is controlled by the Peresvet development group through Cypriot offshore companies. The owners of Peresvet are graduates of the FSB Academy Vladimir Melnik and Oleg Pronin.

Moscow, 8 November. Devaluation as a synonym for problems. What is it, experienced a well-known businessman Telman Ismailov. The Russian-Azerbaijani tycoon built a hotel in Turkey six years ago for almost $1.5 billion. And recently he was taken away for debts, returning the amount ten times less. The same trouble with other assets of Ismailov. Once there was $5 billion, and now it's $600 million. And those soon may have to be paid back. The brilliance and poverty of the former owner of the famous Cherkizovsky market - in the report of the correspondent of "MIR 24" Roman Nikiforov.

Ismailov named his Turkish hotel in honor of his father - Mardan Palace. Opened it with pomp in 2009. The hotel is not even five, but seven stars. It took 2.5 tons of gold to finish. Around marble, rock crystal. On the beach, sand specially brought from Egypt. The average cost of a room is $18,000 per day. Rest and perform here is prestigious. Shakira, Mariah Carey, Monica Bellucci come to visit the businessman. And here are the shots of this summer - the Russian ballerina and socialite Anastasia Volochkova demonstrates stretching on the balcony of the hotel. And then a message came this week: Mardan Palace went under the hammer. A Turkish bank - Ismailov's creditor - bought the building for $128 million. Although the entrepreneur invested ten times more in it: $1.4 billion.

Ismailov grew up in Baku. His father was engaged in trade: back in Soviet times, the family opened a commercial store, which was then the only one in the city. “See those road signs? There was a shop of Telman Ismailov's father. I remember that this store sold the best fabrics. It has always been crowded here. The store was demolished a couple of years ago. A “Winter Park” was built on the spot,” says photographer Eldar Aliyev.

Only people with great connections who knew how to negotiate had such privileges. The Baku neighbor of the Ismailovs, composer Eldar Mansurov recalls: Telman inherited a commercial vein from his father, and at the age of 16 he became the director of the family store. Telman's charm and ability to conduct business came in handy in Moscow, where he moved in the late 70s. During perestroika, the future tycoon met the future mayor, and then the chairman of the commission of the Moscow City Executive Committee on cooperative activities, Yuri Luzhkov. A video from 2006 speaks eloquently about their relationship. Ismailov celebrates his 50th birthday, and Luzhkov congratulates. “The most important holiday of the year has finally come to us. Telman, you are our friend. You are our friend forever. Telman, you and I go through life. And we rejoice and enjoy this friendship with you and your family. Live always, ”Luzhkov said then.

In 1989, Ismailov opened the AST company, which quickly turned into a huge concern. Restaurants, shopping centers, construction, passenger transportation, security companies. But the main source of income was the largest wholesale market in Eastern Europe - Cherkizovsky, which was nicknamed by the people in the French way - "Cherkizon". 100 thousand merchants, more than half of them Chinese. Cheap consumer goods for every taste, food. Huge shadow trade, according to some estimates - up to 40% of the total. Information about the wrong side of "Cherkizon" was periodically heard in the media, but the security forces did not dare to touch Ismailov for a long time.

The turning point in the fate of the businessman was the opening of that very hotel in Turkey - in the midst of the global financial crisis. The investment of huge funds earned in Russia in a foreign economy. Defiant luxury - the delivery of a centner of black caviar on a private jet, dancing in the rain of hundred-dollar bills. Many regarded it as a feast during the plague. Even the then Prime Minister Vladimir Putin drew attention to the source of Ismailov's well-being. At a meeting in the government, where they discussed the fight against smuggling. “And the struggle seems to be underway, but there are no results. The result in this case - landing in jail. Where are the landings? Look, one of the markets still has goods worth $ 2 billion. The goods have not yet been destroyed. And there are no owners,” Putin said at the time.

Ismailov, however, was not imprisoned after that, but the fate of Cherkizon was decided. Soon the market was closed for numerous violations of sanitary standards. Today, only a fragment of a solid metal fence with the logo of the AST group of companies reminds of the former greatness of Cherkizon. The market began with a wasteland, and turned into a wasteland. On a vast territory that can accommodate two and a half hundred football fields, now there are only landfills and new construction sites. True, they are no longer connected with Ismailov's business.

After the market closed, the businessman's empire began to crumble like a house of cards. The AST group took out loans, but there was nothing to repay. Both Turkish and Russian banks demand to return the debts. For example, the Bank of Moscow, which is part of the VTB group. “Including the penny, taking into account the accumulated interest, the total amount of Ismailov’s debt to the Bank of Moscow is now about $300 million,” said Vadim Sukhoverkhov, head of the VTB press service.

Most of Ismailov's real estate is under pledge. For example, a large shopping center in Izmailovo has recently lost its name. The administration could not explain where the three once happy letters had gone from the facade. The famous restaurant "Prague" on the Arbat is another capital asset of Ismailov. In front of the entrance, the businessman placed both the already familiar AST logo and his scorpion emblem. Although the place is historical. Back in 1872, a cheap tavern opened here. And after the first reconstruction at the beginning of the 20th century, the institution became expensive and prestigious. It is even mentioned in the novel "12 chairs". Ostap Bender called it the best place in Moscow, and Ippolit Matveich took Liza here and spent all the money.

The restaurant is now closed. It has not yet been sold, but the market value is rapidly falling. Once upon a time, they asked for $450 million for the building, now - $150 million. Although experts believe that this amount is too high. “He had everything, but he believed that banks should continue to lend to him. Or restructure, or extend, or lend further. Or declare holidays so that he does not pay interest. But all of his assets were bought with the huge flow of money that Cherkizon gave. As soon as the administrative resource disappeared, the whole great history of the great entrepreneur began to be blown away, ”said Alexander Treshchev, member of the Central Council of the Russian Bar Association, lawyer, Doctor of Law.

But in the small homeland, only good things are said about the businessman. The Babaev family bought their house in the 60s from Telman's father. The entrepreneur himself came here often: a memorable place after all. “Behind the gates of the house I see that Telman himself is standing. I was even surprised. What are you doing there, I tell him. And he told me that he was born here. Since then, we have developed friendly relations. Even when he was on his way to the Geokchay region, he stayed with us. Together they sat at the richly laid tables. They ate, drank and always talked on good topics,” said Vidadi Babaev, a resident of the Geokchay district. Today the owner wants to sell the house. Posted an ad: that's just the buyer can not be found. There are no offers from Telman either. Apparently, the amount of $45,000 today is too much for him.

Who is responsible for the bazaar in the main Moscow markets

Gennady Shalaev

The closure of the Cherkizovsky market stirred up a huge anthill of bazaar trade in the capital. The "autopsy" showed that smuggling, illegal migration, piracy, underground production flourish in these isolated territories ... The question is, where did the authorities look before? It's hard to believe that no one knew anything.

Azerbaijani "gardeners"

Telman Ismailov, now known to everyone, is not the only owner of the Cherkizovsky market. Zarakh Iliev (born in 1966), a native of Azerbaijan, is also a co-owner. While still at school, he sewed “airfield” caps, which were sold like hot cakes at the local collective farm market. At the age of 17, Zarakh left for Moscow, where his relatives were doing business. He started on the Izmailovsky market with several containers, and today Iliev is the owner of an empire, which, in addition to Cherkizon, includes the Ukraine Hotel, the Grand furniture center, the European shopping center, Electronic Paradise on Prazhskaya, Panorama in Novye Cheryomushki, the Moscow trade and fair complex, the Sadovod market (the former Bird Market), etc. Zarakh Iliev's fortune is estimated at $ 70 million.

Iliev's partner in many markets and shopping centers is the LDPR candidate God Nisanov (born 1972), removed from the 2007 State Duma elections. In Azerbaijan, he was engaged in the transportation of petroleum products and controlled part of their sales. Moved to Moscow in the 90s. He worked in Telman Ismailov's AST group of companies. Then, together with Zarakh Iliev, he became a co-founder of Safra Instruments OJSC, in which he is the chairman of the board of directors. Safra, in particular, belongs to Trade Investments LLC, which, together with the Moscow government, owns the Sadovod wholesale and retail market.

The secret of the success of Iliev and Nisanov, according to some experts, is quite simple. A partner in many of their projects, including the Sadovod market, is Vladimir Putin's friend and schoolmate Ilgam Ragimov (pictured, see Sobesednik, February 6, 2007). Ragimov, for example, is a co-founder of Trade Investments LLC, as well as Grand Title LLC, which owns the Grand furniture center, and Panorama LLC, which owns the Panorama shopping center in Novye Cheryomushki. And Ragimov's personal office is located in the restaurant "Venice", owned by Iliev and Nisanov.

Deputy from "Gorbushkin Dvor"

Deputy of the Moscow City Duma, co-owner of the Rubin plant and the Gorbushkin Dvor market, Alexander Milyavsky (born in 1963), having graduated from the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute in 1985, left for Yamal. In 1989, he opened a cooperative, which, by order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, assembled telephones with caller ID. Apparently, connections with the Ministry of Internal Affairs helped him in his future career. In 1991, Milyavsky settled in Moscow, where he organized a representative office of the Japanese Funai Electric Company.

In 1997, he bought the Moscow television plant Rubin, next to the DK im. Gorbunov and the spontaneous market of musical products and audio and video equipment. In 2000, the Moscow authorities demanded that the market be removed from the street. Then its owner Garegin Grigoryan bought part of the premises of Rubin, and the market moved under the roof of the enterprise. Then Grigoryan temporarily left his business to the owner of Rubin, Milyavsky. During his absence, Rubin received a $5.5 million loan from Gorbushka. Milyavsky refused to return them and offered Grigoryan to sell him the Gorbushka altogether - for $6 million. Grigoryan refused, and then Milyavsky created a strong competitor of Gorbushka on the territory of Rubin - his own market, Gorbushkin Dvor.

Squabbles between them continue to this day. Having become a deputy, Milyavsky, according to Grigoryan, began to attract administrative resources. Deputy chairman of the Moscow City Duma Andrey Metelsky made deputy requests in his favor. And State Duma deputy Valery Grebennikov, although he promised the residents of the district before the elections not to allow infill development, gave Milyavsky the Borodino and Rubin stadiums, where an elite residential complex is being built, at the mercy of Milyavsky. By the way, Milyavsky introduced Grebennikov to the employees of Rubin OJSC as "the main legal officer in the company."

Own "Puddle"

General Director of the Luzhniki Olympic Complex Vladimir Aleshin (born 1945) was once one of the organizers of the reconstruction of the sports complex for the 1980 Moscow Olympics.

In early 1992, the director of the sports complex, Alyoshin, came to Moscow Mayor Luzhkov to ask for money for the reconstruction of the sports complex, but the mayor suggested creating a clothing market on the territory of Luzhniki. Then Luzhkov and Aleshin privatized the most famous sports complex in the country. 51% of the shares went to the stadium staff, 49% (which were given to the management of Luzhniki) - to the city. The owner of Luzhniki saw the mayor at least twice a week - they played tennis together.

In 1996, Aleshin, on the recommendation of the Moscow government, took care of the Moscow football club Torpedo, becoming chairman of the board of directors. In response, the city promised certain benefits. The then most influential manager of President Yeltsin, Pavel Borodin, a passionate admirer of the Torpedo team, came to the club at about the same time with a great desire to help his beloved team. We agreed to finance the club, Alyoshin - from income from the market, Borodin - by attracting large bankers. However, Borodin soon noticed that Aleshin was greedy, trying to keep the cost of the team to a minimum. As a result, the team was sick. And soon Borodin lost interest in Aleshin. “Earning at their stadium a million dollars a day in cash, they cannot find 15-20 million to support the team. They find themselves, but not at Torpedo ... ”Pavel Borodin said in an interview in 2008, after Torpedo slipped into the second league.

"Radio zone"

President of the Russian Gold group of companies Alexander Tarantsev (born in 1957) was actively engaged in entrepreneurship in underground tailoring workshops back in the USSR. Soviet justice assessed Tarantsev's initiatives with two terms for fraud. In market Russia, Alexander felt himself like a fish in water, having organized a number of firms in the late 80s. In 1991, he established the Rossiya investment company, which was later transformed into Russian Gold JSC. Today, this diversified company also owns a number of Moscow markets, including the famous radio market in Mitino.

True, the successful entrepreneur had some problems with the law. In 1997, Tarantsev was arrested in the United States on charges of concealing a criminal record, but the Florida District Court acquitted him.

In 1999, an attempt was made on Tarantsev, but the head of Russian Gold was not injured. The investigation linked the assassination attempt to Tarantsev's conflict with the Orekhovskaya criminal gang. Last year, during the trial of members of this organized criminal group, one of the gangsters nicknamed the General called Russian Gold "our company." According to him, "Alexander Tarantsev was put there to deal with finances ... Then Tarantsev became the main customer of crimes." Another convict named Dwarf denied these allegations.

There was also information that AFK Sistema, headed by Mayor Luzhkov's adviser Vladimir Yevtushenkov, provided its legal address to Russian Gold, and Tarantsev in every possible way emphasizes the favor of Luzhkov's entourage towards his company.

And Tarantsev is known as a philanthropist. He sponsored the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, constantly supports the Lenkom Theater financially, and participates in a host of other charitable events.